#self care is the habit of reading two books at once long after you rememebr why
elsewhereuniversity · 7 years
A few head cannons about the other things/creatures who live at Elsewhere U.
The Statistics professor is always in his office. He doesn’t seem to have a spouse, or a family, or a home. Even when he is teaching a class, he will still be in his office.
If you go on a walk through a woods, and you bring an apple, be careful. You may feel hot breath on the back your neck, and you may hear hooves following you. You might see, out the corner of your eye, a flash of something sparkling. (It’s probably best if you just leave the apple on the ground)
If dance majors are nice, and offer gifts, they might find that they are friends with the things under the bed. After along day, they may rub the dancer’s feet if they are dangled off the side of the bed.
Rumor has it that if you go to the biography section of the library and leave a book open on a desk- slowly turning the pages every few minutes, you will be thanked. The creature there can not touch things, and so cannot turn pages, but they still want to read.
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swiftblast-blog · 7 years
About Me (Part 1)
What is your name? Roger that’s all i will tell you What does your name mean? my name is something for famous lance Where are you from? i’m canadian Where do you live? in canada ask me later i might say more What do you do for a living? long story but i have money i stay home What is your favorite color? not important What is your star sign? if you believe this i don’t want to be rude What is your favorite music genre? anything if it’s good but here’s a hint its not on the radio Who is your favorite musician? i have a lot theyre older Favorite food? i eat a lot of cereal Favorite drink? baha blast Favorite snack? special candy (i’ll tell you what that means later) Favorite holiday? all suck when you’re alone Favorite past time? i used to play videogames but now i just talk about them and watch anime Favorite sport? are stupid What is something you are talented at? i used to be good at school but that’s over so i don’t know im pretty chill i guess i’m good at listening and caring What is something you wish you were talented at? being assertive but still quiet like not yelling at people when i want them to be cool Are you competitive? i don’t like multiplayer (i’m not bad i just dont like how their voices sound) Describe yourself in a single sentence? you might think i’m boring but maybe you don’t know how interesting what i like is and how deep it might be What is the best compliment you have ever received? “haha roger you make the best voices” - lake (girl that i love) What are some of your bad habits? people say drugs i used to drink but not since i started paying rent weed is cheaper but before you think i’m like that i only eat it so it’s not like i smoke i don’t and its okay because eating is actually better so no it’s not really a bad habit What are your favorite things about yourself? my skin is getting better than it was and my eyes are evenly spaced my nose isn’t big like someone i know when i shower my hair isn’t that bad really What is on top of your bucket list? i don’t really like to travel i want to understand more things to be interesting and spend my life with lake What are 3 long term goals? i have my own place now and i don’t care about cars i think my life is good just need lake to think the same thing too What are 3 short term goals? same as above but being realistic here i want think getting lake to come to my apartment will take longer than short term because of some recent events What are you doing today to help you achieve those goals? i’m made this blog so people don’t believe the lies in the surveliance videos of my home What is your biggest accomplishment? i got a scholarship once to make videogames but before i went they ruined it but i got it once What is an ideal first date for you? lake and i being chill at my place maybe some cool food (that i will cook myself) and games What is something you look for in a partner? i look for girls just how they are, like lake i wouldn’t change anything about lake. Who is your role model? i don’t really have one but i do have a sortof friend ruben who knows how to drive and showed me where to buy weed so i guess if i knew how to do things myself like ruben i would be better Which of your parents are you more like? none of them Which of your parents are you closest to? only my dad not mom What is the last book you read? it was about remote viewing What is your favorite fairytale? ha no What is your favorite quote? i forget how it goes and google isn’t finding the right one but it’s about leadership and it’s a picture of one leader leading people at the front of the pulling stone and how a boss sits on top and just yells and it’s about how real leaders help you and aren’t jerks that’s basically why KEVIN and GAMESTOP are wrong and i will never go back Favorite subject in school? i used to like english a lot until i cried during the holocaust movie and ben was being a dick but jokes on all of them who laughed because it proved i have emotion and that they’re all terrible people to laugh at the holocaust i’m not even jewish and i’m mad Subject you were best at? english Favorite teacher? okay weird story the english teacher in grade 8 we were supposed to get didn’t show up so we got a sub and he was really cool but grade 8 was a dark time in my life so i don’t rememebr his name but i asked jose and he said that nobody remembers him either he’s known as MR. X so i think that’s like a defining moment for me that good people disappear and just another strange thing i’ve noticed Do you have a best friend, if so, then who? i guess ruben sometimes he hangs out with eric too much and is a dick but if we’re alone he’s chill besides the only reason he likes eric is because of weed and sorry ruben that i don’t share my weed but i’m not made of weed like eric and he isn’t either it’s just that his dad makes drugs so yeah he can just give it away like i said i pay my rent so i can’t just have that much weed Who has left the most impact on your life? probably meeting lake because knowing her makes me know there are some good people left What app do you use most? i dont have a modern phone What piece of technology can you not live without? my pc What countries have you visited? just canada my home What countries would you like to visit? none no not even japan What is on top of your bucket list? i thought i answered this it was that i wanted lake to come visit me more or stay too Best memory you have? well there’s two there’s 1. meeting lake in grade 4 and 2. lake talking to me first in grade 9 Most embarrassing memory? my parents telling my teacher i was a problem child when she asked and it was infront of aaron my mom said she thinks i masterbate too much but 1. she walks in on me when i was sick in the bathroom and the door was shut which is why she was mad and 2. also i wasn’t doing that i was checking something down there and she blew it out of porportion and aaron heard and told everyone and then when i get mad the teacher says i’m a problem child too because what my mom said but whatever that was when i was in highschool i’m an adult now and i am never embarrassed How many relationships have you been in? none but i will soon with lake after she a) realizes how bad eric is and b) i might save her first but let it be known that i’m not sexist she’s really strong and can save herself but this time she can’t because she isn’t aware that she’s in danger If you could give your younger self any advice what would it be? there’s a bunch of videogames i wish i never purchased that i would say just don’t bother and save your money One thing you know now that you wish you had known as a kid? don’t believe that when you grow up you will be happier because i’m an adult have been for a while and i’m even more sad than when i was a kid
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