#select high end home theater
sheisjoeschateau · 7 months
misha's masterlists
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Hi, I'm Misha. Thank you for diving into my stories and supporting my writing :)
My fanfics [+this blog] are dedicated to Steve Harrington. All fanfic series, one-shots, blurbs, etc. listed below are written by me. Do not repost or share anywhere without proper credit. Thank you.
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"Oh, so we DO love Steve..."
Steve Harrington x Bauman!fem!reader enemies to lovers, heavy angst, hurt/comfort, upside down mayhem, S2-S4, post S4 universe hot-take, end-of-the-world / dystopian setting, ugly fights turned smut (...but with hella plot). 18+
[Part IX - blurb] | [Part IX - full]
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"You're there. You've always been there."
Steve Harrington x OC!fem!reader Childhood friends to lovers. Sloooowburn. Angst. Romance. Smut with plot. Action. Told from second-person view, reader is Nicole (character from S1), different POV, hurt/comfort, upside down mayhem, pre-S1-S4, eventual post-S4 universe.
Summary: Steve Harrington was six years old when he met you: Nicole St. James, the girl who carries the other half of him. Since 1972, the two of you have been inseparably tethered by the soul. You give Steve a home in his big house with no parents, and he gives your introverted heart a longing for someone. The King of Hawkins High and princess of this small town, you tell each other absolutely everything...except that you are in love with each other.
Everything changes that one afternoon at school, when you catch the school's social outcast -- Jonathan Buyers -- has been stalking Steve, his posse and his girl, Nancy. Little do you both know, the monsters in your favorite fairytales are real. And you're both going to have to fight them together.
You both share the best days and worst days, through childhood and teen years, until you both find yourselves roped into the perils that exist beneath your feet in Hawkins.
But through it all, despite all the doubt, Steve knows one thing: you're there. You've always been there.
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"At the Chateau, We'll Be Alright."
Steve Harrington x Jonathan Byers x fem!reader A crossover au inspired by Saltburn and Call Me by Your Name. Additional Inso from Joe's theater performance as in Spring Awakening. Song Inso: "Chateau" by Djo
Strangers to best friends to lovers. Slowburn. Angst. Romance, with polyamory themes and schemes. Smut with hella plot.
[MULTI-PART SERIES] COMING SOON. Click here for a preview.
Summary: The reader lives with her parents at a fancy chateau, in France.  This year, her father offers their home as a housing sanctuary to a select student or graduate.  He decides to invite two graduate students to live with their family over the summer, coming from different working class backgrounds, and help with their academic paperwork as a professor of archaeology.
Steve Harrington: a rich kid from a swanky boarding school with a bad boy reputation and too much charm for his own good.  Surprisingly, his grades say otherwise.  A’s and B’s, his parents claim that is seeking one-on-one tutoring so that he can progress in his studies — but it sounds more like an excuse to ship him off for longer periods of time, giving them an out for having their son around during the summer.  The pretty boy’s all about ladies…but that’s only because he hasn’t met a boy who awakens his bisexuality.  Yet.
Jonathan Byers: a kid from the lower working class, excelling in his studies and AP programs at the same boarding school as Steve which he only got into because of community sponsorship and grants.  Quiet wallflower, little to no friends, a bit cynical.  A closeted gay, he’s more determined to stick with being perceived as “ace” than come out of the closet.  Until he goes to stay at a chateau with a handsome boy, and a beautiful girl who understands him.
Twists, turns and terrifying risks, you all put your hearts on the line that summer at the Chateau. Add the reader's cousin Eddie into the mix, along with her best friend Robin, Steve's ex-girlfriend Nancy, Jonathan's estranged mother and your progressive parents alongside Steve's absent parents -- it's a cruel summer.
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Steve is the Mom Friend™, officially the most reliable member of the Party; it would be Dustin, but Dustin insists that they'd be lost without Steve there to help them. Steve doesn't argue, but he disagrees. He thinks he's too volatile to really be considered for Most Reliable.
For most of his childhood, he was isolated from his peers, who he was Not Allowed To Talk To Because They Aren't Worth A Harrington's Time, Stephen. Steve is young and still wants his parents to love him, so he obeys. He's a good boy, if a little sensitive, and therein lies the problem: he feels so much, and he doesn't have a clue on how to express any of it. He can't process his feelings, they're too big to fit in his body. It overwhelms him easily and makes his throat tight- impossible to speak. His father scolds him when he has these overwhelmed episodes, as if Steve is purposely ruining his off time at home by crying; his mother ignores him if he acts childishly. There isn't really anyone who teaches Steve how to cope with being a human.
Steve remembers that he was always angry. It felt like an itch under his skin, a low but steady humming in his veins that could explode at anything, and even back then, he despised that feeling, scared that it meant he would end up a Bad Person. He'd started getting into fights (the first one he could remember was when he was eight and Keith pushed him to get to the playground faster. Keith got a bloody nose and Steve got detention for a week) and never really stopped. By twelve, his entire school is afraid of him, except for a select few kids: Tommy H, whose dad worked with Steve's dad, Barb Holland, who thought Steve was both a good person and a blockhead, and the new Munson boy, who didn't say much of anything, but especially nothing about the time he caught Steve crying in the woods in April after his parents missed the sixth birthday in a row.
It didn't really get better until high school, when his father demanded suggested he sign up for the basketball team; practice and drills helped diffuse a lot of that stifled anger, and for the first time, Steve feels like he can breathe. He doesn't have to be angry all the time anymore, even if most of his calm is just a lack of energy. That isn't to say the anger is gone; he still gets into fights often, but he manages to tone down the violence and rely more on a sharp tongue and a lazy confidence whenever fighting is brought up.
Cue season one! Steve, at the top of his game, the bloody, undisputed King of Hawkins High, is absolutely head over heels for sweet, shy Nancy Wheeler. He bares his soul to Nancy, who, after hearing what he has to say, promises that she'll be there for him. They're together now, they look after each other. It's everything Steve had ever wanted.
When he finds out about the creepy photos Jonathan took of them at Steve's pool on the night Barb went missing (and I love Jonathan, I really do, but what the hell man), he feels that anger starting to boil over again and panics. He was doing so well! Nancy would help, though, just hearing that find "You're an idiot, Steve Harrington" would cool him off. But it worsens when he tries to sneak in to Nancy's room and Jonathan is SLEEPING in Nancy's bed, half-curled around her. Steve doesn't want to get the cops called on him again, so he goes home.
The next day, it all boils over. He tried to stay calm, really, but it was like using a wine cork to stop a volcano; he stands by while Carol and Tommy spread rumors about Nancy, smirks cruelly while Carol spray paints the slur on the movie theater sign, and does not give an inch when Nancy calls him an ass, tears in her eyes and flanked by Jonathan. He's trying his damnedest to keep his hands to himself, though (his father wasn't happy the last time Steve got arrested, and somehow Steve knew that he wouldn't be happy if it happened again), so he's caught off guard when Jonathan starts throwing punches. (Later, Steve will admit that he doesn't really remember what he'd said to make Jonathan so angry that he'd actually try to fight Steve, but he'll apologize anyway. Jonathan is quick to forgive, and apologizes for starting the fight, as well). Steve's memory gets spotty around this time; he remembers a sharp pain in his head, just above his left ear, and being so dizzy that he struggles not to throw up, but he doesn't remember Jonathan landing any other hits (he has three bruises, two around his sternum and one under his eye, as well as a split lip), and he definitely does not remember running from the police trying to break up the fight.
It takes him a few hours to calm down, but it's largely due to the gap in his memory keeping him confused and panicked; he can't remember what he said, and Jonathan Byers may be a girlfriend-stealer but Steve remembers that he's also the kid who held funerals for the mice caught in the traps behind the school gym. Whatever he said had to have been really, really messed up, and Steve genuinely hates that he gets angry, that it isn't uncommon for him to lose time to his anger, that his first response to anything is always anger. So he goes to apologize.
The loaded gun pointed at his face is somehow the least upsetting part of that night.
During season 2, there's a lot going on. Steve has been working so hard on his anger, on keeping a lid on it and actually processing his emotions (thank you, therapy that Hopper demanded Hawkins Lab provide), but it wasn't enough. Nancy resented him, had actually blamed him for Barb's death, and that bitterness came to a head on Halloween.
Without Nancy, Steve struggled a lot more. He had nothing, no one; he didn't have anyone to tell about his parents' death in early June, and he didn't like talking about his wealth. There was no support system- until Dustin decided that Steve was going to help him. The kid was relentless and demanding and trusted Steve to help him almost immediately. Steve could hardly keep up, but he loved the feeling. And, when they ended up in a junkyard bus surrounded by demon dogs, he had three people depending on him, and suddenly he had a way to channel his anger (Dr. Harris would be so proud when he told her). He had a bat and enough unresolved trauma to rival those people his dad used to talk about with shell shock, and by the gods he was going to use that. He went apeshit on some demodogs, saved the kid's lives, and apparently became a big brother to a genius boy and a little girl that could probably fight God and win. He also got his third concussion when Max's stepbrother threatened to kill Lucas, but the order of events for that night is skewed; he blames the concussion. The doctor Hopper forced him to go to after said that he may never hear out of his left side again.
Season 3 sees Steve with a little family that he built all on his own: there's Will (who's shy but has a smile like sunshine when Steve asks him about anything), Jonathan (who cried when Steve asks if they can be friends and then proceeds to infodump on musicians every time he hears Steve so much as hum in a mildly musical manner), Max (the girl with a keen sense and a quick wit, whose older brother terrifies Steve because that's exactly how he could have turned out had he not gotten help), Lucas (who treated Steve like the big brother he never had and often called him racist for trivial things ["Steve, can we order pizza?" No. "Is it because I'm black?"]) Erica (who just sorta showed up with Lucas on occasion and reminded Steve just how fun it could be to be That Bitch), Mike (who alternated between passive assholery and cartoon-esque assassination attempts), Nancy, shockingly (who sat Steve down soon after the massacre at the hospital and apologized for blaming him for- well, everything. They'd talked for a long time, hashing it out, and by the end of it, Steve felt like he had a friend), Eleven (who comes by every Wednesday and Saturday for homemade waffles and a secret knitting circle), and Dustin (who became like a real little brother in the span of three days and never looked back. Steve vowed to keep Dustin safe with everything in him that night in the tunnels.).
He meets Robin when he gets a job at Starcourt (he may be set for life but Hop had told him that hard work built character, and Hop was the kind of man Steve wanted to become). She's wary of him, at first, especially when she watches him break the ice cream machine in a (now rare) fit of anger after a customer blew up at him for their ice cream melting before they finished it. But then he stammers through an apology and brings her a batch of cookies the next day, and tries to explain that he's better now, really, and Robin decides that he's a good person deep down. Maybe not too deep down, though, because his cookies are the best she's ever had. Besides, watching his face turn cherry red as he hides behind the shelves to spy on the repair guy is the most entertaining thing she's seen all summer, possibly in her life.
("Steve, you're drooling," she warns, and Steve hurriedly checks his chin.
"I'm making sure he doesn't get his hair stuck in the machine!" He tries to defend.
"First, his hair is under that bandanna. Second, Eddie Munson would rather die than ruin his rockstar hair.")
Their ice cream machine breaks six more times before Dustin comes back from camp, and each time Steve is a flustered mess talking to Eddie Munson. To his credit, Eddie only gives Steve a half-fond, amused smile before chatting with him about nothing in particular. After the third time, Eddie starts calling Steve "big boy" and lightly teasing him over the fist-shaped dents in the side of the machine.
Steve fights the Russians in the secret Starcourt base, not because they're coming at him, but because one of them reaches out for Dustin/Erica. The edges of his vision blurs, and distantly he knows that he's experiencing something like his childhood episodes: all his can feel is fire in his soul, burning straight through his body, and he has to get it out, he has to protect his brother-
"Wow, Steve won a fight!" Dustin crows as Steve is coming back to himself, his whole body trembling with leftover rage and no one to take it out on. Steve just clutches Dustin to him and tries to breathe. Dustin allows it for two minutes, then starts to squirm, but Steve doesn't release him until they hear footsteps.
With Dustin and Erica safe, Steve surrenders pretty easily- he needed to save his energy. But then they started the "interrogation," and Robin sounded so scared, and they hurt his hands and there were drugs-
Steve faintly remembers jumping onto a man (so tall and broad that Steve briefly felt like he was just a backpack) and biting him, locking his jaw and clawing like a feral cat. Robin remembers Steve promising to "smack the red right out of you commie assholes" while forcing his way through the tunnels, but she can't be sure if it was real or the drugs they were given. Dustin recalls Steve giggling at the movie they were hiding in, like a dork. Erica will never forget that Steve has a Berserker mode, or that he protected her even though she was in the process of blackmailing him for free ice cream.
In October of '85, Jason Carver catches him in the high school parking lot one night as he waits for Hellfire to get out. Steve denies all memories of what was said between them, but Jason walks away without need for an ambulance, so he counts it as a win.
In December of '85, the day that the kids all get out for Christmas Break, Chrissy Cunningham finds him in the parking lot and they sit for nearly an hour talking about projects for their secret knitting circle with the police chief's daughter. As hellfire let's out, Chrissy leaves, and Steve gets to watch as the older members walk his kids to his car, like awkward little nerdy gentlemen. Eddie always hands them off with a flourish and a wink. ("The children, Your Highness," he would say confidently, his three nerds behind him giving him nervous looks. "Perhaps you'll join us next week, my liege?" Steve pretends to be unamused by his theatrics, but Eddie has an infectious grin and a genuinely happy shine to his eyes.)
Season 4, Steve is definitely on edge, twitchy as they search for Eddie. He's worried for Dustin, who is attracted to trouble and smart enough to drag everyone else into it too, but also for Eddie, who occasionally popped by Family Video to talk with Robin. According to Eddie, he's allowed in the break room and behind the counter because he and Robin are "friends of Dorothy". Steve doesn't even know a Dorothy. (Eddie usually waits until Steve walks away in a flustered, confused huff before whispering to Robin, "Dorothy says: be gay, do crime.")
Eddie held a jagged glass bottle to his neck and Steve didn't feel anything. He wasn't scared for his life like the news promised he would be, nor was he angry like he'd expected he would be. Eddie shuffles around nervously, but the only thing Steve feels is concern for him.
He gets dragged through the Watergate and immediately attacked by those godawful bats- he was almost in the boat, they had to help Max, he would not lose his baby sister, and boom, he's back to fighting. He fends them off with the help of Eddie, Robin, and Nancy, all of whom he is furious with for following him into the Upside Down like idiots.
"Harrington's got her. Don't ya, big boy?" Eddie teased, and Steve felt electricity through his whole being. His face flushed red and he stammered an affirmative, not noticing Robin or Eddie as they grinned at each other. Eddie stuck close the entire time they were in the RV, and if Steve didn't know better, he'd say Eddie was flirting with him. But he did know better, there was no way Eddie was flirting. He was on the run and desperate for human interaction.
Separating for the plan was the hardest thing Steve had ever done. While Dustin was getting ready, Steve pulled Eddie aside. "Please keep him safe. I'll do anything you want, just please, don't let anything happen to him," he begged, desperately clutching Eddie's sleeves. "He's my brother, Eddie, I can't lose him-"
"I promise, Steve," Eddie had interrupted. "I'll guard him with my life."
"Guard him with mine," Steve insisted. Eddie didn't get it at first, but it would hit him later that Steve wanted Eddie to keep them both safe.
Steve would never tell a soul, but he liked confronting Vecna. Armed with chemical weapons, Robin stayed a bit behind, but Nancy emptied round after round into One, and Steve? Steve got to use his bat.
It was exhilarating; as much as he hated his anger problems, he could not deny that it felt good to attack the source of all their problems. His arms grew tired after a while, though, and Vecna seemed distracted, disoriented, so Steve resorted to his usual tactics. He never fought fair: biting, scratching, clawing his way to victory in everyday scuffles, there was no way he'd give up this opportunity.
Something in him twists suddenly. He feels sick to his stomach and scared, but he has no idea why. All he can think about is Eddie and Dustin- he's hurt he's hurt he'shurtheshurtheshurt. So he makes the decision to go back; Nancy and Robin technically have the injured Vecna under control. He runs.
Eddie is being swarmed when he makes it to the trailer. One minute, Steve watches as they descend on his friend(?), and the next, he's supporting an injured Eddie as they hobble together to Wayne Munson's truck, Wayne on Eddie's other side and rambling about "what the hell is going on" so similarly to Hop that Steve feels the hollow sting of loss. Later, as they rest in the living room of Steve's empty house, Dustin tells Steve about what he saw: Eddie, going to the ground, unable to fight them off any longer, hope lost and grief already tearing its claws into Dustin's chest, and then out of nowhere Steve appears, covered in bits of vine and rock. He tells Steve about the enraged roar he could hear from the trailer (ten feet behind Dustin as his hobbling came to a stop) and the nail bat that had yet to leave Steve's hand swinging at each assailant with such a precision that, for a brief moment in the chaos, Dusting could hear the sounds of an orchestra playing a symphony, Steve as their ragged, bloodied maestro. He tells Steve about the wild look in Steve's eyes as he carried a half-conscious Eddie into the trailer, snarling about how stupid and careless Eddie was, and how moronic Dustin was for jumping through a gate the way he did. He tells Steve about the stray demobat that burst through the door, how Steve grabbed it with his bare hands and ripped it in half- Dustin's got stars in his eyes as he relays this, even now, days later.
This kinda got away from me I'm sorry
I'm still new to people wanting to read what I write so I'm just gonna tag the one person I know was also excited about steve being feral: @amoris-no-smut-allowed
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jujumin-translates · 3 months
[A3!] ★ Main Story | Act 14 - DREAM CATCHER | Episode 7 - Medium-Hot Review
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Yuki: The clean copy is done.
Hato: Thank you. I appreciate the help. Well then, you’re free to go for today.
Yuki: Good work.
Koro: Woof, woof!
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Yuki: You went for a walk just a bit ago.
Hato: Koro, it’s time for Rurikawa-kun to go home, so he can’t play with you anymore. It’s time for you to say goodbye.
Hato: Ah, that reminds me… I’ve been asked to design costumes for an upcoming play, but I’m a bit short on staff…
Hato: Since you have experience with stage costumes, I was wondering if you’d be able to help me, Rurikawa-kun.
Hato: I can’t give you any of the details yet, but have you heard of Aiko Kataoka-san? They do costumes for Hollywood movies--. 
Yuki: --I’ve heard of them.
Hato: Good. Since you do costume design, I was certain you would.
Hato: What would you say if I told you that the same Kataoka-san is involved with this project?
Yuki: I’d love to do it, but… I’m more busy with my theater company at the moment.
Hato: Right. It is an important time for you guys right now, isn’t it?
Hato: Well, I’m sure there’ll be another opportunity like this at some point, so I’ll let you know when that time comes. Good job today.
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Yuki: …
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Passerby A: Yua Troupe’s performance was so novel and interesting~!
Passerby B: I honestly thought they just created a theater troupe for clout, but they called in some real hardcore theater people to be on their production team, so it was way better than I thought it’d be!
Passerby A: The contents of it had that typical Yua Troupe feel that gives things a sense of stability, and the audience was packed with OG fans, so overall, the whole thing seemed to be going pretty strong.
Passerby B: I’m gonna write a review on Encom!
Yuki: (Encom, huh… I’ll check it out just a bit, for the sake of researching other theater troupes.)
Yuki: …
Yuki: (That Yua Troupe they were just talking about was selected as a notable troupe. And they were ranked pretty high during the pre-voting…)
Review: “And the costumes were cool too! They didn’t look a whole lot like stage costumes, but Yua Troupe’s got such good taste~.”
Yuki: …
Yuki: (There’s a MANKAI Company review too… I don’t know if I really want to see something like this, but, well, it’s for research…)
Review: “Spring Troupe’s performance was literally the best thing ever! I never thought they would’ve done a sequel, but the way you could feel how much they’ve grown had me sobbing!”
Review: “I can’t wait for Summer Troupe’s either~. If they go with this trend, that means it’ll be a sequel to their debut, right?”
Yuki: (Seems like people generally liked it…)
Review: “The costumes had that same stable feel they always have. But don’t you think that as Yuki Rurikawa’s become more established as a creator, his costumes have started to lack a bit of surprise and unexpectedness?” 
Review: “Maybe I’m just noticing it more after seeing Yua Troupe. I guess it’s just inevitable when you have the same designer do things every single time~.”
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Yuki: --.
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Troupe Member: Good work today, Ikaruga-kun. There are only a few more shows left, but let’s keep up the good work until the end.
Misumi: Ka~y! Good work~.
Misumi: (Being on a stage other than MANKAI’s was a little weird at first, but once I got used to it, it’s been fun~.)
Misumi: (It’s interesting to see all the different actors, scripts, and stage direction~.)
Syu: …Good work.
Misumi: Huh? What are you doing here~?
Syu: My bad. I didn’t have your contact info, so I just had to wait for ya to come out.
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Misumi: Did you see my performance?
Syu: Yeah. I happened to know someone who was in the show, so I came to watch and was surprised to see you there too.
Syu: While we’re at it, I thought I’d invite ya to come have a drink with me.
Misumi: Sure~. And after that, we can exchange our LIMEs~.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Syu: So you’ve been doin’ a few guest performances here and there lately, huh? Didn’t think ya were the type.
Misumi: Director-san and Tenma and all the others suggested it. It’s been really fun getting out there!
Syu: Is that so? Well, with actin’ talent as good as yours, I’m sure you’ll be in high demand.
Misumi: And they also said that I can grow by gaining lotsa experience on different stages~!
Misumi: I’ve also gotta try even harder for the Fleur Award.
Syu: Huh, I’m surprised you’ve thought about it that much.
Syu: Did Hakkaku-san teach ya about theater?
Misumi: Nope. But he showed me videos of old MANKAI Company performances~.
Syu: I see. Well, given the way Hakkaku-san was, I dunno if he was really the type to take his grandkid by the hand and teach ‘em everything he knows step-by-step.
Misumi: What was it like performing on stage with one of Gramps’s scripts?
Syu: Let me think… Well, simply put, it was excitin’.
Syu: I like Hakkaku-san’s scripts and I was happy to be the first to read ‘em before they were released to the public.
Syu: Hakkaku-san’s scripts ain’t just interestin’ to talk about, they’re pretty actor-friendly too.
Syu: He made sure to think about how to make each and every role shine onstage.
Syu: You could really feel that he trusted ya as an actor, which in turn got ya fired up.
Misumi: I see~. I wish I coulda also been on Gramps’s stage before he died~.
Syu: Did you start actin’ when you joined the troupe?
Misumi: Yep.
Syu: Gotcha…
Syu: Your actin’ has its moments where it shines, but it lacks depth. If there’s anythin’ you should be more aware of in the future, it’s that.
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Misumi: Depth…?
Syu: Ya can’t control your own life experiences, but ya can experience the lives of many different actors on stage.
Syu: The more experiences ya have, the more depth your actin’ will have.
Syu: In that sense, you’ve made a good move by adding guest performances to your deck.
Syu: I know you’re prolly busy with the Fleur Award right now, but if you’re interested, get in touch with me. If it’s you were talkin’ about, I’m always ready to welcome ya.
Misumi: Okay, got it~.
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ayfinchwrites · 2 years
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Type // Oneshot
Genre // fluff, cozy
Words // 1.2k
Blurb // A cozy night in with San takes a comedic turn when the members arrive home early from practice.
You sat by the window in the high rise apartment watching the rain come down on the city below. Seoul had always been such an interesting place to you, it was so different from your hometown in many ways, some good some bad as with any place. There was, however, one thing about Seoul that could never be beat, and he was showering in the next room.
It was edging on nightfall, the electric lights began to flicker on one by one throughout the city. It was your favorite part of the day, watching Seoul transition for the night. The rain was only elevating the experience.
You heard the water turn off from the bathroom and sat up in a hurry. Your job had been to make the popcorn and prep for the movie but you had been so enamored by the rain that it had slipped your mind. You hurried into the kitchen and began pulling out supplies atop the marble countertops. Popcorn and sandwich cookies. You reached over and turned off the oven. You had been roasting chestnuts for a couple hours now as another movie snack. You did not normally eat roasted chestnuts as a movie snack but since coming to Korea and going to the theaters here, it had become one of your favorites.
You slipped on an oven mitt and pulled the tray from the oven and set it on the counter. You were baited to try one right now, but elected to wait on account of probably burning your tongue. With a sigh you popped open the microwave and started the bag of popcorn.
You shuffled back over to your window seat and resumed watching the heavy rain. A light fog had begun to drape over the lower buildings. You heard a door click and turned around to find San emerging from the bathroom. His dark hair was slick and fell over his eyes in wet pieces. He was wearing his large black hoodie, a favorite of yours to steal. You fought the urge to just run up and hug him and instead slowly stood and made your way to him.
“The chestnuts are done, I pulled out the cookies and-”
You were cut off by the microwave beeping.
You chuckled, “And… evidently the popcorn is done too.”
You reached up and ran a hand through his hair. He had towel dried it. You could always tell because of how soft it felt, even when it was damp.
Not being able to resist any longer you pulled him into a hug, your face becoming engulfed by his hoodie. He squeezed you tighter in reply.
“It smells really good.” His voice echoed with your head on his chest.
You both pulled away and made your ways to the kitchen to retrieve the movie snacks. You slid some of the cooled chestnuts into a bowl while San grabbed the popcorn and cookies. You had previously raided San’s closet and pulled out any blankets he had stored away. As a result, two quilts and a sherpa throw were strewn across the couch. San chuckled at the sight and set the popcorn and cookies down onto the coffee table before flopping onto the couch. You followed suit and cuddled up beside him, pulling a quilt over your shoulders.He adjusted his position to drape an arm over your shoulder and pull you closer.
After a minute you noticed San cursed under his breath.
“What’s wrong?” You questioned him looking up to his face.
He began to laugh, “The remote.”
You fell into a quiet fit of laughter and watched as he tried to fish the remote from the far end of the coffee table with his foot. You playfully hit his shoulder and sat up to reach out and grab it.
“There, now we’re actually ready.” You said and switched on the TV.
You had suggested a new movie earlier but San proposed watching an old favorite. You couldn’t help but agree because the movie made the both of you laugh uncontrollably at times.
You selected your streaming channel and pressed play on Pipeline*.
Eating snacks and listening to the rain all while spending a cozy night in with San. It was heavenly.
“Imagine if we could do this all the time.” You whispered to him.
His lips broke into a grin, “Imagine.” He echoed and planted a kiss on the top of your head.
Just then the front door opened and loud chatter spilled into the living room. The boys were back from their schedule already. You and San had both seen this movie so many times neither of you bothered to pause for the interruption.
“Oh hey, I love this movie!” Mingi shouted and trudged past you both to drop down onto the window seat, he tossed his practice bag onto the floor by his feet.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t know you two were busy.” Yeo apologized and heads to his bedroom, red flushed his cheeks. “I’m showering first!” He yelled.
“Ya!” Joong pushed his way through the front door, his hair damp with sweat from practice, “I thought you said you weren’t feeling good.”
He pointed his finger at San, then rested his hand on his waist.
“I was but then I felt fine.” San paused for a moment before continuing, “Now that you mention it, I’m starting to feel a little sick again. Maybe I’m allergic to you captain.”
At that Joong raised his brows and paused for a moment.
“You little shit.” He muttered under his breath.
“No, I think that’d be you.” San replied to his comment.
That was it. Hongjoong stomped over and slugged San in the arm.
“Guys,” Hwa cautions, though a smirk is fixed upon his lips.
San burst into laughter and got up from the couch to wrestle with Joong.
“Why,” Seonghwa began, his words directed towards you, “would you voluntarily choose to deal with this?” He chuckled and shook his head.
You just laughed in reply and turned to find Jongho had joined Mingi on the window seat and they were both watching the movie as if San and Hongjoong weren’t wrestling right in front of them.
Yep, you had to love cozy rainy nights at the dorm. You just had to.
You heard Yunho’s laugh ring out from the kitchen as he leaned on the counter and snacked on some of the leftover chestnuts that hadn’t fit into the bowl. It was hard to tell if he was laughing at San and Joong or the movie, he seemed to be dividing his attention between both of them.
Seonghwa was still standing by the doorway, you pat the couch cushion beside you. An offer you extended, Hwa had never had a problem with you always being around for San but he was sometimes overly polite. You always tried to do what you could to make everyone feel more comfortable about your presence.
He smiled and took a seat next to you as you both watched as their little fight subsided.
Out of breath and laughing, San plopped back down on the couch into his original spot and slung an arm over your shoulder. Joong had just ended up spread out like a starfish on the ground watching the movie. You all settled down and fell into watching the film.
After a couple minutes you noticed Hongjoong snoring quietly and you glanced up at San. He chuckled softly and pulled you closer.
(*Seriously ya’ll, watch the movie Pipeline if you get the chance. It is actually so hilarious and you get to see Seo In-guk and Lee Soo-hyuk muahaha. Not to mention my mans Soo-hyuk plays a real good psycho and let me just say *wow*).
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d-criss-news · 1 year
Napa winery offers Broadway star Darren Criss fertile setting for intimate outdoor concert
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[UHQ] Broadway star Darren Criss performs at Napa’s Carneros Resort and Spa as part of the Broadway and Vine series on Friday, July 28. (Photo by Bob McClenahan)
Broadway star and “Glee” actor Darren Criss is the latest star to make a compelling case for staging more musical theater events outdoors.
Performing against a backdrop of pink skies and rolling vineyards on Friday, July 28, the San Francisco native and Emmy-winning actor was exceptionally charismatic as he tackled classic show tunes and covered a dizzying array of artists. “Welcome to my wedding,” he joked upon taking the small outdoor stage facing several hundred folding chairs. From there, he was off, serving as a one-man jukebox as his selections veered from British alt-rockers Keane to singer-songwriter royalty Carole King. Between sets, Criss peppered in stories from his strange journey to stardom.
The intimate outdoor concert provided a perfect opportunity for Criss, best known for the five seasons he spent playing Blaine Anderson on the popular Fox series “Glee,” to formulate a set list that doubled as an autobiography of sorts. At one point, he introduced a cover of “The Luckiest” by Ben Folds by explaining that he’d originally intended for it to be his character’s last song on “Glee.” It’s hard to say Criss made the wrong choice, given the original number he ultimately wrote (“This Time”) would earn him an Emmy nomination in 2015. But his take on Folds’ lovelorn ballad, played at the piano, was a breathtaking glimpse into what might have been.
Later, he dusted off  “To Have a Home,” which a small subset of the audience may have recognized as one of the songs Criss penned for a Harry Potter parody musical he made with friends back in 2009. It was a gesture of appreciation to an audience built from many factions of fandoms. By the end of the night, Criss had done an admirable job of catering to as many of them as possible. 
Alternating between piano and guitar, he managed to imbue every note with a lively joy, be it a take on Tom Petty, his version of “Grease” torch song “Hopelessly Devoted to You,” or his spot-on Kermit the Frog impression. He even invited fans to make requests of songs his character did on “Glee,” which he then compiled into an improvised medley for his encore.
But the moment that best encapsulated the evening was watching Criss belt a faithful rendition of “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” as real birds flew past him and merrily chirped away into a backdrop of the Napa Valley sunset. 
And yet, there was another highlight that may have topped it all, this one in the form of an unexpected guest.
As part of the series, each Broadway and Vine show typically includes a duet or group performance where local students are given a chance to sing alongside their idols. On Friday night, Criss welcomed Amarech Mendez, a 17-year-old student at Burlingame’s Mercy High School, to cover Bob Dylan’s “Make You Feel My Love.”
Arranged in the style of pop singer Adele’s recent rendition, the presence of Mendez was clearly no favor but a well-earned honor as she belted out her parts with impressive conviction. It was a moment that instantly reminded Susana Gonzalez, 57, of the time her own daughter, Diana, now a student at Stanford, was invited to sing a duet with musical theater star Shoshana Bean in 2021 as part of the Broadway and Vine series’ first season.
“This is a real gift,” Gonzalez said. “Jacob is an ambassador, not only to the community but to the kids. It allows them to dream and think about the fact that they can do anything. I mean, where else do you get a performer singing ‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow’ and get actual birds?”
Nic Meerholz, 40, of Napa, was also impressed with the show, which should be welcome news to Criss, who saw Meerholz’s hand go up twice early in the evening when he asked if anyone in attendance “didn’t give an eff about musical theater” and was “dragged here by their partner and has no idea what’s happening.”
Criss thanked Meerholz for his honesty and dedicated the rest of the show to making a convert of the man. 
At the conclusion of Criss’ 16-song set, Meerholz confirmed the artist accomplished his mission.
“I came into the show not knowing anything about musicals or Broadway and it was just absolutely fantastic,” he said, “ I didn’t even know who Darren was. I’ve never watched ‘Glee.’  Nothing. Magical! It was just a magical evening.”
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y2klostandfound · 1 year
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Sony PLM-A35 Glasstron on PC Format (2000-11)
Translation in English:
Take a properly folded 507 monitor
and put it in your pocket...
WE ARE LOOKING FOR A TRUE GIFT Among SONY's video and multimedia accessories, a device that is as much a technical curiosity as a convenience. The Glasstron glasses are more than just something to wear for a night's reading, but anyone who thinks they're just another gaming controller or VR device is mistaken. The similarity ends there, as this device also has two small screens, but each with a resolution of 180 000 pixels. The question may arise, if it is not a toy, then what is the main function of the new glasses. According to the manufacturer, Glasstron provides a picture as if you were watching a 52" screen from 2 meters away - this is roughly twice the size of large 72 cm TVs. In this case, the story is not about games, but about movies, DVDs and videos. Accordingly, in addition to the high-resolution screen, the glasses also feature a high-quality, built-in dynamic stereo sound system that can be used with two headphones. The Glasstron has traditional composite and S-Video inputs and can display any image that can provide a signal for them. for home video or DVD set, digital camera and camcorder, PlayStation, as well as a computer with a suitable video output. This can be done by an ordinary TV, and for the same price you can get a pretty nice piece, even if it is not from the top category. The question is whether in what cases can glasses costing approximately HUF 200,000 be a good choice compared to a large-screen TV - for example, anywhere and anytime, where and when we don't have a suitable TV set or monitor. If you need an everyday example, the best is a long plane or train journey: 14 hours in a trying session can be quite boring. The traveling manager of our time, on the other hand, just pulls out the portable DVD from the depths of the crocodile skin reticle, connects the Glasstron, which also works from the power supply, and the ideal home theater set is ready. A non-ordinary example would be a photojournalist recording a jungle fight, who can view the material recorded during a long day in good quality in the evening for further selection, without having to carry around a large monitor in his pocket.
After a lot of theory, practice. The Glasstron was supplied with a bunch of different cables, so it was not difficult to connect it to any of the already listed compatible devices, and the live test could immediately follow. Where possible, we used the S-Video input of the glasses for better image quality. The effect is quite convincing, since the barely 1.5 cm screens - since they are located very close to the eyes - fill almost the entire field of vision.
The quality of the movies I watched was also satisfactory, although it was undeniably visible on the screen that it does not provide as sharp an image as a monitor, since the resolution is only 800x225 pixels. This is not such a big problem for moving images, but it can cause problems when separating fine lines, such as text. This resolution was still more than enough to read the subtitles of the Mátrixr DVD, for example, but when we connected the glasses to a computer, there were already problems with sharpness. We tested the usability of Glasstron at several resolutions - the games, for example, worked quite well, but when the text was important, there were already problems: we could comfortably run programs only from the icons on the desktop, since the Start menu was quite noisy. We also ran Word as a basis for comparison, and the 16-point letters were clearly legible on the glasses' LCD at a resolution of 640x480.
The sound of the two earphones was crystal clear during the movies, and the music DVD also sounded in impeccable quality, the built-in AVLS (Automatic Volume Limiter System - Automatic volume control system), which cuts off unpleasant volume spikes that lead to distortions.
The system can provide a really effective film edge, ex. in a comfortable armchair, first, in a staked room. While we're at it, let's talk about comfort. Glasstron is surprisingly light, the weight of 95 grams is dwarfed by old VR helmets, so there would be no obstacle to longer use of the screen. However, there was a unanimous opinion that the Glasstron is quite tiring for the eyes: after half an hour it was nice to have a rest, some people thought it was comfortable for even less time the glasses. 
The manufacturer also warns about the strain on the eyes, which is why it does not recommend using the device under the age of 15. The last point of comfort is also important, mobility. Glasstron can be operated both from the mains (it supports several voltages, so it can be used in any country) and from a rechargeable battery. The whole device is light even with the power supply, so it is really comfortable to carry.
Glasstron will certainly be a rather expensive toy for the few, as it can only compete with a large-diameter monitor or TV screen under special circumstances. However, one inevitably stops for a moment to marvel at the technology used: the glasses are feather-light, yet provide excellent sound and convincing image quality, all in a space the size of a vest pocket.
Although it does not protect against the sun, it is just right for DVD
One inevitably stops for a moment to marvel at the technique used.
Pros and cons:
√ Amazing size √ USB connection √ Picture and sound quality X dazzling X For how much?
Opinion: 84%
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gproduction · 4 months
Mastering the Art of AV Installation: A Comprehensive Guide
In today’s digitally driven world, audio-visual (AV) installations have become essential for various sectors, including corporate offices, educational institutions, and entertainment venues. Whether it’s for a high-end conference room, a dynamic classroom, or a home theater, a successful AV installation can transform any space into a highly interactive and engaging environment. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the key aspects of mastering AV installation, ensuring you achieve top-notch results every time.
Understanding the Basics of AV Installation
Before diving into the complexities, it's crucial to grasp the basics of AV installation. AV installation refers to the setup and integration of audio-visual systems, including projectors, screens, speakers, microphones, and other related equipment. The goal is to create an environment where audio and video components work seamlessly together to deliver a high-quality experience.
Key Components of AV Systems
Display Systems: These include projectors, LED walls, and large-screen displays. The choice depends on the room size, lighting conditions, and the purpose of the AV setup.
Audio Systems: This involves speakers, amplifiers, and microphones. Proper placement and configuration are vital to ensure clear and balanced sound throughout the space.
Control Systems: These are the brains behind the operation, integrating all components into a single, easy-to-use interface. Control systems can range from simple remote controls to sophisticated touch panels and voice-activated systems.
Connectivity Solutions: Cables, wireless transmitters, and network connections ensure that all components communicate effectively. Proper cable management and network security are critical for a reliable AV setup.
Planning Your AV Installation
A successful AV installation begins with meticulous planning. Here’s a step-by-step approach:
Assess the Space: Understand the dimensions, acoustics, and lighting of the installation area. This helps in selecting the right equipment and planning the layout.
Define Objectives: Clearly outline what you want to achieve with the AV installation. Are you aiming for a cinematic experience, a professional conference setup, or an interactive classroom?
Budgeting: Determine your budget early on. High-quality AV equipment can be expensive, but it’s a worthwhile investment for the performance and durability it offers.
Technical Considerations: Factor in the technical requirements, such as power supply, ventilation for heat-generating equipment, and network infrastructure.
Installation Process
Step-by-Step Guide
Pre-Installation Checks: Ensure all components are present and in working order. Test the equipment beforehand to avoid any last-minute issues.
Mounting and Placement: Install display systems at optimal viewing angles and heights. Place speakers strategically for even sound distribution.
Cabling and Connectivity: Run cables neatly and securely, avoiding any potential tripping hazards or interference issues. Test all connections to ensure seamless integration.
Programming and Calibration: Set up control systems to simplify operation. Calibrate audio and video settings for the best possible quality.
Testing and Troubleshooting: Conduct thorough testing of the entire setup. Identify and resolve any issues to ensure everything functions perfectly.
Common Challenges and Solutions
Even with meticulous planning, AV installations can present challenges. Here are some common issues and their solutions:
Interference and Signal Loss: Use high-quality cables and connectors to minimize interference. Consider signal boosters for long cable runs.
Audio Feedback: Properly configure microphones and speakers to avoid feedback loops. Use acoustic treatments to enhance sound quality.
Connectivity Issues: Ensure all devices are compatible and up-to-date. Regularly update firmware and software to maintain smooth operation.
Mastering AV installation requires a blend of technical expertise, precise planning, and a keen eye for detail. As you embark on your AV installation journey, partnering with a professional can make a significant difference. G Production stands out as the best choice for AV installation in India, offering unmatched expertise and a commitment to excellence. With a team of skilled technicians and a portfolio of successful projects, G Production ensures that every AV installation delivers superior performance and reliability. Trust G Production to transform your space into a state-of-the-art audio-visual haven, where technology and creativity meet seamlessly.
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old-lorarri · 1 year
─ paper rings . . . ❨ send me a description of yourself + a fandom and gender preference, and i’ll ship you with a character. ❩
i couldn't miss out a good time! i had this previously done but it would be interesting to know who i'd match with! i copy pasted but i added some more that might help impact the results. expect me to come around for another if i may? maybe the next day or next week.
fandom: formula one
info abt me: female & prefers men!
my big three is: leo-gemini-pisces!
i am quite an adaptable individual, love sunsets, stargazing, animals and pets & divination or anything related to spirituality.
not quite fond of social media but i really love interacting with people whom i share interests with here in tumblr! lately, i am really trying to build friendships amongst f1 writers and even readers too.
i heavily value my private life and prefer not to tell people about my personal next step in life (preferring not to share private information unless i feel comfortable) and i don't post much in my social media accounts but i have an instagram solely for posting my well curated portraits with poems as captions.
i also love psychology, deep talks about life or anything very reflective, tell me a situation that had been bothering you and i will make you reflect and tell about yourself. (this scares some people because they always say i could read them like an open book)
having a lot of hobbies and interests (i couldn't stay still between one thing [e.g. i could love making music this week, next week i'd be into arts]). right now i am into writing fics and serving the people some entertainment lmao but i have to stop because for some reason my reach is not reaching idk what to do to alleviate that. i have a keen eye for detail and quite a perfectionist — selective even.
i have a small circle of friends in real life. they are the ones who i can trust my life with. i do believe that quality is better than quantity. but building new connections helps me discover about people more and reflect about life.
my talents are diverse mainly because in my country being an all out performer is a thing. schools were literally built here for you to show and perform like beyoncé or sorts to earn grades. singing while playing an instrument, dancing, acting, writing, you name it i could give it a go. i am a theater kid so i think it impacted developing these talents, they're very enjoyable regardless. 100% not picky with music either, music kind of reflects a person's soul. roadtrips are nice and they're quality time. that's how you also know which friend of yours is only there for clout and the ones who are there because they look forward to a journey of sharing the same space with another.
clubbing is not my thing. i am not fond of smoking or drinking alcohol. I AM HEAVILY TURNED OFF BY VICES but i don't mind an occasional wine for formal events. if you put me inside a club, expect me to sit down on a corner and watch everyone. i tend to attract men easily (i am not bragging but it's hard rlly) and i do believe clubs are not the best place to attract guys sorry •́⁠ ⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠,⁠•̀ if you'd invite me to a party, we can have picnics or a dinner at your home or somewhere. i couldn't handle clubs, 100% would dip if someone say clubs or bars. they're too overwhelming.
i was raised in a quite conservative household so i preferably wear clothing that do not show much skin. i love statement outfits and prefer to make my own clothes or customize clothes rather than buying high-end branded clothing. my wardrobe is quite diverse, i can have masculine and feminine outfits. styles from fairycore, 50s, 80s, 90s wear, autumn wear, formal wear and officewear. i have gowns too! at this point i can build a boutique and often get teased about it by people in my circle💀 i grew up with relatives who doesn't smoke and only drink on occasion.
my love language (receiving) is acts of service and receiving gifts. my love language (giving) is acts of service and quality time / words of affirmation. i love solving people's problems and give them cheat codes in life hahahaha
idk if this would help but i have a stale lovelife, if i happen to put myself out there there there will always be a lot of guys wanting to pursue me ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ i pull away immediately if this starts to happen because it drains me so much. i would then focus into my career and go into hermit mode again, the one who stays in my life and wait for me to regain my energy is what i think, is meant for me. tbh, i need someone who is patient and understanding towards me or it's going to be disaster lmfao ฅ[⁠ᓀ´⁠ ▾ `⁠ᓂ⁠]ฅ
very private person, both of you like to keep it that way especially when it comes to you relationship
both of you have very deep conversations about life each other certain topics and just life in general
you both love to reflect on stuff and help each other get stuff of your chest
you tend to do this while you cuddling with chill music in the background
lewis supports you though all of your different hobbie phases
love that your so open to trying new things
you both have a tight inner circle and you both value quality over quantity
the two of you def recorded a song together
you both hold fashion shows for each other after a massive shop
both of your love languages are is acts of serves
which sometimes turns into a funny competition of who can out do the other
is always patient and understanding when it comes to you
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dk-thrive · 1 year
When will this drama without theater —Or this theater without drama—end / So that I can go home? Where? How? When?”
When will this inner night—the universe—end And I—my soul—have my day? When will I wake up from being awake? I don’t know. The sun shines on high And cannot be looked at. The stars coldly blink And cannot be counted. The heart beats aloofly And cannot be heard. When will this drama without theater —Or this theater without drama—end So that I can go home? Where? How? When?”
—  Fernando Pessoa, from “Magnificat,“ A Little Larger Than the Entire Universe: Selected Poems (Penguin Classics, 2006) (via The Vale of Soul Making)
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stlivingla · 7 months
Brand new apartments in Hollywood
Hollywood, the City of Angels, beckons with its iconic allure, vibrant energy, and endless opportunities. And what better way to experience the heart of it all than in a brand new, luxurious apartment from Stlivingla? Step into a world of modern sophistication with Stlivingla's curated selection of Brand new apartments in Hollywood. Forget the outdated layouts and tired amenities – these dwellings are designed for the discerning renter who craves style, convenience, and a touch of Hollywood magic. Unveiling the Spotlight: Imagine waking up to breathtaking city views from your private balcony, sunlight streaming through floor-to-ceiling windows in your sleek, modern apartment. Stlivingla's Brand new apartments in Hollywood offerings boast: Modern design: Think clean lines, open floor plans, and high-end finishes that exude contemporary elegance. State-of-the-art appliances: From stainless steel kitchens to in-unit washers and dryers, convenience is at your fingertips. Smart home technology: Control lighting, temperature, and even your locks from your smartphone – the ultimate in comfort and efficiency. Luxurious amenities: Dive into sparkling pools, unwind in rooftop lounges, or stay fit in cutting-edge fitness centers. Some buildings even offer co-working spaces, pet spas, and movie theaters! Location, Stlivingla understands the importance of proximity. Their Brand new apartments in Hollywood are strategically located in the heart of Hollywood, close to: Iconic landmarks: Walk the Walk of Fame, catch a show at the Dolby Theatre, or immerse yourself in the history of film at museums and studios. Trendy restaurants and bars: Savor diverse cuisines, sip on handcrafted cocktails, and experience the vibrant nightlife scene. Shopping galore: From high-end boutiques to vintage stores, find everything you need and more. Convenient transportation: Easily explore the city with access to public transportation and ride-sharing options. More Than Just an Apartment, a Lifestyle: Living in a Brand new apartments in Hollywood Stlivingla apartment isn't just about the space, it's about the experience. They understand that residents crave a sense of community, which is why many buildings offer resident events, social gatherings, and even fitness classes. Ready to Live the Dream? Stlivingla offers a diverse range of brand new apartments to suit your needs and budget. Whether you're a young professional seeking a trendy studio, a growing family desiring spacious comfort, or someone who wants to indulge in penthouse luxury, they have the perfect place for you.
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kimstaana · 9 months
time is a monopoly : memory is a software
"moments later, i was all alone on a highway on pre-new year’s day thinking about what happened and hoping that that was one of those times we both lived in a state of self-regulating amnesia so that we can just forget."
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does anybody feel the growing urge to take a trip down memory lane when the new year's approaching? the sudden feeling of going over how you spent the past 365 days of your life? and having void when you sense that you haven’t really taken enough time to fathom your recent memories or at least, grow past them? then, in an instant, you’re taken aback by how far you’re from moving on.
and does anybody ease the intensifying feeling by decluttering? by trying to fill the void in the act of both dumping and hoarding inanimate objects, may it be physical or digital? it can be old photos taken randomly in your memory card, expired negative film rolls you still used but didn’t bother to process, self-burned cds filled with illegally downloaded music and pirated films, hand-written letters from people you no longer talk to anymore, cake boards from your past birthdays, memorable and extremely tiring bus tickets, movie stubs from theaters you almost slept to, cringy high school slam book, and even failing grade school report cards.
i don’t know what got me into this high-functioning yet self-deprecating interest but truth be told, i’m a sentimental hoarder with ironic interest in decluttering. is it the self-reflecting facet? is it the fact that it brushes off the yearning? or is it because it reaffirms the need for a new start? i think it’s somewhere along those lines. i just know that there are times that i find comfort in decluttering anything lying around unused and projecting it as the better way to end the year—a restart to a clean slate.
the annual feeling clings to the overtly overused “new year, new me”, “new year, new beginning”, and “new year, new life” philosophy. surely, it’s about sentimentality but partly, it’s how it consoles the letting go and starts over the loop of life.
“you can't just throw out people the way you throw out things.”, protagonist jean says in nawapol thamrongrattanarit’s 2019 film, happy old year. it may come off as excessively dramatic but that’s how i ended 2021. not the usual decluttering, i was blunt and unfeeling as i throw out almost everything away, disregarding what they used to mean to me. i can reason that it’s because of the great isolation i was forced into that i began to pilot a general cleaning both literally and emotionally.
by the 1st of december last year, i was sorting every item that captured a moment in the past that hit pretty close to home. i knew my memory works as a self-defense mechanism, in its selectiveness, it archives my experiences that are most useful, regardless of them being good or bad that is why i made sure that i’d toss anything like it’s a done deal and that it will all be over if i throw things away already. but you know, sometimes, i feel like a lot of the things that i like to keep are from other people.
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by the end of the month of the same year, hours between the 30th and 31st of december, i found myself declaring my love to my college best friend. it wasn’t rushed but it seemed totally abrupt. i’ve been thinking of confessing for the longest time but it was the admission of feelings that would outright stain the friendship that held me back. some people hold some memories dearer than others sometimes. i'm just like that and he's that memory for me. he is knotted to specific places that belong to the past even when it’s already been demolished. he is knotted to a specific time that belongs to the past even when it already happened. a still vivid memory that i’d keep. an intangible place that i’d go to. an irreversible time that i’d relive.
it was a long time coming, i told him i had feelings for him but i’m only doing it to let go of what feels like one-sided baggage i had to carry for a long time already. i don’t spill my guts to anyone and in his case, i felt like i already made it clear through my actions—he was my first confession and hopefully not the last. i told him not to say something or even react, he tried but i could tell he was overwhelmed and i was too devoid of departure.
that night felt like the longest night ever and it felt like we weren’t moving from the time and space that witnessed my confession. as we approach the terminal to call it a night, i didn’t let him come along with me like before, instead, i insisted to walk him up first so he’ll be the first to leave. moments later, i was all alone on a highway on pre-new year’s day thinking about what happened and hoping that that was one of those times we both lived in a state of self-regulating amnesia so that we can just forget.
the impermanence of things that used to remind me of him lets me translate what it means to “forget”—and why it isn’t bad if i still can’t get better while i’m at it. still, it’s not just about the bittersweet revelation that not everyone, even the closest people, can truly yield an ending they want, even if i pretend that that’s the case. it’s also the struggle with decluttering of relationships that we stored together in the things we shared.
sometimes, some things make me realize that moving on by decluttering is more than just throwing away things. it also means confronting the ghosts that come with it. from time to time, the mindless dumping reminds me to rue the day. to remember that a lifetime’s worth of very cluttered memories stands in the way and it’s not always about bypassing the painful parts—sometimes, moving forward requires a lot of attention and absorption.
it’s impossible to go full marie kondo or be out of our minds and just declutter things that don't spark joy anymore—to hurl things away without the slightest sign of hesitation but i felt like i did it that night. on the way home, i felt the inconsiderable regret of actually throwing something out, the heartbreaking reflection of something that cannot be changed. i know our own need to exonerate ourselves from feelings, regardless of the consequences for the other person, can sometimes ultimately be selfish especially when it’s all of a sudden—i’ll admit, my confession to him wasn’t for our friendship, but for my own closure.
oftentimes, i forget people and moments because there’s barely a physical totem to hold on but when sentimentality takes over, it becomes hard for me to let anything go, the least i can do is to remind myself that memories don’t live in things, it’s within me. everything that happened in the past had been recorded somewhere in my head already. after throwing some things, i’m going to remember what i’ve put into the trash bag one way or another anyway.
happy new year, friends!
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easylinksnet · 9 months
Easy Link Networks - Audio Video Installation
In the dynamic world of home and business entertainment, having a reliable and expert team to handle your audio-video installations is paramount. Enter Easy Link Networks, your trusted partner in transforming spaces into immersive hubs of entertainment.
Why Choose Easy Link Networks for Your Audio-Video Needs?
Expertise Beyond Boundaries: Our seasoned technicians bring a wealth of experience to the table, ensuring that your audio-video installations are executed with precision and finesse. From home theaters to corporate AV setups, we've got the know-how to enhance your audio-visual experience.
Tailored Solutions: At Easy Link Networks, we understand that one size does not fit all. Our team works closely with you to assess your specific needs, designing custom solutions that seamlessly integrate into your space. Whether it's a high-tech conference room or a cozy home cinema, we've got you covered.
Cutting-Edge Technology: Stay ahead of the curve with the latest in audio-video technology. Easy Link Networks stays abreast of industry advancements, offering you state-of-the-art equipment and systems. Experience the pinnacle of audio clarity and visual brilliance with our carefully curated selection of products.
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yourfellowhuman07 · 9 months
Chance Encounter
A Phantom of the Opera Fanfiction
On his way to deliver a note to the manager, Erik hears a voice that immediately bewitched him. The voice belongs to Christine Daaé: Erik's muse and the love of his life. He determines he must train her voice because neglecting her talent would be the most vile of sins.
Chapter Two: The Voice of Winter
Once again, the ballet girls were in their dressing room, removing their frilly costumes and chatting. It had been another successful night at the Opera, and everyone was still coming down from the high the roaring crowds offered. While they were sure Mme. Giry had notes, they did great. Still, many were eager to go home, except a select few who had plans with the various patrons of the opera that evening.
Christine Daaé was the former. She had been on her feet all day, and she had been fantasizing about a hot bath waiting for her at home since noon. Despite that, she still feels the rush of performing coursing through her veins. Oh, how she wished her father could see her now.
One by one, each of the ballet girls left until only Christine remained, sitting on a plush ottoman. Without the chirping of her fellow dancers, she was allowed to slip deeper into her thoughts. Visions of her on a stage singing came to her mind, standing alongside Carlotta and Piangi during their bows, looking across the crowd cheering just for her. Oh, how she dreamed of a life like that. If only she had the talent, then she might have the confidence to audition. How does Carlotta make it look so easy? Of course, if she had the money, she could take voice lessons, but a chorus girl’s salary is not gener-
What was that sound? No, that voice. A deep and rich voice coming from all directions sang to her a soft melody that hypnotized her, filling her mind with visions of a cold night.
“Hello?” She asked, rising from her seat.
“Good evening, Mademoiselle,” The voice purred, sending a chill up Christine’s spine. “Your performance tonight was sublime.”
“Who are you?” She asked, her heart starting hammering in her chest.
The voice paused, only serving to heighten Christine’s steadily growing anxiety.
“I am whoever you want me to be.” The voice replied.
Christine paused to ponder what the voice exactly meant. Could this be the elusive Phantom the ballet girls had spoken of? No, it couldn’t be. The opera ghost’s voice was commanding and boomed throughout the theater, even causing the chandelier’s crystals to tremble. This voice was different; it was cool and inviting, like snowfall in the winter. It almost sounded angelic
Angelic? Wait! Could it be?
“Are you the angel my father has promised to send me?” She asked, her eyes wide with hope.
Once again, the voice paused.
“As I said,” the voice finally replied, “whomever you want me to be.” It was Christine’s turn to pause; were angels always so vague?
“Why have you come to me now?” She blurted out, slightly more demanding than she had intended.
“Your voice,” The Angel mused. “I wish to help you train it, so you can become the new Prima Donna.”
“Really?” She sighed, her eyes lighting up like the spotlights that made up her dreams.
“Of course, to discard your talent would be the most vile of sins.”
Christine’s cheeks flushed at the compliment. She thought of all this could mean for her; fame, adoration, a chance to make her father proud. How could she say no?
“Teach me, please.” She begged, failing to withhold her obvious eagerness.
“Splendid. Come to the abandoned dressing room at the end of the hall tomorrow, I will begin to teach you all I know. For now, rest, you had a long day.”
“Yes, of course. Thank you, Angel.” Christine followed the angel’s orders and left the opera house after a few hasty goodbyes.
On the way home, she could not shake the giddy feeling that flowed through her as the Angel’s voice still stayed firmly in her mind. That beautiful voice that sang like a swelling winter’s gale. That voice of winter belonged to the Angel of Music, and she one day hoped she could reach some semblance of his talent.
Erik felt light as a feather as he descended to his underground home. He spoke to her! His beloved Christine! And she agreed to let him teach her!
Despite his excitement, he could not cut the pang of guilt that tethered him to the ground. He did not want to lie about who he was, but what choice did he have? If Erik told Christine he was the Phantom, or even just a man living under the opera, she would run away screaming. Still, he hated to deceive her; however, did it matter? His only purpose was to teach her and make her the next prima donna, nothing more, no matter how he felt towards the woman.
Once more, he was resigned to pining from a distance, to keep the love of his life at arm’s reach. No matter what happens, his feelings can not get in the way.
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terrainofheartfelt · 2 years
Gossip Girl Playlists: Theatre Kid AU edition! —Blair’s
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[Dan's] [Nate's] [Serena's]
I don’t even remember exactly how this started, but it’s @strideofpride’s fault. 
The concept began as: if they were in this world, what would be in the GG mains’ MT books? What would be their go-to song? Their 16 bar cut? And then, I got on spotify, and got wayyyy too carried away (typical me), and it sort of morphed into: what are the NJBC’s (plus Daniel’s) senior musical theatre recital programs? And now I have this: a quartet of playlists of repertoire handpicked by me for these fake people, and I am very proud of them. 
All selections based on my very particular taste, honed from a childhood in community theater, an adolescence in high school musicals, and a 4 year degree from a majority musical theatre school
And, as in the tradition of Glee and all plays within a play, the rep reflects something profoundly personal about the character, because you know I love a theme. 
the meta:
Blair could be nothing but the ingenue right??? She wants to be the lead, the romantic girl, the one who gets to fall in love and gets the happy ending at every curtain. She wants to be the star. 
Her voice: born to be the golden age ingenue. I actually have a lot of Thoughts on how modern singers sing this music (snobby bitchy angry thoughts), and I am inclined to think Blair would agree with me. And I didn’t quite know what it was until I was talking with my dad about a production of Fiddler I just saw with the worst “Far From the Home I Love” I ever heard but I digress and I told him: “these women. Sing like they know what an email is.” and that’s the thing. Blair as an MT though, she would bring in that warmth, that roundedness. 
References: Kelli O’Hara, Audra McDonald, Pippa Soo, Cristin Miloti, Judy Garland, and a girl in my class in undergrad who I swear to god was Shirley Jones’ second coming. She’s also a pageant queen, so let’s call her Miss Iowa 
the tracklist:
The Beauty Is — The Light in the Piazza
Now, most people would go for the title song of this musical, but I think Blair would prefer the technical challenge of the ingenue’s first solo. 
Now, there was once this guy, Richard Rodgers, and he was a god of song, and he had this grandson, Adam Guettel, and Adam Guettel is a god damn genius, and has, sadly, written so few masterpieces for us to enjoy. (is it bc he and his muse Kelli O’Hara broke up? Who’s to say). But he gave us this opus, a neoromantic musical callback to his ancestor’s work, about an american woman and her daughter that travel to Florence on vacation, and they get swept up in the city, and ROMANCE. 
Clara wanders the Uffizi Gallery, musing about humanity and thinking about the boy who saved her hat from being blown away
Much More — The Fantasticks
It’s the world’s longest running musical ever, so it must be doing something right! It’s an inverse Romeo and Juliet. Two fathers pretend to feud for years, to reverse psychology their children into falling in love. There’s also this spanish bandit? Idk. the fathers go a bit overboard with the plot and some strife happens, but there’s a happy ending!
The sheltered, but ambitious dreamer Luisa sings about living a grand life. She’s a little….out there, in a way that reminds me of baby blair of the early seasons. “Please god please don’t let me be normal!”
No One Else — Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812
Dave Malloy knew that, unlike Les Mis, the only way to get away with a War and Peace: The Musical musical was to zero in on only one section. Galaxy brained. And you just KNOW that Blair Waldorf would be so so so into playing Natasha Rostova. (Pippa Soo leads with the belt in the recording, bc she’s amazing at it, but I see Blair adding her own Kelli O’Hara mix to it).
This has become thee ingenue song of contemporary lit. Natasha Rostova, dreamer and romantic, waits and waits and waits in Moscow for her fiance Andrey to return from the war. 
Just You Wait — My Fair Lady
Blair would ever-so-deftly do a Pygmalion/Taming of the Shrew set for her recital. I just know she would. 
Eliza Doolittle, fed up with her tutor Henry Higgins’ bullshit, is determined to prove him wrong. She shall be a lady, and show him the fuck UP.
I Hate Men — Kiss Me, Kate
A play within a play! Lilli Vanessi is playing Katherine in a new musical of Taming of the Shrew, which forces her to work with her ex. She is Not Amused. 
Show Me — My Fair Lady
Another song where Eliza Doolittle has HAD it. This time with young Freddy, whose more a words than actions guy. 
Everybody Loves Louis — Sunday in the Park with George
Sondheim wrote a whole-ass musical based on a painting and it is a goddamn masterpiece! Plus like, the name in the song, it was too perfect to pass up. 
Famous (not yet) painter, George Seuraut’s love interest Dot (I know lmao), compares the absentminded George to the attentive baker Louis, and makes her choice. 
Getting Married Today — Company
Next in her Sondheim set, from the classic introspective comedy on adulthood and adult relationships. Patter song of all time. Also so very close to blair’s show arc that I HAD to do it. 
Amy gets a mad case of cold feet right before walking down the aisle to marry Paul. 
Raunchy — 110 in the Shade
From the dream team that gave us the Fantasticks: this bop
Lizzie, a lovely, headstrong spinster, spry of wit and sharp of tongue, day dreams about stepping out of her comfort zone, and being the center of attention. 
Sooner or Later — Dick Tracy
Not technically a musical, Sondheim wrote this for the 90s movie Dick Tracy & Madonna. The definitive femme fatale ballad. 
Breathless Mahoney—I swear to god that’s the character’s name—is a nightclub singer and mobster girlfriend and should probs be in witness protection. She sings this song instead. 
Its Gotta Be Bad to Be Good
A cabaret song by Lenny Bernstein. I like this recording bc it’s the right balance of schmultzy and technical. And it fits how I imagine Blair would sing it. (like the float at the end? So very Blair.)
Again, not from a show, Drew Gasparini is a fabulous composer, but as of right now, most of his releases are great concepts for shows that haven’t been on a major stage. Maybe if we stopped all this jukebox nonsense but that’s none of my business
Anyways, I love this song. He really did write Victoria Pedretti in You, the Song, before You was even a thing. It’s that right level of batshit insane that Blair inhabits so well, but rarely really shows. I can see the gang convincing her to program this because it plays to a different facet of her personality than all the ingenue stuff. And that facet is: terrifying. 
Honey Bun — South Pacific
Blair was born to sing all the R&H girls. Nellie I think is one where her and Serena’s types and strengths overlap, which of course is rich with story opportunity!
The nurses and GIs at this WWII base put on a Follies production of their own for some holiday cheer. Nellie closes out the show with this number. Idk if they meant for it to come off so gay, but I aint mad about it. 
People Will Say We’re in Love (duet w/ Dan) — Oklahoma!
This was a late addition, but when I thought of it I couldn’t NOT. It’s about the Plausible Deniability™ 
In a small cowtown (where a certain blogger went to preschool winkwonk) Laurey and Curly insist that they do not like each other! Nope!
What Do You Call A Man Like That? — The Bridges of Madison County
Mmmm okay so, this is one of my favorite musicals ever, and it may just have to do with the time in my life that I got into it, but I think it is truly underrated and beautiful and really the only JRB that’s worth the hype of his name (she says even though there is a L5Y playlist on Spotify that she made herself). It’s based off the novel and the film (starring Meryl Streep!) and it combines the lady country heartland style of middle america with big sweeping italian romanticism, giving us this golden age in the 21st century sound and we didn’t appreciate it enough!!!!
(maybe I only like it because Kelli O’Hara sings it and Steven Pasquale is a DILF, idc. I’m right.)
Francesca, an Italian war wife who moved to Iowa after marrying an american GI, is now a housewife with two teenage kids. Her husband and kids go away for a farmer’s convention (county fair), and while they’re away, she runs into and falls for Robert, a Nat Geo photographer who, again, is a hunk. She sings this song after their first meeting and trip to the famous covered bridge. “He’s so sincere, what the fuck is up with that?” daircore
The Gentleman Is a Dope — Allegro
Kind of an oddball complicated flop for R&H, but it brought us this song, so it’s a winner. Emily, Dr. Joseph Taylor Jr.’s colleague, thinks he’s an idiot [affectionate].
If You Want Me — Once
A departure from the old world mt that’s dominated this playlist, but I think, in a world of Blair, consummate theater kid, who absolutely stuck with piano because it suited her ambitious end to stardom, would be really good at this role. Is it because I think Meester and Milioti have similar voices and vibes? Maybe. But the contemporary music in this isn’t like 21st century MT. it’s folk and indie, and I think Blair could inhabit that very well. And she’s got the range for this vocalizing
Brought together by music, a Girl in Dublin plays another song written by some Guy, hinting that she’s begun to fall for him. even though she’s married 
The Hill — Once
All of the above. And just think about her sitting at the piano and singing this, like — 
It’s The Number, the italicized “oh” number. 
The Man that Got Away — A Star is Born (1954)
The second film in a legendary saga. Really a vehicle for Judy to make us FEEL things. Like with this number. You may recognize it from the other GG. 
La Vie en Rose — as performed by Ute Lemper
You know she would. 
What Good Would the Moon Be? — Street Scene
The Weil Foundation owes me money for talking up this show, but honestly, it’s so good. At least, the half-hour chunk I’ve shoehorned into these playlists is. 
Rose’s skeazy boss insists that he could make her a star, but she elegantly and eloquently shuts him down with this cavatina
Simple Little Things — 110 in the Shade
It’s about the pure and simple love, babes!
In a deep philosophical discussion with the handsome stranger that’s new in town, Lizzie defends her own dreams
When Did I Fall in Love? — Fiorello
I may have gone overboard with the schmulz in this playlist, but like, it’s Blair, so…
Thea LaGuardia, as her husband Fiorello runs for mayor of NYC in 1929, is shocked to discover she’s actually in love with the guy. 
Time After Time — Cyndi Lauper (as performed by Morgan James and Doug Wamble)
guitar!Dan agenda strikes again.
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eliteblackmarket · 1 year
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So why settle for ordinary technology when you can have the extraordinary? Visit The Elite Black Market today and discover the perfect balance of technology and luxury. 
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tramuda · 1 day
Luxury Villas in the UK: The Ultimate Vacation Experience
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Planning the perfect getaway requires attention to detail, especially when it comes to accommodation. When luxury, comfort, and privacy are a top priority, luxury villas in the UK offer an exceptional experience. Whether you're seeking a tranquil countryside escape, a seaside retreat, or a stay in the bustling city, choosing a luxury villa ensures a vacation like no other. Here's why a luxury villa could be the perfect choice for your next UK getaway, and why Tramuda Travel & Consultancy should be your go-to for selecting premium villa stays.
Why Choose Luxury Villas in the UK?
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Choosing a luxury villa in the UK is an investment in a truly remarkable vacation experience. With privacy, flexibility, and five-star amenities, villas offer a unique way to explore the UK in style. Let Tramuda Travel & Consultancy guide you to your dream villa, and enjoy a vacation filled with comfort, elegance, and unforgettable memories.
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