foxgloves-garden · 2 months
A Creation Myth
I'm worldbuilding, have a creation myth. - Kori
Long ago in the void, where there was no time, no space as we know it, there was nothing but ethereal dust and cosmic shadow; and from that dust and shadow was born the Eldest Darkness, Sahane. (Sah-hah-nay)
It was a lonely existence in the void, no one to talk to and little to do but watch the dust drift by to form planets and stars. And so he wandered, looking for he knew not what. One day, or what passed for a day in that no-time, he was near enough to a fledgling star that he was able to watch it take form. And this sparked an idea in him. He took a small piece of the star and some of the dust, and with it he formed the twins, Akyre (ah-key-ray) the Eldest Fire, and Rire (rih-ray) the Eldest Light. No longer alone, Sahane finally stopped in his anxious pacing of the void, and rested. Akyre sat by Sahane, bringing warmth to his soul. Rire spun in a circle, fast as – well, as light, of course, their own little star of hope in the emptiness. And the Three were happy, for a time.
But soon enough, Akyre grew cold, for there was little warmth to be found in the void. So she drew around the three of them a circle of stone, and as Sahane had done before her, brought into being one who would be strong and comforting and would help keep the heat in so none would grow too chilled. And thus was born Silvana (sill-vahn-uh), the Eldest Earth. He ran round the circle, whipping up a mighty Wind as he moved to make sure everything was set in place to keep his family warm. A Wind so refreshing, Akyre thought, deserved to stay around too. And so from the dust of the no-space and the dust kicked up by Sylvana, she brought forth Ayana (Eye-ahn-uh), the nurturing Eldest Wind. And the Five were happy, for a time.
But soon enough.. Soon enough, their little circle of earth and stone felt too small, and all but Akyre felt it was too hot. Tensions rose, words were exchanged, then blows. Sylvana cried as his skin dried and cracked from Akyre’s fire. Akyre cried and lashed out, keening for more space. Sahane, too, cried as Rire’s light became blinding. And their tears flowed down, mixing with the dust to form Kuore (coo-or-ay, the Eldest Water. He was swift as a river, cool and calm as the ocean, and he knew just what to do. He swiftly climbed upon Ayana’s shoulders, using her winds to direct his rains down upon the other Five. He dimmed Rire’s light, soothed Sylvana’s pain and calmed Akyre’s flames, and all that collected rage rose into the air and through his purifying rain to become pure energy, which collected itself into a new being, who was of the nothing-dust and yet not – She was of spirit and emotion, just as swift and strong but not as rageful, and she named herself Kyzea (Key-zay-uh), the Eldest Spark. And thus there were Seven.
The Seven knew that their little space in the void was not enough anymore, and so, working all together, they made themselves a World, big and beautiful, full of plants and animals, warm fire and dazzling light, solid earth and whispering wind and wise shadows and cool water and brilliant sparks. They walked upon this world, deeming it and all within it Good. And the Seven were happy, for a time.
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planetamarte · 6 months
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WA 0896-5297-9519, Jual Drainase Rumput Sintetis Sekaran
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0896-5297-9519 (WA), Jual Drainase Rumput Sintetis Sekaran
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0813-8337-8886 Setrika Laundry Tulangbawang
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Harga Kiswah Ka'bah Bordir ka'bah dulu dan sekaran
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WhatsApp : 0813-8928-9150 Harga Kiswah Ka'bah Bordir ka'bah dulu dan sekarangLangsung ORDER KLIK WA https://wa.me/6281389289150 , Harga Kiswah Ka'bah Bordir ka'bah dulu dan sekarang, Harga Kiswah Ka'bah Bordir ka'bah dulu dan sekarang, Harga Kiswah Ka'bah Bordir ka bah zerst�rt, Harga Kiswah Ka'bah Bordir ka'bah berada di kota apa, Harga Kiswah Ka'bah Bordir ka'bah berada di kota mana, Harga Kiswah Ka'bah Bordir ka'bah berada di kota mekkah tepatnya di, Harga Kiswah Ka'bah Bordir ka'bah ada di kota mana, Harga Kiswah Ka'bah Bordir letak ka'bah berada di kota, Harga Kiswah Ka'bah Bordir dimana letak ka'bah beradaJual kiswah ka�bah bordir kualitas terbaik se-Indonesia.Harga kiswah ka bah Terbaik.Berpengalaman bordir kaligrafi lebih dari 30 tahun.Melayani pesanan kiswah ka�bah bordir replika dengan berbagai ukuran, costume, kiswah potongan, kiswah full, kiswah kain penutup makam Nabi Muhammad & kaligrafi bordir.Pesan via Whatsapp : 0813-8928-9150#HargaKiswahKa'bahBordirka'bahduludansekarang, #HargaKiswahKa'bahBordirka'bahduludansekarang, #HargaKiswahKa'bahBordirkabahzerst�rt, #HargaKiswahKa'bahBordirka'bahberadadikotaapa, #HargaKiswahKa'bahBordirka'bahberadadikotamana, #HargaKiswahKa'bahBordirka'bahberadadikotamekkahtepatnyadi, #HargaKiswahKa'bahBordirka'bahadadikotamana, #HargaKiswahKa'bahBordirletakka'bahberadadikota, #HargaKiswahKa'bahBordirdimanaletakka'bahberada
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aqiqahberkah · 2 years
LEZAT 085203516500 Jasa Paket Aqiqah Lamongan Sekaran
LEZAT 085203516500 Jasa Paket Aqiqah Lamongan Sekaran
085203516500 (Call/WA) Jasa Aqiqah Sekaran Lamongan, Catering Aqiqah Sekaran Lamongan, Paket Aqiqah Lamongan, Aqiqah di Lamongan Sekaran, Aqiqah Berkah Lamongan…Kini Aqiqah Berkah menyediakan masakan catering untuk berbagai acara terutama acara aqiqah. Aqiqah Berkah menyediakan banyak menu masakan yang rasanya dijamin enak, lezat dan tidak berbau prengus kambing. Aqiqah Berkah juga melayani…
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ahamasmiyodhah · 1 year
Varamaatayo? (1)
"What Anna?" Thundered the Princess of Uraiyoor. She whirled, her eyes flashing damgerously. "Why do you wish me to marry in that family!? So that you can have the power and you attack Thanjai? Why Appa? Just because Ilaiyapiratti rejected Anna and married Vallavarayan?"
"Thangai! Don't forget you are speaking against our Father!!" Manmathan thundered at his younger sister.
"What type of Father wants to marry her daughter off for his own benefits?! Which Anna? Tell me! You are selling me to that Rashtrakuta King!!!" She yelled again and a loud sound echoed in the whole room, silence befalling.
Tears gathered in her ears as she looked at her Father, the red hue making it's way over the place his hand had collided with her face. Her Father heaved heavily, his eyes flashing and burning with anger. "You will be marrying the Rashtrakuta King. That's final. Raja Rajan won't be marrying a girl like you who just knows how to run their mouth even against their elders. You are no match for him." He yelled at her face.
"No... If not him, nobody else ..." She said and ran away, wiping her tears. Her feets took her to her room, sliding down in front of the small podium where the Krishna idol was kept.
"Kanhaa, oh Kanha.." she joined her palms. "You took away Rukmini when she didn't willed to marry Shishupala.. Oh Dwarkanaresh, I do not wish to marry the old Rashtrakuta King, for my heart is already won over by the King who rules Thanjai, Sivapada Sekaran Raja Raja Chozhan. I have given my heart and soul to him, this vessel is only thing left which I do not want for anyone to have... Please help me Kanna.." She wept and wept, her breath faltering as she choked.
"Abhimaanavalli..." Came the soothing voice of her sister, Amruthavalli. "Kanne, vaa, here have this water first." Amruthavalli made her sister drink water.
"Akka! I do not wish to marry the King... I already see Thanjai Chakravarthy as my husband Akka..." Abhimaanavalli wept like a baby, exact opposite to the Warrior Princess she was trained to be.
"Abhimaana, I will help you... If no one will I will help you.." Amrutha said and wiped her tears.
Abhimaanavalli suddenly wiped her tears and got up, going to her writing table. Taking a Parchment, she dipped the Quill into ink and started writing something. Soon flipping it close, she beckoned Neelima, who was her trusted maid.
"Neelima, take off to Thanjai at once with this Olai to the Chakravarthy. If not him, give it to anybody who's in his close circle. Be it Ilaiya Pirattiyar, Udaya Pirattiyar or his any of Arasi. This letter, must reach him." Abhimaanavalli said in a strong commanding voice, and Neelima nodded sprinting out of the room.
Abhimaanavalli turned to look at the idol of Krishna once again. Crouching down in front of it, she again started crying heavily as she laid down on the podium, her ink-stained fingers opening out as she wept for her love, yearning for her Love and soon passed out.
Amruthavalli joined her palms. "Oh Krishna... Please, fill my Thangai's life with Love.. let her be with whoever she wishes to be with..." Amruthavalli prayed.
Two days. It took Neelima two days to reach Thanjai as she walked inside the Fort, looking around in awe. Thanjavur Fort was a spectacular Architecture, which made her realize that Chakravarthy Raja Rajan was a man who loved Architecture. She could point out various stories carved out of the stones with perfection and finesse. With a mouth slightly ajar she walked, failing to notice the sturdy man who looked at her amusement as she dashed into him.
Quickly taking several steps back Neelima bowed 90 degrees, unable to look at the man in embarassment. "Ayya, my apologies. The Beauty of this Thanjai Fort took my attention and I didn't see you." She apologized red with embarassment.
He laughed loudly, and asked her to stand up. Neelima stood up and saw a man looking as regal as a King, but the godly aura that Abhimaanavalli has mentioned about Chakravarthy was missing. "Ammani, do you wish to meet the Chakravarthy?" He asked.
"Yes Ayya, for I bring a urgent message from the Uraiyoor Ilavarasi." Neelima said.
"Uraiyoor Ilavarasi?" His eyebrows came together. He remembered how his wife once told him about an alliance from Uraiyoor for her.
"Yes Ayya. But I apologise deeply that I can't show you the Letter, for I have strict instructions to give it to either Chakravarthy, Udaya Pirattiyar or any of his Arasi, his Thamakkai Kundhavai Pirattiyar or anyone trusted who can hand him the letter." Neelima apologized again.
He smiled all amused. "Then Ammani, forgive me for I didn't introduced myself. I am Vallavarayan Vandiyadevan of Bana Clan, husband of Kundhavai Pirattiyar and Commander of Thanjai Army. Chakravarthy is busy with some Court Hearings, if you want I can take you to Anthapura where you can meet Udaya Pirattiyar." Vandiyadevan said with a smile.
Neelima bloomed with a big smile on her face. "Please Ayya, please take me to Udaya Pirattiyar. For this is very important." Feeling the urgency in her tone, he took her to Udaya Piratti Thiripuvana Madeviyaar, or Vanavan Mahadevi, the Chief Consort of Thanjai Chakravarthy Mummudi Chozhan.
When I first met you, I was nothing but Princess of a small Kingdom of Chozha Naadu, while you were the one who was above my Father, the Lord of this Chozha Nadu, who's Amaravathi was Thanjai. I was a Vishnu Bhaktha, who's heart was stolen by he who wears Holy Ash and Rudhraksha. While you sat at the Throne with your Patta Arasi, I couldn't help but feel if I, a small Princess, can get a place in your Kailasam.
Chakravarthy, my Father wants me to marry a man who has more unmarried women in his anthapuram than having an actual wife. He doesn't have a Patta Arasi, but women to quench his lust. Women who die in his Palace. Thanjai Chakravarthy, pray, please pay heed to my request, and take me away with you. Accept me as your bride and give me a place in your Anthapuram as your Dharmasangini, for I can't see any one other than you as my Swami.
I will be waiting for you, you have two weeks time. Come and take me away from this unwanted relation. If not, I shall surrender myself to the holy fire.
The letter fell from Vanathi's hand as she slumped down on a chair, tears gathering up in her eyes. Panchama and Loka immediately ran to their sister-wife while Kundhavai and Veeranarayani Devi; who was betrothed to Raja Rajan, stood a little away, running to her too.
"Akka? What is written in the Olai?" Lokamadevi asked, her hand holding one of the Palms of Vanathi.
Vanathi instead handed her and Panchama the letter, the two reading and Kundhavai and Veeranarayani joining them. Panchama gasped loudly. "Swami must know about this at once! Vandhiyare, where is Swami?" She asked Vandiyadevan.
"Arasi, Chakravarthy will be free in some time. I met this girl going towards the Court and brought her here feeling the urgency in her tone." Vandiyadevan told Panchama.
"Vandiyadeva! I am sure Swami is free by now. Can you bring him to the Anthapuram?" Lokamadevi asked and Vandiyadevan nodded before going out.
"What's your name Devi?" Kundhavai asked Neelima.
"Ilaiyapiratti, I am Neelima. Trusted maid of Ilavarasi Abhimaanavalli of Uraiyoor." Neelima replied. Kundhavai asked a few more Questions from Neelima, until Vandiyadevan returned with Raja Rajan and everyone stood up except his Queens and Kundhavai and bowed.
"Vanathi, what happened? Why did you called me in haste?" He asked and noticed Neelima. "Who is this Girl?" He asked.
"Swami, this is Neelima. Maid of Uraiyoor Ilavarasi Abhimaanavalli. She brings her letter." Vanathi said and handed him the letter. His eyes went through several emotions and he slumped on bed.
"Swami?" Loka tenderly put her hand on his shoulder.
"I am going to Uraiyoor as the sun touches the horizon tomorrow."
@chiyaanvikram @willkatfanfromasia​ @whippersnappersbookworm​ @thatacademic​ @celestesinsight​ @curiousgalacticsoul​ @hollogramhallucination @nspwriteups @yehsahihai
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ligaasia146vip · 5 months
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foxgloves-garden · 2 months
Info Post: Current Writing Projects
The Sekaran Tales:
Currently, the Sekaran tales are a loose collection of myths and folktales about the Sekaran people and the world they inhabit. The tag also includes the Sekaran conlang. I like to say I'm in my Silmarillion phase - just laying the groundwork for what I hope will be an epic story.
Oak, Ashe, and Thorn:
Oak, Ashe, and Thorn is a planned trilogy about found family, being Othered, and the power of supportive allies. Book one, Coffee and Curses, follows the adventures of the enby empath Quin Quercus, the lesbian werewolf Ashe Thompson, and the "not a prince" Bramble Brokenthorn as they discover a insidious Fae plot to steal people's Names.
Pataphysics 101:
A sci-fi anthology set in Keystone University, where a chaotic Fae-ish scientist named Dr. Kori Cyfrin¹ teaches classes on, you guessed it, pataphysics. The anthology includes/will include both lectures and short stories, and art if I can learn to draw better.
¹Yes, it's me. This is my source - well, part of it. -Kori
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pokergalaxypenye · 1 year
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Huhu kembali lagi ke fungsi awal dari tumblr ini yaitu to record what I am grateful for. Terus belakangan ini betulan banyak BANYAK banget yang mau disyukuri HUHU sampai gatau mau mulai dari mana.
Dari my main job dulu kali ya: menjadi 3rd year PhD student di Oxford University.
Kemarin hari Senin dapet surat dari Jardine kalau mereka approve my request for one more year funding extension! Karena di kontrak awal emang bunyinya si Jardine akan mensponsori study selama 3 tahun aja kan. Itu turun dari info DPhil di website Oxford ini https://www.ox.ac.uk/admissions/graduate/courses/dphil-earth-sciences yang bunyinya emang expected length: 3 to 4 years. Tapi sebetulnya untuk ini nggak yang deg-degan banget sih karena ku menyaksikan banyak Jardine scholars doing PhD yang extend sampai 4th year, 5th year, jadi kinda expected tapi tetap aja dengan adanya surat ini jadi lebih yakin dan tertulis hitam-putih kan, jadi berkurang khawatir duit turun atau nggaknya next September. Tmsn juga ga akan nanya-nanyain lagi setiap meeting terkait ini (Jardine nge-cc Tmsn juga di email suratnya soalnya).
I circulated MY R2R and revised ms to all co-authors!!! Jujur ini milestone terbesar yang kucapai 2023 ini sih. Setelah super terpukul dan pusing banget pas dapet rejection Feb kemarin, menunda-nunda ngerjain response yang aslinya ga sebanyak itu, dan sampai dipanggil buat meeting in-person ngobrol sama Tmsn ditanyain “lo ada masalah apa dah kenapa ga selesai2 ni ngerjain revisionnya?” LOL ga gitu sih secara harfiah dia ngomongnya, tapi secara ga langsung maksudnya kaya gitu. Si postdoc w juga kayanya udah capek bgt sama w makanya langsung ngoper ke PI huhu. Tapi iya, ternyata duduk manis rapi fokus ngerjain dengan breaking down the tasks to smaller tasks really did HELP. Sekaran sebetulnya masih banyak sih yang harus dikerjain: rapiin references, nulis paragraph discussion 5.5., dan figures… Tapi at least bigger chunk of the tasksnya udah nggak di w lagi, melainkan di co-authors. Will it get easier after this? Of course not, karena co- authors juga pasti banyak banget feedbacknya. But, at least, ku sudah maju took one small (not that small personally for me) step ahead.
Belakangan ini juga agak rajin main table tennis sama Biao jam 5pm weekday, which is a good progress too(?) since I barely exercised sejak Archu graduated and moved out of Oxford. Archu ini yang selalu booked badminton court di Iffley dan gratis karena dia bayar yearly fee member OU Badminton Club… Main cuma 30 menit sih palingan, tapi cukup keringetan lah ya, apalagi cuacanya cukup hot juga recently.
Nah sekarang sebagai Noni aja tanpa embel-embel phd student, setelah terakhir nulis tentang Beyonce, sesuai judulnya, kali ini nulis Tulus karena baru aja nonton Tulus di London HUHU kurang convenient apa coba, di Indonesia harus rebutan beli tiket turnya dan gakan bisa ngeliat doi sedekat w kemarin :””) terus ya tapi emang satu album Manusia 2022 kemarin bagus banget sih ku gaberhenti dengerin for a whole month kayanya. Terus pas Nadia bilang acara pensi PPI London bakal ngundang Tulus amat sangat excited!!!
Semalem juga telponan vidcall sama Nadia bahas gimana jadi panitia. Tapi keren banget sih emang sekali lagi tepuk tangan untuk mahasiswa-mahasiswa Indonesia di PPI London bikin acara scale-nya segede itu. Terus 15 Juli akan ada mosaic di Bonn Square Oxford seperti tahun lalu tapi ku posisi masih otw Lyon-Oxford sepertinya jadi tidak bisa ikut meramaikan.
Tapi ternyata ya enak banget ya ga jadi pengurus acara apapun tuh. Ga pusing. Bisa tinggal datang aja sebagai peserta. Gaada tanggungjawab untuk stay paling akhir juga tunggu semua orang dan beres-beres….
Tadi pagi! Kelas Pelatnas 2 IGEO isinya 18 orang. Aslinya ada kelas 2 jam juga pas hari Senin sih, tapi berhubung lagi hektik abcd banget minggu lalu jadi gasempet bikin class plan dan hari Senin kemarin lebih impromptu just talk about whatever for 2 hours. Baru terjalani hari ini kelas yang beneran kubayangkan berminggu-minggu lalu. Ku-pos di instastory juga hari ini instruction sheetnya. Hamdalah feedbacknya ok2 banget huhu. Besok masih ada 1 jam tapi bingung ngapain yah… Ada saran…? Sebetulnya dibanding memaksa mereka learning something new, ku lebih pengen nunjukkin learning methods aja sih… Mereka sepertinya masalah utamanya adalah mengalami kebingungan identifying/classifying rocks: apakah ini batuan sedimen atau metamorf atau igneous. Buat w yang sudah bergelut di dunia geologi dari kelas X SMA (aka hampir 14 tahun yang lalu), mungkin memang ga terlalu pusingin nama batu apa. Toh naming something itu kan suatu social construct juga ya (lah jadi philosophical). Iya tapi maksudnya ku berkali-kali bilang “ga penting buat kalian namain nama batu betul apa nggak, yang lebih penting adalah argumennya kenapa kalian bisa sampai ke nama itu, cara pikirnya gimana, apa yang dilihat, apa yang dideskripsi” – tentu saja they are not having it. Ini tipikal w dulu ngedumel kalau ada dosen yang di kelas bukannya ngajarin materi tapi malah ngebacot tentang filosofi ilmu…. TAPI w sekarang adalah dosen itu!!! Gimana dongggggg.
Iya yaudah tapi intinya mau bilang aja super grateful masih punya opportunity untuk share how passionate I am in geology.
Beberapa unfortunate events recently tentu saja ada, tapi untungnya juga super grateful karena Alhamdulillah selalu ada solusi dari kebodohan-kebodohan hidup saya ini. Salah satunya adalah kemarin Senin ku being locked out of the house karena kunci rumah ga kebawa di tas dan pintu rumah tu yang kekunci otomatis modelan pintu hotel gitu. Masalahnya si Kalina lagi mudik ke SA jadi betul-betul I’m on my own now. Nah pusing kan, tapi untungnya masih ada spare key di college(!) dan awalnya ku mau bikin duplikat aja kan, tapi sama Belinda manager accommodation college dibolehin buat pinjam aja huhu BAIK BANGET. Di rumah sebetulnya juga udah ada 2 konci karena dulu ku pernah ngilangin (sampe sekarang masih penasaran ini ilang di mana konci) dan ku duplikat koncinya Kalina 2 biji. Satu buat dipake sehari-hari, dan satu buat serep. Tapi namanya kekunci dari luar rumah ya gimana dua2nya kunci ini di dalam rumah juga… Lesson learnednya adalah: satu kunci serep ini sekarang kutaruh di laci office. Jadi amit-amit ku kekunci dari luar lagi, ku bisa pake kunci yang di ofis. Sebetulnya rada ga perlu juga sih baru berstrategi ini sekarang karena ku bakal move out of this house juga soon… Tapi gapapa namanya juga berikhtiar, her name is also effort….
Kebodohan kedua yang baru saja terjadi recently adalah: pas mau nonton Tulus hari Sabtu kemarin, ku ber-ide untuk ga studi lapangan dulu terkait transport Oxford-London. Jadi pas Beyonce kan ku ngebis dari rumah berangkat jam 15pm masih aman ye, sampe London 16.30pm dan venue 17.30pm. Aman banget tu. Nah ku soktau tanpa ngecek ada strike atau nggak, mikir kalau I will do fine this time if I leave at 15pm juga…. BETAPA SALAHNYA SAYA. Intinya ternyata gaada kereta running from Oxford ke Didcot. Yaudah ku langsung book itu keretanya yang dari Didcot dan ternyata ada Rail Replacement Bus gitu dari stasiun Oxford dan aku pun langsung lari ngejar bis itu yang jam 15.30pm… HUF long story short pokoknya Alhamdulillah jam 17.10pm sudah sampai Paddington dan ku sampai venue jam 17.30pm-an sepertinya. Sangat lega….
Terus otak mikir keras kan… Ada kereta sih ke Paddington tapi dari Didcot. Dan harus ngebis dulu dari Oxford ke Didcot. Yaudah ku langsung book itu keretanya yang dari Didcot dan ternyata ada Rail Replacement Bus gitu dari stasiun Oxford dan aku pun langsung lari ngejar bis itu yang jam 15.30pm… HUF long story short pokoknya Alhamdulillah jam 17.10pm sudah sampai Paddington dan ku sampai venue jam 17.30pm-an sepertinya. Sangat lega….
Opening acts ada the overtunes dan beberapa performer lokal tapi karena ku datang purely karena Tulus aja jadi ku mostly duduk-duduk di bar sambil main hp… Dari situ jadi sempat ketemu banyak orang juga… Selesai acara ku langsung cabs pulang ngejar bis ke Oxford, sampai rumah tepat 00.02am.
Udah sih… Sepertinya untuk sekarang mau ngebacot itu dulu aja. Hari Minggunya pagi ada kelas, terus sore nemenin Widari ambil bodcard di Summertown House karena dia being locked out dari gedungnya…
30.18 15:37pm 07/06/2023
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callmebrycelee · 2 years
This reaction is for the season 5, seventh episode "Maybe Tomorrow" which originally aired on November 1, 2022. The episode was written by Shanthi Sekaran and directed by Shiri Appleby. Spoilers ahead!
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Thank goodness for little Luna (Nora and Opal Clow) and Sameera (Lurae Muscat) in this episode because they're the only reason I felt semi-hopeful after watching this episode. That's not to say last Tuesday's episode wasn't good, because it was a great episode. It was honestly one of the best episodes of the series thus far. "Maybe Tomorrow" is art imitating life in every sense of the phrase and in this episode we get to see our characters grapple with the decision made by the United States Supreme Court on June 24, 2022 to overturn Roe v. Wade, the landmark decision in which the very same court ruled in January of 1973 that the Constitution conferred the right to have an abortion. I thought the writers of this episode did a great job of presenting a wide variety of viewpoints. 
I want to start off by saying that I was beyond horrified when I learned of the Supreme Court's decision back in June. The day Roe v. Wade was overturned was one of many instances in the last five years where I felt completely and utterly helpless. As angry and frustrated I was by the decision, none of those emotions came remotely close to the overwhelming sadness I felt for women in this country. The decision to overturn Roe vs. Wade felt like a direct attack on all of the women in my life and all of the women in this country and thankfully as evidenced by this episode, a lot of other people felt the same way. 
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Rather than an action-packed episode where we see our favorite doctors juggling several medical emergencies, we get to really focus on the characters and their thoughts and their feelings concerning the decision, and for the most part I thought this episode did a great job of showing the very real implications of such a decision.  Let's start with everyone's favorite oncologist.
I really wish we got to see more of Dr. Elizabeth Wilder's (Sandra Mae Frank) personal views outside of her being a medical professional. It's one of my main beefs with this show and the treatment of the character. We first met Elizabeth back in season four and I figured the introduction of a deaf character would open up new possibilities and storylines for the show. However, one season later, we still don't know much about her and what little we do know about her is often gleaned via one of Max's storylines. I wish the writers would give her something to do that maybe isn't dependent on whatever Max is doing. We do it for the other characters, so why not her?
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Anywho, rather than getting Eizabeth's personal feelings concerning the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, we got to see her treat a pregnant patient with advanced stage uterine cancer. I did find it ironic that the best course of action for the patient was to have an abortion but what I didn't see coming is the patient being pro-life. Admittedly this wasn't my favorite storyline of the night. I thought it was rather clunky but I think I understand what the writers were trying to show by having this patient end up at New Amsterdam on the day the ruling was announced. I am someone who believes all women should have autonomy over their bodies and a part of that means that if a woman doesn't want to undergo certain procedures especially of the life-saving variety then they should have the right to decline treatment. 
Where this storyline goes off the rail a bit is when Elizabeth decides she is going to perform an extremely risky procedure on the woman in lieu of chemotherapy which would actually be the patient's best chance at surviving the cancer. We literally just had an episode where Elizabeth advocated for a patient to have a surgery that resulted in the patient being paralyzed. We also saw her shame a patient for not wanting to have his arm amputated, even going as far as to wanting Iggy to declare him incompotent so that she could do the surgery anyway. What's extremely suspect about these two examples is that in both cases both patients were black. I'm not crying racism or anything of the kind but the optics concerning Elizabeth's bedside manner this season isn't looking too good especially when in this episode we see her bend over backwards to accomodate her white patient and her white patient's pro-life views. Ultimately the surgery doesn't work and Elizabeth knew it wouldn't from the very beginning and we are left with a very bleak conclusion to this story.
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Let's move on to the plot involving Dr. Lauren Bloom. Like Max and Iggy and Elizabeth, Lauren, too, isn't handling the news too well and while leading a tour of the hospital for underprivileged high school kids aspiring to go into medicine, she reveals to Dr. Floyd Reynolds that she had an abortion five years ago which so happens to be around the time the two of them were dating. I'd totally forgotten that when the series debuted, these two characters were coming out of a relationship. I didn't get the sense that Floyd was upset by her decision to have an abortion even though I felt like the episode wanted me to believe that. I believe Floyd was trying to make sense of why she felt the need to hide it from him which is a very valid reaction. Floyd's reaction puts Lauren on the defense which leads to one of the best moments of the episode. Lauren delivers an impassioned monologue about how she's had two abortions over the course of her life - one when she was in college and the one she had five years ago although it's important to note that she thankfully doesn't mention Floyd by name. 
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The whole point of this speech is that while Lauren had two very valid reasons to justify her reason to have her two abortions, when it comes to abortions, a woman shouldn't have to have a reason. Her body, her choice. Floyd apologizes to Lauren at the end of the episode and while I'm a firm believer that there are many apologies owed by many men to many women in this country, this case didn't require an apology. I sincerely believe that Floyd did nothing wrong. However, I understand why the writers did what they did. They needed a means of getting Lauren to deliver that monologue and this provided them the opportunity.
Now, perhaps I'm biased but I thought the best storyline of the episode belonged to Iggy. For the second week in a row, we get to see Iggy at his best and it makes me hopeful about evolution of his character going forward. While walking with Gladys whose perspective on the Supreme Court decision doesn't get explored, Iggy comes across a beligerent male protester becoming aggressive with a female, pro-choice protester. Iggy inserts himself in between the two and ends up decking the man. Iggy is usually a hug-it-out kind of guy and rarely, if ever, resorts to physical violence but I imagine like myself, he was feeling pretty helpless and acting  out, even violently, gave him some sort of catharsis.
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Iggy ends up getting arrested for punching the asshole protester and is told that the charges against him will be dropped if he apologizes to the man. Iggy refuses to do so, so Karen Brantley (Debra Monk) calls in the big guns. Martin (Mike Doyle) arrives and convinces Iggy to do the right thing. When Iggy still refuses to apologize, Martin points out that if he gets put in jail, he will end up with a criminal record which could place their family in jeopardy should the overturning of Roe v. Wade leads to other Supreme Court rulings being overturned, i.e., marriage equality. Iggy, reluctantly, apologizes and when he returns home later that evening, he is feeling pretty hopeless. Sameera, Iggy and Martin's oldest child, announces that she will not be going to camp in South Dakota because of the Supreme Court ruling which is the glimmer of hope we needed at the end of this episode.
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The final plot of the episode involves Dr. Max Goodwin and Karen Brantley. Max is clearly rattled by the Supreme Court decision but doesn't have a chance to sulk because Karen wants it to fix it. At first her request seems unrealistic and frankly bizarre but it was kind of fun watching Max get to be Max without any restraints. My favorite part of this story involved Max enlisting the assistance of Todd Benson (Darren Pettie). Max comes up with the idea to create a fleet of floating abortion clinics located on federal waters. This would enable women in states that will be most affected by the the ban to have safe abortions. The plan, of course, fails but what it leads to is Max doing so we often don't get to see him do - listen. Max listens as Karen talks about one of her friends from college. This friend got pregnant and decided she didn't want to have the baby. Karen ended up going with her friend to a salon with an abortion clinic in the back. The procedure did not go well and afterwards Karen dedicated herself to fighting for a woman's right to choose until Roe v. Wade passed in 1973. From Karen's point of view, seeing something she fought so hard for be reversed nearly fifty years later must be so devastating. 
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Like Iggy, Max is left feeling pretty hopeless. When he tries to talk to Luna about it later that evening, Luna reminds him that maybe tomorrow will be better. Honestly, the only thing that is keeping me going these days is knowing that maybe tomorrow things will be better than they are today. 
We are seven episodes into this season and while there have been a few bumps in the road, for the most part this season has done a good job of bringing back the kind of storytelling we got in the first season. I'm happy that a show like New Amsterdam decided to tackle such a controversial issue head-on. I wish we got more episodes like this one and knowing that we are only getting closer to the end of this show makes me so sad every time I think about it. Kudos to the writers, the actors, and the director for delivering such a powerful hour of television. It makes me curious to see what will happen next. Until next time ...
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novumtimes · 8 days
Boima Manis, M’sian crafted sweet drinks business in Shah Alam
From a lawyer to an airline pilot, investment banker, tax litigation consultant, and now an F&B entrepreneur who founded Boima Manis, Sashi Sekaran Selvarajah has worn many hats throughout his career. When it comes to cafes, food often takes centre stage, but Boima Manis dares to be different. Instead of focusing solely on culinary delights, this charming establishment in Bukit Jelutong, Shah…
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இமானுவேல் சேகரன் நினைவிடத்தில் அமைச்சர் உதயநிதி மலர் வளையம் வைத்து மரியாதை | Minister Udhayanidhi pays Tribute at Immanuel Sekaran memorial in paramakudi
பரமக்குடி: பரமக்குடியில் இமானுவேல் சேகரன் நினைவிடத்தில் அமைச்சர் உதயநதி மலர் வளையம் வைத்து மரியாதை செலுத்தினார். ராமநாதபுரம் மாவட்டம் பரமக்குடியில் இமானுவேல் சேகரன் நினைவிடத்தில் 67-வது நினைவு தினம் இன்று (செப்.11)அனுசரிக்கப்பட்டது. இதில் திமுக சார்பில் இளைஞர் நலன் மற்றும் விளையாட்டுத் துறை அமைச்சர் உதயநிதி மலர் வளையம் வைத்து மரியாதை செலுத்தினார். இந்நிகழ்வில் அமைச்சர்கள் பெரியகருப்பன்,…
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