#seeking counsel from wise and godly mentors
the-harvest-field · 1 year
Prayer for a Flourishing Career: Finding God's Guidance and BlessingsPrayer and Career
In our journey through life, our career plays a significant role. It is more than just a source of income; it shapes our identity and impacts our overall well-being. As Christians, we believe in the power of prayer, and seeking God’s guidance for our career choices is essential. Let us explore how prayer can be a powerful tool in aligning our career paths with God’s purpose and…
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glass-expanse · 2 years
Since there is "men asking women how to find dates" discourse on my dash, I wanted to add my two cents as totally chad proof I'm destined to be an anonymous guy's relationship advice expert XD It's very general advice but in my life experience (which is admittedly limited to 19 years, one failed engagement, and playing middle man when a couple of my best friends broke up) it seems to hold true. But that is mostly because a lot of what I have to say here is basic biblical doctrine about who a good husband and just generally a good ambassador for Christ is, both of which I have studied.
Okay guys listen up. This is how it works.
Just don't. Don't meet women to date. Don't do it. It's a trap.
Make friends with women though. (Not ones in relationships of course.) That's okay. And as your friendships develop, you'll find which ones align most closely with you.
Developing strong friendships with many different people is an important part of being in the body of Christ. A strong friendship will yield a stronger relationship. But just viewing a girl as a potential girlfriend isn't treating her with the respect she as a child of God made in His image deserves.
Be a good brother in Christ to them. Don't let your mind carry your fantasies away. Stay grounded and treat the women you know like actual people. Work in the church alongside your friends-- do different things with your groups of people. This will reveal the character of your friends and you will discover which girl is worth pursuing. And if she says no, that's no. Leave it at that. Work to heal the friendship and return your focus to being a godly friend.
Things girls like: good listeners, kind and respectful men, good decision makers, men filled with humility and compassion, men who are responsible stewards of the money and time God has given them, and men who radiate the peace, hope, and love of God. Those traits will make you a good Christlike husband one day. More than that, these are traits that make you a good Christian. As a man seeking God, you should be seeking these traits.
Things that certainly don't hurt: keep yourself well groomed, avoid being a stupid show off, don't wear navy blue and black together, learn to cook and clean. XD
Things to avoid: starting a relationship when you are immature, unstable, just lonely, or consumed with lust. Deal with those issues first. You should never objectify anyone. Don't play with the feelings of a girl. Don't lead her on. If you start a relationship and it's not going right, you need to pray over it, then DISCUSS the issues in detail using scripture to explain your thinking. If you need to end it, don't be vague, be precise so that she can grow from the experience.
And always have an older, more mature, godly Christian man to help mentor you. So if you need to know more than this, that's one place your mentor can help you a lot. He can also help counsel you through sin issues, point you towards Christ, and generally help you when you're struggling or need wise counsel.
Beyond what's here, a girl can't help you much. This is all general advice. If you need help wooing a specific gal, this is only gonna get you so far. Individual girls have individual preferences. If you need advice tailored to your situation, that's another place your mentor can help a lot.
So go forth and grow in Christ. God has already decided your lot and He knows your story. You just have to not worry about what's coming and instead apply yourself to growing in godliness and growing into your Christian communities.
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ikaanews · 1 month
Seeking Wise Counsel: A Key to Spiritual Growth
As we navigate the complexities of life, it is essential that we seek wise counsel from trusted mentors and our Christian community. The book of Proverbs reminds us that “in an abundance of counselors there is safety” (Proverbs 11:14). Connecting with godly elders, church leaders, and mature believers can provide invaluable wisdom and perspective. These individuals have weathered the storms of…
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biblegumchewontheword · 4 months
Christian Couple Relationship Goals for a Strong and Lasting Marriage
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Title: Christian Couple Relationship Goals for a Strong and Lasting Marriage
In a world where relationships are constantly challenged, Christian couples strive to cultivate a bond that is deeply rooted in faith, love, and commitment. By setting meaningful relationship goals, couples can strengthen their connection and build a marriage that honors God. Here are some essential Christian couple relationship goals to help you build a strong and lasting relationship:
Prioritize God in Your Relationship: Make God the center of your relationship by praying together, attending church services, and engaging in spiritual activities as a couple. When Christ is at the center of your relationship, you will find strength, guidance, and unity in your marriage.
Communicate with Love and Respect: Effective communication is essential in any relationship. As a Christian couple, strive to communicate with love, patience, and respect. Listen to each other's thoughts and feelings attentively and express your own thoughts kindly and honestly.
Practice Forgiveness and Grace: Just as God forgives us, Christian couples should also practice forgiveness and extend grace to one another. Learn to let go of past hurts, mistakes, and misunderstandings, and choose to forgive your partner as Christ forgives us.
Cultivate Unconditional Love: Love is at the core of every successful marriage. Practice unconditional love by showing kindness, compassion, and selflessness towards your partner. Choose to love each other not just in words, but in actions and deeds.
Support Each Other's Growth: Encourage and support each other's personal and spiritual growth. Celebrate each other's achievements, dreams, and aspirations, and walk hand in hand as you both grow individually and as a couple.
Invest in Quality Time Together: Make time for each other amidst your busy schedules. Prioritize spending quality time together, whether it's going on dates, having meaningful conversations, or enjoying shared hobbies and interests.
Seek Guidance and Counseling: Don't be afraid to seek guidance and counseling from wise mentors, pastors, or Christian counselors when facing challenges in your relationship. Seek Godly wisdom and advice to help you navigate through difficult times.
By setting these Christian couple relationship goals and actively working towards them, you can cultivate a marriage that is rooted in faith, love, and God's grace. Remember that a strong and lasting relationship requires continuous effort, commitment, and prayer. May your relationship be a testament to God's love and faithfulness.
-- Bible Gum --
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rainsmediaradio · 6 months
MFM Daily Devotional 12th January 2024 By Dr. D.K Olukoya – Do Things Differently (IV)
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MFM Daily Devotional - Do Things Differently (IV)
The Topic of Mountain Top Life Daily Devotional for 12th January 2024 Is ”Do Things Differently (IV)”  
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Genesis 34, Genesis 35, Genesis 36, Mark 6, Mark 7, Mark 8 FIRE SCRIPTURE: 3 John 1-6 (KJV) 1 The elder unto the wellbeloved Gaius, whom I love in the truth. 2 Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. 3 For I rejoiced greatly, when the brethren came and testified of the truth that is in thee, even as thou walkest in the truth. 4 I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth. 5 Beloved, thou doest faithfully whatsoever thou doest to the brethren, and to strangers; 6 Which have borne witness of thy charity before the church: whom if thou bring forward on their journey after a godly sort, thou shalt do well: MEMORY VERSE: Matthew 6:33 (KJV) “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” MOTIVATIONAL QUOTES: Health is wealth. Make your wellness a priority! PRAISE AND WORSHIP: Take praise and worship songs as led by the Holy Spirit. PROPHETIC WORD FOR TODAY Receive the Anointing to Enjoy Divine Health and Prosper in Your Spirit, Soul and Body, in The Name of Jesus.
Today, we shall round off our discourse on how to do things differently and have a great year. Beloved, you must not neglect your health and wellness. You need them to enjoy your marriage, finances, ministry, etc. When last did you do a medical check-up? Self-medication, unhealthy and poor eating habits must stop. No matter how busy you are, create room for exercise. Find time to jog or walk. You need at least 6-8 hours of sound sleep. Whatever it takes, get it. Refrain from the habit of relying on sleep- inducing drugs to get sleep. Get spiritual and medical help to overcome insomnia. Avoid stress, worry and anxiety. Ensure you achieve work-life balance. Go for vacation annually and spend it wisely to get some rest so that you return to work truly refreshed. I advise you to also avoid overworking and stress. Focus on achieving physical, emotional, spiritual and mental wellness. Your body, soul and spirit must be in sound shape for you to perform optimally in career, business and ministry. The Bible says, “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth (3 John 2). In addition, embrace personal development and make it a priority to produce a better version of yourself with the help of the Holy Spirit this year. This will take wisdom, self-discipline, determination, planning and goal setting, etc. I counsel you to put God first in all your affairs. Make Jesus your Lord and Saviour and serve Him wholeheartedly. Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and every other thing shall be added unto you (Matthew 6:33). Be highly organised this year and use your time wisely. Time is the currency of life. Engage in activities that will bring improvement to your life and destiny as well as help you to spend your eternity in heaven. Get a mentor who is godly and has the kind of values that you are proud of. Good mentors are often great blessings to the lives of their mentees. Finally, give generously to God and give back to the society. The Lord will help you. in Jesus’ name.
MORNING - I claim divine health and all-round wellness, in the name of Jesus. - I overcome stress, worry and anxiety, in the name of Jesus. - ⁠I receive the comforting and refreshing touch of the Holy Ghost, in the name of Jesus. EVENING - This year, I will prioritise my personal development, in the name of Jesus. - ⁠I receive the grace to reinvent myself, in the name of Jesus. - Father, give me the wisdom to run my life in line with Your will and succeed, in the name of Jesus. - Father, give me a glorious change, by fire, in the name of Jesus. Read the full article
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getbiblical · 9 months
In times of uncertainty and not knowing what to do, it is natural to feel anxious or overwhelmed. However, the Bible offers guidance and reassurance for finding peace in such situations.
One key verse to remember is Philippians 4:6-7: "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
Here are a few steps to find peace when you don't know what to do:
1. Pray: Take your concerns and uncertainties to God in prayer. Pour out your heart to Him and ask for His guidance and wisdom.
2. Trust in God's Sovereignty: Remember that God is in control, even when we don't understand the circumstances. Trust that He has a plan and purpose for your life.
3. Seek Godly Counsel: Reach out to trusted mentors, pastors, or friends who can provide wise and biblical advice. Proverbs 15:22 says, "Without counsel, plans fail, but with many advisers, they succeed."
4. Meditate on God's Word: Spend time in the Bible, seeking wisdom and guidance from God's Word. Psalm 119:105 says, "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path."
5. Surrender to God's Will: Ultimately, surrender your desires and plans to God, trusting that His will is best. Proverbs 3:5-6 says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths."
Through prayer, trust, seeking counsel, meditating on God's Word, and surrendering to His will, you can find peace even in times of uncertainty. Remember that God is with you and will guide you on the right path.
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When it comes to red flags in our relationships, we, as modern women, far too often ignore them. We pretend they don’t exist. We don’t want to deal with the potential conflict, change, or emotional heartache that may come as a result of acknowledging them. We often choose to ignore the issues and move forward rather than dealing with the reality of our situation. As difficult as it might be to face the red flags, we need to remember that they serve a purpose—they warn us about potential danger ahead.
The two of us strongly encourage you to be honest about the reality of your relationship. Don’t ignore your concerns and expect them to go away. Acknowledge the red flags for what they truly are and don’t sugarcoat the issues. Use wisdom and seek outside counsel from a wiser, older Christian. They will be able to offer you insight from a nonemotional perspective and share honestly why you’re having trouble acknowledging all the facts about the relationship.
Although each relationship will look a little bit different, there are some typical red flags to keep an eye out for. What follows is a list of ten of the most common red flags to look for in your romantic relationship. As you read this list, keep in mind that red flags vary in severity. Not every red flag is an automatic deal breaker. Each flag needs to be taken into thoughtful consideration within the context of the individual relationship.
The foundation of your guy’s life should be his relationship with God. He won’t be perfect, but he should be growing in his spiritual walk. If your guy isn’t spending time in the Word, isn’t involved in church, and isn’t seeking accountability, you need to double check his foundation. As we’ve talked about in previous chapters, that should be an automatic deal breaker (see 2 Cor. 6:14). If your guy has a weak and struggling relationship with God, be concerned. This should be the most important aspect of your guy’s life. Take this red flag seriously. The ultimate red flag, of course, is if your guy is not a Christian.
A man who genuinely loves the Lord will naturally encourage you in your relationship with Christ. If he’s doing the opposite by pulling you down spiritually, that’s a problem. If being with this guy has weakened your relationship with Christ, that’s a serious red flag.
Remember, husbands are called to disciple their wives in the Word (see Eph. 5:25–27). If your guy can’t encourage you in the Word right now, what makes you think he will do that in the future? Take your relationship with God seriously. It’s the most important part of your life. Don’t compromise your relationship with God for the sake of a relationship with a guy.
Porn, lust, anger, alcohol and drug addiction, and gluttony are just a few of the habitual sins you might face in your relationship. Please understand that these habitual sins will not automatically disappear once you’re married. Habitual, unrepented sin is a serious matter of the heart (see James 1:15). Until a person’s heart changes, the sin will always reappear. If your guy is stuck in habitual sin, you need to stop and seek outside counsel. Don’t push forward and naively hope it will disappear. It won’t.
The two of us have seen too many women push forward and expect marriage to change their man. Marriage may hide the sin for a bit, but it will always come back. Don’t be a woman who assumes she can change a man.
If a guy pressures you to compromise sexually, he is not showing you Christlike, agape love. He’s not encouraging you toward purity and holiness (see 1 Thess. 4:7). He’s not striving to honor God in that area of the relationship. He’s focusing on his wants and is sadly using you to satisfy them. He’s being selfish and putting his desires above all else (see Phil. 2:3–4). Although it may seem flattering that he desires to be with you, it’s not. He’s choosing to sin and is willing to pull you down with him.
If your guy is impatiently rushing the relationship forward, this should signal your red flag antennas (see 1 Cor. 13:4). Stop and figure out why he’s in such a rush. Why does he want to move so quickly? Is there a good reason for his rushing? Is he trying to snatch you up before his true character shows through? Time is your best friend in the relationship. Just because he’s in a big hurry doesn’t mean you have to be as well.
Wise people are in your life for a reason. Whether they’re your parents, your siblings, a mentor, your pastor, or someone else, these people typically know you better than most anyone else. They often know your strengths and weaknesses very well. If the wise people in your life have major reservations about a guy, take their concerns seriously. Don’t ignore them or disregard what they share with you (see Prov. 3:13). Even if you don’t like what they have to say, at least hear them out.
If your guy has very few spiritual convictions, you need to figure out why. A guy who is seeking the Lord, studying the Bible, involved in church, and striving to honor God will choose to live according to biblical truths (see John 14:15). If your guy lacks personal conviction in his life (i.e., falls prey to sexual immorality, drunkenness, dishonesty, etc.), a deeper issue most likely needs to be addressed. Instead of trying to force your personal convictions onto your guy, share the details of the relationship with a godly woman and communicate honestly about the lack of conviction in your man’s life.
Every girl wants to marry a man she can fully trust. A man she can rely on. A man she can feel safe and secure giving her entire life to. When a man doesn’t fulfill his promises (big or small), it creates a serious lack of trust in the relationship. When your man says he is going to do something (e.g., spend time in God’s Word, attend church each week, refrain from drinking too much, avoid getting into debt, etc.) but regularly breaks his word, that creates a lack of trust and shows that he is not a man of integrity (see Eph. 4:25). You need to be able to trust that your man will do what he says. If he regularly breaks his promises, that’s a red flag that needs to be considered.
He says he loves you. He says he cares about you. He says he eventually wants people to know about the relationship. But for now, he convinces you to keep things just between the two of you. He wants to keep the relationship a secret. With the rise of online dating and communication, having a secret relationship is easier than ever before. If your guy wants to keep your relationship a secret from everyone, that’s a major red flag. Why does he want to keep it a secret? Why is he afraid to tell people? Why does he want to hide it? The wisest thing to do is to bring the relationship into the light. Remember, there is wisdom in counselors (see Prov. 11:14).
He’s easily irritated. He’s quick to find faults in others. He’s obsessed with his muscles and outward appearance. He usually thinks of his comforts and needs before yours. His main concerns in life are his desires. He’s just overly concerned about himself. If this describes your guy in any way, it should raise a red flag in your mind. If your guy isn’t placing Christ at the center of his life, he will be consumed with himself (see Phil. 2:3–4). His priorities will be seriously out of whack. His obsession with himself will not magically go away once you’re married.
Don’t Ignore the Red Flags
As you were reading through the ten red flags, did any stand out to you? If they did, we are proud of you for having the courage to acknowledge them. That means you’re still viewing your guy with a clear perspective. Infatuation hasn’t totally taken over and you’re still able to honestly evaluate the relationship. At this point the most important thing you can do is to seek outside counsel. Call your mentor or any godly woman who can offer you sound advice. Share the information you just read and ask for her feedback. Taking this action step will give you the wisdom you need to move forward or break things off.
Don’t risk moving forward in a relationship with a guy who may have unaddressed sin issues. Don’t minimize the red flags out of fear or worry. This is your one and only life. Think of your future. Think of the type of man you hope to spend the rest of your life with.
Be willing to acknowledge the hard truth and seek outside help.
Don’t make the mistake of ignoring the warning signs in your relationship. By taking them seriously now, you can avoid major regrets down the road.
#LoveDefined #SharingisCaring
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July 2020 Strategy Into The Next Six Months Of The Year!
Increase in boosting your immune system and getting your health in order to help guard against the next waves of pandemics. We must understand that the world systems make more money when people are ill so the delay in a cure is strategic and at the sacrifice of us - our wellness, our finances, our destines, our lives. Take charge in being an advocate of your own emotional and physical wellness.
Be aware and guard against the psychological warfare as it relates to high anxiety and suicide. The spirit of death has been unleashed globally in 2020. A lot of trauma has ensued that has not been dealt with and that is lingering in the atmospheres and climates of households, communities, and regions. It will be essential to pray over your atmosphere and establish the glory of God in your home and sphere, as well as, take time to heal from the trauma of the first six months of the year. Many won’t know to do this, thus the increase of irrational and suicidal thoughts will be the culprit - even by unlikely individuals. As this type of attack is not about how strong a person is but how the enemy comes to distract and plague a person with stress, oppressions, and perceptions, that are not their own. As people agree with them, the spirit is suicide takes flight and binds people into aborting their destinies by taking their own lives. There will be some who will take out their entire families and then themselves - saints need to be praying against this in their sphere of influence.
Remain consistent regarding what God told you to do for 2020 and the next decade. Be guided by God rather than dictated by the world’s issues, trends, etc. What he told you to do should have an impact on these avenues either now or the future.
Be mindful of the reset, processing, and evolving that manifested in 2020. Know where you are with God and make adjustments to your destiny blueprint as he leads. Be sure to do what he says. Be sure to finish any areas he is processing you in. Even if he gives you revelation of the future, finishing the process is vital to you being delivered and healed, and sustaining in what is to come. Processing is foundational and without a solid foundation, there is no sufficient sustaining in what is being reset or what a person is evolving into.
Jezebel and leviathan will rise up in a greater measure this next six months and even into 2021. Jezebel will come subtle with flattery, seducing of the person’s identity, purpose, and emotions, then the webbing of control will follow. Jezebel will try to make you feel valuable so it can stay connected to web, drain, and benefit from you. Some will feel obligated to stay connected to Jezebel. This obligation will give Jezzy the door she needs to bind and oppress those she wants to control. Leviathan will be blatant and appalling. Leviathan will be even bolder than it has been the past six months. Leviathan will attempt to intimidate, control, bully, and even make you feel your truths are ungodly or irrational. Leviathan will attempt to make you feel ignorant and irrelevant. This spirit will come for your identity and come to strip you of what God has said about you. More racial injustices by civilians will arise as the spirit of hate and racism is further exposed. Leviathan will be even more focused on getting people caught up in their feelings and traumas where they make poor decisions in the moment that put their lives in danger. Leviathan will seek to justify its actions by using the open doors of trauma and emotional imbalances in people’s lives. Both these spirits will be spiritual and physical destiny killing spirits in this season.
It will be important for the church to focus on reform and what their mandate is in the earth. Even as laws will need to be change, instituted, reinforced and spiritual political leaders need to rise and take position in their spheres of influence, the church should not rely on political parties to usher in the kingdom of God in the earth. No political party fully represents the kingdom. They will always only bring a measure of Christ in the earth and even then, other laws will be implemented that are unrighteous and that will offset the righteous laws. The church has to arise in revival reform and manifest justice through their ordained blueprints so that people will want godly justice in the earth and want to change laws that SHIFT in the kingdom of God.
Due to political party mandates and ideologies being the new religious doctrine and people being stern in their positions, more division will take place in the body of Christ before unity occurs. Their will be conflict and upheaval in a greater measure regarding the saints’ political stances. Offense will override the ability to respect one another’s view points and unify for kingdom purposes. This is part of the exposure that has come to the body of Christ in this hour and is part of God’s way of exposing the wiles of Leviathan and Jezebel. It will be important to search yourself and deal with prideful and divisive ways. It will be important to not allow political propaganda to override God’s kingdom government and purposes. It will be important to seek God for his progressive word regarding political agendas and to pray and examine matters from a full perspective, not from prophecy that is in part or because a measure of good is feint done by a political party. God will never sacrifice sin for at the expense of lives or his kingdom purpose. God will never compromise the gospel for a little good. He will always seek to address and purge sin from the earth. He always has a greater kingdom agenda even as he uses the foolish things, foolish people, and the most likely people and circumstances to confound the wise and to produce his real intent in the earth.
One inference I see in the spirit is how the church has to stop agreeing with defunding the police and become the social healing reforms that their communities need. It is evident that the world needs prayer, deliverance, healing, counseling, mentoring, coaching, schools, destiny training and equipping, business and entrepreneur training, real estate reform, drug shelters, petty crime shelters, inner healing institutes, trauma centers, physical wellness centers that also include essential oils and supplements, etc. Lets stop demanding and waiting on the world to supply this and begin to be the answer in our communities. I see so clear my how social reforms starts with the church - with God’s believers. Church is no longer church as usual. Reforming the church to be a revolving door where people can come for wellness is vital to eradicating injustices and dismantling demonic and worldly systems that keep people impoverished, sick, and oppressed. So many people in the church - the body of Christ are equipped in these areas. I see God wanting to use this time of reset to SHIFT us out of the world systems and working for these systems to establishing our own kingly systems that really SHIFT wellness into people’s lives as into the earth.
Decreeing we become offensive as we SHIFT further into 2020 and the next decade where are not ignorant of satan’s devices or man’s ways that would seek to override God’s purposes plans in the earth. #SHIFT
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sadlyoblivious · 4 years
Guidance or Wisdom
You have probably never heard of William Lamb, otherwise known as Lord Melbourne. He has a claim to fame the fact that he mentored a young lady named Victoria when she was between the ages of 18 and 21. One day (when Victoria was 18) he announced to her that she was now Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, and his next action is so remarkable. He opened the Bible with her and took her to the Old Testament, where they read together from the story of Solomon.  
Solomon, like Victoria, had been appointed to the throne. One night early in his reign, God appeared to him in a dream and offered him anything he wanted. This was Solomon's response: “Give me wisdom and knowledge, that I may lead this people, for who is able to govern this great people of yours?” (2 Chron. 1:10) This pleased God so much that He granted Solomon the wisdom and knowledge he had asked for and, in addition, great wealth and fame. As a result of the wisdom he received, we know Solomon today as the primary author of what we call the wisdom books of the Old Testament.
There are times in life when we need guidance and times when we need wisdom. Sometimes we need to be told what to do or where to go, and sometimes we need to evaluate the situation ourselves and make a decision based on judgment. Generally speaking, we need guidance when we are young and wisdom when we are older. Children need a lot of guidance, and as they mature they need to develop wisdom so that they can make decisions as adults. That's not to say that adults don't ever need guidance; however, in most cases, they are expected to have wisdom. 
Wisdom and guidance are not necessarily exclusive of one another. Someone can work through an issue with wisdom and then be given guidance. Someone else can begin by seeking guidance, and part of that guidance can come through wisdom. We need to be open to both, ready to receive help however God gives it.
God has given us the resources of prayer, the Word, and wise counselors. Are you seeking to grow in wisdom? Do you ask God for wisdom when you face a decision? Do you meditate on what the scriptures mean in your life? Do you have older, wiser believers you can turn to for advice?
Prayer: Lord, let these things be true of me. Sometimes in the past, I have depended on my own judgment and made foolish decisions. Forgive me and help me to walk by faith in Your wisdom. Help me to turn to the Word, to ask You for wisdom to seek godly counsel.
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weddings2018-blog · 6 years
Choosing Sensible Products For Ukraine Woman
New Post has been published on https://flowersontheporch.com/choosing-sensible-products-for-ukraine-woman/
Choosing Sensible Products For Ukraine Woman
Are you in a appreciate relationship therefore you ask yourself why circumstances are not functioning smoothly? Maybe you are making this one crucial mistake. Women simply fall in love the 1st time they go in the wedding date and tend to forget approximately most of the important problems that ought to be viewed as prior to you make this decision. Love need to improve slowly in fact it is in no way wise to be in an exceedingly rush.
Most people match with verbal exchanges to easily conversing with a further. It is not merely contacting that other on the telephone, email, or private, nonetheless it’s human eye the conversations. Your man could possibly be bodily present along nonetheless the crna can seem invisible also. If you want to employ a much more intimate bond along with your person, take note of these relationship tips.
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Can be he verbally, physically, and emotionally abusive for you? Do you feel trapped, oppressed and harassed if you end up by means of him? Do you think of you can get rid of excess in the event you get out of him now? Are you terrified of lifestyle without him? Has the guy threatened you at all: he will overcome you will if you ever truly leave him? Is this individual included in ungodly, unislamic behavior? If your answer is absolutely for the of these inquiries, you may have an unhealthy relationship. Ask your man to look for counselling along the length of. The both of you shows up to make sure you someone the both of you admiration and trust, that will preserve matters discussed in non-public confidential. That is why it’s fundamental for which you seek out and connect with a a woman mentor that has a thriving, whereas and godly marriage and will advice you in times of sentimental stress in the relationship. If after repeated counseling, he stays the exact, there is little change modify him, not even ones prayers. He has a list an individual’s mind to reside in in and die how the person could be. The most beneficial you’re able to do meant for him is to prefer him well and please let him get. If he returns crying and moping to remain recognised; put your foot down and refuse him additionally discover into your life. This person will not likely switch and all sorts of you may secure from him is untold frustration and pain. You deserve an increased man. Believe God for your ex boyfriend. Insights Into Easy Systems In https://www.datingadvice.com/online-dating/udemy-online-courses-can-improve-dating-skills
Not long ago, Diane is a bed for 2 main days to weeks which has a serious head cold and sore throat. She did the typical doctor-recommended routine: rested, ate casually and drank extra liquids. She would start to look better, so when her thinking resolved, the girl wondered “Why did I actually get sick? ” Was first it the cold weather contained in the typical hotel conference room she not long ago sat in? Did your lady eat a whole lot of soft ice cream? Inside Vital Aspects Of https://www.aha-now.com/build-rock-solid-relationship/
Make set of the wants and desires in the relationship can help you decide. Do you find it romance you want? Impulsiveness? Intellectual stimulation? Once you have this kind of list, firstly decide whether these items happen to be realistic. You can then make an attempt to establish if the spouse is normally capable of doing extremely rewarding you in these areas. This ought to manifest in get for your romance to make sure you advance send.
What’s Love and Does it Actually Exist?
You should know the best way the right chap and though you might be capable to do the idea at the nearby dive bar, it’s likely that the guy you meet at this time there may not be all the guy you are interested in propose to mother. So you can find factors to consider when pondering online dating. Great guys don’t just fall off bliss.
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Online dating sites is just a superb place to begin since you do not even have to go out! Simply go online designed for dating websites and get started out just by looking into making your own personal profile, always guaranteeing that you sell your assets. When someone does contact most people, it is important to will be happy get together program these individuals even if it means a couple of months of emails first.
Rather, Very Urban. You is a community girl or boy. You love urban conveniences – heading clubbing, get together someone in the street, ones considerable corporation and last and last. several business contacts. Large urban areas furnish many opportunities concerning becoming acquainted to new persons. Special clubs prevails for certain requirements one individuals and dating possibilities can be bought additionally.
3. Never, never, ever Pay! – I can’t stress this enough. Are you in a rapport that will bring most people down contrary to clearly shows the very best inside your soul? Think you’re within a rapport that you are stubborn to as you’re happen to be frightened you just won’t be able to survive on your own financially? Do you find yourself installing by means of or overlooking disrespect or cheating as you’re are actually scared to be alone? We often accept putting our needs on the back burner, at a discount particular attention than we deserve, to get un-fulfilling relationships, for dresses that individuals do not come to feel safe for, combined with for feeling like were problematic and unacceptable using some location.
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paulheenleonidas · 7 years
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Proverbs 1
 The proverbs of Solomon son of David, king of Israel:
2 for gaining wisdom and instruction;    
for understanding words of insight;
3 for receiving instruction in prudent behavior,    doing what is right and just and fair;
4 for giving prudence to those who are simple,[a]    knowledge and discretion to the young—
5 let the wise listen and add to their learning,    and let the discerning get guidance—
6 for understanding proverbs and parables,    the sayings and riddles of the wise.[b
]7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools[c] despise wisdom and instruction.
Whenever we make any decisions in life big or small its wise to seek Gods counsel number one and secondly wise godly counsel from a leader, pastor, mentor or wise elder. its not wise to make decisions based solely on our emotions, own thinking or opinions of others or what we think fits best; we can be carried away and often times making the wrong decisions. it so easy to make a quick decision on the rise of emotions but can also be very dangerous and it can deceive us as well. Whenever we are to make a decision, its good to set our emotions aside. Pray about, go on a fast, seek Gods word and ask for Gods wise counsel. Ask God; commit to God some type of fast and at the end of the fast come to make a decision based on what God tells you during the fast. Seek His face, pray, read the word, worship, and be in continuous repentance before God daily. Often times its sin that hinders God from speaking to us, so we must live a consecrated life before God in order to hear from Him. Living a holy and righteous life before God. 
So How do we make wise decisions in life? 
Number one seek Gods counsel. Number two seek the wise counsel of godly leaders. 
If we have a healthy and thriving relationship with God we should be able to hear from Him. Making all our life decisions centered around what God is leading us to do. There are many ways God speaks, often times supernaturally and using the word. Also any decisions we make will not go against the word of God (the bible). If our decisions contradict or go against what God is saying in the bible thats how we know we made the wrong decision. The Holy spirit lives inside all of us if we are a believer and we are serving Jesus. The Holy spirit will be the one to speak to us and lead us to all truth and help us make wise and healthy decisions. We must first learn to hear from God. 
before we seek mans counsel we must learn to hear and obey Gods voice number one. A true child of God hears from their Father first and foremost. 
Secondly we can ask wise counsel from others. The most important thing is to have an open heart and mind to the wise counsel of others and always be willing to be advised and corrected however at the end of it we must always go back to God and seek His final decision. God will always speak to us and never let us go astray. 
This is how we can make wise decisions in life. When God is the center of our life and everything we do we will be led by the voice of the Holy spirit and we will never be led astray. Always seeking His kingdom, doing what is right and honorable to God thus making wise and healthy decisions. 
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