#seeing the equations is like seeing an old freind
My favorite part of Oppenheimer was the little physics doodles they always had on the chalkboards. Out here with infinite potential wells and discussing particle wave duality and I'm just vibrating in the corner of the theater like a funky little electron because it's reminding me of that one quantum physics class I took in college.
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galen066 · 6 years
House Call: A June Six New Vegas ficlet
High in the tower of the Lucky 38 Casino, the Doctor slipped out of the room rather graciously offered by the young woman June, leaving Sarah Jane in a rather involved conversation cum interview with his old friend Goris and an incredibly serious man named Boone that Lethbridge-Stewart would have sacrificed his right arm to have in UNIT, and went exploring.
Approaching the lift, the Securitron called Victor greeted the Doctor. "Howdy, partner! Which floor can I take you to: Casino or Lounge?"
"That seems a rather limited offering, considering the rather magnificent construction of this establishment", noted the Doctor with a smile.
"Well, there is the Penthouse floor", Victor admitted, "but only Miss June is allowed to go there."
The Doctor nodded affablly. "You must have a very good reason for that, I'm sure."
"Mr. House is very specific about who gets to see him", Victor said as the Doctor circled around him so he was facing Victor, his own back to the lift doors.
"Your Mr. House sounds like a terribly interesting person. Is there any way I could perhaps schedule an appointment to see Mr. House?" Behind his back, the Doctor activated his sonic screwdriver, summoning the lift.
" 'Fraid not, freind. Now why don't you just mosey on along." The lift doors opened behind the Doctor, who stepped back into the car, waved and disappeared behind the closing doors with a cheery "Ta!" Victor stopped dead, his programming unable to cope with what had just happened, let alone the new surge of data that indicated the elevator car was ascending to the Penthouse...
The lift doors opened onto the Penthouse landing, and the Doctor was confronted almost immediately by the face of an attractive brunette woman projected on the display screen of yet another Securitron.
"Why hi, sugar! You aren't supposed to be up here, so if you don't leave right away, I'm just going to have to shoot you all to bits, and I just did my nails."
"Well, we certainly don't want that, do we?", the Doctor said. "I'm sorry, we haven't been introduced. I'm the Doctor, and you would be...?"
"I'm Jane, Mr. House's best girl", the robot replied.
The Doctor grinned disarmingly. "Of course you are. A Securitron 88b Mark II, if I'm not mistaken. Direct neural patterning as the core of your computational personality matrix? Wonderful job on the speech patterning, if i do say so."
If a robot could blush, Jane did. "Why sugar, that's just about the kindest thing anyone has ever said to me! You certainly seem to be someone Mr. House would enjoy speaking to, compared to all those nasty Tribals he's had to work with for the past few years. You go on ahead, and I'll let Mr. House know you're coming."
"You've been most helpful, Jane. Your counterpart Victor could take some lessons from you. Ta!", the Doctor said as he trotted down the stairs.
The Doctor gazed up at the imposing giant monitor, mentally inspecting the various identifiable subsystems, when the screen activated, announcing 'Connection established' just before the imposing visage of Mr. House appeared in it's emerald glory.
"Who are you? How did you bypass security?", House demanded.
"I'm called the Doctor, and it's rather amazing what happens when you smile and treat others like people. And you would be?"
"Robert House, CEO of RobCo Industries, sole proprietor of New Vegas. Why are you here?"
"This is all so very L. Frank Baum, you know. Isn't there some way we could talk face to face, rather than this primitive interface?"
"I'm afraid that is impossible, 'Doctor', as I have been alive for some two hundred plus years." House was audibly annoyed, and the Doctor could hear the sarcastic punctuation.
The Doctor snapped his fingers, grinning. "Complete synaptic life support, with integrated cybernetic cerebral interface. Oh, most impressive, given the relatively limited technology available at the time."
"I'm impressed. You did that with remarkably little information. You may be worth talking to after all. Now then, as intellectual equals, I ask again, why are you here?"
"I'm looking for a Euclidean tangent generator. You wouldn't happen to have one handy, would you?"
Silence from the screen for a moment. "You gained access to one of the single most secure places left on the planet to look for help with your geometry homework?" House was torn between astonishment and outrage.
"I think you may have misunderstood me, Mr. House. The Euclidean tangents in question involve relative orbital positioning and velocities as applied to a spacio-temporal equation", the Doctor explained. "I had rather hoped that the mind behind the advanced orbital launch facility near the town the local inhabitants call Novac would be rather more knowledgeable about such."
"I had a minor contract with Poseidon Energy at their Helios One facility for a device similar to what youre describing. I think it was for a project titled 'Euclid C-Finder'. Childish, really. I can send my pet courier to retrieve it for you if you like." House sounded like a feudal overlord granting a minor boon to an underling.
The Doctor smiled politely. "Awfully kind of you. I'll relay your instructions as I see myself out." The massive screen blanked out with the words 'Connection terminated'.
At the Doctor's gentle insistence, breakfast was had from the Atomic Wrangler, far from the observation of Mr. House's Securitrons. June sat in barely contained anger, having to prevent her more volatile partner Cass from what would have been a suicidal confrontation with House.
"I don't mind playing fetch and carry, so long as the pay's honest, but I am nobody's damned pet!", June growled. Cass tightened her fist, bending a third spoon in shared outrage. "You'll have your little popgun, but just to piss House off, I'm going to give it to you for free."
"You don't have to do anything that horrible Mr. House says, June", Sarah Jane said. "The Doctor and I are quite capable of solving our own problems."
June grinned at Sarah Jane. "That's just it. I've had the C-Finder for months. Back in Novac. I bought it off Max in Freeside so he didn't accidentally incinerate the city. Giving the damn thing to you is a good idea on principle."
Sarah and the Doctor grinned at each other, then June and Cass. "Well, the sooner we can do this, the better. Square dealing all around, no need to triangulate", the Doctor announced.
"Doctor, really! I can't take you anywhere!"
*cue 'Doctor Who' closing credits theme*
@cyndercrys @saberwriter @vkm11 @worthlesssix
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3xet12r · 4 years
Night terrors. For as long as I can remember I have had night terrors. Not just simple, everyday night terrors, I’m talking the dreams I had, that I can remember, dating back to as young as 3 years old, would have made a serial killer want to make a porno.
First, before we jump right into the reoccurring night-terror of my childhood that later on in life became a reality, i must discuss the dead girl in my bathtub.
Backstory- 200 year old farm house that’s been kept in the family since the day it was built. Me. 3 years old. I had sworn I had seen a little girl, most likely my age at the time (three or a bit older) playing in the bathroom. My little sister was two years younger than me, the girl I seen looked almost like a little mirror image of three year old me.. I would watch her from my door in my bedroom, she had blue lips, dark eyes, pale skin and was almost transparent. She would sit in the bathtub and stare back at me. I always remember talking about her to other children growing up, even as a teenager, I would tell my freinds about the “creepy ghost girl” in the tub at the farm. My parents and grandma also have repeatedly through out my life spoke of “Gus” the ghost who lives at the farm and I have on multiple occasions watched doors open and close on their own, my parents and grandma all equating that phenomenon to Gus. (My oldest uncle on my fathers side is also nick names Gus, funny enough.)
Back to the little girl in the bathtub.
That little girl haunted me for as long as I can remember, it has been a long time since I’ve been to the farm house, although my parents still visit every weekend.
Moving on, not only did the little girl who stared at me from the bath tub visibly show herself to me as a child, I had more than one occasion of paranormal activity occur in that house.
First, the night terrors. I had night terrors from the day I was born, atleast that is what I’m told. I do not remember the first two years of my life but in the third year of my life, I began to remember my dreams and realize they were re-occurring.
The night terrors were so bad that my dad had to hammer my closet door closed with a lock. Take my bed off of the frame and place it directly on the floor, so that I was not afraid to have, “monsters,” as I’d called them under my bed.
This tactic did not stop the night terrors.
Terror #1
I would dream, or perhaps you could call this a night mare, about factory like cages, where human beings were held like cattle, naked. These humans were in what appeared to be comas or deep sleeps, they were attached to machines. The machines forced them to have sex. I had a mass factory dream about a human meat factory, where in the dream sexuality, nudity and intense themes such as forced sex via machines where the victims were all strapped in and forced to have sex in glass boxes. This was one night terror. Again, I was most likely 3-7 years old when this dream occurred, regularly.
Terror #2
I had my first “lesbian” thought process at again, an extremely young age. 3-7 to be exact. In which the above dream occurred but my child self and child body was victimized in one of those sex machines, where the lead female of the pussy cat dolls “Nichole” sexually exploited me and herself to me, in the night mare, where she and I were both forced into said machines. Again I was most likely 3-7 years old.
Terror #3
I would often see animals in the shadows of my room and not only did I become familiar with them (at first I was not okay with them) and would scream and cry and beg my dad to come sit with me while I’d cry, but because they were there so often, I became so accustomed to them that I would stay up at night and watch the strange shadows of the haunted house make stories on my walls for me. At one point I stopped seeing my shadow people and became so distraught that I couldn’t sleep. To this day I look for them and often miss them.
Terror #4
Now this is where the bathtub girl comes into play. Although she never appears in this night terror herself, she did appear to me before this terror occurred.
I had the same night terror, every night. The other listed three were on and off, maybe once to twice a week I would dream of them, this terror, I would dream of every night, for almost as long as I can remember.
I love to Swim. I love to swim so much that at 4 years old I was back floating with no floaty by myself. My dream started out just that way, me, backfloating, the sun on my face, the water on my skin, I remember how the sun felt on my skin in this dream, I remember how the water felt agasint my face, I remember that the sky was blue and that I could hear laughter under the mumbled sound of the water in my ears. I remember feeling so happy. This is how the dream always began. I would float happily on top of the water, with a feeling of inner peace. Soon, the sun was taken behind a cloud and a chill fell over my body, the sun would peak out from behind the cloud but somehow the sky now looked gray. I would motion to look around for a parent, and someone would appear above me, looking at my face as I was floating in the water. They would stand above me and I would feel my body relax, as I felt comforted by the present of a trusted person watching me. Shortly after that, the person standing above me would have another person join them, more and more faces of people I love (family) and who were supposed to love me, would appear over top of me. All smiling at me, while I laid on my back in the water. I would then feel the sensation of something grabbing my ankle, it felt like a skeletons hand. The hand would grip my leg and ankle tightly, I tried to ask for help but the trusted family/ adults/ loved ones would just stare at me, smiling, the skeleton began to feel heavy on my ankle, my limbs started to be drug under the water, I could feel boney fingers digging into the flesh on my leg, soon, my head was under water, even just a half inch, I could still see the people who were supposed to love me the most looking at me, staring, laughing. I couldn’t breathe. I remember feeling like I was choked, like I had no ability to gasp air, I remember screaming at the people to love me to help me, I remember getting dragged further and further under the water, where the faces above the water were eventually just blurry patches of people that I beloved were my family, I remember feeling so cold and alone and scared, crying but feeling like I couldn’t breathe in, that was until closer to the end of the terror, where my body hit the bottom of the lake, ocean or whatever body of water the dreams occurred in, with a hard thud feeling, but all of the air had already escaped my lungs, no bubbles came out of my mouth, I just hit the floor hard, then, the Skelton began to pull me even harder, almost as if I were being ripped into two, where the skeleton would pull me under the sand and into what appeared to be a lake of fire. I remember waking up screaming shortly after that. Over and over again. Every night, for MANY years. To the point where I occasionally still have this dream.
Stay tuned for the shocking life events that followed the above prophetic dreams.
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