#seeing bakugou's thoughts about deku and the concern for him start to build *clenches fist*
sugawara--san · 3 months
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qui-02 · 3 years
When they like the same girl
Note: I really like this :)
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Bakugou would be shocked when Kirishima made him realize that he was crushing on you really hard. He just couldn’t help it. Your personality was on point and you were cute too, you didn’t mind that he was an angry Boi and that is what he loved about you. You respected everyone’s personality and interest. Basically you got him HOOKED around your finger.
Everything was going well until that half and half bastard was looking you like a sick puppy in love. “OH HELL NO! I’M NOT LOSING TO THAT ICI-HOT BASTARD!”
It was a war now.
When he noticed that you liked a certain food boom he invited you to his house and surprised you with a big ass buffet just for you. He gets so damm happy knowing that you love his cooking instead of eating cold soba with ici-hot. “Tch, that is a win for me”
He gets extremely jealous when he sees you giggling with Todoroki instead of him. He literally drags you away from him telling you “remember that you are having trouble with math, let me tutor you dumbass.” He is the best tutor. He even tries to stay calm not to scare you away. At the end of the session you are now Albert Einstein :)
There is always a small fight when the two boys want to walk you to your home. Bakugou insist of carrying your bag while he glares at Shoto’s back. After ensuring that you made it home safely he makes sure to get his thoughts out. “Oi half and half, she is going to be mine so get out of the way you little bastard” Todoroki wants to avoid a fight in front of your house so he keeps things chill “that is up to Y/N to choose who she likes more but I am sure she likes me more since I don’t have anger issues” (Bakugou forgets that Deku and Ochako have been teaching him how to roast,lmfao)
Something that would definitely starts to get in the blondes nerves is when you started calling Todoroki by his first name. He just needs to change the “Oh Shoto good morning” to “morning Katsuki” Yup he definitely managed to get to hear your angelic voice saying that in the morning.talking about morning, he is the type to see at what time you get to class so he gets to walk into U.A with you and get some minutes with you alone.
Hagakure is always peeking on your shoulder to see who you will pick, this girl just wants to be you ok? Instantly you become the Heather of the school.
Now if there is the smallest chance of practicing fight against another classmate Bakugou will make sure he gets his way to be with Todoroki. His plan is to destroy him hoping to prove to you that he is stronger and better as a hero. Aizawa doesn’t care that they are booth beating the crap of their asses, it makes them stronger as hero’s so it’s all good. His plan failed when he somehow blew the pretty boy to hell and there you were rushing to Todoroki’s side to take care of him, how nice. He clenches his fist even tighter when you have Todoroki pressed against your chest as you wait for recovery girl to come :)Todoroki takes this chance to bond with you and get all your attention.
After making sure that he landed his worst enemy on the nurses bed and you are relieved that he is going to be ok he makes his final move. He makes sure that you have his attention full on him before he quickly place’s a peck on your check and whispered something that made your cheeks heat up. “Look dumbass, I want to be more than friends, ok?”
It’s up to you Now if you want to fill up a heart with joy or to shatter one to pieces since the second heart that is fighting for your love followed you all the way to the park hoping to catch up with you. So what will you do?
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I will be giving credits to Deku and Ochako for helping the boy to realize that he has a crush on you and it isn’t a small one. Like I mentioned earlier he always has a small smile on his face when he is with you, some gorgeous puppy eyes just begging for your attention and he follows you like a lost puppy! He is a simp for you even before you start dating :)
It soon began to be a normal thing for Todoroki to share his lunch with you. He always leaves you a bit of his beloved cold soba hopping that you eat it before Bakugou drags you away from him. Talking about lunch the two boys fight for you to either eat lunch with the Deku-squad or the Baku-squad. So you decided to sit one day with each one since you have so much fun with them.
He gets you all the things you want like literally Endevor is getting concern on why his son is buying so many clothes and sweets. He talkes you to the finest mall you have on your area and he doesn’t care that you take 3 hours to only get 1 dress. He just wants to make you happy ok? Absolutely lives for spoiling you to death.
I feel like once he is getting used to you giving him thank you hugs he will crave for your touch 24/7. For some reason he will awkwardly get closer to you and that is his language to ask for a hug.If the class is traveling from the main building to USJ he will make sure that he gets to seat next to you. After training hard he is tiered so you tilt his head so it’s resting on your shoulder as you slowly watch him fall asleep, might as well join him.Bakugou catches a sight of you two napping together and his palms start to fume, cue Kirishima trying to calm him down before he explodes the bus.
Since Bakugou steals you away from him since apparently you need “tutoring for maths” he dose the same thing when you are talking to him,lol. He takes that chance to help you out on hero training. He helps you out with your technique, developing your quick you name it he is working on it with you. He takes this as bonding time with you and after training it’s tradition for you to get soba.
He loves you so much that he feels comfortable talking about you with his mom. Like he goes to visit her and he just straight up talks about how amazing you are for hours and hours until his mother brings up “You really like her Shoto don’t you?” He makes a mind note to ask you out soon so his mother can meet the love of his life in person.
Since it was normal for the two boys to walk you home Shoto came up with the best plan to ask you out. He made sure to leave Bakugou’s hero costume completely destroyed but like almost naked so he needed Hatsume to make improvements to his costume. Taking that opportunity to give you a letter that he wrote himself. “Could this really be it you asked yourself?” After saying goodbye you started reading the latter and you were left in tears, you could believe that someone could love you that much??
You have the world in your hands right now, it’s a matter of time before you have to breaks someone heart.
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Tagg list: @pinkteamae @gabbys-simphotline @idimmadontgiveashit @xlxxifer
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ice-cream-nekogirl · 4 years
you didn’t mean to say “I love you” (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)
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“I love you...”
“What...?” You asked incredulously, disbelief even in your expression as Katsuki just stared at you angrily, form trembling as if even he couldn’t believe the words he just said to you. But then his crimson eyes widened when he heard a snicker leave you as you chuckled and shook your head.
Summary: After everything that’s happened from the war with the Paranormal Liberation Front and after yet another brush with death, Katsuki finally tells you how he feels about you.
Pairing: Bakugou X Reader Warning: Language, angst, mentions of mental health issues, spoiler alerts for the recent chapters Word Count: 11.4 k
Happy early holidays y'all~. Been forever! But I managed to freaking do this! Let's see what else I can write out. :3 
You couldn’t stop the loud yawn leaving you as you fought your way out of a sleeping spell, because you reminded yourself that you couldn’t just fall asleep in a public park especially since you were out with your friends Izuku and Shoto, along with your puppy Taromaru. Whom looked up at you with a concerned little whine.
“Are you tired (Y/N)?” Shoto politely asked, just as concerned as your little puppy was because that was about the fifth time you’ve yawned, and yes, he kept count of it. “A bit… but that’s pretty normal for me.” You gave him a lopsided smile and shrugged your shoulders, even though that didn’t ease his concern, or Izuku’s as he looked at you with worried eyes. “Have you been sleeping well (Y/N)-chan?” He’s been one of your best friends alongside Katsuki, the three of you practically grew up together, and while Katsuki liked to keep his distance, you stuck by Izuku and gladly invited Shoto into your friend group and you liked to hang out with them. Katsuki on the other hand? As much as you adored your boyfriend, you knew that he preferred to be by himself and was easily annoyed whenever Izuku and Shoto were around, and with you especially. It’s been like that lately, but you didn’t get it, you just assumed Katsuki was being Katsuki. “Oh honey I haven’t slept well since I was in kindergarten.” You chuckled lightly, even though Izuku looked a little bit serious, and that made you sigh. “I know, I need to work on it… but honestly it’s just… a lot right now you know? Tests and… stuff… after everything… Guys… it’s been what? 6- or 7-months tops since we got out of a fucking war? And we’re still doing this bullshit? I just wish they’d give us a break but they’re not… makes me wonder just… how long and I keep going… in fact… sometimes I don’t even think I can… I can’t keep up with you guys… and that just… really makes me feel like garbage, worse than that… I just… if I close my eyes, I wish I could close them and skip through all of this…” 
Averting your eyes, you stared at your lap when you spoke up a little bit about how exhausted you were and how stressed out you had been feeling because it’s been too much for you. You and your friends literally survived the war with the Paranormal Liberation Front, and not everyone came out of it unscathed. There were things you were never going to unsee, your friend’s terrified faces, Aizawa-sensei’s prosthetic limb after cutting off his own leg, and then your Izuku and Katsuki barely coming out of it alive when the smoke eventually cleared.
You almost lost your best friends; you almost lost your Katsuki… There’s no way you were okay, and it was so hard to go to sleep at night sometimes when you thought too hard on it. It was so hard to even look at your boyfriend without thinking about the horrible, traumatic things he had to endure. Even before fighting Shigaraki. It was just hard, hard to acknowledge that you almost lost him. “Aroooooo…” You only perked up when Taromaru whimpered, nuzzling against your leg as if trying to comfort you as you looked down at the sweet pup, unable to help but smile at him and reached down to pet his head. “It’s okay (Y/N)-chan.” Izuku seemed to follow Taromaru’s lead as he gave you a soft smile, wanting to reassure you even though you were sad, he wanted to make you feel better somehow. “I… I understand what you’re saying, and why you feel the way you do… Believe me I’m… still trying to readjust even after all of that. It was… scary. We got out alive, but it’s almost like it happened yesterday… and I think about our friends, how we fought so hard just to stay alive and keep everyone else alive and-.” As he spoke, you put your arm around him and rested your head on his shoulder as a way to comfort him. Even if Izuku wasn’t the most expressive when it came to his own horrors, he still understood why you felt the way you did. However, you still knew that deep down his own suppressed trauma was starting to emerge so you offered him some comfort, and distracted him as he squeaked at the closeness and began to blush heavily at the feeling of your skin on his. “(Y-Y/N)-chan…!” “I’m so glad we got out alive… all of us…” You said softly with a little smile, that’s one thing Izuku was right about. All of you were alive, and all of you made it out alive. Just not quite the same, everything returned to normal, but some were still having nightmares after the war. Naturally, you gravitated towards the ones who needed the comfort because it distracted you from your own inner turmoil and because you were more worried about your friends than you were yourself. “(Y/N).” It was Shoto’s turn to say something, and you looked up to see him and pay attention, “Midoriya’s right. It is okay, but… it’s also okay, if you’re not okay. What you feel right now… it’s okay. Although… you will need to get more sleep, it won’t be okay if you fall asleep in class, or in a park…” Shoto knew how to reassure you, which surprised you but the boy was more empathetic than people took him for. And he made you smile because he was so understanding, that you felt a little more validated, glad to know that it was okay that you weren’t in the best spirits as of now. You picked your head up, giving him a nod and a smile. “Hee-hee… if I fall asleep in this park… I got you guys to wake me up don’t I?” You made a small joke, and made the two boys chuckle and smile at you, and Taromaru happily barked with a cheerful ‘arf’! “And we have Taromaru to be on guard for us.” Grinning, you pat your lap to gesture Taromaru to do jumpies, as the little pup leaped up and sat on your lap, earning a bigger smile from Izuku as he pet the small pup. Something Shoto couldn’t help but find very endearing, while he’s petted more cats before, Taromaru was a sweet dog, and he took a liking to the little guy as he gave him a small pet on the head. Only to cringe a little bit when he felt the little pup’s warm tongue lick at his palm. But this just made you and Izuku laugh out loud when you saw the look on his face, neither one of you seeing the light pink tinting his cheeks. And neither of you saw nor sensed that Katsuki was around and paused just in time to see you, Izuku and Shoto just talking about things, about how all of you felt, and then he watched the three of you just laughing and smiling together… He watched the scene with an indiscernible expression. He wondered where the hell you were at, and Denki said that you were with Izuku and Shoto at the park with Taromaru. Which alone infuriated Katsuki because you didn’t even bother telling him where you went and he had to have Denki tell him. Now you were with Deku and Icyhot? That didn’t surprise him, but it still bugged him. You’ve been doing that for far too long, and Katsuki began to wonder why them? And why not him? Was it because he wasn’t the best boyfriend sometimes? He had a feeling that had to be why, but it still bothered him. He’s known about your terrible eating habits, sleeping habits and poor health overall. You weren’t the best at taking care of yourself, he knew whenever you were down, and he called you on your bullshit several times, and even though you opened up. You didn’t open up nearly as much as you did to Izuku and Shoto. But why? Why couldn’t you open up to him? Why couldn’t you give him that kind of attention? Why didn’t you talk to him? Why couldn’t you confide in him when he knows damn well about what you were talking about too? All of you were there during the war and witnessed horrible things happening and experienced physical or emotional pain, so why weren’t you talking to him about it? He understood, he really did understand so why didn’t you come to him? These thoughts were screaming in his head as he narrowed his eyes, just seeing you laughing without a care in the world with those two, playing with your dog and probably forgetting that he even existed. He couldn’t take it anymore, he clenched his fists and sucked in a breath before leaving in a huff. You remained oblivious for some time until you and the guys decided that it was a good idea to get back to the dorms. Maybe a good nap would also help, and you had your Taromaru to make you feel comfortable too as you, Izuku and Shoto walked you back to the dorms. “Well… I’ll see you guys later okay? Tell your mamas I said ‘hi’ okay?” Izuku and Shoto told you on the way that they were going to visit their families, they had been doing that a little more as of late but especially after everything that had happened. Which you understood as they both smiled at you and nodded, reassuring you that they would definitely tell them that you said ‘hi’ as they both walked away and waved at you. Smiling, you waved at them as they left and walked back into the dorm building with your eager puppy following you with his tail wagging. Perhaps you should have gone home too, but once you got inside the building all you wanted to do was just go to your room and go to sleep or maybe just nap in the common room because it was closer. Maybe also ask Katsuki how he was doing, since you kind of forgot to tell him where you were going today. Not that you were obligated to but you knew that he would get worried about you and liked to make sure that you were okay, and while you appreciated how much he did care, there were some things you just didn’t and wouldn’t bother him about. Your problems were your problems, not his, he had plenty of problems and you weren’t going to drag him into any of them. So, you gave him his space, and you valued the space you had to be by yourself and just enjoyed your own company, or maybe one or two of your other closer friends simply because it was comfortable. You didn’t want to bother your boyfriend, and you knew that he preferred to do his own thing, even after everything that’s happened, it was just more comfortable knowing that he had his act together. Yeah that’s it, it made you feel better and less concerned as you sat down on the couch and let your puppy jump on with you. Time to either fall asleep or watch Netflix to fall asleep to. “Oi, Shitty Girl.” You perked up however once you heard a voice, Katsuki’s for that matter as you looked around and saw him leaning against the wall of the hall, hands in his pockets and with his signature scowl that made you smile a little bit. “Oh hey Kat… didn’t see you there.” Your tone was way too casual for his liking, and he hated the way you said it. You didn’t see him? He knew it, he knew you had been ignoring him. “Tch, I was standing here the whole time dumbass…” He indignantly remarked, but you just brushed that off as his typical brashness as you chuckled and shook your head. “Hee-hee, that’s my bad… but uh… hey I just got here, was gonna head up to my room but… don’t feel like it, I think I’ll just chill down here… feel free to sit with me and chill too.” It was almost a flirt as you smiled at him, but he wasn’t looking at you for some reason, instead he stared at his feet. As if he were trapped in the mindset where all of those thoughts were screaming at him to fixate on them instead. “Where did you go?” That’s all Katsuki could bring himself to ask you, even though he knew the answer because he was there and he saw you. Except you didn’t know that, and he bitterly thought that it’s because you ‘didn’t see him there’. “Oh… um…” The more you thought about it though, the more you started to feel bad since you normally did tell him where you went, but had started forgetting lately. “Nowhere really, just the local park nearby.” You shrugged it off though, since that’s where you liked to go there often. You and Katsuki liked to go there, just to walk around, but not as of late. Instead you went with other friends, including Izuku and Shoto and he was aware of that because he saw the pictures on your Instagram page of the places you went without him. “Did you go alone?” Katsuki knew the answer too, but he needed to hear what you had to say, hope for some kind of honesty from you, or just to get you to say more to him. Although you were starting to feel kind of nervous about his questions, and you started to wonder if he was feeling okay, but before you could ask, you answered his question. “No, no I wasn’t alone… I had Taromaru with me. And also, Izuku and Shoto had some free time so I let them tag along because I thought I could stand to get up out of here a little bit and I did, just to unwind.” So you could tell him that much? He wondered to himself, but just hearing Izuku and Shoto’s names and the fact that you were just so damn blasé about the entire thing and not even reading in between the lines was enough to set him off as he grunted aloud in pure aggravation.
“Deku! Deku! Deku! Icyhot! Icyhot! Icyhot!” 
He shouted it out, the two nicknames of the two people that he couldn’t bear to even hear at the moment and hearing them leave your lips just completely enraged him. 
However, his sudden outburst startled and made you gasp with wide (E/C) eyes because you didn’t expect that at all. And you had no idea why he just got so pissed. He looked so pissed, more so than normal but you didn’t even know why as you looked up at him with shock and confusion, but that just pissed him off even more. 
“DAMMIT!! You don’t even fucking think about ME anymore!” His trembling fists clenched at his side as he looked at the bewilderment all over your face. Unable to believe that you were that oblivious to him.
“W-What?! What the hell are you talking about…?” You didn’t get it, why was he so pissed off? What was he pissed off about now? Just because you spent time with Izuku and Shoto. They were your friends and you could spend time with them whenever you wanted. 
“Are you mad just because I was out with them?” You sighed when you assumed that he was probably just jealous as he normally was. “Katsuki I know you have a bug up your ass when it comes to Izuku and Shoto but honestly you need to grow-.” He seemed to drown out what you were saying, ignoring how much it was starting to sing but that didn’t matter. What mattered is that he wanted to know why you kept ignoring him. He wasn’t even jealous, or at least, it wasn’t typical petty jealousy, it came from a place of hurt. 
“What’s the deal... going to places with them? Telling them all of these important things...” He cut you off and asked you straight up why you felt so comfortable talking to them, but not him. He was your boyfriend, while he’d never force you, it still hurt knowing that you didn’t open up to him the way you could to other friends. 
But you didn’t know what the hell he was talking about, all you could tell was that he still seemed upset for some reason. “Oh... right, the park… well hey I mean... it’s not like the places I go with them to are places you’d even like, literally you don’t like the theater, you’re not a fan of the pet store and you’re not... wait, what are you getting at?” 
At first you were confused, but now you were starting to listen to what he was asking and what he was trying to get across to you.
“You’re struggling in class! And your health! I already knew but dammit... why don’t you tell ME these things?!” He was terrible with his feelings, but he thought he at least got his point across about how much he cared about your health and it hurt knowing that you didn’t tell him about anything you had an issue with. 
This you were partially aware of though as you almost looked ashamed for a moment because he was right. You had neglected to tell Katsuki about all of those things, both out of pride and out of shame, “That’s just because I don’t want you to worry Katsuki...” You said with a sigh, these were your problems. The last thing you wanted was to drag Katsuki into them because he’s been through so much and has fought so hard that you couldn’t and you wouldn’t just drag him into it. It was bad enough you made Izuku and Shoto give you the time of day over your dumb issues, you couldn’t do that to Katsuki too.
“Why?” But Katsuki still didn’t understand why you didn’t want him to worry, when he wanted to because you were his partner dammit. He wanted to worry about you because he cared about you, even if he had a hard time saying such a personal thing.  
“What?” You perked up with even more confusion when he asked ‘why’? Why what? 
“Why won’t you let me worry? When you’ll tell fucking Deku and Icyhot? Why do you let them worry about you? You just don’t care at all do you?” He looked away, fists still clenched and beginning to tremble at the feelings of anger and hurt twisting inside of his chest, and he couldn’t shake it off. 
Katsuki didn’t show weakness, he hated it, he always put up a strong front, but the fact that you kept these important things from him, but instead confided in Izuku and Shoto of all people, that hurt. And it hurt even more that you seemed more concerned about them than him, and opted to just ignore how he felt after he had been through the same things they had.  
“Katsuki... what are you? How dare you?! Of course I care!” You did care, of course you did, how could he even ask that? You were constantly worried about him; did you ask him about the things that bothered him? Well no you didn’t, but if he wasn’t so fucking proud, you’d ask him more. Except he didn’t, so you didn’t ask him that much because you knew that he’d just get annoyed with you. 
“You have a funny way of showing it!” He quickly replied, tone not quieting down because he didn’t believe it. He knew he had this ridiculous pride that kept him from speaking up much, but he still felt ignored by you over the past couple of months. After all Icyhot was proud in his own right, but that apparently didn’t stop you from going over to talk to him about how he felt. 
“Really? I have a funny way of showing it? Says the guy who’s ditched 2 of our dates and lets his pride and these dumb pissing contests with the guys get in the way of things. C’mon Katsuki, don’t be a hypocrite.” You almost got up, because you felt like leaving this dumb conversation. Sometimes you just could not with him, and right now you could not with him, especially if he was going to be this way as you shook his head, but Katsuki wasn’t going to let you just walk away from this. 
“I get it! I know! But… you don’t even talk to me! You don’t come to me, you don’t tell me anything! I’m not stupid! I know you’re not okay when you say you are, I know you’ve been pretending to be okay for the past couple of months, and I know you haven’t been okay since we faced off the damn villains! And then you… you fucking…” He seemed to struggle at that last part; he was well aware that he wasn’t the best boyfriend to you, but he wanted to make an effort, at least as of late. He made sure you didn’t stay up too late, and also made sure you had a decent breakfast instead of junk food, but lately he felt as if he’s just been getting nothing from you in return. 
“I what?” You shrugged your shoulders and raised your arms with an irritated look, wondering just what did you do this time to make him mad. 
“You... you got that damn dog!” Katsuki practically shouted, his tone completely incredulous but still angry as said dog perked up a bit, tilting his head in confusion.
“What...? What does Taromaru have to do with any of this?!” You were straight-up offended though, why was he getting mad at your dog now? What did Taromaru ever do to him?
“Stop acting like you don’t get it! After… all the shit that we’ve been through… I know that you’re not okay, you say you are but I know its bullshit… and yet you got a dog to make you feel better! A dog (Y/N)?! Why not me?! You should be holding ME at night, not a dog! It’s ME you should come to if you’re feeling messed up! Not Deku or Icyhot!” Katsuki went on a small tangent, pointing at himself to emphasize that he wanted you to talk to him, to come to him when you weren’t feeling okay and yet still you got Taromaru for emotional comfort and talked to Izuku and Shoto about your problems instead of him.
He was YOUR boyfriend, he’s the one you should be able to trust enough to seek comfort and company from, and yet you’ve been just ignoring him for months.
Finding comfort and company from others. Including from a freaking dog, over him. 
However, he winced ever so slightly when he heard a soft little whine coming from Taromaru and he saw the pup looking almost like he was sad. Bakugou wasn’t exactly as close to the dog as everyone else was, but while he didn’t like the affection you gave to the freaking dog instead of him, your boyfriend, it’s not like it was Taromaru’s fault. 
“Unbelievable... is your ego really that fragile you pompous asshole?” You did understand, but because of the way he was acting and because you were getting angry, you could only reply back with annoyance and that just made him even more annoyed. 
“Are you really that stupid?! Can’t you see what I’m trying to tell you, you idiot?! Do you really think that low of yourself? Or do you just not even care? Answer me that!” 
“Stop saying I don’t care! I do! I care about you Katsuki!” 
“Well I care about you too dammit!! Don’t you get that?! I know I can be a real shitty boyfriend and I know I have been, but… fuck!” He shut his eyes and shouted louder, seeming to be at war with himself until he opened his eyes and looked right into your (E/C) eyes. Eyes he had taken for granted as he took in your form, the parts he loved about you and the things he missed about you. The way you would smile at him or laugh, he missed that…
“(Y/N)… dammit… I love you...”
It’s not true…
“What...?” You asked incredulously, disbelief even in your expression as Katsuki just stared at you angrily, form trembling as if even he couldn’t believe the words he just said to you. But then his crimson eyes widened when he saw a small grin on your lips, a snicker leaving as you chuckled and shook your head in what sounded like amusement.
“Funny Katsuki... We’re not even half-way through our second year… I mean… no you can’t be serious… no... no way... I don’t... I don’t think that’s true...” 
Katsuki was the boy you loved, but you weren’t even sure if it was that ‘real’ kind of love that people liked to shove down your throat. Saying you didn’t know what real love was, and you started to think that maybe they were right.
So Katsuki couldn’t have meant it when he said the words to you right? You were aware that he had been through one hell of an ordeal throughout his entire first year here at UA, so you wondered if he even knew what love was. Or if he was just saying that due to the fact that he was clearly very emotional right now and that this was nothing but another one of his impulsive outbursts that he would just take back later.
Yet once the silence became uncomfortably apparent you finally glanced at him, and blinked a bit, almost wondering if you were seeing this right but you couldn’t even recognize the expression on your boyfriend. His eyes appeared to be glistening ever so slightly along with a subtle quiver of his lips.
That was definitely not like the Katsuki you were used to see.
Bakugou was not quiet. Not often. He was known for being loud, opinionated and honest to a fault, and he let everyone know it. He could be quiet, but this was a different kind of quiet. It was still, tense and making you increasingly uncomfortable especially when he gritted his teeth as if to attempt to keep his lips from trembling.
“So that’s how you feel…?”
His tone was different, it wasn’t the usual angry, gruff tone. In fact, he sounded like he was almost hurt by what you said.
No… “W-Wha…?” You didn’t want to believe it, was your boyfriend really that upset? You wanted to ask but the blond just swiftly turned his head and took a few steps away from you, and your eyes fell on his back and you flinched as soon as you heard the smallest hitch in his breath.  
“A-Are you… are you really crying?! Y-You don’t cry!”  You didn’t mean to raise your tone, but you were genuinely shocked. Not your best choice of words, yet still you couldn’t fight the shock, because you haven’t seen Katsuki cry since he was 9 years old. And based on the way his body started tremoring, you were starting to think you were right.  
Katsuki only got more defensive, aside from feeling hurt by you now he just felt insulted as he brought an arm up to cover his eyes even if he had his back to you. God why was he so pathetic? 
But he wasn’t going to let you have the satisfaction of seeing him like this. No matter how much his body and stupid feelings were making him. He hated this. He hated that he was being so weak and then he hated that he was so weak that he was outright showing this much weakness to you. 
“H-Hey now… Kat…” You couldn’t lie, you weren’t comfortable with this, but at the same time you felt so bad for him, and then you were feeling even worse when it became apparent that he felt like you were ignoring him. And you wanted to say something and reach out for him, but as soon as he sensed you moving closer, he quickly backed away and glared at you with flushed cheeks and tears in his eyes.
“Dumbass!! Dammit (Y/N) you… you’re such an idiot!!”
He shouted at you, voice cracking slightly through his anger, and he quickly turned away to storm off away from you in a huff as he took off in a fast dash while you could only watch him with wide (E/C) eyes.
“Katsuki!” You called out for him, but the blonde left without another word and didn’t dare look over his shoulder as he just kept running. And you were left with your arm out in a futile attempt to reach for him as you just stood there with pure shock, confusion and guilt over what just happened between you and your boyfriend.
No way, you didn’t really make the ultra-tough guy, Lord Explosion Murder, up-and-coming rising hero Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight, Katsuki Bakugou cry? How was that possible?
Tell me I’ve been lied to Crying isn't like you Oh-oh-oh What the hell did I do? Never been the type to Let someone see right through Oh-oh-oh
“What did you just do…?” You asked yourself, even though you were also wondering what did Katsuki just do? Did he mean what he said when he said ‘I love you’ to you?
“No way…” Shaking your head, you fell right back onto the couch to massage your temples when you heard him say ‘I love you’ again. It just happened, yet in your mind it was still happening. The three words echoed in your head like a sad song on replay and you couldn’t bring yourself to change it to a happier tune.
Katsuki wasn’t the kind of guy to just be so open about his feelings or emotions. Crying wasn’t something he did often, telling you his honest feelings wasn’t something he did often. If anything, Izuku was the one lucky enough to get that kind of sincerity from him, not you.
You accepted that thought, even if it still made you sad there was nothing you could do about it, so you thought. “Katsuki… you idiot…” You wanted to blame him for this, for making you feel guilty about something you didn’t want to feel guilty about. Even though you did feel guilty, you felt horrible in fact.
Of course, you knew your boyfriend would never guilt-trip you, Katsuki never played dirty like that in anything. Yet you still felt like one lousy partner, if he was so upset about this that he blew up to you about it because he couldn’t ignore his feelings anymore and call you out on it. You were the one who usually called him on his bullshit, so having it be the other way around was far from pleasant.
A small whine interrupted your thoughts as Taromaru jumped on the couch to sit on your lap, looking over at you with what you believed was concern as he even licked your cheek. “Hee-hee…” Giggling a little bit and sadly smiling, you pet the puppy on the head.
“Taromaru… do you think… Katsuki really meant that? Do you really think he meant to say I love you?” You felt ridiculous for asking a puppy such a complicated question, especially about your abrasive boyfriend that Taromaru didn’t even get along with that much. Yet still the puppy responded by giving you more licks on your cheek as his tail wagged happily.
Snickering, you almost forlornly wondered if that was Taromaru’s way of saying ‘yes’ because you knew Katsuki wasn’t a liar. He was an emotional young man, but he wasn’t a liar, especially not about how he felt about others.
“He didn’t mean that… no… he couldn’t have… why me…?” You wondered to yourself with your eyebrows furrowed as you walked back to your room with Taromaru following you. There was nothing else you could do other than stumble over to plop down onto your bed.
You felt weak, still in shock from the three words Katsuki told you not long ago. It just happened, but that’s why you were still in shock that it just happened.
Katsuki had to be joking, but he wasn’t the joking type. So why did you doubt him?
“I love you…?” You repeated his words with uncertainty, muttering them to yourself as if you were trying to find some other underlying meaning to how Katsuki said it.
You can’t take those words back once you say them. Platonically or romantically. Which was it from him
“I love you…”
Saying the words with a little more thought, you wondered just what did Katsuki mean when he said them. Love was scary, saying it was scary, especially to your partner. You knew you shouldn’t have felt so hesitant about it but you couldn’t help it.
Maybe won't you take it back Say you were tryna make me laugh And nothing has to change today You didn't mean to say "I love you" I love you and I don't want to Oh-oh-oh
So instead of figuring it out yourself, you called your right-hand man and another one of your best guy friends.
“(Y/N)? What’s up?”
“Hitoshi I need your help with something.”
Maybe calling Hitoshi was a mistake, because he wasn’t the most touchy-feely guy in the world but he had a soft spot enough for you so you kinda hoped that he would tell you some decent enough advice or even reassure you with a pretty good interpretation of what Katsuki could have meant.
“He said that?” Hitoshi sounded just as shocked when you told him that yes, Katsuki said those three little words that even made him feel nervous as you sighed, nodding even though Hitoshi couldn’t see it, he knew you were.
“Yeah and like… I don’t think I reacted the way anyone would want someone to… I said that… I didn’t think he meant it, he got upset and then he just left…” The more you recounted what happened between you and Katsuki, the guiltier you felt as you cringed a bit when you heard a little tongue click coming from Hitoshi.
“What’s that Hitoshi? That’s your judgy tongue click I hear…” You muttered in annoyance as Hitoshi scoffed in amusement.
“Look… Bakugo’s not my friend at all, and I’m not on his side at all either but… yeah that probably wasn’t the best way to react to those three words… and to a guy like him? Yikes… his ego is so massive I’m sure that gave it a serious bruise.” He answered pretty bluntly because while he didn’t see himself partnering up with anyone soon, he knew that if his partner reacted that way, he wouldn’t have taken it very well.
“I now right…? God… I just… that’s such a serious word to tell someone… I feel like… maybe he really did mean it… that idiot’s been through so much… he almost died, he still has his power and all and is in one piece but… there was a moment where I thought… what if he didn’t open his eyes? What if he lost the power he’s been so proud of and… what if he wasn’t the same when he came back and just… I don’t know… I really just… don’t want to even go back to anything like that, even if it was months ago it’s like it happened yesterday and…” As you opened up to Hitoshi about how confused you were about what Katsuki said, you also shared how you really felt about him, and he began to think maybe that’s why you didn’t believe him when he said he loved you.
“Now I see what he means, I’m doing it now… oh my god… you know… I’ve been worrying about literally everyone else… except for Katsuki… I mean I AM worried, I’m worried about him all the damn time but… I don’t know… somewhere along the lines I just… stopped showing it because I have… SO much on my mind, I’m SO fucking worried about my other friends and I’m not afraid of them pushing me away so it’s easier to show them but I… I shouldn’t have just ended up pushing him away in the process…” But then you realized that you were totally opening up to Hitoshi about your problems, and that was another reason Katsuki got upset because you could do this to other people but not him? Well, he did too but you assumed he never really opened up to anyone.
“Hey now… it’s fine really… I mean it’s okay that you feel bad about it, but you’ve been through a lot too, don’t beat yourself up. Look… I wasn’t there when all that stuff went down but… I see what you mean and it makes perfect sense. After everything you’ve seen and been through, the idea of loving someone becomes scarier. I mean… you said everyone came back in pretty bad shape… I remember how you were scared as hell, so… while it wasn’t the best way to react, I don’t blame you for how you reacted (Y/N). But… Bakugo is kind of an ass so… I guess you can explain it to him? Maybe give it a shot… and if he doesn’t get it, just let me know so I can kick his ass.” He and Bakugo weren’t really friends, so he wouldn’t have a problem brainwashing him and kicking him where it hurts should he hurt your feelings in any way.
You couldn’t help but laugh at the thought, even though if anyone could beat Katsuki, Hitoshi can. Katsuki literally can’t keep his trap shut so you were pretty confident that Hitoshi could beat him, but right now, you didn’t want it to lead to that. “Thanks Tosh… I’ll talk to him. I haven’t done that enough so… I will… thanks again…” Sighing, you smiled even though Hitoshi couldn’t see it, he knew you were smiling.
“No problem (Y/N). See you later all right? But… I guess… call me whenever you need anything else…” He ended on a slightly awkward note, but you knew that was just his way of trying to act all cool as you snickered a bit.
“Of course Hitoshi. Back at you… thanks again.” Your tone was amused as he just scoffed before the two of you said your goodbyes and hung up. Only you were left with disappointment to no longer have a friend to talk to and even more disappointment with yourself when you realized how you messed up with Katsuki.
You didn’t mean to; you really didn’t mean to but it was hard. After everything Izuku and Shoto had been through, you were scared for them and it was easier to get them to open up somewhat. Or that’s just what you told yourself, you felt more comfortable worrying about them, and not so much with Katsuki.
He was so proud and strong that you didn’t think you could hurt his feelings. But you did.
He told you he loved you, probably out of desperation to get you to see how he really felt, that he wanted you and needed you and you just laughed at it and didn’t even believe him.
“Katsuki…” You closed your teary eyes when you felt heat pooling in them and wiped any that tried to slip away and quickly went to his number. Calling him would be much too after what just happened, so you just left your phone like that on his number and tried to get your mind off of it by watching TV for a few hours.
You were terrified. You were terrified of talking to him about it, terrified to apologize after hurting him like that because what if he didn’t forgive you? What if he really was going to take it back? What if he was going to break up with you? What if you hurt him worse than you thought especially when he was clearly still traumatized from the war?
The more horrifying thoughts came to your mind, the more you felt almost dizzy as you just stared blankly with wide (E/C) eyes and you couldn’t even hear Taromaru’s barks. Until his paws on your legs made you blink and return to reality as his anxious whimpering and whines became more apparent.
“S-Sorry boy, I’m sorry, I’m okay…” You inhaled and exhaled deeply, remembering to just breathe as you pet the puppy with a shaky smile.
“I gotta talk to him…” Taking another deep breath, you grabbed your phone, it was still on Katsuki’s number and you didn’t call him, but you did send him a message.
‘I wanna talk to you.’
Those were the only words you could bring yourself to text, and of course you didn’t get a reply back. You knew you wouldn’t but you still hoped that he would reply to you back.
Waiting and sitting on your bed, your nerves were quickly becoming frenzied when the seconds and minutes felt much too slow. You could only anxiously await a message from your dear boyfriend if you would even get one as you lied down on your bed, eyes still glued to your phone just waiting for a vibration or the notification sound to go off.
Taromaru lied down right by your stomach as if he could sense how anxious you were, and all you could do to soothe yourself was stroking his fur and pet him gently.
A sharp gasp left you when the notification sound went off, and you instantly sat up from your bed, throwing your hand to your heart in alarm as you looked to see your phone glowing. You quickly snatched it up to see if it was from Katsuki.
Your breathing came out in soft little pants, a surge of relief slowly coursing through your being when Katsuki did answer you. But you blinked your tired (E/C) eyes in shock when you realized that at least two hours had passed by.
Taromaru whimpered up at you softly, rubbing his head against your side and reaching up so he could lick your face as if he was trying to comfort you. Smiling softly, you giggled and felt a smidgen more courage to reply to him.
‘First floor when everyone’s asleep? Or my room?’
Nobody was on the first floor at night-time, and you couldn’t be outside the dorm building now that the school’s security had been doubled after the events of the war. So you would have to either talk to Katsuki in private in the comfort of your room or the first floor.
‘Whichever stupid.’
He was clearly still mad and you sighed a little bit as you replied with a ‘My room’, wondering if that was the best choice as you petted Taromaru for more comfort. You were scared when the war between the villains happened, so why were you so fucking terrified to just talk with your boyfriend? It shouldn’t be that hard…
Up all night on another red eye I wish we never learned to fly I-I-I Maybe we should just try To tell ourselves a good lie I didn't mean to make you cry I-I-I
The rest of the day was awkward. Even on the moments you and Katsuki crossed paths, neither one of you could bring yourselves to say anything. You both agreed to talk in your rooms and that was that. Which is why having dinner with the others wasn’t very comfortable because you could both feel each other’s presences when you were in the same rooms.
You had to ignore it though, for now you had to pretend in front of your friends and classmates that everything was okay and that nothing was on your mind. Just as you had been for the past couple of months, so it shouldn’t have been hard.
Thankfully they all brought it, except maybe Izuku and Shoto, but this time they didn’t ask about it since they had the uncanny ability to tell that this issue wasn’t quite like the ones you shared with them earlier today.
Although you ate as much as you could, your stomach still had butterflies because you were finally going to talk to your boyfriend after what felt like months. Even the small talk the two of you made wasn’t much talking, the more you thought about it, it has been a while since you had a real, thoughtful conversation with Katsuki. And that was why he was so angry with you, something that still shocked you but that’s what it was.
You just hoped that Katsuki had cooled down somewhat after the argument you both had today. Once everyone else turned in, that was your cue to just go back to your room, with Taromaru in tow as he followed right by your side.
A small, but sharp gasp left you though as you picked your head up to see no one other than your Katsuki leaning on the wall right next to your door, just waiting for you. How long had he been there? You wondered, but now you were a mix of nervous and relieved. Nervous because you could still see the scowl on his face, and it made you wonder if he was still angry with you, and relieved because he was really here and had enough maturity to come to you despite his visible anger.
“Hey Kat.” You spoke and gave him a small wave when you got close enough to him, and although you didn’t expect an answer, Katsuki surprised you by giving you a small huff in response.
You opened the door for him to let him into your room, and you also wondered how long it’s been since you last had him in your room as he took a seat on your chair and you sat on your bed. How pitiful. Katsuki wasn’t a perfect boyfriend, and you liked to complain about that, but this just made you realize that you weren’t exactly an ideal partner either.
But that’s why you were both here, to hopefully talk about it in a peaceful manner without arguing. Taromaru was here to ease your anxiety, you just hoped Katsuki wouldn’t be bothered by that, but he was more mature than that despite what he said about the dog earlier.
“I think a talk between us is long overdue…” You spoke up to break the uncomfortable silence because you knew Katsuki wasn’t going to do that.
“Now you wanna talk?” He asked somewhat bitterly, hands in his pockets as he didn’t even look over at you as you crossed your arms nervously with a sigh.
“Yes… we… haven’t done that enough, and… that’s partially my fault…” Now you lost the ability to look at him, and of course hearing you say that actually made your boyfriend glance over at you. “I’m not… trying to excuse myself, at all Katsuki. What I said earlier, I meant it… the part about my problems at least, I thought… by not saying anything at all, would make it easier on you. You’re a very busy guy, you’ve been through enough already from last year… it’s been a few months but… I didn’t want to just dump all my problems on you…” As you began your explanation, you fought the irritation when you heard Katsuki scoff.
“Yet that doesn’t stop you from dumping all your problems on Deku and Icyhot, and the other extras…” He reminded you with a small growl, the truth was he didn’t see it as you dumping your problems on someone, instead he just saw it as you opening up to and confiding in everyone else but him. Your boyfriend.
“I know…” You didn’t want to fight with him, so you didn’t. He wasn’t wrong either way, “I hate thinking that’s what I do… but I know that I… confide in them more I just… I don’t know, it’s stupid… it’s not fair to you…”
Katsuki’s eyes narrowed, he didn’t want you to think he didn’t WANT you to confide in your friends, he just wanted you to confide in him a little more, “Those morons are your friends… I just can’t believe you don’t even think that you could talk to me too…” He grumbled in slight embarrassment, even though he’s embarrassed himself plenty today by nearly falling apart in front of you earlier.
However, those were the right words for you to hear as you couldn’t help but sigh in slight relief. You knew Katsuki wasn’t the type of guy to just tell you what you couldn’t do. So, he was just hurt, but because you were the one that he felt hurt by. You didn’t mean to hurt his feelings like that, but you did it.
“I can’t believe it either…”
“So what the hell (Y/N)?” He gruffly asked, awaiting your answer so he could know just what was so wrong that you felt the need to hide all of your problems from him and leave him out of important things that he DID care about. “Why are you leaving me out of things in your life that matter?”
His question stung as you knew you had to give him an answer, he deserved that much and you couldn’t just not talk when you said you wanted to have this talk with him. It didn’t make it any less nerve-wracking though as you inhaled and exhaled. You didn’t expect him to take mercy on you but you could see a glimmer of concern in his displeased expression.
“Katsuki I’m sorry…” You began with an apology, knowing that he did deserve an apology first, “I’m sorry that I… I made you feel like I was ignoring you… I swear I never meant to…” Shaking your head, you braved up to actually look him in the eyes.
“I didn’t mean to make you feel like I didn’t care about you, I care about you… so much… I know it feels like I don’t, but I do… I really, really do and…” Swallowing hard, you had to calm yourself down so you could try and explain it to him.
“I just…” You sighed as you began, voice and figure trembling as you knew this had to be said, “I don’t feel like… talking to you about my problems is the right thing to do… to… tell you everything that’s wrong with me when… it’s hard… it’s hard enough knowing that you’ve gone through… so much worse than I have.” You averted his eyes for a moment, unable to see his slightly indignant look.
Maybe won't you take it back Say you were tryna make me laugh And nothing has to change today You didn't mean to say "I love you" I love you and I don't want to Oh-oh-oh
“Katsuki… you’re a proud guy. I don’t want to make you feel like… I’m undermining you or bruising your pride by making you open up too. Because… I’ve tried, and… when none of those attempts worked, I thought… it would just be better for me to let it be, and only give you what you needed when you came for it. I wanted to be… someone you could count on for a ‘pick me up’ or someone you can hug when you need one. And that’s what I did, but I never… sought you out because… I didn’t want to bruise your pride by doing that, I let you have your space, as you let me have mine.” You explained as best as you could only the first half as you finally glanced into his eyes. His expression hard to read although his eyes were still narrowed as he seemed to permanently looked irritated.
He probably was, but you didn’t know that he was taking your words into consideration. He was pissed at you for closing yourself off, but thinking about what you said just made him remember that he closed himself off just as much, if not more so than you.
“I thought I was putting you first, by giving you what you needed from me and supporting you from the sidelines while I took care of my own things, did things by myself so it didn’t… inconvenience you. With everything that was going on, I thought that I couldn’t possibly bother you with anything going on with me, I knew that you wouldn’t just brush off any issue I brought up but… I still didn’t bring anything up, I wanted to deal with my own problems, I wasn’t going to make my problems yours… and… especially after what we have been through? No way… you’ve been through… too much for me to bother you… and… honestly that’s another thing…” Your (E/C) eyes dulled the more you thought about how the aftermath of the war had really impacted you and the fact that school hadn’t ceased to stress you out.
Katsuki was heeding your words, and as angry as he wanted to be at you for thinking that, he could tell that you really believed that you would just be a problem if you opened up about your problems. He was hurt, but now he had to take a little time to try and understand that. He knew he wasn’t the best boyfriend, he knew he had his own issues and that they had affected you, and that’s something you were afraid of which had inadvertently lead you to neglecting him.
“When… when you said…” You almost couldn’t speak though when you thought about how Katsuki said those words, a thought that made your face warm as Katsuki himself began to blush and grunt lowly. He still couldn’t believe he was dumb enough to tell you that…
“When you said that you loved me that just… that was really fucking scary…”
You were fucking scared. Fucking scared of the words ‘I love you’, because there was no way to take those words back once you said it. And Katsuki told them to you, whether he meant it or not, there’s no way he could take it back.
“Katsuki… I’m… fucking scared… when you say you love someone… and even if you mean it… it’s just so painful. After I almost lost you, I knew that… I did… I really did… l-love you a-and… when you love someone… i-it’s just something else you can lose… that war… really made me realize that… there’s no guarantee… what if I really had… lost you? I don’t… I don’t want to imagine it.” You willed your voice to remain steady despite the tears threatening to form as you inhaled and exhaled to keep breathing, something that didn’t go unnoticed by Katsuki.
“Loving someone changes things… it changes everything, after the things we’ve been through… and… it makes me realize… so many things that hurt and yet… I want that at the same time… God… it makes no sense but… Katsuki…” Biting your bottom lip, you wiped at your eyes to stop any tears that wanted to sneak up and fall.
“I’m afraid because I… I do love you too…” Your tears shined in your glossy (E/C) eyes as one traitorous tear dripped down your face as Katsuki’s eyes only slightly widened as soon as you said the same words. A little late, but still.
But he hated seeing you cry, he hated how miserable you looked, and he almost regretted making you talk to him like this. But he had been wanting to talk to you so he could make you feel better somehow and let you know that he does care about you and wants you to be okay.
“And I’m afraid of that…” Chuckling ruefully you tried to smile at him, but it was wobbly and weak as he scoffed in response. He didn’t want to be insensitive, but that was simply part of his nature.
“Because I’m a shitty boyfriend?” He asked you after your explanation, and you blinked some tears in bewilderment at his response.  “You know it’s true.” He hated admitting it, but it was true. He shouldn’t have acted like such a jerk to you and pushed you away like he had done before, because while you were still with him, you ended up pushing him away too.
He knew that it was his fault too though, “I’m surprised you’ve put up with me for this long Shitty Girl.” He admitted that too, because he knew that he wasn’t the best partner to you, but the fact that you were still with him even after all of that meant that you meant what you had said.
You meant when you said that you loved him, just as he had meant when he said that he loved you.
“I hate… feeling so weak, more than anything… I can’t fucking stand it… the Sludge Villain, when the league of villains had me… when All-Might…” As Katsuki for once began to tell you even more about how he felt, you saw him grunt and struggle to even say how he felt at his lowest when All-Might had to retire. Because of his weakness, because he couldn’t even save himself and it caused his hero to go into retirement.
“When All-Might had to retire… because of me. Then… when damn Deku… went after that guy…” He willingly let himself get hit, to save Izuku and you knew it. But you couldn’t even look at him after he endured such a fatal wound that you were glad hadn’t killed him. Yet still, even in that moment Katsuki felt so weak for being unable to do anything else.
And now he felt so weak for even showing you a little bit of weakness, crying like an idiot and complaining to you about you not giving him attention when he didn’t give you enough attention either.
“I’m so fucking pathetic… it’s not even your fault…” He grabbed at his hair when he thought he was going to break even just a little bit, but then he felt your hand on his shoulder as you gave him a soft, concerned look.
“You are NOT pathetic… and you are NOT weak… everything that happened was beyond anyone’s control… just because they happened… doesn’t mean it’s your fault but Katsuki… it’s okay to FEEL weak… it’s not okay to think you ARE weak because you’re not… you’re the strongest man I know…” Placing your hands on his shoulders, you looked him in the eyes to tell him how much you admired him.
Katsuki was visibly shocked, touched, but also skeptical, like he didn’t or he couldn’t believe you. “Yes I am! I-I can’t even handle it when you don’t give me a little attention even though I’m the asshole who didn’t give YOU attention, dammit! I just fuck everything up…!” He raised his voice, but there was no anger towards you, it was all aimed at himself. There was anger, anguish and so much self-loathing it broke your heart.
“I meant what I said… I do love you but… you’re also right… I had no idea where you even were. I had no idea if you were even okay, if a damn villain got to you or not… when it was all over, all I could think about is that if you got hurt… it would have been my fault because I didn’t do a damn thing to help you…” Katsuki recalled what he could even though he faded in and out of consciousness after the war had ended and he remembered seeing your face when he and Izuku eventually woke up.
He was so relieved to see you alive and well with a few cuts and scratches, but what if it were worse? What if you had been one of the casualties and weren’t so lucky?
“I hate this feeling so fucking much… I hate that loving you makes me feel like this… it’s not even your fault… I-I just… I hate the thought of losing you… I hate being scared of losing you and I hate that I’m a shitty boyfriend who didn’t even help you when you needed it…” He willed back the tears, but they still dripped down his cheeks as your first instinct was to put your arms around him, holding him close as you shut your eyes. Your own tears streamed down your face.
The smile that you gave me Even when you felt like dying
“It’s okay…” You said to him softly, but those two words were enough to send Katsuki over the edge as he pulled away from you even though he didn’t want to leave your arms, he felt like he didn’t even deserve it.
“It’s NOT okay! How is it okay?! I shouldn’t… I should hate that!! I shouldn’t… I shouldn’t be so weak and-!” He wanted to scream more, he wanted to tell you that you shouldn’t even be with him anymore and that you were right to push him away, but you weren’t going to let him.
“No Katsuki it IS… you and I… we’re NOT okay… you’re NOT okay… and I’m NOT okay… that’s why we’re here though… because I should have told you that I wasn’t okay… yes… I wish you told me that you weren’t okay but now I’m telling you… it’s okay… because… I’m still with you because… I want to be… I understand… I just told you that I’m afraid too… and knowing that you are too… don’t you understand how better that makes me feel?” You asked him, the fear evident in your tone and the mistiness in your eyes visible for Katsuki to furrow his brows.
“I want to love you… because I do! I don’t want to be afraid… I don’t want to be afraid of loving the person I want to love but… I am… and yet… at the same time I feel like… I won’t be afraid because you are Katsuki Bakugo. You’re… You’re Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight, the strongest hero I know, the strongest man I know, and… with you I just… I feel like I won’t have to be afraid anymore… how can I be afraid? When I have a man like you in my life?” You smiled crookedly at him as your tears continued to fall, body trembling because even though you were still scared. Katsuki somehow always managed to make you feel safe, protected and at ease despite everything.
You couldn’t tell what he was feeling, you just saw him looking at you with a mix of slight awe, surprise and other emotions you couldn’t read. Katsuki just stared at you, he heard your words and listened to every single thing you told him, saw the look in your eyes the entire time as he could see the love, fear and determination swirling in those (E/C) orbs. He didn’t realize how much he needed to hear that from you, he had been wanting you to hold onto him for so long and yet he pulled away from you like the idiot he was.
So hearing you, seeing you stay with him and tell him how you still wanted to be with him even though you were scared, it made him feel like a weight had been lifted off of his shoulders. He hated being weak, but he loved being with you, he loved how you made him feel. He needed to be better, hearing you say that you loved him, made him realize that he needed to be better for you.
“Tch…” He scoffed a little bit, making you perk up when you saw one of his trademark smirks even though you knew that he was still afraid, like you were. “You’re not wrong (Y/N)… loving someone is scary but… you’re also not wrong that you don’t have anything to be afraid of with me around… we’ll kill our fears together.”
He declared with his usual determination that made your eyes well up with more tears, a watery smile on your lips as you snickered and snorted at such a phrase. “W-What are you laughing at?!” However, Katsuki couldn’t help but flush in slight embarrassment when you were laughing at him again, except this wasn’t out of mockery he could tell that much. He still didn’t like it though.
“I-I’m sorry! It’s just… that’s… another reason why I love you… you’re right… I want to do that… kill our fears together… you and me Katsuki.” Your smile didn’t fade as you took his hand in yours, and Katsuki promptly squeezed your hand, his own smirk not leaving.
“Good.” He sounded satisfied, but mostly relieved. Relieved that you and him were okay, or that you were at least going to be together since neither one of you wanted to end this despite the issues that sprung up.
But then he froze up as soon as he suddenly felt you loosen your grip on his hand, and he grunted and nearly exclaimed in shock when you threw your arms around him in the tightest hug he’s felt from you.
We fall apart as it gets dark I'm in your arms in Central Park There's nothing you could do or say I can't escape the way, I love you I don't want to, but I love you Oh-oh-oh
“I love you Katsuki…” You whispered quietly as your tears silently fell. The fear was lingering, but  still made you feel safe enough that you held onto him tight. Unwilling to let go as Katsuki returned the gesture by embracing you just as tightly.
God, he didn’t know how scared he was to lose you until he thought of the worst that could have happened. He was still scared, still afraid to lose you and to love you even though he did love you. He really loved you.
“I love you too (Y/N)…” He said the three words to you again, and your tear-filled (E/C) eyes widened when you heard them again. Your heart pounding as they made you feel less afraid and more at peace as you warmly smiled, resting your head into his shoulders and softly smiling even as you felt your own shoulder growing wet from his tears.
You knew it. You truly did love Katsuki, even if you were afraid of the fact that you loved him. And you figured out that Katsuki was afraid of that fact as well. He loved you, it’s why he told you the words even if he didn’t want to.
He knew he had to because it was true, he loved you. It just freaked him out that he did, that he loved someone.
Yet Katsuki wasn’t going to change those feelings, he loved you and he was willing to face that fear if it meant getting to love you the way he did. And you were too, you didn’t want to stop loving him even though you were scared. At least you and Katsuki would be scared together.
But the two of you opened your eyes when you remembered that Taromaru was still here, resting at the foot of your bed and having woken up from his little nap. You couldn’t help but giggle a bit, even becoming aware of how dark it had gotten and how late it was. Or maybe it wasn’t late, but still you felt sleepy after those tears and emotionally opening up to your boyfriend.
“Taromaru has the right idea… Kat… spend the night here?” You asked him with those puppy dog eyes that annoyed Katsuki as he scoffed, but like hell he was going back to his room. He wanted to be with you.
“Duh. I’m not going anywhere…” He reminded you with a soft little smirk that made you blush warmly and grin at him. This was good, you felt so much better to be with him after you and him talked together and cried together and opened up about your fears of loving each other. And that the two of you would keep working this out together, overcome more fears together as partners.
Finally, you felt like you could sleep comfortably tonight as you were lying down in your bed, Katsuki’s arms were around you as the two of you spooned and cuddled, Taromaru still at the foot of your bed.
“I love you…” You repeated the words to him softly, the words you were still afraid of but because of Katsuki you felt brave enough to tell him that you loved him regardless of your fears. And Katsuki knew it was scary, but still, he wanted to love you, and he knew you wanted to love him too, so he wasn’t going to let a little fear stop him from telling you.
“I love you too.”
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wornoutmouse · 4 years
Im making this gender neutral cause I feel like I did pretty damn good here. And it had a bit of a fairytale ending but I couldn't figure how else to tie it up prettily
Also tried of tumbler adding gaps to all the paragraphs when i copy and paste from docs to here so y'all just gonna have to deal. this fic is way too damn long for me to fix it like i normally do
Also i went over the aparent limit so just look for the words "pt2" in green for the extension
Letting go is one of the hardest things one can do. But understanding why you had to let go is harder.
You and Izuku knew each other for the longest time. Hell you were the one that lifted him back up when Bakugou knocked him down. So why…. Why after all that were you not good enough?
He never said you weren't, he'd never do that. But the worthlessness you felt as you watched her hand him a love letter. You thought, he won't accept, afterall she's one of the many girls and guys that had confessed since the beginning of U.A. Hell you were surprised Ochaco even had the guts to confess.
But the small blush and smile that overcame his face as he finished reading the letter, was one you've never seen before. In that moment you wished you'd decline coming with him for support.
The sick feeling in your stomach grew larger as they hugged each other tightly. That sickness translated into a smile when he looked back at you.
From then on, your sunny disposition was a fabrication of what once was. You didn't hate her, you even saw the appeal, having the slightest crush on her as well. You just hated that he chose her. Was the years of companionship worthless?
As the two grew closer, you grew farther and buried yourself in training and school work. Days went by, months, and by the time graduation came, you were all 3rd years.  You and Deku had become nothing more than aquaintences.
The others tried to stop your descent into isolation, Including you in everything they did, ut it wasn't the same.
"Hey Y/n." You wiped your sweat with the towel around your neck. You'd been at it for most of the day and had shed most of your clothes. Izuku was dressed casual for once and looked gorgeous in the setting sun.
"Yes Midoriya?" Ouch. When did you start calling him that? You couldn't quite remember. Deku looked over the trees, green hair blowing with fall wind. "You know we haven't hung out in a while." You took a drink of water as you sat on a fallen log. "Oh really?" 
That came out harsher than needed and you both knew it. "Since we are graduating tomorrow, I was wondering if you would join us for once as a last farewell. 
You didn't miss the undertone in the last comment. Deku watched in silence as you put your tank top back on. "I don't think I can make it."
Izuku's fists clenched as he glared at the floor. "Why?" You eyed his fists,"I have other things to do." Deku scoffed, "Give me a break, school is over what more do you have to do?!" "More important stuff than partying."
There was a change in the air and at the last minute, you jumped back as Deku's foot slammed down in the floor causing a sizable crater. "Stop lying Y/N! What could you possibly have to do that's more important than hanging out with your friends?! Don't you understand that this is the last time we'll have this much free time to see each other!?"
A small smirk crawled onto your face. 'Still a crybaby huh?'  tears trailed down Deku's face as he looked at you, "We haven't talked in years y/n." You would not break, this was for the best, you would not fall back into this cycle. "We talked this morning." "Hello is not a conversation y/n"
"What do you want me to do then Izuku?" 
Nothing, just like you expected. "Listen Deku, Sometimes, people grow apart and..." You have to take a deep breath, cause if you don't you'd break all over again. "Sometimes we just have to accept it." 
Izuku says nothing more and leaves, heartheavy. During the party,  Izuku spent his time with Uraraka, both day-dreaming about their future, though Izuku wasn't as engaged as he usually was. You sat alone in the common room, looking down at the feastivities below. Mr. Aizawa was the only one who noticed.
As a pro hero you stayed in a moderate range in regards to popularity. About the same level that Mt. Lady and Kamui Woods used to be. 
Watching Bakugou and Midoriya's ranking teeter back and forth like hot potato was amusing as the fiery blond would call you to complain since he knew you would simply listen.
Your love life was non-existent besides the occasional fling with a cute chick at a bar or a himbo™ at the local gym. You weren't looking for anything sold anyways and that was not only due to your hero work, but because no one peaks your interests.
The gang of course flocked together in regards to their love lives. Kaminari and Jiro were finally a thing. Momo and Todoroki were dropping hints to each other but they are both a bunch of oblivious bimbos and that is not going to change anytime soon. 
Tsu and surprisingly Mineta prefered the bachelor life and worked hard on building their teams. You were greatly surprised when Mineta asked you to come to his house and genuinely asked your opinion on trainees. 
Unlike the rest, Mina, Kirishima and Bakugou, were trying to figure out the ins and outs of a poly relationship. Bakgou of course being the word if reason as the other two goofed around.
 All was in its place as you all conformed to your new adult lives. You had no faint clue where the other boys were besides Kouji's and Satou's engagement.
It was a Thursday evening when you walked into your condo, shuffling through your mail until a white envelope with gold trimming for your attention. 
You are invited….
Of course how could you forget Deku and Uraraka. When was the last time you saw those two? Most likely the last day of school. How the hell did they get your address?
You tossed the envelope on the couch and walked to your kitchen to get a bottle of wine. You spent that evening drinking the petty thoughts away, altering between cursing Ochako, to reminiscing on how they were truly a match made in heaven.
By 4 in the evening, you were beyond tipsy and could barely stand to answer the door when the bell rung. 
"Whatdoya want Midoriya?" You said, leaning a little too far to the left. Deku looked at you with concerned eyes. "Are you drunk y/n?" Your roll your eyes and turn around, walking back into your home. "What does it look like?" 
You slump on the couch as Deku walks throughout your home. He was alot bigger  than you remembered. His curly green hair was almost touching your ceiling as he looked at your disheveled body.
"I'm just here to make sure you got my invitation." You tug the envelope from where it fell between the cushion and wavs it in front of your face. Izuku acknowledged it as he sat down, "Well are you coming?"
You shrugged your shoulders as you reach for your glass. Izuku tried to take it away and you smack his hand. Even though you could taste the unresolved tension, you wanted to make things a bit lighter. "I don't know deku, what's the theme? If it's green then I can't come, you know that clashes with my complexion."
He doesn't laugh, not even a smile. Oh well not your problem. The bottle is empty much to your disappointment as you held the opening over your mouth. Deku sits there, fists on his knees as he makes a conflicted face. "How many bottles have you drunk?"
You slap his back, slightly impressed that his solid form didn't move. "Oh calm down worry wort!" A lazy grin comes over your face and a teasing tone slips into your voice. "I'm not an alcoholic...mmm, yet."
You both sat in silence, Deku swirling in his own emotions for  seeing you this way. You looked completely fine on the surface but he knew you better. They all knew you better. Bakugou's weekly gossip visits were nothing more than a check on your personal health.  Even Mineta had to pitch in.
"Hey Deku?" You looked off into thin air as you spoke but Izuku hung off your every word. 
"Can you kiss me?"
Deku didn't mean to stand up the way he did. You didn't react, you expected it if anything. "Y/n, you know I can't do that. Why would you even ask!?" You rubbed your eyes to rid yourself of the smallest threat of tears. You weren't an emotional drunk and you weren't going to start being one now.
"Mm just thought that if you did, maybe I could get over this fuzzy feeling in ma'chest." Deku blushed, from what you. didn't know, but you did notice how he sat back next to you, closer than before. "If I do…..will you come?"
I was going to come either way idiot
"I'll think about it."
Your lidded eyes picked up on the smallest movements and you shivered as Izuku held your chin between his fingers. The kiss was gentle and nothing more than a simple press. You would have been fine with that, that's all you wanted. What you weren't expecting was for Deku to continue.
You could feel your chest flair with the familiar discomfort of things being out of your control. His rough hands came home to your face as he deepened the kiss. You couldn't help but let out a small whimper as his tongue swiped against your bottom lip and he took that chance to delve deeper.
You pushed him away and stood. You both looked at each other, darkened eyes and veins fluttering with adrenaline. "Why?" you whispered, voice betraying you as it cracked. Izuku held his fist over his heart where you pushed him. "I..I did what you asked." You shook your head.
No, no this is wrong
Izuku stands up and tries to console you. The words that left his lips unrecognizable.
It's over isn't it?
"Y/n calm down please and let's talk." You put your hands over your ears. "You're so selfish." You wheezed. Why was the room getting darker?
It's over isn't it?
Strong hands grip your arms and you scrape them off. "Get out."
You won and he chose you
As a last resort, Deku tries to kiss you again, holding you close back your lower back, even daring to nibble your lips as he pulls away. "Y/n can you please focus!?" Why was he making it worse? You are not a home wrecker!!
And he loves you so he's gone
Izuku helplessly watched you fall into your own thoughts as you gripped the wall so hard your knuckles turned white. 
It's over isn't it?
You blindly stumble into your room and close the door, falling against it.
Why can't I move on?
Izuku tested his forehead against the door, trying to listen for any sign of life, even a heart beat. On the other side you fall into a dreamless sleep.
War and Glory
It rained on their wedding day. And in the worst way possible or made the ceremony even more beautiful as light drops of water tangled itself in Uraraka's veil. 
The pictures were to die for and so was the food. "Y/n come on, take a picture with me!" You sip some champagne and prepare yourself for your sin  free facade as you walk over to the new bride.
Her dress was gorgeous yet modest, one would confuse this gathering for a party since you were forced to wear white  with her and Deku despite you explaining  how weddings worked.
You kneeled to adjust to her height as she held the camera the highest she could. "You want me to do it?"  You took the phone and held it above you. Ochaco pouted as you dwarfed her and gripped her small hands on the front of your clothes.
She smelt of strawberry's and soap. 
Before you could pull away, she tugged your down as she came to whisper in your ear. "I know." She pulled away with the same small smile she wore since the day began. Your face mirrored one of fright and she quickly noticed.
She raised her hands in surrender as she tried to calm you down. "Hey what's that face for, it's fin-" you flinched as she reached out to touch you. Backing up, you ran into Deku who quickly held onto you to prevent you from falling.
You do your best to calmly untangle yourself from him, but subsequently jumping away as if you were on fire. The newly weds shared a look and you shivered as they both narrowed their eyes at you. Focused the same way they were when on a mission.
Walking through the crowd of fans and distant family was no hard feat as you headed to the hotel the wedding was taking place behind. The two followed you and you tried your damnedest not to simply run.
You had almost made it out conservation free but Deku's hand quickly slapped on the side of the door before you could close it and he forced his way in as a limping Ochaco followed behind. "Come on Y/N, these heels are uncomfortable!" 
You could feel tears falling down your face as you backed away from the two. It wasn't out of fear, but shame. Shame that you had feelings for your friend. Shame that you kissed a taken and engaged man. Shame that his  wife knew.
"Y/n calm down it's fine, I don't mind!" You looked at her with confusion and bristled as Deku came closer. "I told her the day after it happened." You focus on Ochaco, preparing yourself for any physical attacks the small woman might deem necessary. "I'm sorry Ochaco, I-I didn't mean for it t-to happen."
Anger at the memory filled your brain and you almost didn't notice small hands taking hold of yours.
Her attention
"It's okay Y/N." Ochaco smiled warmly at you, bringing your hands to her lips as she kissed them gently. "I don't mind, infact this was the goal for a long time." You look at Deku for some coherent conversation, "What is she talking about."
Izuku blushed, "We've been trying to get your attention since highschool. We knew how you felt and didn't mind you joining us like Kachan, Kiri, and Mina." A steely gaze with the power of Aizawa's death glare, casted over Izuku's face, "But you kept running."
Ochaco waved her hands to divert the sudden hostile energy. "Anyways, we were planning on announcing it at the flower toss." Ochaco reached into her bussom and pulled out a small jewelry case. Inside it held a silver ring, strikingly similar to the one she now wore on her left hand.
"I know we really haven't got to get to know each other that well. And I know your feelings don't lie for me but, if you would like…" Deku gingerly plucked the ring from Uraraka's hands and the both lowered to their knees. (Ochaco with more effort as the fluff of her dress almost tipped her over)
Oop looks like i went over the limit?
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mortedeveles · 4 years
Can I ask for a mha headcanon with bakugou, tenya & izuku with a crush/so who's short, chubby and is very quiet & cold when they first meet, but when they start getting to know them they're actually goofy, sarcastic and very caring/cuddly (they were just super anxious when they first met the boys) I hope this isn't too confusing or too much ^^" 👉👈
thanks for requesting sweet anon! your request is perfectly fine! i hope you like it <3 on another note, if you’ve sent me a request and I haven’t responded, please send it again or DM me! i think Tumblr has been eating asks lately.. ;vv. 
these are my first headcannons, I hope they’re not too bad :(  what do you think? are they too informal/formal? too short/long? feel free to let me know! i made bakuhoe’s kinda long, i hope you don’t mind! MY REQUESTS ARE OPEN, THEY WILL CLOSE ON THE 16TH! as always, please leave a like, reblog, comment and/or follow if you enjoyed! <33 
PAIRING: Bakugou K. x gn!reader, Tenya I. x gn!reader, Izuku M. x gn! reader
Themes: pining, humor. [HEADCANNONS]
TW: cursing? i don’t think anything else. 
When you enrolled in U.A High, you were extremely nervous. What if you weren't fit to be a Pro Hero? At the entrance exam, there were so many other students, you felt queasy at the sight of so much potential.
You went through so many insecure thoughts and fleeting moments of panic before school started. What if they didn't like you? How would you even make friends? Would they be easy going or cold and distant? When school finally started, you were in for a surprise.
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As we all know, Katsuki was a prideful asshole at the beginning of the school year. He barely paid attention to anyone and you weren't an exception- Kirishima and the Bakusquad were the only ones who'd managed to befriend him. And even then, they would always get on his nerves.
Don't get me wrong, he knew you existed. But he didn't really pay much attention to you until the mids of the first year. The first time he interacted with you was during a fighting assignment- the two of you had been paired together, you were to engage in combat and see how your quirks worked against each other and together.
Bakugou noticed that you had a strong quirk- you weren't any extra. With your quirk Liquify, you actually managed to make him sweat and feel tired- you had a good grasp on your quirk.  He didn't mind working with you, he had noticed that you tended to be quiet and distant and barely talked to him if it wasn't school-related- so he thought you were alright. Katsuki preferred a silent partner than a loud and noisy one like dunceface.
However, he was slightly thrown off guard when he spotted you with Todoroki, Tsuyu, and a few others of the class, laughing together and blabbering about nonsense. He had never seen you laugh or smile around him. Your face was shining with joy-  he could see so many emotions in your expression- a startling contrast to your usual stoic or grimacing face.
Bakugou didn't care, right? The two of you were just study partners, nothing more. He didn't care about how you acted around him.
He couldn't convince himself with his own words.
The more time the two of you worked together, the more you opened up. It was a pleasant change. Katsuki noticed how you would smile when you thought he wasn't looking or that you'd occasionally chatter with him during the fighting and reply sarcastically to his remarks.  
Seeing you smile and laugh around him felt nice- his heart always skipped a beat when your lips tugged upwards.
He told himself it was nothing. He didn't like you or anything...he just liked seeing you smile. That's what he kept telling himself day after day, refusing to acknowledge his feelings for you.
''Bakugou, do you choose truth or dare?''
It wasn't until Class 1A decided to have a sleepover with all the boys and girls (minus Mineta, they kicked him out of the building for the night) and played a popular game called Truth or Dare that he finally acknowledged his feelings for you.
It was Mina's turn, and Katsuki didn't like the evil glint in her eyes. He felt his heart crawl up to his throat when Mina smiled at him.
He swallowed, clenching his fists at his side. Ever since he was paired with you, Katsuki had noticed how Mina's gaze lingered on the two of you. What was she planning? Was Mina going to force him to do something- kiss you? He felt his ears burn at the thought. After an awkward moment of silence, Bakugou spoke up.
''Truth,'' he said gruffly. Hopefully, she wouldn't ask what he was thinking.
Mina squealed in delight. She clasped her hands together. ''Bakugou,'' she spoke slowly but firmly, her face contorting into a serious expression. ''Do you like Y/N?''
''Hah?!'' he immediately snapped. His ears and cheeks burned red and small sparks snapped from his palms. Bakugou could hear snickers and squeals from the rest of his classmates but refused to look at them. 
''What kind of question is that?!"
After a few moments, Bakugou grumbled a 'yes', but no one heard him, so Mina taunted him into speaking louder.
Mina giggled, shooting you a knowing glance. Bakugou wanted to look at you- what were you thinking?- but his fear of rejection willed him to keep his burning gaze on Mina.
''You heard me,'' the pink girl replied with a grin. ''Is Y/N your crush? Don't lie to me. You have to say the truth!''
Everyone was silent at his outburst. With a growl, he glanced at you. His face felt like it was on fire- and much to his surprise, you were as flustered as him- but you offered him a timid smile. He relaxed at your smile and felt his heart flutter. You liked him back.
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As class president, Iida felt the responsibility of reaching out with all of his classmates. He wasn't particularly close with everyone, but he made sure to be friendly and supportive.
You were a different case. Despite his attempts to converse with you, Iida had noticed that you were quite distant and cold. At first, he was startled but eventually brushed it off. Maybe it was just your behavior, similar to Todoroki's.
Even though you were quite closed off, Iida refused to surrender.
He had seen you briefly interact with other classmates such as Tokoyami and Ochaco, and you were far more comfortable with them, smiling and even laughing with them. This could've discouraged him but instead, it made him feel motivated to get you to be comfortable with him. 
After Iida had a sparring match with Todoroki, you approached him. 
‘‘Not bad,’‘ you said. Your face was stoic- but the fact that you were complimenting him made him smile. ‘‘Your sparring skills are improving.’‘ 
Iida bowed down so low he nearly touched the ground. ‘’Thank you, Y/N-chan!” he exclaimed.
 Eventually, the two of you became comfortable friends, but Iida was still the goody two shoes he's always been. Whenever you were acting improper or out of line, he was always there to keep you in check, scolding you with his loud and long speeches.
At first, his scoldings irked you but you eventually warmed up to them. One time, your uniform was too tight/short (it was the last pair you had clean!) and when you greeted Iida, his face reddened.
''Y/N-chan!'' he exclaimed, waving his hands in the air. ''Your uniform doesn't abide by the school uniform's guidelines! You are a very beautiful person but-,'' his face turned even redder and he swallowed nervously. ''Your presentation is improper!''
After his rant, he breathed heavily and was surprised when he heard you laughing softly. You rarely showed emotions around him- only a few small smiles and chuckles, but never a laugh.
''Oh, Iida-kun!'' you said with a teasing grin. ''It's my only clean uniform pair!'' you pouted and Iida swallowed nervously. ''I'll make sure to dress properly next time! Thanks for letting me know.'' you pressed a chaste kiss on his cheek and walked away with a mischievous grin, leaving him a blushing mess.
Iida grew fond of your jokes- they were silly, but always made him smile. Around you, Iida grew at ease. He had acknowledged that he had romantic feelings for you, but wasn’t quite sure how to tell you. It wasn’t a concerning matter for him, he was sure that one day, he would be able to confess to you... it was merely a matter of time. Meanwhile, he would simply have to push his romantic feelings aside, until he was ready to confess.
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Where do I begin?
Izuku is quite friendly and tries to befriend everyone- even if they're challenging or distant. He's proven to be successful- after all, he befriended the aloof Shoto Todoroki.
He began to interact with you through Todoroki- you had quickly befriended the bi-colored boy after joining U.A and when Izuku befriended Todoroki and began to sit together- you would tag along and sit with them. 
When he met you, he was in awe for several reasons. One, you had perfect control over your quirk Liquify- which amazed him to no end- he would constantly ask you questions and mutter under his breath, writing down notes in his notebook.
Your cold behavior didn't bother him- he believed that you simply weren't comfortable with him yet, and he was okay with that fact. You could open up whenever you were ready.
His theory turned out to be correct- after months of socializing, you began to warm up with him- and he began to see a different side of you.
You would occasionally make sarcastic remarks that made him laugh loudly. Izuku didn’t miss how your eyes would slightly crinkle and how beautiful you look when you smiled- but remained silent and kept his comments to himself. 
During the weekend, you had spent time with him and admitted that you felt anxious around him- he was Deku, a Pro Hero in training, he saved everyone and always smiled brightly. To a certain point, you felt intimidated by him.
After hearing your confession, Izuku assured you that you were great as well- he was a firm believer that your quirk and your traits were perfect to be a Pro Hero- there was no reason to feel intimidated.
The two of you grew even closer after that day. 
Sometimes, you would become cuddly or yearn for physical contact and you would grumble or ask Izuku if you could hug him or hold his arm. He would blush brightly and stammer for several minutes but eventually agree.
If being close to him made you happy, he was happy to oblige.
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queen-swagzilla · 4 years
So Much Worse Than A Phantom Limb, Chapter 1 (BakuDeku)
Katsuki gritted his teeth against the noise bouncing around the classroom walls. The class was chattering animatedly as they waited for Aizawa, who was already ten minutes late. He was trying to go over his English homework, but he couldn't fucking concentrate—partly because of all the goddamn noise and partly because Deku was late too, and hadn't texted him to inform their homeroom teacher like he usually did.
He was trying to ignore the second point. After all, maybe he'd texted his nerd squad instead.
Aizawa dragged himself into the classroom at the twenty-minute mark. Iida even started to scold him until he recognized the haggard set of the teacher's face. He looked even worse than usual.
"Midoriya was involved in a villain attack. He is currently in the hospital. No one is permitted to see him—" he paused, eyes sliding to Katsuki who tensed immediately. "Except you. His mother requested your presence specifically."
Katsuki, who had gone deathly still, nodded once.
"Excuse me, but why him?" Uraraka asked, voice saccharine but shaded with barely discernable malice. "They can't even be in the same room together without fighting."
"It's what Mrs. Midoriya requested, and therefore the final answer. If I hear that any of you try to see Midoriya against his family's wishes, you will be immediately expelled." He stated, dark glare cutting across the room to the most likely perpetrators.
"Sensei," Bakugou called his attention back. "Do you mind if I call my mother to make sure she knows? Auntie shouldn't be alone in the hospital until I'm done with classes." Katsuki spoke, face carefully blank—almost bored to a careless observer. Aizawa was not a careless observer. He took in the rigid set of his shoulders and tight press of his lips and clenched fists and paling features and read the fear and concern in his student like an open book. After months of observing his two most problematic problem children, it wasn't a surprise to him. The rest of the class seemed shocked that he even had a considerate bone in his body.
"Of course. Take your time." Aizawa gestured to the door, and Katsuki hurried out, ignoring the shock on his friend's faces or Uraraka's steely glare. 
Auntie Inko had enveloped him in a hug as soon as he'd walked into Deku's hospital room. She was shaking—a violent full-body tremble that belied her fear. He could hear his mom speaking, but wasn't really processing her words because over Auntie's shoulder he was staring at Deku's prone form.
He was hooked up to a ventilator. There were dark purple bruises under his eyes. Katsuki had seen him less than twenty-four hours ago, and he already looked emaciated and pale.
Something was seriously wrong.
Aizawa was with them, discussing the minutiae of Deku's clearly serious quirk incident. He wasn't listening, because Deku was so still and quiet that if it weren't for the monitor, Katsuki would think he was dead. 
An intrusive picture flitted across the back of his mind—an image of what life would be like without Deku. He shoved it aside.
He couldn't think about it. Not in front of Auntie Inko.
But then he finally heard what the adults were saying. Took in every detail about what was wrong with Deku. And he thought about it anyway.
There was a buzzing under his skin and a tightness in his chest. Lesser mortals would call it panic—or maybe terror. But he was the strong one. He didn't even panic when he'd been kidnapped. If he panicked now, everyone else would break.
He didn't have that luxury, but he supposed that was the price of being the strongest. Only one person could handle the full weight of his fears.
He could panic when Deku woke up. 
Deku was in a coma.
A fucking coma.
On Friday, the nerd left to see his mom for the weekend. On Monday, he was in a goddamn coma.
With a concussion. 
And two skull fractures. 
And a shattered tibia.
AND under the effects of an unknown but obviously deadly poisoning quirk. 
Thankfully, Aizawa had been there and had gotten that information first hand, so he wasn't responsible for relaying it. Unfortunately, the eighteen other idiots he lived with didn't see it that way. 
"Any news?" Eijiro asked him before he'd even taken his shoes off. 
"His medical care is confidential. Fuck off, Shitty Hair." He grumbled, beelining for the kitchen where every-fucking-one else was waiting. He bit back a growl of sheer frustration and exhaustion and powered through. He needed to eat like...six hours ago. 
"Bakugou! How's Deku doing?" Uraraka called as soon as he was in sight. "Fuck off Round Face." He grunted, grabbing his leftovers from the fridge and slamming the door behind him. 
"C'mon! If you're the only one who's allowed to see him, you gotta tell us how he's doing!" She insisted, crowding him. 
He's fucking dying. He thought vitriolically. And there's nothing I can do. "I don't have to tell you shit. Get the fuck away from me." He snapped, moving to stalk past her.
She grabbed his arm. "Hey! Don't walk away—" 
He detonated the hand she wasn't clinging to right next to her face. "Get the fuck off me." She dropped his arm immediately. "Let me leave this fucking kitchen or I'll blow up the fucking building." He snarled.
He stormed into his room, shoulder checking anyone who tried to stand in his way or ask him fucking questions. He knew they were curious and worried, but fuck why were they putting the responsibility on him to be the bearer of disastrously shitty news? Did he seem like the type of person who handled emotional bullshit well? 
He slammed the door to his room behind him as loudly as possible without actually breaking the door, ate his cold-ass leftovers, and dropped himself onto the bed.
And finally—finally—he cried. 
Eijiro was waiting for him when he opened his door the next morning. He almost slammed it shut again at the look on his face.
"Walk to class together? I can help fend people off." He offered. Katsuki studied him skeptically. "I heard you last night, man. We share a wall." Fantastic. Shitty Hair had heard him crying like a bitch. Spec-fucking-tacular. "And you're right, his business is confidential and it's not your responsibility to keep us updated."
"Like that'll stop the nerd squad from prying anyways," Katsuki grumbled, pulling his door shut behind him in acceptance of Eijiro's offer to be his human shield. They walked in silence most of the way, but fuck Eijiro was a good friend, so he knew what was coming next. 
The redhead stopped him just outside the main entrance. "I'm only gonna ask this once because I know you'll blow me up if I go overboard," Eijiro stated. Katsuki tried hard not to crack a smile. "Are you okay?"
Katsuki stared at him for a long moment, considering his options. He could lie. He could tell him to fuck off. But Eijiro was a good friend. "No."
Eijiro looked surprised at the admission but schooled it down quickly. "Anything I can do?" Katsuki shook his head. "Well let me know if that changes, okay? I'm here for you Bakubro."
Read the rest on Ao3!
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You Are My Sunshine
Title: My Only sunshine
Description: You make me happy
Warning(s): :) angst :)
Pairings: Bakugou x reader, eventual Todoroki x reader
A/N: Listen for the sake of story we’ll pretend the dorms already existed shhhhh. Anyway, this is part 1.
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“Why are you being so mean? You’re making him cry Kacchan! If you keep on hurting him I’ll- I’ll uh- I’ll stop you myself!” Midoriya cried, raising his hands in the air, forming fists as he stood in front of the boy Bakugou had been bullying just moments before.
Bakugou scoffed and looked down, “You want to pretend to be a hero?” He said, punching his fist into his hand, activating his quirk, “You don’t stand a chance without a quirk, Deku.” He said, with an overconfident smile. Y/n stood off to the side, watching the two boys fight yet again. They watched as Midoriya got beat up yet again, knowing that if they tried to step in their ice quirk wouldn’t stand a chance against Bakugou’s explosions.
It was only after Bakugou left that they approached Midoriya, creating a little block of ice and applying it to the bruises and brushing off any dirt. Neither of them said anything, but they both shared a knowing look that said ‘Why was he so mean?’
“Members of the agency Bakugou- Ah!” Y/n watched as Bakugou slipped and fell off the log, into the river below. They followed after Midoriya who immediately ran down to where he was, and held his hand out to Bakugou, asking if he was okay, and Y/n got upset when Bakugou rejected his help, and instead insulted him, “Why are you so mean? He’s just trying to help you!” They said, crossing their arms and huffing. Bakugou simply stared at them, not answering, so Y/n huffed again, and stormed away, back up to the log with Midoriya chasing after them.
Y/n was sitting in class, staring out the window, at least they were until they heard Bakugou being cocky, again. “I ace all the mock tests! I’m the only one at this school who stands a chance at getting in!” He said, Y/n tuned him out, as they usually did. Bakugou and Y/n were friends, sure, but that didn’t mean they wanted to listen to his “I’m the best” speech over and over again. They looked over at Midoriya and made eye contact with him. They rolled their eyes at him in a joking manner and he smiled, about to laugh until he heard the teacher say “Oh yeah, Midoriya don’t you want to go to UA too?” and his face went red. Everyone turned to look and laugh at the green haired boy as Bakugou froze in place. Y/n would have laughed at him if they weren’t concerned for Midoriya.
“Hey, what’s so funny about Midoriya wanting to go to UA? I’ve helped tutor some of you and I can tell you right now, that with the way some of your test scores are, he has a better chance than any of you. There’s plenty of people that get into UA that don’t have flashy physical quirks like Bakugou or have mental ones. Who’s to say he can’t get in?” Y/n snapped, people got quiet after that, and class continued on as normal, but Y/n could feel someone’s eyes burning into the side of their head.
“Hey!” Y/n paused when they heard someone shout at them. Turning, they saw Bakugou heading towards them, “Bakugou I just want to go home, what is it?” They asked, once he reached them.
He looked them in the eyes, but then averted his gaze. If they didn’t know any better, they’d think he was nervous.
“Um, you’re not as annoying as everyone else, y’know? Easier to tolerate you and shit. I like studying with you, and you’re pretty good at fighting as well.” He said, causing Y/n to raise an eyebrow at him. And his face flushed a noticeable shade of red. He shut his eyes and clenched his fists at his sides, “Go out with me?” He asked, or said? Y/n wasn’t sure whether it was a question, but they assumed it was.
“Uh-“ They hesitated, but Bakugou cut them off, “Listen I know I can come off aggressive or whatever, but I genuinely like you. I have since we were kids, when you stood up to me in the river, but didn’t get all scared like Deku.” He said, still refusing to look them in the eyes, “You’re really strong, and smart, and I like that. You’re also kinda cute, and I guess I like that too. I’d been wanting to ask you out for a while now, but didn’t know how, but if I’m gonna be number one I can’t be scared of these things can I?” He finished. He finally opened his eyes, and looked at them.
Looking into his eyes, they could tell he genuinely meant what he said. He started to look desperate, but hid it immediately, and it was only when they saw the desperation that they realized they had been silent for a while.
“Bakugou.” They started, and he looked hopeful, “You’re a hard headed asshole who gets cocky over the smallest of things and acts like he’s better than everyone. How we even became friends, I’ll never know.” They said, and he looked devastated, as his shoulders slumped, “But,” They continued and his eyes lit up again, “I’ll give you a chance.” They finished. The grin that appeared on Bakugou’s face was a grin Y/n saw rarely, only when he was truly genuinely happy. Next thing they knew, he pulled them into a near bone crushing hug. Other than training, in which Y/n specifically asked him to not hold back, he was always careful with them. Even though he knew they were strong, he was always careful to not hurt them in any way.
“Katsuki! Katsuki! Guess what!” Y/n exclaimed the moment they were let into the house. Running into his room, and jumping on his bed, they shook him awake. He grumbled a bit before pulling the blanket down and glaring at them, “The one day I choose to sleep in.” He said, but they knew he was joking, “Guess what!” They said again as they climbed off the bed, having successfully woken him up. Sitting up, he rubbed his eyes and stretched, “What?” He asked.
“I got into UA!” Y/n cheered, and that woke Katsuki right up, “You serious?!” He asked and they nodded, grinning. He practically jumped out of bed and grabbed their wrist, smiling, and pulled them into a tight hug, spinning them around before setting them back down, both of them laughing cheerfully.
“You and I are gonna be the strongest couple UA has ever seen!” He said, pumping his fist in the air, “Yeah!” They cheered, giggling. Pulling them closer to him, he kissed their forehead. Bakugou wasn’t the most affectionate person, only when he was in a really good mood, but Y/n didn’t mind, it hasn’t been long since they started dating so they didn’t expect any big changes.
Walking up to the entrance of UA, Y/n paused. This is something they had wanted for ages, and now it’s finally happening. They were going to UA. On top of that, they would be attending with their best friend Izuku, and their boyfriend Katsuki. What could be any better than that?
“Y/n!” Someone shouted, and Y/n looked to see Izuku running towards them, waving with a grin. “Izuku!” Y/n cheered, opening their arms for a hug. Running into Y/n’s arms, he gave them a tight hug, excited to see his best friend. “Oh it’s so good to see you!” They said, making Izuku laugh, “We saw each other last week.” He said and Y/n smiled, “That doesn’t mean I can’t miss you.” They said, and Izuku’s face flushed a light pink.
Pulling away from the hug, Izuku looked at the UA building before looking back at them, “You ready?” He asked, and they nodded, nerves creeping up, but they pushed them down, refusing to let nerves keep them from their dreams.
“Get out of my way before I set you on fire.” A familiar voice said, and both of them jumped. Looking behind them, they saw Katsuki approaching with that typical scowl he always had on his face.
“Oh hey, good morning!” Izuku said, flustered at Katsuki’s sudden arrival and threat. Scoffing, Katsuki merely glanced at him before grabbing Y/n’s hand and tugging them along. Y/n looked back at Izuku, an apologetic look on their face. Izuku smiled softly at them, a look of understanding on his face. “I’ll see you later!” he called, and Y/n smiled and gave a thumbs up.
They arrived at the classroom about five minutes later, where Katsuki immediately went and took a seat towards the front. Y/n took a moment to look around the room, noting the people already there. A girl with pink skin, and pink hair immediately approached them, smiling widely.
“Hi! I’m Mina Ashido! What’s your name?” She asked. Y/n was taken aback by the energy she had so early in the morning, but it was a nice change from Katsuki’s constant grumpiness, and Izuku’s shy, quiet nature.
“Uh, Y/n. Y/n L/n.” They said, Mina grinned, “Are you excited to be here at UA?” She asked and Y/n nodded, “Me too! I can’t believe I got into 1-A! I thought I would have been in 1-B or something, but I’m glad I’m here!” She said, “Oh! You should come sit with me! I feel like we’ll be great friends!” She continued, grabbing their hand, and tugging them over to where her desk was, and having them sit at the desk next to it. Y/n looked over at Katsuki who was watching out of the corner of his eye. He looked annoyed that Y/n was so far away from him, but before he could say anything, a tall boy with glasses came over and started lecturing him about how he shouldn’t be putting his feet on the desk. Y/n rolled their eyes, not surprised at his smartass responses.
“That blond guy seems like kind of an ass don’t you think?” Mina asked them, quiet enough so he wouldn’t hear, but loud enough so Y/n could. Y/n laughed lightly, “That’s my boyfriend.” They said, and Mina’s eyes went wide, “Oh!” She said, “Sorry, I didn’t know he was your boyfriend!” She exclaimed and Y/n smiled, “No, you’re fine. He acts like that a lot, I don’t blame you.” They said reassuringly.
More people came into the room, and among them was a boy with red and white hair split perfectly down the middle, and one grey eye while the other was a turquoise color surrounded by a red patch of skin, a scar of some sort. Mina gasped quietly, “Oh my god he’s in our class?!” She whisper yelled causing Y/n to look at her in confusion, “Who is he?” They asked and Mina turned to them, shocked, “You don’t know who he is?!” She asked and Y/n shook their head.
“That’s Todoroki Shouto. He’s Endeavor’s son, got in on recommendations.” A girl with short, dark hair replied as she sat behind Y/n, “Yeah! He’s like, really strong and stuff. He didn’t even have to take the entrance exam.” Mina said as Y/n turned to face both her, and the girl that arrived just now, who nodded to confirm what Mina said.
Glancing around the room, Y/n saw him sitting in the back. He looked rather reserved. He looked up for a moment, scanning the room, and briefly made eye contact with Y/n before turning away, facing his desk again.
“I’m Jirou by the way.” The dark haired girl said, snapping Y/n’s attention back to the conversation. “I’m Mina.” Mina replied, “Y/n.” They said. The conversation continued as more people came into the room, up until the bell rang.
“Katsuki, do you want to help me make dinner?” You asked, knocking on his door, “Can’t I’m busy studying, maybe tomorrow.” He said, his voice muffled by the door. Y/n sighed, walking back down the hall to the stairs. Reaching the common room, they entered the kitchen where Kaminari and Kirishima were grabbing drinks, “Hey Y/n! You making that classic soba you usually do?” Kirishima asked cheerfully, making Y/n smile, “Of course! What else? Don’t worry though I’ll be making other stuff with it as well so you have options.” They said making Kirishima smile, showing his sharp teeth, “We’ll get out of your way then.” He said, grabbing Kaminari’s arm and dragging him out of the room, drinks in hand.
Y/n got started on cooking and after a while, someone came into the room as they finished the soba. Turning to see who came in, they saw Todoroki in the doorway, “Hey there.” They said, and he just looked at them for a moment before looking at the food.
“Could you make it cold?” He asked, throwing Y/n off for a moment. He had never spoken to Y/n directly before outside of training, so this was new.
“Um yeah sure, I can make yours cold, it’ll just take a bit longer to finish in that case.” They said and he nodded, “Thank you.” He said before grabbing a drink from the fridge then leaving. Y/n went back to cooking. They felt nervous for some reason, but didn’t know why. They only had this feeling around Katsuki, but that was because they love him, and felt butterflies. They had only known Todoroki for a few months so that couldn’t be possible, especially since they had barely ever spoken other than training and just now. So what was this?
Y/n: Katsuki are you free right now? I need to see you.
Katsuki: Busy, about to go train with Kirishima. Can it wait?
Y/n huffed, dropping their phone next to them on the bed, not replying. Katsuki had been busy every time they texted him lately. Always training, studying, or doing pretty much anything else with someone else. They had a terrible day at school that day. They woke up late, didn’t have time to eat breakfast, almost forgot their uniform jacket, showed up late to class, pretty sure they bombed the test they had second period, forgot their lunch and didn’t have money to buy any, and Katsuki was nowhere to be found for them to ask for help. Their only meal was a granola bar Momo had given them during class after lunch when she noticed how exhausted they looked.
After about two and a half hours of moping around in their room, Y/n left their room to go downstairs since dinner would be done any time now.
Arriving in the common room, they saw Kirishima and Kaminari sitting in front of the tv playing a game while Sero sat on the couch next to… Katsuki. Katsuki, the one who said he was too busy to spend time with them when they clearly needed him. He was on his phone, scrolling through social media.
Y/n approached him. They didn’t know if they were going to cry from anger or sadness but either way, they could feel the tears building up with every step they took.
“I thought you said you were busy training.” They said, interrupting what Sero was saying about plans for the weekend. Katsuki turned to look at them, annoyed, “Huh?” He said.
“I asked you if you were available and you said you were busy training and asked if it could wait. Well I waited. And waited. And waited. But you never showed up. Never checked in. Only for me to come down here, and find you on the couch with your friends! You didn’t even tell me you were back!” Y/n shouted.
Katsuki groaned, “Listen, I’m sorry okay? It slipped my mind.” He said, standing from his spot on the couch to face you. “Katsuki I clearly needed you! I told you I needed to see you! I had a terrible day today and all I wanted was to see you and just cuddle and maybe watch a movie, but you blew me off again!” They shouted. They could feel the tears building, but refused to let them show.
Kirishima paused the game and stood from his spot on the floor, “Bro if Y/n wanted to see you, you could have just told us man, we would have understood.” He said, but Bakugou ignored him, focusing on Y/n.
“I shouldn’t have to put everything on hold for you! It’s not my job to baby you whenever you have a shitty day! Grow the fuck up Y/n! We’re training to be heroes, if one bad day is what gets to you then how the hell are you gonna be a real hero?!” He shouted back.
The room went silent. So silent you could hear a pin drop. Katsuki looked furious. Hands clenched into fists at his sides with sparks popping off every few seconds, eyebrows furrowed, and a look in his eyes so intense Y/n was surprised they hadn’t burst into flames already.
That was when the tears came out full force. The second the first two fell, Katsuki’s face softened, but by the time he had even realized what he had done, Y/n had already ran out of the room, long gone.
Making their way up to the roof, Y/n just wanted to get away for a bit. They usually only came up to the roof in the early mornings when they couldn’t sleep, so whether someone else was there at the moment they didn’t know.
Opening the door, they didn’t see anybody at first. After making sure the coast was clear, they made their way to their usual spot. Sitting down, they wiped the tears away and watched the sunset.
It had been only a few moments since they got there. A few moments of peace and quiet. Away from their friends, away from Katsuki. Away from the noise.
“Heard you and Bakugou had a fight.” A voice said, causing Y/n to jump slightly. They turned to see Todoroki approaching. “Sorry, did I scare you?” He asked. His face remained stoic, but his eyes looked apologetic for a moment.
“A bit yeah.” Y/n mumbled, turning back to face the sunset as he sat next to them. It had been a few weeks since the first brief conversation they had, and since then they seemed to be talking a bit more. Not like they were best friends or anything, but enough that he felt comfortable sitting next to them.
“Sorry, that wasn’t my intention.” He told them, and they hummed, “it’s okay.” They said, reassuring him.
They sat in silence for a moment before he spoke up again, “I only had a brief explanation from Midoriya of what happened. Do… do you want to talk about it?” He asked, and Y/n shook their head, “Not really. Not right now at least, maybe later.” They replied and he nodded. They didn’t say much as the orange and red sky turned to black as the sun went down. They didn’t really need to. A lot of the time they spent near each other was a comfortable silence. It was a nice change from Katsuki’s constant ranting about whatever it was that Izuku had done that week. After a little bit they made small talk about classwork, and whatever training had happened in the past week. Eventually Y/n told him about the day they had.
“If I knew you didn’t have a lunch I could have got you one.” He said, and Y/n shook their head, “No, it’s okay. I couldn’t ask you to do that.” They said and he looked at them, “Next time you forget one, you can ask me.” He told them and they gave him small smile, “Thanks.” They said.
Eventually Y/n’s phone buzzed with a text from Mina saying dinner was done. The two of them got up, and made their way to the common room, continuing the conversation until they reached the first floor, Y/n having said they’ll continue it later knowing he wasn’t comfortable being as open in front of the others.
Arriving in the common room, they both grabbed a plate from the kitchen and got their food before sitting together at a table, Y/n being unaware of the red eyes that followed their every move. Todoroki, however, was well aware of Bakugou’s gaze, but chose not to tell Y/n, not wanting to potentially upset them. He didn’t want Bakugou hurting them further.
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isaustraliaathing · 4 years
Two Halves of a Whole
Bakudeku Part 1
“We have a secrettt” She giggled licking blood off of her finger. In a swift doll like motion she fell limp off of the branch only to catch herself by her feet, leaving her right in his face. Grinning in a creepy manor she runs her tongue over her teeth, her eyes glinting with mischief.
“Bakugou get away from her!” He hears Mina yell from a distance, he ignores it.
Grabbing her by the collar he comes closer before growling “What secret you creepy ass bitch”.
Second years and already attacked by villains on their third day of school. Class 1A sure had a lucky streak tch.
He felt a rough hand on his shoulder as he was pulled back by Kirishima and now surrounded by what felt like his entire class. He grinned, no way the league was going to win when he had these losers fighting by his side. They were stupid, yes, but he trusted them.
Building up a large explosion in his hands Katsuki thrust his arm back to gain momentum and leaned on his back leg. Sweat forming at his brow his anger flared as he saw the villain smile. Pushing his hands forward ready to release the blast he was stopped by her words.
“Our favorite prisoner would be sad if you killed me” she pouted walking towards them.
“Isn’t that right, Kacchan.”
His world stopped as the flames in his hand went out in an instant. He heard nothing but the thumping of his heart and his own loud breathing.
He looked up at her pain etched in his features.
“What did you do to Deku?”
“Bakugou can you fill us in, who’s Deku” Kirishima said. Glancing over at Bakugou, Kirishima felt his own eyes betray his shock. The other boy's hands were clenched and shaking and his face was filled with overwhelming emotion.
“What did you do with Deku you FUCKERS!” Katsuki screamed tears now pouring from his eyes as he felt rage coursing through him. He ran forward releasing himself from Kirishima's grip and shot an explosion straight into the villain's face. He towered over her, a hand pushing her face to the floor and another one pinning her hand. His gaze was murderous as he increased the heat on his palms unknowingly.
“WHERE IS DEKU!” He screamed his voice echoing in the forest.
She giggled despite her circumstance and grinned “wouldn’t you want to know Kacchan”.
Katsuki heard someone screaming as he punched her in the face as hard as he could, his vision going blurry for some reason.
Kirishima paced around Bakugou's bed in the medical bay worrying. What the hell had happened out there, he’d known Bakugou for years now, they were best friends but
He’d never seen him snap like that.
Bakugou had looked in so much pain and grief. Like she had grabbed his heart and ripped it in two with those few words.
“Our favorite prisoner would be sad if you killed me” she pouted walking towards them.
“Isn’t that right, Kacchan.”
Favorite prisoner? What was going on. Kirishima massaged his temple.This was too much to process at once. Bakugou was always so manly, kept his composure better than even some pro heroes.
So why, why did he break?
Shifting in his bed Katsuki opened his eyes, wincing at the bright lights. Where the hell was he. Staring at the ceiling he sighed, the medical bay. He was never going to hear the end of it from Recovery Girl. Blinking he sat up confused and still slightly in a daze. Why the hell was he here-
His breath hitched and eyes narrowed as he stilled where he sat.
“Bakugou you okay man?” Kirishima asked concern radiating off of him.
“Dude you have a scary spaced off look please snap out of it, what’s wrong?” He asked again frantically before calling over recovery girl.
All Katsuki could do was sit there and stare ahead of him. Deku was gone.
Deku was gone
Deku’s gone.
Shit his vision was getting blurry again. He let the tears silently run down his face, his fists clenching the sheets.
“Hey Bakugou, how are you feeling, heard you woke up-“ Mina cut off before looking at his face as she entered with the rest of the class.
Their faces slacked at his crushed expression and Kirishima's evident panic. Seeing Bakugou crying was probably the worst thing they had ever seen. He’s always been so strong.
Mina ran forward wrapping her arms around the other boy “Bakugou” she hiccuped holding back tears herself.
“I don’t know what happened but it will be okay.” She said her voice wobbling.
The line brought everyone else ramming into him in a large hug until Recovery Girl came by at the sound of the racket.
“You idiots! Get off of him, he broke his arm!” She scolded ready to whack them all with a cane.
Huh he’d broken his arm? He hadn’t even noticed. He was consumed by the thought Deku was gone. He felt- empty.
Katsuki shuttered slightly, wincing as he stood to leave. He had to get a Deku.
“Get out my way extras, I need to go” he yelled making a path for himself ignoring the stabbing pain in his hand. Reaching the door, he flung it open, not exactly sure where to go but determined. Katsuki found himself face to face with Aizawa and All Might, restrained and tossed back on the bed.
“Young Bakugou, you cannot rush off like that when you are injured.” All Might scolded coughing up blood.
“Get out of my way Sensei, I have to go. I have to get Deku” he struggled against Aizawas cloth wrapped tightly around him. Katsuki dragged himself up and managed to get out of the bed before collapsing on the floor. Damn the old man was strong.
“I don’t know who this Deku is but I’ll let you know all the kidnapped students have been brought to safety,” Aizawa said calmly.
Shocked at his words Katsuki turned around with relief clear in his face.
“Thank god” he whispered, closing his eyes tight.
Thank god
Aizawa stared at Bakugou who’s eyes were tightly closed as if he was happy to the point of crying. Saying the sight was unsettling would be an understatement.
“If you’d like to see them they should be resting across the building in the second medical wing. Now I understand why Bakugou is here but the rest of you, back to the cafeteria, don’t bother him” Sensei echoed leaving the students to scamper out.
“Bakugou now that we are alone, would you care to talk about what that scene was back with the league. You cannot just-“ Aizawa sighed, stopping to look at the boy who seemed smaller than ever right now. His eyes were dim and void of the spark that made him Bakugou Katsuki.
What had happened, something was crushed inside of him.
“Look” he said, knowing he was going to regret saying this. “I normally would never allow this but would you like to go visit the other medical wing right now?” Aizawa questioned secretly hoping that spark would return.
It was brief but he saw it in Bakugou’s eyes, a little gleam of hope.
“I’d love to but no-“ he whispered looking down.
“I have to let him rest.”
“Let who rest?” Aizawa questioned.
With no warning a scream pulled both of their attentions away from the conversation to the closed door. Was it coming from the hallway?
“What the hell-“ Katsuki muttered squinting and straining his ears.
The voice echoed again louder and clearly running towards them very very fast.
The door was slammed open so quickly the wind snapped behind it as a short green haired boy came tumbling into the medical bay. Panting now the boy looked around frantically as he yelled out once more “KACCHAN!” His hands on his bent knees, leaning forward out of exhaustion.
Bakugou inhaled sharply as he heard the voice. All his pain forgotten, he stumbled out of his bed in time to see a beautiful little green haired boy run into the room. He felt himself break into a sprint, a grin plastered on his face as he made eye contact with Deku. The other boy started running towards him, tears now soaking his cheeks as he slammed into Katuski’s embrace.
Katsuki burrowed his head into Dekus neck as he held him tightly. Dekus' chin was resting on his shoulder as his arms clenched the back of his shirt, as if he were afraid to let him go. He felt large tear drops hit his shirt and Deku shaking around him.
Pulling away from the hug he looked at Izuku closely. Grabbing his face he turned it side to side examining him for any cuts or bruises or signs of harm.
“Are you okay Deku? Those bastards didn’t hurt you did they?” He grumbles concern turning into anger faster than should be possible.
Bakugou continued to check Dekus arms and hands afraid to find signs of pain at every turn of the wrist, purposefully avoiding his eyes.
“Kacchan, Kacchan look at me” Izuku whispered.
Katsuki snapped his head up to gaze at the other boy before breaking down.
Izuku pulled him back into a hug as Katsuki whispered into his shoulder loud enough for only him to pick up
“I was so scared Deku. Shit I was so fucking scared they’d take you away from me.”
His tears turned into heavy sobs as his whole body shook. He held onto Izuku tightly letting the other boy cry into him as well.
Aizawa left the room to give the boys some privacy. Who knew Bakugou could act so vulnerable.
Please comment and reblog if you want to see more.
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tsukoyomi-fumikage · 4 years
Injured (BakuKiri)
Bakugou X Kirishima
An alternative view on the movie - Two Heroes. 
"Bakugou, move!" Yelled Kirishima, wasting no time worrying about the blonds reaction time, thrusting himself forward and pushing the older teen away from the imminent danger. His skin began to harden as the purple fist swiftly approached him, and he waited for the feeling of a slight tap to ripple off of his rock-solid skin that was so familiar.
He was too slow. It was too late.
The initial impact of the hit drove the wind out of his lungs, forcing his skin to soften as he lost momentary control of his quirk. Red eyes widening in shock, he felt something crack within him before being sent backwards, flying towards on of the buildings inner walls. Someone was yelling his name, but it was quickly drowned out by the rushing in his ears as the air zipped past them, deafening him almost completely.
His back hit something before he even registered the thought of getting closer to the wall - however he flew right through that, and shards of light blue and white fluttered around his red locks and pain-filled face. It was ice - Todoroki had been trying to attack the villains and he'd smashed through his ice.
That was something Kirishima knew he wasn't willing to try again. That hurt - really fucking hurt.
The wall came almost straight after the icy death trap that was Shoto's quirk. The cement broke as he collided, body finding itself wedged deep inside the brick - there were slabs sticking out with sharpened edges, stabbing him and holding him firmly in the back. Tears sprung to his eyes and he inhaled sharply as the pain spread from his back to all over his body - there wasn't any air to breathe, however, it was just all dust and rocks and blood. He wheezed the 'air' out, eyes clenched together as he coughed, jolting the stones behind him.
"You bastard!" Someone was yelling, and a series of explosions ripped through the air, cutting it almost in half, making his ears ring sharply. "Die you asshole!"
A cool blast of wind whooshed into his face, lightly tickling his hair - beyond the blur, he could see another slab of ice protruding through the ground, ripping up grass and dirt - it seemed as if there was someone encased within too, stuck just like he was. Kirishima let out a groan, feeling blood dripping quickly down his face, arms, chest, legs - everywhere.
Suddenly, someone was in front of him, holding his bruised face with one of their hands, grasping at him with the other, tugging desperately. Pain shot at him and he let out an ear-piercing scream. "Shit, shit!" That voice - it was Bakugou; eerily concerned and terrified. "I'm sorry!"
'Sorry'? Bakugou doesn't do sorry... right? Kirishima let his head flop forward to rest on Katsuki's shoulder, chest heaving awkwardly to support the spikes stuck in his back. "S'okay." It wasn't really - Eijiro swore he could feel his bones bending and snapping with the pressure of the stones. "Really." He added when Bakugou gave him that look.
"No you aren't." That was Shoto's voice, and he quickly appeared in Kirishima's vision, his red and white hair messy in his blurry vision, making him feel slightly nauseous. "We need to get you out of here."
The redhead smiled limply at the two boys desperate attempts to ground him. "We're on an island, aren't we?" He slurred out tiredly, twitching his fingers. He felt Bakugou's grip tighten in realization. "There's no hospitals here."
Shoto grabbed Bakgou, swiftly dragging him away from the redhead and bringing them both further away from Kirishima. He watched awkwardly as they talked things over, glancing between them both, heart clenching when Katsuki would give a pleading look at Todoroki - it was so unlike him it was starting to scare him more than the thought of death. "G-guys?" God, he sounded like an actual child now. They both whipped around to look at him. "Am I... going to die?"
"No." Eijiro couldn't help but hear the light shaking of his best friends voice. "No, you're going to be fine." Pushing away Todoroki's firm hands, he stalked back up to his friend. "Now I say we chip away at the wall and remove you with the spikes so that they keep the bleeding under control, what do you say, IcyHot?"
The red and white haired male stepped forward, pinching the bridge of his nose, letting out a deep sigh. "I agree - we'll need to do this slowly though.. Problem is, where do we take him after this?" The trio stilled. Reaching out his right hand, Todoyami brushed it against Eijiro's warm skin, quelling the pain a little from that direct wound. "There's a few first aid stations but I doubt anyone will be there nor have the skills to help him."
"Then we get off the island." Bakugou was beginning to look distressed, and it took a toll on the younger, as if they were practically the same person. "We call the police to deal with this, find a way out and use can use your ice to take us across the ocean."
With a shaky, but firm plan confirmed, the pair got to work, each taking a side of wall between Kirishima, slowly breaking away at the crumbling concrete. Bakugou was controlling his explosions down to his fingertips to be more precise, and Shoto had made what looked like a hammer made of ice with his quirk, chopping off big lumps of cement, bricks and dust. By the time they got through to their friend, Kirishima had practically gone limp, and he fell forward as soon as he was released, Katsuki letting out a cry as he dove for the smaller man, clutching him in his grasp as he quickly lowered them both to the ground, keeping the redhead's face pressed into the crook of his head, listening to the way his chest stuttered as he struggled to breathe. "Let's go, c'mon." Todoroki murmured encouragingly from off behind him. Bending down a little, Bakugou lifted the boy into his arms, making it so only their chests and heads pressed together, to leave space for the mess that was the teen's current back.
"I've got you." His rough, stubborn voice was so different compared to his hands, soft and firm, ever-so-gently washing over the top of his clothing as a way to show he meant no harm. "Don't fall asleep on me here."
Kirishima pursed his lips tiredly. "'M tryin'." Looking around, he raised a bloodied brow. "Where's Deku?" His words were slurring, and he felt Bakugou pick up the pace worriedly. "An' Kaminari?"
Todoroki was behind Katsuki for a moment to look into Eijiro's red eyes. "He's got a concussion I think." Completely ignoring his question, the Half cold and Half hot student furrowed his brows before making his way past the lot, breaking down one of the metal doors rather easily. The metal scraped against the ice, making the injured teen's ears ring in annoyance.
"S-stop it." He whined, eyes bunching in frustration. "That h-hurts." The response to his plea was for them to begin to sprint down the corridor. "Kacchan!" He squeaked out the nickname he'd heard Izuku call the boy so many times. The young boy slowed down in utter shock. "Please." He was in unbelievable pain, and he spared no expenses for trying to slow them down to ease the throbbing.
A hand gripped both his and Katsuki's shirts - "I'm sorry, Kirishima." That was Shoto - the teen pulled them forward, jolting his injuries and making him hiss in agony. "But we need to keep moving - you're bleeding out."
"Get off me, IcyHot." Bakugou growled, shaking off the fist and moving swiftly on his own, hands clenched tightly against the younger boy. "I've got him."
Todoroki in response only huffed sadly.
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pandastern · 4 years
Gravity (Bakugo x OC)
Gravity (Bakugo x OC)
Part 5: Unforseen Simulation Joint (past)
Bakugou x Vigilante!OC
Warnings: angst, explicit language, violence
Word count: 2433
Genre: enemies to lovers ; angst ; romance, slow burn
When a new student makes an entrance, Bakugou has a real bad feeling. There is something about this girl that just doesnt feel right. From the flaming hair to the calculating glint in her green eyes, everything about her just pisses him off.
Little does he know that his fate is intertwined with the person he despises so much, defining his future path in a way he would have never expected.
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Bakugou grit his teeth until they hurt. His crimson eyes bored into the back of the flame-haired girl walking a few feet in front of him. At this point, Artemis was pissing him off even more than that damn Deku! She’d really gotten the best of him the other day. Not that it was gonna happen again. He’d show her. He’d make her regret the day she ever stepped foot in UA.
A sudden hand on his shoulder pulled him out of his train of thought.
“Hey, man!” Kirishima said with a toothy grin. “If you keep staring like, you’re gonna get eye issues.”
“Tch… Shut up, shitty hair! I'm not staring,” Bakugou growled, shrugging off Kirishima’s hand. 
"Right. I mean, I get that you two don’t really get along and all, but maybe you shouldn’t try to start another fight one day after she, well… beat you?”
“She did not fucking beat me! I can take that cocky water hazard any day, any time!” Bakugou spat, whipping around with gleaming eyes.
Rage bubbled in the pit of his stomach, but Kirishima just laughed and held up his hands defensively. “Hey no need to blow up over something so small.”
“I'm not!” Bakugou growled and walked away.
Why was that shitty-haired dumbass even trying to come at him? Sure, his words were the truth, but Bakugou didn’t need it spelled out for him. And then there was Artemis, acting all high and mighty. How did no-one else but him notice that this girl was just so… unsettling? No matter what she was doing, her whole attitude rubbed him the wrong way.
“Why are you even so focused on her?” Kirishima’s voice interrupted his thoughts again.
Bakugou grunted. “I’m not focused on her! She’s pissing me off, is all. Acting like she’s better than everyone else, always running her fucking mouth like she’s the funniest person in the academy.”
“And you burned off half her hair. That’s pretty harsh, especially for a girl, you know? Maybe that’s why she went all Terminator on you.” Kirishima shrugged.
“I didn’t do that on purpose. It was an accident. We fought, I blasted without thinking, her hair went up in flames,” Bakugou snapped.
“Does she know that?”
“Why would I care? Now leave me alone before I blast your ass to kingdom come.”
“Okay, okay!” Kirishima raised his hands in defence and walked away, muttering to himself.
Bakugou turned away and ran a hand through his hair in frustration. Kirishima needed to keep his nose out of things that didn’t concern him… though as much as he hated to admit it, he had a point. The whole class had seen Artemis beat him in that training circle. He’d given it his all and had failed nonetheless. Never in his life had anyone shown him up that badly.
Perhaps that was why he couldn’t stop thinking about her.
He’d gone over that fight in his head so many times,trying to find some way to justify his own failure, but he couldn’t. Artemis had been holding back in the beginning, but the moment he’d started to get the upper hand, she’d overpowered him like a tidal wave, mercilessly crushing him and everything else in her way. And despite him being infuriated by his own loss, he couldn't help but respect the fighting skill she’d displayed.
Inside the special training facility, the class was met by Thirteen, a rescue hero dressed in something that somewhat resembled an astronaut’s space suit. Judging by the excited mutters of her classmates, Artemis assumed that the hero was rather popular for their work.
“Welcome to the Unforeseen Simulation Joint, or USJ for short, a facility created to simulate various natural disasters in order to train young heroes for rescue missions,” Thirteen said with arms outstretched.
Artemis followed Thirteen’s gesture with her eyes and let her gaze wander. The giant dome-shaped building was bigger than any training facility she’d ever seen. Not that she could compare this to anything she’d ever experienced. Most of the facilities she knew had been underground and certainly not for rescue work.
Thirteen started to explain the different zones of the USJ, each one modelled after a natural disaster heroes commonly had to fight their way through. Artemis was only half listening while her mind wandered. It made sense for the school that formed most of the top heroes of this day in age to prepare the young students for catastrophes. Her classmates seemed to be eagerly listening, and she could see the admiration in their eyes. It was so painfully obvious how innocent and naive they were. They knew heroes from TV and from what they were taught. Heroes were good, villains were evil. Everything was so cut and dry, so simple to understand.
She sighed and shook her head.
“Miss Moon?” Thirteen’s voice pulled her out of her trance. “Are you paying attention?”
Artemis flinched and muttered a curse under her breath. “Sorry.”
“That's all right. Now, as I was saying,” the rescue hero continued, “my quirk is called Dark Hole. While it allows me to save lives, it’s also a dangerous weapon. Many of you have powers that could easily kill someone should you ever lose control.”
Artemis clenched her jaw. She knew that oh so well. The sudden feeling of eyes boring into the back of her head mader her glance back. She caught the sight of Bakugou’s eyes narrowed at her before he turned his attention back to the teacher.
“Always remember that you should never use your powers for personal gain. Use them to save people. That is the true essence of being a hero,” Thirteen said to finish off.
Artemis had to scoff at that. Why was everything so painfully glorified? If that was really what they believed made a true hero in this world, then there was no such thing. Fame, money, power… It was all a corrupted system strapping people down. What a load of shit. That certainly wasn’t the world she remembered so vividly.
She looked around again, only for her eyes to be drawn to a big fountain in the middle of the dome. At first, Artemis couldn’t quite tell why it had caught her attention. Something about it just seemed… off.
Staring more intently, she noticed a subtle, almost invisible change in the air. A slight flicker, easily missed, like summer air shimmering on hot concrete.
How odd. Was the heating system having issues? Or maybe there was a gas leak.
She pulled away from the group and slowly made her way closer to the stairs, making sure to keep her eyes on the strange phenomenon so she didn’t lose it. Something about this just didn’t feel right. Thirteen and the class were still busy going over the program, so no one seemed to notice it.
The flickering started to pick up, slowly getting denser. Artemis could clearly see the distortion slowly spreading and growing.
“What is that?” she muttered to herself, narrowing her eyes.
A shadow fell across her as Aizawa joined her by her side. She glanced up at him. The look in his dark eyes told her she definitely wasn’t imagining it. The hairs on the back of her neck started to rise. 
Artemis shifted her attention back to the flickering air just as it started to contort and turn dark. For a few moments, it was just a small spot, no bigger than a fist, the black smoke pulsing slightly as if it had its own heartbeat. Then the spot started to grow, shooting out wispy tendrils of black and purple that spread out like the smoke of a forest fire until it was the size of a large doorway.
Aizawas hand shot out, grabbing Artemis by the shoulder and flinging her back at her classmates so roughly she would have hurt herself if Kirishima hadn't caught her.
“Hey! What-” Artemis managed to squeak before she heard Aizawa’s quickened heartbeat thrumming in her ears. Her stomach knotted. That wasn’t a good sign.
Her eyes returned to the dark cloud that now seemed to open up from within. It was a portal, Artemis thought with ice forming in her veins. A fucking portal.
Sure enough, she was able to make out the form of a pale hand slowly pushing through, followed by an arm, then a head. Again and again, similar apparitions formed in the black smoke and emerged into the open.
“Get back and stay together!” Aizawa barked in a sharp voice, positioning himself in front of his class and pulling up his goggles. “Thirteen, protect the students.”
“Hey, what’s that?” said Kirishima behind her. “Has the exercise already started? I thought we were supposed to rescue people.”
As more and more figures stepped out of the portal, Artemis’s quirk picked up the hearts of her classmates quickening around her. 
She pushed herself nimbly back on her feet, her own heart starting to pound. There was not one pro hero alive whose heart could possibly beat faster with adrenaline if the situation wasn’t serious. This wasn’t an exercise. This was for real.
“This isn’t a game. Those are real villains,” Aizawa growled. The scarf around his began to unwind on its own.
Holding out her arm, Artemis summoned all the water she could until a shimmering bow formed in her hand.
Aizawa glanced back at his fearful students. How the hell had anyone managed to breach their security? There had been an incident at the school earlier today where someone had tried to infiltrate the school grounds, but with the huge amount of media before their gates, the whole school had just assumed it had been an over-enthusiastic reporter. Now Aizawa had a feeling the commotion at UA had been used to find out where the students were headed.
 “Everyone,” Thirteen commanded, trying to usher them back to the entrance, “get to the exit right away. Do not engage the enemy.”
Kirishima and Bakugou began to complain. Even Midoriya seemed annoyed at the order. However, one stern look from Aizawa shut them up right away.
“Those are real villains,” shouted Aizawa again, stepping towards the stairs. “Get out of here while I hold them back.”
“But Mr Aizawa, you work best in stealth combat. They are too many of them! Even If you can cancel out some of their quirks…” Midoriya began with worry in his voice.
“He’s right. There’s a small army down there,” Artemis added sharply, bow and arrow already in her hands, ready to fight. There was no fear in her deep green eyes, only determination and defiance. 
“You can’t be a pro if you only have one trick up your sleeve,” Aizawa said, and with that, he leapt off the stairs, ready to fight for his students’ lives.
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Why Did You Leave Us?
Izuku Midoriya is dead and for some reason that is just to hard to accept. How were they supposed to get over something like? Follow Bakugou, Todoroki, Uraraka, and Iida as they deal with the aftermath of Deku's death. Spoiler alert: They're hurting real bad.
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It’s not easy, it’s never easy. Bakugou knows this, but why him? Why did this have to happen to him? The green eyes that had been staring back at him all his life were gone now. His stupid hair and dumb freckles nowhere in sight. It shouldn’t be this hard to move on, but he can’t. This was not just another classmate, this was Deku and he just straight up had to go and die. For what? To save a few lives? It wasn’t worth it. He hated himself for thinking it, but he’d rather have that couple die. 
 “Gahh,” Bakugou absentmindedly grunted. He forgot he was in class, it’s not like he could focus much on school right now though. Exams were two weeks ago, just a few days after it happened and he knew that he probably bombed them. What was the point? It’s not like he could rub his score in the shitty nerd's face anyway.
 “Bakugou? You alright man?” Bakugou turned around to see Sero looking at him concerned. As he turned, he got a glimpse of the empty seat behind him. Damnit why did Sero have to do this to him?
 “I’m fine!” he yelled a little too loud causing the rest of the class to look in his direction.
 “Is everything okay over there?” Aizawa-sensei had asked. Normally, he would be angrier. There was nothing Aizawa-sensei hated more than interruptions. He liked to get through lessons as quickly as possible and interruptions interfered with that. Still, even he had been careful around Bakugou recently, which only made Bakugou angrier. Was it that easy to see how much of a mess he was?
 Class ended and Bakugou ran out as fast as he could. No one stopped him, no one ever stopped him. Even Kirishima knew to give him space. As he walked out he heard Uruaka whisper something to Iida.
 “I think he’s taking it just as hard as us.” Bakugou clenched his fist at that comment. What did they know? He was fine, he didn’t miss Deku. He didn’t miss the boy that followed him his entire life. He didn’t miss the kid that used to idolize him. That damn Deku didn’t know what was good for him and now he was gone. At that realization, tears started to drip down Katsuki’s face and before anyone could see him, he ran to the roof.
 Todoroki saw him though. He saw Bakugou crying, something he thought he’d never see. He couldn’t blame him though, he too had been a wreck since Midoriya died. What was worse was he was there to see it happen. He could have saved him. Only if he was fast enough, Midoriya would have been here. 
 “Todoroki-kun do you want to join us for lunch?” asked Ururaka shyly. She was doing her best to keep it together. She always invited him to lunch and asked if he wanted to hang out. Todoroki appreciated the sentiment, but he always declined. Sitting with Uruaka, Iida and Tsu was too hard. It always felt like something was missing and Todoroki knew he had no right to go sit with them when it was his fault Midoriya had died in the first place.
 “Thanks for the offer Uruaka-san, but I think I’ll pass for today.” He gave her a small smile, but she only sighed and looked at the ground. He wondered how she was handling things. Midoriya and her were always really close. Still, aside from being a little shaken he was surprised how put together she was. Todoroki looked over at Iida hoping for some kind of response. He and Iida had been close before the incident, but now the taller boy wouldn’t do so much as look at him. Todoroki wondered if Iida blamed him for the accident, he had every right to. Still, he didn’t just give Todoroki the cold shoulder. The class president became a man of few words after the green-haired boy had passed away.
 Todoroki waved goodbye to the group and slowly headed upstairs to the roof. He didn’t have much of an appetite anyway. He thought of Midoriya and his gleaming green eyes. His freckles that he always wanted to trace over with his finger. Shouto looked down at his left hand and remembered the sports festival. It was Midoriya that inspired him to use his firepower and rise to his full potential as a hero. He couldn’t thank him enough for that, but in the end, Todoroki couldn’t return the favor.
 He watched him die. It was fast, but he was there. Midoriya had rushed to save that couple from that falling building, but that villain had immobilized him. He managed to throw the two to Todoroki, but by the time Shouto had caught them and placed them down it was too late. Looking back, the whole thing seemed a little like a trap. Was someone trying to get Midoriya killed? No, he couldn’t blame someone else, the blame lies with him and him only.
 His heart ached with the memories of the boy that was his best friend, someone who could have been something more. Todoroki missed his smile and his muttering. He wanted to spend more late nights with him complaining about their families and teachers. He wanted a future with his friend in it, but that wasn't an option anymore. When he finally opened the door on the roof, he discovered Bakugou had beaten him there.
Uraraka hated the world for taking her best friend away. She hated everything about it. She hated the people, the sounds, the smells. How could this world continue to move on without him here? She had tried, she had tried to keep it together, to keep everyone together. That's what Deku would have wanted right? Was it even worth it though? No matter what she did Iida still wouldn’t talk to her, Todoroki was always going off on his own and Bakugou was being even more aggressive than his normal self. She had to keep it together, but some days it was too hard. Every day was too hard. So much so that every day after classes were done she would go straight to the bathroom and throw up. After she was done she would stay in her room until she could regain some composure. It wasn’t easy, and would often involve some crying, but she did it.
 “Oi-Uraraka! Nice job during training today. I’ve never seen you float that high before.” smiled Kaminari just as lively as always. It made her angry sometimes to know that people were just moving on with their lives. She knew it had been almost three weeks since the incident and Kaminari and Deku were never all that close, but still. How could they move on when she couldn’t stop thinking of him?
 “Thanks,” she smiled back at him. She knew it probably didn’t look genuine, but she didn’t care. She did appreciate the comment though. After all, she had been training a lot recently to pass the time. She felt closest to Deku when she did. That boy trained more than anything and she wanted to keep his spirit alive. She even saved all his hero-analysis journals and kept them in her room. They were next to the now dried out pink rose Deku gave her on their “first-date”. Well, he didn't call it a date, but Iida couldn't make it and it was just the two of them. She cherished the memory. He tried to call her beautiful, but he got flustered. He felt so embarrassed about it later that when the night ended he bought her a flower and told her she reminded him of it instead.
  If they were given more time then maybe… No, she couldn’t do that to herself, to think about any future they could have had. He was gone and she was just going to have to accept that. It didn’t help that her heart broke every time she saw the color green. She still turned in Deku’s seats direction expectantly during Hero Analysis class sometimes and when she realized he wasn't there, she wanted more than anything to disappear too. This was it, she couldn’t keep it in anymore. She wasn’t going to throw up today because she wasn’t going to eat. She needed to clear her head of him, she needed fresh air.
 “Uraraka-san?” she heard Iida say. It was probably his first words of the day, but she didn’t care. She ran and ran until she found herself on the roof.
 Uraraka just ran past him. She was hurting and Iida knew it, but as much as he wanted to comfort her he just couldn’t. The words couldn’t come out no matter how he tried. Life continued as normal after Deku passed away, but he struggled to find joy in its structure. There was a light that Midoriya brought to everything and now it was gone. He should have been there for his friend, but he wasn't. Midoriya came out of nowhere to help him in Hosu, saving his life and more importantly saving his soul. He reminded Iida what it means to be a true hero, but Iida couldn’t protect him. He was supposed to be out with Todoroki and Midoriya that day, but he decided it would be better if he prepared for his big speech for the class. Mic-Sensei told him he should do it, that it would help pump his classmates up and Iida took it more seriously than anything. So seriously that when his two friends asked him to hang out that day he declined.
 “Poor Ochako, she must have been holding this in for a while.” he looked over at Tsu who looked concerned. He only nodded, that’s all he could do. After hearing about Midoriya’s death he couldn’t give that speech anymore. He barely wanted to talk anymore and so that’s what he did. He kept quiet only speaking when necessary. If what Todoroki told him was true then he could have saved him. They needed someone with speed and that’s exactly what Iida took away from them when he stayed at the dorms.
 ‘He would have been a great hero’ he remembered Aizawa sensei saying to the class when he announced Midoriya’s death. Iida’s heart broke at the comment because he knew it was true. Midoriya had a good heart and a great smile. He reminded him of All Might sometimes in that way. Speaking of All Might-sensei, Iida remembered him taking the news the worst. He took a temporary leave of absence from school because of it as well. Iida wondered if this was because one of his students died or if it was for Midoriya in particular. He thought Uraraka was handling everything okay, but looking at her now he couldn’t help but feel bad. She was there to support him through this, but he was so cold to her. Why? She was hurting too, but he didn’t do anything to help her. Without a second thought, he waved goodbye to Tsu and followed his friend. Maybe it was too late, but they needed to get through this together.
All of Them
Lunch-period was not going to be long enough for Bakugou to get the space he needed. He thought about ditching class altogether for the day, but he kept seeing Deku's disapproving face in his head. What was worse was that his alone time was cut short when Half and Half came and sat next to him. 
 “Why are you here?” Bakugou glared at him.
 “Same as you,” he smiled softly, “I just needed some fresh air.” The two sat in silence for several minutes before the door behind them burst open.
 “Great, someone else is here,” said Bakugou dryly.
 Todoroki turned around to find Uraraka behind him and she looked like she had been crying. Her cheeks glistened just like Bakugou’s and he figured that they were all here for the same reason. A few moments later Iida came up and they all took a seat, their feet dangling off the edge of the roof.
 Uraraka didn’t like that there were other people here. She wanted some alone time, but at least no one spoke. It gave her time to collect her thoughts. She dried her cheeks and took in the fresh air and felt almost okay. There was a certain comfort in being here with Bakugou, Todoroki, and Iida. It was almost as if they were each carrying a different part of Deku with them and while they were here together, he was there too. 
 “I miss him,” Iida was the first one to talk. His classmates all turned towards him a little shocked like they had forgotten the sound of his voice. It was the truth, Iida missed Midoriya and he would always miss Midoriya, but he knew his friend wouldn’t want him to keep silent forever.
 “I miss him too,” to Iida’ surprise it was Bakugou that spoke.
 Bakugou took a deep breath. He had to choose his words carefully otherwise he might break down again. There were so many feelings spinning around his chest that he couldn’t make sense of. All he knew was he wished the shitty nerd didn’t die. “I’ve never said anything nice to him, not really at least. He probably died thinking I hate him, but I don’t. I don’t know how I feel about him, but it’s not hatred. He was always there and now...” 
 “He’s gone,” Uraraka said with her fists clenched. “I’m so mad at him for leaving us, but at the same time, I miss him more than anything. I keep trying to keep his spirit alive by smiling and going about my day but it’s too hard.”
 Todoroki sighed. It wasn’t fair, was it? Uraraka had been carrying this on her back as he continued to blow her off. “Then let us help you. If Midoriya was here he would want us to continue stronger than ever, but I think his expectations are a little too high. For now, let’s try to get through this together.”
 “Together,” Iida tasted the word on his tongue. He supposed that was the least they could do.
 “Just like that shitty nerd would want.” smiled Bakugou.
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blueplanettrash · 5 years
Pet Names (Part 1)
Quirk: Infatuation - The user of this quirk affects two people by touching them at the same time, they then fall into a state of infatuation with each other; they could be affected by this for up to a week.
Iida and Bakugou get affected by an infatuation quirk that makes them be sweet to each other. So sweet, that it could give you cavities. Warning: This story will contain an excessive amount of pet names, hence the title.
Hope everyone enjoys! 🧡💙
Note: This was originally posted on my other account but I decided to post it to here too since I’ll most likely be continuing it here instead.
It was a wonder why the school let random people into the school grounds for the hero class to train against. At times it seemed like they did no background checks on anyone. In this particular exercise, Iida, Bakugou, Midoriya, and Kirishima chased a single villain through a section of the training grounds. They were focused on quirk identification specifically, and how valuable it was in determining the outcome of a fight. They weren’t told what quirk their villain possessed and their only objective was to bring them down.
So far their villain hadn’t shown signs of any sort of quirk, except that she was extremely agile. She jumped over the rooftops of buildings with ease and escaped their sights on more than one occasion.
Finally, Iida and Bakugou caught sight of her, casually standing in the street as if she was waiting for them. They both charged her at once, jumping towards her. The “villain” smirked, holding a hand out towards both of them. Just before they hit, she slammed her hands into their chests and slunk back into the dark alley. Bakugou and Iida were flung back and crumpled to the ground.
After a minute Iida sat up with a groan, holding his head.
“Iida, are you okay?” Midoriya called, rushing over to help him up.
“Yes, I believe so Midoriya,” he replied, making Midoriya sigh in relief.
“What about you Bakubro?” Kirishima asked, yanking the blonde to his feet. He wobbled a bit, pressing his hand to his face with a grimace.
“Shut up Shitty Hair, I’m fine,” he growled, clenching his eyes shut.
“Are you sure, Sugar?” Iida said, turning towards Bakugou.
“Sugar?” Kirishima and Midoriya chorused in confusion.
“Course I’m sure Baby,” Bakugou grunted, stretching his arms above his head. Iida let out a huge sigh of relief, rushing over to wrap an arm around Bakugou’s waist. He smiled, leaning into Iida’s shoulder as he pressed a kiss to the crown of his head.
“BABY!?” The two shrieked turning towards each other.
“We need to get to Recovery Girl,” Midoriya deadpanned, watching them with wide eyes. They both blinked, turning to look at him.
“Oh my, did you get injured?” Iida asked in concern, pushing his glasses up. “You should have told us sooner,”
“Baby chill for a second,” Bakugou soothed, running his hand down his arm.
“I’m not injured but there’s something wrong,” Modoriya said quietly.
“Well spit it out stupid Deku,” Bakugou growled, ready to stalk forward but Iida held tight to his waist keeping him back. Bakugou glowered at him for a second before letting out a huff and pouting.
“All students return to the designated starting point,” Aizawa’s bored voice sounded out across the training grounds.
“Well that wasn’t very long,” Iida commented. With a shrug, the two of them started back towards the entrance. Behind them, Kirishima and Midoriya whispered to each other.
“What just happened?”
“I have no idea, it has to be that villain’s quirk right?”
“It has to be unless they were secretly dating or something,”
“They couldn’t have been dating before, Kacchan wouldn’t date someone without proclaiming it to the world,”
“What? Really? I thought he’d be more of a ‘‘I don’t want those idiots to bother me about it’’ kinda guy,”
“Not really, he wants everyone to know where his relationships stand, he was like that with his relationships in middle school,”
“He dated in middle school!?”
“Yeah, but never for very long,” Midoriya looked sad for a second, “He was very proud of them but every time they broke up with him because he was too clingy with them,”
“Bakugou, clingy?”
“You know... That’s why he doesn’t really have friends or wants them I guess, he’s scared that he’ll get attached and they’ll throw him away again,”
“Oi! What are you fuck munches whispering about back there?”
“Ah! Nothing Kaachan!”
Bakugou growled but turned his attention back to Iida. The look on his face was nothing but pure adoration as Iida spoke quietly to him. It only took a short while for them to get back to the entrance where the rest of the class was waiting, already turned toward Aizawa.
“For the rest of this class, we’re going to go over your battles and strategies you utilized to identify these villain’s quirks,” Aizawa droned as they joined the group.
“Sensei, something’s wrong with Iida and Kacchan,” Midoriya said quietly, raising his hand.
“HUH!? WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!?” Bakugou bellowed, head snapping to face him. Aizawa rubbed the bridge of his nose tiredly.
“What makes you think that Midoriya?” He asked with a dead stare.
“After one of those fake villains hit them they started acting weird,”  He replied, looking cautiously over at Bakugou.
“Sorry bro, but you really are acting weird; even for you,” Kirishima stepped in with a grin.
“WHAT’S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN!?” He snarled, turning his attention to Kirishima.
“Yeah really, he seems exactly the same to me,” Kaminari commented. There were sounds of agreement from around the class.
“I have to agree with Katsuki, I don’t see what’s so abnormal about our behaviour,” Iida slid in beside them.
“There’s dust all over your glasses idiot,” Bakugou commented, looking up at him with a smirk.
“Could you clean them for me, Sugar?” He asked, taking his glasses off and handing them over to the blonde. Bakugou tsked but took them and dusted them off.
“Wait did you just call him sugar?” Uraraka asked, pointing to Bakugou.
“That’s what I mean, they’re acting all… lovey-dovey!” Midoriya exclaimed flustered.
“Of course we’re lovey-dovey, he’s my man! If you don’t like it you can fuck off!” Bakugou sneered, looking down his nose at them as he wrapped his arms around one of Iida’s.
“I think I understand now Midoriya, you two come with me,” he said gesturing to the couple before turning to head back into the school. Bakugou tsked but following dutifully behind his teacher. After a few steps, he looked over his shoulder and held out his hand to Iida, who happily took it.
The class watched the three of them leave, stunned into silence.
“What are we supposed to do now?”
Their little period of freedom lasted only about ten minutes before Present Mic approached them and brought them back to the classroom, still in their hero uniforms. It wasn’t long before Aizawa came in.
“As the situation stands, there is nothing to do about Iida and Bakugou. The person responsible has a simple infatuation quirk which will wear off in about four days to a week, at the moment there doesn’t seem like there will be any ramifications so the school has decided to just let the quirk effects run its course,” he informed them.
“So we’re just supposed to let them think that they’re in love?” Mina asked, her hand shooting into the air.
“By all means, do whatever you want, I’m just letting you know what we know about what happened to them,” Aizawa sighed, “You’re dismissed,”
“So… what do you think we should do?” Kirishima asked as they sat in the common room, waiting for the couple to come back.
“What d’you mean?” Ashido asked.
“Well, should we tell them about it? Or do you think that Recovery Girl told them?” He clarified, scratching the back of his neck.
“I say let it run its course, maybe Blasty would relax a bit if he’s attached to the class prez all day,” Kaminari grinned, relaxing against the back of the couch.
“Don’t you think they’ll be mad when the quirk wears off?” Midoriya hummed, cocking his head to the side.
“Bakugou will probably be embarrassed but Iida will probably just apologize for the inconvenience,” Uraraka commented, “I think it’ll be fun to see how different they are,”
“Everyone in agreement?!” Kaminari yelled in excitement. A chorus of cheers erupted from the class, a little less enthusiasm came from Midoriya but he still lifted his fist in the air.
“Besides, this class needs a little more romance,” Ashido grinned, nudging Midoriya cheekily in the side.
“Wha’dya mean a little more romance? We got more than enough here,” Bakugou’s gruff voice stated almost proudly. The class turned and they saw the two of them trudge into the common room.
“Ayy, just the couple we wanted to see,” Sero cheered. Bakugou tsked, shoving his hands in his pockets.
“Us? What did you need us for?” Iida asked, perking up at attention.
“We just had some questions for you guys,” Kaminari said, smirking at them.
“Ew, why are you acting so sus?” Bakugou sneered, stepping in front of Iida protectively. Kaminari yelped in offence, grabbing his chest dramatically.
“I should have never taught you that word,”
“Your mistake,”
Suddenly, Midoriya’s alarm went off, startling the group.
“What’s that?” Kaminari asked as Midoriya fumbled to turn it off.
“It’s just my alarm to go workout,” he glanced over at his ‘squad’, “Are you guys ready to go?”
Uraraka and Todoroki both nodded, “All my clothes are in the locker room, I can get it on the way to the gym,”
“Alright, let's get going then, we don’t want to waste our reservation there,”
“Okay, I’ll see you later Duck,” Iida said, turning to Bakugou and pecking him on the lips.
“Mmm, bye Munchkin,” he hugged Iida tightly. Their classmate almost instantly averted their eyes. Not because they were grossed out or anything but it was just so weird. The group of four walked out, Bakugou watching Iida’s back until they were out of sight. He sighed slightly, a fond grin on his lips.
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13mishamigos · 5 years
Bakugou x reader
lately I have been diving deep into the My Hero Academia fandom and found myself re-watching the deku and bakugou fight and getting inspired. this is my first ever fanfiction so be gentle with me.
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tags: angst, depression, cursing, 
Summary: as an old friend of both kacchan and deku you follow them and see them fight, after witnessing  Bakugou’s break down you try to be the one he can lean on for support. 
The Broken Boy
It was late, most of the students were passed out in their dorms exhausted from the provisional licensing exam. Having taken a nap on the bus ride back, you were wide awake and decided to take a walk to ease your racing mind. You still couldn’t believe that you passed! Suddenly your mind wandered to Bakugou, his angry face twisted in disbelief. You were surprised that he didn’t pass the exam, never having given any thought about the boy not being able to surpass any challenge.
As you made your way downstairs you chuckled lightly, to think they failed him for manners of all things. Having seen his score sheet, you knew he scored nearly perfect in the rest of the categories. That was something you weren’t surprised about, sure Katsuki was a hot head and rushed into fights, but he was also incredibly smart. You, much like Midoriya, had always looked up to Bakugou. Remembering how you would chase him around with Izuku when you were little. Once Katsuki started getting big headed you found yourself spending more time with Midoriya, preferring his soft demeanor and bright positive attitude over Bakugou’s loud and violent tendencies. You still found yourself caring for the angry boy watching him grow more and more into a strong and promising hero. Hanging out from time to time but ultimately feeling like he was more annoyed with you than anything.
Thinking back, you wish you would have stayed around the angry boy more. Since starting at UA, you have seen him become increasingly more antisocial, not to mention you have been noticing signs of depression and anxiety during the school year. It pained you to see someone you cared about so dearly suffer without any support. Maybe if you would have stayed around and grown your friendship with the boy, he wouldn’t be so dismissive about your concerns.
You walked out of the dorm and looked up at the night sky, the air around you slightly chill but refreshing. You were just about to walk through the woods down to the meadow you discovered on one of your hikes when you spotted Midoriya and Bakugou walking up the road towards the schools training grounds. With your curiosity getting the better of you, you decided to follow them, wondering what could possibly be worth the trouble they could get into being out in a restricted area so late at night.
That’s how you ended up hiding in the shadows, watching in shock and horror as the two fought. You decided against breaking up the fight, knowing this was the only way Katsuki could vent and knowing Izuku could hold his own. You ended up overhearing the entire conversation between the two you knew he was feeling inadequate. Your heart ached for the boy, knowing he was hurting and being able to do nothing. On many occasions you tried your best to offer support, only for him to shout at you to leave him alone and return to your “boyfriend” Deku. Knowing his resistance to you was due to your obvious friendship with his self-proclaimed rival, you didn’t push too much. However now you felt a guilty pang in your chest, scolding yourself for not being there for your old friend.
When the fight was finally over you just stared at the two boys, bloody and exhausted. Just when you were going to make your presence known you heard Allmight’s voice.
“Stop this right now, both of you!”
You stood in the shadows, still silent and concealed. You heard the entire conversation, how Allmight chose Midoriya, Bakugou’s insecurities about being overlooked by his idol, and the secret of All for One. Knowing you were not meant to hear any of this you didn’t dare move.
When the three started to make their way back to the school you moved to make your way back to the dorms. Peaking around the building to make sure the coast was clear; you saw two red eyes lock with yours. Quickly you ducked behind the building again. There was no doubt the boy saw you, you stood still not even breathing while mentally scolding yourself for not waiting longer to leave. Would he tell? Did the other two see you as well? You waited a while longer to leave and quickly made your way to the dorms. Still processing the information you learned, you laid on your bed staring at the ceiling. Izuku’s quirk was given to him, by Allmight of all people. You were always hopeful the boy would just be a late bloomer and were so shocked and excited when he called you crying having been accepted to UA. But a power that was given? Your mind reeled and you still couldn’t believe it. Knowing you could tell no one you decided to just not think about it too much. Your mind choosing to worry about your broken and distant friend. How will you break through his cold attitude towards you? Should you even attempt to talk to him about what you witnessed or pretend you never followed the two? Would he tell Allmight about your spying?
You were snapped out of your thoughts by your door opening and Kastuki walking in. You pretended to be asleep quickly closing your eyes and hoping he would walk away.
“Hey dumbass I know you aren’t sleeping.” He said softly.
You opened your eyes and took in his appearance in the dim light casted from your window. He was bandaged and looked tired. You sat up and sighed.
“Kacchan? What are you doing here?” you asked feigning surprise.
“Don’t play stupid with me dipshit I know you were there.” He growled.
“Did you tell?” you ask worried of the repercussions you could face.
“I’m not a fucking snitch. How much did you hear?” he asked. Even though his words were angry he kept his voice down.
You contemplated lying and telling him you were to far away to hear anything, however remembering your thoughts on building a friendship with him you decided to be completely honest.
“All of it.” You answered.
Bakugou stood still for a while staring you down with his piercing red eyes. You held his gaze keeping a soft expression on your face.
“You will need to keep your mouth shut.” He said calmly with a soft expression. “I won’t tell Allmight or Deku, but I swear if you start to run your mouth, I will personally deal with you myself.” He said threateningly.
“I expected as much, don’t worry I won’t be telling anyone.” You said smiling at him.
“tch.” Was all he responded with before turning to the door.
“Kacchan wait.” You pleaded. He stopped and turned to face you. “I want you to know that I am here for you, I know you have been struggling lately and if you need someone for anything I am here.” You proclaimed.
“I don’t need your fucking pity, I won that fight remember.” He spat at you. Fists clenching “Your stupid boyfriend can’t look down on me anymore and neither can you! Got that!?” he whisper yelled.
“Were you not listening to him at all?” You ask. “He never looked down on you, and neither did I. I always knew you were going to be one of the best, but even the best of people need someone.” You stood up now narrowing your eyes at him while slightly getting into his face. “God Kacchan! Do you know how infuriating it is to watch you struggle and have you brush me off when I try to help!?”
“I don’t need your help! I don’t need anyone!” he says getting in your face.
“Is that why you have been struggling with depression? Having small panic attacks when Izuku beats you? You’re so infuriating! I Care about you! I am here for you, I don’t think you’re weak, but I do think you’re stupid! Learn to accept help from people who care about you! Why can’t you just let me love you!?” You utter almost breathless from speaking so fast. Realizing your words you gasp, quickly lowering your eyes to the ground, not daring to look Kastuki in the eyes.
“Love me?” he whispered softly. “You don’t love me, you’re always with him, cheering him on. You forgot all about me, you stopped caring about me.” He said slight pain in his voice. “You chose him.”
“Kacchan, that isn’t true. I never stopped caring about you. I thought you just got annoyed with me. That you hated me, like you hate Izuku.” You said sadly
“I don’t hate you, I just thought you stopped caring.” He said voice cracking.
You looked up to see small tears forming in his eyes. You reached out tentatively laying a hand on his face and wiping a tear away with your thumb. That simple touch was all it took to break this boy. He collapsed unto you burring his face into your shoulder. He sobbed, the sound of his throaty cries broke your heart. You just held him stroking his hair while supporting his weight and letting a few tears of your own fall silently. After a while he let you lead him to the bed where you laid his head on your lap, still carding through his hair while rubbing circles into his back.
“When you said you loved me, did you mean it?” he asked his voice cracking sounding both sad and hopeful.
“Of course I meant it.” You say softly.
“Dumbass.” Is all the boy replies before sitting up and wiping his face. “I guess this means I beat Deku again.” He says a small smirk returning to his face.
“mmmm.” Is all you reply with, shaking your head at his quick change of demeanor.
“Would you like to maybe start hanging out more often?” he asks, head down, trying but failing to hide his blushing face.
“I would like that a lot.” You say blushing yourself. You look out the window seeing the soft glow of the sun as it starts to barely peak over the horizon. “We need to get some rest.” You say sighing. As much as you never wanted this moment to end you knew you had very little time before you needed to get up. Not to mention what would happen if you two were caught together. “The opening ceremony is tomorrow. Ilda will give us a mouthful if we fall asleep during it.” You say with a chuckle.
“I got put on house arrest for four days. Honestly I am surprised Aizawa didn’t expel us on the spot.” He said brows pushed together.
“Well at least that means I still get to see you every day.” You say smiling.
“Yeah well I guess you have to get used to me being around much more. Afterall I need to make sure your mouth stays shut.” He says teasing. “Thank you, I guess I didn’t realize that I needed someone to be there for me.” He says more seriously.
Before you could even respond he rushes forward and places a gentle kiss on your forehead and rushes out the door.
“Still running away from emotions.” You say to yourself with a smile on your lips. You turn to your bed and crawl under the covers, instantly passing out after such a long night of emotions.
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animefan299110 · 4 years
Family Matters Chapter 10-The Truth Revealed
Hey guys, this is AnimeFan299110! Sorry it took so long for this chapter to be published, but personal reasons and other projects kept me busy. Again, I do not own Boku no Hero Academia, its characters, or its locations. They are all owned by Kohei Horikoshi, Jump Comics, and Funimation.
And now, without further ado,...here is the newest installment of Family Matters!
Midoriya leapt to the side, narrowly avoiding being crushed by the gigantic robot's fist. The city district was in shambles; some of the buildings were nothing but rubble and half the street was destroyed. Noticing that the robot started turning toward him, he knew he had to stop it once and for all. When the robot stopped turning, Midoriya activated Full Cowl and leapt into the air.
"Detroit..." Midoriya said as he balled his hand into a fist, "Smash!" His fist connected with the robot's head, causing the metal to bend and break. The robot keeled over backwards and crashed to the ground. Midoriya's feet found solid ground, and he waited in case of an oncoming attack. Only when the robot shut down did he relax.
"Not bad, Midoriya." The boy turned to see Mr. Aizawa come out of a hidden doorway along with the rest of Class 1-A. They were in a giant circular room at UA that provided virtual reality simulations for training purposes. The room's computer had data on every student at the school and would calibrate different scenarios based on the student's Quirk.
"You were able to beat the robot within the time limit," Mr. Aizawa continued, "but your environmental damage could have been minimized. Remember, you and your opponent are not the only ones around. You should always be mindful of other heroes, civilians, property around you, and how your actions could affect them. Right," he added, turning to the rest of the class, "that's all for today. Class dismissed."
The rest of the class dispersed, with one girl in particular rushing toward Midoriya. "You're not hurt, are you, Deku?" she asked, concerned.
"I'm fine, Uraraka," he said. "Just a few scratches and scrapes, but nothing too serious. How about you?"
"Still a little nauseous from making too many things float," she admitted, rubbing the back of her head. "But other than that, I'm fine."
"Glad to hear," Midoriya said, smiling at his girlfriend while she did the same. For a few moments, they remained where they were until…
"Ah, young love," Sero teased, "doesn't it just warm your heart?" Uraraka and Midoriya's faces reddened while some of their classmates snickered at Sero's remark.
"I think it's sweet that she's concerned," Tooru said. "It just shows how much she cares about him."
The two lovers sighed in defeat. It had been two weeks since they went on their "date" and they had confessed their feelings toward each other. Unbeknownst to them, Mina had spread the news to the rest of the class. Needless to say, there were some mixed reactions when Midoriya and Uraraka came downstairs the next day.
The girls, besides Mina, rushed Uraraka, squealing with delight and asking for details on how it happened. Most of the boys, including Kirishima and Kaminari, congratulated Midoriya on finally confessing his feelings toward her. Others, like Tokoyami and Shoji, only nodded in approval. Mineta ended up sobbing and berating Midoriya for stealing his chance to "cop a feel,"which earned him a stab in the eye from Kyoka's earphone jack.. Iida managed to pull both of them aside and expressed his happiness in knowing that his two best friends were together. The only one who didn't participate in the festivities was Bakugou, who only gave his signature glare before eating his breakfast. Midoriya wasn't bothered by it; he knew Bakugou wasn't the type to give compliments.
As the boys were getting changed into their school uniforms, Midoriya smiled a bit at the thought of Uraraka. Despite the periodic teasing from his classmates, he was happy with their relationship. Since this was the first relationship for both of them, they were currently taking things slow and easy. They were only affectionate toward each other when it was just themselves. They would kiss from time to time, but those were only simple kisses that weren't too intimate. And they called each other by their first names, but only in private. But for some reason, it didn't seem to bother them. They both felt, given their current situation, that this was acceptable. Midoriya's smile widened at the thought of Eri being elated that her "mama" and "papa" were finally together.
"Hey, Deku." A gruff voice snapped Midoriya out of his thoughts. He looked around and only saw Bakugou next to him; the others had left to return to the dorms.
"Y-Yes, Kacchan, wh-what is it?" he asked nervously, his classmate's glare boring into him.
"So you and Round-Face are officially dating, huh?" Bakugou asked, his gaze never leaving Midoriya.
"Oh," Midoriya said before scratching the back of his head. "Yes, we are. I-I-I mean, we still haven't gone on an official date, but we do k-"
"Deku, I don't really give a shit if you two are together or not. What I want to know is…have you told her yet?"
Midoriya only stared in confusion at Bakugou's words before asking, "Told her what?"
"DON'T PLAY DUMB WITH ME, SHITHEAD!" Midoriya flinched. "I'm asking if you told Round-Face about your Quirk."
"Oh," Midoriya said before his face turned pale. "Well…no. I-I just don't see why I should-"
Bakugou grabbed Midoriya by the collar of his shirt and pinned him against the lockers. "Listen, dumbass, I get that shit like that is confidential, but you have to tell her."
"…But why?"
"Because you're in a relationship with her, moron," Bakugou added. "Relationships are based on trust. And if you can't be honest with her about shit like this, how can she trust you in the future?"
"B-but All Might said-"
"I DON'T GIVE A SHIT WHAT ALL MIGHT SAYS! DECIDE FOR YOURSELF FOR ONCE WITHOUT USING THAT BONY SKELETON AS AN EXCUSE!" Midoriya felt Bakugou's grip against his collar loosen. "Listen, Deku," Bakugou said, "Do whatever you want, but if Round-Face finds out later rather than sooner and she doesn't trust you afterwards, don't say I didn't warn you." And with that, Bakugou left the locker room, leaving Midoriya with his thoughts.
For the next few days, Bakugou's words racked inside Midoriya's head. There were some points during the day when he was so distracted by the thought that he would miss a question in class or an order during training. When any of his classmates asked if he was alright, Midoriya would say yes and that he was just tired.
'What should I do?' he kept asking himself. 'Should I tell Ochako, or shouldn't I? I mean, we're in a relationship and she trusts me. But if I told her, what if she doesn't see me as this great hero and breaks up with me? What if I tell her and it's not even Ochako? What if it's some villain in disguise who'd be willing to give that information to the League? Then everyone I know and love will be in danger and-'
"AHA!" Midoriya cried out in surprise. He turned around to see Uraraka looking at him in concern.
"Are you okay?" Uraraka asked. "You've been acting very strange these past few days. Is something bothering you?"
"N-no! Nothing's wrong. I'm fine. I just…haven't had enough sleep lately." His nervous grin soon faltered when he noticed the doubt in Uraraka's eyes.
"Are you sure, Izuku?" She cupped his cheek. "You know you can talk to me if something is bothering you." Midoriya smiled before taking her hand gently in his and moving it from his face. He felt extremely lucky to have a girlfriend who cared about him as she did.
"I'm fine, Ochako, honest," he said. "I've just had a lot on my plate lately." His cell phone vibrated, indicating a message. Midoriya picked it up, read it, and pocketed it. "I gotta go," he said. "My weekly meeting with All Might. I'll see you later." He then gave her a quick peck on the cheek before turning and walking away.
"I'll see you when you get back, Izuku." He heard Uraraka call out. Once again, he failed to hide the smile on his face when he heard her say his name. That smile soon faltered when he remembered that he was hiding his secret from her. Maybe it was something he could talk to All Might about. After walking for ten minutes, he arrived at the faculty break room.
"Young Midoriya," his mentor said upon seeing him, "nice of you to join me. I hope things are going well for you." Midoriya only nodded before taking a seat across from him. "I've spoken to your teachers; they say your grasp on your Quirk has improved and your academic scores have remained consistently high. We may have to do something about Black Whip, though. Perhaps I could talk to Nezu about holding a private training se- Are you listening, my boy?"
It was then that Midoriya noticed All Might looking at him inquisitively. "Something's troubling you, Young Midoriya," the former No. 1 Hero stated after a few more seconds of silence. "What is it?"
Midoriya gulped at his mentor's question and twiddled his thumbs nervously. "Well, All Might," he began, gazing downward, "I-I've been thinking lately and…well…" He clenched his fists before shouting, "I've been thinking about telling Uraraka about my Quirk!"
There was a deafening silence as Midoriya's statement echoed throughout the room. Midoriya kept his eyes shut, waiting for the impending lecture he was expecting to get. After a few moments of silence, however, he opened his eyes to see All Might with a neutral look on his face.
"I-I mean, I know you said not to tell people about One For All," Midoriya continued, "but I trust Uraraka. I know she can keep a secret and not tell anyone. But then again, I could be putting her life in danger by letting her know about One For All's secret-"
"Young Midoriya."
Midoriya immediately went quiet as he glanced at his mentor. The former hero's face remained neutral as he asked, "You said you trust her, correct?"
All Might sighed before saying, "If you think that she can be trusted, then tell her. I cannot tell you what to do; you have to decide that for yourself. But I am warning you now, Young Midoriya." The boy gulped as All Might frowned. "Be careful who you reveal this information to. The risk of any villain finding out will grow whenever you tell others about One For All. It will not only endanger you, but those you care about as well." Midoriya only nodded. "Very well," All Might said, his features softening, "if that is all you wish to talk about, then I suggest you get back to your dormitory."
"Y-yes sir," Midoriya said, picking up his backpack.
"Wait." All Might's voice stopped him from opening the door. "Your mother wanted me to tell you to call her when you get the chance. She wants to discuss something with you."
"Um…o-okay," Midoriya said, failing to hide the concern and confusion in his voice. And with that, he left the office.
Some time later, he found himself back at Alliance Heights, where he was greeted by his friends, Uraraka, and Eri. While Iida was busy getting the ingredients for dinner, Midoriya pulled out his phone and sent a message to Uraraka that said:
I need to talk to you in private after dinner.
Is that alright?
His gaze turned toward her just in time to see her open her phone and stare at it. Her gaze then met his and she nodded silently before resuming her conversation with Mina and Tooru.
Dinner turned out to be katsudon, sliced tonkatsu cooked with a mixture of eggs and onions and served over a bowl of rice. As the students ate their meal, some also listened in on Eri, who talked about her school day and how the teacher had brought a guinea pig to class. Midoriya, meanwhile, kept his gaze at Uraraka, looking for any signs of worry. But she seemed as calm as ever as she talked to Momo about today's lesson and where she could improve her hero skills.
After everyone had finished with their meals, Midoriya made his way upstairs to his room. He sat on the bed, breathing slowly in order to gather his thoughts. He didn't have to wait long as he heard knocking on the other end of his door. He opened it to reveal Uraraka standing before him.
"Hi." The two stood in awkward silence until Midoriya moved to the side in order to let her in. When she did, Midoriya locked the door behind them and set himself down on the bed next to Uraraka. "So," she began, "what did you want to talk to me about?"
"W-well," Midoriya began, "the truth is…I…" He paused, unsure of how to tell her. Finally deciding to just rip the figurative band-aid off, he took a deep breath and turned to his girlfriend with a look of determination. "Okay," he resumed, "what I am about to tell you cannot leave this room. The fewer people know, the better. I'm only telling you this because I trust you and I don't want to keep any secrets from you. Okay?"
"O-okay," Uraraka said.
"The truth is…" Midoriya stated once again before looking down at his right hand, "my Quirk…isn't my own."
"Huh?" Uraraka asked in confusion.
Midoriya sighed. "Do you remember All For One, All Might's nemesis?" He waited for Uraraka to nod her head before he continued. "Well, he has the ability to steal other's Quirks and give them away. One day, he decided to forcibly give his seemingly Quirkless little brother, a Quirk that allowed him to stockpile power within his body. What neither of them realized was that the little brother already had a Quirk with no effect other than that it could be transferred to others. His Quirk and the Quirk given to him by All For One merged into one and became One For All." He paused so that Uraraka could take all of that information in.
"Having a deep-seeded sense of justice, the little brother tried to stop All For One, but he ultimately failed. He then decided to entrust One For All to future generations of heroes, hoping that one day, it would be strong enough to stop All For One. As time went on, One For All grew stronger with each user. It was passed on through six users before it was wielded by All Might."
"But," Uraraka said in confusion, "what does all of that have to do with you?"
Midoriya sighed. "Because I'm the current holder of One For All." He heard Uraraka utter a gasp at the revelation. "I was born without a Quirk. My original destiny was to be a nobody, someone whose life meant nothing and would be nothing. For that, I was ridiculed by my fellow classmates, even during middle school." He paused to smile. "Then I met All Might. Originally, he told me that I couldn't be a hero without a Quirk and that there was honor in being a policeman. But then he saw me trying to save Kacchan from a slime monster and he changed his mind. He decided to make me his pupil and the ninth user of One For All. Ever since then, I've been using it as my Quirk."
The words reverberated around the room when Midoriya finished his story. Though he wanted to feel as if a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders, he still wanted to hear Uraraka talk and ask questions first.
"Why didn't you tell me?" she asked after what felt like an eternity. "Why are you telling me this now?"
"It's like I said," Midoriya admitted, "I trust you. I also wanted to tell you because I don't want any secrets between us now that we're dating. But," he said while his features saddened, "All Might also warned me that the risk of any villain finding out grows if I tell others about One For All. It would not only endanger me, but those I care about as well." He then looked at Uraraka and said, "And I didn't want anyone I care about to get hurt, especially you, my mom, and Eri."
Midoriya felt a hand grip his; he looked down to see Uraraka holding his hand. He looked back up to see her face. "Wow," she said, "that sure is a lot to take in all at once. Does anyone else know about this?"
"Only a select few." He admitted. "Principal Nezu, Gran Torino, Recovery Girl, All For One, a detective on the police force named Tsukauchi Naomasa, and Kacchan."
Uraraka glanced up at her boyfriend. "Well, I am glad that you told me the truth and that you trust me with this information. But I want you to promise me a few things." She waited for Midoriya to nod before she continued. "First, no more secrets between us. We share everything with each other." Her expression softened. "Second, if something is bothering you, don't be afraid to talk to me about it. I'm your girlfriend; I want to be here for you and help you in any way."
Midoriya smiled. "Sure thing, Ochako. And in turn," he added, "you can talk to me if something is bothering you as well." He waited for her to nod in agreement before moving a strand of hair behind her ear and kissing her. He then felt her lips press against his and her right hand caressing his cheek, which caused him to smile against the kiss. After a while, the two broke apart for air. They smiled before resting their foreheads against each other, not wanting the moment to end.
The two jumped at the sound coming from outside the door. "W-who is it?" Midoriya asked.
"Mama? Papa?" Eri's small voice called out. "Are you okay? You've been gone for a while."
Both students sighed in relief knowing it was just Eri and not one of their classmates. "We're okay, sweetie," Uraraka said. "Papa and I were just having a talk. We'll be down in a minute."
"Okay." The response was soon followed by the sound of little feet walking away. Once they faded away, Uraraka and Midoriya both looked at each other and laughed at how freaked out they were at almost being caught.
"Ready to head back downstairs?" Midoriya asked once they had composed themselves. Uraraka nodded, and together they both met up with Eri and the others.
"Uraraka, Izuku!" Inko said when she saw the two students standing outside her door. "It's so good to see you both!"
"Hi, Mom."
"Hello, Mrs. Midoriya."
Inko hugged her son tightly before hugging Uraraka with equal affection. Midoriya couldn't help but smile at how warmly his mother treated his girlfriend. When he had called her a week ago to tell her about he and Uraraka being together, he thought she would have a panic attack and cry. However, she ended up loving the concept that her son had found someone who loved him for who he was. "I hope you didn't have any trouble getting here," Inko said after she shut the door.
"Not at all," Midoriya said as they made their way to the living room. "We hit a few snags here and there on the train, but we were able to get here no pro-" He paused when he noticed a familiar figure sitting on the couch. "A-All Might?"
"Ah, Young Midoriya, Uraraka," All Might said with a small smile before indicating to the two chairs across from him. "Please, have a seat."
Uraraka and Midoriya both sat down in confusion; they hadn't expected All Might to be here when they had agreed to visit Inko. The three sat in awkward silence while Inko prepared some tea. All Might drummed his fingers on his cane, Midoriya tapped the back of his feet on the floor, and Uraraka occupied herself by glancing away and looking at her surroundings. After a while, Inko returned with said tea and sat down next to All Might while Midoriya and Uraraka both poured themselves a cup.
"Wow, Mrs. Midoriya," Uraraka said after she took a sip, "this tea is really great!"
"Thank you, Uraraka," Inko said, "but it really was nothing." All Might and Midoriya couldn't help but smile at how bashful Inko was. "However," she added, her expression turning serious, "there is a reason I wanted you to come here." She turned to Midoriya and said, "Izuku, there's something I need to tell you. Something I should have told you years ago, but I was too afraid to say it." She then froze in fear, afraid to tell him the truth. It was then that she felt a bony hand rest on her shoulder. She turned to look at All Might, who gave her a small smile of reassurance.
"Izuku," Inko continued once she composed herself, "the truth is…your father isn't working in the States. He's been dead for almost seventeen years." She waited for the words to sink in as Uraraka covered her mouth in shock and Midoriya's eyes widened. Inko breathed deeply before continuing. "He had been called to handle a hostage situation in downtown Tokyo involving a rich CEO's family and a gang of villains. Even though it was a success, he sacrificed himself to save a child from falling debris. Four years later, when you asked me where he was, I couldn't bring myself to tell you the truth. So I fabricated a story that he was off in the States doing hero work."
Silence filled the room as Inko finished her story. All Might wore a neutral expression while Uraraka looked shocked. Midoriya, however, kept his gaze at the ground as he rose from his chair and began to walk towards Inko. It was then that tears began to fall from Inko's eyes.
"I-I'm so sorry, Izuku," she said through her tears. "I-I know I should have told you years ago, but I was too afraid that you'd hate me for lying to you. I understand if you're mad at me and never want to speak to me again and-"
"Mom, it's okay," Midoriya said, causing his mother to look up in surprise. "I get why you lied to me; I was a little kid. I probably would have been more confused if you had told the truth back then. And if I'm going to be honest, I had a feeling that Dad wasn't in the States. I didn't admit it because I wanted you to say it when you felt comfortable." He smiled as he added, "But I could never hate you, Mom; please don't ever think that I would or will."
Inko's eyes soon sprouted fresh tears as she hugged her son. Midoriya hugged her back and soon he began to cry as well. All Might smiled as he looked on at the spectacle before him while Uraraka wiped away her own tears. After a few minutes, the two separated from each other.
"Thanks for telling me the truth, Mom," Midoriya said once he composed himself and had wiped away his tears, "I appreciate it." After a slight pause, he added, "So what else is new?"
"Well, the truth is," Inko said in a more calming manner, "I've actually started dating again."
"Really?" Midoriya asked in surprise. "That's great, Mom; I'm happy for you!"
"Yes, well," Inko said with a smile, "I figured it was time to put myself back on the market since you were living at school."
Midoriya smiled; he truly was happy that his mother was dating someone. His mother was the kindest and most caring woman in the world and she deserved to be with someone who would treat her the same way. It would be weird to see her with someone at first, but as long as she was happy, Midoriya was contented with whomever she was with. "So," he asked after sipping his cup of tea, "who's the lucky guy?"
"Well…" Inko paused as she smiled at All Might and took his hand into hers, which he responded to by squeezing it.
Uraraka, meanwhile, noticed this and let out an audible gasp. "Wow; congratulations to you both!" she exclaimed with joy. "Well, I'm sure you'll both be happy together. Right, Izuku-GAH!" She cried out, for she had seen Midoriya frozen in place as if he had turned to stone, a look of utter shock etched on his face.
"Young Midoriya!"
"Izuku, my baby, please be okay!"
Midoriya then started shaking violently like a soda bottle that was ready to burst. Knowing what was to come, Uraraka grabbed a nearby book and placed it over her head.
"WAAAAAH!" Midoriya cried out as his tears gushed out like waterfalls. One of the waterfalls landed on the book covering Uraraka while the other ended up on the floor. "M-my mom a-and All M-Might...are dating!" He exclaimed before he gushed out another stream of tears.
Uraraka, meanwhile, looked at Inko and said, "I think he approves."
It took some time to calm Midoriya down. When he had composed himself, he then asked, "So, when did you two start dating?"
"About three weeks ago." Inko said. "I got in contact with All Might to ask how you were faring at school and he asked me if I wanted to join him for a cup of coffee, to which I said yes."
At that moment, All Might turned to Midoriya and said, "Young Midoriya, I want you to know that I am not trying to replace your father. I know that you just see me as your mentor and-"
"All Might," Midoriya said, "it's okay. I know you would never intend to do that. And in all seriousness, I'm happy that you two are dating." He continued with a smile, "I couldn't think of two people who deserve each other more than you two." A cough caused him to turn and see Uraraka give him a questioning look. "I-I mean, besides us, of course." The scene caused All Might and Inko to chuckle.
The rest of the stay was uneventful; Uraraka told Inko what she planned to do once she became a hero, causing Inko to smile in admiration of the girl's desire to help her parents financially. Meanwhile, Midoriya told his mom and All Might about Eri and what she was learning in school. At some point in the conversation, he talked about how Eri was looking forward to seeing her "Grandma" again. Inko blushed at the idea of being called a grandmother so soon.
Soon, it was time for Midoriya and Uraraka to head back to Alliance Heights. After saying their goodbyes, the two students made their way to the street. They turned back and waved at the adults, who smiled at each other and waved back.
Midoriya felt something touch his hand; he looked down to see Uraraka holding it. "I think your mom and All Might make a really great couple." She said while smiling.
Midoriya returned the gesture before squeezing her hand. "Yeah, me too."
And that concludes another chapter of Family Matters. Again, I am so sorry that it took forever to publish. I promise that the next chapter will be released quicker than this one. Kudos to my beta readers RD1042 and Tmalasia. Also, don't forget to favorite, review, and follow for more updates. Until then, this is AnimeFan299110 encouraging you all to go beyond...PLUS ULTRA!
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imhereforbakugou · 6 years
Pet Names (Part 1)
Quirk: Infatuation - The user of this quirk affects two people by touching them at the same time, they then fall into a state of infatuation with each other; they could be affected by this for up to a week.
Iida and Bakugou get affected by an infatuation quirk that makes them be sweet to each other. So sweet, that it could give you cavities. Warning: This story will contain an excessive amount of pet names, hence the title.
Hope everyone enjoys! 🧡💙
It was a wonder why the school let random people into the school grounds for the hero class to train against. At times it seemed like they did no background checks on anyone. In this particular exercise, Iida, Bakugou, Midoriya, and Kirishima chased a single villain through a section of the training grounds. They were focused on quirk identification specifically, and how valuable it was in determining the outcome of a fight. They weren’t told what quirk their villain possessed and their only objective was to bring them down.
So far their villain hadn’t shown signs of any sort of quirk, except that she was extremely agile. She jumped over the rooftops of buildings with ease and escaped their sights on more than one occasion.
Finally, Iida and Bakugou caught sight of her, casually standing in the street as if she was waiting for them. They both charged her at once, jumping towards her. The “villain” smirked, holding a hand out towards both of them. Just before they hit, she slammed her hands into their chests and slunk back into the dark alley. Bakugou and Iida were flung back and crumpled to the ground.
After a minute Iida sat up with a groan, holding his head.
“Iida, are you okay?” Midoriya called, rushing over to help him up.
“Yes, I believe so Midoriya,” he replied, making Midoriya sigh in relief.
“What about you Bakubro?” Kirishima asked, yanking the blonde to his feet. He wobbled a bit, pressing his hand to his face with a grimace.
“Shut up Shitty Hair, I’m fine,” he growled, clenching his eyes shut.
“Are you sure, Sugar?” Iida said, turning towards Bakugou.
“Sugar?” Kirishima and Midoriya chorused in confusion.
“Course I’m sure Baby,” Bakugou grunted, stretching his arms above his head. Iida let out a huge sigh of relief, rushing over to wrap an arm around Bakugou’s waist. He smiled, leaning into Iida’s shoulder as he pressed a kiss to the crown of his head.
“BABY!?” The two shrieked turning towards each other.
“We need to get to Recovery Girl,” Midoriya deadpanned, watching them with wide eyes. They both blinked, turning to look at him.
“Oh my, did you get injured?” Iida asked in concern, pushing his glasses up. “You should have told us sooner,”
“Baby chill for a second,” Bakugou soothed, running his hand down his arm.
“I’m not injured but there’s something wrong,” Modoriya said quietly.
“Well spit it out stupid Deku,” Bakugou growled, ready to stalk forward but Iida held tight to his waist keeping him back. Bakugou glowered at him for a second before letting out a huff and pouting.
“All students return to the designated starting point,” Aizawa’s bored voice sounded out across the training grounds.
“Well that wasn’t very long,” Iida commented. With a shrug, the two of them started back towards the entrance. Behind them, Kirishima and Midoriya whispered to each other.
“What just happened?”
“I have no idea, it has to be that villain’s quirk right?”
“It has to be, unless they were secretly dating or something,”
“They couldn’t have been dating before, Kaachan wouldn’t date someone without proclaiming it to the world,”
“What? Really? I thought he’d be more of a ‘‘I don’t want those idiots to bother me about it’’ kinda guy,”
“Not really, he wants everyone to know where his relationships stand, he was like that with his relationships in middle school,”
“He dated in middle school!?”
“Yeah, but never for very long,” Midoriya looked sad for a second, “He was very proud of them but every time they broke up with him because he was too clingy with them,”
“Bakugou, clingy?”
“You know... That’s why he doesn’t really have friends or wants them I guess, he’s scared that he’ll get attached and they’ll throw him away again,”
“Oi! What are you fuck munches whispering about back there?”
“Ah! Nothing Kaachan!”
Bakugou growled but turned his attention back to Iida. The look on his face was nothing but pure adoration as Iida spoke quietly to him. It only took a short while for them to get back to the entrance where the rest of the class was waiting, already turned toward Aizawa.
“For the rest of this class, we’re going to go over your battles and strategies you utilized to identify these villain’s quirks,” Aizawa droned as they joined the group.
“Sensei, something’s wrong with Iida and Kaachan,” Midoriya said quietly, raising his hand.
“HUH!? WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!?” Bakugou bellowed, head snapping to face him. Aizawa rubbed the bridge of his nose tiredly.
“What makes you think that Midoriya?” He asked with a dead stare.
“After one of those fake villains hit them they started acting weird,”  He replied, looking cautiously over at Bakugou.
“Sorry bro, but you really are acting weird; even for you,” Kirishima stepped in with a grin.
“WHAT’S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN!?” He snarled, turning his attention to Kirishima.
“Yeah really, he seems exactly the same to me,” Kaminari commented. There were sounds of agreement from around the class.
“I have to agree with Katsuki, I don’t see what’s so abnormal about our behaviour,” Iida slid in beside them.
“There’s dust all over your glasses idiot,” Bakugou commented, looking up at him with a smirk.
“Could you clean them for me, Sugar?” He asked, taking his glasses off and handing them over to the blonde. Bakugou tsked but took them and dusted them off.
“Wait did you just call him sugar?” Uraraka asked, pointing to Bakugou.
“That’s what I mean, they’re acting all… lovey dovey!” Midoriya exclaimed flustered.
“Of course were lovey dovey, he’s my man! If you don’t like it you can fuck off!” Bakugou sneered, looking down his nose at them as he wrapped his arms around one of Iida’s.
“I think I understand now Midoriya, you two come with me,” he said gesturing to the couple before turning to head back into the school. Bakugou tsked but following dutifully behind his teacher. After a few steps, he looked over his shoulder and held out his hand to Iida, who happily took it.
The class watched the three of them leave, stunned into silence.
“What are we supposed to do now?”
Their little period of freedom lasted only about ten minutes before Present Mic approached them and brought them back to the classroom, still in their hero uniforms. It wasn’t long before Aizawa came in.
“As the situation stands, there is nothing to do about Iida and Bakugou. The person responsible has a simple infatuation quirk which will wear off in about four days to a week, at the moment there doesn’t seem like there will be any ramifications so the school has decided to just let the quirk effects run its course,” he informed them.
“So we’re just supposed to let them think that they’re in love?” Mina asked, her hand shooting into the air.
“By all means, do whatever you want, I’m just letting you know what we know about what happened to them,” Aizawa sighed, “You’re dismissed,”
“So… what do you think we should do?” Kirishima asked as they sat in the common room, waiting for the couple to come back.
“What d’you mean?” Ashido asked.
“Well, should we tell them about it? Or do you think that Recovery Girl told them?” He clarified, scratching the back of his neck.
“I say let it run its course, maybe Blasty would relax a bit if he’s attached to the class prez all day,” Kaminari grinned, relaxing against the back of the couch.
“Don’t you think they’ll be mad when the quirk wears off?” Midoriya hummed, cocking his head to the side.
“Bakugou will probably be embarrassed but Iida will probably just apologize for the inconvenience,” Uraraka commented, “I think it’ll be fun to see how different they are,”
“Everyone in agreement?!” Kaminari yelled in excitement. A chorus of cheers erupted from the class, a little less enthusiasm came from Midoriya but he still lifted his fist in the air.
“Besides, this class needs a little more romance,” Ashido grinned, nudging Midoriya cheekily in the side.
“Wha’dya mean a little more romance? We got more than enough here,” Bakugou’s gruff voice stated almost proudly. The class turned and they saw the two of them trudge into the common room.
“Ayy, just the couple we wanted to see,” Sero cheered. Bakugou tsked, shoving his hands in his pockets.
“Us? What did you need us for?” Iida asked, perking up at attention.
“We just had some questions for you guys,” Kaminari said, smirking at them.
“Ew, why are you acting so sus?” Bakugou sneered, stepping in front of Iida protectively. Kaminari yelped in offence, grabbing his chest dramatically.
“I should have never taught you that word,”
“Your mistake,”
Suddenly, Midoriya’s alarm went off, startling the group.
“What’s that?” Kaminari asked as Midoriya fumbled to turn it off.
“It’s just my alarm to go workout,” he glanced over at his ‘squad’, “Are you guys ready to go?”
Uraraka and Todoroki both nodded, “All my clothes are in the locker room, I can get it on the way to the gym,”
“Alright, let's get going then, we don’t want to waste our reservation there,”
“Okay, I’ll see you later Duck,” Iida said, turning to Bakugou and pecking him on the lips.
“Mmm, bye Munchkin,” he hugged Iida tightly. Their classmate almost instantly averted their eyes. Not because they were grossed out or anything but it was just so weird. The group of four walked out, Bakugou watching Iida’s back until they were out of sight. He sighed slightly, a fond grin on his lips.
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bilgesnipebitch · 5 years
BkDk Flower Exchange
Title: Humility
Author: @bilgesnipebitch
Ship: Katsuki Bakugou x Izuku Midoriya (aged up pro heroes)
Prompt: Hydrangea (symbolizes pride and apology)
Warnings: male x male, kinda angst and fluff?, a bit of swearing, some injury and fighting at the beginning
Giftee: Dukes (bakudekudukes on twitter)
Word Count: 2,152
Hope you like it, Dukes!! And thank you @bakudekuflowerexchange for hosting this great event!
He let out a cry of pain that rang through the heavy night air. It made my stomach churn, but I just couldn’t leave. I had to hold the front line. I had to keep them from reaching the warehouse. I had to trust Deku. A loud crack soon followed, and I dreaded all the possibilities of what it could have been. I gritted my teeth, resolve wearing thin.
Trust Deku. It’s alright. He can take care of himself.
Another heart-wrenching scream.
That’s it, I can’t take it anymore.
I ran as fast as I could into the rickety old building, ignoring the protests and cries of the other heroes still holding the front line.
“Deku!” I cried, examining the scene before me.
There he stood, toe to toe with the villain, a bit worse for the wear, but determined as ever.
“Kacchan! What on earth are you doing?” he cried.
The villain took advantage of Izuku’s distractedness and knocked him back a good few feet.
“I’m here to help you, dumbass!” I entered the fray, standing between Izuku and the giant, grotesque thing that could hardly be called a person at this point.
“I told you I can take care of this myself! Why aren’t you helping the others?”
I opened my mouth to answer when I suddenly found myself flung sideways into the far wall of the building. My heart immediately dropped into my stomach as I realized whatever it was came from outside the warehouse’s open doors.
Shit. The villains got through.
“Master, it’s time to go!” one of the villains held out a hand to the beast of a man, and before we could make sense of what was happening, the entire legion was gone. Every last person.
“Damn it, Ground Zero!” I heard a hero cry from outside.
He stomped toward me, fury burning in his eyes, and favoring a limp, bloodied arm.
I heaved myself onto my feet, ready to give this man a piece of my mind, when Izuku wedged himself between us, “Listen, I’m really sorry, but–”
“No, you’ve made enough excuses for Ground Zero,” the hero pushed Izuku aside, eyes still fixed with mine. “But this is the final straw. We won’t tolerate this kind of behavior anymore, newbie.”
I clenched my fists so hard they must have gone white, desperately resisting the urge to punch this loser’s nose in.
“Oh yeah? And–” Izuku quickly clasped his hand over my mouth and looked up at me with those big sad eyes, silently begging me not to get myself in any more trouble.
I finally relented, ripping his hand off me and walking away with a scoff.
We eventually got back to the agency and took off all our gear, showered, etc. Izuku might not have shown it in front of the other heroes, but I could tell he was not at all pleased with me either. It was strange and honestly heartbreaking to see him acting so coldly. We were walking to the train station together when I finally decided to speak up about the incident.
“So, that warehouse...”
“Not now, Kacchan.”
My heart writhed in my chest, and I didn’t dare speak about it again the rest of the train ride home.
At the apartment, we both went through our usual nightly routines in complete silence, and every second of it weighed my heart down until I could’ve sworn I could feel it beating away in the soles of my feet.
“Deku, just say something damn it!” I snapped at the green-haired man, who only looked at me with a vague sense of disappointment.
“What is there to say?”
“I– I don’t know. Anything. Are you seriously still mad about the warehouse?”
Izuku scoffed and shook his head, “I can’t believe you.”
I blinked at him and knitted my brows, “so you are?”
“Yes, Katsuki! I’m still mad about the warehouse!”
Katsuki. I hadn’t heard him use that name in––well––since we were little kids. My heart felt like it had shattered into a million pieces right then and there.
“But you needed my help. You’re lucky I intervened, or–”
“No I didn’t! I was perfectly fine without you!” I had never imagined just how disarming Izuku raising his voice could be.
“You abandoned the other heroes holding back the villains from the warehouse! We needed their leader alive! You knew that if the one with a teleportation quirk got a hold of their leader, we would all be done for! But you just couldn’t see over that huge ego of yours, huh? You always have to play the knight in shining armor and save the day!”
“You what? Ran out of excuses? God, you’re so frustrating sometimes!”
“Deku, listen–” I growled.
“Don’t you ‘Deku’ me, I stand up for you every single time you let your massive ego take control because I know you’re a good person deep down, and I know you can change, but honestly, I don’t know what to do with you anymore! If you keep this up, they’re going to kick us both out of the agency!”
I opened my mouth, but not a single word that ran through my head seemed to be right.
“You know what, I’m going to bed. You can tell me your excuse in the morning,” Izuku sighed and walked off into the bedroom.
I could hardly believe what had just happened, but the more I dwelled on it, the more I felt my eyes begin to well up painfully.
Without another word, I stormed out the door, furiously wiping at my eyes. I could feel all the anger and pain inside of me, swirling and melding and starting to froth up into an all-too-familiar rage.
“I was helping him. He could’ve been killed without me there. It’s not my fault those other heroes couldn’t hold the villains back,” I muttered.
But then that miserable little voice in the back of my mind came rearing its ugly head like it always does.
You didn’t help at all. The mission failed all because of you. You’re pathetic. Worthless.
“No I’m not,” I growled under my breath.
Yes you are. And even your own boyfriend hates you now. Maybe it would be better if you just–
“SHUT UP,” I howled and let out an involuntary explosion from my palm.
I heard one of our neighbors cautiously peek out his door behind me, but I didn’t bother looking. I just hurried down the stairs and out of the building, hoping a little fresh air would help me clear my thoughts. The night sky was pale, though I couldn’t see whether the sun was peeking over the horizon quite yet. It had been a long night, that’s for sure, though strangely enough, I didn’t feel tired at all. Frustrated, yes. Heartbroken? Absolutely. It was probably just all the adrenaline in my system.
I trudged along the empty street, hands buried deep in my pockets, when I heard some shuffling and a delicate ringing up ahead. Looking up from the dreary pavement, my eyes found a vibrant medley of colors and a small, silver-haired woman crouched and arranging it with care.
“Oh, hello there! What are you doing out so early?” She smiled warmly at me, standing up with an ornate, blue flower in hand.
“Just... clearing my head,” I said flatly.
She nodded pensively for a second before it looked like she remembered something, “Say, you wouldn’t have anywhere in particular to be right now, would you?”
I shook my head, and the lady’s face lit up.
“Perfect! Then a strong young boy like you wouldn’t mind helping me move some flower pots, would you?”
“Oh, um, sure,” I didn’t exactly have anything else to do at the moment.
The lady led me inside her shop, door closing with a jingle behind us. I had to admit, it looked lovely inside with all the vibrant flowers neatly and artfully arranged––and smelled just as delightful as it seemed.
“They’re right back here… oh, I don’t believe I ever caught your name.”
“Um, Katsuki.”
“Then right this way, Katsuki!”
The lady was friendly enough, maybe a bit too friendly, but I supposed helping her out might keep me occupied enough to silence that bitter voice in my head. When all the moving was done, she insisted that I try one of her homemade cookies, which was surprisingly delicious, and we got to chatting. Well, it was mostly her talking about how her youngest son was getting married this spring and she’d been looking for just the right flowers for the reception’s centerpieces.
“You know, you remind me a lot of my son. He used to come help me set up the shop every morning. Well, not since he moved away to his fiancee’s city, but he still calls every now and then.”
I simply nodded and took another bite of the cookie.
“Do you have anybody special?”
I nearly choked on the shortbread, surprised at the lady’s bluntness.
“Um, yeah, I’ve got… someone.”
She nodded in satisfaction, “are they good to you?”
“Yeah,” I paused, my head flooding with the events of last night once more. “Though I’m not sure I can say I’m very ‘good’ to him…”
“Why do you say that?” She wrinkled her brows in concern.
I let loose a heavy sigh, “Well, I– I messed up. And... it’s not the first time.”
She nodded, urging me to go on.
“I just–” I rubbed my face in frustration, “I don’t know what to do anymore. I trust him, but… God, why am I like this??”
“So you two are having a lovers’ spat, eh?”
I nodded.
“I thought so. I could tell from the way you were walking down the street, all sulky and lovesick.”
“Hey–” The lady held up a finger to silence me.
“And I could also tell that you’re the prideful type. Always letting your bravado get the better of you, am I right?”
I growled and nodded again.
The lady just grinned and whirled around wordlessly, fiddling with some things behind the counter. When she turned back to me, she presented a bouquet of beautiful purple and white flowers.
“Here. You’ll be needing these.”
I took the flowers into my hand and examined them carefully. There were only four flowers, but they seemed to be made up of dozens of smaller blossoms, making the little bouquet look quite full, yet still trim and neat.
“They’re hydrangeas,” she explained, seeing my blank stare. “They symbolize pride and apology, which I think fits our little predicament quite nicely.”
I still looked from her to the flowers and back dumbly.
“Give them to your special someone, numbskull. You’re gonna go apologize, right?”
I nodded again.
“Then give him these. And tell him how sorry you are for being a dimwit. And treat him like a king from now on, you hear me?”
“Oh, how much are they?”
“Free of charge. Consider it payment for helping me move those pots.”
A faint smile crept up my face as I looked at the simple bouquet.
“Thank you.”
“Any time. I’ve got to admit, I’m a sucker for young love,” the lady chuckled and shooed me out the door to go apologize with another shortbread cookie and flowers in hand.
I stepped into the apartment as quietly as I could, relieved to find Izuku was still asleep, and got to work. It was well after dawn now, partly because I took a little detour to the grocery store to pick up a couple ingredients. But I knew Izuku was an early riser, so I set to work quickly.
I had just finished when I heard Izuku’s alarm go off, and a short while later, his sleepy footsteps come padding into the kitchen.
“Kacchan, why are you up so earl–“ Izuku stopped mid-yawn and stared at the table.
“Deku, I know this doesn’t even come close to making up for last night, and I know you probably don’t believe me at this point, but I’m sorry. I really, truly am. And I can’t tell you how much I–” Izuku put a finger on my lips to stop my rambling.
“How long have you been up?”
I paused, a bit unsure whether I should tell him the truth.
“All night…” I finally admitted.
“Babe, why did you–”
“Because I can’t sleep knowing how much I’ve hurt you,” I took hold of his hand and kissed it softly, running my calloused finger over his scarred knuckles. “And pancakes and flowers aren’t nearly enough to express how sorry I am—for everything—but it’s a start.”
Izuku looked up at me with that soft little smile of his that just melted my heart every time and reminded me that everything was going to be alright.
“Well, the pancakes aren’t going to eat themselves,” he laughed, and I ruffled his wild mop of bedhead.
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