#see rhyhorn race and how she teaches ash about it. she knows what she is doing and she has full trust in her abilities
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love-is-a-pearl · 10 months ago
I feel like Dawn would end up starring in PokerStars studios at some point. It just feels like her kind of place.
I feel like that's more of a Serena thing. She was really into Pokevision and Showcases are all about showing yourself and she is an Idol, friends with Lisia now!? She is meant for such extravangances.
And I know this will sound bullshit because no one understands dawn like i do/j but like... Dawn.. doesnt seem to like getting too much attention on herself?
Like, she has an outgoing personality, is a social butterfly and is not afraid of being loud and all that but.. She's very bashful when she is made the center of attention; specially around those she doesn't know.
When she learns the battle in DP029 is gonna be recorded, her first instinct is to get out of the camera's view and get her hair fixed (not to mention any time her hair gets messed up and made fun of and how one time she passed out because of it).
Ash asks her for a dance at DP082 and while one can only guess why she rejected it, I wouldn't be surprised if it was out of shame (specially with how he danced lmao).
When she wins the award for best bonding with Grimer in DP088, her reaction is to blush shyly at the praises (unnusual for her!)
During the johto festival in DP143, Lyra calls Dawn on for a battle and her first reaction is to freak out. Only after some peer pressure (and support), that she goes for it.
Dawn only did the cheerleader thing during rematches and everytime there were very few people around (and the fact she didnt dress up for the Leon battle kinda adds that she only does that with a small number of people as witnesses)
Serena seemed very comfortable and not at all nervous about having a camera on her at all times for the pokevision thing in XY021 and having her videos seen by folks worldwide(!)
She did the modeling thing for Valerie in XY073 and while she did look nervous, she seemed to get over it pretty fast the moment her friends showed up (even talking to them from the catwalk lmao).
Dressing up as Ash and taking his place during a battle with a random dude at XY115 with no shame? Other pokegirls could never.
She made a Showcase presentation for the whole town to see at XY138!!
She is an IDOL!! OFFICIALLY!!!
What I'm trying to say is... Dawn would skip sleep to memorize the lines for a movie and then fall asleep in the actual recording and she knows it. And she is not living that kind of shame.
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bard-of-worlds · 5 years ago
Chapter 5
Lilith smiled as she drank her tea.  She and Serena were enjoying an early breakfast at the Pokémon Center’s deck outside Santalune city with Serena’s Fennekin and Lilly’s Pokémon eating their own food next to their trainers.  The breeze carried a hint of flowers and the sun shined down on the girls.
 “So nice.  No early Rhyhorn Race practice for me. And no Fletchling waking me up. Such a relaxing way to start the day.  And this tea is wonderful Lilly!” Serena said with a smile on her face.
 “It’s a blend my teacher shared with me.  She said she was introduced to it years ago when she met one of her best friends.  The blend isn’t popular outside of home no matter what he tries.”  Lilith said as she shook her head while inside she was grinning.  Serena seemed to be a nice girl and she was starting to like her.  A new friend and then there was…….him.  She blushed for a minute before she looked up and saw that Serena was looking at the flowers.
 “My mom might like it and she might agree to promote it, might make it popular around here.”  Serena said as she drank her cup.  Mom has been thinking about looking for some sponsors before the next season.
 “Is she famous around here?” Lilith asked, maybe she could find another feather in her cap.  But she had to wait until her courier came back but it would be soon, she could feel it coming closer to Kalos ever minute, she’d get a replay by nightfall tomorrow.
 “Champion Rhyhorn racer Grace Yvonne.  She’s been the winner of the circuit for the last five years, and is looking to make it six years in a row.”  Serena said proudly as Lilith looked at her friend.  The way Serena acted she wasn’t the child of a celebrity like those she’d met on assignments over the years, she didn’t act like most of the noble children she had meet over the years back home.
 “I think I might get in contact with teacher and let her pass on the decision to her friend, are you finished with your meal?”  Lilith asked as she started to recall her Pokémon and picked up her bag from the table.
 “Yeah, Fennekin, did you get enough?”  Serena asked her Pokemon as Lilith just shook her head at her friend’s actions, trainers always acted overprotective when they got their first Pokémon, it was a fact of life.
 “Fennekin.”  Her Fire type answered.  Serena got up and walked to the door to the center and bowed to the interior of the building.
 “Thank you for everything Nurse Joy.  Have a nice day.”  Serena said as Lilith passed Serena her bag and moved their dishes to the counter next to the door.
 “I left our dishes by the window, thanks for the food!”  Lilith called out.
 “Just a little bit further and I'll finally get to see him again in person.”  Serena said as she walked toward the path through the trees.
 “Hey lover girl, catch me if you can!”  Lilith called out as she ran past her toward Santalune city.  Serena blushed for a minute, maybe she shouldn’t have told Lilly about traveling now to see Ash.
 “Hey wait for me Lilly!”  Serena laughed as she ran into the woods, Fennekin right behind her. I’ll be able to talk with him by the end of the day, after all these years to be able to see him with my own eyes without a video-com call.  I’m so happy! She thought as she looked towards the city and grinned.
 Lilith ran through the city, Serena at her heels as they moved toward the Gym. They had gotten directions from a map they found.  When they reached the gym Serena called to her friend.
 “Lilly, wait.  How do we know if we can watch the battle if their inside?” Serena asked worriedly.
 “Simple, we go in and asked the first person we see in there.”  Lilith said as she opened the door to the gym.  Running down a hallway with pictures of Bug types they came to a
 Um, uh... There he is. It’s Ash.  Serena just looked at Ash for a minute before Lilith elbowed her, causing Serena to looked at her and saw the smirk on her face, she blushed before she ran toward Ash with Lilith right behind her.
 “Can I help you?” Alexis called to the girl as Lilith stopped next to Serena
 “Lilly, hey!” Bonnie called out as she waved at Lilith who looked towards them.
 “We were wondering if it would be okay if we watched them battle.”  Serena said as Lilith smirked at Clemont who looked nervous at her smirk.
  “Of course, that would be just fine. Welcome.” Alexis answered as she smiled at the
 “Why don’t you two join us over here?” Clemont said as he fought his blush down.
 “Yeah. It’s getting real good.”  Bonnie called out.
 “That’s so nice of you. Thanks.”  Serena said as she and Lilith walked over to the trio.
 “Okay, Fletchling, Peck, let’s go.” Ash commanded.
 Fletchling spun as it climbed upwards before it’s beck started to glow and it shot like a missile at the Surskit it was battling.
 “Quick, dodge it.” Viola commanded before her Surskit dodged to the left, being missed by Fletchling who angled back up into the air turning around for another shot at the Bug Type.
 “Now, use Ice Beam!” Viola called out.  Surskit’s top horn formed a light blue sphere and a blue beam shot from it toward the Flying type.
 “Dodge it!” Ash screamed to his Pokémon, Fletchling slowed its speed and slipped past the beam.
 “Awesome.” Serena said as she clasped her hands.
 “Yeah. Go for it, Fletchling!” Bonnie said as she threw her hands up.
 “You can do it, Fletchling!” Lilith said as she smiled at the battle, a tear dropping from her right eye. This is causing me to experience déjà vu, the passion is a lot like the boss’s battles at the Celabration last year when his team fought all the Elites at once.  Ash has to be the prince, he has to be!
 “Surskit, Sticky Web, go.” Viola cried out
 “Fletchling, Double Team.” Ash commanded.
 Fletchling created duplicates that covered the skies of the battlefield before Surskit shot blobs of a sticky material from its antenna that formed webs wherever it hit on either the trees or the windows.  Fletchling’s duplicates disappeared when they were hit but Fletchling dodged whenever a glob came near it.
 “It dodged everything.” Clemont called out.
 “All right, attack, attack, attack, attack!”  Bonnie cried out in sheer joy.
 “Now, Fletchling, use Razor Wind!” Ash commanded.
 Fletchling wings glowed as it shot crescent blades of wind from them at the Bug type which only had a minute to brace itself before the Move hit it, knocking it out and causing Voila to cry out in concern.
 “Surskit is unable to battle. Fletchling wins.”  The Referee ruled out as Bonnie and Serena clapped their hands to each other.
 “Did you see how totally awesome Ash battles?”  Bonnie asked Serena in awe.
 “Mm-hm. I sure did.” Serena answered with a smile on her face.
 “I thought that Sticky Web would have hit.”  Lilith smiled as she looked at Ash.
 “Now both sides have one Pokémon left. Ash just might win this.”  Clemont said as he looked at Lilith before looking away.
 “Surskit, you were great. You deserve a good rest.” Voila said as she recalled her Pokémon as she smiled.
 “Time to beat your other Pokémon and get my hands on my first Kalos Gym Badge.”  Ash declared as he stared across the battlefield at Voila.
 “It’s not going to be that easy.  My Gym Leader pride’s on the line.  Let’s do this, Vivillon.”  Voila declared as she threw a Pokéball and released her Vivillon which took flight and hovered over the battlefield.
 “Who’s that Pokémon?” Ash wondered as he brought up his Pokédex to scan the Bug type.
 “Vivillon, the Scale Pokémon. Vivillon are skillfully able to find a source of water. It has been said that you’ll find a spring if you follow a Vivillon.” His Pokédex reported as Ash looked at his opponents Pokémon.
 “All right, Fletchling, Peck.”  Ash cried out.  Fletchling climbed and shot at the flying Bug with a glowing beck.
 “See? Flying-type moves are super effective against Vivillon.” Clemont said before Lilith sighed.
 “Yes, but remember Pokémon trainers can teach their Pokemon moves that aren’t their element type, I’m sure she has a strategy to deal with Flying types.”  Lilith said as Clemont looked at her as his thoughts raced around the black haired girl.  
  Fletchling shot toward the flying Bug Type and when it was near…
 “Vivillon, use Psychic!” At the command Vivillon’s eyes glowed blue and caught Fletchling in a blue energy field.
 “I knew it!  She trained her Vivillon to counter Flying types.” Lilith breathed as Alexis looked on blankly at what her sister was doing. Ash only gritted his teeth as he saw the state his Pokémon was in.
 “Since I made an ice battlefield, I want you to experience what it’s all about.”  Voila called out before Vivillon threw Fletchling upwards before sending it crashing against the gym’s floor.
 “Fletchling, you okay? Can you still fly?” Ash called worriedly to his Pokémon
 “Fletch! Fletch! Fletchling!”  It called to its trainer as it climbed back into the air.
 “All right. Use Gust!” Voila commanded.  Vivillon shot a blast of wind from its wings, throwing Fletchling into one of the Sticky Webs Surskit had shot earlier.
 “Fletchling!” Ash called out in worry as the observers were shocked at the turn around.  There’s no way this is chance, she had to plan this!  This is a control strategy!
 “It’s stuck in that Sticky Web.” Clemont said as his mouth dropped open in shock.
 “That was her strategy, I get it now. It’s was a variation of ground control.” Lilith said as she looked at the battlefield, taking note of the ice and the webs.
 “Lilly?”  Serena asked her friend.
 “Tell you later.” Lilith said as she looked at Ash and her thoughts betrayed her worry.  Will you pull out a win my prince or get her in a second attempt.  As Master taught me, there is no shame in defeat, only in retreat.
“Break free! You can do it, Fletchling!” Ash called out to his Flying type.  Fletchling started to struggle but the web kept it stuck to the window.
 “A picture-perfect opportunity.  Vivillon, Solar Beam!”  Voila called out.
 “Vivillon!”  The Bug Type cried as its wings glowed before it opened its mouth and fired a yellow beam at Fletchling, causing and explosion and sending the Flying type crashing to the ground unconscious.
 “Fletchling is unable to battle. Vivillon wins, which means the victor is Viola, the Gym Leader.” The Referee said as she raised an arm in Viola’s direction before Viola recalled her Bug Type.  
 “Thanks a lot, Vivillon.” Voila said to her Pokémon in its ball.
 Ash ran toward his Flying Type and took it in his arms, carefully cradling it.
 “Fletchling!  Are you okay?” Ash asked his Pokémon worriedly as Clemont and Bonnie ran toward him, Pikachu in Clemont’s arms.
 “We need to get them both to the Pokémon Center.” Clemont began before he handed Pikachu to Ash.
 “I'm afraid that battle put them through a lot.”  Clemont commented as he and Bonnie looked at the hurt Pokemon in Ash’s arms.  Ash’s eyes watered for a minute before he turned his head toward Voila.
 “I know I lost, but I’ll come back here stronger. When I do, I hope you’ll let me have a rematch.” Ash called over the battle field to the gym leader.
 “I’ll be looking forward to it.  Come back anytime.” Voila answered back.
 “Let’s go.”  Ash said with a sigh as he ran out the room with Bonnie and Clemont at his heals.  Serena tried to talk but seening Ash’s face she stopped.  Suddenly Lilith punched her arm as she ran past her.
 “Come on, I don’t want to lose them!”  Lilith said as she ran toward the door they came through earlier.
 Serena ran after Ash, stopping to grab his backpack before running after Lilith.
  Clemont sat with Bonnie at a table outside the Pokémon Center, a bowl of pellets before Dedenne who happily ate them and she grinned down at it.
 “Oh, Dedenne, you’re such a cutie pie.” Bonnie said as she gazed at the Fairy type with a laughed.
 “It must have been really hungry.” Clemont laughed as he sat with his sister and looked towards where Ash was and sighed.
 “Your right Bonnie, it is cute, where’d you find it?”  A voice asked causing Bonnie and her brother to see Lilith walking towards them, pull up a chair and join them at the table.
 “We found this little one on the way to Santalune, Clemont is keeping it I can become a trainer. But what are you doing here Lilly, weren’t you going to find where the Pokémon Contest was?”  Bonnie asked as she looked at the black haired girl.
 “Yeah and luck would have it it’s in tomorrow in this city.  That battle was something else; I guess gym leaders really know how to plan a battle strategy.”  Lilith said as she stretched her arms above her head that pushed her breasts out, causing Clemont to blush for a minute that caused Lilith to smile on the inside.
 “Planned? What do you mean?” Bonnie asked, not having noticed her brothers blush.  Before Lilith could answer she saw Serena walking toward Ash.
 Ash sat under a tree as his thoughts went over the gym match in his head.
Viola totally beat me. Man, is she strong.  Pikachu and Fletchling weren’t able to show their strengths at all.  If that’s the way it’s going to be, I can’t win, no matter how many times I try. What do I do?  How can I get by her strategy?  He thought as he sat under the tree and tried to figure out how to win.
 “Excuse me. I think this is yours.” Serena said as she held up Ash’s backpack.
 “Uh? Huh? Guess I forgot it. Hey, thanks a lot.”  Ash said as he took his backpack.
 “It’s been a while since we’ve last seen each other, hasn’t it Ash.”  Serena said to Ash, causing him to jolt as he looked at her in shock.  She knows me, who do I know in Kalos with blond hair, wait blond? Ash thought as he looked at the girl before him.
 “Serena?”  He asked as he looked at her as she smiled.
“Hi, how have you been…” Serena began before Ash dropped his backpack and grabbed her in a hug that caused her to blush, not that Ash could see her face.
 “Man Serena it’s been years! How’s Kalos been treating you and your mother?”  Ash said as he pulled back just after Serena had fought her blush down.  
 “She’s done great with the races.  The defenses Vaniville Town has really are top notched.  And the festivals are something to experience here in Kalos!  I especially love the Story Teller’s!” Serena said as Clemont, Bonnie, and Lilith walked over to them.
 “You know her Ash? She was watching the battle with us since she and Lilly came in when you beat Voila’s Surskit.”  Clemont commented as the three of them joined the two under the tree.
 “Yeah, Serena and I went to the same kindergarten in Pallet Town before she and her mom moved to Kalos for the Ryhorn Races.  Serena this is Bonnie and her brother Clemont, and you already know Lilly.”  Ash said as Serena bowed to them.
 “Hi, nice to meet you.” Serena said as she looked at the brother and sister.
 “That battle with Voila was something else Ash.” Lilith said as she looked at him, silently wondering if he would have seen what Voila had done.
 “Her strategy was spotless; she had me covered since the first move.”  Ash said with a sigh.
 “You noticed, it was when her Vivillon used Psychic right?” Lilith said as her impression of Ash went up a few notches when he shook his head.
 “It was the result of its Gust Move.  That was a text book control strategy.”  Ash commented as the others looked at him.
 “You were talking about a strategy too Lilly, what do you two mean?” Bonnie asked the both
 “Voila’s strategy was to control the battlefield.  Ice Beam to takeaway her opponent’s momentum on the land.  If they fly Sticky Web to bring them down to earth or create a way for Vivillon to get them stuck in one place for a takedown.   Anti-Flying 101, immobilize it and take it down.”  Ash said as he brought out his Pokédex, navigating to Fletchling’s page.   Quickly he moved to the moves that this species has been document to be able to learn. Overheat or Flame Charge, maybe Overheat to get rid of the webs, or Flame Charge to burn it off.
 “You know I have two Pokémon that can help you train against her tactics.  And I will have some time to kill after the Contest is over tomorrow.” Lilith said as she put a finger next to her mouth.
 “You mean it Lilly? You’d help me?” Ash said as the group turned to her.
 “Sure, but would you guys come to my Contest tomorrow, I’m just used to people I know watching me perform, my cousin back home was even my partner for a show or two.”  Lilith said as she laughed as she starched her head.
 “I want to see if it lives up to the hype you gave it anyway.”  Serena said as she put a hand on Lilith’s shoulder.
 “I’ve watched a local Performance on tv and to see a contest might be fun.”  Clemont said as Bonnie smiled at Lilith and nodded, showing her choice to go and see Lilith perform.
 “It’s almost lunch time and I saw that the Center’s serving meatloaf and Lasagna, how about we get some lunch before I head over to the hall to check the rules, gotta plan out my performance.”  Lilith suggested as the group walked toward the Pokémon Center.
 A man in a green tabard looked around as he moved stealthily through the woods around him as he moved toward his goal.  Changing his mode of travel he climbed a tree before starting to jump from tree to tree as he avoided Beedrills and Pinsirs as he headed further into the forest.  As he jumped through a clearing he cursed himself for his failure, but he had gained knowledge about someone in Pallet town that might give them a bit more power, not to mention what she might do for his brother and the lovely flower he himself had discovered.  Stopping on one tree he looked up the sky with a smile as he rubbed his check where her blades had cut him before he healed and treated the fight seriously before the thunder maiden had shown her powers, he should have brought his team to back him up.  With a sigh he continued his flight through the forest, moving ever closer to his destination.
Reaching the foothills of an unnamed mountain where the mountain chain that had Mt. Silver and Viridian Forest meet, he jumped from the trees to the ground and ran up the mountain until he reached a crevice halfway up the mountain that he passed through. In the clearing he entered two men stood in green plate armor each wielding a sword and a shield standing guard over a cave entrance. Backing them up were four golems the size of the men. They had a wooden humanoid form; its head had sex green round gems in a circle. Its right arm ended in a large round green gem, while its left hand held a tower shield, they had four legs set in a diagonal formation.
 “Lord Sylvestre, where are the two Knight Stalkers you left to aid?” Sylvestre ignored the Guard and entered the cave, his glare and the feel of his aura doing more to silence the guards then his silence would.  Sylvestre stalked down a passage way lit with green lights, the scowl on his face causing those who met him to step aside.  From Ladies in their ball gowns to knights in their tabards, even golems step aside until he was stopped by a voice from his right.
 “Didn’t you leave to help 2 Stalkers chase down a bounty for our Queen?  Where is said target oh Good Sylvestre?”  Turning he saw a man in a black robe with short slicked black hair and black eyes leading a gargle of Ladies in gowns.  The man was Jacquelin, a little toady that used his words to snipe at his rivals
 “Good Jacquelin, have you come back from whatever mission you had, oh yes it was gathering flowers from the forest was it not?”  Sylvestre said with good cheer in his voice and a fake looking smile on his face, his comments causing the ladies following Jacquelin to hide their mouths behind their fans and giggle, causing Jacquelin’s face to redden.
 “The quest I was giving was taxing beyond belief Good Knight!  Not since our departure from the shores of home did such did I experience such battle as on this quest!  I reached the glen the flower was said to grow to find a great Grass Chimera using the sight as a nesting ground!  So I sent in the golems with me to stem the beast, all the while I moved to its shadow to slay it true!  As its spit melted the golems I struck true and end its cursed life. As I fought at the battle
 The flower intact from the battle, so home I recovered and both the beast’s corpse and the have been tribute to our Queen, but what of you?  What of the hunt and the hunters?” Jacquelin asked as he jeered at him.  Sylvestre remember the battle when those who became the Chosen had left home, Jacquelin had been among the first to flee, ‘protect others’ he would say when pressed upon his actions than.
 “The hunts prey gave a chase worth of song, and my skills at tracking were tested but I won the bout between us but alas it failed through outside intervention.”    Sylvestre admitted as Jacquelin stared while Sylvestre fought to keep his face blank.
 “What outside intervention could hold back a Knight, are you such a craven fool that you would turn tall and run form children with knives?!”  Jacquelin exploded and the ladies gasped at him for his comments. Sylvestre merely looked at his foe blankly while inside he was laughing that this fool had taken the bait he had dangled.   Hearing the gasps caused Jacquelin to look around and saw that others in the passage had heard his comments and were looking at him in shock and digest.
 “That matter is for the queen alone to know, and not to be shared with a jumped up toady like you. If you would seek satisfaction I will be by the training fields by dusks.”  He said frostily as he watched Jacquelin paled and realized with what Sylvestre had said, what he had to do to keep a silver of respect from anyone among the Team.  Sylvestre didn’t even wait; he turned and walked further on,
 “Then let it be.  The combatants will be ourselves; a Pokémon, and two golems each.  And may the better man win.”  Sylvestre heard behind him as he moved deeper into the mountain. By not staying he gave the impression that he doubted that Jacquelin would say anything, pushing him to give the challenge, a defeat would damage his standing with the others.  Since they escaped to Kanto and started to rebuild here, taking over this Team Gaia and brining in outsiders had led to a splintering effect, many people claiming positions of authority over the new comers, he himself led a faction in support of the queen, while Jacquelin seemed to led one for his own goals.  What Jacquelin wanted he didn’t know, but his actions rubbed him the wrong way, always going out of his way to test and push him, why he had no clue, but the why was unimportant.
 After a while he reached a doorway guarded by two men wearing green plate armor with solid jade helms that hid their faces wielding halberds.  These were the Templar, the elite guards of the Queen, Auralists of the 1st rank their armor and weapons were the best the Artificers could make.  As he approached the doors opened automatically as he approached.  As he walked through the doorway he entered a wide chamber with colorful plants lit by green crystals with harp music sounded through the room.  At the end of the chamber was a circular trench with a wood bridge over it leading to a green covered island with a tall tree with hanging fruit.  A bench was below the tree upon which sat a woman his age with a heart shaped face, black hair in a bun wearing a crown of flowers, pink eye shadow above blue eyes. Her lips were painted jade; she was wearing a fine dress of crimson that went to the floor hiding her legs and blue flowers were on her shoulders.  She was the source of the harp music as she strong a golden harp with gems of deep jade and a light pink above the strings that glowed each time she plucked the corresponding string.  When he reached the bridge he dropped to a knee as he bowed before his Queen and gave his report when the music ceased.
 “My Queen I must report that I have failed in my hunt.  The prey was chased before but the hunt ended in a grove of berries that a woman and a girl with an Arcanine and a Flaaffy.  As per your orders all who see our Golems are to be killed or brought into the Chosen so I sought to capture the maidens.  One tried to fight me blade to blade so I played while the golems with me sought our prey.  The girl and her Pokémon fought with the Bug and when she destroyed the center Core of one the two Knight Stalkers she hit me with a throwing knife.  I healed myself and knocked the woman and her Arcanine against a tree and prepared to bring them in when the child revealed herself as an Electric Auralist and destroyed the last remaining golem.  As the woman and the Arcanine were getting up plus the girl’s Flaaffy and the prey was moving to assist I so judge that the mission a failure, and escape from the battleground, as the golems were decomposing I left them with the thought that the gems might let us track the maidens if they take them as spoils.”  He reported to his queen as he bowed before her.  He heard the sound of footsteps on the bridge and felt a hand on his shoulder.
 “An Auralist who was able to destroy a golem by herself would be a threat to a Knight on her own, with others you might have been defeated.  The loss to our power would have been sever had you been taken from us. But for your failure you must make it right, the day after tomorrow you shall lead a hunt and not return to us until the bounty is equal to five times those you fought.”  The Queen said as she moved her hand to his chin and forced him to look at her and the frown on her face.
 “As you command, my queen, I will be in your presence when my labor has finished.”  He said as he rose to his feet and left her chamber.
 “Oh, and do give Good Jacquelin a good thrashing; he needs the defeat more than you would.”  Her voice called to him as he made sure she didn’t see the smile her words brought to his face, just as he didn’t see a leafy tentacle with an eye peeking at him from below the bridge.  
 Leaving the guards behind him he heads upwards toward the side looking upon Mt. Sliver.  Passing through the halls he passed Knights and Maidens going about their business, sometimes he stopped and exchanged small talk with those who stopped him, most wishing him well on the ‘training match’ the next day.  Eventually he came to a blank section of the cavern next to a stalactite with a purple jewel in it.  He channeled a bit of aura energy to his hand and touched the jewel before walking through a section of the wall.
 The room he entered was lit by candles and glowing whitish blue crystals. The chamber was a mess with gems in pots all around the room, books strung about the chamber and furniture with miscellaneous items thrown haphazardly on them.  A figure in a blue robe with a hood was bent over a table with his back to the doorway.  With a sigh he walked toward the figure not surprised with the reaction he got when he was halfway to him.
 “So brother what kept you? Did the hunt take too long?”  The figure said as he pushed back his hood to reveal a joyful face with his silver hair.
 “The prey had some help in the final confrontation that caused the hunts failure.” Sylvestre admitted as he crossed his arms and looked at his brother and the mess of a room. He so need some reason to take better care of himself and his things.
 “What kind of help could stop you?”  His brother asked as he stared at his brother in shock.
 “Two maidens fair Brother Virgil, one who fought me off while I played with her and an Aura user that looked to be just your type.”  He told his brother, causing him to huff and look at Sylvestre in exasperation.
 “Oh, tell me brother was she someone who fights with their body or a weapon instead of staying back and blasting away at things?”  Virgil said as he sighed.  He knows I like girls who can fight, but the times he tried to throw a pretty face at me.
 “She threw a knife at me; it went into my shoulder after the one I was fighting scored a hit down my right eye.  And that was before she broke a Golem Core with a punch and savaged me with a thunder kick.” Sylvestre said as he saw Virgil start and look at him before he waved his concern away.
 “Your little idea to use a component as a medium for a Fairy healing was right on the money brother. But enough about that, the queen has declared that I am to lead a hunt to bring back a bounty of 25 until those who depart may return.  And I have a bout with Jacquelin, a Pokémon and two Golems so I’ve come for my special order.”  Sylvestre said as he looked to a side chamber.
 “It took me a while to finish it, but I finished it just last night brother, and giving what Jacquelin used the last time he had a training match it is just what you need to beat him. And about the hunt, I’m in. You idiots will need someone who can fix the golems and yourselves.  I suspect all of us who choose to follow you will if we could, and no you won’t talk me out of it brother.” Virgil said as he meets Sylvestre’s eyes in a stare. All Sylvestre could do was sigh with a smile, his friends.
“We’ll have to leave some people back here to watch, Constance would be perfect to hold the fort so to speak.  But if Constance stays then Nichol will as well.  So you, me and a few of the others, our teams and a few golems, we should be back in a few days.  I think I saw a Beedrill have that will be the perfect target for us.  Let’s find our friends and enjoy a nice meal and finalize the plans.” Sylvestre said with a smile as he led his brother out of his chambers.
  Amanda walked toward her home with Albia at her side.  They had stopped at the local Pokemon Center to pick up her Arcanine and Albia’s new Pinsir. Thankfully Nurse Joy and Delia had believed the story that they had been attack by a swarm of Rattatas led by a trio of Raticate with some surprising moves, though when they returned to the restaurant and Delia had heard their story she walked off, muttering about trying the ‘Cultured Berry’ plan behind her house.  Finally they reached her home and Amanda didn’t know what to do next.
 “So since Delia let us mess the lunch rush….”  Amanda trailed off as she looked up at her home, making an effort not to look at the younger girl.  Seeing the look Albia had she sighed and walked over to her door.
 “Kid, you don’t have to tell me your story tonight.  Hell, I can’t say I’m not worried about you, and if you would trust me I might be able to help you.  But if you don’t want to talk about it I won’t force you.” Amanda said softly. Albia rubbed her arms before coming to a decision.
 “It was raining when they first tried to kill me.”  Albia whispered as Amanda turned to her, gave a small sad smile and opened the door to her home.  A few minutes later Amanda had a cup of water in Albia’s hand and the girl was drinking and just sitting in Amanda’s kitchen, her Flaaffy was by her side, standing guard to protect its trainer and support her.  Amanda had just put a dish with food down for their Pokémon and a pitcher of water a cup of coffee for herself and joined Albia at the table.
 “I used to live in a small town near Blackthorn City.  I lived at the town orphanage and I helped the matron take care of the kids. Beside the local school and helping out I would also train at the town dojo, when I wasn’t giving Sensei broken bones I helped train the younger students.  Time passed and I was looking at either studying to be a chief or joining the Dojo officially, everything was as perfect as it could have been.  When the time for me to get my first Pokémon I decided to hatch an egg I found one day with my class on a nature hike and that hatched into this one.”  Albia paused and reached over and rubbed her Flaaffy’s head as it closed its eyes in joy.
 “Everything changed that day.  I had gone out with a kindergarten class on a trip to the nearby mountains to a valley the town school used to teach about what plants were safe to eat.  I was along to protect them if something happened, and a Chimera attack was the last thing on anyone’s mind, maybe a Pokémon or an animal attack, but not a Chimera, goes to show you, the last thing you expect is what you have to prepare for.  It was a lizard like centaur with oversized tusks.  It had grabbed a girl and Mareep flung an Elecrto-ball at it as I ran in to give it a haymaker to its face, somehow I when I hit it face on its right side a flash of electricity accrued and one of the tusks broke, while it was stunned the teacher got us out of there with her Pokémon’s Teleport. Everything was a mess for a few days after that, the whole town was worried that a horde was forming in the wilds. The mayor ordered defenses to be raised, forbid anyone from leaving the town and called for help from Blackthorn Gym; people were running around like an axe murder was around.  Me, I was starting to awaken abilities, I started to feel things, I started to sense things about people.”  Albia said as she drank her water, looking at Amanda and seeing the question on her face she continued.  
 “With you I can sense hardness and beauty, you’ll fight to protect those you care about and always try to be as close to your perfection as you can, like a diamond. After a while I started to learn to pick up other things, if they were fighters or not and emotions.”  Albia said as Amanda looked at a window and saw what she was wearing and the makeup on her face before she nodded, that was who she was, she didn’t notice her Arcanine nod at Albia’s new Pinsir when it gestured at Amanda.
 “I was at my wits end for a while before I started to get a handle on it when the next surprise happened; I discovered that I could generate electricity.  I’m lucky that it happened when I was alone, with the mayor closing the boarder so to speak people wanting to train their Pokémon but with the areas that it could be done at where you could train alone, so the sensei offered the dojo, a schedule was made and those of us who trained their before drew lots of when we could train, I drew the last one night and while I was punching a target I released an electric charge at a target! I started to experiment with what I could do and discovered I only did it when I put conscious effort behind it so I wasn’t worried about having an accident, and I didn’t ever.”  Albia said with convection as she refilled her glass. Amanda was taking in all that Albia had told her and so far nothing the kid had shared with her even hinted at a reason for someone to go after her.
 “It doesn’t even sound like anything would cause someone to go after you, so why did they and who were they?”  She asked as she drank her coffee, wondering why anyone would be after the girl.
 “I still don’t know who they are or how they found me but I think I know when they found me. About a weak after the mayor sent for help a party from Blackthorn Gym arrived and did a sweep of the mountains, the Chimera wasn’t found and they recommended that they contact the league for a follow up search.  I was brought in to give and account of what happened and when I was walking away I felt a spike of hatred from one of them, we get a few Chimera Hunters that came though over the years and I thought that one of them had lost family to one of those things.  A week later a woman came with a squad of trainers and credentials showing she was a League sanctioned Chimera Hunter.  She said that her group had been hunting a possible horde or a Chimera that was more hungry than most.  She made a plan that would have teams sweep the mountain to make sure the monster was gone, and I was honored to be chosen to join the team she would lead herself.”  Albia said with a touch of bitterness in her voice as she scowled.
 “I didn’t understand but when she was speaking about her plan she had a spike of hatred, maybe that was when she saw me.  The team she led was made up of the people she brought with her beside me.  I was just brought along because they needed someone who saw the Chimera at least that was the excuse they gave me.  We went up into the mountain, after a while one of them said he had a trail so we followed it.  It started to rain when we were halfway up the mountain, then we came to the valley the class was attacked in.  We were halfway through the valley and that was they attacked me.  I felt a spike of smugness and hatred for a second and jumped to the side and that was when they ordered their Pokémon to attack Mareep, thankfully we were able to escape.  The two of us ran into the valley that was when I started to dodge blast of fire and ice that humans threw at me, they were working with that fake Hunter.”   Albia said as Amanda jolted at what she heard.
 “But if they work with people with abilities like you, why were they trying to kill you, it makes no sense whatsoever.” Amanda commented as she shook her head.
 “I never figured that out. Unfortunately for them a pack of wild Houndour and Houndoom had moved into the valley since the mayor closed the border didn’t like the noise they were making, so me and Mareep were able to escape when the pack attacked, unfortunately one of the ones who attacked me at range and his Dolphan found us as we left the valley, it was hard but that was when my little girl here evolved into her next stage and used her new body to use a few moves she saw in the Dojo on that ground type as I dealt with its trainer.  The noise the battle made let the bitch figure out where we were and she had our sent. She tracked us to a cliff and to make a long story short a blast throw me and Flaaffy over it and into a river. I hit something and when next I came to an old lady was taking care of me.  She looked after me for a few more hours, told me I’d been found by her Haunter two days ago when it check some fish traps she had set up.  Nice woman for a ghost trainer, really strong too, said her name was Agatha.” Albia said; stopping as Amanda stared at her in shock.
 “Blond hair, dressed in purple with a white handkerchief on it with a round blue gem on it?” Amanda said flatly as
 “Yeah, do you know her?” Albia asked as Amanda just shook her head in denial.
 “Albia, she was a former member of the Kanto Elite Four, one the longest serving members ever!  She wasn’t defeated and replaced, she retired!” Albia just stared into space at what she heard.
 “So that’s why she was so strong.  She had given me my necklace and told me it would hide me from those who were hunting me and that it would dampen my abilities as a side effect.  She said that she’ll tell me more after a good meal, but they found me.  they ordered her to send me out alone but she didn’t.   She called out her team and told me to run and not to trust the league when she saw who was outside her home.  When I made it over the mountain I headed to Viridian thinking I could get help, but I saw Karen talking to people dressed like the people who attacked me there.”
 “Karen who? Wait, Karen of the Elite Four is involved with the people hunting you!?”  Amanda cried out in total shock.  Karen’s public persona had been someone who fought against people who hurt Pokémon and people.  She had used her position to crack down on people abusing kids and was a woman who helped most of the charity groups in both Johto and Kanto.  How much of that was a lie, just what was she? Wait a minute… Her thoughts died as she remembered something that caused her to go to her feet,
 “Karen went to the same school as Ginny!  That gold digging bitch was proud of it!  That a student she tutored made to so far!”  Amanda snarled before she saw Albia sink into the chair.
 “She feels like the people who shot fire at me.”  Albia whispered as she closed her eyes. Amanda absorbed what the young girl told her as her thoughts started to connect varies facts she knew.
 “Do you know anything about how Delia and Ash came to Pallet Town and Guinevere Oak?” Amanda asked as she went completely still and narrowed her eyes.
 “I heard gossip that she had arrived with only her son and the cloths on her back with amnesia.  I heard the former owner took her in and that Mrs. Oak got her involved with the local community.”  Albia answered, wondering where Amanda was going.
 “And what people don’t talk about is that Ginny came back without her husband saying he had gone on a trip because of his job.  Divers from a cruise ship found it a few months later in the northern ocean.  But what do you know about Delia’s headaches and lost memories?  What did Agatha tell you?”  Amanda said as Albia looked sheepish.
 “’With Aura and Seals, anything is possible’.  That’s what Agatha said when she made food appear at her table.  One minute it was bare, the next a full course meal was laid out.  She said that she had a friend who set up the seals so when she channeled some energy it would teleport from her kitchen to her table. As we were eating she said he’d told her about seals that could affect the mind, control it or program a person to respond to certain commands. And that was when they found us.”  Albia said with a sigh as Amanda started to fume.
 “So let me count the main points, 1. There are people in this world able to use an equivalent to Pokémon Moves. 2. There are people who hunt the first while making use of some of the first.  3. Ginny Oak might be one of them.  4. Delia’s problems might be the result of a person hurting her.” Amanda said as she gazed into empty space.
 “I need to get back the Center, Nurse Joy only holds lunch for another hour at most and……” Albia trailed off at the look Amanda was giving her.
 “You’ve been staying at the Center?”  Amanda asked as she looked at the younger girl with deadpan eyes, Albia only nodded.
 “Not anymore kid, you wouldn’t be the first boarder Delia put up. Yeah, she wouldn’t let me not tell her about this and she’s kind of a mother hen about employees without a home, and yes, the fact that I brought you berry picking was the last huddle, you’re a permanent Pallet House employee for however long you want it.  And if any of those scum after you come calling me and Delia will show’em how the two of us handled Pallet’s defense during the 15th Chimera Invasion.”  Amanda smiled as she saw Albia’s eyes start to water as tears dropped from her eyes as she smiled shakily as she felt Amanda was telling the complete truth of the matter.  When her Flaaffy and Pinsir moved toward her and let their emotions show from their eyes she smiled.
  Lilith had a spring to her step as she walked back toward the Center.  The rules for this Contest were one Pokemon for the appeals round and a different one for the combat stage.  For the first contest this might as well be a cake walk for me.  Liepard or Misdreavus for the appeal round?  Mandibuzz might be best for the battle round if I use Liepard, it would let me save Misdreavus for a future surprise like tech taught me, ‘the best dagger is one they can’t see coming’. Lilith thought as she tried to figure out her strategy and plan her performance.
 See came to the training field and saw Ash picking up his Pikachu with his Fletchling on his right shoulder.  Bonnie and Clemont were sitting around a table with Bonnie filling out a paper.
 “Hey Lilly, how did the contest hall look?” Ash called out when he saw her walking toward him.
 “The rules are basic, outfits are expected which is no surprise given what teach told me before she sent me here.  And what’s with that?”  She answered point toward the brother and sister.
 “Some homeschooling worksheet Bonnie needs to finish before Clemont can take her to see the contest tomorrow.  Serena went to call her mom and pickup her Fennekin from Nurse Joy.” Ash said as they walked toward the table.
 “Ahhh, I missed her meeting the Nurse Joy cousin?  That was something to laugh about when a friend of mine met the sister of the Joy in my hometown’s Center.”  Lilith said as she gave a small laugh at Ash responded with a smirk.
 “Don’t worry, there’s still the Officers.”  Ash commented when they reached the table and pulled out a chair for her before finding one for him.
 “So what subject is Bonnie stuck on?”  Lilith asked as she looked at the paper before Bonnie
 “Math, more specifically Coefficients.”  Clemont said as he looked at Lilith as she moved to lean next to Bonnie.
 “There’s a trick I learned a long time ago to solve for the unknown, want to learn it?”  Lilith said as Bonnie looked at her with a hopeful look.
 “Yes please!”  Bonnie said as Lilith smiled at the younger girl.
 “Add the result of the formula to what you take away then divide by what you multiply by the coefficient that gets you the result you need.  To check if it’s right do the original formula the long way.”  Lilith said as Clemont looked at her.  Looking at his sister he saw her writing down a formula and give a smile as she wrote down an answer for her problem.  Beauty, brains and she can get Bonnie to learn, she might be a keeper after all. Clemont thought as he watched with a small smile.
 “DONE!! Now I can go to Lilly’s contest tomorrow right big bro?”  Bonnie said as she thrust the paper into Clemont’s face.  He looked it over and smiled at Bonnie who started to cheer.
 “I’ll give it to Nurse Joy and she’ll send it along.”  Clemont promised Bonnie, causing Ash to jolt in his seat before looking at Clemont.
 “Nurse Joy handles homeschooling in Kalos?”  Ash asked as he raised an eyebrow.
 “Yeah, do they do it differently in Kanto?” Clemont answered Ash as he got out a large envelope to put the paper in.
 “In Pallet we had to finish Jr. High at least before we can become trainers.  When Professor Oak wasn’t doing his research he was grading papers, he would send out lesson CD to parents, mom had me finish the High school level before she let me go, she’s the only one who knows what I got, only told me if I passed or failed.  Of course after the problems with Joseph and Victoria about their grades I can see why she did it.”  Ash mused as Serena came to the table.
 “Talking about the Terrible Overachievers Ash?” Serena said as she sat down.
 “Terrible Overachievers?” Lilith asked as she picked up the undertones of hatred in Serena’s voice.
 “A pair of idiots who liked to make everyone around them feel stupid and weak.  I remember that not being around them was one of the few things that was good about moving to Kalos.  What ever happened to them anyway?”  Serena asked Ash who gained a scowl on his face as he remembered those two. He shot a quick look at Bonnie that Lilith caught before he force his face into a blank smile.
 “Disappeared 4 years later, the police are still looking for them.”  Ash said causing Clemont to look at him over his sister’s head before Ash gave a tiny nod to him.
 “Why don’t you give this to Nurse Joy and go see what their making for dinner Bonnie, how about after supper you and Serena help me get my costume ready for tomorrow?”  Lilith said to Bonnie who smiled and dashed off with the envelope toward the Center’s door.
 “So what really happened giving that police are looking for them and you don’t want to tell Bonnie?” Lilith said as she gave Ash a look.  He just sighed and rested his head on the table.
 “So you picked that up Lilly?  Sure you three want to know, it ain’t pretty.”  Ash said as he gained a solemn look.  Clemont looked at Lilith and when he saw the look she sent him he frowned and nodded at Ash.   When Serena heard that it wasn’t pretty she gained a scowl.
 “With what those two were like I’m not surprised at all.”  Serena spat as he crossed her arms.
 “What were they like?” Clemont asked, wondering if he should ask that question at all.
 “Joseph was the smartest person around; he completed high school before he was nine years old, with a particular fascination for the biologic study of Pokémon.  Victoria was a girl who was so strong with her spear she could beat adults by the time she was nine.  Their parents were killed in the 15th Siege, and the two of them just gravitated together, they started to feed each other egos.  Off course in those days Pallet would post test results publicly and any complaints about them was put down to jealousy, and then Victoria would be particularly hard during combat training on any snitches.” Serena said as she rubbed her right shoulder, remember a partially savage spar.
 “So the classic adult’s favorites who ruled with fear over other students.  But what changed to bring in the Police?” Lilith asked as she looked as Ash, she had a feeling this was going to be bad giving the feel of Ash’s Aura.
 “What brought the police in originally was something that happened in the 2nd year after you moved Serena.  Corpses of Pokémon and blood for more of them started to appear around Pallet.   People started to whisper that a Chimera had moved into the area.  But after searches couldn’t find anything around the town for 6 months, people as far away as Pewter City started to worry that a roaming Chimera was around, that its mutation let it store food to digest when it was asleep.  Finally after another year a corpse was found with weapon marks, a piercing blade of some kind.”  Ash said sarcastically as the others stared at him.
 “You mean she was…” Serena whispered in horror.
 “Killing them one on one with her spear, all the youth of Pallet knew it but it took us six months to find evidence that would convince the adults!  The Police raided the house they shared off the orphan fund but didn’t find them, they got tipped off somehow but they found clues to a lab Joseph hand set up in an abandoned building his father owned when he was alive.  What they found there was that he had brought the corpses they never found there and did things to them.  He even had a corpse of a Rating 1 Chimera that he was taking apart.  They said he had strange devices connected to a corpse he had stitched together from parts from 3 Rattatas, a Spearow and machines of some sort.  After that the adults and started to listen to us more and some of our class stayed around as a militia for the town.” Ash said as he scowled as the others paled.
Lilith stared at Ash as what he didn’t know was made clear to her.  The girl had to have awakened her Aura! The two of them must have been studying its applications in combat.  But how did he learn of Frankenmon?  I gotta get this information back to Lady Camilla, she has to worn the team in Pallet! If the police are looking then THEY might have an insider there! Lilith thought as she realized what she had to get to the Homelands.
 “They never found them, did they?”  Lilith said aloud as Serena shook; remember every interaction she had with Victoria, wondering if one of the spars they had could have been her last.
 “No, but let’s stop with this talk, Bonnie is coming back.”  Clemont said as he gestured toward his sister running to them.
 “The center is severing pizza!   Come on, if you want a hot slice let’s go!”  Bonnie said with a smile on her face.  Looking at the others Ash got up from the table and followed after Bonnie towards the Center, for now banishing the talk they were having.
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  Golemcraft; Core: The main power source of a golem and the source of its intelligence
 Aura Casting; Component:  Use of items that by Auralists to use a low level Caster Spell
 Chimera Hunter: Those who have sworn to kill all Chimera, some have a psychological hatred do to tragedy’s Chimera has caused them.
 Orphan Fund:  Money given to orphans to let them take care of themselves in small towns.
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