#see he's got a lot of gel on and yet they left it curly why can't we do that again??
buckera · 2 months
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EVAN BUCKLEY + close-up 26/?
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bakusquad-101 · 5 months
Mina Ashido Headcanons
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- I feel like her quirk would turn off i don’t know but it just seems right! (She’s black this is canon idc)
- She has curly hair , it’s very bounce , she has this pink bonnet with pretty stars on it (Denki sometimes steals it ,rip)
- Plays volleyball & track , it’s canon (horokoshi said she’s athletic)
- Sweetest girl ever , literally it’s rare to see her mad or upset (although she cries a lot in the anime
- Very energetic , jumps on all her friends ever time she seems them , everyone has gotten use to her doing this
- Life of the party , she always gets everyone hyped(canon)
- She doesn’t know what she likes and doesn’t know how to , many people had crushes on her , but she can’t seem to find love for her , she’s had crushes but she just can’t find herself to date (canon)
- she’s thicc (IVE ALWYAS HAD THIS THOUGHT FOR A WHILE NOW , it just makes sense..like Ochako she thicc as well 😛)
- Her and Denki are besties , literally, they doing everything together,they definitely make youtube videos together ,mainly pranks or food thing.
-She has her own personal TikTok which has like 590k+ , she does dance tutorials and like daily things , her favourite thing to do is her gmrw, she loves to show people how she gets ready at the dorm (at first the schools didn’t allow them to have TikTok because of safety but eventually let them,know one knows how she gotten so popular but she also popular at school too)
- fashionista
- reads bl , just for fun when she’s bored (she find them amusing)
- she’s that one TikTok girl that was like “when he starts looking at another girl” and it says “but I’m no better than any man”
- does all the boys hair (only when they ask), she always pops denki with a comb when he whines and moves around a lot , bakugou doesn’t move only when she’s parting it(you can’t tell me his hair isn’t crunchy),Kirishima is no better , instead of him complaining and whining it’s Mina ,he’s hair is so clumped and matted it literally took her all day to wash all the gel in his hair,Sero is the easiest since he actually knows how to take care of it,bakugou also , he just goes to hair when he having trouble with it).
- bakusquad is always protective over her , especially when her quirk is off , she’s so beautiful , so she get hits on a lot but she can handle herself ofc but their just their…(waiting to attack)
- definitely sleeps in bakugou room to annoy him , one time bakugou was walking to his room half way asleep not knowing Mina was trailing behind him the whole time , bakugou got in the bed and felt pressure on the other side of the bed , once he looked over he saw a the grinning smile on her face , he didn’t kick her out but complained for like 2 hours and she’s just their listening to him yap and babble as she falls asleep right there left side on his bed and he’s still yapping.
- Her and Sero go out to get supplies for the dorm and her hair , they always end up at a gaming store or a clothing store.
- Kirishima always goes to her when needs to vent (not like that…) but she knows how he gets , she best at comforting too! , their also besties , she always looked up to him but little did she know Kirishima was her 1# admirer.
- When she was younger she watched girls kissing (don’t ask me why , I just know she did)
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note : this was fun to make , “why isn’t none of the other girls in this” , this is a bakusquad page , everything it gonna be about the bakusquad </3
- Other versions will come out tomorrow I just really wanted to make this since I haven’t been on here for a while and I miss my favourite girl!
- Hope you liked this , some of this stuff was just in my mind for a while , have you guys watch season 7 yet…?
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twst-the-night-away · 2 years
"you are a work of art" for SparkyJo please!
Ignihyde was likely the last dorm anyone at Night Ravens College would visit for makeup advice. And yet, there Joker was, sitting in the cavernous lounge of blue light and steel, making the cutest puppy eyes at the curly-haired sophomore sitting across the table from her.
"Pleeeeease, Sparky?" Joker pouted. "Show me how you do your eyeliner!"
"Why should I? Yours looked fine enough last time." Sparky shrugged.
Joker sighed and fiddled with the quilted red pouch she'd brought along.
"Yeah, but last time, Punch's eyeliner looked better! And when I asked him, he said you did it. I can't have my baby brother looking hotter than me, now can I?"
Sparky let out a little snicker. He reached over and pulled the little pouch that Joker held across to his side of the table.
"All right, let's see what we're working with here."
He zipped it open and pulled out the eyeliner pen. He uncapped it, examined it, tested it on the back of his hand, and frowned.
"Geez, where'd you get this? Dollar Queen?"
"It's worked just fine so far," Joker huffed.
Sparky shook his head. "It won't work this time." He reached into one of the pockets of his ceremonial robe and pulled out a brush and a little pot. Joker craned her neck.
"Ohhhh," she said. "You use that gel stuff?"
"Yeah, I use that gel stuff, and it works great. Stays on better than pencil, too. Ever tried it?"
Joker put her chin in one hand and picked up the little pot of inky gel, turning it over and looking at the label on the bottom. She shook her head.
"Seemed like too much mess. But if it looks as great as it did on you ... and Punch," she added quickly, "then it oughta be good. Can I try it out?"
"It takes a little time to get used to," Sparky said. "And we don't have a lot of time. Here, I'll do one eye and you can try the other one."
He scooted his chair over to the same side of the table where Joker sat. Though she was able to stifle the cry of success at her plan working, Joker couldn't fight the flush in her cheek. She grinned and turned to face Sparky. "Ready!"
"All right. It's a little cold, so don't flinch, okay?"
Sparky took the top off of the pot, dipped the brush in, then gently took hold of Joker's chin.
"Keep your eyes open, and look up."
"Mmm." Joker didn't need help looking up at Sparky, watching him concentrate as he slowly pressed the brush along the edge of Joker's eyelid.
"See what I'm doing here," he said, his voice softer than before. "I'm just pressing it along the line, not dragging it. One or two dips should be good enough to get it across the top." Sparky pulled back for a moment.
"There. I've got it lined. I don't do smoky eyes or cat eyes or anything, so if you wanna get fancy with it, you've gotta do it yourself."
Joker reluctantly leaned back in her seat, away from Sparky, away from the warm presence that smelled ... a little like Cool Water? He even wore perfume? As if he needed to charm her any more. Feeling her cheeks flush again, she reached for the compact in her makeup pouch and flipped it open. Her eyes widened.
"Whoa! Mr. Aetos, this looks slick!"
"Of course it does. The stiff brush is way more precise than a dulled pencil. Think you can handle the other eye?"
" ... I mean, I wouldn't say no if you decided you couldn't trust me with such precious material."
Sparky scoffed and handed over the pot of gel and the brush. Joker grinned, twirled the brush in her fingers a bit, and then dipped it into the pot. Sparky had done the left eye, leaving her right eye for her to do. Joker smiled at her reflection as she finished pressing the brush along her lid, as she'd been told. Such a gentleman, leaving her the easy one.
"Whoa, you're right! This stuff goes on smooth." Joker closed the pot back up and handed Sparky's materials back over to him.
"So how'd I do?"
Sparky grinned. His hand closed briefly over hers as he took the eyeliner and brush back from her.
"You're a work of art, Miss Carder. I'll make sure to make your brother less hot this time."
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babyloposts · 3 years
Hi I entirely forgot to send in my request after you said they were open 😅 can you do a Zuko x reader where he says he has a date planned for them but the reader’s hair won’t cooperate before they go out so he helps the reader with their hair before taking them out?
A/N: ahh ur my first ask I’m so excited 😊 ur rlly speaking my language is it’s this one bc my hair is so difficult and does not cooperate with me ever so I understand this struggle 😭 I hope I do the ask justice
Pairing: Zuko x black!reader
Warnings: language, type 4 hair struggles
Summary: Zuko has gone through trouble to plan a nice date for the two of you, it’d be such a shame to miss their dinner reservations because you can’t tame your unruly curls and coils. Lucky for you, it’s Zuko to the rescue.
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Twist outs, the absolute bane of Y/N’s existence. No matter what she did she could never get the desired coil pattern, or it was too dry, or too stretched out. She swore this one would be different. The parts were straight, her scalp was greased, her roots and ends were well moisturized, everything was going according to plan.
That was until she got to the takedown. Y/N didn’t know what went wrong. She let your hair dry for a full 48 hours yet still, her hair was damp in some places, dry in others, and barely maintained any type of curl. The results were enough to make someone tear up, and she did a little, but there was still hope.
Y/N grabbed her blow dryer from the cabinet and began to work. Fluffing, primping, picking, and finger coiling until she was able to get her desired look but... she just made it worse.
Y/N groaned as she looked at her appearance in the mirror. Her hair was unbelievably puffy and she had a prominent part the wouldn’t move no matter what she did. Now she was discouraged. It’s one thing to have the original plan messed up, but when the plan-b goes to shit all hope seems to be lost.
Y/N had one last play left in her book. A go-to for curly girls when things don’t seem to be going their way. A high puff with cute edges.
Even executing this seemingly simple style would prove to be difficult for Y/N. Not only was she running low on her favorite hair gel, but as she was doing up her ponytail her good hair tie broke. And it was her only one left.
That was the last straw, the breaking point. She was gonna be late and ruin the date all because of her stupid, stupid hair. Y/N wasn’t one to cry over little things, but there was a lot building up to this breakdown. As the hair band snapped so did the dam in her tear ducts. A concerning wail passed her lips and she slumped over to brace herself on the cool marble counter top.
Y/N couldn’t silence her cries quickly enough because just as fast as that first cry sounded Zuko came rushing into the bathroom to check on her. His eyes grew with worry as he saw y/N crying over the sink with her hair covering her face.
“Y/N... what’s wrong?” Zuko cupped her cheeks in his hands and forced her to look at him. “Please don’t cry Beautiful, you’ll ruin your makeup. You hate that.” He gently wiped away the tears under her eyes with the pads of his thumbs. “Please tell me what’s wrong.”
Y/N took in a sharp breath to try and cease her cries, but it was to little avail. Weak sobs escaped her lips as she averted her gaze. She tried to shake her head, weakly laughing as if to convey the silliness of the situation. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t cry. It’s stupid.”
Zuko chuckled and tilted her chin up to meet his gaze. “That’s funny, aren’t you the one always reminding me that my feelings aren’t stupid. Tell me.” Zuko’s eyes were pleading. Y/N struggled to find the words.
“I won’t laugh at you. Promise.” A reassuring hand made its way to her back providing some bit of comfort.
“O-ok. I’m just upset b-because... we’re gonna be late to our nice date you planned because I can’t do my hair.” Y/N whined. Zuko smirked a bit. He was slightly amused, but he wasn’t laughing at her, per se.
“I told you it’s silly.” Y/N pouted and buried her face in her hair.
“No it’s not. It’s not silly, Princess. I just think you look beautiful. I don’t know why you’re stressing.” Zuko mused. You looked up at him, dressed all nice in a maroon button down, black slacks, glossy shoes, and gold chain. He looked stunning and she looked a mess.
“I don’t hold a candle to you. You’re all presentable and shit. And I look like I just stood in a hurricane.” Y/N fussed, but Zuko was having none of it. Y/N looked like a goddess as always especially with her natural hair out and he was going to let that be known.
“Y/N... you look gorgeous, as always. I love the way your hair looks, okay? You’re beautiful no matter what and that’s all that maters.” Zuko looked at her with all the seriousness in the world. Y/N nodded, lip poked out and eyes watery. Before anymore tears could spill Zuko brought her into his embrace and wrapped his arms securely around her shoulders. With a sweet kiss on the forehead he pushed away and smiled sweetly.
“Okay now tell me what I can do to help.” Y/N sighed and held out her hand. Inside revealed the broken hair tie, which happened to be the last one she had.
“It broke while I was trying to do a ponytail...” Zuko examined the limp elastic splayed in her hands before exiting the bathroom. When he returned he had a bag in his hands that had many items inside, one being the extra large elastics you used to do your hair.
“Zuko how did you-?”
“I noticed you were running low on some stuff so I went by the hair store on my way home.” Zuko shied. He was so unbelievably sweet, it almost caused Y/N to shed more tears. “I hope I got you the right brands I tried my best to remember.”
“You did Baby, thank you. You’re my life saver.” Y/N stood on her tip toes and placed a sweet kiss to his cheek. “Okay, now move. I need to do my hair and fix my makeup super quick so we at least have a chance to make our reservations.”
“Can I help? T-to make it go faster?” Zuko mussed with his fingers as he asked. He was so cute. He’d never helped Y/N with her hair before and knew she didn’t like other people to touch her hair, but he wanted to help in anyway he could.
Y/N agreed and even though Zuko wasn’t slaying her ponytail or snatching her edges he was till helpful to brush up her hair in the back where she couldn’t see. Zuko did a great job too, the back was nice and flat and you two actually made it out of the house at a decent time.
In the car to the restaurant Zuko rested his his hand on the bare skin of Y/N’s thigh. She watched him as he drove and couldn’t fathom how she’d gotten so lucky to have Zuko love her. He was so good to her.
“What?” Zuko asked when he caught your gaze.
“Nothing. I just wanted to tell you I love you.”
“I know Beautiful. I love you too.”
Written for: @lunabby010 I hope you enjoyed love 😊
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theresnourieandme · 5 years
Damn math.
"So, you're going to help me?" he asked, just for confirmation.
Cyrus chuckled and passed his hand through his hair, trying to settle his dark tuft. "Yes, of course. Do we meet tomorrow in the library just after school?"
TJ raised an eyebrow. "Library?"
"Yes, it is that room full of books and tables where you go to study in holy peace."
The blond laughed, slightly bumping their shoulders, but still making the moor a little unbalanced. "I know what a library is, Underdog."
The other laughed, and TJ noticed that when Cyrus smiled, his eyes were shining. "I just wanted to make sure." TJ smiled in response. "Then... library?" asked Cyrus again.
"I was thinking more about my house, actually."
The moor carried his right hand to his chest and made a surprised face. "Do I have this honor?"
TJ nodded and put his arm around his shoulders, clutching it for a moment before letting him go. "Later, Underdog," he said, before rushing to the literary class.
The next day, having the last period off, TJ waited for Cyrus out of the English class to return home with him. When he saw his best friend leave the classroom at the ring of the bell, TJ flanked him with a smile that was typical of him when Cyrus was nearby. "Hey!" he exclaimed.
Cyrus smiled, noticing him. "Hey," he replied immediately. "Ready for the extra lesson?" TJ nodded not convinced. "One question: why didn't you ask Buffy to help you? I mean, she's your tutor, isn't she?"
TJ bit his lower lip. "She's busy with... other things," he lied. Would he ever have the courage to tell Cyrus the truth? He just wanted to spend more time with him - was that so wrong? "Plus, you have a lot more patience."
Cyrus chuckled and nodded. "That's definitely true." They walked out of the school between the chatter of the students around them and reached TJ's home, who lived right nearby, in an instant. The blonde noticed Cyrus' curiosity and perplexity when, upon entering the apartment, he noticed photos of the Kippen siblings as children or photos of TJ as a child on a stage with a certificate in his hand.
Cyrus pointed to the photo taken in memory of his first concert. "How old were you here?" he asked, curiously.
"Five" TJ remembered that day as if only two had passed. He was so nervous about performing in public for the first time that he had reviewed the score at least a thousand times. When it was his turn to go on stage, his master had encouraged him by giving him light buffets on his shoulder. TJ, who was just under six feet tall, had looked down on his mentor from below: his eyes on the stage, his beard curly, his skin dark. He had calmed down at that sight, sighed, and came out into the spotlight more confident than he had ever been, waiting for the initial applause to go out. He then began to play the first notes of the song he had learned for the recital. He had missed a few notes, of course, but what was most important was that he had never stopped and that he had made his parents, his sister, and his teacher proud. In the photo, he smiled boldly, but it was only because he felt extremely happy with his progress.
"So, you play an instrument?" asked Cyrus, raising an eyebrow – TJ was envious of that ability, because he either raised both eyebrows or none - and crossing his arms, almost demanding explanations.
TJ nodded. If spending more time with Cyrus meant revealing his darker secrets, he would even reveal his real name. "The piano. I have a piano in my room if you want to know."
Cyrus was astonished by the information. "Oh," he said only. Then he smiled sincerely. "I didn't expect you to answer me for real. You wouldn't have done it a few months ago."
The homeowner shrugged his shoulders: Cyrus had that effect on him, even though he didn't know. "Do you think I'm a better person?" he asked, looking at the photo. He felt the moor's gaze on him, and when he did not feel it anymore, he turned in his direction. Cyrus was intent on studying the other photos on the wall and TJ couldn't deny that with that look captured by a story not his without words Cyrus was really very nice.
His friend turned to look at him before TJ could look away; he felt himself blush, caught red-handed. "I think so."
They looked at each other for a few moments and TJ didn't move a muscle. He didn't even smile so as not to ruin the moment. The outside noises seemed like they disappeared, while TJ could hear the wheels in his mind spinning madly like a hamster in a wheel.
Cyrus opened his mouth to talk and came out with a "Shall we start studying?" very nervous. TJ bit his lower lip and nodded bitterly. He made way to the moor to his room through the kitchen and corridor and watched Cyrus react to the sight of his room. The walls were aquamarine, and the white furniture popped from the walls like starfish among colored shells – at the sight of the small bookcase, Cyrus looked up and approached to see what books his friend had read. A full-length mirror was even hung on one wall near the floor.
"Why don't you share your room with Amber?" he asked, still looking around.
TJ shrugged his shoulders for a moment. "I wouldn't stand my sister rummaging through my drawers too: isn't it enough that she cares too much about my private life?"
Cyrus turned to look at him, diverting attention from the cushions of various shapes that covered the top of the bed of a square and a half. He smiled before saying that Amber's interest in him seemed cute. "She must love you very much."
TJ smiled and nodded. "You are an only child, aren't you?"
"For now," Cyrus replied in a slightly bitter tone. "My father and stepmother are trying to have another child, but still not..." Cyrus blushed a little. "In short, they haven't made it yet."
TJ felt his cheeks coloring regardless of his will. "I understand," he replied. He looked a little around, uneasy in his own room. He cleared his voice. "Umm... How about we start studying? If not, it's too late, I think." He pointed to the bed to make Cyrus sit down and sat after him on the other side.
The other hinted at a somewhat forced smile. "Don't you mind if I… umm-" began him, pointing to his shoes and the blanket beneath them.
TJ shook his head slowly, preventing Cyrus from finishing an awkward question. He watched Cyrus sit cross-legged and settle down well in front of him. "Then," the blond began. "What do we start with?"
Time passed fast between equations, jokes, and mischief, between smiles and touches of hand. It was when they decided to take a break and they lay down next to each other that TJ finally realized the famous butterflies in his stomach. Cyrus was talking about how idiotic Jonah was sometimes, telling him funny anecdotes and silly jokes that the two had exchanged over the years. TJ watched him gesticulate a little and noticed his eyes glistening in the light of the last rays of sunshine. He wanted to print that moment in his mind, because Cyrus was beautiful even when he was talking about futile things, like Andi's passion for belts or the time Buffy accidentally dyed her hair pink, but also while eating voraciously a muffin, or when he pulled out his tongue in a very nice way, making it pop just from his lips, when he was focused on solving a difficult problem with equations – those moments had been TJ's biggest distraction that afternoon, not counting Cyrus's smile, his rebellious tufts that eluded the power of the gel, his way of biting pencils to the mine, and everything about him. TJ smiled as he continued to look at Cyrus, paying no attention to the boy's words.
Cyrus noticed his distraction and turned to look at him, dropping his gaze on the blonde's lips next to him for a moment. "What is it?" he asked, looking into his eyes.
TJ shook his head, smiling. "Nothing." He felt the irrepressible urge to take Cyrus's pretty hand into his, weaving their fingers and stay that way forever. Then he approached his hand slowly and Cyrus noticed him because he smiled and approached. When their hands met, they weaved their fingers into a single masterpiece. TJ smiled, and Cyrus did the same. He felt a knot in his stomach, but at the same time, the nerves of his shoulders relax. A quiet silence fell between them, who kept looking at each other.
TJ dropped his gaze on the other's fleshy lips and felt his breathing get faster, his heartbeat louder, his nerves stiffen again. Fortunately, he left his eyes there a little more than he should, and Cyrus got closer. He put his hand close to his left shoulder and in a moment was on top of him, still holding his hands together. TJ felt his heartbeat accelerate, so much so that he thought his heart would explode soon. With his lips parted little, he waited for Cyrus to slowly approach. Suddenly, TJ had a flash of genius: he hugged Cyrus without getting too close to him and swapped roles, gently resting Cyrus on top of the pillow that was previously to his right. He settled in the same position as Cyrus moments earlier and winked. He approached calmly while the moor still smiled. TJ was tired of waiting: he and Cyrus had been friends for two years now, and the boy had liked him right away, with his big, deep eyes and his irony and smile. When he found himself inches from the boy's face, he smiled for a moment, thinking back to all the times he had wanted to kiss him – and finally, his dream was coming true! – and in one shot he captured his lips in a passionate kiss, taking him by surprise. Cyrus responded to the kiss in a heartbeat, putting his hands in his blonde hair, and TJ felt a thrill of comfort walking his back for a second.
Both enjoyed that moment, as well as the other's lips, and, in the end, math was no longer the subject of their attention. Damn, damn math.
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kmelanin · 6 years
Prince J/four
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A/N~ HII! I hope you enjoy this update. After this, things will pick up alot more. In fact, it will probably skip a couple of days lol. Anyways, let me know what you think. and what do you want to see in this story? How do you think the world will react to YN being the next queen??!
The next day, you woke up to knocks at the door. You were stirring when you heard them, but sat up when the door opens. In walks Ji-Mee. She had on a baby blue dress on that was a little below her knees, and some black shoes. Her hair was in a pretty little bun on top of her head.
“Good Morning Miss.” She bows a little. “You outfit options are in the lounge area. We will put the rest of your clothes in your closet and dresser when you are at breakfast. So if you will, go there and choose a outfit, I will get your toiletry ready.” She bows once again and heads into the bathroom. You sighed, not really used to this yet. You swing your legs down and you feet come in contact with the plush rug that hides the wooden floor beneath. You were happy to see some black slippers sitting a inch away, because a foot away from your bed, the rug stopped and the cold hell began.
You slide them on, and make your way to the door. When you looked up your eyes widen and you almost choked on your out spit, when you seen Yoongi standing there. He had his uniform on, a navy blue uniform with golden words. His belt was strapped around his waist holding a gun and other things. His pants were tucked into some black combat boots. His hair was black and messily in his face.
“Good morning.” he smiles. You couldn't help but to quickly hug him, sighing in relief at the familiar feeling. “How are you?” he asks letting you go, making you pout a little.
“How do you think Yoongi. I'm not used to this.” You say, you follow him at he start to walk the way toward the lounge area.
“Understandable. But I know you can do it.” he says.
“Yoongs, I don't want this to push us away.” You whisper.
“Don't worry about that YN. This is the biggest thing that will ever happen to you. It's such a big change. What type of best friend would I be if I just left you hanging?” He says in a bland tone. Best friends, right.
You turn into the lounge area, you cheeks instantly burning when you look at the spot you were at with Jeongguk last night. You quickly shake it off, and look over. Where the food was, is now a rack of clothing and a table of clothing.
“You will be attending breakfast with the family. So a stylist put out different pieces of clothing to fit that theme. You will have a stylist for bigger events. But they are helping you now.” Yoongi explains. You nod your head, not saying anything. You walk over to the clothes and start looking around. You got a really laid back but boujee feeling when you looked at the clothes. You seen all types of jeans, and leggings, there were also dresses and blouses. Flats and heels. It really overwhelmed you. You look back at Yoongi and noticed that he was in the same spot from when he first entered.
“Why are you so far away?” You ask. You felt cold, you needed his warmth.
“Because being close to you destroys my wall of self control, and you are off limits.” he says quietly, keeping complete eye contact. You felt your heart hurt at his words.
“I see. But as my best friend, can you please help me. You know what looks good, on me.” You say softly. You body was going through it, it was so hard to keep a straight face. Yoongi stared at you for a second longer, then nods his head a little. He walks over and looks around. Soon enough he goes for the rack and pulls off a plaid dress that was collared at the top, the collar was white, te plaid was a mixture of black, gray, white and a little bit of yellow. He hands it to you and looks on the table. He grabs some simple black see through tights and hands them to you. He turns and walks to the shoes and grabs some simple styled boots, that went up your ankle and tied all the way up. A combat style.
He then looks up to you. “Keep the face simple. Be confident, you are meeting the King and Queen for the first time.” He gives you a soft smile, then he walks you back to your room. You pass Ji-Mee and go to the bathroom to freshen up. Once you do, you slide the clothes on and head out, and sit down at the vanity. Ji-Mee warns you that she only does her makeup, so she apologizes if you look a little different, she only knows korean style. You tell her it's okay, that you will let her know if anything is wrong. You felt pretty confident in her, when you seen foundations similar to your skin color.
You watched in the mirror as she pounces the foundation on, then concealer. She then powders and fills in your brows a little.
“What type of eye look, miss?”
“Simple. Nothing to much.” You say softly. She grabs some cute lashes and puts them on you, finishing your eyes off with some mascara. She contours and puts blush, and highlighter to finish off. You said that you could do your own hair. She nods and tells you about the hair products in the bottom drawer.
You go down and open it. You seen some gel and conditioners. There were all types of hair ties and headbands. And also a row of brushes and combs. You smile at all of the choices you had. You looked over and seen Ji-Mee was making your bed. So you grabbed a comb and a little rubber band and some gel. You made two braids going back on the top of your head. You then brushed the rest of your hair into a bun that sat on your head. You pulled at it a little to make it a little messy. You then grabbed some more gel and did your edges.  You turn around in your seat and see Ji-Mee standing right behind you holding your shoes. She bends down and grabs your foot and starts putting your boots on.
“I could've done it.” You mumble, feeling slightly bad.
“It's okay, I feel bad that I don't know how to do your kind of hair. I'm suppose to help you with that.” She gives you a sad small smile. You didn't know what to say.
Once she's done, she stands up and walks over to grab some perfume. You stand up when she comes back. You close your eyes as she sprays it.
“I will walk you to the dining area. The table sits 12, but you will be sitting across from the Queen and next to Jeongguk. He will be sitting across from his father. They are very eager to meet you, so don't be afraid.” She smiles and nods her head, then you follow her to the dining room.
You walk in close behind, and you see them all sitting there, waiting for you. You felt your body tense up. But you remind yourself to take deep breaths because you had no way out of this. This was you life now, and it barely even started. There would be no reason to fight against them, and embarrass yourself. But you were sure about the love part. The only person you wanted to give your heart to was now closed off.
You sat down, not sure where to look.
“Good morning YN.” Jeongguk said next to you. You looked his way, smiling softly saying it back. You couldn't lie, he looked good. His hair looked like he took a shower, combed it out and the ran his fingers through it. He had on a black t-shirt and a pair of black tight fitting jeans.
“Yes, Good Morning.” A softer voice says. You looked across from you to the Queen. You never seen the Royal family so close up before, it was usually from afar, they were either high up, or over lots of peoples heads. They were so surreal, you felt as if you couldn't look at them for too long.
“How is your stay so far?” The King asks. Grabbing one of the spoons that was in  a bowl of grits, and he puts some on his plate. Then the Queen and Jeongguk follows.
“Overwhelming, but great.” You nod using some tongs to pick up some pancakes.
“Good, good. I hope you get used to it fast, you will take my spot in less then a month.” The Queen smiles. You nod your head understand, but on the inside you were screaming. Within a month, you were going to be married to the Prince, and you both will take the throne. Wow, that is a lot to take in.
“I'm giving Jeongguk one more day to think about his decision…”
“I already told you.” Jeongguk blurts out. The King looks over to him and back to you.
“I originally gave Jeongguk a week to finalize his decision, and to be completely honest with you YN, I was completely surprised that he told me that you were for sure the one. But now that I see you, I think you two will be perfect.” He smiles. “Also no offence, but you becoming the Queen will earn us some Royal points, us bringing a colors lady in here.” He says. The queen jabs him in his side giving him a weird and embarrassed look. He looks at her and back you to you.
“Oh, I'm sorry. But it's true, and I hope you will be able to understand.” he shrugs a little.
After breakfast, Ji-mee took you back to your room, telling you that you and Jeongguk were going to be taking pictures in the garden. It was your first photoshoot together. When you got into your room there was another lady there for you. She had a table set up with a bunch of different wigs.
“Hello Miss. My name is Tallia. I am your hairdresser.” She bows her head a little, you nod back. “I think you will look beautiful in all types of looks. Ji-Mee here has been learning how to do your makeup. So us together will make sure you will look beautiful. We also know a thing or two about fashion, so whatever you pick you will get out honest opinion.” She was really cheesy. You were loving her hair, it was in a slick back, huge curly ponytail. She was on the thicker side, but she clothes choices made her look even better.
You were instructed to go into your closet and pick out some clothes. You had to remember the occasion. You found a black loose fitting dress that was cut off at the shoulders and stopped down your thighs. You found a cute jean jacket and some black boots. You found some lace socks that went above the boots. You left the closet and went back to where Tallia and Ji-Mee where. They loved your choice for the outfit. Tallia decided that something lighter for the hair would be better, to brighten everything up a little. She gotten a dark brown to blonde straight lace wig. She puts it on, and cuts the extra. She makes sure it's in place and does your edges. Ji-Mee comes in with the makeup, as Tallia starts to add a little bounce to the hair.
Once everything was done, you were ready to go outside. You really felt like a whole different person. You had some new hair, brand new clothes, and now you were heading to take a fucking photoshoot with your now fiance, the Prince. You were so overwhelmed. But you keep telling yourself to take deep breaths and to not let it get to you.
Ji-Mee walks you to the door that lead out to the private garden, She told you that the photographers were ready further into the garden. But through the glass door you seen Jeongguk looking around the garden. He didn't notice you there yet. You looked down his body, seeing the white t-shirt, and jeans that looked like your jacket. He had different earrings and rings on.
You take a deep breath, and you open the door making a bell go off above, catching his attention.
His eyes lit up when he sees you come out of the door. He walked over to you and stops right in front.
“I've been waiting until this day, for many reasons.” He says looking at you, up and down. Then his eyes land on yours. “But one reason if your clothing choices. I love to dress, so i want a girl who can dress.” You couldn't help but smile, only because he sounded ridiculous.
“And if I can't dress?” You play along.
“Well, then ill have to teach you.” He says softly, “I would have to sit on the other side of a dressing wall and wait and watch you everytime you come around with something different on.” His words were so soft and calming.
“Well, how do you think?” You ask grabbing hold on your jacket. His eyes once again, slowly went down and back up.
“You look amazing. But I think you need some jewelry...more things to add.” He seemed distracted, even though he was looking right at you. But then it was like he snapped out of it.
“But um, right around the corner is a set up in the flowers. Then I had them set up a little picnic type of thing under the gazebo.” He smiles pointing behind him. Even his words were bougie. He said it all with such ease. You just nod and he takes your hand and laces it through his. When you looked up at him he was looking down at your hands and he was smiling. When you looked down at your hand together with his. It was almost a strange sight. His hand was so large and muscular. He had veins coming down from his arms. Yours was a little smaller, and darker. Your hands contrasting off of eachother, it was almost beautiful.
Jeongguk was looking at you as you looked at your hands together, but you didn't know. Yes he thought your hands together looked amazing, but he couldn't keep his mind off of the future. He wants to know how your skin looked in whatever colored wedding dress you wanted. He wanted to see your skin against his bedsheets, to see it in the kingdoms jewels. He wanted to see your skin went it was swollen and getting ready to birth his children. Fuck his children. He couldn't wait to see how beautiful and golden his children's skin will be.
He noticed you looking up and he quickly started to walk you over to where about five other people around. One of them being Tallia.
“Hi Miss. I'm just here to make sure your hair stays put. It is a little windy.” She says smiling widely. You nod showing your understanding. Jeongguk pulls you over in front of all of the cameras and lights. There was even a man holding a big square of what looked like foil.
“Let me know whenever you are ready.” he nods to you. “Behind us, is a feel of many different kinds of flowers. Our pictures are going to be taken in front of it. This will be the first picture that goes out to the world. It will be released when you are shown on the balcony at the end of the week.” You looked behind you and you see so many flowers. It was like the size of six football stadiums.
“My mother loves her flowers.”
“Okay, I'm ready.” you say looking back at him. He looks back and nods. He looks over to the people and nod his head. Tallia and another older man comes over and starts to fix you both up a little.
Jeongguk squeezed your hand and that's when you realized he was still holding onto your hand strongly.
“Okay, we are going off of 5 second marks. So every five seconds the camera will do its job. Please take your time. A lady holding the main camera says. She gets in motion and nods. You look at the camera and try to pose a prettily as you can. You smile in a couple. You try not to look at Jeongguk, so you don't see him looking down to you.You don't see him look up and look at the camera with a straight face, and a little bit of a smile.
“Yn…” he says. You look up at him. Click! The camera goes off. He raises your hand to his mouth. Click! He kisses your hand, Click! His hands goes to your waist and pulls you a little closer. Click!
“Hi baby…” he mumbles. Click!
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heartists · 5 years
ursula’s plastic surgery transformation revised and extended.
so a while ago i did a post on the plastic surgery procedures that ursula would get done after she gets out of jail, and how much it would all cost. and then i thought, well, since kylie jenner spent $2 million on HER plastic surgery, isn’t $128,900 a little……underwhelming? can’t the derosiers be so much more extra? and then i remembered i had her undergo a magical transformation as well as a scientific one. and thus, this post was born.
i want to start off by saying by conventional beauty standards, ursula is fairly unattractive. i here, you can see for yourself. she has smallish, beady eyes with her left eye spaced further away from her nose than her right; they are bright in color (pink) but dull in expression. she has a very flat face with a flat nose and a weak chin, and her profile lacks all definition. her hair is thin and stringy--it takes all the hair gel in the world to get it to curl. her lips are thin, her mouth is rather wide, and she has off-white teeth. and i know i drew her eyebrows thick in that picture but tbh i decided to make them thinner--they’re not very defined and almost disappear into her face. in addition, her body is more of an oval/apple shape than the hourglass shape she desires--small breasts, flat v-shaped butt, gains more weight in the midsection. she’s very skinny--thanks to her dieting her BMI is in fact somewhat underweight--but the fat distribution around her middle makes her look heavier than she actually is. ursula’s features improve with makeup, but still, she’s not as attractive as a typical celebrity. she knows this, and it hurts.
all of these things have caused both ursula and her mother great pains. ursula more or less constantly fixates on the fact that she takes after her ugly father and is drastically less attractive than her mother, who is renowned in china and in the west for her beauty and grace. part of why she wants to get plastic surgery so badly is because she wants to be as beautiful as her mother in the eyes of the world, or even one-up her. the other part of why she wants to get surgery is because lila herself has been pushing her toward it: she’s ashamed of having such an ugly daughter, and wants to “fix” her to look better. ursula expected her entire life to be given surgery, but lila wanted to go even further.
enter the world of transformation.
yes, every surgery is a transformation, but i’m talking about magical transformation--the type that one could only dream about in fairytales. surgery can only go so far in terms of changing a person’s features--often the changes are subtle, working around and enhancing what a person already has in order to make them look “better.” but with magical transformation, you can go further. in the real world, a stick-thin woman will never have the figure of nicki minaj even with the best butt augmentation, but with magical transformation in the pokémon world, she absolutely can. in the real world, a dark-skinned person will never be able to bleach their skin fully white, nor can a light-skinned person don a permanent tan, but with magical transformation, this is also entirely possible. on top of that, magical transformation is often known for producing, on average, better results than surgery: it relies on regrowing and reshaping natural features, working entirely with what the body has to offer rather than pesky infection-causing implants. and finally, magical transformation does what no amount of human surgery or other science can: it can also modify the body’s functioning (such as where fat is distributed) so that the results stay the same throughout time. for example, if you want to do some lipo on your waist, magical transformation modifies the fat cells and even the metabolism so the fat will never go back on your stomach.
why isn’t everyone using it? well, the thing with magical transformation is, it’s extremely rare and extremely expensive. there are only a select few people on the planet, vessels of arceus--less than one ten thousandth of one percent of the population--who can learn the techniques required to perform such magical operations. and of those select few, the vast majority refuse to perform cosmetic magical transformations either on moral grounds or because they simply weren’t interested in learning it. of the ~5,000 or so arceus vessels alive today, only sixteen of them worldwide are both able and willing to do cosmetic magical transformations: two in galar, four in america, seven in south korea, and three in china. this scarcity means that they can charge whatever price for their services they want. this further means that, instead of a paltry $128,900, ursula’s family had to fork over $25 million in order to give her the makeover of her and her mother’s dreams.
some of that came out of taxpayer dollars.
on top of the changes that i have listed in this post, the following changes were also made:
fat distribution change so that when she gains weight, most of it goes to the boobs and butt.
tooth whitening.
chin enhancement, to balance out the face.
eyebrow thickening and reshaping.
height adjustment--went from 5′1″ to 5′10″.
eyelash lengthening.
skin tanning.
hair thickening and texture change to make it naturally curly and thicker.
note that any implant changes are instead made by magically inducing the body to grow in those specific places.
ye a h, she got a lot done.
this was supposed to be her fairytale, her perfect moment of transformation that would change her life permanently for the better. but problems dogged the procedure and its aftermath, to the point that most people wouldn’t do them. for one thing, lila wanted a very different result from ursula. ursula agreed to get her face modified in the way that lila had constantly told her she needed to: bigger eyes, a more high-bridged nose, a more defined profile, fuller lips. but lila wanted to give her a more streamlined hourglass figure and wanted to keep her pale, whereas ursula wanted a strong tan, DD boobs and a christina hendricks ass. when ursula protested, lila said that she was the one paying for the transformation, so she could get to change her daughter’s body in any way she pleased. but ursula secretly cut a magical deal with her surgeon that if he disobeyed lila and gave her the body she wanted, he would get half of her earnings from contests, music and modeling for the rest of her life. his greedy ass of course disobeyed, and ursula walked out of that room looking exactly the way she wanted to--and there was nothing her mother could do to stop it.
there was still more trouble to come. instead of obsessively counting calories and whining about how she “had to” restrict her eating to the blandest foods, ursula began to pig out on whatever she wanted to eat--knowing she was magically enchanted to have all the weight go to her boobs and ass. but given that she was enchanted to look like that instead of naturally looking like that, there were…problems. the way the weight distributes on her body is not natural at all, and so when she gains weight it looks unnerving to a trained eye rather than pleasing. in particular, she likes big booty but not big legs, but doesn’t seem to understand that if you have a big booty you will also have the legs to match. so when she gains weight, it makes her ass look even more disproportional to her smaller thighs and especially to her tiny calves. she has thousands more instagram followers now that she’s transformed, but many people have also pointed out that it’s fairly obvious how fake she looks. there are other unnatural aspects to her appearance as well: her eyes are slightly larger than a normal human eye to create that uwu uwu animu look, and even though they now have an alluring sparkle to them that wasn’t there before, they can be unnerving rather than charming. there is an illusion over her nose to make it look impossibly thin. her tan looks a bit like a spray tan. and her eyelashes--they look like she has fake eyelashes on, they’re way longer than a normal human’s eyelashes would ever be. her lips are too big for her to talk with comfortably, so her voice changes for the first several months to something really derpy- and pinched-sounding. oh, and did i forget to mention she started to have health problems when she started eating whatever the fuck she wants? she got prediabetes, which i have also had when i went through the phase when i ate whatever the fuck i wanted. don’t do it, kids. it’s not worth it.
people have put her on blast for promoting an unrealistic body image, because her proportions are literally impossible for a natural human to attain. but in her eyes, the criticism she gets from the outside world pales in comparison to the criticism she has from her mother. lila, who had been banking on the transformation to finally give her the ideal daughter she had always dreamed of, was disappointed by her child yet again. the more ursula flaunts her unnatural face and figure, the more disapproving and distant lila grows from her--speaking to her only to criticize her appearance, heaping hate for it on her even higher than she did before the transformation took place. literally as soon as ursula stepped out of the operating room, lila demanded that he take her back in there and redo according to her specifications, or else she’d sue him--but she couldn’t sue him, because he’d already made an irreversible magical deal with his patient. ursula literally wouldn’t have cared less that so many people thought she was still ugly because in her own eyes she had finally grown beautiful, if not for the fact that her mother--from whom she had unhealthily sought approval all her life--agreed with the people who found her unsightly. gradually losing her mother’s “love” is quite possibly the worst consequence of them all for her mentally………one that will eventually drive her to the most desperate of acts.
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softspideys · 6 years
Say It Back
summary: peter is gone and you didn’t say it back
words: 2.1k
warnings: angst
pairings: peter parker x reader
a/n: the cure song referenced is “just like heaven.” also this is one of my first times giving angst a try so go easy on me plz:)
“Trust me,” Peter said, shielding the phone from you so you couldn’t see what song he was picking, “you’ll like this one.”
“I don’t believe you!” you said, trying to look over his shoulder. “That last one you played me was super weird.”
“Hey, it’s not my fault you’re an uncultured buffoon who doesn’t like the Talking Heads,” Peter said, holding the phone out of your reach. You were on the bus coming back from a field trip, and were passing the time by sharing headphones and taking turns choosing songs to listen to.
“You’re the buffoon,” you retorted, digging your fingers into his side to tickle him. He laughed, shrinking against the bus window to try and get away from you. The afternoon sun shone through the dirty glass and somehow still managed to make him look angelic.
You dropped your hands and he moved closer to you again, resting his head on your shoulder happily. “Here, listen,” he said as the song started to play.
You grinned, recognizing the notes. “The Cure, huh? Is there something you’re trying to tell me?”
“Nothing you don’t already know,” Peter said, smiling up at you in that earnest way of his. You squeezed his hand, feeling nothing but happy. It really had been a perfect day: at the museum, you’d been allowed to break off into pairs and explore on your own, so you’d walked around together and ate lunch outside in the sun. Peter rarely got to just be a regular teenager, but today he was silly and relaxed, and you liked it.
But of course, it didn’t last long.
Peter sat up abruptly, stiff as a board. “What’s the—” you started to say, until you saw the hairs on his arms standing up. He turned and looked out the window. You peered over his shoulder, stifling a gasp at the huge spaceship hovering above the city skyline.
“What the fuck is that?” you breathed.
Peter turned back to you, his eyebrows pulled together with worry. “I gotta go,” he said. “Mr. Stark needs me.”
“That looks really bad,” you said, glancing around the bus. No one seemed to have noticed it yet. “Please be careful.”
“I will,” Peter said. He leaned forward, reaching over the seat and patting Ned’s shoulder and face. “Ned, hey. I need you to cause a distraction.”
Ned, ever the loyal friend, took one look at the spaceship and began to scream. “We’re all gonna die! There’s a spaceship!”
Everyone freaked out after that, running to your side of the bus and pressing up against the windows to look. “Can you tell May where I went?” Peter asked quietly.
You nodded. “Yeah, I’ll let her know.”
“Thanks.” He leaned in and kissed you, pulling back to look you in the eyes. “I love you, okay?”
Before you could respond he was opening the window on the other side of the bus and slipping out, putting his mask on over his face. You heard the thwip of his web and then he was gone.
Later, while you sat on the couch in the Parkers’ apartment, watching May pace around and clutching a mug of hot chocolate that had gone cold, it dimly registered that that was the first time Peter had said those words to you.
It was also the last time you saw him alive.
* * *
You didn’t know how much time had passed between that last day. It all seemed to blend together now, morning bleeding into afternoon into evening into night, and the nights were endless. You’d been in a daze ever since, barely eating and never sleeping. 
Peter’s memorial service marked the first time you’d gotten out of bed since you got the news. May had invited you and Ned to sit with her, looking exhausted and broken in all black. You said yes, despite the overwhelming guilt you felt whenever you looked at her. You knew she didn’t blame you for not stopping him but you couldn’t understand why. Now she had no one.  
You stared at the large picture of him that they’d put at the front of the room since they didn’t have a body to put in a coffin. It was of his most recent school picture, the one you knew he hated because he thought he looked like a ten-year-old.
I didn’t say it back. I didn’t say it back.
That was the only thought that had been running through your head since that day. I didn’t say it back. Peter Parker had died not knowing that you loved him too.
You didn’t even realize you were saying it out loud, whispering it under your breath over and over, until May reached over and squeezed your hand.
“He knew, honey,” she said softly. “I know he did.”
And whether she was right or not didn’t matter, because Peter was gone and there was no way to check. I didn’t say it back.
Later, when everyone had left and May had retreated to the private area of the funeral parlor to lay down, you went back into the main room one last time. You were surprised to see someone standing in front of Peter’s picture.
It was Tony Stark, a man you’d never spoken to but knew a lot about. He turned around when he heard your footsteps, but didn’t say anything, not even when you stood next to him. He seemed to already know who you were.
The two of you stared silently at Peter’s smiling face for a minute before he finally said, “You must hate me.”
You knew you had every right to. All Peter ever really cared about was impressing Tony Stark, making him proud, being like him. It was the reason why he took so many risks and went after things he couldn’t handle. It was the reason why he had left the bus and gone on that ship in the first place.
But you also knew that Tony had believed in Peter when no one else did. He’d upgraded his suit to something better and safer. He looked out for him and cared for him like he was his own son. And he’d been there when Peter died.
So you shook your head. “No. I don’t.”
He glanced at you. “He talked about you all the time, you know. Couldn’t get him to shut up about you.”
Hearing that made your chest ache with both love and heartbreak. I didn’t say it back. “You too.”
“He was a good kid.”
“Yeah,” you agreed. You swallowed. “It’s just . . . it’s just hard knowing that I’m never gonna see him again. For the rest of my life.” I didn’t say it back. You’d never been able to properly articulate all the sorrow and anger that was consuming you before, but for some reason you knew Tony Stark of all people would understand.
Tony shook his head, closing his eyes. “It should’ve been me,” he said. “I wish it had been me.” It sounded like every word was causing him pain. 
You didn’t know what else to do, so you reached out and hugged him tightly. He went stiff with surprise, like he wasn’t used to being hugged often. Finally, his arms came around you and you stayed like that for a while, joined together by a boy who didn’t exist anymore.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered. “I’m so sorry.”
I didn’t say it back.
“Yeah,” you said quietly. “I am too.”
* * *
Your feet pounded against the pavement as you ran down the street. Your lungs were burning and you almost collided with several people, but you refused to slow down. You couldn’t, not when you’d gotten a text from Ned that was just two words, seven letters:
He’s back
Your heart had stopped when you received it, and without bothering to ask why or how you’d gotten up and left your apartment. You hadn’t even grabbed a coat, something you knew you’d regret later.
You ran the eight blocks from your place to Peter’s, pressing the buzzer over and over. The door clicked open without anyone answering through the intercom, but you had a feeling they knew it was you.
You didn’t even take the elevator, running up the stairs until you reached their apartment and knocked. The door opened seconds later and you came face-to-face with May. Her eyes were swollen and red, but she was smiling. “Is he—” you started to say, but the lump in your throat wouldn’t let you finish your sentence. She nodded and you felt your legs turn to Jell-O.
“Can I …” It was only then that you realized maybe Peter and May wanted to spend some time alone. “Do you … should I go?” you asked, suddenly feeling guilty. You’d already taken so much from her.
But she merely smiled bigger and motioned for you to come inside. “You’re all he’s been asking for,” she said quietly. “He’s in his room.”
Somehow, your feet carried you down the hall and to his bedroom. You couldn’t help but feel nervous, which was kind of silly. This was Peter, for God’s sake. But a small voice in your head whispered, what if he’s different now? You knew he probably would be; it felt like he’d been gone for years. But you also knew you’d love him anyway. You stopped in the open doorway and looked inside.
And there he was.
He was sitting on his bed, staring into space. He was wearing a green sweatshirt over a white shirt. His hair was a little curly, like he’d made somewhat of an effort to gel it and then gave up. His socks were mismatched.  A glass of what appeared to be chocolate milk sat on his desk. 
You could’ve stood there and watched him forever, but then he glanced up and saw you.
A beat passed as the two of you stared at each other. Then you crossed the room in two strides and practically collapsed on top of him, tackling him back onto the bed. He let out a surprised oof, his arms automatically coming around you.
For a second you just held him, feeling how solid and warm he was, his chest heaving against yours as he caught his breath. You couldn’t control the wave of sobs that came over you, but you didn’t really want to.
You didn’t even realize you were shaking until Peter’s arms tightened around you, steadying you. You pulled back to look at him, taking him in almost hungrily. Tears were tracing shiny paths on his face as he stared back.
“You’re alive,” you whispered.
He nodded wordlessly. For a brief second you wondered where he’d been, and then decided you didn’t want to know. He was here again and that was all that mattered.
“I—I was—” he started to say, but stopped, taking a shuddering breath.
“Shh,” you said, shaking your head. “You’re safe now. I’m here.”
Peter looked at you for a second before he reached up and, ever so lightly, touched your eye with his thumb.
“What are you doing?” you asked, confused.
“Counting your eyelashes.”
“’Cause when I thought I was never gonna see you again I realized I don’t know how many you have.”
A watery laugh escaped you. “I think on top we have between 150 and 200. On the bottom it’s between 75 and 100. Or is it 150? I think it’s—”
Suddenly Peter leaned up and kissed you, and it was like getting him back all over again. He was so very real, his hands cupping your face and his heart beating fast in time with yours.
“I missed you so much,” he said hoarsely, only pulling back a fraction of an inch to rest his forehead against yours.
“I missed you too,” you said. You swallowed, feeling tears well up in your eyes again. “I … all I could think about was that you were gone. And I didn’t say it back.” More tears were dripping down your face as you thought about it, feeling the guilt and grief threatening to suffocate you again.
But then Peter reached up, wiping them away. He’s alive. “You didn’t have to. I knew. I know.”
But you shook your head. “No. I love you. Okay? I love you so much. I don’t ever want you to forget.” You wished you had a CD player or something to give him, so you could record yourself saying it over and over and that way he’d have it forever.
“I love you too,” Peter said, his voice cracking a little. “M’never gonna leave you again.”
“That’s good,” you said, fumbling for his hand so you could kiss his knuckles. “Because I’m never letting you go again. Deal?”
And at last, Peter smiled. “Yeah. Deal.”
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Going Overboard
Alright, so I have a handful of requests that I’m still working on (doing them in the order that they arrived) but I also hammered out this idea with @little-mini-me-world for another short story after watching too much of the Hallmark channel, just before they started coming in and I’m happy to announce I finally got it down on paper...er...the computer??
Keep on keeping on Fam! You guys are the butter to my bread! 
All the other Ikésen works can be found here on my Master List. Read at your leisure. I’m a bit stuck on ‘Retrograde Spell’ so i’m just kind of hanging onto it until I get smacked with more inspo...probably at the gym...that’s usually where I’m at when ideas like that pop up.
Since it’s a story and because I’m rambling so much up here, I’m throwing it under the cut to keep clutter to a minimum...unless you’re on mobile...then you get to suffer and just scroll for 8000 years (^ . ^)v since I’ve not gotten that figure out yet...
I hadn’t realized I couldn’t control my feelings for you until I saw you out of the corner of my eye, dressed to the nines in a matte navy dress that cut off right above the knees, it happened to have a gold zipper running up along the entire back of the dress and I wondered if anyone tonight would have the satisfaction of undoing you the way I used to. 
Everything about it was perfect, just like you, hugging every curve just right, showcasing every single asset in such a modest and delicate way, I didn’t have words anymore. Your naturally curly hair had grown out and was tamed into waves for the occasion, gently cresting like the sea down your back. It was lighter than I remember it being, now the color of cherry soda instead of a deep fudge. Your skin was still a subtle olive that complimented your bright hazel eyes and your face and chest were dusted with freckles. While physically you were older, everything more refined and mature, your expressions still sparkled with the same familiar innocence I remembered fondly.
You were stunning, I knew you would be here, the bride was your best friend but I wasn’t exactly expecting to see you with...him. You were out on the floor dancing with Yukimura, when had that happened?
Damn...I stared at my cup wondering if Mitsuhide had managed to slip me alcohol when I wasn’t looking. That’s the only reason all of these wild unwanted thoughts would be coming to mind unchecked right?
Aside from one glaring dark smudge, all of my memories with you were bright. I remember the summer before our senior year of college when I met you...I had spent every day at that zoo with Hideyoshi. I was his wing-man, for weeks I had tried to help him get with his childhood friend Mai.
When the poor guy got friend-zoned back in high school, he dug himself into an even deeper grave, proclaiming himself her ‘big brother’ to try to get just a tad more attention without drawing her ire. I about lost my mind with laughter when he told me about his situation one night when he got super trashed at a party for Nobunaga. He hadn’t done anything to change their relationship for years but we were almost through college and he couldn’t just be her friend anymore, and he wanted my help.
You approached me on a day, that was way to warm to be anywhere outside, in the middle of August, literally whispering to me from a bush in one of the monkey’s exhibits.
“Pssst…” I looked around “no down here...in the bush.” what the hell. “Meet me by the door to the cheetah habitat in twenty minutes.”
“And what if I don’t?”
“Than Hideyoshi’s going to be stuck in the brother-zone for life.”
You were brilliant. That one meeting was all I needed to realize you were a force to be reckoned with, smart and creative and incredibly helpful when it came to maneuvering Hideyoshi and Mai’s relationship. To my dismay, everything we thought up worked and he no longer needed a wing-man, so I no longer needed to visit the zoo...
I found that when I didn’t have to come meet with you anymore I got restless. So I did what my gut was telling me to do. I stood out by the tiger habitat you frequented, waiting for you to come out. When you did, I kissed you, and to my absolute pleasure you kissed me back. Everything about us seemed to gel, it was cohesive, we were a well oiled machine, parts moving in tandem. We had plenty of different opinions about life but most of the time, all it did was fuel healthy debates and a chance for the other to grow into new ideas. You challenged me and I loved every second of it, but it all went to hell when you got to veterinary school, but that was my fault.
You were upset when I broke it off, but I never saw you cry...heard about it a lot from Ieyasu and Hideyoshi afterward though. I thought I was doing you a favor...setting you free so you didn’t have to worry about taking care of some cook while you were off traveling and learning. I wanted you to have your own adventure without someone to tie you down. Instead I would dedicate myself to being someone you could rely on and approach you again when I got there, but now that I was I didn’t know how. I had always just done what made me happy. When I was with you, I was happy when you were happy. I made a decision about your life based on what I thought would make you happiest...and knowing now that it hadn’t done that made it all the more hard to go say something tonight.
“Everything alright Masamune? You look really out of it.” Hideyoshi came over to where I was leaning against a pillar.
“Yea, think I had too much to drink…” He paled
“I thought you stopped drinking after the pillow incident with (YN)?”
“I did...and this should just be sparkling water, but I just feel kind of off.” He shot a glare at Mitsuhide who dropped his fork and raised his hands in the air shaking his head as if to say he hadn’t done anything...for once. Smirk or no smirk...I believed him, I wasn’t fuzzy enough to be drunk.
“If you don’t feel good, you should go up to your room and rest. Aren’t you heading out on that cruise tomorrow?”
“Yea, but how could I miss this moment. It took forever to get you and Mai together and now I finally get to see the fruits of our labor and all for what? So I can leave before the party's over. I don’t think so. Besides I’m getting on the same cruise as everyone else here.”
“Right but you’re getting on it for work. Also...you got us together, I wouldn’t be mad if you headed out early to get some sleep. I don’t necessarily want my cruise ship’s ‘celebrity chef’ sick while he’s making my food.”
I clapped him on the shoulder. For once I didn’t have enough energy to argue with him, something about tonight wasn’t sitting right in my stomach. Congratulating my friend and Mai I dipped out heading for my room, hoping I’d be able to sleep off this strange feeling.
“Hells…” you murmured under your breath
“What?” your friends Sasuke and Yukimura leaned over stating in unison
“My ex is here and he looks abso-freaking-lutly gorgeous...do you think he did that on purpose?”
“Wait? Who? Masamune?” Yukimura questioned
“Yea...who else…? I haven’t dated anyone since…”
“He looks pretty normal to me. If you’re going to keep staring at him like a creep you may as well go say something.” Sasuke chimed in
“No, no I can’t. He broke up with me, then went off and became this big time chef...it’s clear I was just holding him back.” you laid your head on the place setting in front of you. “Why would he want anything to do with a vet?”
“For starters you’re not just a vet...and I’m not sure...but he’s been looking over here pretty frequently himself. You sure you don’t want to go say something.”
“Yes Yukimura...as punishment for asking so many times I’m making you dance with me until I feel better.”
“What? Why me? Sasuke is way better at that sort of thing!”
“Trust me I don’t want to get stepped on by your big clumsy ass anyway but Sasuke’s not here.” You laughed at the disbelief that crossed his face.
“Kid’s a damn ninja, I swear.” Yukimura hissed under his breath.
You twirled around as gracefully as you could manage together, in a way that didn’t quite match ‘Play That Song’ - by Train but you were having fun and only sort of thinking about Masamune so it didn’t matter.
It was about two in the morning and everyone had done a great job closing up that wedding reception. Yourself included. You were more than a little tipsy and with Yukimura taking care of an absolutely sauced Sasuke, you were left to your own devices.
Stumbling through the hallway heels and purse dangling from your hands you made your way back to your hotel room. Just a few more feet and you would be at your door...you could do this...you teetered...you couldn’t do this. Before your face could kiss, what you were sure was a terribly dirty hallway, a set of hands grabbed you by the waist. When you turned around you saw three Nobunaga’s laughing down at you.
“Have a good night fireball?”
“Not sure that counts as a response but I’ll take it as a sign of life. Can I help you do your room?”
He may have pulled you up slowly but all the movement made you motion sick...you couldn’t answer him out of fear of throwing everything up, instead you flashed your room key, with the numbers ‘509’ written in black permanent marker across the front.
“Wrong floor princess…you’re on 15 right now.” the last thing you remember was the mirth in his eyes. Then it all went black.
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trickhockstetter · 6 years
Derry - Chapter 2: Someone Old, Someone New
Author’s Note: Welcome back to Derry! This chapter clocks in at 3417 words. Enjoy! (And, in case you missed it, here’s chapter one.)
In the sweltering weeks following my family’s adjustment (or re-adjustment, in the case of my father and I) to Derry life, I remain mostly sedentary, spending most of my time either in my room or in the backyard. My homely hobbies consist mostly of reading and enjoying whatever television shows manage to captivate my ever-shortening attention span. The days following my father’s departure for Bangor for work are quieter, as there’s one less person to pressure me into sightseeing a town with no real sights. And, as I don’t leave the house, Sophia has me babysit Gabriel, which is not a problem considering he could spend hours with Legos and coloring books.
But, as school draws closer, and the dog days of summer grow more humid than anything I’ve ever experienced before, I find myself taking more and more solo trips into the town square. It isn’t just to shop, though I do find myself with a Derry-appropriate wardrobe in no time. I don’t want to be a completely new face come the first day of my senior year, and I’m gunning for one of these outings to result in my coming across some other people attending Derry High. I’m not asking for friends, just some acquaintances who may not immediately avert their gazes upon seeing me flounder in the hallways.
Plus, as my father has his car and Sophia is loathe to part with hers in case of emergencies, I’ve considered my leisurely walks into town and back to be the most exercise I’ve had in ages.
Though the first few outings end fruitlessly, it comes to a head when, on August seventeenth, I enter Keene’s for the first time since the day we’d moved here. I immediately recognize the girl sitting at the counter where Mr. Keene had been before. She snaps her gum as she talks lowly to someone obscured from my vantage point by the sterile white aisles. After a breathless moment, I realize she hasn’t noticed me and head over to the feminine hygiene products, where I bump right into a girl with beautiful long red hair.
“Whoa.” I stumble back.
“Sorry.” The girl sucks in her cheeks. “I’m sorry.”
She looks old enough to be in high school. Her face is beautifully structured; high cheekbones, dainty mouth, piercing yet friendly eyes set against a backdrop of pale skin smattered with freckles. I’d guess she’s about sixteen, maybe older.
The Tampax box she’d had in her hands moments before now lies on the ground, logo-down. We reach for it at the same time and bump heads.
“Sorry,” I say.
“No need.” The girl stoops down and picks up the box. She tilts her head to appraise me as she straightens up. “I haven’t seen you around before.”
“I’m new. Well, kind of. I used to live here.” Realizing that most of my explanation is pointless, I add, “I’m Stella.”
“Beverly.” The girl, Beverly, smiles. “Well, kind-of-new kid Stella, it’s nice to meet you. I used to be the new kid, too; moved here almost two years ago.”
I faintly hear the bell above the shop door chime as someone exits.
“Are you going to Derry High in the fall?” she asks, and smiles wider as I nod. “I’ll be in my junior year. We could have lunch together sometime.”
“That sounds great. I’ll be a senior.” I grip on the strap of my cross-body bag, grateful that my plan has worked.
Beverly’s smile turns wry as her attention turns back to the box in her hands. “Well, I’d better get going. I’ll see you around-”
She turns and freezes. At the other end of the aisle stands the denim-loving, gum-snapping girl, her big lined eyes narrowed into slits. Her tight jeans are several shades darker than her denim fringe jacket, and her curly hair is pulled up into a slightly frizzy side pony.
Beverly takes an instinctive step back, bumping back into me.
“Well, if it isn’t Beaverly and Nobody. Have you found a new best friend, Beaverly?” The girl laughs, a harsh contrast to the light elevator-like music playing throughout the store. “Better watch out there, new girl. Beaverly’s trash. Then again, so are you for hanging out with a stupid slut like her.”
Beverly clenches her teeth. “What is it, Gretta? Am I a stupid slut, or trash? Make up your mind.” The last part is muttered lowly, but in the otherwise quiet of the store it’s almost echoing.
Gretta scowls. “I just wanted to remind you. Before you and the losers you hang out with get it into your heads that you can talk back like that at school. You’re nothing.”
While Gretta talks, I notice Beverly’s hands quick at work. Within seconds, the Tampax box slips from her grasp and into the bag hanging by her side. And just like that, it’s as if she’d never been holding it.
“Thanks for the reminder, Gretta. See you in school.” Beverly’s voice is so falsely cheerful that I have to hold back a snort of laughter. She turns away, walking quickly to the door, and I follow, all the while listening to Gretta grumble as she returns to the counter, completely unaware of Beverly’s actions.
Once we’re outside and a block away from the store, Beverly sticks her tongue out at me. She begins, “I know this isn’t the best first impression, stealing tampons and all-”
“No, it’s all good.” I stuff my hands into the pockets of my capris and smile as we walk to nowhere in particular. “I don’t blame you at all. She seems horrible.”
“She doesn’t like most people.” Beverly shakes her head. “She’s got friends - lackeys, more like - but bullies almost everyone in town. Mostly girls, but she’s not opposed to pushing around the guys, too.”
I suck in a breath. “That’s rough.”
“At least you’re a grade above her. Can’t touch you during classes.” Beverly shoots me a worried look. “Derry High is small. I usually share most of my classes with her.”
I feel a pang of worry, looking at how wistfully Beverly stares at the sidewalk beneath us, as though she wishes she could just sink into it. But, just as that vulnerability begins to appear on her face, she straightens up, face brightening.
“But, like I said, you’re invited to my table anytime. I’m sure the guys wouldn’t mind.” She smiles for a moment before continuing. “Though I’m not sure you’d want to completely ruin your rep by sitting with us losers.”
“Gretta seems like the real loser here.” I kick at a pebble, watching it erratically scuttle down the sidewalk.
“She’s the worst Gretta.” Noticing my confusion, she adds, “There’s two. Gretta Keene and Gretta Bowie. Bowie’s your age.”
“Joyful.” Just thinking about how senior year might go with these two Grettas - plus the strange guys Victor hangs around with - sets off alarm bells. Is it too late to apply to that private school in Bangor? Surely there can’t be any Grettas there, too.
Beverly laughs. “Joyful is just about the most inaccurate descriptor for Gretta Bowie. But she’s relatively harmless, so long as you don’t grab her attention. Plus, I doubt she’ll have time to terrorize anyone else this year.”
“‘Anyone else’?” I repeat.
“She and her boyfriend broke up right before school ended. Let’s just say she didn’t take it well.” Beverly adjusts the straps in her hands before pausing at the corner, turning to face me. “Listen, I didn’t mean to derail your shopping thing-”
“-It’s okay-”
“-And I would love to ask you to hang out, usually.” Beverly bites her lip. “But my dad’s home, and he - he doesn’t like unexpected visitors.”
“I get it.” I laugh awkwardly. “I didn’t mean to almost stalk you to your house. I should get going, too.” The crumpled paper list in my pocket, detailing the exact brands for the tampons, chocolate wafers, and gel pens I need, has yet to be looked at since I left the house. “Lots of shopping to do, still.”
“Avoid Keene’s at all costs,” Beverly advises. “Though they do offer a wonderful discount in exchange for being bullied by their cashier.” She shakes the bag, the Tampax logo just barely visible through the thin white plastic.
We laugh and, with a wave and another promise to find each other for lunch someday, we part ways.
On my way home, I catch sight of the strange blue car that Victor and his friends had left the parking lot in weeks earlier, parked by the wooden bridge that is in dire need of repair. A little ways beyond the car, three bicycles lie on the road. One of the bike’s wheels is still spinning. My pace slows as I approach the bridge, taking extra care to look beyond the wooden railings keeping cars and pedestrians from falling down the side. But there is no sign of anybody nearby, no sounds of anything happening, so I press on.
When I reach home, the driveway only holds Sophia’s car. Remembering that my father’s due to come back from Bangor any day now, I shrug off the absence until I’m inside. Sophia looks up as she chops carrots on a cutting board, while Gabriel watches from a chair set by the kitchen counter.
“Where’s Dad?” I ask, unceremoniously dropping my purchases onto the table.
“Still in Bangor.” Sophia’s voice is odd, and I still at the sound. Something’s not right. Her voice is strained, bereft of its usual warmth. I’d blame it on frustration, but she’s been sounding more and more off since the move. Today happens to be the worst yet.
I pick up Gabriel, earning a warm hug for my efforts. “Why?”
“Extended his trip.” The knife Sophia’s using to chop hits the wooden cutting board a little too hard, causing a thump that makes all three of us wince.
Sensing that Sophia is not in the mood to talk further about it, I steer the conversation towards Beverly and the Grettas, omitting Beverly’s Tampax thievery. I’d filled Sophia in on Victor and his friends that same day, so it’s only fair to do it again. She seems relieved that I’ve taken over the conversation, though she only interjects with prompts and occasional reactions, and half heartedly at best. Gabriel watches with rapt interest as I peel potatoes and muse to my mostly silent stepmother.
“And summer’s almost over,” I find myself whining. “It feels like just yesterday I’d escaped the clutches of Mr. Hornsby and his monotone. And now I have to do it all over again, but with these people?”
“At least Beverly sounds nice.” Sophia takes the chopped potatoes and dumps them into the stewpot. “And I bet those boys’ll be nice to you.”
I snort. “Victor, maybe. And definitely not like that.”
“You never know.” Sophia sticks her tongue out at me as she nudges me with her elbow. “All I’m saying is, you oughta be snatched up by graduation, or all these Derry boys are blind.”
“I don’t need a boyfriend.” I think about one of my Coal County friends, Sarah, who switched boyfriends like gum flavors. From what I’ve seen, the only things that couples seemed to do was spend all their time with each other and brag to their friends about whatever bases they’d rounded with one another. Not entirely my idea of fun, nor do I consider it necessary. “Or want one.”
Sophia smiles; the first I’ve seen on her all day. “Maybe so. But sometimes love doesn’t care about needing or wanting. It just happens. You’re seventeen, Stella. Take some risks. Put yourself out there. What harm could it do?”
Two days later, I am surprised by the appearance of Victor Criss on my doorstep. As my father is still in Bangor (for reasons that Sophia seems to be tight lipped on), and Sophia and Gabriel are out and about, having left before I’d woken up for the day, I’m by my lonesome when the white blond boy comes to call.
“How’d you know where I live?” I ask as I politely step aside. He kicks off his shoes and shoots me a smirk as he settles into my father’s armchair.
“Just a hunch,” he says, though I’m sure there’s more to it than that. “School’s coming up soon. Thought you might like to hang out or something before we all get homework and shit to deal with.”
I pause, startled to hear this. Like I said, we weren’t really close before I moved, and the way Victor’s acting is kind of confusing, as though he remembers it differently. We never hung out after school, never slept at each other’s houses or anything like that. I only knew that he danced because he was so good at it that Derry Elementary had him and his class do performances for special assemblies. But there’s no plausible reason for his sudden interest in me.
And when I voice these concerns, he shakes them off with a harsh laugh.
“And like I said, everything’s different now.” Victor raises an eyebrow. “Plus, you seem cool. I mean, you always did, but somehow you’re … I don’t know, even more cool, I guess. Even if you do stupid things sometimes.”
“What was so stupid about it, anyway?” I drop into the chair opposite his, folding my arms over my stomach. “I just told the guy my name.”
Victor groans dramatically, to the point that I’m thankful my parents aren’t home or they’d think something extremely inappropriate is occurring in their foyer. 
“You’ve piqued his interest.”
“Whose interest?”
His eyes rolled up to the heavens and back. “Who do you think? Patrick. Patrick Hockstetter. The guy who was looking at you like he was going to swallow you whole.”
Finally, a name to associate with the man. I remember bits and pieces: long dark hair, a hideous artist’s rendition of Tom the cat from Tom and Jerry on his shirt, the frequent lip-licking. Patrick Hockstetter. Oddly, it feels fitting.
“Y’know, I really didn’t know if I was gonna invite you to the thing tonight.” When I shoot him a confused look, he adds, “There’s a thing tonight, a bonfire, at Belch’s family’s place by the river. Thought you might like to come. But yeah, I didn’t know if I was gonna invite you, ‘cause he’s going too, and that could be bad. Though I guess you’re all grown up and whatnot, so you can do whatever you want.”
I nod, though I’m lost at the use of the word “Belch” as a name.
Victor goes on. “Molloy and Patrick usually supply the good shit, and since Gretta’s not around anymore, we may actually have some fun. Henry’s talking ‘bout bringing out some fireworks, maybe even his dad’s gun, y’know, to amp things up.”
Victor makes a swooping motion towards the back of his neck with one hand. “Mullet man, that’s Bowers. And Anthrax’s number one fan, that’s Belch. Or ‘Reg’, but only if he lets you call him that. Otherwise, just Belch. Got it?”
“Okay. I mean, yeah.”
He pushes a hand through his light fringe. “‘Kay, good. Now. What do you have to eat here?”
Watching Victor inhale several plates of chocolate chip pancakes, all leftover from Sophia’s generous breakfast spread made earlier in the day, is almost enough to turn me off of eating my bowl of cereal. There’s syrup clinging to his chin, and while he is using a fork and knife to neatly cut up the food, it’s the only neat thing about his eating.
“When’s this bonfire, anyway?” I take a sip of my juice, watching him over the rim of my glass as he drizzles more syrup onto his plate. “Like, what time?”
“Why, you got a curfew?” He laughs. “I don’t see any parents ‘round here.”
“My stepmother and brother are out, and my dad’s in Bangor till next week.” My heart pangs at the words, especially knowing that they’re not guaranteed. He wasn’t supposed to be in Bangor for longer than a weekend, but his stay’s been extended over and over again. Who knows when he’ll actually come home? “And we haven’t discussed a curfew yet.”
Victor drinks his own glass of juice, gulping noisily. When his lips part from the glass, he replies, “So no curfew then. Good. These things are best experienced in their entirety. ‘Sides, Henry doesn’t like to set off fireworks and junk until after he’s sure his dad’s done for the night. His dad’s Sheriff here.”
“Sheriff?” I try to imagine the mullet man as the son of an authority figure, but just remembering how his eyes had lingered on me that day in the parking lot makes me shiver.
“Yeah.” Victor shoves a massive morsel of pancake into his mouth and talks around it. “‘Id a goo’ i’ea ‘o b’ing yo’ o’n shid.” I wait for him as he chews, swallows, and repeats himself. “It’s a good idea to bring your own shit. Blankets and stuff. Don’t depend on anyone else to bring enough, or you’ll be picking rocks and sand outta your pants for days. We supply the beer, that’s it. And there ain’t no freebies on the good stuff, not even for newbies. Or oldies, I suppose.”
I nod. I’ve never had beer in my life. I’m more of a fruity drink person. The few sips of Long Island Iced Tea that I’d had at Trina Lancaster’s party two years ago had left me utterly wrecked; I’m lightweight through and through. And drugs have never been considered before.
“It’ll be fun.” Victor wipes his mouth with a paper towel, having polished off the rest of his pancakes. “Till then, I figured we could hang. I could show you around town, stuff like that.”
It surprises both him and I that I question it so brazenly. He clears his throat and shoots me a curious stare.
“Like I said before. You seem cool.” But, just like Sophia, I can tell there’s an undercurrent to his tone, something he’s trying to conceal. Something I’m not supposed to notice.
And, just like with Sophia, I pretend to be none the wiser.
“Right. Okay. Well, I’ve been in town a couple times, but just to the stores. Keene’s and stuff. So anywhere but there’s good with me.”
Victor drives a silver hunk of junk car, peppered with little dents and scratch marks, but it gets the job done. We zip around town for the day, stopping by places he calls the Quarry, the Barrens, and, oddly, Derry’s maze of a junkyard. Despite not being close to him before the move, I find myself enjoying being in his presence, even when he’s a bit too dramatic for the current situation.
Nevertheless, the sky darkens quickly, and soon I find myself in my room, sifting through my closet while Victor vegs out in front of the television set. I’ve already got a cheap beach blanket folded in my bag, and my face lightly made up with the expensive-looking products Sophia had bought me for my seventeenth birthday. The only thing keeping me from herding Victor to his car to get to the bonfire is my outfit.
Or, rather, the outfits I’m trying to choose between.
“Hurry up, Stella, damn,” Victor calls from the other side of my bedroom door. “Go in your underwear if it’s this hard to choose. Hell, no one’ll complain.”
I ignore him and hold the hangers up, side by side. One outfit is a pretty white sundress, with a dizzying print of little yellow roses. The other is a T-shirt and jean shorts, though the shirt is one of my favorites.
In the end, I slip the dress over my head and give myself one last long look in the mirror. Then I trudge into the living room and grab the remote from Victor, shutting the television off as I pull a cardigan around my shoulders.
“You going to church or something?” Victor jokes. “Just ‘cause it’s late doesn’t mean it’s not hot. And there’ll be a fire.”
“So no sweater?”
Victor shakes his head. “Unless you wanna boil.”
Taking his word for it, I leave my cardigan behind, draped over the back of the couch. And, after scribbling a note to Sophia, Victor and I peel out of my driveway, smiling as we crank the radio until the blaring music drifts skyward.
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thecreativeangel · 7 years
Junior Year In Queens Would Include...
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If you don’t understand some references in this part, read the first two parts in the series.
Freshman Year
Sophomore Year
- After the entire summer you had barely seen Peter, partly because you were avoiding him, and partly because when you tried to hang out, he was busy. (Although you knew from Ned that Peter did indeed talk a lot about Evelyn. Oh goody.)
- Plus side: ….
- Actually there isn’t one. 
- Ahh, junior year is going to be interesting.
-  But at the beginning of school May (you can call her May because you love her and she loves you and she’s like a sister instead on an aunt) invites you over. Obviously you can’t say no, May is just too awesome to say no to. 
- You just wanted a quiet night to watch movies and you almost got your wish. Key word: almost. *sigh* 
- Authors Note: Guys… just-just take a guess to who was sitting beside Peter when you arrived. *Jazz hands* *Confetti rains down from the sky* It’s EVELYN. Yayyy….
- Peter smiles really wide when he sees you, and so does Evelyn, except her smile is like someone dumped ice cream, candy, chocolate, whipped cream and tons of actual sugar into a blender and force fed it to you. Or in other words, sickeningly sweet to the point where you wanna throw up.
- You kind of stare intently at the screen as Evelyn and Peter do weird couple shit without even being a couple. Ex: Holding hands and thinking no one sees them, Evelyn starts feeding Peter popcorn halfway through the movie? Her hand is on his thigh and you’re kinda beyond the point of nausea and more to the point of fRICKING PROJECTILE VOMITING YOUR DISGUST OUT RIGHT INTO HER PERFECT SLEEK HAIR BECAUSE DAMN IT CAN YOU NOT GROPE MY BEST FRIEND IN FRONT OF ME? THANKS???
- You get up to “get more popcorn” and god damn it you just stay in the kitchen for a while. May walks in (and being the awesome person she is) automatically sees Evelyn and Peter’s gross shit, and you standing there behind the kitchen counter, looking bored and uncomfortable.
- Her eyes narrow and your breath catches cuz when May narrows her eyes, everyone in the room is in for a nasty shit show. 
- You have to whisper so Peter wouldn’t hear you.
- “May, I’m fine, really. This popcorn is uh… taking a long time to pop?”
- “(Name), I love you, you’re a very smart girl, but you’re a shit lair. The popcorn isn’t even in the microwave.”
- “S-shit?”
- Thank GOD the movie ended, cuz after yelling bye to Peter and May you’re out of there sooo fast. 
- Peter keeps asking you and Michelle about what girls like, and every time you and Michelle look at each other and roll your eyes, because damn it Peter how would we know we’re boyish nerds not popular barbie dolls.
- There’s a winter formal coming up and of course Peter wants to go with Evelyn. He asks you about EVERYTHING. 
- “Hey, do you think she wants to match? What about the corsage? Should I cut my hair? I heard her say she likes shorter hair.”
- So you finally explode. (Well kind of. It’s still Peter, so you don’t explode, but just go ‘pop’. It’s really hard to be mad at him, and you did your best.)
 - “Peter, I am a NERD. I might not even GO. I’ve never spent more than five minutes on my clothes, much less wasted time to make sure they match. Your hair is fine. But if it makes you feel better, I’ll help you get ready.”
- So here you are, helping May get Peter ready for the dance. 
- “What are you going to do with my hair?”
- “I have an idea.”
- You make Peter wash his hair and leave it curly. 
- “(Name), can you pass the hair gel?”
- Instead, you reach over as Peter is brushing his hair and ruffle it like crazy.
- *Internal screaming because it’s sO FUCKING SOFT AJIANCIWCN*
- “Calm your shit Peter it looks better when it’s messy.”
- After he leaves you go to Michelle’s house and chill with her, as she also chose to skip. 
- Peter and Ned keep texting you photos and it’s very annoying. 
- After a about forty minutes of almost non stop texting, (most of them texts were pictures of Evelyn and Peter dancing) you calmly took your phone and repeatedly slammed it against the couch cushion. Michelle just snorts.
- “Why don’t you just mute the group chat?”
- “...fUCK OKAY.”
- Fast forward to the last months of the school year, Peter and Evelyn aren’t dating yet but the entire school ships them, and Evelyn finds the BEST ways to hurt you when he’s not looking.
- Sticking her foot out to trip you, snide comments about your clothes, sometimes when you’re talking she’ll “accidentally” act like she wasn’t listening, etc... 
- Peter obviously doesn’t hang out with you guys as much. I mean, he’s dating THE most popular girl at school. He tries to talk to you guys, but it doesn’t work out because random girls (and sometimes guys) hit on him, and it’s really awkward. 
- “Hi (Name), do you wan’t to watch a movie a-”
- *A random girl asking him for the tenth time, looking ready to pop out of her shirt* “Ohmygoddoyouwannacometomypartytonightbecauseitsgonnabegreat.”
- *You, maybe a tiny bit pissed* “Oh. my. god. can. you. please. stop. trying. to. get. him. to. fuck. you. please. and. thank. you.”
- IN THE LAST WEEK OF SCHOOL. YOU THINK: “Wow, I made it through the year without being made into a complete idiot.”
- After like thirty seconds you’ve had enough, and actually start to yell out of nowhere. 
- “What the frick frack diddily dack patty wack snick snack crack pack slack mack quarterback crackerjack backtrack thumbtack did you just say about my best friend you psychotic bitchy fuck.”
 - Oh THAT didn’t go well.
- Her tall ass friends surrounded you in seconds, and she was way too close.
- You didn’t mean to, but years of being bullied meant that when someone you don’t like is too close, you punch them.
- She... she ended up with a very bad black eye. 
- And Peter just had to show up right then and there. You could have sworn he looked angrier than you ever saw him. He was all over Evelyn, with the “are you okay”s and “what happened”s. 
- Her friends blocked them from your view, there was no way out. The only one who got to tell her side of the story... was Evelyn. 
- Peter looked at you once. Just once. It was the first time you felt unsafe because of him. Because he looked ready to hurt you. And the fact that he would have hurt you if you stayed there any longer was what stung the most, but you didn’t wait to test that theory. 
- You fucking ran out of school and didn’t look back, barely noticing that you were almost run over by cars sprinting across the road. 
- Your parents made you go to school the next day. Evelyn’s friends were there, of course. One moment you were in the hallway, then in the girls bathroom, then running again as they chased you off school grounds. 
- Delmar’s sandwich shop was where you hid for a good hour, just walking around the isles with a black eye, a bruised jaw and a limp. 
- Mr. Delmar finally saw you and (thank all that is holy) didn’t call the school. Your parents were overseas for another business trip and wouldn’t answer either, so he gave you an ice pack and listened to how your week went. (You left out the whole Peter and Evelyn thing.)
- His daughter came out, and was really understanding. She gave you the address to a “really cheap special defense gym”, which was cool. 
- You avoided Peter (and basically everyone) until school ended. 
- And when it did end... Boy did you run to that self defensive gym faster than a hyperactive kid on white power. (Relax it’s sugar. I think...)
- Turns out it was an abandoned underground boxing gym, gREAT RIGHT?
-That summer was spend by sneaking out of your apartment, mercilessly attacking old punching bags and using the exposed support beams on the roof as an obstacle course at the abandoned gym. 
- Whenever you felt like giving up you remembered how helpless you felt in front of Peter of all people, and that made you angry like nothing else could. 
- Being Mr. Stark’s assistant and working at his lab also meant you got to use the new Avengers headquarters to tinker with hand made weapons and (probably) illegal chemicals. Mr. Stark would often see the bruises from your training and ask lots of questions. 
- “So... you’re not secretly a super villain, right kid?” 
- *sigh* “For the last time, no Mr. Stark.”
- One thing was for sure, you would never let anyone hurt you again. See you in senior year, Evelyn. 
Tags: @tronnoristheotp, @unapologetically-insane, @woahstevelanguage, @agentmalfoy24601, @arachn0ph0bia 
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writingsforanyone · 7 years
Meeting Sonny Carisi
Show: Law and Order SVU Character: Dominick “Sonny” Carisi Jr. Paring: Sonny Carisi/Reader Warnings: None
Sonny Carisi was sitting in his car on his first day at Manhattan SVU, wondering what the mini parking space between him and the sidewalk was for. Suddenly, that parking lot became occupied with an all black Harley Davidson, and the driver didn’t exactly match the big, buff biker stereotype. Instead of a small, half coconut looking helmet on top of the head, the driver was wearing an over-the-head motorcycle helmet, and the person’s long, brown, curly hair was coming out of the back, making it obvious that it was a girl, if that wasn’t already obvious. She turned off the bike and climbed off, taking off her helmet and shaking her hair out, revealing the prettiest girl he had ever seen. She went to the back of her bike and grabbed her wallet, phone, gun, and badge out of a compartment and put it all where it was supposed to be. Sonny came out of a trance and realized he was staring, and he turned off his car and got out.
“I’ve never seen you around here. You new?” He turned around to hear the question that came from the beautiful girl in front of him.
“Yea i just transferred here from Brooklynn,” he answered, his Staten Island accent coming out strong.
“I’m gonna take a wild guess and say that you’re from Staten Island”
“You would be correct. I’m Dominick Carisi Jr. Call me Sonny”
“Nice to meet you Sonny,” she answered before pocketing her phone and walking off with her helmet in hand. Sonny put his gun in its holster and his badge on his belt before walking toward the front of the building, realizing that he never got the girls name.
(changed POV) You walked into the squad room and towards my desk which was across from an empty desk ever since Nick had left. You shook off your jacket and put it on the back of your chair before heading towards the locker room to put your helmet and other belongings in your locker. Before leaving the room, you checked yourself in the mirror. You decided to wear a very simple outfit today, consisting of black jeans, black high top converse, and a white Tshirt. Chief Dodds had gotten on to you when you first moved to SVU for your attire, and you explained how you had just come from a stint in the Bronx Gang Unit, and couldn’t exactly wear heels and nice clothes to work everyday because of all the running involved, and that in all you worked better in comfortable clothes anyway. Fin later told you that he had gotten the same talk when he first moved to the unit as well, and that after a while, Dodds stopped caring when he realized there was nothing he could do about it.
“Hey pip-squeak,” you heard Fin say as you walked out of the locker room. ‘Pip-Squeak" was the nickname he gave you on your first day at SVU six years earlier, and it fit well considering you were barely 5'2 and still looked like you were fresh out of high school. You were 26 at the time, but even at 32 years old, you had a hard time getting into non-cop bars because you looked so young.
“Mornin’ Fin. Lieu in yet?”
“Yea but she went downstairs to get something and hasn’t been back yet.” Just then Rollins walked in and threw all of her stuff down and fell into her seat, letting out a huge sigh.
“Well good morning sunshine,” you said, to which she only responded with a grunt. “i thought southerners were supposed to be full of southern hospitality. Did one go rouge or was i just wrong?” you joked.
“I went out for drinks with some friends from Atlanta last night and didn’t get home until midnight, and my neighbors decided to go at for like two hours last night, and i only got about 3 hours of sleep last night,” she answered, putting an end to your questions. You just laughed and sat down at your desk, putting you headphones in and began to finish the paper work from your last case that had put off doing the day before.
A little while later, just as you were finishing up your work, you took out your headphone and looked up to see your lieutenant standing and talking to a very familiar face. You recognized him as the man in the parking lot that you had met earlier that morning. He was tall and skinny, and had a lot of gel that slicked back his hair, and he had a mustache that made him look like an 80s porn star. Olivia and who you remembered as Sonny walked towards the middle of the squad room.
“Hey Staten Island,” you greeted, leaning back in your seat and propping your feet up on the corner of your desk. Olivia looked at you with a confused look and asked: “Do you two already know each other?”
“We met in the parking lot this morning when i caught him staring at me through his car window,” you answered
“Hey now, i wasn’t staring i just wasn’t expecting such a pretty girl to be riding a motorcycle,” Sonny defended.
“Oh are we being sexist now?” you jokingly shot back
He was about to answer you when Olivia but in and said
“i thought this was SVU not a high school.” i smirked and Fin and Rollins laughed before letting the lieutenant make the introductions.
“This is our new detective Sonny Carisi. He just transferred from Brooklynn SVU. Sonny, this is Fin Tutuola, Amanda Rollins, and i assume you already know that that, is Y/N Y/L/N.” Benson let him go, and he went around and made separate introductions. He came to a stop in front of your desk, and you looked up at him to see that he was smirking down at you. You leaned back in your chair and asked,
“Something I can do for you, Detective?”
“Y/N,” he said, testing your name out. “I like that. Why didn’t i get a name before?” he questioned
You stood up, walking towards the lieutenant’s office. “If you really wanted to know, you would’ve come and found me. And in a way, you did. Welcome to SVU, partner,”
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lifeofsed · 7 years
I woke up knowing I had nothing to do today. I got out of bed and went to the fridge to drink. I played a few games on my phone. Then Artemis sent me a WhatsApp text. It seemed like she needed my reply quick. I asked her what��s up. Then she asked me if I wanted to watch Anabelle, a horror movie. I told her that I gladly will. I was about to ask who’ll join us, but she already texted me that Marilyn and Jimmy will join. Then she asked me to let Ace join us. I told her that he can’t, because he was still on vacation. When it was 5pm, I wanted to text her that the SIM card on my other phone didn’t work correctly, but then she came online and saw that I was typing and asked what I wanted to text. I texted her what I already wrote. Then she texted back to let me know that the movie sold out. I wasn’t surprised, since the cinema halves the ticket price on Tuesdays. Then I asked her what happens now and she answered that she didn’t have any idea and Marilyn still wanted to chill. I told her that she should text me or call me when she has news, even though my SIM card doesn’t work correctly. I told her that because I was going to pick up my stepbrother, so I wouldn’t be home and have no internet to respond to her WhatsApp texts. I picked up my stepbrother with Ares, then I went to KFC. We bought the Tuesday 7 pc deal. Actually, we bought 2 of them. Then we went to a nearby store to buy 2 bottles of cola. Then we went home to eat. I checked my phone for any new text messages, but found none. No surprise. I ate 2 pieces of chicken, but then I took another thinking nothing will happen tonight. After eating, I went to my room to play games. After a while, Artemis called me. I realized that she had news. I picked up and answered. She told me that she’s putting me on speaker asked me if I mind. I didn’t mind at all, I found it odd why she thought that I’d mind at all. I mean, if it’s hangout stuff, sure I don’t mind. Then she asked where I was. I told her that I’m home. Then she asked if I still could or wanted to hang out. I told her that I can. Then she told me that they’ll pick me up. I told her that’s cool, since I don’t need to move my stepmother’s car outside. Then she told me that they’re coming now. I realized that I wasn’t ready yet. I wore black jeans and a pink shirt that said “party like it’s the end of the world”. I put gel on my hair, then told my father that I’m going out. Then I heard a car coming. I went outside and got in the car. I greeted everyone. It was quite dark in the back, but I could see Artemis. It’s been a long time since I saw her. She looked amazing, even though she’s in her “college time” clothes. When we were on our way, Artemis told said that she forgot to ask me to bring my charger. I said that we still could turn around since we weren’t far from my home. Then Jimmy turned the car around to drive back to my home. I didn’t expect him to drive back. I was surprised. When we got to my home, I rushed quickly to get my charger cable and my powerbank. I rushed back and gave Artemis my cable and powerbank. Then we went on our way to somewhere. They discussed what they wanted to eat. I told them that I already ate KFC chicken, so I won’t be eating much. After discussing for a while they decide to eat at a Chinese restaurant. We arrived and got out of the car. When we got in the restaurant, I was reminded of the time I last came here...
It was during December of my freshman year. It was the last month of 2012. I had a terrible time there and it was also a time when I terribly missed Sakari. I truly wanted her there with me. I think I had let the class know that I was somewhat sad. There was a short girl with curly hair that sat beside me. She spoke to me, probably out of boredom. We got to know each other for a bit. She was the first gamer girl I met. After the meals in that Chinese restaurant, the class went outside to walk around. Not long later I heard someone shout my name. I looked around and saw that my dad was waiting for me, which meant that I head to head home. It sucked that I couldn’t spend more time with the class. I was confused as to where the class was headed, but realized soon after that they knew the city better than I did at the moment. They probably had a great time anyway. I gained no happiness points that night. I really wasted money on that one...
Marilyn, Jimmy, Artemis and I entered the Chinese restaurant and we immediately caught a whiff of the fried rice and noodles. We took a seat and waited for a waitress or waiter to arrive. Though I had doubts on the latter since I saw a lot of waitresses working here. One came and gave us the menu. They discussed on what we should eat. I told them that I was cool with their decisions. The discussion went on for a while, but while they were discussing I took glances at Artemis whenever the opportunity arose. I was being careful not to stare at her or look at her frequently, since Marilyn sat in front of me. Marilyn has good eye for noticing irregular appearance of patterns. After a while they decided on the meals and Jimmy ordered the food. We waited for quite some time, while we spoke. We spoke about the food, the (to-me-it’s-not-really-a) sun eclipse that happened that week. I spoke about how my 2-year old half-brother said his first words. I spoke about how there’s a guy at the university I used to go to that didn’t know the most local fried chicken restaurant. Jimmy was surprised that there is such a guy. He said that even the people in a faraway district like Cirenkie even knew what it was even though they had never tasted the local restaurant's chicken before. We ate and talked until we were done. We had asked for a doggy-bag to bring the left overs home.
Marilyn wanted to drive, so she took the car keys from her boyfriend. We left the parking spot to enter the city. I wondered where we would go next, but I didn't want to ask out of fear that they might think that I hadn't completely listened to their conversation. After a few talks about dogs and girls they rarely talk to, I realized that we were just driving around. I only recognized a few of the places we were driving around. The Jimmy saw a Rottweiler walking on the sidewalk. It appeared to be healthy and it seemed it had no owner.  Jimmy wanted the dog so bad, so he asked his girlfriend to stop the car beside the dog. I told him to use the meat we had in the leftover bag. He took it and used it to lure the dog. But the dog didn't move an inch closer to him. It actually took steps back and turned tail. It kept looking back as it ran away. Jimmy was baffled and upset by this and threw the meat to the nearby stray dogs instead. Then he told Marilyn to follow that dog. We kept following that dog in a elite-looking neighborhood. Then it slipped through one of the elite home's gate. Then we realized that the dog lived there with the other Rottweilers. Jimmy found it funny that we had followed the dog all the way only to find out it already had an owner. We proceeded to drive around. A while later we got into a road with no lamp posts that led to some sort of apartment with many green/red lights. I don't know if I heard correctly, but I think it was a place where you bring your prostitutes or buy prostitutes. Either way, it was a place where you can have sex discreetly.  After a while we went back to the city and drove around. Then I realized we were driving towards my neighborhood. I kept wishing for this not to end, because it was too soon. I was already 12 am or something, so I wanted more. I wanted more of "not staying home". But it was evident enough that I was being brought home. I said goodbye to all of them and entered my home... unfulfilled.
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junctiongate · 8 years
Exopolis One: Planetfall
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My first sensation on waking was the breathing tubes being pulled from my nose as they scraped along my nasal cavity. It wasn't done gently. I gasped and immediately started coughing up the nutrient gelatin that had seeped through my mouth and into the back of my throat.
I didn't want to move. But it was cold. Why is it so cold?
We were running from something. Dad held my hand when we went through the clouds of smoke. Hurry. Hurry! I could hear the shouting behind us. The screaming started. Don't look back. Keep running. The ship is just ahead.
I coughed again and whimpered.
"Carmen," a female voice called out, "Can you hear me?"
The ship was dirty, like it had been on fire. The ramp was extended, but I could hear the whine of the engines ready to take off. I stumbled and went flying onto the concrete, scraping my hands and knees. Dad picked me up and ran into the ship. Close the ramp! someone yelled. Dad slumped against the bulkhead and slid to the floor, still holding me tightly. Carmen, my little Carmen. He began rocking me back and forth. It's going to be okay. I didn't realize he was crying until I felt him shaking. Then I started to sob too.
I felt a warm, wet cloth wiping my eyes. My whole body was shivering from the chill.
"I'm wiping the nu-gel off from your face. It tends to cake around the eyes, especially after being in suspension for a few years."
"Dad, it's going to be okay. Daddy! Don't cry."
"Carmen, honey, your dad isn't here. He wasn't assigned to our colony."
I opened my eyes only to be almost blinded by the bright light in the room. Blinking rapidly, I tried to make sense of the room and the woman bending over me.
"You're going to be weak and disoriented for a little while," she said. "so just stay still for now. You've been in suspension for over three years. My name is Alicia. I'm slowly bringing your core temperature back up. The tube in your right arm is a stem-cell rich blood mixture to repair your cellular tissue from the suspension. The tube in your left arm is removing the cryoprotectant solution from your veins."
"What colony? Where is he?" My voice was hoarse.
"Here, drink this." She put a straw to my lips. "What's the last thing you remember?"
I sipped the water and then coughed again. What was happening?
"We…we escaped Earth and made it to Mars, but had to leave again when it started getting bad. My mom didn't make it, I don't think. Then we were on the Esperanza back to Earth orbit and then…oh…"
She waited, nodding at me to continue.
"Then Dad told me I had to go into suspension because we were leaving the solar system to make a new colony. But where is he? Is he still in suspension?"
"No, honey, at least, I'm not sure. Maybe. But he isn't here. After you were put into suspension, the adults had a lot of meetings to try to figure out what to do in order for humanity to survive. The ship captains and the commanders of the orbitals decided to split everyone up according to their skills, so each colony had a chance at survival. Your dad was assigned to a different colony."
"But…but when will I get to see him?"
She took my hand gently. "Carmen, I don't think we'll ever get to see the people from the other colonies again."
"No! No, where is he?" I shoved her hand away and tried not to cry. Why? Why would he leave me?
I spent the next 12 hours hooked up to the IVs, slowly getting used to being awake again. Alicia came to see me multiple times, first to wash away the rest of the nu-gel from my body, then to give me more liquids and to help me practice walking and moving again. I slept a little between her visits, but each time I woke up feeling even more hollow and alone.
My muscles were weak and so I had to have electrotherapy sessions to help strengthen them. The electricity didn't hurt, but my whole body felt sore and bruised as if I had been in a fight. I had just finished with a round of therapy when my door opened and a tall man with a dark curly beard and glasses walked in.
"Carmen Warwick?" he asked. "I'm Lieutenant Levi, in charge of coordinating personnel and supplies from the Anchorage to the colony down on the planet. Are you feeling well enough for a little walk?"
I nodded and gingerly followed him out the door, the first time I had left my room.
"I'm not sure how much Alicia has told you yet," he said as we walked down a corridor, "but you're aboard a ship called the Anchorage. After you were put in suspension, we spent about two years orbiting Earth, preparing all of the ships for wave travel and colonization. During that time, we also took inventory of the skills, ages, genders, and health of everyone left and did our best to distribute them equally among all of the ships."
"But why couldn't I be with my Dad?" I asked.
The Lieutenant stopped next to a panel on the wall. "We did our best to keep families together, but we needed to balance a lot of factors. The tension was already extremely high among the survivors and so we felt that the fairest way to split everyone up was to have a computer make the choices based on all of the information.
"I know it's hard, Carmen," he sighed. "The computer assigned my wife to a different colony as well. It's been over a year since I last saw her and I still miss her. You're always going to miss your dad. But for right now, we're going to need everyone's help to survive."
He pressed a button and the panel began to lower into the wall.
"We arrived here about six months ago. We've named it the Thagaste System. If you look out the window here, you'll see our new home, Augustine."
The curve of the planet filled three-quarters of the window. It wasn't like Earth or Mars. A band of white circled the planet, which was otherwise a gradient of browns, getting progressively darker closer to the band. There were no blues or greens to be seen anywhere. Beyond the band was the night side of the planet.
"As best we can tell, Augustine is mostly tidally-locked to Thagaste, meaning that the same side almost always faces the sun. I say almost because there is an offset between Augustine's orbit and its rotation, but it's a small one, just 2%. The white you see down there at the day/night terminator is ice. Because Augustine's year is 312 days but it rotates in about 306 days, we think that over a long period of time, almost 50 years, that ice will gradually thaw and refreeze, eventually traveling around the planet."
"Can we even live there?" I asked. "Aren't there any planets with water or grass?"
"We're going to try to live there," he answered, "but it won't be easy. There are other planets in the system and Augustine was the best candidate. It's the closest to earth gravity at 1.1 gee; you'll feel a little heavier down there, but you'll get used to it. The other planets are either a lot hotter or a lot colder. We can't breathe the air on Augustine, but it does have a strong magnetosphere, which will keep us safe from radiation."
I tried to take it all in, but the thought of living on a new world without my family was almost overwhelming. I couldn't think of any more questions. Instead, I just stared out the window.
"If you look at that dark patch in the snow near the polar region," Lieutenant Levi continued, pointing, "that's where we're building our colony. We'll have some years of complete sunlight and some years of complete dark, but we won't have the same temperature extremes as we would near the equator.
"Our colony is named Exopolis One because it's the first human colony on an exoplanet. It's mostly underground for protection, but you'll see that when you go down."
My stomach tightened and I looked at my feet, not wanting to look at him or out the window anymore. "When will I go down? What will I do there? Who will I live with?"
"Don't worry," he said gently, "you won't be alone. We're still waking up the other children your age and you'll all be going down together in a few days with a group of adults. We didn't wake you up right when we got here because we wanted to get the colony started and make sure we could sustain everyone there.
"When you get down there, you'll each be assigned to a family. You'll have some schooling, but we're also going to need your help because there is still a lot to do down there. I know you're young, but we are going to need you to be as much like an adult as you can be. Right now we need help with food preparation, maintenance, and horticulture. Do you think you can be brave and help out like that, Carmen?"
I tried to study my feet for a while longer, but he didn't say anything else. He was waiting for my reply. Finally, I looked back up at him.
"I think so."
Five days later, we were all called together in the cafeteria. There were sixteen of us, seven adults and nine teenagers. I didn't see any younger children, but maybe they were still in suspension.
Over the past few days, I had met several of the other teens as we continued our physical therapy and learned more about Augustine. Tyler seemed excited about going down to the surface; he kept looking out the windows and couldn't seem to stay still, constantly fidgeting. Jolene was quiet and had dark circles under her eyes from crying. Her twin, Hannah, had been assigned to a different colony, for "purposes of genetic diversity", she said, and she wasn't handling it well. Rockford was quiet as well, but he was pale and clammy. It looked like he was going to be sick. I didn't know any of the others.
I was nervous and exhausted. The physical therapy sessions in the gravity centrifuge were draining as we worked our way up to Augustine's gravity, but more than that, I was just lonely. It had only been a few days ago that I had last seen my dad, at least from my perspective, and I was never going to see him again. The others on the ship were nice, but constantly busy, and so I had a lot of time to myself…
Lieutenant Levi entered the cafeteria, causing everyone to break out of their own private thoughts.
"All right," he said crisply, "I'll keep this short. As you might have guessed, you'll be going planetside today. In fact, directly after this meeting. You'll have a few minutes to collect any personal effects you might have in your rooms and then you'll need to make your way to the airlock to board the lander.
"Augustine is a tough planet. You won't be able to make any mistakes. If you do, you could end up killing yourself and those around you. Follow the regulations at all times, both in the colony and outside. Always be aware of your surroundings. Always check in, always make sure you have full supplies, and always plan for the worst-case scenario. No messing around.
"Exopolis One, or E1 for short, is the very definition of a frontier colony. It's rough, there's no luxury, and there's a lot of hard work down there. We're going to rotate everyone in shifts, but you're going to get tired out quickly, and not just from the higher gravity. Things will get better over time, but right now we're in survival mode, trying just to get to a point of self-sustainability. Once we get there, we'll be resupplying and outfitting the other three ships in our little flotilla so that they can establish new colonies in nearby systems. We'll be supporting those colonies until they're also self-sufficient.
"On the ground, Captain Akari Hyro is in charge. She's smart, capable, organized and she won't hesitate to toss you in the brig if you get out of line. And trust me, there is one. She's also a kind and fair woman and we couldn't have a better person leading the colony. You'll get a full briefing on the rules of the colony and your assignments once you land. Any questions?"
Everyone looked around at each other, but no one spoke. "Okay then," said the lieutenant, "you have ten minutes to report to the airlock. Grab whatever you need and don't be late."
The room emptied out quickly as everyone rushed to grab their belongings. I didn't have anything to bring, so I lingered, looking out the window again at Augustine's surface, wondering how looked on the ground and what my life would be like there.
Finally, I made my way to the airlock, where a man was handing out pressurized suits and showing people how to put them on before allowing them to pass through the airlock.
When my turn came, he handed me a red and gray one-piece suit, gloves, boots, and a helmet. My name was stitched on a patch on the breast. The airtight zipper ran down the neck and the right side and was covered by another flap. The back of the suit was covered with solar fabric to charge the electronics and other embedded systems.
When I had the suit on, he made some adjustments and showed me how to change out air tanks, use the comm system, the emergency flares, and the waste reclamation unit.
"The lander is pressurized, but you'll be wearing this suit all the time on the surface," he told me as he straightened my helmet with a click. "It's yours to take care of and to make sure it stays in working order. Every time, you make sure you run all of the diagnostics and are fully charged before going outside. If you have any problems, see the logistics officer right away."
After he was satisfied with my understanding of the suit, he motioned me through the airlock.
The inside of the lander was cramped, with crates and heavy equipment stacked everywhere, strapped to the exposed gunmetal gray bulkheads with thick bands of fabric or steel cords. There were no windows or even seats. The others were tying themselves to the walls with loose cable, so I found an empty spot and did so as well.
It took over an hour to get everyone in place, but finally the airlock door was closed and sealed. The sudden voice of the pilot in my ear made me jump.
"We're just about to detach from the Anchorage. It'll take about twenty minutes for us to reach the edge of the atmosphere. Reentry will be bumpy and loud for about ten minutes, but don't worry, that's normal. After that we'll be under powered thrust as we make our way down to the E1 landing pad. Keep your suits and helmets on the whole time, because we'll be walking on the surface once we land. Make you're strapped in securely now because reentry will toss you around a lot if you're not. Enjoy the flight and see you on the surface!"
A clunking sound came from the airlock as the lander disengaged. My arms and legs floated out from my body as the gravity suddenly disappeared. Across from me, someone's unsecured duffel bag drifted lazily toward the ceiling.
It seemed like only seconds had passed before the pilot again came on the comm. "Okay everyone, hang tight. We're about to enter the atmosphere."
The lander began to shudder back and forth, at first just a little but then violently. The cargo was straining against the straps. All around me, the other passengers were gripping tightly to whatever they could find. I could hear the atmosphere outside rushing past the lander like a hurricane made of blowtorches.
I gritted my teeth and closed my eyes, hoping it would be over soon.
The minutes seemed like they stretched into hours, but abruptly the shaking stopped. There was a brief sensation of falling (the duffel bag went tumbling to the floor), but then the landing thrusters kicked in, slowly smoothing our descent.
I was sweating and I realized every muscle was tensed. Trying to calm myself, I started doing a breathing exercise my dad showed me for when I got scared. In through the nose, out through the mouth.
The landing thrusters got louder and the lander shifted back and forth slightly until it finally came to a rest with a gentle bump. There was a whine as the thrusters powered down and then an unsettling silence after all the noise.
"Welcome to Augustine," the pilot's voice crackled. "We're going to open the airlock door shortly, so please make sure your suits are secure."
I untangled myself from the wall and stood up fully, only to want to sit down almost immediately. The gravity was heavy! Even with the physical therapy, I felt like the floor was trying to pull me down.
The pilot came into the cargo area and double-checked everyone's suit before going to the airlock control panel and pressing a button. The air was drawn through the vents to the life support reserves with a hiss before the outside air was pumped in. Finally, the pilot opened the airlock door and walked down the extended ramp.
I was in the middle of the lander, so I had to wait as the others exited one by one. Outside, I could see glimpses of dark rock and patches of white snow. The wind whistled in through the airlock and I shivered, even though I couldn't actually feel the cold.
Then it was my turn.
With a deep breath, I exited the lander through the airlock and took my first steps on the planet that was going to be my new home.
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