memoriakissed · 1 year
            ❝ I look forward to working with you today. ❞
    Comes a sweet voice from the doorway, she bowing. The Korean popstar found herself working with Japanese talent today. . . Not that she minded. She had always admired TRIGGER && of late often times found comfort in their music.
      It was funny. . . An idol seeking solace in another artist's work, but such was life && was that not one of the many purpose of music? To heal? To inspire? To aid one in the darkest of times?
   Of course, the smile upon her features was quite fake, but what was an artist to do? She was fighting to get out of this hiatus, lest she stay forever out of the music scene && this opportunity had opened up to her. Her manager had been eager for her to take it && much to his delight ( && after several weeks of almost begging ) she had finally accepted.
      As golden hues settled upon the trio in front of her, she became blantantly aware of a key detail: These three were not HUMAN. In fact, if her instincts were correct, they were of the DEMON family. Incubi? Yes. . . That seemed right.
   Not that it mattered to vulpine star. She had worked with worse, hell, dated other supernaturals.
      Her mind drifts to Cassopeia. . . 
   Ears flick as she realizes they've introduced themselves, she quickly composing herself, as she flashes another brilliant smile, before moving to sit next to Ryunosuke.
            ❝ So tell me. . . Do I make any of you nervous with what I am? ❞
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leopardeyed · 1 year
∗ 14﹕ a  text  sent  while  half  asleep . (From your Tenn, to Gaku)
(about a month after them getting together, Tenn still having to stay mostly at Kujo's place.)
          「 sometimes when i look at th enight sky and see the stars i think of you. 」
          「 idk something about those glittering lights make me think of your eyes. 」
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rurounihearted · 1 year
           ❝ Oro. . . ? ❞
   Kenshin has picked up a smartphone && is examining it from all sides, trying to figure out how it does the thing he sees all the modern day folk doing.
      Which one of the three is going to handle this? All three have witnessed it.
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vermiliondreamer · 1 year
∗ 23﹕ a  text  containing  a  pick - up  line . (Gaku)
          「 Hey babe 」
          「 Just wanted to know if you're free tonight for a little secret night of our own 」
          「 Alright. Yeah. No. I'm shit at this. Why did I think to try to flirt??? Please ignore me. 」
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vermiliondreamer · 1 year
∗ 26﹕ an  affectionate  text . (Tenn)
         「 Hey, hope you're not too busy right now but 」
          「 Just... wanted to say i love you 」
          「 Can't wait to see you when you're off work, missing you. 」
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vermiliondreamer · 1 year
∗ o4﹕ a  text  sent  out  of  excitement . (Ryu)
         「 Ryu!! Ryu!!!! 」
          「 re:vale just invited me to skate during one of their live performances, I think i'm going to die from it but oh my god!!!!!! 」
          「 ...oh god re:vale asked me to skate for them, wait- 」
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leopardeyed · 1 year
❝ They’re ’s a 10, but..Don't know the correct fucking setting names on the AC. ❞
❝ It's not my fault that a twice rejected 10 thinks he's somehow smarter than me. ❞
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leopardeyed · 1 year
❛  you're amazing just the way you are.  ❜ -Ryu, to Tenn.
            ❝ Ryu. . . ❞
   Tenn should have seen it coming. . . He really should have. Ryunosuke had been so snuggly and warm this afternoon, outright having picked the center up and set him in his lap to hold him close. Not that Tenn was complaining. . . He rather liked the feeling of the taller's strong arms around him. It made him feel secure. . . Made him feel at HOME.             ❝ I'm flattered, Ryu. ❞ Cheeks have tinted ever so slightly now. ❝ But I have to ask, what's brought all of this on? ❞
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leopardeyed · 1 year
❛  no matter what, i'll always have your back.  ❜ Gaku, to Tenn.
            ❝ I know. . . ❞
   He knew this, he did, but it didn't change the fact he was having a rough day. Things had gone wrong in same shape or form and to top it all off even his brother was angry with him. Pink quartz settle upon TRIGGER's leader, offering a sad smile.
            ❝ Doesn't change the fact it feels like the whole damn world is falling down sometimes. ❞
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leopardeyed · 1 year
@secretxnight's Ryu didn't ask for this but-
   Silver hues studied the other... Ryunosuke was busy cooking, quietly humming to himself. Gaku had just gotten home and every time he saw the other he couldn't help, but think the same thing... Except tonight he decided to voice that reoccurring thought.
            ❝ You know, every time I see you, I fall in love with you all over again. ❞    If only the brat was here to witness the island boy's fall.
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