#secrets of asshai
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@salzrand - Witch-girl knows what's up <3
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eddtollett · 2 years
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HAPPY SECRET SANSA @stavos ! what if we were a toxic polycule and also statues of the seven and we got burnt as an offering to r'hollor. what then
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asshaid · 9 months
i was watching a tiktok that showed valyrian fashion style and how much it remind me of of how melisandre herself dresses, which just fuels more my empire of the dawn actually being asshai or asshai being the doomed capital of the lost empire and what remain went to valyria.
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romantichoneypie · 2 months
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Author's notes: I'm doing this to make it easier to access some things I've already done,I may end up writing for another character but only on request or because I want to.
Requests: Open!,Always feel free to make requests, both bots, headcanons and fanfic, I also write for male characters but the preference will always be the female characters!
Fandoms: "that's not my neighbor","Game of Thrones," "House of the Dragon","yellowjacket" and "stardew valley"
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That's not my neighbor:
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nacha mikaelys /tasting you (smut/fluff) Mia stone /bad idea! (smut/fluff)
Elenois sverchzt /gimme more (smut)
Lilith lilitu lilit /I know how hex you (smut/fluff)
Fem!Teutates taranis/ Don't fall in love (smut/fluff)
anazareth and lilith
for lilith
Mia stone (Afternoon with your secret girlfriend)
Lilith lilitu lilit (your girlfriend's blood deposit)
Yan Luo Wang Diyu (being engaged to the princess of death)
Game of Thrones:
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Nothing here yet...
Nothing here yet...
Tywin Lannister (arranged marriage being a hightower)
Ros (Without a noble and she is his lover)
Melisandre of Asshai (she is your lover and you are heir to Lys)
Cersei lannister (Your wife is pregnant)
House of the dragon:
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Nothing here yet...
Nothing here yet...
Helaena targaryen (you are her servant and lover)
Alicent hightower (You married her)
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Nothing here yet...
Nothing here yet...
Emma Decody/bates motel (she has cystic fibrosis but will still want your kisses)
Luce/imagine me and you (your best friend have a crush on you)
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lanabenikosdoormat · 6 days
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The boy from Asshai and his many secrets
My scheming little freak, more to come about him sooner than later 👻
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15-lizards · 1 year
Have you talked about what you think people would wear in Asshai yet?
Yes! I did a fun little post here but I’ll give u some more bc why not
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This one is actually based on canon bc it’s said that the sorcerers “who dwell there wear masks or veils…ride in palanquins of ebony and iron, hidden behind dark curtains.” So obviously there is a very secretive, mysterious energy around the people who live in Asshai. It’s a dangerous place and maybe it’s foolish for someone to be very out in the open, so people dress head to toe in long robes and shifts, with shawls pulled over their shoulders and heads. Veils on their faces that obscure them from view, and protect them with magic they cast upon them. I know the rituals are intricate
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I find it interesting that Targaryen antis will go on and on about protecting the cultures of the Andals, First Men, Dornish, and the Ghiscari while condemning and wanting to eradicate Valyrian traditions.
Valyrian customs, like incest, are constantly condemned and hated, meanwhile any incest the other houses engage in on a regular basis are ignored or excused. Joanna Lannister is Tywin's cousin, the Starks only married other Northern lords (meaning a very small gene pool to choose from), and uncle-niece marriages were common.
Antis also love to ignore a crucial fact about the Targaryens. They are one of the last Valyrian houses and the last house of dragonlords. Houses Velaryon and Celtigar are the only other Valyrian houses still in existence, and House Celtigar has long since lost their connection to their Valyrian roots. There's a reason why the Velaryons are the house the Targaryens marry with the most. It has nothing to do with "blood purity", it's about preserving their dying culture.
The Valyrian culture is basically dead by the time of the the Conquest, even more so in ASOIAF. The Valyrian religion is only practiced in Volantis by some aristocrats, Lys and Volantis are the only places where the Valyrian people still survive other than the Targaryens and Velaryons. As time goes on, the Targaryen and Velaryon blood becomes more and more mixed with that of the Andals and First Men, one day, they will be like the Celtigars, only having their roots be Valyrian.
Valyrian magic was once the most powerful in the world, able to even tame dragons. However, after the Doom, the secrets of their magic were lost. This is why Valyrian steel, glass candles, and their horns are so rare and valuable. The Freehold was once the center of magic in the world, now that has moved to Asshai and magic is slowly dying out.
Therefore, it makes sense that the Targaryens seek to protect their culture in what ways they can. Aegon the Conqueror sacrificed many of their traditions to appease the Westerosi lords and others were abandoned over time.
Now, it does make sense to not approve of some Valyrian traditions, like incest, blood magic, and slavery. However, using these as excuses to hate the Targaryens while supporting other cultures who have similar or identical traditions is just hypocritical. Condemning the Valyrians for slavery while saying Dany leading a fight against Ghiscari slavers is wrong is not a real argument against Valyria. Saying Targaryen incest is wrong makes sense if you hold everyone else to the same modern standards. Condemning the Targaryen and/or Valyrian conquests is fine, but then you'd have to condemn the Starks' conquest of the North or the Andals invasion.
Basically, if you have issues with Valyrian culture/traditions that makes sense, but condemning them while supporting other cultures that practice the same things you condemn Valyrians for is just hypocritical.
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dyannawynnedayne · 1 year
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"My mother was godswife before me, and taught me all the songs and spells most pleasing to the Great Shepherd, and how to make the sacred smokes and ointments from leaf and root and berry. When I was younger and more fair, I went in caravan to Asshai by the Shadow, to learn from their mages. Ships from many lands come to Asshai, so I lingered long to study the healing ways of distant peoples. A moonsinger of the Jogos Nhai gifted me with her birthing songs, a woman of your own riding people taught me the magics of grass and corn and horse, and a maester from the Sunset Lands opened a body for me and showed me all the secrets that hide beneath the skin."
Mirri Maz Duur in her home, shortly before the arrival of the khalasar.
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jozor-johai · 26 days
Recently was close reading the Melisandre chapter and wondered about this line:
Melisandre had practiced her art for years beyond count, and she had paid the price. There was no one, even in her order, who had her skill at seeing the secrets half-revealed and half-concealed within the sacred flames.
This mention of "her order"—are we meant to take this as meaning "all R'hllor worshippers"... or is this the introduction of a special "order" of R'hllor worshippers that Melisandre specifically belongs to?
We know already that she has an unorthodox interpretation of R'hllor teachings: the Temple of the Lord of Light in Volantis has fully endorsed Dany as Azor Ahai reborn, now, but Mel has been in Westeros for over a year already convinced that her Azor Ahai is Stannis.
Also, Mel has been unique so far among other Red Priests we've seen in using shadowbinding magic as well as the magic prophecy of the fires. Is this mention of "her order" a splinter sect of shadowbinder R'hllor worshippers from Asshai?
Of course, this might also be making a mountain from a molehill... it's just that since her interpretation of R'hllor is so idiosyncratic thus far, it's easy to assume she's just a rogue agent acting on her own. It would be interesting if there are actually more on her side, and if she's really part of a whole distant order of her own.
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starkdirewolflove · 2 months
House of the Dragon
Baela is talking with Corlys at the docks and reminiscing about her grandmother and the love Corlys had for her and his great journeys. He’s despondent and rejects Rhaenyra’s offer as Hand but Baela sets him straight that Rhaenys was more than just his wife that he lost: she was a princess, a dragon rider, a warrior, the queen who should have been and she died a dragon riders death, just as Laena did and just as Baela wants. She will see Rhaenyra on the iron throne no matter what. Corlys is inspired by his granddaughter and wants to name her heir but she is fire and blood and says the driftwood throne should pass to salt and sea. He accepts the badge.
At Kingslanding Rhaenyra’s handmaiden Elinda is on her secret mission, she gets a gold cloak to let her into the city by telling him she works for the white worm. She goes to a house and I think the woman she meets was one of the maids in the red keep.
Alicent sits by Aegon’s bed and he’s in bad shape, a broken leg and half his body is burned. Aemond is standing before the iron throne and Haeleana is there, she asks him “was it worth the cost?” She probably dreamt the outcome of the battle. I’m interested to see what their relationship is like, I don’t think we’ve ever seen those two speak to each other before.
Back in the Riverlands and Daemon’s scorched earth mission with the Blackwoods has backfired. All the riverlords come to Harrenhal in the night to berate Daemon for the crimes the Blackwoods have committed against the smallfolk and the holy places, Daemon starts hallucinating Laena again and starts to feel guilty for how badly he’s fucked up. The riverlords will not support a tyrant who orders children murdered in front of their mother.
Back to Dragonstone and Rhaenyra is sending Ser Alfred to treat with Daemon and see how he’s progressing in the riverlands and if he’s decided to accept her as his queen.
Jace arrives back and mother and son have a long discussion/debate about their next steps. Rhaenyra has been reading about Queen Visenya, Vhagar first rider and wielder of Dark Sister, Jace doesn’t think Rhaenyra should try to emulate her and Rhaenyra is sick of being told to stay behind because she’s a woman. She knows Jace wants to fight and so does she, they discuss Aemond being in charge now and he won’t wait to strike, Syrax is smaller but quicker and Vhagar is already wounded from her battle with Meyles. Jace comes up with a plan to find riders for Vermithor and Silverwing as House Targaryen has descendants in other parts of Westeros and they could help turn the war in their favour. “It’s a mad plan,” Rhaenyra says but it’s the best they’ve got along with a massive load of scrolls and records to sift through.
I’m guessing the Sowing of the Dragonseeds will happen next week. Can’t wait to see the Bronze Fury up close.
I think Alicent is starting to get a better idea of how Rhaenyra felt in Kingslanding when Viserys was still alive, she may have had power and position but without her father to prop her up she’s easily dismissed even by her own son and lover. I also think she’s seeing Cole as the faithless, hypocrite he is instead of the gallant knight he pretends to be. He thought he was offering Rhaenyra the world by asking her to give up the crown and her inheritance to run away with him to Asshai and be a farmers wife, now he’s decided Alicent is too pure and delicate to preside over a war council. As if she’s gonna be in the field of battle herself and see the atrocities up close. She’s also starting to realise what a monster she’s created in Aemond the kinslayer.
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eddiemadmunson · 2 years
Little mouse part 5
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Paring: Aemond x reader
Warning: 18+, dirty talk, oral sex
A/N: English is not my 1st language
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
You were late. It was past midnight when you were sneaking through the cold corridors of the silent castle. Helaena kept you busy all evening and when she finally went to bed you had to take a quick bath. You didn’t want to visit Aemond and smell like child’s vomit. Jaehaerys felt sick and threw up all over your dress. 
And it wasn’t that easy to sneak into Prince’s chambers. He was heavily guarded by the royal guards. You were able to reach his door only because you knew the secret passage. 
He will be so angry at you, or maybe he got tired of waiting and left his rooms and went to the city to find some willing girl to fuck. That idea disturbed you more than you wanted to admit. He wasn’t your lover, he was a Prince, you were only a distraction for him, you had no claim on him. He will marry some noble lady sooner or later. You were nobody, just a servant girl. Sure, you had some privileges because your father was a successful merchant and Helaena was spoiling you, but you were not a match for king’s son. And he certainly didn’t want to marry you he only wanted to have fun with you. You sighed sadly and finally reached his chambers. 
You suddenly felt really nervous. 
“Do you really want to do this?” you asked yourself for the tenth time today. Your doubts were interrupted by echoes of a distant footsteps. You knocked on the door, quickly slipping inside, before you were spotted by ser Criston Cole. 
You looked around the room and immediately spotted Aemond sitting on the small sofa in front of the fireplace with huge book in his lap
“You are late!” he said calmly, but you could hear the anger in his voice.
“I am sorry my prince, your sister…”
“I don’t care, come here, you will be punished for it later,” he interrupted you, his eye shinning with wicked glint. You quickly walked to him, not wanting to make him more angry
“Sit!”, he said and his gaze followed you as you walked on wobbly legs towards him. You sat next to him and he looked away from you and continued reading his book.
You tried to see what he was reading but you were scared that he wouldn’t like your curiosity. You took the opportunity of sitting so close to him while he was reading and discretely admired his beauty. 
Suddenly he closed the book with loud “bang” and tossed it away, making you squeal.
“Do you know that it’s rude to stare at people?” he asked you, his eye burning holes into your soul.
“I, I wasn’t staring,” you stuttered, blushing wildly.
“You were staring at me and you were distracting me from reading my book,” he added and leaned closer to you. 
“Was that book an interesting one, my prince?” you barely whispered, when you felt his hot breath on your cheek.
“It was interesting until you came here and started distracting me, little mouse. It’s not easy to read when you feel someone’s curious eyes on you,” he whispered against your ear and inhaled deeply.
“You smell like vanilla, my dear little mouse. Did you find a time to take a bath? Is that the reason why you were late?” he asked you and your breath hitched in your throat when he licked the sensitive skin behind your ear.
“I had to do it, my Prince. Little Jaehaerys is sick and he threw up all over my dress,” you said and immediately regretted it, it wasn’t the best conversation topic. But Aemond only snickered.
“I told Helaena that she gives them too many sweets, but she never listens to me,” he shook his head. 
“Where did you get vanilla scented perfume, it’s expensive?” he asked curiously and his long fingers grazed the skin on your neck, lifting your chin. 
“Maybe you got it from an admirer?” he suggested, his eye darkened with jealousy.
“My father is a merchant my Prince, he brought it from Asshai. Do you like it?” you asked and he simply nodded.
“And what is your favorite scent, my Prince Aemond?” you asked him boldly.
“Isn’t it obvious? I love the smell of a dragon. The smell of freedom, when you are flying on its massive back, the smell of power, when you know that nothing and no-one can stop you. Have you ever smelled a dragon, little mouse?” he asked you, his lips so close to yours that they were almost touching.
“No, your sister never takes me with her when she goes flying on Dreamfyre, but I once saw Sunfyre real close, he is so beautiful,” you said dreamily and Aemond rolled his eyes. 
“What about Vhagar, do you find her beautiful?” he asked you darkly.
“Oh, she is beautiful in her own way,” you said nervously.
“So you think that my dragon is ugly,” he said in a voice laced with anger.
“What?? NO!! She is just really old dragon. Beauty isn’t her strongest virtue,” you said and quickly added.
“But beauty is not the most important attribute for a dragon, my Prince. She is the largest, strongest, oldest, the most powerful dragon in the world. She is very intelligent, cunning and loyal to her rider. There is no other dragon in the world who would win against her!” you said and Aemond’s tension lessened. 
“And Sunfyre may be pretty, but Vhagar has much more beautiful rider, my prince,” you flirted and he scoffed. 
“Hmm, I didn’t think that you are a liar, little mouse,” he said, making you frown in confusion.
“I am not a liar!!” you said loudly and he grabbed your chin painfully in his strong lean fingers. 
“You think that I am prettier than Aegon?”
“Of course you are!!”
“Ladies at the court have a different opinion”. 
“Then they are idiots and they don’t deserve your attention,” you said fiercely.
“I am sorry, my Prince. I shouldn’t talk like this about the ladies,” you added quickly, remembering that you are servant and you could be punished for saying something like this. 
Your apologies were interrupted by his lips smashing against yours. 
You moaned at the now familiar taste of his lips, your eyes widened when you felt Aemond’ tongue plunge into your mouth, completely dominating it. You tried to fight with him for dominance, but he pulled at your hair, making you moan, deepening the kiss. He lifted you from the sofa and sat you on his lap, straddling him. You wrapped your hands around his neck, kissing him back with so much passion that you felt like you’re burning. You tried your luck and your hand found its way into his long silver hair. They were so soft, you just wished to spent the whole day playing with his beautiful hair. You pulled at it little bit and he groaned and it was the sexiest sound you have ever heard. 
You were kissing for a while when he finally let you take a breath. Your heart was beating wildly, but he didn’t let you take a break and started placing open mouth kisses on your exposed neck, his teeth grazing across the sensitive flesh, making you moan his name. You instinctively rolled your hips over his, gasping when you felt how hard he is. 
“You just reminded me, that you owe me, little mouse, get down on your knees!” he commanded and you quickly obeyed with fear mixed with excitement running through your veins. 
He took off his pants and you gulped when you saw how big he was. You have never seen man naked but you were sure, that Aemond was not average
“Do you like what you see, little mouse?” he smirked when he saw your fascinated look.
“Touch me,” he ordered and you hesitantly wrapped your hand around his thick cock and he hissed in pleasure. You started moving your hand up and down his impressive length, watching with fascination that he was growing even bigger. 
“Fuck, little mouse, where did you learn what to do,” he asked suspiciously.
“You are not the only one who likes reading, my Prince,” you said shyly, proud that he seemed to like what you were doing. 
“What kind of books do you read, little mouse?” he gasped when you licked his head slowly.
“Forbidden ones,” you answered and took him in your mouth. With tear-filled eyes, you moaned onto his cock that only seemed to fit in half of your mouth before you started gagging. 
“I think that you need to learn, that books won’t teach you everything you need to know, little mouse!” he grabbed a fistful of your hair and forced your mouth lower down on his cock.
”Just relax your throat, it will be easier,” he suggested and you tried your best to do it, because you were choking. 
He pushed you deeper, his head hitting the back of your throat
“Breath through your nose. That’s it, what a good little mouse, taking my cock so good, taking it so deep inside your mouth,” he praised you and you felt your pussy clench. You were so wet from the moment he started kissing you, your arousal sliding down your thighs. 
Your slightly red eyes darted up to his face, he was staring right back at you, with so much desire in his eyes, that you tried to take him even deeper, choking around him, which sent vibration through his body. 
“You are the real treasure, little mouse,” he groaned and closed his eye when your curious tongue licked the underside of his cock
·You felt so proud of yourself to see him like this, that it was you who made him feel like this. You kept sucking him and your hand snaked discretely into your undergarments, your fingers started circling your clit. 
“What are you doing, little mouse?” he roughly pulled you up from your kneeling position. 
“I thought that I made it clear! You are not allowed to touch yourself. This pussy is mine, I am the only one who can touch you!!” he growled and you trembled, he was terrifying when he was angry. 
He grabbed your hand, bent you over his knee and hiked up your skirts.
“You need to learn, that when you disobey me, there will be punishment!” he said and you squealed in surprise as his hand smacked your ass suddenly. You heard a dark chuckle from him. The next smack was harder, you yelped in pain, but it felt surprisingly good. You whimpered and tried to push your hips away which earned you another hard smack against your ass cheeks.
”Stay still,“ he smacked you again and you couldn’t help yourself and let out a low moan.
”This was supposed to be a punishment, little mouse, but it seems you enjoy it,“ he smacked your sensitive flesh again and you moaned loudly.
“Kinky little mouse, I guess the best punishment would be to send you back to your room like this. Unsatisfied, with throbbing pussy and aching ass,” he smirked devilishly, landing another smack this time on your pussy which almost made you cum.
 “You are lucky, that I don’t have the patience to wait to be inside you any longer,” he purred into your ear as he picked you up and walked towards his bed.
Part 6  
Tag:   @moonmaiden1996 @andreeasancheez @nomugglesallowed @powellssaturn @filmelunar @schniiipsel @itzwhatever123 @cl-0-vr @ipadkidsworld @kitkat-writes-stuff @cullenswife @scaraza   @abcdefghi-lmnopqrstuvwxyz @random-human02, @schtrambotik @lilostif16​ @m0onchildsworld @hansensunshine​​
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ladystarksneedle · 1 year
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Criston has always enjoyed oranges. During the summer when trade had been good that year, the Dondarrions would indulge in oranges imported or rather smuggled across the Dornish marches. Sweets and savouries of the finest variety made from these very fruits were served at feasts and dinners. Sometimes when the "produce" had been in excess, the leftovers were given to the servants. A few of them would also resort to pocketing the bad ones rather than letting them go to waste. Criston knew it was a sin to steal, although was it really stealing that the servants indulged in? It could also be seen as preventing the favour of the gods from going to waste. That is what his father used to tell him at nights when they indulged in a couple of these bad oranges along with dry bread for supper.
Oranges were an important part of his childhood, a reminder of the simple pleasures of life. Of uncomplicated times where his only purpose was fulfilling his duty to his father and house by working hard, behaving well and being rewarded by the gift of enjoying these simple delicacies from time to time.
Oranges left a bad taste in his mouth now.
"Do you think I'd choose infamy over duty. Over a bushel of oranges and a ship to Asshai?"
Even the sight of an orange haunted him now. This simple fruit served as a reminder of his lapse of judgement, of the derilection of all that he held dear, of his failure in keeping the oath he was bound by.
Oranges now reminded him of innocence lost, illusions shattered and the actual significance of his position in the world and the fragility of his very life. How could a fruit he enjoyed in secret now represent the lie he was living?
Perhaps, he thought, that the servants were actually stealing oranges in his childhood. Perhaps his father too, stole the ones they ate at night. Perhaps a sin, no matter how small it is, even when committed out of necessity or desire, warranted punishment.
But perhaps there was also room for understanding, of looking upon one's circumstance, one's dilemma and battle between the wills and desires of one's soul and the moral duty one strived to uphold. Perhaps there was hope for forgiveness.
Oranges were a sour reminder to him now, but an essential one nonetheless. One must not steal or sin if one can help it, but even if one does, there is always hope for repentance and a chance for redemption.
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From the Ashes Pt. 32
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Pairing(s): Pairing(s): Rhaegar Targaryen x Lannister!Reader, one-sided!Jaime Lannister x Lannister!Reader, Jaime Lannister x Cersei Lannister
Warnings: slow burn fic, changing povs, Reader POV
Words: 4513
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 3.5  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8  Part 9  Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 Part 24 Part 25 Part 26 Part 27 Part 28 Part 29 Part 30 Part 31 Part 33 Part 34 Part 35
Book Two of Dārilaros hen ōrbar se perzys (Heir of Ash and Fire)
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“No way. . .”
“My lady. . . Where did you obtain such a treasure?”
As you gawked at what you had thought to be a normal opal gemstone, you felt your mind spin uncontrollably with disbelief. There was absolutely no way. Dragon eggs had been all but gone in Westeros, even in Dragonstone where centuries earlier they had been abundant. The few that had been found by Aerys early on in his reign were unable to hatch and thus destroyed as they proved useless to him.
Maybe that was why you had been feeling a deeper type of warmth resonating from the beautiful egg. A life that had once had potential.
You told Inniros of Thalina and how a knight from Westeros along with Tyrion had delivered it to you. It indeed hailed from Dragonstone where you had spent your childhood with Thalina.
“To think that maid was actually a red priestess.” mused Tyrion as he was unable to tear his gaze from the dragon egg. All the stories hadn’t prepared him for the real thing. Inside was a baby dragon that never got the chance to live. Impossible to both you and Tyrion to view Thalina as this secret keeper as she had been a lovely, ditzy girl when you had known her. “She knew all along.”
Inniros picks up the egg and examines it with his one good eye. Now Tyrion stared at the darkin. Another tale that he had thought was only make believe. A darkin and a dragon. He towered over you and Tyrion, his face fully visible now that he could no longer hide behind his long, red, locks. His sheared head bothered you. Who had done it? Or did he cut it off himself? You knew that some men of the Fiery Hand could be malicious.
“Granted, who knows if there’s anything left alive in it.” He murmurs, fingers scraping against a scale. “For all we know it could only be a beautiful fossil now.”
“Are you sure it’s an actual dragon egg?”
“Positive.” Inniros immediately replied without waiting a second. “There is a forgotten city in the heart of the Shadowlands called Stygai. It is void of human life and only the darkins are brave enough to venture out there. Strange creatures have taken over the ruins and there are rumors that dragons are still present there too. My master Batur brought me as close as he thought appropriate. I will never forget the shriek that shook the land beneath me. Batur told me it was from a dragon. The Shadow Hills where the darkin call their home are on the outskirts of Asshai and lead to Stygai. In a way we protect unknowing travelers from stumbling upon the Shadowlands.”
Inniros hands the egg back to you, very carefully as if there were still life in it. “Be very careful to who you show this to. Even if it’s just a fossil now, it’s still worth a fortune. Especially one as beautiful as this one.”
You purse your lips and cradle the egg in your arms like an infant. “If dragons are still alive in the Shadowlands. . .”
As if reading your thoughts, Tyrion continues your musing “Then it may be possible for the egg to still hatch if it’s brought there?”
The darkin shrugs and sits on the edge of his small bed, way too small for his height and long legs. “Who knows how old that egg is. But I wouldn’t say it’s impossible. Many odd things happen in the Shadowlands. From the River Ash that glows green at night to the creatures that lurk in the Valley of Shadows, anything could happen.”
Noticing the expression of unconditional hope on Tyrion’s face, you carefully tell your brother not to get his hopes up. Like Inniros said, this could only be a fossil now. Tyrion wasn’t having any of it though. His life prior had been filled with neglect and abandonment. He had entered the land where anything is possible and tales from his childhood were coming true. Darkins and dragons, creatures that lurked in the dark and all of the adventure that it carried with it. Even if Tyrion begged you, you knew he couldn’t accompany you to Asshai. There were too many uncertainties and you didn’t want to put Tyrion at risk now that he was safe in the temple. It pained you, the thought of leaving him again. But he would be with Jaime and you knew Jaime would do anything to ensure that Tyrion stayed safe.
A gentle rap against Inniros’ door sounded before Vidarr poked his head in. “Sorry to interrupt but the Red Priest who presides over the dungeon would like to know what to do with the Fiery Hand you sent down there.”
Yes, there was still the issue of that Fiery Hand to deal with. You look down at Tyrion. “I’m afraid I must leave you in the watchful eye of someone else.”
“I can’t go with you?”
“The dungeons are no place for a young boy.” You told him and immediately saw the fight that was ready on his lips. Trying your best at a ‘stern big sister stance’, Tyrion bites back whatever words he had on the tip of his tongue for he respected and loved you too much to cause you any type of displeasure. “Hey, don’t worry. I’ll leave you off at the training grounds so you can watch the others. Jaime must already be there after this morning. You can always find Jaime there.
Stiffly, Tyrion nods. “Alright. But what about the egg? Inniros just said to be careful who you show it to.”
“The temple is safe. I have no enemies here.”
Even so, you knew you couldn’t walk around all day carrying the egg. Hopeful eyes glance at Inniros who was glaring at Vidarr from his spot on his bed. “Inniros, would you mind terribly keeping an eye on this?”
“An eye is all I have.” He murmurs but holds out his hands so that you could once again place it in his care although he seemed hesitant.
You thank him and take Tyrion by the hand. “Are you too old to hold your sister’s hand?”
“Never!” To reassure you, he gives your hand a little squeeze.
The both of you smile and walk out.
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The training grounds were loud as ever with the vibrato of clanging swords and grunting men and women alike. On his typical bench under the shade, Nuahlin sits pleasantly. He watches the army that used to be under his authority which old age had stripped him of. Neither seemed to bother him though as he smiles amicably. Next to him is the tall priestess Siofra with her short curly hair that was uncharacteristically blonde for someone with such dark skin. There was always a priest or priestess with him as he was still highly revered.
Her dimpled smile emerges when she sees you and Tyrion approaching. “Hello nuha kosh!”
You lead Tyrion over to them, guiding him as his attention was on the skilled fighters. In the depths of the ring was Jaime having it out with Weles. As of late they had been consistent sparring partners and you knew that they had a sort of friendship budding quietly.
“Rytsas (Hello) Siofra, Nuahlin. I don’t think either of you have been officially introduced to my brother. This is Tyrion. Tyrion, Nuahlin used to be the commander of the Fiery Hands. It has now been passed down to Weles who you see sparring with Jaime. And this is one of the Red Priestesses, Siofra.”
Tyrion greets them and blushes when Siofra gushes over his two different colored eyes. “How interesting! One is black and the other is green like your sister’s.”
Nuahlin pokes at the small sword that hung off of his hip. “Do you know how to use that, byka azantys (little soldier)?”
“Somewhat.” He looks down momentarily at his stunted legs. “It was hard to learn because I’m a dwarf, but I had an excellent teacher who taught me the basics.”
Gently nodding his head, Nuahlin seemed to already know who Tyrion’s teacher was. “The Westerosi knight you traveled with.”
“Ser Barristan Selmy.” Tyrion nodded.
“Yes, Ser Selmy. What a shame he couldn’t stay longer. It would have been wonderful to watch him spar with the Fiery Hand. Watching Jaime when he first started here was quite entertaining. He fought stiff as a log, now look at him.”
You and Tyrion turn your head to watch said brother swipe a leg under Weles, making the captain momentarily slip but flipped back on to his feet. It was a challenge to knock Weles off balance, not many were capable of succeeding. In the flash of an eye, Weles’ curved blade strikes out at Jaime while the sword he held in his other hand jabbed near Jaime’s stomach. The blade only caught a piece of his robes, sending a ribbon of fabric drifting through the breeze. You even heard Tyrion suck in a sharp breath at the close call. Jaime was holding his own though and was equally fluid in his footwork. He had become such a beautiful fighter.
“I am excited to see what the Fiery Hand can do with you.”
“Even if I’m a dwarf?”
His smile was tender. “Yes, byka azantys. In the Fiery Hand, we accept everyone. Former slaves, vagabonds, you name it. As long as you show faith and work hard.”
You catch Siofra’s attention. “Do you mind keeping an eye on him? There is a situation that calls for my presence in the dungeons.”
“Of course nuha kosh. I will take good care of Lord Tyrion.” she smiles happily.
Patting your younger brother on the head, you tell him that you would see him in a little bit and to behave. He nods, partially listening to you but his gaze couldn’t be torn away from watching Jaime.
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Silently making your way all the way down to the temple’s jail cells, you were greeted at the gate by a Fiery Hand who bowed at your appearance. You nod to them and offer a small smile before opening the door and going to a cell where you were told the offending warrior was being held. Guilt flickered inside of you that someone who had been so dedicated to R’hllor should be behind bars for simply voicing worry. You knew trusting Inniros may have been viewed as extreme and unwise. He had murdered a handful of Fiery Hands without much thought and so efficiently. The power of the darkin terrified them and made them angry that he had not had justice brought down upon him. Inniros still stood while they were forced to bury their brothers. What would the actual Azor Ahai done with this man?
Even facing him you still didn’t know what to do. You stared into his dark eyes that flickered with the torch’s dancing light. Tattoos showed devotion to the Lord of Light.
In Valyrian you ask what his name is. He lowers his gaze and replies “I am Tejas.”
You repeat his name, practicing it on your tongue. “I must apologize that I had to resort to sending you here-”
“While the darkin walks free above.”
Trying to mask the wince, you felt your heart race. “Yes. Inniros. I know the crime he has committed is unforgivable. Inniros has done many things to obtain riches. But even R’hllor is willing to give grace to someone who repents, is that not correct?”
“You don’t understand the dark side of the world because you are but a girl, even if you are Azor Ahai reborn. You are young and trusting. Too trusting. You might have been able to get away with it back in your land of Westeros where the people are soft. Not here. Men will forsake religion in order to obtain wealth beyond their wildest dreams. The darkin lies.” He spat out the last sentence. “They are lost in their ways and have forgotten who gave them their abilities in the first place. And yet you let one into the temple after he murdered the men in charge of protecting you.”
You were quickly losing your courage. “What’s the proof you have that all of them have lost their way?”
“Speak up." You heard your father’s voice ring in your ears.
“Speak up and look right into my eyes.”
There weren’t many times when you thought back fondly on your father Tywin Lannister. Yet you found yourself drawing on his strength and remembering his harsh words. For at that moment, you needed to be a little bit of your father if you were to get through this without looking weak. And Tywin was anything but weak.
Tejas presses his lips firmly together before answering “You really know nothing because you were born an outsider.”
You envisioned your father glaring down at you behind his massive desk. Pale green eyes made you want to cry. He hated when you showed any sign of cracking. A Lannister didn’t show their fear. Better yet, a Lannister didn’t have fear. Courageous like the lion on their crimson banners.
“Then tell me, Tejas. Educate me for the priests and priestesses don’t seem to be doing a good enough job to your liking.” Attempting to fix your face like Tywin’s had been when admonishing you, you forced yourself to become steely. Finely honed like a blade of Valyrian steel. You wouldn’t show Tejas how nervous you were. At that moment he was a five year old (y/n); cowering before her abrasive father.
He took on your challenge though, not prepared to let a little girl like yourself intimidate him. You weren’t a little girl. That was his mistake for thinking you a fool. You knew the dark, cruel side of the world. Had the wounds to show that you had survived. “When Azor Ahai died, they did not join the rest of R’hllor’s worshippers at the temple. They wanted to be their own agents, live in those haunted hills of Asshai. They left without a word.”
“That doesn’t necessarily mean they lost their way. I understand your doubt, but was it not I alone who stopped him from causing anymore damage? I put an end to his reign of terror. When he saw Lightbringer ablaze, he knew what he had done was an error. Let me ask you, do you doubt that I am Azor Ahai reborn?”
Flushing slightly, he scrambled for useful words. “I-I personally wasn’t there to see Lightbringer’s glory. . . but according to my brothers it happened.”
“That didn’t answer my question. Do you think me a fraud, Tejas?”
You were unnerving him now. “O. . . Of course I believe you are Azor Ahai reborn, nuha kosh.”
“Then trust that I know what I’m doing with the darkin. While they may not have allied themselves with the temple back then, they will now. Azor Ahai is back and they’ll obey the call when I go there. They were created to help Azor Ahai win against the Others. There’s a reason for everything, Tejas, and it might not be clear now. A bigger event is at play and while I mourn the loss of the men that died protecting me, there will be more lives lost in the upcoming battle and we need the darkin to ensure we don’t lose more lives than need be.” Despite your hands trembling at your sides, you kept your voice level as Tywin would have. “I will allow for your release, but don’t you dare question me again.”
Tejas immediately presses his forehead to the ground. “Yes, nuha kosh. Please forgive me.”
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You paused a few steps away from the cellar’s door, up on the stairs that led back to the brightness of day. Heart still pounding and a fever on your cheeks, you took a deep breath as the rest of your body trembled. To be that tough had been hard to do. You knew that being like that was necessary in order to prove your authority. You couldn’t have your men thinking you as a sweet, stupid, girl from Westeros.
Still jittery, you carefully make your way back to retrieve your egg from Inniros. The guards greeted you a second time before letting you in. Inniros was stationed by a small window that was held above a table and chair. On his lap lay the beautiful fossil.
“Are you alright?” He questions when handing you the egg.
You nod. “I never thought I would ever say this, but I’m grateful for my father being who he is. He’s a bastard, but his men respect and fear him. I had no idea how much effort it was to be like that.”
“Because that’s not who you originally are.”
“It’s who I have to be though. If I want the Fiery Hands to respect me, I have to act like the Lord of Casterly Rock.”
“You don’t want to be like him. Your sister is like him and she was not the least bit pleasant to be around. I walked into the shadows in front of her just to wipe that conceited look off her face.” Inniros told you.
Only imagining the fright on Cersei’s face made you smile a little. “I bet that felt good.”
The faintest hint of a smile made the corners of his lips twitch upward. “Yes, it did.”
He must not be used to smiling for it was quick to disappear and Inniros turned his attention back to the window.
“By the way, your hair. . .’
His hand goes up to where his mass of scarlet dreadlocks once covered the right side of his face; concealing the eye that he was missing. “The priests shaved it.” That was all Inniros was willing to divulge. You didn’t press any further on the issue but you felt angry that the priests would do that to him. Now he acted even more self-conscious around you. You thought the two of you had made progress during your visits to his cell, now all that progress seemed to be lost. Like the shadows that bent at his will, his hair had acted as a security blanket that he could hide behind. At least it would grow back. Perhaps on your journey to Asshai it could reclaim its former glory. When you got back, you would have to discuss with the priests that Inniros’ hair was off limits unless he wanted to cut it.
“If anything else happens. . . please let me know.”
You catch his nod before you leave Inniros’ room to go fetch Tyrion.
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Back on the sea again, it wasn’t the same without his small companion.
Selmy would every so often look down to his side, expecting Tyrion to be there gazing out at the glittering Sunset Sea that would lead him back home to Westeros and to an uncertain situation.
There was no reason to feel melancholy as his job was done and he could return to his post. That’s what he had wanted when he first started out on his journey. Selmy had wanted to get back as soon as possible so as to not procure the wrath of Aerys. Once Tyrion had joined him everything had changed. Barristan started to enjoy the travel, enjoyed in Tyrion and his incredible brain. If the boy had been born in a normal body, he would have gone places- no, he WOULD go places regardless. While his blades skill was nothing to brag about at least Tyrion would be able to go down fighting and not like a helpless lamb. He was safely with his family now, the only family that loved him. And Jaime, Jaime seemed to have changed for good.
Barristan had to restrain himself from glancing over his shoulder, back to where the Red Temple looked out over the ocean. By now it was probably just a speck in the horizon since he had been on the water for some time now. The priests were eager to get him out as soon as possible. Even with (y/n) claiming that he was a trusted friend, they seemed skeptical of his presence. The girl had become a deity to them. At least that was what Barristan surmised. No one had really answered his question on what (y/n) was to them. It was clear that she was incredibly important to everyone in the temple. Serving as her castle, (y/n) seemed to have the last say in many things and they waited on her every word. Ilta had been passionate about serving (y/n) and this Lord of Light.
A while later the horn that warned of an approaching ship was sounded. Whether it was a friendly ship or that of an enemy was still yet to be seen. The sound had roused Selmy from a nap he had tried to force upon himself. On his feet in a flash and sword shaft ready in his palm, he dashed back up to the deck. By that time the ship was closer that Barristan could discern purple sails. The closer it grew, Barristan realized that there was a silver sword and star emblazoned on the purple sails. It was House Dayne’s sigil. He couldn’t believe it yet there it was. Lady Ashara Dayne’s ship that had transported Selmy and Tyrion to Lys. He made sure to inform the captain that it was a friendly ship and to stop.
The ship that belonged to Ashara slowly pulled in next to Selmy’s and a long plank was thrown so that their lady could board.
Still a sight for sore eyes, Barristan’s heart beat faster as he had thought he would never see her again. Her long dark hair was pulled back into a ponytail to help relieve her of the stifling heat. Waves splashed against both ships that made the plank wobble a bit but Ashara didn’t seem to mind. With her knee high boots, she took casually calculated steps forward with perfect balance. There was no fear on her face that she would fall over. She wore a revealing gold gown that billowed from the sea breeze. Gold bangles around her wrists could be heard clinking together.
“You look as if you’ve seen a ghost, Ser.” She chuckles once she is assisted onto the deck. With her feet safely planted, she waltzes over to the surprised knight.
“Forgive me, my lady, but what are you doing out here? I thought you had returned to Starfall.”
Her smile was ever dazzling as she laughs again. “You can’t get rid of me that easily. No. . . Where is Vaiko?” Ashara looks around him, perhaps expecting the boy to be hiding. Her eyebrows flicker down when she does not see him.
What he told her wasn’t a particular lie but it did dodge around the truth of Tyrion’s situation. “He has family in Volantis who wished him to stay. He will be better off there as I must return to King’s Landing.”
Ashara nodded with acceptance but she still looked a little sad that Vaiko was no longer there. Much like how Selmy felt. “I’m afraid you won’t be returning to King’s Landing quite yet, Ser Barristan.”
He frowned. “And why is that my lady?”
Long lashes flick up revealing her rich colored eyes. “I need your help. Is there a place we can speak privately?”
The captain allowed the two to use his personal quarters. In there they were secure from prying eyes and ears.
“News has spread from Westeros that the young Prince Viserys and Princess Daenerys Targaryen have been abducted from Dragonstone.” She sits on the edge of the captain’s desk, her eyes drilling into Selmy with dark urgency. “I plan to find them and bring them to Prince Rhaegar and my brother Arthur. But I desire your help. While I have my own guards, it could never hurt to have the most renowned knight in all of the Seven Kingdoms by my side.”
It was a lot to take in in such a short amount of time. Selmy’s stomach sank at the thought of someone kidnapping Aerys’ children amidst a war. Friend or foe, it didn’t bode well. “They could be anywhere by now.”
She moves her hair off her shoulder with such flippant ease. “Precisely. I’ve already sent some of my men out to start the search. Any kind of rumor or tip, they will follow. I must do my part too.”
“Why would you want to bring them to Rhaegar?”
“You can’t be serious.” Ashara momentarily chuckles. “I wouldn’t even dream of giving them back to the Mad King. And you’re too good of a man to do that to them. Despite your vows, you know how twisted Aerys is. You know that Viserys and Daenerys would thrive with their brother. Anyway I hear the war has turned against Rhaegar for the meantime. Aerys is implementing his wildfire on the battlefield. Who knows how many lives have been taken from that damn wildfire.”
He heard the worry in her voice for her brother Arthur. Ashara cast her attention down to her boots, brows knit together in the center as she grimaces.
“I pray to whoever is listening that Arthur is safe. There has been no news on who is left in Rhaegar’s army. It scares me, Barristan. Even before you arrived in Starfall I worried about Arthur. He hasn’t written to me since Tumbleton. Now all is quiet and I am not home to receive any missives even if they come. If I can do one thing for him that may help turn the tides, I will do whatever is in my power. While the Targaryen siblings may not seem like much of a bargaining chip, I think just having them with Rhaegar will completely unsettle Aerys enough for him to make a stupid mistake. We just need an opening.” Her tears refuse to fall, instead making her eyes glitter like polished amethyst. “I want to see my brother alive after this is done. That is all I ask for.”
How could he deny Ashara Dayne anything when she was that close to tears yet looking so strong and resilient; a woman ready to take on the world. She was asking more of him than Varys had. Now she was asking him to be a turncloak and work with Rhaegar’s allies. If this plan of her’s succeeded, he would be participating in the undoing of Aerys. Barristan remembered the day he was sworn into the Kingsguard. What a joyous occasion it had been and what honor he felt when King Jaehaerys smiled down on him and placed the pristine white cloak around him. Times had been easier back then.
If Tyrion were there, he would have wanted him to do this. To do the right thing instead of turning a blind eye as his king burned people alive.
He just hoped that what Ashara had planned actually worked.
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dayneston · 10 months
my most unhinged asoiaf theory is that the hightowers and daynes are the descendants of the amethyst empress whilst the valyrians and targaryens are the descendants of the bloodstone emperor, who stole the throne from his sister and used blood magic and necromancy for his dark purposes. the decendents of the amethyst empress fled to westeros whilst the bloodstone’s descendants became the valyrians, who like him used their dragon magic to bring misery to the world. we know that dragons come from asshai (land that was under the control of the great empire of the dawn) and apparently, the valyrians were “taught” the secrets of dragon taming by a previous people. but were they really taught, or did something more sinister happen? perhaps the story of the bloodstone emperor usurping his sister was the story of the valyrians turning against their people (the great empire) and using dragon magic to create their own empire where blood magic, slavery and sacrifice was the norm. this lead to the balance of magic in the world becoming unstable and the others returning once more, just like they did when the bloodstone emperor murdered his sister and began practice necromancy and other evil magic.
this means that daenerys, as the prince who was promised, has a dual function in the story and the azor ahai prophecy. she has ancestry from both the bloodstone emperor (her targaryen-valyrian lineage) and ancestry from the amethyst empress (her great great grandmother was a dayne). she is already “atoning” for the sins of her valyrian ancestors by waging a crusade against their greatest evil, slavery. but she will also atone for the bloodstone emperor’s usurpation of dragon magic by ending the long night and avenging the amethyst empress, thereby restoring magical balance to the world, as the first gemstone emperors intended. remember, daenerys saw them in her dream when she was in the house of the undying (the kings with eyes of pearl, tourmaline, jade and amethyst).
if this theory is true, then it also adds an interesting dimension to the main conflict in house of the dragon. it could be the continuation of a devastating conflict that has gone on for centuries between two factions - the amethyst empress’s descendents (hightower and oldtown) and the bloodstone emperor’s descendants (the targaryens). in my opinion, daemon feels like a version of the bloodstone emperor - he’s power hungry, debauch and completely believes in his supremacy as a god-like dragon lord. whilst the hightowers are more traditionalist and through their seat at oldtown, have a tight control over the use and knowledge of magic, much like the gemstone emperors did.
do with this theory what thou wilt 😝
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iamfina5 · 7 months
The Kinslayer Couple
Summary: The ground falls out from beneath Valaena Velaryon’s feet within the span of a week. The week begins with the death of her grandsire, making her mother queen and her Princess of Dragonstone. It ends with the death of her brother Lucerys at the hands of her husband, Aemond Targaryen. From there, Valaena embarks on a perilous journey to win a war against her own kin, forced to discern who are friends and who are foes on both sides of the conflict.
Chapter Twenty-Four: Odyssey
First Prev/Next
135 A.C.
The ship lurches, and Aemond tumbles from his hammock. Falling onto the uneven, wooden floor, he rolls uncontrollably to the port side of the ship and stops by smacking into the wall. Groaning, he struggles to sit upright and regain his bearings.
Deftly, the member of the crew nearest to him swings his legs from his own hammock and stands. Grinning down at Aemond, the man taunts, “Up on your feet, greenie.”
Groaning again, Aemond uses the wall as leverage and shoves himself up from the floor. Following the rest of the men, he stumbles as he makes his way to the ladder leading up to the deck. He is the last to emerge into the waterlogged, night air. Crewman run off in every direction, taking up a dozen tasks to keep the vessel upright amid the storm into which they had wandered while they slept. Disinclined to drown himself, he gets to work, too, helping to pull all of the sandbags hanging from the ship onto the deck. As the ship lurches again, he catches sight of the moon, white and waxing and gibbous between the clouds.
Two moons past, he had escaped from Daemon’s clutches with the unwitting aid of his wife. Years earlier, Valaena had shown him the secret passageways carved into Dragonstone, and so he had hidden within them for a week, stealing food from the kitchens and waiting for Daemon to lose his scent. For five days, his uncle and the little girl he brought with him had burned every ship that sailed from Dragonstone’s shore. On the sixth day, for whatever reason, they had stopped, and so Aemond had contrived a plan to stow away on the next ship with sails wide enough to leave the bay. In his time on Dragonstone, before Valaena had overthrown him, she had told him of how she smuggled her way onto a ship to Duskendale at the start of the war. He had thus embarked on a similar strategy, disguising himself by using her dagger to shear his hair as close to his scalp as he could get it and covering what was left with mud. He boarded a Westerosi merchant cog called Woods Witch with a gray flag for its destination. Gray, he had foolishly hoped, for Oldtown.
Gray for Asshai, he had later learned.
Now, he toils like a peasant, and for what, he often wonders. He meant to return to the mainland so he could recoup his losses, mayhaps find his brother, come back to Dragonstone with more men, and reclaim his dragon and his wife and his son. Rather, he is bound for the farthest part of Essos on a vessel set to make its return home after another three moons.
Pulling the last of the sandbags onto the ship, he takes a break to breathe. Leaning on the rail, he squints at the turbulent sky through the rain. A cord of lightning sparks in the distance, and he is reminded of a breath of fire amid the clouds in another storm a year past.
“Luke,” someone calls, the shout nearly lost in the roaring wind. Still, Aemond hears it and turns toward the sound. The first mate, Devan, waves to him, silently begging assistance with the aft sail. Rushing over, Aemond helps him set it to right.
Aemond had lasted a half-day on Woods Witch before being discovered. When one of the crew had rooted him out, he had been brought before the captain, Tom, who had asked his reason for stowing away on his ship. Naturally, he had bent the truth in his answer. Whilst he had maintained that he was fleeing Daemon, he claimed that it was because he feared the old prince would burn the whole island, not just him. The captain had accepted this tale of cowardice and asked his name.
He had offered the very first name which came to his mind, even as shame crawled up his throat alongside his voice. “Luke.”
At this, Tom had smiled. “My son is named Luke also, after the queen’s late son.” He had thus permitted Aemond to remain so long as he carried on like a member of the crew.
The ship lurches again, and Aemond struggles to maintain his hold on the halyard. A tall wave makes its way over the starboard side, soaking him and Devan. His grip on the rope slips, and he staggers back into Devan, who shoves at him. Aggrieved, he turns to confront him, but this loss of focus turns out to be a grievous mistake. Yet again, the boat lurches, and he tumbles toward the port side afresh.
As his head bangs against the wooden railing, his visions swims. He clutches at his head, his fingers digging through the short, wet strands there, and another blinding pain strikes him, though not from any sort of blow. It feels rather like a cord snapping, tearing him away from all he knows.
Suddenly, despite his pitiful knowledge of seafaring—why, he often despairs, did he not hearken to Valaena more closely when she spoke of such things—he knows exactly which direction is northwest. Craning his neck, he squints past the railing and through sheets of rain, out toward Dragonstone, invisible at this distance of hundreds of leagues. Dragonstone, where he left Vhagar, and where he feels her slip away now. Like a light going out, it occurs to him that he is not a dragonrider anymore.
He begins to feel glad for the battering rain, even as it continues to rock the ship and push him farther away from home, as it conceals the fact of his tears. By the time Woods Witch makes it out of the storm, he is completely numb, and he cannot say whether it is for the sopping cold or the hollow cavern opened up within him.
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rideroftheredqueen · 4 days
Six Moons Have Passed
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A challenge for @asongofgoldenfireandblackblood
To celebrate and launch our time skip we have a scene challenge for all (or as many as you want) of everyone's muses! Write a scene (at least 200 words) or a series of scenes about important, major, or otherwise impactful moments in your muses lives that happened during the time jump!
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Rhaenys celebrated her six-and-fifth name day with an informal picnic on the beach. As it also coincided with her and Corlys’ fortieth anniversary Corlys brought out wines and bubbles. Those who were able to attend we met by a spread of food on the beach, soft pillows and a relaxed setting in the sun. Rhaenys drank grape juice, keeping her and Corlys’ secret just a little longer, though she shared knowing looks with Rhaenyra who had been the first, and so far, only one to know yet.
A fortnight later Rhaenys felt the babe within her. At first, she had been unsure, but after a few hours of constant sensation she told Corlys, who had knelt down and kissed her stomach, calling the babe his little hippocamp. Laena had been their little squid and Laenor had been their little crab. A hippocamp, the Velaryon sigil seemed like the perfect way to complete their family.
About a moon after Rhaenys’ name day she and Corlys finally met up at The Red Keep with her mother. Rhaenys had insisted that her mother must be told, before the rest of the family and everyone else. Rhaenys’ mother’s reaction had not been unexpected, but ultimately Rhaenys knew her mother cared for her wellbeing and happiness.
Two days later Rhaenys and Corlys had managed to gather all their family at Driftmark for dinner. Rhaenyra and Daemon. Baela and Rhaena. Jacaerys, Lucerys and Joffrey. Aegon, Viserys, Visenya, Baelon and Aemma. Corlys rose and announced that the family was growing and that it would not interfere with the succession of Driftmark.
By the middle of the 8th moon Rhaenys’ pains worsened. She could no longer ride Meleys, but still managed to see her daily. Sleep was becoming difficult and travelling between Driftmark and King’s Landing led to excruciating pain that threatened to render her bedridden.
When Corlys announced he was going on an expedition, Rhaenys knew she wanted to near family. And so, she spent half of the 9th moon and the beginning of the 10th moon at The Red Keep. Most of the time was spent in the tub, as the water relieved her pain and eased her worries. Being at The Red Keep, meant that Rhaenys was blessed to spend time with her beloved grandchildren. The pregnancy could no longer be hidden and soon the news spread across the Seven Kingdoms.
Rumours of dark magic from Asshai reached Rhaenys as she made it back to Driftmark during the 10th moon. The rumours only caused her to laugh. The pregnancy had been a surprise, even to herself. It had been Corlys who had made the discovery and broken the news to her.
Rhaenys disliked being alone. And when Corlys was called to the Capital she often asked her grandchildren to come and keep her company. Luckily, they were all indulgent of her whims and she adored getting to spoil them all in turn.
As the 10th moon neared its end, Corlys was once more called to the Capital, however, this time it coincided with Rhaenys receiving an invitation to visit Dragonstone. Corlys took her there and kissed her farewell, promising that they’d be together again soon.
Dragonstone was a heaven for the warmth craving hippocamp. Rhaenys made use of the natural heated pools in the pit. She loved getting to know Aegon and Helaena’s children even better and easily took on the role as the storyteller as they brought her book after book or asked her to tell tales of Meleys.
The gifts Helaena presented her with, brought tears to her eyes. Rhaenys blamed the pregnancy. Gifts for the babe, personal and beautifully crafted gifts, which Rhaenys later packed down with the things she looked forward to using with the new babe. New things, old things from Laena and Leanor, gifts and heirlooms, everything for their hippocamp.
When the 11th moon rose, Rhaenys and Corlys took The Sea Snake to King’s Landing. The ship filled with their belongings as they intended to stay until the wedding of their grandchildren, Prince Jacaerys Velaryon and Lady Baela Targaryen.
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Honourable mentionings: @lordhusband @black-queen-rising @rogueprincedaemontarg @moondancer-rp @rhaenaspearls @notatargaryenbastard @princeluce @princejoffreyvelaryon @aegontheyoungprince @princeviserystargaryen00 @visenyatargaryen-ii @goldaegontargaryen @helaenasdreamfyres
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