taephilia · 4 years
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pairing: kim taehyung x fem!reader (feat. best friend jung hoseok)
genre: fluff, a tiny bit of angst, royalty au, enemies to something more? au
word count: 1,788
warnings: mentions of blood and murder, betrayal, alcohol consumption, profanity
a/n: for @heartsforbtsnet’s valentine’s day secret admirer’s event! this is dedicated to @pjmsdior​ because i’m her secret admirer hehe. sorry it’s so short, bella, but i’m slowly working on the original fic that i had planned for you so hopefully that’ll be out soon. i really loved talking to you and i’ll definitely be dropping by your inbox more often!! hope you enjoy!!
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“Dear, at least try to look like you’re having fun,” your mother chastises you, poking at your back to get you to stand up straight. “This ball is for you, you know.”
“To announce my engagement to that buffoon of a prince,” you mutter while subtly rolling your eyes. They land on said buffoon who is currently chatting up a group of female courtiers, all of them in dresses that don’t leave much to the imagination paired with smiles and body language that suggest something a bit more sinister. The prince eats all of this up of course, giving them his most charismatic smile before it disappears behind the rim of the wine glass held delicately between his slender fingers.
For as long as you’ve known Taehyung, he has always had that same smile on his face, knowing that it will get him anything he wants and out of any sort of trouble he seems to have found himself in. On more than one occasion, you’ve seen him drink almost 3 days away, a third of his castle’s cellar demolished because of him. He’s missed out on council meetings, celebrations, royal announcements, appearances, and everything in between and nobody bats an eye. To them, His Royal Highness Kim Taehyung is the picture perfect prince. But you know better. You know that underneath that facade, underneath the mask and the costume that he puts on every day and night, you know just how cruel Taehyung can be. The scars on your best friend’s back and the feelings of powerlessness that you have to push down every single time you see him are a constant reminder.
Your eyes roam over to Hoseok who is standing with his back against the wall, eyes scanning over the entire ballroom until they meet yours. The hand gripping the handle of his sword relaxes before being raised up to wave at you. Beside him, his captain smacks him lightly on his side while shaking his head and even though you’re far away, you can practically hear Captain Namjoon’s quiet scolding to your best friend about not letting his guard down. Hobi nods along to whatever his captain is saying but you know that he isn’t listening since he’s heard the lecture from him practically every time the two of you are in the same room.
“How about a dance, love,” someone calls out to you and you look away to find none other than your soon-to-be-announced fiancé standing before you. His hand is stretched out towards you and although Taehyung looks like the picture of chivalry, the smirk on his face and teasing light in his eyes suggest otherwise. 
Your mother all but shoves you towards him and you have to fight the scowl that threatens to appear on your face the second you get within a foot of the prince. You place your hand in his and allow him to lead you to the dance floor, the slower song that was being played ending and giving way to a more lively waltz. Your other hand goes to his shoulder while his goes to your hip. As you begin dancing, you push his hand up to your waist with a pointed look while Taehyung just gives you an innocent smile.
“What?” he asks, head tilting a bit to the side. “Can’t get a little handsy with my fiancée? Or are you worried that your little boyfriend’s going to have a fit over there?”
Your eyebrows draw together at that. “Boyfriend?” you repeat. “What are you talking about?”
“That knight standing at the wall over there,” Taehyung replies, chin jutting out in the direction of Hoseok. “What’s his name? Hongjoong? You were practically eye fucking him before I asked you to dance.”
At that, your arms almost drop and your feet almost stop carrying you but Taehyung’s grip on you tightens and he practically drags you around like a ragdoll in the middle of the dance floor. “We were not-! Hoseok is my best friend,” you sputter out, looking at him incredulously while he just smiles down at you.
Taehyung shrugs without a word and spins you around, but when he turns you to face him once more, he’s no longer there. In fact, there’s no one around you at all. You stand alone on the dance floor, a single spotlight on you, and the sight in front of you makes your blood freeze in your veins. Your mother has thrown her body over your father’s, blood covering her dress while she screams and begs for him to wake up. Beside her, Taehyung’s father looks out at the dance floor with fear in his eyes as they meet yours. You’re torn between running up there and running away, but even if you were to make a decision, you don’t think your feet would be able to move anyways. So you’re stuck watching in horror as Hoseok steps out of the shadows from behind your parents with his face hardened and a look in his eyes that’s unfamiliar to you. 
The blood rushing in your ears is so loud that you can barely make out what he’s saying and even though you’re alone, there’s someone crying near you, Hoseok’s voice much quieter compared to theirs. The tremble in his voice matches the trembling of his hand as he draws his sword and faces the queen. “We no longer see the royal family as fit to rule our kingdom. We, the citizens, cannot stand to see you merging our beloved home with theirs, which many of us have escaped from during the war. You took us into your home, we swore loyalty to you, and now you expect me to forget the horrors I saw in the Hangsang kingdom?”
You hear a whimper and it’s only then that you realize it’s you that’s crying. You don’t fail to notice that Hoseok said “me” instead of “we”. Regardless of who suggested this coup, Hoseok has made it personal. His captain steps out of the shadows from behind Taehyung’s father and together they raise their swords and cut down both your mother and Taehyung’s father. A scream leaves your lips as you watch their bodies drop and a voice whispers in your ear, “Run.”
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You’re gasping for air and you can feel your body shaking when you open your eyes but when you see Taehyung above you, you realize that he’s the one shaking you. “Finally,” he sighs as he stops, his hands lingering. “I was worried someone was going to come in here with you screaming bloody murder like that.”
When you sit up, it takes you a moment to realize where you are. Taehyung moves to sit on the edge of the bed, his hands leaving you, and you almost reach out to stop him as the chill in the air quickly settles over you. The room of the inn is small, housing only a bed that’s definitely too small for two people to sleep on and a dirty mirror hanging beside the door. What little of your belongings that you and Taehyung could bring or buy along the way are shoved in a corner and even with the full moon out tonight, the soot and grime covering the windows blocks out most of its light. When you look over at Taehyung, the bags under his eyes are most notable along with the stubble on his face. You’ve only been on the run for about a month now but you know that you look just as haggard and worn down as he does.
“Was it the same dream?” the prince asks, voice soft as he rubs at the scratchy fabric of the blanket between his fingers.
You rest your chin on one of your knees and wrap your arms around your legs. You’re still shaken and can’t even bring yourself to look him in the eye. “Isn’t it always?”
The two of you sit there in silence for a bit before you let out a huff and drag yourself out of the bed, taking the blanket and wrapping it around your shoulders. “I’m going outside for a bit.”
You know that you should stay inside, it’s safer especially with the amount of drunks that are probably still lingering in the inn’s tavern, but the silence is starting to feel a bit suffocating. No one pays you any notice as you walk down the stairs and out the door, the street quiet save for the occasional passerby. Leaning against the wall, you take a deep breath and allow the memories of the past few weeks to wash over you. It’s still hard for you to accept and you catch yourself having to do this more often than you’d like.
My best friend murdered my parents and my in-laws. Scenes of blood and swinging swords flash through your mind and you quickly shake your head. You don’t want to see that.
I’m on the run with the crown prince of Hangsang because people are trying to kill us. The weight of Taehyung’s hand in yours is something you’ve become all too familiar with, his long legs and fast stride always able to get the two of you out of whatever sort of trouble finds you nowadays. And out of everything that’s happened, from almost getting killed to stealing from markets, you think you’re most worried about the fact that you find comfort in Taehyung’s warmth now. You aren’t supposed to feel like this. He isn’t supposed to make your heart beat just a tiny bit faster whenever he smiles at you.
Taehyung isn’t as bad as I thought he-
“Come back to bed.”
Soft fingers trailing down your forearm bring you out of your thoughts and you know that the person standing beside you can’t be anyone other than the prince. Just as you have begrudgingly found comfort in him, he has also found solace in you. You don’t recoil when you feel his hand grip yours ever so gently, allowing him to do what he wants while he looks at you and you look up at the moon.
“The moon is beautiful, isn’t it?” you mumble. Your eyes don’t leave the sky but you squeeze his hand, letting him know that he has your attention all the same. “I’ve stared at the moon for my entire life, ever since I was a little girl, but it feels different now. Everything feels different now.”
“The moon has always been beautiful,” is all Taehyung says. And that’s enough—enough to draw your attention to him, enough to follow him back to your shared room, and enough to let him sleep beside you tonight, if just for this one night. 
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nanamismoonchild · 4 years
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pairing: tea shop owner! Yoongi x idk! reader
characters: reader, yoongi, ex-seokjin, jungkook
genre: fluffy fluff
warnings: none, if you don’t count the general cheesiness of it all :D
Summary: It’s one of the perfect days to run errands but those are soon forgotten when Yoongi needs help making orders for Valentine’s Day!
WC: 2.3k 
A/N: this was an attempt at practice world-building since i want to do fantasy fics,  and it is for the lovely @iridescentjin​, my secret love, for the secret admirers event. i hope you like and enjoy it, i tried to incorporate somethings I’ve seen on your blog that you like.  
Waking up to the soft cuddles of teddy bears would always be your favorite thing. No matter how old you got. You had so many, but they all had a special little place in your heart. To you, waking up with the soft bears meant that it was going to be good--no, it was going to be a great day. 
As you throw the blankets away and wiggle out of bed, you smile and stretch your still tired muscles.  Having showered the night before, you only have to freshen up a little before putting on your most comfortable walking clothes. It was your off day and you planned on getting everything on your to-do list done while the universe was gracing you with a good day.  Starting with a quick stop at the boba tea cafe at the end of your street. 
The drinks there were famous in your part of the district, leaving the other districts upset that they couldn't crossover to get a drink. That’s what they said anyway, but you knew they only wanted to meet the tea shop owner, Min Yoongi. The mysterious, timid man that always seemed to make your regular drink taste different each time.  You hoped today would be the day he allowed you to watch him make a couple of drinks.
Stepping out of the apartment with a pep in your step, you join two of the other tenants at the elevator doors. One of them who you despised. 
“Y/N! I see you’ve crawled out of bed like the spider thing you are.”
“Seokjin. Your insults are worsening by the day. Perhaps your old age is getting to you.”
Kim Seokjin was your ex-boyfriend. The relationship dwindled into nothing but the two of you becoming enemies. He was too selfish and you were too stubborn to realize it was happening. So here you were--throwing petty jabs at one another to hide your pining. 
At least that’s what you called it. 
“Ah, how you wound me.” 
The elevator doors opened and the three of you stepped in. The other person made it a point to stand as far from the two of you as possible. 
“Where are you heading off to? You’re never up this early on a weekend.”
“I decided to get some errands done today and I read that it’s best to get it done early. How about you?”
“Ah, the 2nd district is having a problem with their taxi systems. The taxis are taking them into different districts. Highly illegal, and I have to fix it.”
There were twenty districts in all, and it was illegal for any of them to cross-over without proper paper works.  Population control was an all-important cause in the day and age. The 2nd district was the largest of the districts and if any of them were passing over, it would cause a commotion.  Most jobs in your district didn’t require the need to travel to the other districts, but Seokjin had been chosen to be a system repairman. He had wanted to be an actor and model. Alas, the system found that his skills would be more reliable in repairs, and it paid well above what you were making too. 
“Good luck. I heard the 2nd district has the worst hospitality.”
“With this face, the meanest person would show me grand hospitality.”
The elevator dinged as it opened the doors. Rolling your eyes at his vain statement, you step out of the elevator and breathe in the morning dew air.  It was the perfect day to walk through the district.
Blue skies, fluffy clouds, and the smell of pastries wafting in the air. Your stomach growled, making you practically run to the tea shop. 
The bell alerted Yoongi to another customer’s presence. It was the day before Valentine’s Day, and the orders were gradually becoming more than he could handle alone. Thankfully, his cousin Jungkook had managed to find a break between streaming and could help later. Yoongi only had to survive for three more hours---if he didn’t start crying before then. 
Usually, he could handle three hundred orders a day, but people from the other districts had somehow found out about his shop and were requesting deliveries. He didn’t even know how they expected him to do that! There was no way he could get a license to deliver in a mere day.  
Suppressing a groan, he made his way into the dining room. It was empty except for the few customers who were waiting for their daily boba.  And you. 
Yoongi enjoyed your company, and would normally have your drink prepared and ready.  However, today was different and he didn’t think he would be able to do it.  
“Y/N! Happy to see you.”
“Yoongi! I’m happy to see you as well. Busy?”
“Actually, yes. I have about five hundred orders to do before closing. Everyone decided to order last minute. Completely unexpected,” Yoongi sighed, the exasperation beginning to show on his face. 
Yoongi watched as you put your bag in a nearby chair and glanced at him. “How many have you done so far?”  
“Pfft, so far, I would say one hundred. Had to come at three am to get started.”
Watching as you teetered on your legs in deep thought, Yoongi began to draw himself back into the kitchen. He couldn’t waste time talking--or flirting-- with you as much as he would like.  
“What if I helped?”
Yoongi spun around almost losing his footing. You had been so quiet asking that he almost hadn’t heard you. But he did. 
“I would love that, but I have a friend coming in a couple of hours. I think I’ll be able to manage in the meantime.”
“Yoongi, it’s almost ten in the morning. You’ve only made one hundred drinks in seven hours. I’m helping you. Give me an apron and recipes and I’ll do my best.”
Yoongi muttered under his breath, something about calling him out, and went into his back room to fetch an apron for you. He knew he needed your help, but your presence could possibly distract him. He’d had a crush on you since the first time he opened. You had been new to boba and had no idea what to get and after a moment of getting to know a few of your likes and dislikes, he had made a drink he thought was perfect. It was now your usual, and he took deep pride in it. 
“Under district law, I’m going to have to pay you.”
“Sweet. Let’s get started.”
 Yoongi already had the ingredients laid out in the kitchen. All you had to do was follow the recipes he had written in his book. There were no measurements. 
Tutting, you resist fretting at the lack of teaspoons and cups in the recipe book and mime Yoongi.  It wasn’t as easy as you’d thought it would be. The brown-haired man made it a point to throw in tiny bits or large bits of the ingredients. 
By the time he had made it through three, you had only just begun to finish one drink.  Maybe this wasn’t the best idea. 
“Alright, this isn’t the most efficient thing to do. I suck at making these. Is there anything else I could do?” You turned towards the man, huffing a little from your frustration.
Yoongi did the same, mimicking your huff as well. 
“If you have a car and a license to go to the other districts, then yes. But otherwise, no.”
“You need deliveries done?”
Yoongi nodded as he finished off another drink and placed it into a drink carrier that was already filled with three other drinks. 
“I honestly don’t even know why I confirmed all of these. Well, I thought the addresses were from this district until I looked at a map,” he paused, “after I confirmed them.”
You couldn’t help the giggle that escaped. The poor man had doomed himself by accident.  
“You’re lucky I have both. I can definitely do everything that needs to be.”
He smiled at you, a full-on gummy smile that made your cheeks heat. 
“I could never thank you enough.”
“I mean,” you roll eyes nonchalantly, “You could give me free bobas from now on. Just a thought.”
“I can make that happen,” he giggled.  
 By the time, Jungkook had come in to help, you had already delivered most of the orders that Yoongi had finished. Most of them were in the second district and the traffic there was atrocious. Seokjin was already finished with the taxi system update and everyone was running to prepare last-minute Valentine’s outings.  You had seen a couple of men running out of the superstore with giant teddy bears during one delivery. 
It made you a little jealous if you were honest. You were as single as a pringle--thanks to Seokjin breaking up with you only two years ago. No one had really been interested enough to date, and none of them had been intimate enough to have more than a one-night stand. 
No one besides Yoongi, but he had never shown interest in you, and your lack of flirtation to him obviously didn’t help. Yoongi was everything you wanted. 
His physique showed that he was a strong man, probably from carrying huge baskets of strawberries to and from his kitchen.  His eyes were dark brown, and every time he would make eye contact, you would melt. And his smile--when he truly smiled and not one of the timid ones he would give other customers-- could always brighten your day. 
However, he was only a dream. The man was married to his shop and craft. 
Opening the door to the shop, you can see Jungkook, a friend of Yoongi’s, jamming to something that was playing in his headphones. He didn’t pay attention to you coming in. 
Yoongi was nowhere to be seen. You hoped he was taking a break. 
“Jungkook!” Nothing. You walked in front of him and waved in front of his face. “Jungkook!”
He practically threw off his headphones, his doe eyes bulging. “Oh. Hi! Y/N! You’re back already.”
“Yeah. A bunch of the houses was close together. I’m assuming they all recommended the tea shop to each other.”
“It is the best in all of the districts,” he bragged. 
“True. Where’s Yoongi?”
“I think he went to go and get some rest in the backroom. We’re actually almost done. I think we have about one hundred more to go.”
“Wow, seriously?”
“Yeup!”He popped the “p” at the end.  “A bunch of the orders cancelled for some reason. Shame. Or not shame, but that would’ve been really good money for Yoongi.”
“It would’ve. I wonder what happened.”
“Break-ups. Got something else. Couldn’t afford it...Who knows?” He put his headphones back on and started playing his music again, signaling the end of the conversation. 
You left Jungkook to his music and went to seek out Yoongi.  He was slumped over his laptop desk, a light snore coming from him.  You almost didn’t want to wake him. He was the most relaxed you’d seen him all day, and he couldn’t have gotten a ton of sleep since he had to wake up earlier than usual.  It was by pure chance that nearly three hundred orders had cancelled.  You knew it had been good for business, and the people who cancelled could go to hell, but you were thankful for the chance to watch Yoongi nap. As weird as it sounded. 
Jumping out of your thoughts, you see that Yoongi had woken up from his catnap and was standing up.
Your cheeks warmed and you looked away in embarrassment.  “Oh, um, hi. Uh, I just got back from the delivery, and Jungkook told me I could find you in here, but you were napping and I was going to walk out, but I kind of zoned out, and uh, yeah.” The rambling stutter came out too quickly and you were unsure if Yoongi had even understood you. 
He smiled. The gummy smile and a rosy blush was creeping into his cheeks. 
“Y/N, you’re cute.”
“Yes, cute. I was actually working on something back here before I fell asleep so I’m happy you came in.”      
Peering at him in curiosity, you gasp when he takes your hand and leads you further into the room where a heart-shaped cake and your favorite tea sat on a table decorated in a red tablecloth. 
Turning to look at Yoongi, eyes wide in surprise, you see he has the biggest smile on his face, but his eyes were filled with nervousness.
“I know it’s a whole day before Valentine’s, but I’m going to be swamped tomorrow with orders from couples who want to spend their day out and about.  
“I’ve been wanting to do this for a while now--ever since you came tumbling into the tea shop. You were so pretty with your naivety of bobas. It was such an honor to me to get to know you and make a tea special for you and only you. I don’t do that for a lot of customers. And that’s the thing. You were never a customer to me, but someone I wanted to get to know further. Of course, I was a chicken and didn’t ask you out then. 
“So I’d thought I’d do it now. Especially after you helped me get rid of a ton of stress.  I had Jungkook bake the cake while you were gone. But I made the tea as usual because I want to be your usual. Will you allow me to take you on a date?“ 
Grinning at the cheesy line, you take in his words. They were corny, but they melted your heart all the same.  It was almost a marriage proposal, and, honestly, you wouldn’t have minded if he had asked.
Your answer would’ve been the same because your feelings for him were steady.  
With all the elation and exultation you could muster, you answer, “Yes.”
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lveclouds · 4 years
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kookcore mb for @xiaokoo​ 
hi dee, i know that i was the WORST secret admirer ever, but you were always so sweet and lovely when answering my asks, and i’m honestly so grateful that you were assigned as the person i was supposed to send anon asks too. here’s a lil mb for you, i hope you like it! i know it’s not the best and i’m sorry i couldn’t give you something better 😔but you’re such an angel and thank you for always being so patient and kind!! 
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sugarsugarmoon · 4 years
Hallway Run-In
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Summary: Your friend Jimin gets a new roommate, and you can’t help yourself from looking at him. neighbors to lovers!au. college!au.
Pairing: namjoon x reader
Rating: Mature
Genre: smut and fluff
Warnings: vague mention of recreational alcohol use, protected sex
a/n: This is for the Secret Admirers collab with @heartsforbtsnet. I wrote this for @honeyj00ns​, the beautiful magical butterfly. I hope you like it! It’s not edited or anything...oopsie!
WC: 3260
You are in a hurry as you are leaving your apartment, throwing your bag over your shoulder with a wild swing before you grab your latte off the counter. You’d taken the time to go down to the cafe downstairs this morning, and you are now slightly regretting it because you didn’t factor in enough time to get ready and get off to class.
You fling open the door, fumble with your keys before finding the right one to lock the door. You whirl around to power walk down the hall when you are met with a solid wall of human.
“Oh fuck!” you exclaim as the warm liquid from your cup splashes into your face and down your blouse.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry!” you hear a deep voice say.
You aren’t looking up at the figure because you’re just staring down at your now soiled blouse. You didn’t factor in enough time to get a latte, let alone to change your entire outfit. You sigh heavily.
“Shit, shit. I’m sorry,” the voice says again.
You look up, mostly angry at yourself. “Just watch where you’re going,” you snap.
There’s a defiance in his voice, like he knows as well as you do that it was no less than half your fault, if not more so. You take in the figure in front of you, and your jaw immediately drops. It’s no wonder that it felt like you were walking into a wall. He stands at about six feet tall, his shirt straining over his pectoral muscles and his biceps. His honey skin is nearly flawless, and his eyes seem like they could look directly into your mind and see your thoughts.
“I’m sorry,” you sigh. “I’m just in a hurry.”
You pick up your keys off the floor and unlock your door. As you are slipping into it, you hear, “I was Namjoon” from behind you.
You change quickly into a clean t-shirt and run out the door. Once you sneak into the back of the lecture and plop down into a seat, you have a moment to reflect on the interaction you had with the man in the hallway. You feel the embarrassment starting to fill you again.
You hadn’t ever seen that man around the apartment building before, and you weren’t sure if he was just visiting or if he lived there. You hoped he was just visiting since you spilled coffee on him then snapped at him like it was his fault. You finally force yourself to focus on the lecture, but your mind keeps wandering to his perfect skin and the faint appearance of the dimples in his cheeks. You shake your head and start to write notes about the chemical compounds that the professor has put on the board. You curse yourself slightly for taking the Introductory course this far into your studies, but you needed a lab science to graduate.
After your classes are over for the day, you hurry home, the heels of your booties clacking on the sidewalk with each step. You secretly love the sound because it makes you feel powerful. You know that soon the biting wind will start to swirl around, knocking the leaves from the trees. Currently though, the sun is shining, illuminating the reds and yellows with spots of green still in the branches.
Back in the lobby of your building, you see your next door neighbor, Jimin, at the mailboxes, struggling to get his key out of the keyhole in the small metal door. He grunts slightly. You’ve always thought that Jimin was painfully attractive, like a fairy or an angel that you didn’t have permission to look at. It almost hurt your eyes. You decide to grab your mail and talk to him.
“Hey Jimin, do you need help?” you ask, as you faking casualness and sliding your key into the lock. 
He sighs and turns, and upon seeing your face, he smiles. “Oh hi, yn! No...I think I can get it.”
You giggle at the small grunt that comes out of his chest. You slide the envelopes out of your box and lock it back up. Jimin continues to struggle, and you decide that you can’t just leave him like that, with the key stuck in the lock.
“May I?” you ask
He steps aside and sighs. You close the box because he’d been fighting with it while the door was open. You wiggle the key slightly, then you hear the click of the tumblr. The door locks, and you can’t help but smile. You slide the key out with a gentle jiggle. You hand it over to Jimin with the smile still spread across your face.
“Of course,” he sighs again. “I had a new key made because I gave my new roommate the original, and the new key is just sticking so badly.”
“New roommate?”
“Oh yeah! You should come meet him sometime!”
The two of you walk to your apartment after making dinner plans for the following day. Jimin insists that you don’t have to bring anything but yourself, but you know that you’re going to bring a bottle of wine with you. You’d never arrive empty-handed to a dinner party.
The following evening, you knock on Jimin’s door just after 6:00. The beautiful man opens the door, and he looks so happy that you’re there. You can’t help but smile when you’re around Jimin because his cheeriness is contagious. He throws his arms around you, and the two of you have a slightly lingering hug. You inhale deeply, smelling his cologne, then realize what you’re doing and quickly release him.
“yn, this is my new roommate, Namjoon,” Jimin says, stepping aside.
Upon hearing the name, you feel a lightheadedness come upon you. Your brain replies the “I was Namjoon” that you heard yesterday as you’d disappeared into your apartment. You try to keep your composure as you walk over to shake his hand.
“Oh! Hi, it’s you!” he exclaims as he takes your hand. “Hi, I’m Namjoon.”
You stare for a moment before your mouth catches up. “yn,” you blurt out, “is me.”
He laughs slightly, and you want to slap your forehead from the incredible awkwardness that is pouring out of you in this moment. Usually you carry yourself with confidence, trying not to let too many people see how awkward and dorky you actually are. But something about Namjoon just makes it impossible to hide.
Jimin had ordered dinner for the three of you, saying that neither him nor Namjoon are very good cooks. It makes you laugh because you would have been fine cooking for the three of you, but Jimin had insisted on providing dinner. You eat the pasta while the three of you chat and laugh. Once you loosen up a bit, you’re a little less awkward with Namjoon. You realize that you’re leaning closer to Namjoon and try to correct, but it just keeps happening.
A few times you think to yourself “is he flirting with me?” but you decide that he’s just a friendly, charismatic guy.
After dinner, you feel happy, full, but also light from the wine. You hug Jimin goodbye, and, when you turn to Namjoon, he’s holding his arms out to invite you in. You embrace him too. It feels right and comfortable. It’s much different being intentionally pressed against his firm chest than when you ran into it the day before. It feels like you fit perfectly in his embrace. Finally, you pull away, heat burning in your cheeks.
That night in the shower, you can’t keep the image of him out of your head. He held you in intellectual conversation about life and philosophy while also looking like a god. You wonder if Jimin is part of a club for unearthly hot men where he met his roommate.
You lie in bed, trying to keep your hands from exploring your skin to the image of him pressed against you. Finally, you give in and let your brain wander, feeling the heat wash over you. Your skin feels delicate and sensitive as you imagine the muscular figure on top of you, touching every inch of you. The pressure within you releases to the image of his face. Afterward, you feel a little embarrassed and tell yourself that you can’t do that again. He’s your nextdoor neighbor for goodness sake.
The next few weeks fly by with classes being in full swing, requiring most of your time to complete the work. You feel like you spend all of your time either in class or on your computer doing homework. You hardly even have time to get groceries, just living off of take out and the odds and ends in your fridge.
The leaves fall from the trees, and the air becomes crisp and sharp. You love this time of year because it means that Halloween and Christmas. For Halloween, you go to a party with some friends, and you see Namjoon and Jimin there with more of their unreal-looking friends. He’s dressed as a detective, with the trench coat and everything. You try to keep your mind from picturing what’s underneath the tight fitting white button up that he’s wearing with a skinny black tie. 
Your friends catch you staring at him and tease you relentlessly for the rest of the night. You try to keep your back to him, so you don’t get caught looking again.
One night in November, you are lying in bed scrolling on your phone when you keep hearing what sounds like tapping at your. You check, but you don’t see anything. As soon as you climb back into bed, it starts again. You try not to think about it, but it keeps getting to you. Everytime you look, it stops. Then you go back to bed and it starts again. It gets into your head enough, that you start to panic slightly. You figure that you can go ask Jimin to just come hang out with you for a little while or something until you feel more comfortable. He’s done it before, and you know he’d do it again.
When you knock on the door, Namjoon pulls it open. He smiles at you immediately when he sees you. He looks as gorgeous as ever, with his glasses settled halfway down his nose and his hair swept back off of his forehead.
“Hi, yn!” he exclaims, and you are surprised by the enthusiasm.
“Hi, Namjoon. Is, uh, is Jimin here?” you ask, looking behind him into the apartment.
“No, he’s out tonight. A date. What’s up?”
“Oh. Okay. Nevermind.” You feel your shoulders fall slightly as you turn to walk away.
“Wait, yn, what’s up? You seem upset.”
“There’s just this sound I keep hearing. Sometimes Jimin will come sit in my apartment with me when I’m scared, since I live alone.” You shrug and try to turn away again.
“Well...I can come hang out with you. I’m just working on some stuff on my computer,” he says, an ingenuous quality to his voice that makes you feel comforted just upon hearing it.
“Oh! Well, yeah. If you wouldn’t mind just hanging out with me, that would be great.”
He agrees, disappearing for a moment into his room, then reappearing with a backpack slung over one shoulder. “Lead the way.”
You lead him into your apartment that is dimly lit with string lights in the living room. You realize that this is the first time that he’s probably ever seen the inside of your place. You tend to feel vulnerable when you let people into your home, so you don’t invite too many people that aren’t your close friends over.
You like to keep the lighting in your place soft, so you mostly use lamps and string lights. Your bedroom is a pink, pastel haven that people think is funny because you tend to dress in neutral colors, especially in the winter. You don’t think that Namjoon will be able to see your bedroom at any point. It’s not like you’re going to be inviting him in. But you still can’t help but think about the dirty clothes strewn across the floor.
You gesture for him to take any spot he wants on the couch, and he plops down.
“I like it in here. It’s so soft,” he says, turning to you with his dimples showing.
“Oh, thanks. I’m just kinda of a soft person, I guess.” 
Your breath catches in your chest slightly, but you can’t help the smile that spreads across your lips when you hear it. You are just a big softy, but you don’t always show it. It feels nice to let Namjoon in a little bit.
You take your spot on the couch next to him, leaving some space between the two of you. You grab your phone and start scrolling again. He pulls his computer from his backpack, and the gentle tapping of his keyboard feels like music. You jump when you hear the tap outside again. You turn and look at Namjoon. He places his hand on top of yours, so you know that your eyes must give away how terrified that you are.
“Let me go check,” he says.
He gets up from the couch and goes to the living room window. You hear him hmmm-ing to himself as he looks out there, then you hear a sound of understanding.
“I think I found our culprit!” he announces to you and waves you over.
You cross the room to the window and lean out next to Namjoon. He has the flashlight of his phone shining down on a small bird’s nest attached precariously to the side of the building. There is a bird inside that was probably just tapping on the wall just below your bedroom window. You sigh in relief then start to laugh. You retreat back into your apartment, and Namjoon stands up fully next to you. You can feel the heat from his body with how close you’re standing.
He pulls the window shut and laughs with you. “See, nothing to worry about except a bird who didn’t get the memo to migrate.”
The two of you don’t move, just giggling and standing near each other. You look up at his face, and you realize how much his smile makes your heart sing. You feel a twinge between your legs and try to ignore it. Namjoon looks down at you, and soon he isn’t laughing anymore. The two of you just stand there staring at each other for a few moments, until he slides his hand around your neck, pulling you toward him. His plush lips find yours, and you wrap both of your arms around his neck, pull yourself even closer. Your chest presses against his.
Your mouths move together, then he slips his tongue past your lips, exploring your mouth gingerly. You gasp at the bolt of arousal that shoots through your body. He pulls back from you, his eyes searching your face.
“Crap. I’m sorry, yn. That was impulsive. You’re just so gorgeous when you laugh,” he says, eyes cast just behind you, not making eye contact.
“You have nothing to apologize for,” you whisper as you move upward to his lips again.
The hesitation in his mouth dissipates, and he wraps his hands around your waste, gently rubbing the fabric of your shirt with his thumbs. You press yourself against him, letting your fingers lace into his hair, tugging at it slightly. You push your tongue into his mouth this time, and your tongues dance together, exploring. 
He slides his hand up inside your shirt, the soft skin of his palms exploring your back and sides. You moan slightly as your hair stands up on end from the contact. You pull a couple of soft pulls on his hair again, and he presses his groin against you. You can feel the bulge through his pants, and you can’t help the arousal that is now coursing through your body.
You pull away from him and ask hesitantly, “Would you want to...uh...go to the bedroom?”
He presses a soft kiss to your lips and nods. You lead him by the hand into your dimly lit bedroom, kick aside your discarded outfit from earlier. The two of you make your way to the bed. You push him down onto his back, and you straddle his hips. Your lips start to explore each other again, and you press your core against the hardness in his sweatpants. He grabs your shirt and tugs it over your head, so you do the same to him, eager to see what the bare muscles of his chest look like. You are not disappointed at the taut skin that covers the bulges on his chest and arms. You admire it for a moment before you return to kissing.
Things move quickly from there. All of your clothes are off, exploring how each part of your naked skin feels against his. and you feel like you don’t care if it’s too much too fast. He’s so attractive, he’s hard, and he’s kissing you. That’s all you could ask for. You lean over to the drawer in your bedside table and pull out a condom.
You hold it up and ask, “Do you want to?”
Once again, he smiles at you and nods.
You slide down between his legs, holding the tip of the condom and rolling it down to the shaft. You look up at him and smile a sly little grin before you lean over him and spit on his hard cock. You rub the spit in, making the whole thing slick, then repeat the same motion. He throws his head back as you stroke his cock. You do this a few more times before you crawl back up on top of him, positioning your entrance above his erection.
You slide down slowly, letting yourself take the time to adjust. Once you’re accustomed to the sensation and the stretch, you start to roll your hips, sliding up and down his length. You moan as his cock hits the most sensitive places inside you. You ride him until you can feel his cock twitching inside you.
“yn, I’m gonna…” he starts, his hands reaching up and grabbing your hips firmly.
His hips buck up against you, and you feel his cock twitch as he holds you down on his cock. You roll your hips in a small circle once he lets go, watching his abs tighten and relax as you do it. He falls back, panting slightly, and you giggle. You dismount from him. As he starts to soften, he slips the condom off and ties it. 
“Where should I…?” he asks.
You take it from him and put it in the trash can. You smile and snuggle into his chest.
“yn, next time, I promise to make you cum a bunch before I do since I didn’t get you there this time,” he says as his thumb rubs gentle little patterns on your cheek.
“Oh, so there will be a next time?” you ask, grinning up at him.
“I certainly hope so,” he says nervously. “I really like you, and that was a lot of fun.”
“It was, wasn’t it?” you say as you wrap your legs around his, getting comfortably snuggled in against his naked frame.
“So much,” he whispers as his lips press against your forehead.
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ntiromantic · 4 years
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you're the star that turns ordinaries into extraordinaries
↳ hi @jjeongukkie​ - i’m your secret admirer, angel! happy valentine’s day! i made a playlist for you, in addition to this graphic. it’s linked in the source link. i hope you like this :)
do not repost.
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shuadotcom · 4 years
Back to the Start | KTH
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》Summary: Nothing has been the same since Taehyung broke up with you. Memories of him play on repeat in your head until he’s all you can dwell on. You think you’re the only one suffering with how well he seems to be doing on the outside, but you could be wrong. 》Pairing: Taehyung x Female!Reader 》Genre: Angst, fluff (at the end), exes to lovers au, college au 》Rating: PG15 》Warnings: Cursing, alcohol usage 》Word Count: 4.3k 》Project: @heartsforbtsnet​​ Secret Admirers event 》A/N: Hi Isabelle @taephilia​​! It’s me, your secret admirer, Honey🍯! I really enjoyed chatting with you and getting to know you this past month and a half. I’m always down for a chat about anime or reading or anything whenever you want! I hope you enjoy your gift 😊💗 Hugeeeeee thank you to Mo @suhdays​​ for being an absolute sweetheart and beta reading this for me 🥺❤️❤️
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Giving you no time to prepare, he pulled you into his arms, holding you close for only a second before whispering, “We need to break up.”
“Wh-what?” You pulled away harshly, face scrunching in confusion.
“I think we should break up, Y/n.”
“Tae, I don’t understand. Where is this coming from?”
Taehyung sat on your bed, running his fingers through his black hair, causing the strands to stick up every which way. “Fuck, Y/n, this is so hard. Juggling school and my shitty part-time job on top of theater, the art club, and then having to make time for you; it’s all too much. It just feels like every single day I have obligation over obligation, and I don’t know how much more I can handle.”
Nearly everything he had said to you was in one ear and out the other as your hurt took over. “So, I’m just an obligation?” You croaked, already feeling the tears welling.
He leaped off of the bed and rushed over to you, cupping your face in his warm hands. “No, no Y/n, please, that’s not what I meant. I love you, and I care about you. I just can’t be there for you like I want to. You have to admit I haven’t been around much lately. It’s been like two weeks since we’ve been out on a real date.” He was right. You knew he was busy, but it had started to feel like you didn’t even have a boyfriend with how much he was absent.
“Almost a month, actually,” you whispered.
Eyes closing in guilt, Taehyung inhaled and released his hold on you. “I can’t keep doing this to you. I won’t. I think we should go back to being friends.” The word ‘friends’ felt like a punch to the gut. The two of you have been friends since freshman year, meeting through your mutual friend group, and started dating a year after that. To go back to where you started after being together for two years hurt like hell.
“But I don’t need to go out on dates all the time. You know I don’t care about all that.”
“Yeah, but I do, Y/n. I can’t give you what you deserve, and I refuse to keep doing that to you.”
“Tae…” Is all you managed to whimper. At this point, you knew you were a mess as you cried openly in front of him. You didn't know what else to say to get him to stay. Taehyung was firm in most of his decisions, and this seemed like one of those times he couldn’t be swayed.
“I’m sorry, Y/n. I’ll see you around, okay?” Your hand shot out to stop him, and your fingers weakly gripped the sleeve of his jacket. His brown eyes met yours, and you saw how red they were as tears of his own threatened to fall. “Y/n, please let me go. Please.” His voice cracked with each word. The pain in his tone hit you hard enough that you let go of him, your arm falling limp at your side.
He looked as though he had more to say, but only stared at you for another minute before tearing his gaze away and rushing out without another word.
More than anything, you wish that your mind would forget. When Taehyung showed up at your dorm room on that fateful Friday night, he was sullen and didn’t attempt to return the kiss you gave him. You knew something was wrong, and your gut told you he wasn’t paying you a positive visit. Your instincts had, of course, been right. It was only two months ago, but it seems as if so much more time has gone by.
You don’t know how he does it. Taehyung sits at the table across from yours, talking to Jungkook and Seokjin about something that you can’t hear amongst the cafeteria’s sounds.
He laughs genuinely, head thrown back and mouth open wide. His hair is getting long, so it moves when he shakes his head, the strands swishing below his eyebrows and almost getting into his eyes. He’s sitting so close to you, laughing with your mutual friends as if you aren’t always living in the past.
Does the pit in the bottom of his stomach ache when he sees you as yours does? Does his heart clench in his chest when he hears the sound of your voice? Do the moments the two of you spent together constantly play on repeat in his head upon hearing the mere mention of your name?
Every time you see Taehyung around campus, he seems as though he’s moved on and is living his best life. He’s still in theater and preparing for the upcoming play. His art is still winning contests, and his photography is frequently featured in the university’s weekly blog. Last you heard Jungkook mention, he received an A in their shared science class, and his grades seem to be doing just fine in the rest of his other classes.
You can’t relate, no matter how much you beg yourself to move on. Even when he had started to distance himself and cancel dates and not return your calls, you still wanted it to work so bad. You still do.
“Y/n?” A voice calling out from beside you rips you from your memory of the breakup. It plays in your head far too often than you’d like.
“What?” You sniffle and glance at a frowning Sooyoung.
“I asked if you’re up to going out with Yerim, Joohyun, and me tomorrow night?” She offers you an encouraging smile, doing her best to cheer you up. Sooyoung is your best friend and roommate and has been by your side through the entire breakup. You continuously apologized for how much you seem to monopolize her time with your problems, but she is nothing but supportive of you throughout the ordeal.
“I don’t know,” you start, your attention going back to Taehyung when you hear his roommate Jimin call out to him as he approaches his table.
Sooyoung follows your gaze, letting out a knowing ‘hmm’ and laying her hand atop yours on the table. “Y/n, please come? You haven’t been out since that day, and I miss spending time with you. Yerim and Joohyun miss you.”
Tearing your eyes from Taehyung, you turn to meet her eyes. The look she gives you lets you know the concern she harbors without having to say anything.  You’d be the first person to admit that you were still mourning your ex-relationship on an almost daily basis. You haven’t been out to spend time with your closest friends since the breakup, and you’d be lying if you said it isn’t lonely.
You took a break from your role on the university blog because you couldn’t stand the sympathetic looks whenever Taehyung’s name would show up attached to a photo for an article. You also stopped going to the anime club because Jimin and Jungook were in it, and they talked about Taehyung too much for you to bear. Ultimately, you had become somewhat of a recluse aside from going to class and working in the campus health center.
After deciding that maybe, just maybe, getting out and spending time with your friends would mend you, you agree to Sooyoung’s offer.
She rubs your arm comfortingly in response, assuring you that you were going to have fun and that it would be good for you.
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It’s sometime after your 4th shot of bourbon that the lights in the dingy club seem much brighter than they had when you got there. After your 2nd vodka and coke, walking is trickier, and your heels are pinching your feet. You’re not sure how long you’ve been here, but you want to go back to your dorm room and go to sleep.
Sooyoung helped you get as dolled up as you would let her for tonight. With your hair styled, a slinky blue dress on, and a face full of makeup, you and your friends piled into Joohyun’s car and drove to the club closest to campus, her serving as the designated driver for the night.
It’s nothing glamorous, just your standard too crowded nightclub that smells heavily of body odor and alcohol. It’s the only club near campus, so on any given night, you can find half the room consisting of students you shared a class with or seen in the hallways.
Tonight is different, though. Most of the crowd seems to be much older than a lot of the students you know. A sense of discomfort washes over you as soon as the four of you walk in, but you shake it off and tell yourself you need this and that you need to spend time with your friends.
It’s why you say yes to shot after shot and drink and after drink, but it doesn’t help. Every man that walks by your table looks like Taehyung. Every man that you hear speaking over the near-deafening music sounds like Taehyung. You swear you even catch a whiff of the same woodsy cologne he wears, just for a second.
Before you even register what you’re doing, your phone is in your hand, and you’re scrolling through your contacts to the letter ‘T.’
It only takes three rings before he answers.
“Y/n?” Taehyung’s deep voice in your ear instantly puts you at ease. You’ve missed hearing him so bad.
“Tae, I want to go home,” you murmur.
“What? Y/n I can’t hear you.”
“I want to go home!” With as much energy you can muster, you yell over the music.
“Where are you? Are you alone?” He asks both questions quickly, concern lacing his tone.
“The club by campus! I’m with Sooyoung and Yerim and Joohyun!”
“Are you all drunk?” You press the phone to your ear, doing your best to hear him over the loud bass pounding around you. You think you hear the sound of keys on his end.
“Yes! But not Joohyun, she’s our designated driver!”
“I’m on my way so stay there. Can you do that for me, Y/n?” Hearing him say your name after what feels forever instantly has your heart racing.
“Okay!” You smile to yourself when the call ends. Taehyung is coming to get you, which means you get to talk to him again. Even though you’ve stayed friends as he had requested, you could never find it in yourself to talk to him much; the pain of having him so close yet not being together was too much to handle.
You’re unsure how long you stay glued to your seat, but Joohyun joins you eventually, and you waste no time in telling her Taehyung is on his way. She looks alarmed, but that’s quickly replaced with a gentle smile and an ‘I’m glad to hear it.’
Once she knows you’ll be on your way out soon, you decide to tell your other friends as well. It only takes a quick scan around the packed club to notice Sooyoung and Yerim dancing with two guys that look familiar, but you can’t place their names. Stumbling slightly when your feet touch the floor, you recover quickly and wobble over to them. When Sooyoung sees you coming, she opens her arms and lets you fall into a hug.
“Y/n! Did you finally come to dance with us?!” The alcohol she’s consumed has definitely gotten to her if the way she slurs her words are any indication.
“No, I’m going back to the dorm.” She pouts in response.
“But we just got here!
“I don’t think that’s true.” You glance at your phone, still not recalling when you got here, but you see that it’s already midnight.
“Is Joohyun taking you home?” Your roommate cranes her neck in search of your sober friend, but you shake your head.
“No, Taehyung is coming to get me.” Sooyoung, who's still had her arms around you this whole time, squeezes you again and squeals.
“Taehyung! I miss him. I miss you two together.” Quick memories of you and Taehyung run through your head at her words. You miss being together too.
You say your goodbyes to your friends before stumbling out of the club and slumping against the cold brick of the building. Phone in hand, you can’t help but open your photo album and scroll through the photos of you and Taehyung that you still have saved. Past the alcohol swirling through your veins, a familiar sense of pain that has stayed with you since the breakup surfaces, and you feel your eyes begin to mist over.
Before any tears can spill, a warm body knocks into your side, throwing you off balance. You stumble a little, but you’re able to regain your balance. Preparing to scold Taehyung, you turn only to see it’s not Taehyung next to you.
“Hey, beautiful,” the gruff voice garbles out, the heavy smell of alcohol on his breath. You don’t recognize the man, but it's obvious he’s much older than you. His calloused hand grasps your upper arm, his skin clammy against your bare skin.
“H-hi,” you attempt to pull yourself from his hold, but his grip only tightens.
“Where are you off to so quickly?” Another effort to remove his hand is useless, as he doesn’t budge. Sinister eyes stare you down making a chill run through you. Your mind may be hazy, but you still have enough sense to know that this is trouble.
“What are you doing? Let me go!” A quick look at your surroundings shows that the street is empty with it being so late at night. The bouncer for the club you exited is a few feet away, but he’s currently on the phone with his back turned towards you.
The man holding onto you tugs you again and manages to get you a few inches down the sidewalk before you’re planting your feet, willing yourself not to budge. He turns towards you with a clear look of annoyance. “I want you to come play with me.” His tone is determined, but you stand firm.
“Fuck you! I’m not going anywhere with you!” A brief game of tug-of-war ensues between you and the stranger as he again attempts to pull you down the sidewalk. He gives up in a huff, then makes a move to grab your waist. You react as quickly as possible and bring your knee up swiftly at the same time that he bends down. When your knee collides with his chin, he lets out a distressed yelp, clutching his jaw.
“You stupid bitch!” He spits, still wincing in pain. Large hands grab your waist before you can back up, but before he can completely lift you off balance, a fist from behind you smashes into the man’s nose, sending him backward and onto the sidewalk. Ignoring his scream, you turn immediately and see Taehyung breathing heavily behind you.
“Let’s go, Y/n.” Taehyung’s warm, familiar hand wraps around your wrist as he whisks you away from the scene. You follow him to his idling car waiting at the curb, and he helps you into the passenger seat.
Wordlessly, he drives the short distance to campus, his jaw tight, eyes fixed ahead. While you admire his side profile, which is just as beautiful as you remember it to be, your eyelids flutter closed against your will, feeling heavier with each street light the car pasts.
As soon as they shut, you’re gently shaken awake by Taehyung, who has the passenger door open as he offers his hand to you. You gladly take it to step out of the car; the feeling of your palms touching has goosebumps shooting up your arm. You miss him so much.
“Tae?” You whisper, finding your voice.
“Can I-uh...can I stay with you tonight? I don’t mean that way. I just don’t want to be alone tonight. I’ll even sleep on the floor, just please?”
Taehyung’s still clenched jaw relaxes then, and you watch him visibly soften when he looks down at you.
“You don’t have to sleep on the floor. Jimin is out for the night, so you can sleep in my bed, and I’ll sleep in his.” You feel a goofy smile spread across your face as Taehyung changes your course for his dorm building instead of yours.
His side of the dorm room is the exact way it was two months ago. Textbooks and paintbrushes are piled on his oak desk, clothes hanging on the end of his bedpost, and multiple used canvases sit in the corner. When you tiredly flop onto his unmade bed, the sheets are still soft and smell of him.
“Here,” Taehyung’s voice wakes you when you doze off again. “I’m heading to the bathroom so you can change into these in private.” You take the clothes from him and notice the faint blush on his cheeks. Before you can reply, he’s out the door, leaving you to listen to his sandals scuffle down the hall.
Feeling sleepier with each passing moment, you wriggle out of your dress and slip into the baggy sweatpants and t-shirt, Taehyung’s scent invading your senses even more. Being in his room and his clothes again is bittersweet and you feel your eyes start to water. You love this familiar feeling of comfort and warmth, but at the same time, everything is different. You’re not here to lay in his arms and talk about your future, nor are you here to begin a cozy weekend with just the two of you.
You’re his drunk ex-girlfriend who interrupted his Friday night by drunk dialing him. Tomorrow you’ll wake up with a hangover and drag yourself back to your dorm, alone once again.
You don’t realize you’re crying until Taehyung comes back into the room and rushes to your side, alarm etched all over his handsome face.
“Y/n? What’s wrong?”
“I’m so sorry,” you sob. “I’m sorry I called you to get me.”
Taehyung reaches for the tissues by his bed and wipes your face with them, the tissue coming back dirtied with your foundation and mascara, but he doesn’t pay it any mind. “Hey, you don’t need to apologize. I wasn’t doing anything but lying around on the internet. Besides, that’s what friends are for, right?”
He offers you a smile that is probably his attempt at reassurance, but all it does is have you crying more.
“You don’t even understand. I try so hard to tell myself to get over you, but it’s so fucking hard. You’re out here, living life and excelling at everything and winning awards and getting good grades while all I do is cry over you and mope in my room like a loser because I still love you so much!” You know you look a mess, with your nose running and your makeup smudged, but you can’t stop the tears.
“I-I’m going to sleep.” You stand up too quickly, and the alcohol still in your system causes you to stumble. Taehyung looks like he wants to say more, but instead he silently stands up from the bed and watches you crawl under his sheets. You pull them over your head, and you finally stop sobbing, a few hiccups slipping out as you sniffle and eventually fall asleep.
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You don’t know what time it is when you wake up, but the sun is shining much too brightly through the thin blinds. Your head is pounding, and your throat is dry. The only thing on your mind at this moment is making it back to your bed and drinking as much water as you can.
Groaning, you roll over and look across the room, seeing the lump you assume is Taehyung, still burrowed in Jimin’s bed. As quietly as you can, you step out of bed to find your dress.
“Are you just gonna leave?” Taehyung’s gravelly voice makes you jump. His messy, dark locks pop out from under the blanket, sleepy eyes glancing your way.
“I...I figured you’d want to get back to your weekend. I’ll wash your clothes and bring them back to you,” you mumble, going back to looking for your dress. You can’t handle the upcoming conversation. Your eyes are already stinging at the thought.
“I want to talk about what you said last night.”
“Tae, I just want to go back to my room. My head hurts, and I’m thirsty, and I need to wash my makeup off.”
“Here,” Taehyung gets out of bed and rummages through his desk drawer, pulling out a bottle of painkillers and a pack of makeup removing wipes. “Take these. There’s water in our mini fridge and uh, I still had the wipes from when you used to stay over…” His sentence trails off as you take both items from him and try to ignore the way your heart squeezes in your chest. He kept something of yours.
“Thanks, but I still want to-” His hand latches onto yours, stopping you from moving and cutting off your train of thought.
“Y/n, please. I know you want to run away right now, but I need you to know that I miss you.” He seems genuine, but you don’t want to get your hopes up.
“Well, you’re so busy with everything, so we never hang out as a group, but it’s okay. Whenever you’re free, we can get everyone together and-”
“No,” he starts, interrupting you again. “I miss you. I miss holding you and kissing you and loving you.” Your breath catches in your throat at his words and as much as you want to fall into his arms, you remember how you got here.
You snatch your hand from his grasp and try to put distance between the two of you. “You’re the one that wanted us broken up, Tae. You wanted to focus on your classes and your job and theater, and you’re flourishing, remember? It looks like you’re doing fine without me.”
His brows knit together, mouth pulling down into a frown. “I know I put us in this situation, but you think I’m flourishing? That couldn’t be further from the truth.”
“According to what I’ve heard, your straight A’s and award-winning paintings would say differently. The way you waltz around with our friends sure makes it seem as though you’re doing just fine!” Hot tears of frustration threaten to fall, but you try to wipe them away. You’re so tired of crying.
“Y/n, do you have any idea why that is? If I don’t throw myself into my art and school and friends, all I do is sit in this room and think of you! I’ve spent every night since we broke up thinking about your laugh and your face and your everything.” Taehyung lets out a shuddering breath, running his hands through his already messy hair.
“Every little thing reminds me of you, and it hurts so fucking bad. Jimin and Jungkook wanted to watch a Harry Potter movie the other day, and I had to leave the room to full-on sob in the bathroom because all I thought about was you and everything else you like. Breaking up with you was the worst decision I have ever made in my life, and I’m reminded of it any time I’m not doing something else.” Now sitting on his bed, Taehyung wipes roughly at his eyes, letting out a groan.
You sit next to him, the two of you remaining in silence as you mull over his words.
“Well, you’re not alone,” you finally speak up. Taehyung lets out a sniffle but doesn’t respond. “I’ve done the opposite actually. I’ve done the bare minimum on my assignments and I’m not doing any of my extracurriculars. Last night was the first night since we broke up that I even went anywhere that wasn’t class or work.”
Another beat of silence. “So, where do we go from here?” Taehyung asks, his voice hoarse.
“I mean, it’s clear neither of us is happy.” He hums in agreement, and neither of you say anything else. The words are on the tip of your tongue, but you can’t help your hesitation. Just ask him, you scream internally. Before you can back out!
“Do you want to get back together?” Your heart is pounding as you blurt it out, and you almost don’t want to look at him. Even with everything he just told you, a small nagging voice in the back of your mind toys with the idea that he’ll say no.
All negative thoughts are cut off as warm hands cup your face and turn you to look at him. Your eyes meet, and the pounding in your chest intensifies, but this time it’s because of how beautiful he looks, even with tear-stained cheeks and bedhead.
“I don’t deserve for you to take me back after what I put you through, but if you want me back, I promise I’ll make it up to you tenfold. I’ll give you everything and then some to make sure you’re happy. I’ll make sure to give you all my attention no matter what, and I’ll even quit theater and art club if you want so I can spend all my time with you. I’ll-”
It was your turn to interrupt him, bringing your lips to his in a firm but sweet kiss. Taehyung’s hands move to your waist to draw you closer, and your arms loop around his neck. You pull back soon after and bury your face in his firm chest, reveling in just how soft and safe he is.
“You better not quit any of your extracurriculars. We’ll find time to spend together, but I won’t allow you to stop doing the things you love. And you don’t need to go above and beyond for me. I just want us to be an us again.” His grip around you tightens, pulling you even closer.
“I love you so much, Y/n. I’ll never hurt you again, I promise.”
“I love you too, Tae, and I believe you.”
Time ticks by as you stay like that, wrapped up in Taehyung’s embrace. At some point, he reclines on his bed and takes you with him as you readjust in his hold. With your headache and dry throat forgotten, you fall asleep on him eventually, and he does the same. Your last thoughts are around knowing the two of you have things to figure out and plans to make, but at least you’ll get to do it together with Taehyung by your side once again.
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