#secret messages (like anagrams and cyphers)
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alullinchaos · 1 year ago
making a one sentence post and then writing a 3 paragraph essay in the tags is healing for the soul
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fancysasquatch · 1 year ago
I've decided to watch Gravity Falls, and I want to see if I can figure out the various mysteries without looking up any answers. I'm going to catalog my efforts to do that here on tumblr.
Going into this I've only seen two episodes back in like 2013 (the pilot and one where there's a pig) but I'm not totally in the dark about the show because there's a few things I've gleaned from cultural osmosis on tumblr. Namely, the bad guy is a pyramid man named Bill Cypher and also Grunkle Stan either has a twin or a clone, I'm unclear which.
I'm currently two episodes in and I've already discovered and cracked one secret code, and am keeping my eye on a couple other things. During the credits of episode one I noticed a string of garbage text, pictured below
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Knowing this show's reputations I figured this might be a coded message, probably either a substitution or transposition cipher (since this was a code meant for children and those are "Baby's first cryptography" material). I put it in an anagram finder and got back 48 results that all contained the word "fjord" but none seemed like an actual message, so it probably wasn't a transposition cipher.
If it was a substitution cypher then there were three options that seemed the most likely to me. It was either a shifted alphabet (each letter in the message is shifted a certain amount up or down the alphabet, so A becomes B becomes C, or A becomes C and B becomes D, et cetera), a reverse alphabet (every letter is mirrored back to front, so ABC becomes ZYX) or a keyed alphabet (where every letter's replacement is randomly determined by a secret key).
If it was a keyed alphabet then I was out of luck for now, I would have to wait until either they reveal the key or I collected enough messages to brute force it. I tried a reverse alphabet first but it was still garbage text. So it was down to being one of 25 different shifted alphabet keys (unless it was multiple codes, like a reverse alphabet and a transposition, but I'd finish dealing with single codes first).
I could have tried each of the 25 possible shifts first, but that's a lot of work, so instead I focused on the two letter word. One of those two letters has to be a vowel, and there's only six vowels so that means 12 possible options. Only two of the options were real words. Shifting back two letters turned "wr" into "up" but the rest of the message was nonsense. Shifting it back three letters turned "wr" into "to," and applying that to the whole message made it read "Welcome to Gravity Falls."
With that code cracked, I moved on to episode 2. I hadn't paid much attention to the intro during the first episode but this time I paid closer attention, and noticed a few things (and then went back and confirmed they were the same in the first episode's intro).
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In Dipper's title card there's some symbols on the wall that look like runes, but the only real rune is the third symbol. The others don't seem to appear in any actual runic or pseudo-runic alphabets I can find online. I'm going to be writing this off as purely decorative for now, but I'll keep an eye out in case these keep popping up as a symbolic alphabet, like the alien alphabet from Futurama.
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At the very end of the intro this pops up for a split second. That guy in the middle is Bill Cypher, I already know he turns up later. I recognize several of the symbols surrounding him as being from the show. The shooting star is on Mabel's sweater, the handprint is on the cover of the book, the tree is on Dipper's hat, the lobster claw is on Grunkle Stan's hat, and the question mark is on Soos' shirt.
To the right there's a string of text which, when translated using the same alphabet shift code from above, reads "Stan is not what he seems." It also has the Konami code, which I'm just taking as an easter egg.
On the left there's a few possible number codes. In red it looks like something in binary but it's doesn't actually mean anything in binary. But if you convert it to morse code it could be either "sror" or "oksk." Using the same -3 shift, "sror" becomes "polo," which means nothing for now. Reverse alphabet shifting does nothing, I used an online tool to test every other alphabet shift but nothing came up. I don't even know where to begin working on the other two possible number codes.
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The credits for the second episode had another hidden message. Using the -3 shift, it becomes "Next week: return to Butt Island."
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agape-philo-sophia · 4 months ago
➝ DeOcculting The Matrix.
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The Matrix is not your typical movie, because it is saturated with occult symbolism and hidden messages. This movie was produced by Andy and Lana Wachowski and approved by the Controllers (Elites). The Controllers wanted Andy and Lana to produce this movie to see how the people would react to a movie that was telling them the truth in a metaphorical and allegorical kind of way.
There are three films that make up the Matrix Trilogy, which are The Matrix, The Matrix Reloaded, and The Matrix Revolutions. The first film answers the question: What is the Matrix? The second film answers the question: Why are we in the Matrix? The third film answers the question: How do we get out of the Matrix? These three films are filled with allegories. When you decipher these allegories properly, they can tell you what is going on behind the scene of the world.
The Codes of the Matrix
The Matrix starts with strange green computer codes running down the screen in the foreground. These green computer codes are the codes of the Matrix. When watching the movie, you will hear Trinity and Cypher talking about Neo in the background during this part of the movie.
The Number 506
The strange computer codes turn into numbers and then the movie zooms in to the number 506. In Thelema, the number 5 represents microcosmos and the number 6 represents macrocosmos. When you add the numbers 5, 0, and 6 together, you get 11 which represents the Cosmos. Why? Because you added the microcosmos and macrocosmos together, which is what the Cosmos is made of. The number that is often used to represent Creation (the Prime Creator) is 0. In numerology, 0 represents infinity and symbolizes Creation. Hence, the number 506. This number tells us that The Matrix is a spiritual movie about reality and occult knowledge. Thelema is a religion founded in 1904 by Aleister Crowley, a magician who was well-trained in the art of dark magic. Many researchers of secret societies suggested that he was an Illuminati member.
The Heart O' The City Hotel Scene
The Heart O' The City Hotel symbolizes the heart. Pay attention to this scene because the movie starts and ends at this hotel. In this scene, Trinity is attacked by police officers, which are agents of the state.
Trinity represents the feminine force that is being attacked. The feminine force symbolizes love and compassion. Love and compassion attract unity, which is why the Controllers are constantly degrading women and conditioning men to treat women like whores. This is why all the three matrix movies start with Trinity being under attack.
What Does Trinity Represent?
In Christian theology, the name Trinity is derived from the Holy Trinity, which consists of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. In The Matrix, Morpheus represents the Father, Neo represents the Son, and Trinity represents the Holy Spirit. The fact that the actor Carrie Anne Moss is named Trinity shows that The Matrix is a religious movie filled with hidden messages.
The Heart Represents Neutrality
The heart represents neutrality because its energy brings peace and harmony between the opposite charge of polarities. The heart holds the key to stopping the Matrix system of the Dark Forces, because its charge is neutral and therefore it does not feed the Matrix with energy.
This is why it is important to focus your awareness inside your heart and think with your heart as much as possible, so that you do not generate too much positive and negative energy to charge the Matrix system. The key is to stay neutral as much as possible, but also be aware of what the Dark Forces are doing.
The word heart is an anagram for the word earth. Hence, the phrase “home is where the heart is”. The heart is where love and evil reside. Phonetically, the word evil sounds exactly like evol. Love spelled backward is evol. This represents the positive and negative energy, which is known as polarity. When you learn to balance your positive and negative energy, you can reach a state of neutrality, allowing you to achieve balance and inner-peace.
Room 303
Room 303 is the hotel room where Trinity is assaulted by police officers. Pay attention to this room because it plays an important role in the movie. The number 303 is an important number in the religion of secret society. I will explain what this number means near the end of this presentation.
Neo's Apartment
Thomas Anderson, also known as Neo, is a software engineer and the main hero of the movie. The Matrix has a lot of allegories related to software and computer, which is why the main hero is a software engineer. In Greek, the word thomas means "a twin". Thomas is the “twin” of Neo, and therefore Thomas Anderson represents the person who is asleep and Neo represents the person who is spiritually awakened.
At the beginning of every matrix film, the main character Thomas Anderson is asleep. Metaphorically, it shows that the average person living on Earth is asleep. Thomas Anderson represents the human beings who are trapped in the system of the Controllers and have no idea that they are living in an artificial reality. By the end of this presentation, you will know what the artificial reality is.
Neo's Room 101
Room 101 is sometimes used to represent the place of your deepest fear. The book titled Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell is known for using Room 101 for manifesting fear and nightmare. Furthermore, the number 101 is often used to symbolize a course or manual for beginners. In the case of Neo, room 101 represents the beginning of Neo's path to face his fear, so that he can achieve enlightenment.
Did you notice the one eye symbolism in the image? This symbolism is very popular in the religion of the Illuminati and the Freemasons.
The number 101 is an important number in Freemasonry, because it “represents the Temple of Solomon's two pillars, Boaz and Jachin, (1's) accompanied by the central Brazen Sea (0), forming the "101", which literally symbolizes the entrance to the Holy of Holies, or figuratively signifies the beginning of one's esoteric and gnostic journey to self-actualization.”
In computer language, 101 is binary for the decimal value number 5. This relates to The Matrix because Zion was destroyed 5 times and Neo is the sixth person to be the One. According to certain spiritual teachings, the Earth was “cleansed” 3 times and we are in the process of transitioning to the fifth world.
The computer codes 1 and 0, which are the codes of the Matrix, also represent on and off or white and black. The color white and black are important colors in Freemasonry. These two colors represent polarity (positive and negative). Have you ever wondered why the colors of the square on checkerboards are white and black? It has to do with Freemasonry. The numbers 1 and 0 can also represent an open eye and a closed eye. Hence, the one eye symbolism in the previous slide.
The White Rabbit
After Neo wakes up, he gets a message on his computer telling him to “follow the white rabbit.” The white rabbit symbolizes a mind control program called “Alice in Wonderland”. This mind control program is designed to activate certain parts of the slave's subconscious, allowing the slave to access them. This is known as going “through the looking glass,” which allows the slave to access his or her other personalities. A looking glass is another term for a mirror. In occult knowledge, mirrors are doorways to other dimensions. In psychology, people who have more than one personality is said to be suffering from multiple personality disorder.
The white rabbit also symbolizes the process of going down the rabbit hole to see how deep and strange reality is. In The Matrix, the slave Thomas Anderson is told to “follow the white rabbit”, so that he can discover his true self (Neo) and what the Matrix really is. The white rabbit is a sign that Thomas Anderson, like everyone in the Matrix, is under mind control and needs help to free his mind before he can escape the Matrix.
In The Matrix, the white rabbit tattoo on the back of the woman with black hair also represents synchronicity, because the computer message tells Neo to “follow the white rabbit”, and shortly after that he sees the white rabbit tattoo on her back.
The Club Scene
Trinity: I know why you're here, Neo. I know what you've been doing. I know why you hardly sleep, why you live alone, and why night after night you sit at your computer. You're looking for him. I know, because I was once looking for the same thing. And when he found me, he told me I wasn't really looking for him. I was looking for an answer. It's the question that drives us mad. It's the question that brought you here. You know the question just as I did.
Neo: What is the Matrix?
Trinity: The answer is out there, Neo. It's looking for you. And it will find you, if you want it to.
When Trinity says this to Neo, she is telling him that the desire for truth must be present if he is going to find answers to his question. This message also applies to us. The truth is out there, so if we want to find it, we need to have the desire for the truth and not fear it. The Laws of Nature will guide us to find the truth when we are ready, so we need to have an open mind and watch for the signs. Once we see the signs, it is up to us to take the actions to follow the signs and find the truth.
The Interrogation Room Scene
Neo: How about I give you the finger... and you give me my phone call.
Agent Smith: Um, Mr. Anderson. You disappoint me.
Neo: You can't scare me with this Gestapo crap. I know my rights. I want my phone call.
Agent Smith: Tell me, Mr. Anderson, what good is a phone call if you're unable to speak. ... You're going to help us, Mr. Anderson whether you want to or not.
This scene shows us how ignorant Neo is about the law. What Neo does not know is that he is a corporate slave. A slave does not have rights but has certain privileges. In this scene, Neo represents the average human beings, because most of us are ignorant about the law.
In the United States, the U.S. government assumes that we are all “employees” or agents of the United States, which is a corporation. 99 percent of the time when the U.S. government and its agents refer to the United States, they are talking about the corporate United States (the UNITED STATES, INC.). As a United States Citizen, you are considered an “employee” of the corporate United States. Unlike traditional employees, you do not get a weekly or biweekly paycheck. In other words, you are a slave. As a corporate slave, you have no rights, only privileges. In The Matrix, Neo is a corporate slave and therefore he has no rights.
If you want proof that the United State is a corporation, do a search on any search engine using these keywords “28 USC 3002”. Click on the appropriate link and go to subsection 15 and 15(A)
This is the same scene where Neo is being interrogated by the agents of the Matrix. Shortly after agent Smith said to Neo, “Tell me, Mr. Anderson, what good is a phone call if you're unable to speak”, Neo's lips begin to shut and melt together.
Allegorically, this scene shows us what is happening to our society today. Nearly all governments throughout the world do not want us to speak out for our rights. Instead, they want us to remain silent, because by being silent we are giving them our consent. In legal terms, being silent is known as implied consent or implicit consent. In addition to wanting us to remain silent, they also want us to be afraid to stand up for our natural rights. Their favorite weapon for doing this is fear.
The Lafayette Hotel Scene
In this scene, Neo meets Morpheus for the first time. In Greek mythology, Morpheus represents the God of Dream. He is revealing the dream or the illusion known as the Matrix. Here we have Trinity (feminine energy, emotion, and intuition), Neo (masculine energy, will, and action), and Morpheus (mind energy, thought, and knowledge) together as the Holy Trinity. By now you should realize that this movie is filled with occult knowledge. The word occult originated from the Latin word occultus, which means "hidden, concealed, secret".
Morpheus: Let me tell you why you're here. You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain. But you feel it. You've felt it your entire life. That there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is but it's there, like a splinter in your mind driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me. Do you know what I'm talking about?
Neo: The Matrix?
Morpheus: Do you want to know what IT is? The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us, even now in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work, when you go to church, when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.
Neo: What truth?
Morpheus: That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else you were born into bondage, born into a prison that you cannot smell or taste or touch. A prison for your mind. ... Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself.
In this last paragraph, Morpheus is basically telling Neo that he is a mind control slave and the Matrix is so horrifying that words can not describe it, and therefore he needs to see it with his own eyes to know what the Matrix really is.
The Red Pill and Blue Pill Scene
Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this there is no turning back. You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. ... Remember, all I'm offering is the truth, nothing more.
In this conservation, Morpheus is giving Neo two choices. However, in reality he actually has more than two choices. The two choices technique is a technique that the Controllers like to use to create the illusion that we have a choice or only two choices. This is why in politics, we have two main parties, which are the Republican and Democrats. As for the two colors of the pills, the color blue represents passive energy and the color red represents active energy. Red is about moving forward and engaging the will. This is why when Neo took the red pill, he was forced to face the truth.
Morpheus is also telling Neo that he is only offering him the truth, and to know and understand the truth is a choice that only he can make. Like what Morpheus said, if you want to find the truth, you need to have the desire to seek for the truth and not be afraid of it. Furthermore, learn to meditate and calm your mind, so you can hear the inner voice inside you. This inner voice will often give you ideas and guide you to find the truth. This inner voice is known as your intuition.
The image below is a reflection of two Neos. The one grabbing the red pill is Neo, the natural person. He is the One/1 so he is alive/on. The person grabbing the blue pill is Thomas Anderson, the artificial/legal person. He represent 0/off so he is dead. Remember earlier when I said that there are two versions of Neo? The artificial person is the slave. He does not have free will and the power to make a choice. This is why he can not lift up his hand to pick up the blue pill. Did you notice the reflections of Neo in the image below are two different images?
Morpheus: Have you ever had a dream, Neo, that you were so sure was real. What if you were unable to wake from that dream. How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world?
In this message, Morpheus is telling Neo that he may be living in a dream. This message also applies to us because we are living in a reality similar to the Matrix. Have you ever wondered why some people like to do drugs so much? At the subconscious level, people like to do drugs for the reason that the drugs help free their minds for a few hours from the real Matrix. What is the real Matrix? I will explain what it is near the end of this presentation.
Neo Wakes Up from His Pod
Shortly after Neo takes the red pill, he wakes up in his pod and sees the horror of what the Matrix really is. He looks over his pod and as far as his eyes can see, there are millions and millions of pods filled with human beings. This is how horrifying the situation is. It is so bad that he can not even see the bottom.
Allegorically, this scene shows you that most people on Earth today are asleep and have no idea that they are slaves for the system of the New World Order (NWO). When you learn the truth, it can be scary and feel hopeless. However, it is the truth that will set you free. As long as you fear the truth, you can never be free.
The Hovercraft Nebuchadnezzar: After Rescuing Neo from the Matrix
This is the scene where Neo is being treated for muscle atrophy. The image above represents the weak state that we are in when we first wake up from the illusion of the Matrix.
The Construct Scene
This image is a picture of the back of Neo's head. The medal part is the place where they can insert a metal rod attached to an electrical cord. This rod and cord allow former victims of the Matrix to transfer their consciousness into the digital realm, such as the Matrix and the Construct. The rod and cord symbolizes our DNA. I will explain why near the end of this presentation.
Morpheus: This is the construct. It's our loading program. We can load anything from clothing, to equipment, weapons, training simulations, anything we need.
Neo: Right now we're inside a computer program?
Morpheus: Is it really so hard to believe? Your clothes are different. The plugs in your arms and head are gone. Your hair is changed. Your appearance now is what we call residual self image. It is the mental projection of your digital self.
Neo: This...this isn't real?
Morpheus: What is real. How do you define real? If you’re talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see, then real is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain.
Morpheus: You've been living in a dream world, Neo. This is the world as it exists today. ... Welcome to the Desert of the Real. We have only bits and pieces of information but what we know for certain is that at some point in the early twenty-first century all of mankind was united in celebration. We marveled at our own magnificence as we gave birth to AI.
Neo: AI? You mean artificial intelligence?
Morpheus: A singular consciousness that spawned an entire race of machines.
The Machines Represent the Dark Forces & Artificial Intelligence (AI)
The machines can represent a few things, but ultimately they represent the Dark Forces and the Controllers, which are the sentient beings that are controlling humanity. The real controllers are not the Elites, they are the demonic thought form entities. These demons are the masters of the Controllers. My understanding is that these thought-form entities can infect people's minds with evil thoughts or possess them when they communicate with them too much. There is a good chance that the Controllers may have transferred the consciousness of these thought-form entities into AI machines.
AI systems are basically quantum computing machines, which is why they can think to a certain degree. One of the first commercial quantum computers is called D-Wave Two. This quantum computer is manufactured by D-Wave Systems Inc. What you need to know about quantum computer is that the secret government has been experimenting with quantum computers since the 1970s and maybe even earlier. The technologies that the secret government has are often decades ahead of the public.
The Battery Scene
Morpheus: The human body generates more bio-electricity than a 120-volt battery and over 25,000 BTU's of body heat. Combined with a form of fusion the machines have found all the energy they would ever need. There are fields, endless fields, where human beings are no longer born, we are grown. For the longest time I wouldn't believe it, and then I saw the fields with my own eyes. Watch them liquefy the dead so they could be fed intravenously to the living. And standing there, facing the pure horrifying precision, I came to realize the obviousness of the truth. What is the Matrix? Control. The Matrix is a computer generated dream world built to keep us under control in order to change a human being into this.
Evidence that We are Being Used as Batteries
The word battery is an important word in commerce and law, because it has to do with the process of harnessing the energy of humanity. In other words, this is one of the many methods that the Controllers used to drain your energy.
This energy is then used by the Controllers to charge their corporations or “corpse-o-rations” (“corpses” or “dead entities”), banks, and other commerce systems, so that they can keep their game of conning humanity going. Without our energy to charge their corporations and commerce systems, their con game will not have enough power to stay on.
As human beings, we are being used as batteries. This is why before we go to court, we have to be charged first. At the court hearing, the judge will read the charges and then charge them off after a verdict or judgment is made.
If there is a fine or fee included in the judgment, the defendant will be ordered to pay the fine with currency. The covert meaning of the word currency has to do with the flow of energy. This is why the stored energy in a battery is called electric current or the currency of electricity.
The word currency originated from the Latin word currens, the present participle of currere, which means “to run.” When you think about this, it might not make sense, because why would they base the word currency on a Latin word that does not have much to do with paper money or coin? Because it is not really about the paper money or coin. Instead, it has to do with energy.
To find how currency is related to energy, you need to use phonetics and separate the word currency into two words. When spoken out loud, the word currency sounds similar to “current-sea.” What does a current do in a river? It flows or runs to the sea! Sometimes you have to rely on the phonetics instead of the letters to find the hidden meaning of a word.
The word currency also sounds similar to current-chi. In Chinese, the word chi means “natural energy,” “life force,” or “energy flow.” Based on these definitions, currency means the flow of energy. When you really think about it, currency is a medium for exchanging energy.
When you go to work at a company, the company often pays you hourly. Every hour is recorded to make sure that you are paid for investing your time and energy into the company. After you have worked for a certain amount of time, you are given a weekly or biweekly paycheck. Once you take your paycheck to the bank to cash it for currency, the currency now represents your time and energy.
The Truth Can Make You Pass Out!
This is the scene right after Morpheus tells Neo that the human race is being used as batteries. Neo is horrified after discovering the truth and tries to deny it by saying:
Neo: No. I don't believe it. It's not possible.
Morpheus: I didn't say it would be easy, Neo. I just said it would be the truth.
Neo: Stop. Let me out. Let me out. I want out.
After they unplug Neo from the Construct, Neo freaks out, pukes, and then passes out. When people hear the truth for the first time, they often get angry and scared at the same time, causing them to want to lash out at the messenger for telling them the truth. This scene does a good job of showing this reaction.
The Matrix is the Veil for Controlling Our minds
Morpheus: As long as the Matrix exists the human race will never be free. After he died the Oracle prophesied his return and that his coming would hail the destruction of the Matrix and the war, bring freedom to our people.
There is truth in the message above but there is also misleading information. It is true that as long as the Matrix exists the human race will never be free; but it is misleading to say that a savior will come save us. The savior ideology is a PSYOP. It is one of the main programs that the Controllers like to use to disempower us and make us think like slaves.
Neo represents each of us. The One is YOU! There is no one savior. Once you realize this, you should know that all religions are controlled by the Dark Forces, which is why nearly every religion teaches you to worship an external god and an external messiah. In order for us to free the human race, we the people of the world have to unite and work in cooperation.
The Construct: Neo Fights Morpheus
In this scene, Morpheus takes Neo into a sparring program inside the Construct to test his fighting skills and train him how to fight. During the fight scene Neo can not beat Morpheus. The computer programmer uploaded all the fighting techniques, including kung fu into Neo's brain before the fight and yet Neo still can not beat Morpheus.
Morpheus: How did I beat you?
Neo: Your too fast.
Morpheus: Do you believe that my being stronger or faster has anything to do with my muscles in this place?
Neo: I know what you're trying to do.
Morpheus: I'm trying to free your mind, Neo, but I can only show you the door, you're the one that has to walk through it.
In the last sentence, Morpheus is telling you that when you try to free people's mind, do not force them to see the truth. Only show them the door. One of the reasons why you do not want to force people is because it can scare them too much, causing them to close their minds. By forcing them, you may end up violating their free will.
Morpheus is also telling you that no one can save you and show you the truth, because only you have the key to the door of truth. Without facing the truth, you can not transform your mind and ascend to higher levels of consciousness. Transformation comes from within, no messiah can do this for you. The messiah/savior ideology is a PSYOP created by the Dark Forces for the purpose of enslaving your mind and soul, and preventing you from taking personal responsibility for your spiritual growth.
When Morpheus says to Neo, “Do you believe that me being stronger or faster has anything to do with my muscles in this place? You think that's air you're breathing now?”, he is explaining to Neo that it is not about being strong in the body but in the mind. In other words, to defeat Morpheus Neo needs to strengthen his mind.
In the Matrix, which is a computer generated reality, the body is an illusion and therefore being stronger or faster has little to do with the body. This also relates to our physical reality. Our physical bodies are creatures of our minds and therefore our minds are much more powerful than our bodies. This is why it is important to not be so obsessed with your body and learn to strengthen your mind. One way to do this is to learn knowledge of empowerment and turn it into wisdom.
The Construct: The Jump Program
In this scene, Neo and Morpheus are on the roof of a skyscraper and have to jump to a roof of another skyscraper. This scene is about having faith in yourself and overcoming your fears. Neo fails the jump program because he is still living in a state of fear and has not freed his mind from the programs of the Matrix.
After Neo falls and hits the ground of the Construct, Neo gets kicked out from the training program and realizes that his mouth is bleeding for real.
Neo: I thought it wasn't real.
Morpheus: Your mind makes it real.
Neo: If you're killed in the Matrix, you die here?
Morpheus: Your body cannot live without the mind.
The body is a creature of the mind and therefore it can not live without it. In our physical reality, everything that is happening to us is not really happening out there. It is happening in our minds and consciousness, and then is projected into the external world. This is the deeper meaning of what Morpheus said about why the body can not live without the mind.
The Construct: Sentient Programs
In this scene, Morpheus shows Neo another computer training program. This training program is designed to teach the people of Zion to deal with the agents of the Matrix.
Morpheus: The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around. What do you see. Business men, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system, and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inert, so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it.
In real life, the people who work for the system of the New World Order (NWO) is a potential enemy of humanity. These people can easily be brainwashed to do harm to others. For example, most federal agents have been brainwashed so bad by the system of the NWO that they think they are doing a good thing by enforcing their “laws” down our throats. When order to kill people, some of them would do it without questioning the order.
These order followers do not know what freedom is and are so brainwashed that they are willing to kill innocent people to protect the very same people who are enslaving them. They love to be slaves and crave the illusion of power and control. In reality, government agents that blindly follow orders are straight up cowards and can barely think for themselves.
One important thing you need to know about their laws is that they are NOT laws of the land, but are acts and statues of corporations. If you have studied the information in my second seminar, you would know that the United States is a FOREIGN corporation.
The Construct: The Lady in Red
The lady in red scene represents ego consciousness and our desires. It also represents sex, distraction, and deception. This scene shows one of the techniques that the Controllers are using to control us and prevent us from knowing the truth. The Controllers like to use sex to distract us and control our thought patterns. Why do you think there are so many sexual messages and erotic images in TV shows, movies, and video games?
Sex is one of the most effective things to use to control us, because we lose control of our critical thinking skills when our minds are saturated with information about sex. After the lady in red passes Neo, he turns around and looks at her again, but she has already turned into an agent. This shows that beauty can be deceiving. Behind that beautiful body could be a devil. The Controllers are masters of deception. They love using the art of deception to deceive us.
Neo: This...this isn't the Matrix?
Morpheus: No. It's another training program designed to teach you one thing. If you are not one of us, you are one of them.
Neo: What are they?
Morpheus: Sentient programs. They can move in and out of any software still hard wired to their system. That means that anyone we haven't unplugged is potentially an agent. Inside the Matrix, they are everyone and they are no one. We are survived by hiding from them, by running from them. But they are the gatekeepers. They are guarding all the doors. They are holding all the keys, which means that sooner or later, someone is going to have to fight them.
Allegorically, the sentient programs are the agents of the Controllers. In real life, federal agents are the gatekeepers because they are guarding all the doors. The conversation between Morpheus and Neo in the previous slide has empowering knowledge, but it also has deceptive knowledge.
At the end of this conversation, Morpheus tells Neo that “sooner or later, someone is going to have to fight them.” This message is deceiving because it is designed to promote war. When we fight the system, we are creating karmic energy and therefore are perpetuating the problem and fueling it with negative energy. What we should do is remove our consent and support. The Matrix can only survive with our consent and support.
Morpheus: I've seen an agent punch through a concrete wall. Men have emptied entire clips at them and hit nothing but air. Yet their strength and their speed are still based in a world that is built on rules. Because of that, they will never be as strong or as fast as you can be.
Neo: What are you trying to tell me, that I can dodge bullets?
Morpheus: No Neo. I'm trying to tell you that when you're ready, you won't have to.
In this conversation, Morpheus is telling Neo that the artificial intelligence (AI) system that is controlling humanity can never be as powerful as he is. This is true because AI does not have emotion, true thought, and creativity. Morpheus is also telling Neo that he has infinite potential.
As human beings, we have infinite potential because we have the power of thought, love, and consciousness inside us. These are the same powers that the Prime Creator used to create the Universe. We do not feel like we have infinite potential, because we lack the knowledge to access the higher states of our consciousness. When we evolve to higher states of consciousness, our bodies will change and become less dense, and therefore we eventually will not need to dodge bullets because they will not be able to harm us as much.
The Oracle's Place
In this scene, Neo walks into the Oracle's apartment and sees a boy bending spoon with his mind. The spoon boy is spiritually awakened, so he knows that he is living in an artificial reality. This is why he said this to Neo:
Spoon Boy: Do not try and bend the spoon. That's impossible. Instead only try to realize the truth.
Neo: What truth?
Spoon Boy: There is no spoon.
Neo: There is no spoon?
Spoon Boy: Then you'll see that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself.
When Spoon Boy said to Neo, “there is no spoon.” He is telling him that reality works like an illusion. Remember what I said earlier that everything happening to us is not really happening out there, but is happening in our minds and then is projected into the external world?
When Spoon Boy said to Neo, “then you'll see that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself.” This sentence is full of esoteric knowledge and wisdom. Everything that is happening in the Matrix does not really exist, so if Neo wants to change it, he must first change himself and the way he thinks.
The external reality that we live in works similar to this spoon scene in The Matrix. Once you know how reality works at the fundamental levels, you will know that to achieve world peace and spiritual freedom, you must first change how you think.
This is the scene where Neo meets the Oracle for the first time. The Oracle represents intuition and knowing the self. She is the voice deep in your subconscious mind that guides you to find your path in life. In other words, she is your subconscious self.
The Oracle says to Neo, “Being the one is just like being in love. No one can tell you you're in love, you just know it. Through and through.” What the Oracle is telling us is that when we find our path in life, we just know from deep within our souls that it is the right path. We know because we can feel it. It is like every cells in our bodies are vibrating with excitement, just like falling in love. Because of this, no one can tell us what our path in life really is.
After the Oracle asked Neo if he was the One and Neo responded with the answer “I don't know”. The Oracle told Neo to look at the sign behind him with the Latin phrase Temet Nosce [teh met nos kay]. This is Latin for “know thyself”. You can not achieve spiritual freedom until you know who you really are. Most people do not know who they truly are, which are spiritual beings living in physical bodies. Because of this, they can never truly achieve spiritual freedom until they know who they are.
The Office Building of the Agents
This is the scene after Morpheus has been captured by the agents.
Agent Smith: Have you ever stood and stared at it, marveled at it's beauty, it's genius? Billions of people just living out their lives, oblivious.
What agent Smith is talking about is the control system known as the Matrix. What agent smith said to Morpheus is a great analogy for what is happening to our world. Today, most of us live in a state of trance, marveling the “beauty” of technology and having no clue that this same technology is being used to spy on us and enslave our minds. Technology is not a bad thing, but when we become irresponsible and allow psychopaths to control technology, they could use it to destroy our civilization.
Agent Smith: Did you know that the first Matrix was designed to be a perfect human world? Where none suffered, where everyone would be happy. It was a disaster. No one would accept the program. Entire crops were lost. Some believed that we lacked the programming language to describe your perfect world. But I believe that as a species, human beings define their reality through misery and suffering.
Agent Smith is speaking from the perspective of the Controllers (Elites). The Controllers want us to think that humanity can not live in a perfect world and be happy at the same time. They want to condition us to think that we are meant to suffer and live in misery. The purpose of this is to prevent us from knowing that we can live in peace with one another. If we can unite as one big race and live in peace, it is game over for the Controllers and their Matrix system.
It is true we can not live in a perfect world for the reason that at our current state of evolution we still make mistakes. However, mistakes are not always a bad thing, because they can help us grow and evolve into better people.
Agent Smith: I'd like to share a revelation during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species. I realized that you're not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment but you humans do not. You move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You are a plague, and we are the cure.
Again, agent Smith is speaking from the perspective of the Controllers. The Controllers of the NWO are psychopaths who view us like parasites that need to be abused, controlled, and slaughtered. This is why they like to call us “useless eaters” and “sheeples” that need to be dumbed-down to the level of braindead “zombies.” The Controllers want us to think that we are a disease, a cancer of this planet. This is designed to make us feel guilty and worthless, so that we are more willing to accept their depopulation program. Unfortunately, many people's minds have been infected with this sick ideology of depopulation.
Who is Cypher?
Cypher is the one who betrayed Morpheus and his crew, allowing the agents to capture Morpheus. Cypher represents the people who have sold their souls to the devil. Furthermore, he represents the ignorant people who love to live in a prison world without responsibility. Unfortunately, most people have been brainwashed to think like Cypher, which is why it is so hard to talk to people about government corruption, secret societies, and the New World Order. Cypher also represents the egominded people who are obsessed with money, material things, and luxury.
The Office Building of the Agents: Neo & Trinity Go Rescue Morpheus
This scene is about rescuing truth and knowledge, because Morpheus represents these two things. To find Morpheus, Neo and Trinity have to take a leap of faith, which is shown when they grab the elevator cable and Neo shoots the cable with his pistol, causing the elevator to fall.
The Subway Station Fight Scene
This is the fight scene in the subway between Neo (the One) and agent Smith (the Zero). Instead of running away, Neo confronts agent Smith. His action shows us that he is finally starting to believe in himself. Neo has finally gained enough courage to face his fear. From the perspective of the language of the Matrix, which consists of 1 (positive) and 0 (negative), Neo represents 1 and agent Smith represents 0. In other words, agent smith is the negative side of Neo.
The Heart O' The City Hotel
Neo is shot in the same room where the movie begins. Room 303 of the Heart O' The City Hotel. This hotel room was the same room where Trinity was assaulted by police officers in the beginning of the film. We have now come full circle. It is no accident that Trinity and Neo end up in the same room at different times.
The Occult Meanings of 303
When you take out the 0 in 303, you get 33 which is a very important number in Freemasonry. In masonic teachings, the number 33 is the first level of the illuminated degree of Freemasonry. This is because it is the degree of temperature in Fahrenheit when ice begins to melt into water. Water is an important element in nature and religion, because it represents transformation and life. As for the number 0, it represents the freezing point, because 0 degree Celsius is when water freezes.
In Freemasonry, the number 33 also represents death and rebirth. It is about resurrection and ascending to higher levels of consciousness and awareness. It was no coincidence that Neo was shot in room 303, died, and was resurrected. The number 0 represents his death and the number 33 represents his rebirth.
Neo is Revived by Trinity
In this scene, Neo is revived by Trinity after she kisses him. Neo died in room 303 and was resurrected through the pure love of Trinity. This shows us that pure love can overcome anything. The combination of pure love (Trinity) and action (Neo) is truly powerful, because it allows us to take action without fear.
Neo Awakens His Powers!
This is the scene when Neo comes back to life. The three agents try to shoot him, but he stops their bullets using his mind along with the word “NO”. This scene is one of the most important scenes in the film, because it shows us that it is our “collective” higher consciousness that can stop the Dark Forces and free our minds.
To reach a higher level of consciousness, Neo had to face his fears, build courage, and know thyself. One of the most important things that helped him do these things was knowledge. For us to free our minds from the real Matrix without firing one bullet, we need to ascend to higher states of consciousness. To do this we need to face our fears, build courage, and know ourselves. This things require the right knowledge, which is why knowledge is power!
The True Nature of the Matrix
Neo can now see the Matrix for what it really is, which is made of computer codes. Our natural reality works similar to this. Instead of computer codes 1 (on) and 0 (off), our natural reality is made of energy or light patterns that flash on and off. This process creates energy codes that are processed by our minds and bodies to create our external material reality. In other words, matter is an “illusion”.
System Failure!
The movie ends with the phrase “System Failure”. Neo says, “I know you're out there. I can feel you now. I know that you're afraid. You're afraid of us. You're afraid of change. I don't know the future. I didn't come here to tell you how this is going to end. I came here to tell you how it's going to begin. I'm going to hang up this phone and then I'm going to show these people what you don't want them to see. I'm going to show them a world without you, a world without rules and controls, without borders or boundaries, a world where anything is possible. Where we go from there is a choice I leave to you.”
The human race is at a crossroad where we collectively have to make important choices that will determine our future. This event is causing our awareness and consciousness to increase, causing the Dark Forces to be afraid of what we might become. Will we be able to free ourselves from the real Matrix? It all depends on our choices and actions.
The movie zooms in to the letters M and the F, representing the masculine and feminine consciousness.
What is the REAL Matrix?
The real Matrix is not the Matrix in the movie. The real Matrix is the artificial reality that has taken over the natural reality of Earth. This matrix is an artificial computer generated hologram that is managed by a very advanced quantum computing system. This artificial holographic matrix was created by the Dark Forces and their minions (the Controllers) to enslave us. They can enslave us by wirelessly “plugging” our DNA into their Matrix system. The metal rod and cord in the movie The Matrix symbolizes our DNA.
The real Matrix is very hard to detect because it looks very similar to the natural reality of Earth. Imagine overlaying two images together. One is a copy and the other one is the original image. When you overlay them on top of each other, they become one image. The new image looks very similar to the original image but is slightly different. This is similar to how the Dark Forces are tricking us to think that we live in a natural reality.
The purpose for “plugging” our DNA into their Matrix system is to enslave our minds, so that they can use us as “batteries”. The Dark Forces need to feed on our energy to survive, because they have been cut off from the Eternal Life Current of the Prime Creator. In other words, the Dark Forces are the dead entities that need to feed on our living energy to survive. They are what some people refer to as astral parasites or energy vampires.
The movie The Matrix was created by the Controllers to mock us and tell us that we have been enslaved by their masters (the Dark Forces). Unfortunately, most of us are too brainwashed, ignorant, and spiritually asleep to realize this. Everyone who is currently living on Earth has been physically and spiritually enslaved by the Dark Forces. This is why Earth is called a prison planet. The moment you are born on Earth is the moment you are a prisoner of the Matrix system.
Some of the systems that the Dark Forces like to use to prevent us from deleting the digital codes of the Matrix system and replacing it with the natural energy codes of the Universe are the number and language system, and their version of sacred geometry. Other systems that they like to use are religion and the media. By using religion and the media to condition us how to think, they can control our thought patterns to a large degree. This allows them to create a reality that they want.
If you know that the human collective thought is what creates the human experience on Earth, then you should know why they want to control how we think. The language, media, education, and religious system are four of the main systems that the Dark Forces like to use to hijack our reality. The political, technology, and energy systems are also three other important systems that they like to use to enslave us. It is important to know that these systems are not evil, but are being used for evil purposes.
A Few Solutions for Freeing Humanity from the Real Matrix
It is not wise to fight the Matrix system, because fighting it will only give it energy to feed on. Furthermore, fighting leads to more karma and therefore this drama will never end. It is like a snake biting its own tail. Instead of fighting the system, we need to remove our consent and reduce our support for the Matrix system as much as possible. This system needs our support to exist. Just like how any corporation needs our support to stay in business. We also need to create our own system, so that we can completely stop supporting the Matrix of the Dark Forces.
Do not ignore what the Dark Forces are doing. You need to be aware of what the Dark Forces are doing, so that you can protect yourself from them. Ignoring them only makes it easier for them to enslave the human race.
One of the things that will help us achieve spiritual freedom is the balancing of the right and left hemisphere of our brains. When the two hemisphere of our brains are balanced, they help us to live in harmony with nature and access higher states of consciousness. The balancing of the left and right hemisphere of our brains makes it easier for us to achieve Unity Consciousness. Our hearts will also play a big role in this process. Uniting our hearts and brains will play a big role for freeing humanity from the Matrix system.
One of the Dark Forces favorite tricks to prevent you from leaving their Matrix is the “light at end of the tunnel” technique. Once you walk into the light, you unknowingly go back into their Matrix, so you better make sure it is the right light. They also like to manifest themselves to look like angels or someone you loved, so that they can trick you to go back into their Matrix after your body dies. Once you go back into their Matrix, your memory is wiped clean and you have to play their game all over again.
Other popular techniques they like to use are soothing sounds and calming music to attract you to go back into their Matrix. Church music is a good example. Maybe this is why they play this type of music in church to condition you ahead of time. All churches are controlled by the Vatican (the religious center of the Dark Forces) to a certain degree.
Study Natural Law and learn your natural rights, so that you can put the Dark Forces and the Controllers in checkmate when they violate your rights. This is how you can stop them without violent revolutions. The Universe has its own justice system. All thoughts, intentions, and actions are known by the Universe. As long as you do not forgive them for harming you until you make them accountable for their actions, they will eventually have to face the justice system of the Universe. The masters (demons) of the Controllers are well aware of this justice system. Once they face the consequences for their actions, then you can forgive them.
Arm yourself with knowledge of empowerment, so that you can overcome your fears. Knowledge is one of the main keys to spiritual freedom. One of the main reasons why you are fearful of something is because you lack the knowledge to understand it. Once you gain the right knowledge to understand it, the fear eventually subsides and can not control you anymore. I know this from experience.
Stop relying on a savior to save you. The savior ideology was created by secret societies of the Dark Forces to enslave your soul. When you rely on a savior to save you, you are basically telling the Universe that the Prime Creator did not give you the spiritual powers you need to achieve spiritual freedom. This is an “insult” to the Prime Creator. If you need to rely on a savior to save you, you are not using your spiritual powers wisely and are thinking like a slave.
Stop supporting wars and crimes against humanity. All the major wars on Earth have been engineered by the Controllers and the Dark Forces. The Dark Forces like wars because wars create a lot of negative energy for them to feed on.
When it comes to spiritual freedom, educating yourself about Natural Law and your natural rights are two of most important things you can do. This is because learning how to live in harmony with Natural Law is a requirement for ascending out of time and space.
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aion-rsa · 4 years ago
Enola Holmes Review: Millie Bobby Brown’s Revolution Lacks Revelation
Sherlock… Mycroft… and Enola! The Holmes siblings—we’re looking for a mind at work! It is easy to insert the names of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s famous detective and his brother—and their baby sister, Nancy Springer’s relatively recent creation—to the tune of “The Schuyler Sisters” from Hamilton. It’s just the sort of playful, futzing-with-lore vibe given off by Enola Holmes, Netflix’s feminist riff on Doyle’s canon. But unlike Lin-Manuel Miranda’s musical, the Netflix movie won’t stick in your memory beyond the credits. Still, it’s diverting fun with a valuable message for both its Victorian era women and contemporary young adult viewers.
Sixteen-year-old Enola Holmes (Stranger Things’ Millie Bobby Brown) grows up being told that she can do anything that she puts her mind to. And why not? Her sole role model is her mother Eudoria (Helena Bonham Carter), a brilliant artist and cryptographer who knows how to guard secrets with codes and her fists, and who rears Enola in the same interdisciplinary manner. Sequestered away from society in their family’s downtrodden country home with a limited and loyal staff, the two women enjoy their own bubble of safety and learning for learning’s sake.
It’s only when Eudoria disappears on Enola’s birthday, leaving behind a cryptic message, that the bubble pops. In come Enola’s older brothers Sherlock (Henry Cavill) and Mycroft (Sam Claflin), the latter to take her on as his ward and send her to a stultifying finishing school to catch up on all of the ladylike traits she (gasp) never inherited. Instead Enola wants to follow in Sherlock Holmes‘ footsteps, putting their considerable intellects together to locate Eudoria in London, but while the detective is sympathetic to her hurt and fear about their mother’s whereabouts, he does little to help her.
And so Enola is reminded of Eudoria’s seemingly cruel trick in giving her an anagram of a name that spelled backwards means alone. Not that it lasts long since Enola’s escape to London to find her mother soon intersects with the path of Viscount Lord Tewskbury, Marquess of Basilwether (Louis Patridge), and yet another mystery to solve arises with gunmen in pursuit. Try as she might to not get caught up in more intrigue, Enola nonetheless has danger literally stalking her just out of frame for all the times she offers droll asides to the camera.
Director Harry Bradbeer, who helmed almost every single episode of Fleabag, brings that series’ iconic fourth-wall break to Enola’s story, providing the loner girl with the closest thing to friends in an audience she engages with directly. Yet the device isn’t nearly as effective as when Phoebe Waller-Bridge does it, not least because Enola’s asides hardly ever shock. Despite being a fledgling detective, she’s surprisingly candid about her intentions to most everyone she meets, so when she makes eye contact with the camera, she’s rarely imparting new and shocking information or a drastically different read on a situation.
Enola shares her brother’s knack for disguises, shrewdly moving throughout London and the surrounding area in a variety of personas; an especially amusing recurring joke is when she frequently offers to trade outfits with random boys (sneakier than showing her face in a garment shop, and cheaper too). This code-switching across society allows her to convincingly occupy every role from newspaper boy to black-swathed widow, without any of them defining her. Because the real Enola is a patchwork of all of these identities.
While Enola clearly inherited the Holmes family’s wits, she lacks the real-world experience that hones such deductive skills, and winds up reacting just as much as anticipating new contacts and clues. It’s a refreshing change from mysteries in which Sherlock has all the answers, allowing the viewer to follow along with Enola as she explores Eudoria’s network of fellow revolutionary women and their ties to the suffragette movement. Yet once she uncovers signs of a greater conspiracy, Enola begins to wonder at her mother’s capacity for violence in the name of changing the world order.
By adapting the first of Springer’s popular YA novels and combining it with the period-appropriate conflict of women’s suffrage, Enola Holmes makes lofty pronouncements about changing long-established systems to make space for women and people of color. And some of it feels like terribly unsubtle lip service, at least to more cynical audiences, but one exchange stands out: Eudoria’s friend Edith (Susie Wokoma), who runs a tea shop and teaches jiu jitsu to young women on the top floor, challenges Sherlock that his apathy for helping his sister or mother is because the world as-is perfectly suits him—and he has the grace to look abashed.
This movie had the amusing unintentional PR boon of getting sued by the Conan Doyle estate for depicting Sherlock as having (dear me) emotions—a trait that does not exist in the public domain because the stories that did delve into his feelings are still under copyright for a few more years. Yet Cavill’s Sherlock arguably has a pretty limited character arc that could best be described as “begrudgingly affectionate,” while Claflin’s Mycroft is a delightful dandy who gets to sputter a few times but is mostly ineffectual. Both brothers could do with more screen time, but because this is Enola’s coming-of-age story, they are mostly relegated to a few obligatory scenes.
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Enola’s trail doesn’t lead her anywhere near Baker Street, probably because at this point in the story Sherlock is famously a solo detective and couldn’t possibly work with a partner; even his little sister spends the entire film convincing him of her mettle. While one might expect a sly Watson meet-cute by the end of the movie, it would seem that the filmmakers are saving that canonical touchpoint for potential future installments. It certainly would be amusing to see an Enola Holmes franchise in which Sherlock and Watson have cameos as their cases intersect with Enola’s, and in which Mycroft gets to be more of an obstacle to her fledgling career.
It takes the movie a noticeably long time to build to the interesting notion that a world-changing mystery is rooted in a seemingly mundane case. The movie zigzags so much between its two branching plots that by the time it sets up for its big showdown, viewers might feel a little out of step and not fully appreciate the payoff. That’s partly why even though Enola has her very own Captain Marvel “fall three times, get up four” moment, it lacks the emotional punch of Carol Danvers’ win over the patriarchy.
Like a sloppy cypher, Enola Holmes crams a few too many elements into one narrative, jumbling it in parts and lessening its overall effectiveness. But if this is just the first installment, then it is a promising beginning. There will always be a need for stories that carve out spaces in history for people other than white men, and a plucky girl detective who knows her way around a corset and a cryptograph is herself a much-needed role model.
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Enola Holmes is available on Sept. 23 on Netflix.
The post Enola Holmes Review: Millie Bobby Brown’s Revolution Lacks Revelation appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3mLmHHZ
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newstfionline · 8 years ago
The Founding Fathers Encrypted Secret Messages, Too
By Rachel B. Doyle, The Atlantic, March 30, 2017
Thomas Jefferson is known for a lot of things--writing the Declaration of Independence, founding the University of Virginia, owning hundreds of slaves despite believing in the equality of men--but his place as the “Father of American Cryptography” is not one of them.
As a youth in the Virginia colony, Jefferson encrypted letters to a confidante about the woman he loved. While serving as the third president of the newly formed United States, he tried to institute an impossibly difficult cipher for communications about the Louisiana Purchase. He even designed an intricate mechanical system for coding text that was more than a century ahead of its time.
Cryptography was no parlor game for the idle classes, but a serious business for revolutionary-era statesmen who, like today’s politicians and spies, needed to conduct their business using secure messaging. Codes and ciphers involving rearranged letters, number substitutions, and other now-quaint methods were the WhatsApp, Signal, and PGP keys of the era.
Going into the Revolution, Americans were at a huge disadvantage to the European powers when it came to cryptography, many of which had been using “black chambers”--secret offices where sensitive letters were opened and deciphered by public officials--for centuries. It was not uncommon for the messages of Revolutionary leaders and, later, American diplomats in Europe, to be intercepted and read by their enemies, both at home and abroad.
As a result, early Americans “operated in multiple secret languages during the Revolution,” says Sara Georgini, the series editor of The Papers of John Adams, at the Massachusetts Historical Society. “They didn’t throw away those habits once the new nation got formed.” The Founding Fathers continued to rely on encryption throughout their careers: George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, John Adams, John Jay, and James Madison all made ample use of codes and ciphers to keep their communiqués from falling into the wrong hands.
But no one went as deep into the encryption game as Jefferson. Born in 1743 in Shadwell, Virginia, Jefferson was learning Latin, Greek, and French by the age of 9. He went to the College of William & Mary at 16, to study physics, math, and philosophy, and by early 1764, Jefferson, then 20 years old, was writing letters in code. At first glance, a cryptic letter he sent that year to John Page, a close college classmate, is difficult to parse: It drops Latin phrases in the middle of what sound like emotional ultimatums about an upcoming contractual agreement with some man, whose name is written in Greek characters.
“My fate depends on ad???eß’s present resolutions: by them I must stand or fall,” Jefferson writes. But the Greek characters are in fact an anagram for Rebecca Burwell, a 17-year-old from Yorktown he wanted to marry. Four days later, Jefferson decided that his earlier code was too obvious. “We must fall on some scheme of communicating our thoughts to each other, which shall be totally unintelligible to every one but to ourselves,” he told Page.
Although most encrypted letters were a mixture of cipher and “plaintext,” deciphering them could be a patience-straining process. It was easy to mess up during the encoding or decoding process. Letters using dictionary and book codes--where the writer provided a set of numbers that indicated the page, column, and position where the word they wanted could be found in an agreed-upon book--could become garbled by line-counting errors.
The alternative was having secrets stolen and--then as now--even leaked in an embarrassing scandal. As some of the colonists grew more radical following the Boston Massacre, a cache of private letters by Massachusetts Governor Thomas Hutchinson and his lieutenant were leaked and published in newspapers up and down the Eastern Seaboard. In the letters, Hutchinson said that colonial Americans were owed only a fraction of the rights English citizens could expect. Americans took to the streets to burn effigies of the two men.
On Christmas Day in 1773 none other than Benjamin Franklin copped to being the source of the leak, a sort of colonial Julian Assange. He lost his job as deputy Postmaster General of North America, but things accelerated quickly toward revolution and war, raising the stakes for secret communications even higher. Soon, similarly compromising documents emerged from the offices of colonial governors in New York, Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina--duly stolen and leaked to newspapers.
During the Revolutionary War, American leaders had “an informal and amateur approach to espionage,” says Georgini. Some relied on dictionary codes. George Washington, a code enthusiast himself, used an invisible-ink formula devised by John Jay to communicate with the members of his spy cell, the Culper Ring, in British-controlled New York City. “If deciphered, the British could identify the senders, arrest them, and hang them,” says Alexander Rose, the author of the book Washington’s Spies: The Story of America’s First Spy Ring (now a TV series, Turn: Washington’s Spies).
Even after the war was finished, Washington remained suspicious of sending letters by mail. “By passing through the Post offices [my sentiments] should become known to all the world,” he complained in a 1788 letter to Marquis de Lafayette.
As the newly formed United States entered the world of diplomacy, invisible ink and book codes were no longer going to cut it. Forced to hold its own against sophisticated European players, American cryptography evolved in tandem with U.S. diplomacy, explains Georgini. Its foreign ministers communicated in a riot of different secret methods, and the deluge of codes and ciphers sailing across the Atlantic was a chaotic assemblage of individualized systems. The diplomatic corps in Europe generally relied on variations of the clunky, medieval-era nomenclator system, which saw statesmen lugging around long code lists, where hundreds or thousands of words and syllables--from “a” to “Amsterdam” or “Aaron Burr”--were reassigned as combinations of digits. Still, it is estimated that more than half of all U.S. foreign correspondence ended up in British hands.
Back on U.S. soil, domestic surveillance was still a major concern heading into the 19th century. “The infidelities of the post office and the circumstances of the times are against my writing fully & freely,” Jefferson concluded in 1798, when he was vice president. His concern, says James McClure, the general editor of The Papers of Thomas Jefferson at Princeton, “was the opposition getting a hold of something he wrote: They would put it in the newspapers and use it against him.” But even writing in code was not a failsafe. Jefferson understood that the popular nomenclator system was vulnerable to security breaches; all it took was a code list falling into the enemy’s possession. So he decided to go a step further. “Jefferson got interested in encipherment systems that didn’t rely on lists,” says McClure.
Sometime in the 1790s, Jefferson designed a “wheel cipher,” which was “so far ahead of its time, and so much in the spirit of the later inventions, that it deserves to be classed with them,” writes David Kahn in his seminal cryptography book, The Codebreakers. Jefferson’s device, which included 36 turning wooden wheels with the letters of the alphabet marked on their edges, was remarkably similar to a device the U.S. Army adopted more than a century later, in 1922.
“Had the President recommended his own system to Secretary of State James Madison, he would have endowed his country with a method of secret communication that would almost certainly have withstood any cryptanalytic attack of those days,” Kahn writes. “Instead he appears to have filed and forgotten it.”
Many of the other methods that Jefferson was most enthusiastic about, such as the “perfect cypher,” designed for him by the mathematician Robert Patterson, just never caught on. As with privacy-minded people trying to get their friends to use PGP keys today, sometimes the newfangled inventions felt like too much trouble. Jefferson’s U.S. minister in Paris, Robert Livingston, simply refused to use Patterson’s complicated transposition cipher--where plaintext is reordered and transformed--while negotiating the Louisiana Purchase. Jefferson developed a specialized non-list cipher to be used by Meriwether Lewis for his expedition into the Louisiana territory that hinged on the keywords “antipodes” and “artichoke.” Lewis did not appear to share the president’s enthusiasm, or was just too tired from crossing the continent on boat, foot, and horseback. He never ended up using it.
The best method of keeping encrypted messages completely secure appears to have been losing or destroying the translation key. To this day, scholars are still working to piece together decoded passages in diplomatic letters from the revolutionary generation. “There are at least three codes for which no key has been found,” says McClure.
A couple of years ago, a cryptographer at Princeton finally managed to crack Patterson’s supposedly “indecipherable” code. It turns out, an encoded block of text that Patterson sent to Jefferson in 1801 as an example of an unbreakable code was the Declaration of Independence.
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