lachalaine · 4 years
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@secrecykept​ asked: 
If Jackie were to walk into her bedroom right now, she would see a large leopard splayed out on her bed. The feline was perfectly content in his sleep, a low purr rumbling from him. Poor thing was so exhausted! Of course it /was/ tiring being so damn nosy. The bedroom was in a bit of a mess, it had been quite a challenge for Chesh to /nosy/ through her belongings while in leopard form after all.
If Jackie were to walk into her bedroom right now, she was nearly certain of exactly the sight that she would see. The same sight that she’d had for years, her room the same as it ever was; no different from how she’d left it this morning, no different from how she’d walked into it last night.  
There wasn’t much to be said for a variation in said expectations, after all, considering the years and years of which she’d primarily lived alone. Apart from Lemon Drop, of course, who for all her haughtiness and arrogance, was not necessarily one to cause too much of a mess in her absence -- spare the few times she made it a point to toss down the odd vase or two, but that was only ever to see how fast she could make Jackie run over to catch it. 
Living with a cat, it’d seemed, wasn’t exactly the easiest arrangement, in hindsight. 
Now living with two however, with one being just a mite larger and a great deal more curious, and she was going to find out just exactly how much that statement rang true. 
For it’s with a slight push upon the door that the female quietly meanders her way in that afternoon, with attention preoccupied, her gaze distracted - focused only upon the mobile phone lit ever so brightly within her grasp. An idle musing on a possible response to a received text message, only for her attention to gradually shift when her bare foot suddenly catches on to something both stringy and soft, a lil’ thin scrap of fabric that draws the woman up short. 
And Jackie allows a passing moment of confusion to settle before she finally makes it a point to check, the idle lifting of her foot with a mild note of uncertainty, before her eyes finally manage to comprehend exactly what it is that she sees. 
Pale lilac. Thin Lace. A most conspicuous textile tossed onto the floor like last weeks laundry. 
Funny, considering how she was sure she hadn’t worn that particular piece for at least a month. She’d even remembered folding it after it’d been washed. 
Although --- now that she’d deigned to notice it, as mahogany hues slowly shifted to yet another piece of fabric on the floor, to another, and then another, and then one more --- 
Her whole closet was in dire need of a laundry hamper now, apparently. 
And who should she eventually find but the obvious culprit dozing away on her bed; the male having plainly taken no efforts at all to hide his involvement, as he lay buried beneath a good pile of cozy sweaters, with his claws gently clipped into the fabric of her most favorite jacket. 
The look on her face does not read pleased, even as her heart mildly melts at the sight. 
Oh gods. 
“Kit.” She exhales in soft exasperation, even as his ear seems to mildly twitch at the sound of her voice, an absent snuggle down into the fabric still curled tight beneath his maw, and gods forbid - but even knowing the extent of the mess he’d caused, even knowing that there might be actual claw marks laced into most her clothes now, not to mention her favorite hoodie -- oh boy, oh boy, oh boy.
He was so lucky he was cute. So lucky.
It doesn’t stop her from bonking him on the head with a pillow though. 
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pcsitivibee · 5 years
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thankfulness for @secrecykept : let me start by saying that your writing is absolutely phenomenal! beyond just having such unique muses with utterly diverse backgrounds, the detail & depth you put into all your posts is genuinely the kind of seamless creative talent i constantly hope to achieve! i’m so in awe at how you portray your muses, the smoothness of your writing style showcasing each of their individual personalities. i want to write with you everyday! You’re an inspiration to me & I adore you for it!
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cobaltcrested · 5 years
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━━━ ━ -  *. ★  WHO AM I ? . *                        ⤷  [ You're the Olympian ]
(A methodical achiever) Your methodical approach takes you further, faster, higher.
                                       - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
OPENNESS --- 50%
     Your high level of openness suggests that you are imaginative, creative, and comfortable with variety and change. But you can also tend towards individualistic behavior and impractical thinking.
     You are good at thinking through your actions before acting on an impulse. This helps you to avoid unnecessary stress or trouble, but it can also lead to workaholic and perfectionist extremes.
     Your low level of extraversion suggests you are likely to be more reserved than other people, enjoy time alone and value maintaining strong relationships with a few close friends.
     You value getting along with others, so are considerate, friendly, and willing to compromise your interests for the benefit of the group around you. As a result you tend to be very popular.
     You are calm, emotionally stable and are less easily upset than people with high levels of neuroticism. But this doesn't necessarily mean you experience more positive feelings than them.
tagged by:   stolen from @secrecykept !! tagging:   whoever wants to do it !!
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momosmuses · 4 years
Here is a list of my muses as of the 1st of April 2021, please note that all are low activity or sporadic enough to be considered inactive (but im always willing to jump on a particular blog if requested!).
@resolvebound - multimuse - Gray, Loke, Rogue, Macbeth
@fairybond - Lucy, Lisanna, Levy
@curiositydriven - Jason
@conspiiratus - Siegrain
@datamerchant - Archive mage oc - Mags
@firecreated - Fire-make mage, Guildmaster, oc, - Frankie
@aquoreus - Lisia
@secrecykept - oc multimuse - Razvan, Kavik, Chesh, Gard, Kyrin, Azaria ( demon, leopard shifters, gargoyle, angel, human)
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aquoreus · 5 years
im hopping over to @secrecykept to do some maintenance and little things !!
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lachalaine · 5 years
starter call ✨
“Leaving already, Chesh? Can I come with?” She’s in an apparent rush to follow even without his answer, slipping on shoes and grabbing her wallet, evidently geared up for a nothing but a quick trip outside. “I need to get some groceries; I’m running out of my supply of rice balls for the week. You pass near the supermarket heading downtown, right?”
// @secrecykept . chesh
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lachalaine · 5 years
J A C K I E - for the valentines alphabet
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Valentines Day Alphabet 
not accepting!
J   :   JEALOUSY.   does your muse get jealous in a relationship?
Oooh, you know it! Although thankfully her jealousy isn’t the kind to run off into toxic territory, but Jackie is most definitely the type to get more then a little huffy as soon as she sees someone hitting up on her significant others. She goes through a whole medley of emotions whenever it does happen too, being somewhat torn between a smidgen of pride ( because hell yeah, they’re gorgeous and she’s so glad that people recognize that, she’s fucking proud! ) and a large measure of absolute frustration ( because god, does she also hate, hate, hate the way they look at them, hates seeing the lust in their eyes and the intentions on their lips, because no, no, no, her lover is hers, and hers alone, stop looking at them! ), and maybe just a pinch of desperation ( or maybe far more then a pinch, because she feels the floor beneath her disappear and she finds she has to be close, close, close - close because she doesn’t want anyone else’s touch on them, close doesn’t want anyone else’s scent - just wants it to be hers and hers alone - they need to remember that they’re hers and she loves them the most! ).
And she hates feeling jealous, she hates the ugly feeling that curdles in her stomach when she gets that way, the feeling that she’s losing her mind and anxious and antsy, and she needs to steal them away - steal her lover back into her arms and bring them into a passionate and heated kiss; reminding them of her, reminding them that they’re hers - and making it known to everyone and anyone that they’re already very much spoken for, and she’d sooner break then let anyone steal her lover from her again. 
A   :   AFFECTION.   how does your muse show affection?
Through touch, and through action. For the most part is it more or less little sweet favors here and there; like taking note of their favorite things, and then providing these little surprises throughout the week without warning - subtle reminders that let her lover know that she was thinking about them, and thinking about them often. 
Another thing she does is she really makes sure to take care of their health, making sure they’re okay and comfortable and feeling safe and happy, going out of her way to make them laugh and smile and feel all warm and cozy. There’s a near constant need for contact, she likes to get close and hold hands, sometimes they might not hold hands too much but she’s always one step in reach. She doesn’t even realize it but she just gravitates to her lover without even meaning to, and it’s super cute! 
She also gives hugs, she gives kisses; and she especially likes to kiss everywhere, cheeks and chest and the back of their neck, fingertips and abdomen and every inch of skin beyond that. Jackie honestly tends to kiss with a sort of reverence about her, like she’s worshiping every inch of skin that meets her lips, and it’s got a sensuousness to it that’s really intense. Then at night when they’re just together, nothing is heated or passionate - they’re just together - she likes to just touch. Things like running her hands through their hair, brushing a hand against their cheek, down their temple, against their lips - just touching and feeling and adoring, and just love, love, loving them completely. ❤
God she’s so soft right now, I love her so much!!!
C   :   CHOCOLATE.   does your muse like chocolate? which one is their favourite?
Yes, she does! Although I don’t think she necessarily gorges on it too much on on account of the fact that she prefers sour desserts in general, but she does like to have it every so often. She likes dark chocolate and then milk chocolate for the most part, and her go to chocolate brand is usually Hershey’s, just whenever she wants something sweet. But if we’re talking absolute favorites here — I’d say Truffettes de France Natural Truffles Plain is the one type of chocolate she’ll absolutely squeal over! It’s just this gorgeous hunk of mildly bitter chocolate dusted in a light cocoa powder, and it’s so rich but so creamy and it melts on your tongue and sahbsdhabhab ooh lala, she’s in love! ❤ Her grandmother used to give them to her whenever she visited her in France as a child and to this day will she eat a whole entire box by herself and savor every single little bite! 
They’re harder to find in Japan, and it’s the confectionery version of sushi for her, but know that if she shares even just one piece with you - just one and maybe one more, you’ll know you’re pretty damn special to her like no one else!! ✨
K   :   KISS.   is your muse a good kisser? why / why not? 
Yes, she is a very good kisser, and most of the reasons I’ll account it to is because she’s sensual with them. Sensual and passionate and intense, her kisses are the kind that not only have such fierce notes of emotion in them, but they’re also the kind that just somehow take you in completely. She’s languid in her movements, with little licks and nips and bites - gently coaxing her lover into kissing her back as fervently as they wish; teasing and smiling and taking control, setting the mood - without actually plundering the other into submission. Her kisses tend to feel like you can’t get enough after just one, and even just pulling away to breathe again is an absolute inconvenience. 
She tends to leave an imprint of herself whenever she kisses someone, that’s for sure. 
I   :   I LOVE YOU.   does your muse find ‘i love you’ easy or hard to say? 
She doesn’t say it until she means it. She won’t, and she never will, but by the time she does mean it - and by the time she does say it - it tends to flows out of her so smoothly, so steadily; like it’s a mere fact of life and not an outright confession born of the deepest depths of her heart. It’s easy. It’s so easy, and so simple, and so full of truth - that it isn’t hard to say in the least. Because she does love them, and she has no doubts about it in the least. 
E   :   EMBRACE.   does your muse like hugs? what are their hugs like? 
Yes, she loves hugs and she loves giving them to friends and family and especially to her significant others the most! She’s comfortable with contact as soon as she’s reached a certain level of friendship with someone, and her hugs can vary between nice and snug embraces where she just curls someone up in her arms and squeezes them tight - all comfy and warm and soft — or it can just be someone getting accidentally smothered because she’s a little too excitable and tends to tackle / jump certain people into severely tight hugs that knock / squeeze the ever living life out of them. 
Depends entirely on how playful or rough she’s feeling, really. 
// @secrecykept
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lachalaine · 4 years
do u know that i love u very very very much?? 💜 you are so so amazing and talented and !! i am very lucky to have the best twinsie in my life! 💜💖thank u for existing and always being so amazingly wonderful ✨
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waaaaaaaaaaaah, do you know that i love you very, very, very much too?? the reigning sunshine of my life !! the sweetest marshmallow !! the softest and kindest and most adorable twinsie in the world!! i am so lucky i got the chance to meet you and connect with you over everything!! you make me so happy and give me so much to smile about, i always reach peak happiness when i’m talking and writing with you!! you are such an inspiration in so many ways and i’m so so glad that i get the chance to share all the amazing things with you, it’s always so fulfilling and so satisfying, you are one of my most favorite people in the whole wide world!! 💖💖 thank you for everything you do for me and jackie, thank you for sharing your kids with us, your ideas and your headcannons and your genuinely intriguing rambles that are always so much fun for me to read !! you are an absolute angel to us and i’m so very grateful to have you around! thank u for being so endlessly lovely always, always, always momochi, i adore you so much!!! 💖🤗💕❤😭🌸✨💖❤💕🌸🤗💕
// @secrecykept
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lachalaine · 5 years
starter call ✨
“I should have known I’d find you up here.” Soft voice carries through the evening air, just barely heard over the sound of crickets resting in the bushes down below. “I brought you some hot cocoa -- or tea, one or the other; your choice. Mind if I join you?”
// @secrecykept . kyrin
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lachalaine · 4 years
secrecykept replied to your post “@secrecykept​ asked:  If Jackie were to walk into her bedroom right...”
oh my gosh i dont remember sending that at all but WOW HE IS LUCKY! this is so cute and YOUR NEW BANNER AAAAAAAAA BIG HEART EYES!!!! its beautiful!! and dknjjd bless u for answering this!!
and ksdjnsk THE LIL BONK ON HIS HEAD!! he will jump and claw her jacket >:) oops. but then whine and LOOK SO CUTELY AT HER !! pls forgive :)
it’s from june 2018, according to the time stamp 😂 sometime around when they’d first met. but dbshdbhsdbsa HE IS VERY LUCKY. BUT OH NO HER JACKET 😭😭 she meep! then an even bigger sigh, because ughhhh she should have expected that OTL poor girl. bad kitty. they’re both hopeless. but yes, she forgive. even tho she cry inside. she forgive 😭🤗💕
( also dbhdbhsd i’m glad u like the banner, bby, i’ve been wanting to use it for forever now lol. ty very very much !!!!!! ✨💖🌸🤗 )
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lachalaine · 5 years
im just gonna chill on your blog and listen to all the Good Music™ bless u always ♥
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❤❤❤ i’m so glad you like the music on there !!!! sometimes i get stuck just listening to it all on repeat too, it was a good collection i put together i think! especially where it sorta starts low and then gradually rises?? bless spotify for giving me those songs. its all so very on point with jackie’s aesthetic too ✨
thank u so much bby, bless you always too !!! i’m glad you appreciate our music choices, you’re such a sweet !!! 💕
// @secrecykept
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lachalaine · 5 years
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lachalaine · 5 years
Tarot Reading with Lady J🔮
1. The Present Moment / The Primary Concern
Card: Ace of Wands - Upright
Summary: Passionate Energy
Meaning: The Ace of Wands is a gift of fiery passion and enthusiasm. A hot flash of focused intention, this card is about will and determination, creating ( or destroying ) something to bring about transformation. Whether your interest is spiritual, mental or physical, you will have the strength and the inspiration to move your goals forward. Like all aces however, there is only a brief moment to seize this opportunity. Find your courage and make your move. 
Position Meaning: Strong beginnings. A burst of soul energy. New life, passions discovered, inspiration, bold steps forward. 
2. The Cause of the Challenge affecting Card 1. A block. 
Card: The Hanged Man XII - Reversed
Summary: Surrender to Self
Meaning: A pivotal card in the Major Arcana, the Hanged Man has willingly stripped and suspended himself upside down, allowing his view of the world to alter completely. In this spiritual doorway, he relinquishes his ego and mind and experiences a timeless moment glimmer of clarity and enlightenment: his true nature. Calm rests on his face as he merges with the divine, peace that comes from surrender and trust. The realizations he acquires here will stay with him forever and cannot be unlearned.   
Position Meaning: “business as usual”. Valuing identity over growth, a need to be right. Failure to commit to what matters. 
3. Subconscious Influences. Unknown Information. The Distant Past. 
Card: Wheel of Fortune X - Upright
Summary: Unexpected Change
Meaning: Wheel of Fortune reminds us that life is never predictable and that change is inevitable and necessary. It is impersonal; sometimes we are summing the mountain and sometimes we are trudging through the valley. Either way, it is simply life. When Wheel of Fortune shows up in your reading, you are about to have a random encounter with chance and the outcome is unknown. Take it for what it is, without judgement or evaluation. In general, when this card is upright, the odds are in your favor. When reversed... not so much. 
Position Meaning: Unexpected change. Good fortune. Luck, happiness, unforeseen joy, resolution of a concern, forward movement. 
4. The Recent Past. A situation that has come to a conclusion. 
Card: Four of Cups - Reversed
Summary: Blind Disillusion 
Meaning: A man slumps in a corner, brooding over his current situation. What once has satisfied him now brings him boredom and discontent. He wavers between self reflection and disillusionment but is dangerously close to melancholy. As he stews in his emotions, his ability to see another option is clouded. If he can shake the self pity, he will remember he has options and the bounty around him will start to become obvious again. When the Four of Cups appears in your reading, quit focusing on the empty cups. Possibility is closer then you think. 
Position Meaning: Taking action, seeing possibilities. Impending new relationships and experiences, a break through in self awareness. 
5. The Present. Conscious beliefs. Current Events. 
Card: Knight of Cups - Upright
Summary: Passionate Idealism 
Meaning: A young man sits dramatically in a fountain, caught somewhere between the innocence of childhood and the maturity of adulthood. Lacking much real life experience, the Knight of Cups lives in his head and is passionately in love with concepts and ideas; mistaking them for real life. He has acquired some knowledge and he wants to share, but his need to impress and be perceived as wise and poetic drives him to even more theatrics. Intensely loyal to friends and family, he vacillates between emotions as his ideals collide with reality. 
Position Meaning: Idealism, particularly around love and romance. Unwitting self indulgence, passionate ( but immature ) conviction, intuition, an impending opportunity, an invitation, moodiness. 
6. The Near Future. A new person or event. A shift in energy. 
Card: The High Priestess II - Upright
Summary: Veiled Wisdom 
Meaning: The High Priestess will received you if your desire is true and you are willing to explore your spirit, free of the need for answers and religion. True wisdom comes from quiet, solitary reflection and trusting your own personal experience of life. The High Priestess is veiled wisdom. She is the space between extremes where ideas and thoughts are uncovered, where they emerge and expand. Those who are brave enough to listen to her stillness will gain the strength and conviction they seek for future actions. 
Position Meaning: Private and personal exploration. Quiet and deep knowing mystery, strong intuition and instinct, spiritual evolution, secrets, a woman of interest. 
7. Your Power ( or Lack of Power ) in the moment. How you see yourself in the situation. 
Card: The Magician - Upright
Summary: Possibilities Revealed 
Meaning: As the first guide on the journey to enlightenment, the Magician reveals the raw symbols of the suits, the tools from which anything can be created: wands, swords, cups and coins. The Magician advises that all new creations, if they are to succeed, require more then just skill: they require faith in the unknowable - a magical energy. He urges you to speak aloud what it is you want - to will it into existence, releasing it from the world of mere hopes and thoughts. The Magician assures that through discipline and surrender, you become the connection between the earthly and the divine. 
Position Meaning: A promising new idea or creation, will power and discipline. Taking appropriate action, possibility, imagination, self confidence, freedom.
8. The Effects of People around you. How other people see you in the situation. 
Card: Three of Wands - Upright
Summary: Focused Effort 
Meaning: In the Three of Wands, a man exerts great effort in order to manifest his objectives. At times, he must push energy outward to shape his life, and at other times he must pull energy inwards to harness its power and attract what he wants. Your strength and focus are producing the first glimpses of achievement, but the secret of your long term prosperity lies in your ability to be patient, attentive and most of all, nimble. 
Position Meaning: Focused effort. Strength, foresight, business acumen. Common sense, dedication, success. 
9. Your hopes or fears. 
Card: Eight of Wands - Upright
Summary: A Rapid Force
Meaning: When the Eight of Wands enters your reading, expect velocity, developments and rapid conclusions. The long journey is almost over and it is inevitable that you will reach your destination. But stay alert. They say the closer you are to home, the more prone you are to accidents. With some nimble handling of the controls, you will steer this train competently, quickly, and efficiently into the station. 
Position Meaning: Rapid movement of pace, an impending conclusion to events set in motion, nimble handling of a situation, singular purpose, mobility after stagnation, explosion of potential
10. The most likely outcome. 
Card: Ten of Swords - Reversed 
Summary: Final Release 
Meaning: A man crouches on his knees, surrendered, exposed and pierced through his body. The sun ( either rising or setting ) hints at an ending and a new beginning. The Ten of Swords represents a conversation or a view in your mind that has grown very, very old - past the point of being useful. Rest assured, you ( and others ) have struggled with it long enough. Let it go. A conversation that was once about possibility has now become stale and lifeless. No one can force you to give it up, but surrendering this idea will create space for something new, and it may just change your life. 
Position Meaning: Momentary benefit, pride to a fault, self-righteousness. 
BONUS CARD: The Card that plays a role in the entire situation. 
Card: 4 of Swords - Reversed 
Summary: A Quiet Space 
Meaning: The Four of Swords is often known as the meditation card. It indicates that you have ( or have just gotten over ) a difficult time and you need to rest, reflect and reconnect with yourself. When we are troubled, our minds play tricks on us, imagining hopeful escapes or tragic demises. Quieting your mind is an act of humility which allows you to enlist divine intelligence - your true voice. It won’t make the problem go away but in the space of stillness, you can bring fresh perspective and invite new ideas to appear. 
Position Meaning: An increase in stress, harmful persistence, busyness and activity. 
Lady J Reading: 
I feel like this reading pertains a lot to how things are proceeding in your life right now. You started off with that passionate energy and drive to do something that would promote change in your life, because for a long time now, you might’ve felt stuck in place for more then one reason. And all this while you’ve been searching for means and ways to make things better, to move forward into a future where you might feel like your progressing to be a better place then you are now. And it doesn’t just have to do with your job, where I know you felt stuck there for a while, but also perhaps with your current living situation where things aren’t exactly the best. You want to move forward, more then anything, that is your main goal. 
However, you are blocked, perhaps a bit by fear? The Hanged Man lays reversed, at which case it may seem as though you’ve willingly tied yourself down and prefer to just watch as things progress before you. ‘Business as Usual’ because it is what it is, and there’s not too much that you feel can be done to change things. Which is very far from the truth, considering you drew not only the Magician card but also the Wheel of Fortune. The Wheel of Fortune that from my perspective seems to be trying its best to give you fair winds. I think this has been a steady card that has been in effect since you changed jobs, because it’s something that appears to have granted you growth and more opportunities that you might not have had before. It’s difficult, but in a different way. A more manageable way perhaps? Then what things were like once upon a time. And like the wheel, your life might goes up and down, there’s no set rhythm to it, but for the most part, it’s an uphill growth, and hopefully you might see the benefits of it upon your life soon. 
The Four of Cups and Knight of Cups might be where you feel bad for yourself sometimes? Like when messy things happen, it can cloud your mood for a few days that it hangs heavy on your head. It’s disappointing to you, and you’re dissatisfied with it, and again, like the Hanged Man, you feel incapable of fixing things sometimes so you just let it pass. And yet the card of the Four of Cups is reversed this time, which means you are breaking out of that cycle / or have already broken out of it just recently. You are gathering the courage to make a change, the will power and the desire and you are realizing that you have the capacity to do something about it. It may be with regards to your situation with Rach at the moment where you’re figuring out you don’t have to put up with her after all. It’s a source of discontentment for you and you want out. 
But The Knight of Cups on the other end of things however is your present state, where you might be more inclined for things to remain the way because you care about your sister too much to do what’s right for you. You may be sticking to your concept of ‘things will get better. you’re just tired and thinking too much’ as reasons for you to stay. You may be afraid of moving onwards because you know you rely on her for some things too. ( at which case i know you can manage bby, you are so capable !! but that is my personal commentary labyu :* ) 
The High Priestess is your future, and she encourages you to find the answers, and to focus on your own intuition to choose what is best for you based on your experiences. You know what you need to do, and perhaps some time and contemplation to sit down and think of how to proceed will give you the peace of mind you need to move forward. The Magician card states you can do it. You have the tools and you have the means. You just need to take that step. You are intelligent and strong, and you are more then capable. You just have to believe in yourself. 
Other people see you as being capable of whatever it is you set your mind to doing, and they support you with it. The Three of Wands states that people see you and recognize you, and know you’re capable - you just need to focus on what you want, and never let anyone stop you. Your hopes or fears is perhaps you will reach an end to your situation, a breaking point so to speak that will finally give you the reason to do what it is your heart encourages you to do - only that it will come upon you too quickly, and you’re not sure you’re ready for it. But in the end, judging by the Ten of Swords -- something has to give. 
The most likely outcome is something will happen, soon enough. A situation will end and you will find yourself with the capacity to start something new. You will give up that which gives you momentary benefit so that you can seek something else. Change is coming and you need to let it go. 
The 4 of Swords means YOU PUSH YOURSELF TOO HARD AND U GOTTA REST BECAUSE IT WON’T HELP YOU AT ALL IF YOU’RE FORCING THINGS EVEN IF IT’S HARD SO PLS REST AND CHILL AND RELAX AND DON’T FEEL THE NEED TO ALWAYS BE SO BUSY ALL THE TIME. The cards know you’re stressed :((( please take your time and be good to yourself. There is time for you to work, there is also time to be at ease. The things you wanna do will come to you eventually, just let yourself Be, okieeee?
// @secrecykept
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lachalaine · 5 years
okay but does that happen to jackie sometimes too? somehow buying 11 of something online 😂 or is that a Lady J special 😂
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( why u calling us out like that, momochi ? shabsahs )
11 feels like a Lady J Special hands down tbh, though I feel like Jackie does do it often enough herself, but to a very different degree. like i personally bought 11 different designs from two different websites, but i was deliberate in the search and at least i vaguely remembered clicking the purchase button and telling myself “This is a Bad Idea” but still doing it anyway. 
jackie, when drunk or exhausted but not quite ready to pass out, will go on a shopping binge to pass the time, not looking for anything in particular, clicks randomly on everything she just vaguely decides she likes, add to cart, doesn’t think, is all whimsical and sleepy and “this is fine, this is all fine”, doesn’t realize how long the cart length actually is !!! before she clicks check out, then quickly falls asleep all happy and accomplished. she vaguely remembers it the morning of the next day, but doesn’t think it important enough to dwell. 
this is why her house looks like it has a lot of different design elements to it. it’s mostly bohemian with lots of color and plants but the stuff in between is the ??? because she didn’t mean to buy half the stuff that’s in there but she supposed it fit somehow so she used it  dbsahdbsahdsa 
// @secrecykept
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lachalaine · 5 years
2020′s on the Way !! ✨
@secrecykept​ submitted: 
It’s the end of 2019 and I finally have time to do this meme I’ve been wanting to do for ages even if I’m not good at getting things like this out, I always forget things or don’t get them out right but here we go.
In this essay I will love on you and Jackie forever and ever…kdjnfkdnfknd
My girl, my bby, my sweetest crab cake and twinsie, you are so so important to me. You are so sweet and kind, you always know just what to say, and talking to you always eases my heart. You are amazing and so giving, you do so much for others but I’m glad for the times you take care of yourself, you deserve happiness and relaxation for yourself.
You are so smart, always having such great insights, your opinions and thoughts mean so much to me and I always want to talk things over with you because I know you will steer me right and you actually care. Life has been really hard on you, but you are so strong and will always make it through.
I’m so lucky to have you in my life, you’re the most amazing and easiest person to talk to. I love that you get me so well, and talking with you is always a highlight. I really don’t know what would have happened if we didn’t become close when we did. You have been such a positive influence in my life, and I can only hope I can do as much for you as you do for me. Chatting and plotting with you is the best, it has gotten me through so much. You are so good and so much fun to plot with, I have never had it so seamless. Your ideas are always so good and I love hearing what you think about certain scenarios and ideas.
And the way you have always been so accepting of All my muses ngjgghhjjj it means so much more than I can say. I know my kids are safe with you and Jackie. I can’t tell you enough that I’m so lucky and grateful to have you as a friend and writing partner. You are so supportive and have the sweetest heart.
I think I said the other day that your opinion means the mostest to me and it really really does, in all things but especially in writing. You are so smart and talented, your style is so pretty and unique, always flowing so well and being full of personality. You have a gift with tone and pace and mood, I always admire the words and feel that your writing gives. You’re hard on yourself and get stuck trying for perfection, but I look up to you so much, your writing is such an inspiration to me. I know you always want to give people your best, and you consistently do! And you are so amazing and smart with the way you notice things in my writing and others, and I always love seeing what you pick up from things, it’s always a good surprise and insight.
And let me talk about your girl. Jackie is my absolute favourite oc, my favorite muse. From the first time I read her info a couple of years ago I was amazed. There is so much to her that i love. A DJ oc? Super cool! Reincarnation? Super duper cool! Norse Mythology! Exciting!! She has a purple hair! I’m in love. Jackie has such a gorgeous design I legit feel my heart doki every time I look at her or think about it. I love that her hair is naturally black and she has to go through such effort to get it the way she wants, I love the depth and thought you’ve put into every bit of her. I love her mahogany eyes and her distinct sense of style. I love her humour and strength and the way she is so real. She has gone through so much and doesn’t always deal with it in a healthy way, she’s human.
And I’m so proud of her and the ways she has grown. I have never been so invested in another muse before but your girl has me wanting to read every little thing about her and to see her continue to grow. Her happiness means so so much to me, I would do anything for her! I admire all the thought, depth and effort you put into your posts for you. I will forever say your blog is my favourite, I can’t get over the quality of writing, aesthetics, musings and everything. You are the Best, every post is a total gem.
I could keep going forever but lemme just conclude. 2019 has been a good year because I’ve had you as a friend and writing partner. I’ll always be so grateful for the fact we started talking, it was ages ago now but I appreciate it so much. All I wish for 2020 is for you to have the best year, you deserve fun and happiness and all the good things. I hope we can continue talking and writing together. Thank you for existing, light of my life! ily lots always. Biggest huggies! (pls just accept my love and dont feel like u gotta reply on all this okie dokie)
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momo, oh my gosh bby :((( i don’t know what to say :((( this is so much to take in, and it is so sweet, and honest to god, i couldn’t manage to read it all in one go earlier because i couldn’t keep from bawling like a baby every other paragraph :((( i am too soft and fragile for such lovely and kind words, i cannot handle it :c but my gosh, i have never, ever appreciated a message more!! 
there’s so much here to unpack but i don’t think i can do my feelings justice. all i can tell you is that i am so, so, so very glad that i met you, momo! honestly and with all my heart, that is the most genuine truth i have! you have been a blessing for me in so many ways since we’ve met, you’ve taken care of me even when i’ve been super darn messy in all my moods and have been endlessly understanding, even with all my faults :c you have given me so much calm and peace in the time that i’ve known you, have eased a lot of my anxiety just by being here, just by being my friend, and i can honestly say i don’t even know what it feels like anymore – i don’t remember what it feels like for my anxiety to be so bad :c you have helped me more then you know, more then i could ever say, and though i always, always wish i could do so much more for you and be around more often and not poof inconsistently like i do, because god knows you deserve only the Best and most sincere amount of Effort in the World !! - i’m just so, so comforted by the fact that somehow, even despite everything — it seems i’ve been able to do just enough 🤗💖 
gosh momo, i am glad. more then anything, i will tell you that i am so glad - that i’ve been able to be your confidant all this while, that i’ve been able to ease some of your concerns, that i’ve been able to help you and be a positive influence in your life, because more than anything and with all my heart do i wish you could be happy and thriving and living your best life every single day! you deserve all the good that the world can give you, and i’m glad that you’re slowly but surely getting the tools to achieve it! you have grown so much in the time i’ve known you, even if you might not always feel the same way, but i see the changes that have occurred in you, occurred in your life, and all i can wish for is that it continues for the better ❤ you are so very capable and so very wonderful and talented and good, so vibrant and positive and creative and sweet, and i am hopeful that i can help you realize this bit by bit every single day. you are of my bestest friends, my absolutely favorite blog, my favorite writer with literally ALL my favorite muses of all time! muses who are so unique and different and special and so wonderful in so many ways!! and by god, but the mere fact that jackie was somehow lucky enough to catch all their attentions! and the fact that they feel comfortable enough to be with her the way they do! they are so precious and wonderful and incredible, and i’m honestly in awe of everything we’ve come up with! all the ideas that are so different from each other yet each have their own special qualities ❤ it has been such a treat for us since day 1! and gosh, but it is my pleasure and honor that i am able to give jackie to you and your kids, because i know she’s safe with all of them too. even when things go south, i know she’s safe. i know our friendship is safe. i know everything that occurs is good and there’s a reason for it, and if nothing else we’ll figure it out and we’ll have so much fun doing it, and i am honestly one of the luckiest people on this website - to have stumbled on someone who gets me so well too, who is so seamless to write with, who listens and cares and understands, and gives me a reason to do my best every single time! 🤗💖 you are the easiest person for me to talk to as well, you make my heart warm and make me cry sometimes because i do adore you so, so much, with all my heart, and the warmth of your presence is a gift i could never repay 💖 
i’m so happy we found each other when we did, i’m blessed that we were there for each other when we needed a friend. i think we were really meant to find each other, and i’ll be endlessly grateful that i got this chance, because honestly speaking, i wouldn’t change you at all for anything in the world!! 
i’m glad i can be there for you! i’m glad i can be a positive influence for you! i’m glad i can do my best for you, even when i might not always be around in my fullest capacity! i’m glad it has helped you when you needed it most 💕 i’m glad my words can give you some peace, even just a bit hihi 🤗 thank you for all that you do for me in turn! thank you for always listening to me when i needed to vent and cry, for understanding when i couldn’t be around. thank you for granting me the compassion i needed to be better to myself. thank you for always appreciating my writing and my daughter and for inspiring me and teaching me to write better!! thank you for even always giving me the urge TO write !! thank you for always doing your best even when you are a soft marshmallow, and for always writing LIKE AN ABSOLUTE QUEEN AND FOR ALWAYS GIVING ME THE GOOD PLOTS AND SHIPS AND RAMBLES AND FOR ALWAYS SHARING AS MUCH AS U COULD WITH ME BECAUSE IT HAS GOTTEN ME THROUGH MY DARKEST DAYS AND I DON’T KNOW WHAT I WOULD DO WITHOUT U 😭😭😭 you have been! an absolute gift! a blessing ! an angel !! and i am so lucky to be your twinsie and be able to have this connection with you, my best girl! 
jackie and i are the luckiest! we are the LUCKIEST and i will scream about you and your kids to anyone that will listen ( and even to those who don’t ) for the rest of my fucking days !!!!!! you and your work! the dedication and thought you put in! the writing and the ideas and everything in between ! you deserve to be appreciated and adored and you deserve all the appreciation and admiration in the world! and i am lucky ! i am lucky that i got this chance !! to be your twin! to be your friend! to be your writing partner with each and every one of our kids!!! you mean the world to me, momo! an inspiration like no one else! who has taught me so much, who has given me and my muse so much, and is the main and literal REASON that i am still here and will KEEP COMING BACK, the reason that jackie herself has grown and experienced as much love and affection and positive change as she has! you and your muses are the reason she is getting healthier, the reason she feels more like herself again after everything! the reason she is happy, the reason i’m able to explore her in ways i could never manage before because nothing ever felt right, and yet with your kids - they all feel so natural. thank you for accepting her in her entirety, THANK U FOR LOVING HER IN ALL THE WAYS THAT U DO AND FOR HAVING AS MUCH INTEREST IN HER AS U DO !!! and thank you endlessly for giving us as much effort and dedication as you have! writing with you has been the best experience ever, it’s been so much fun and you’re so smart and talented and imaginative and creative and adshbhdbsahdbas i just!! i adore you!! i adore your writing and your talent and your style and you and everything and anything in between! you are such a spark of delight and i love you with my heart, bby!!! i look up to you in every way!!
you are the best person to write with, the person to plot with, the best person to be friends with, and i’m so happy i found you! and i just want u to know i appreciate it all !!! thank u for always spoiling us the way you do with all the good shippies 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗 I HOPE WE CAN CONTINUE TO DO MORE FOR U AND YOUR KIDS IN THE YEARS TO COME !!!!! i love you so much, momo!!! with all my heart!! thank you for a wonderful and enjoyable 2019, and happy new year, my best girl!! to better days and a brighter future for us both in 2020, to more chatting and to more fun, more writing plots, more ships and threads and au’s every other day heheheheh 💕💕💕💕 i send u the biggest huggies every single day !!  🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
// @secrecykept​
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lachalaine · 5 years
He was the picture of ease just beside her dressing room door, with his back against the wall and his smile relaxed. "Hello, love~ Long time no see." Indeed it had been a while, things had been busy for him. But time hadn't diminished his interest in her, nor his interest in teasing her. "Have you missed me~?"
The click of heels against the hardwood floor is all that resounds within the secluded hallway that evening, a familiar quiet that lingers as a comforting backdrop; the thick walls a cushion against the sound of rhythmic music that echoes just beyond the corridor.
Her stride is seamless, despite her attention having strayed; as it’s easy enough for the female to fall into the gaps of her wandering thoughts, especially when she’s left behind on her own like this – away from the inquisitive eyes of nosy clientele, away from the whispers that’d at times felt like a cloying weight heavy enough to suffocate the very breath from her lungs.
During these late hours of the night, it was practically the norm to find herself alone. 
And so color her surprised when she turns the corner, and all she needs is but a mere glance for unruffled senses to go absolutely haywire; her sharp recognition of him unmistakable, distinctive enough that it brings her to an immediate and grandstanding halt – all of but a few eight paces away.
It’d been more then a few weeks since she’d last seen him, and in an area as secluded as this one, the vividness of his presence is an electric shock to the system – far more intensive then anything she might’ve felt whenever they were outside ( yet certainly when they were much closer then this ) when she was at least surrounded by the relative safety of a dozen other people.
Not that she necessarily felt like she was in danger, being alone with him in general. She’d managed in an escalator once, for all of three impossibly tense minutes with him, after all.
Then again, not too many people had the gall to sneak back out here like this, so maybe she should have more cause to be worried.
she’s not.
“Mister De la Rosa,” She begins with an acknowledging tilt of her head, mahogany hues soft, even as his name upon her tongue feels almost illicit; a mere flitter of syllables that prompt a tingle to sweep through her in response. It’s just a name she knows, but it’s strange. Weird. God knows she’d faced up to him in a situation far more turbulent then this one, and yet this is where she’d almost felt the urge to turn tail and run away.
She’d had to blame it on her heartbeat, she was sure – shuddering, quivering something awful like that; a sharp spike of adrenaline that was infusing her frame with an odd exhilaration most perplexing.
Perhaps she’d had just a bit too much caffeine earlier, that was all. It was nothing.
it was just really hard to get her head on straight, with him looking at her like that, honestly.
( not that that particular endearment of his ever seemed to help. )
Gods help her.
Whatever he did to her was too darn much.
“Finally found your way over here again, did you?” She continues, on a rather wry attempt to keep her composure. “There’s not too much for me to miss, I’m afraid, though I’m sure mister O’Neil would have a more positive answer for you then I would. Not that it’s been necessarily that long, has it?” She can’t help but ask, the lilt to her voice hinting at her own amusement; even as fluttering heartbeat pulsed with the urge for something bold. “Definitely not long enough for you to get lost past the ‘Staff Only’ sign back there, right?”
// @secrecykept​ 
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