#secondhandmckie || main .001 molly
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@secondhandmckie caught him making an escape.
"If you prefer one of them I can always flag 'em down for you--" Molly nodded her head toward the door, tapping ash from the end of her cigarette. "Otherwise you're stuck with me out here for a little bit."
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ㅤFinding hidey holes at fancy parties his mother dragged him to had never really been a huge thing for Mike. After all, it was just a party, just a few hours of obnoxious, fake people, and Mike was good at rubbing elbows. People liked him and even if he didn't like or really care about any of the older partygoers, it was still tolerable and his mother was always happy with a good night of schmoozing. It was easy, until it wasn't, and then it really wasn't.
ㅤHe was at the point that he didn't really feel like he did much of anything right for his mom's preferences and her position in society. She was campaigning and her perfect son was a mess despite all of his pretending otherwise, and he honestly wasn't sure he could keep up the charade forever. He felt like he was fraying at the edges, or maybe way past the edges and he was just desperately trying to keep any of these awful people from noticing. The balcony seemed like the best route to attempt catching a moment to brace himself for the next round, so he was understandably a little surprised to find someone out there already when the party was in full swing inside. It was less surprising when it struck him that he was interrupting some poor server's much-needed smoke break like some kind of asshole, but Molly pushed back into full surprise.
ㅤ"If you flag someone down from in there, I'm taking my chances with maybe breaking a leg going over this railing, don't test me," he quipped like it was the most natural thing, making the decision right then to step up to the little half-wall in question. If she'd wanted him to go away, he figured she wouldn't have said he was stuck with her, so he'd take it. He was close enough that the cigarette smoke would likely cling to his clothes, but he didn't exactly care right then as he took in the quiet outside of the party and picked idly at the corner of the bandage on his hand. The way it was turned up a little, he'd clearly been doing it all night with the remaining fingers on that hand, but this was the first time he had full access to it with his other hand. He tilted to look down, considering. "I think I could make it, what do you think?"
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