#secondary tutors near me
everyday-tuition · 1 year
Best English Tuition for Secondary Students in Singapore | Everdaytuition
Are you a secondary student in Singapore struggling with English? Do you find it challenging to grasp the complexities of the language and excel in your exams? Look no further! We have the solution for you - the best English tuition for secondary students in Singapore.
English is a crucial subject that plays a vital role in your academic journey. It not only helps you communicate effectively but also enhances your critical thinking and analytical skills. Excelling in English can open doors to various opportunities in the future, be it in higher education or your professional career.
At our English tuition centre, we understand the unique needs of secondary students and the challenges they face in mastering the language. Our team of experienced and dedicated tutors are here to guide you every step of the way. They have a deep understanding of the Singapore education system and are well-versed in the latest syllabus requirements.
Our tuition program is designed to cater to students of all proficiency levels. Whether you are struggling with grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, or writing skills, we have tailored lessons to address your specific needs. Our tutors employ interactive teaching methods, incorporating multimedia resources and engaging activities to make learning enjoyable and effective.
One of the key advantages of our English tuition program is the small class sizes. We believe in providing individual attention to each student, allowing them to ask questions, clarify doubts, and participate actively in discussions. This personalized approach ensures that no student is left behind and that everyone progresses at their own pace.
Furthermore, our tutors provide regular assessments and feedback to track your progress and identify areas for improvement. We also offer valuable exam strategies and techniques to help you excel in your English examinations. With their guidance and support, you will gain the confidence and skills needed to achieve outstanding results.
But don't just take our word for it - our track record speaks for itself. Many of our students have shown significant improvement in their English grades and have gone on to excel in their academic pursuits. Our success stories are a testament to the effectiveness of our tuition program.
So, if you are a secondary student in Singapore seeking the best English tuition, look no further. Join us today and embark on a journey towards English proficiency and academic success. Contact us to find out more about our tuition program and secure your spot in our next intake. Don't let English hold you back - unlock your full potential with the best English tuition for secondary students in Singapore!
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Best Chemistry Tuition Centre in Singapore | Bright Culture
Bright Culture Chemistry Tuition Singapore is One of the Best Chemistry Tuition facilities at your location. To Meet the needs of diverse students, our trusted O&A level Chemistry teachers offer a wide range of courses. We have qualified teachers who are committed to teach Chemistry with enthusiasm. Our best-in-class A-Level chemistry tutoring brings students the latest technology and methods to support successful learning.
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cinnominbubble · 8 months
It's super interesting to me how, for the rest of the cases, we've gotten some kind of preamble. Letting us know where the file was retrieved from, and by whom. It been noted that TMA and TMP differ in how TMA was always a conscious relay of an experience of the past, whereas TMP is more akin to being observed while in the moment of your horror (reflected in how the main characters themselves are interacting with the meta). This case was different. Firstly, we've heard that Augustus's cases are rare; does he always read older statements? Where Chester and Norris BEGIN mechanical and become organic, Augustus seems to read very fluidly the whole way through, with the mechanical filter only overplayed near the end- no change to how he himself is reading the case throughout. Second, we don't know the case giver's name. Nor his nephew, to whom the letter is addressed. In fact, in the entire case, there's only one name given- the tutor, Oliver Bardwell. This casement giver is careful. The narrative is for him to write, and he knows exactly who the intended audience will be, even if the secondary audience (the OIAR staff) was not also part of that foresight. Isn't it interesting that this story of ambition was assigned to Gwen's computer?
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ughgoaway · 8 months
definitely wanna see what the guys’ responses woukd be to annie and george’s nephew dating LOL
oh yes I have so many thoughts about this.
(also, I know this is unrealistic, but... let me dream, this is fanfic okay)
SO I'm thinking Annie meets George's nephew, Oscar, when she's quite young. 7/8 years old, maybe. he's a year older than her, and at the start, they're just mates.
they don't see each other often because he lives in Manchester and she lives in London. so they're friendly at events, but honestly, they maybe catch up once a year. but that all changes when oscar gets to secondary/ high school and ge comes to live with George in London!
Annie is about 15 when they become closer friends. They start hanging out in school, and she even starts to tutor him in English.
george, matty, Annie, and Oscar are all at the studio one day and chatting over lunch when George brings up some homework Oscar has to do. He does the typical teenage boy grunt and complains.
"Mate, I know it's annoying, but you've got to get your English grade up before you take your exams," George says before taking a sip of his tea.
"Annie's doing great in English. Do you want her to come and help you, mate?" matty suggests.
neither of them notice the distinct red flush that covers Annie and Oscars' cheeks. They're both already crushing on each other, and the idea of hanging out even more is incredible scary and exciting.
george agrees, as do Annie and Oscar, and she starts coming over every Thursday for tutoring sessions! matty and George are stupid and don't suspect anything, so they usually go to the studio at the same time to get some work done.
little do they know, behind the scenes that Annie and Oscar have admitted they like each other and have started a little relationship. it takes a few weeks to begin, but it's really sweet when it does.
so Annie tells matty and teacher girlie that she has a boyfriend after Oscar officially asks her with some flowers and a card. matty is taken aback and wants to know who he is, but Annie is wise enough not to tell.
Ironically enough, almost the exact same day, Oscar tells George he had a girlfriend. George is over the moon for him and tells him that, and then immediately calls matty to gossip because they really are teenage girls.
"Oscar has got a girlfriend!!" George whispers down the phone, giggling and watching Oscar typing on his phone with a cheesy grin on his face.
"No way! annie just told me she has a boyfriend! that's such crazy timing. " matty responds dumbly, truly having 0 idea that those two things could be connected. but in all fairness to him, neither do you or George.
cut to a few months later, Annie and Oscar have been officially dating for 4 months and have managed to keep exactly who they're dating under wraps.
until today.
it's a typical Thursday, Annie and matty come over to George's, and the boys leave them to go to the studio. but when they get there, it's closed.
It turns out a pipe burst in the building, so it's shut down for today. the water is nowhere near their equipment, but still, it needed to be fixed before anyone could go in. so they trudge back to George's house with a plan to smoke a blunt and watch some TV.
imagine their surprise when they walk in to Annie and Oscar kissing on the sofa. nothing too crazy, just teenagers being teenagers. but they're ever so slightly horizontal, and to say the boys freak out it an understatement.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING ON MY DAUGHTER. GET OFF OF HER! OFF, OFF" matty shouts, storming in and shooing Oscar off of annie. both the boys stand a little way back as they try and assess the situation. everyone is still clothed, but both blazers are off, and Oscars hair has clearly had hands running through it.
obviously, annie and Oscar both shoot back with wide eyes, realising that the little cover they had was not totally blown. Oscar scrambles of the sofa and stands up very straight, staring at matty and George fucking terrified.
matty is just managing to hold himself back, but when he sees Oscars hand go up to his lips and wipe off Annie's lip gloss, he just about breaks and comes storming even closer. he's not going to fight a 16 year old, he's not that stupid. but he is about to shout at one.
george scrambles over with him and stands next to him, still processing what the fuck is happening. he flicks his eyes to Annie, who is staring up at him terrified, and he just shakes his head at her and turns back to Oscar and matty.
matty is scarily calm now, "what did we just walk into. what is happening here." Oscar tries to answer, but matty cuts him off.
he turns to Annie and says, "I thought you had a boyfriend! what the fuck is going on"
george chimes in too, "yeah, and what about your girlfriend! I can't believe you would do this"
Oscar clears his throat, and matty turns to face him with a clenched jaw, "Annie is my girlfriend. and I'm her boyfriend. I thought that was kinda clear by the whole kissing thing." annie smiles and lovingly giggles at her boyfriend, but shuts up real quick when matty shoots her a look.
"mate. do you really think you should be joking right now. I just caught you on top of someone who I basically consider my daughter, " George says. which obviously causes Annie and Oscar to loudly proclaim "EWWW" at that thought.
Annie stands up then and bravely walks over to Oscar and holds his hand, much to matty and George's dismay.
"Look. I get that this is very shocking, but it has been like 4 months, guys. we're actually happy, I promise. " she gives a weak smile to the boys before turning to Oscar, who has the biggest grin on his face and squeezes her hand.
matty and George, however, are still pissed.
"I don't care. you betrayed my trust. and George's trust. I can't believe you would do this. Annie C'mon, we're leaving. " matty snaps his fingers and starts to walk away, Annie lets out a small whine of protest but is quickly shut up by george shaking his head at her.
she gives Oscar a quick peck on the cheek, which both matty and George gag at, and goes running off with matty. she turns around to give Oscar one last wave and mouth, "Call me?" At him.
Oscar nods, and before he knows it, she's gone. and now he's standing in his front room with a very disappointed uncle and his uncle's best mate storming away with his girlfriend.
fucking hell.
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falconcoast · 1 year
finals week | various genshin x reader
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ft. al-haitham, childe, zhongli
your boyfriend helps you during finals week. 
a/n: laugh out loud for my ap psych exam next week wooooooooo
warnings; none. 
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your boyfriend is very smart. you know this, the akademiya knows this, the scholars know this--everyone knows that he’s a bona fide genius in his field and beyond.
however, a consequence of his being so bright is that he’s a relentless tutor, which is why you’re sitting in your study, studying your ass off for your final exam before matriculation.
“define altruism,” he states, casually leaning in a chair across from you. several pens and papers are strewn about the room. your computer monitor blinks blankly, long abandoned. you drum your fingers on the table, and he raises an eyebrow. instantly, he reads your mind. “the vahumana perspective, to be specific.”
he makes a hand motion for you to be quicker about it. you straighten your back. “selfless care for others, especially when in danger. there are multiple theories as to why people are altruistic. some believe it’s solely the environment, others believe that it depends on pre-disposition, or that it is learned behavior.”
“good,” he places the flashcard down. “two more to go. give me an example of a social script.”
you pause, attempting to think before you speak. “social scripts are guides that people follow to approach social situations.”
he clicks his tongue. “not an example.”
“language,” he chides.
you sit and think, leg bouncing up and down. he raises an eyebrow, waiting for a response. suddenly, you have insight. “when you and i go on a date, we follow a social script. we wait to be seated, we call over our waiter, and we tend to leave a good tip at the end of our meal. we aren’t told to do those things, but because we’ve watched other people do so, we act the same way.”
“very well done. i’ll have to reward you on a date after this,” he smiles, before focusing his attention once again. “alright, final one for the night. people tend to fall in young adulthood. explain why this could be, based on the vahumana’s perspective on interpersonal attraction.”
“sentimental, are we? i didn’t know you were a sap,” you tease, but then you shake your head. biting your lip, you lean back in your chair as you think.
“first, many people attend secondary and post-secondary institutions. often, like at the akademiya, undergraduates leave their homes and stay on campus. that change puts the same people together all the time, or in close proximity. close proximity results in the mere-exposure effect, which is when people tend to like someone by just being near them.
“second, even if people don’t attend universities, people tend to truly get settled in their identity during young adulthood. there, we tend to hang out with people who are like us. for example, you and i met because we had the shared identity of scholars at the akademiya.
“third, according to some perspectives under the vahumana branch, some would say that the overarching issue that young adults face is the decision for intimacy or isolation. in this stage of life, people recognize the importance of intimate relationships, especially romantic ones. thus, they fall in love.”
“wonderfully put,” al-haitham sets down the card, and picks up your hand, kissing the back of it. “you did excellently, my dear.”
“i sure hope so. we went at it for three hours straight,” you roll your eyes playfully. “archons, you’re a ruthless tutor.”
“you’ll thank me later when you have high marks on your exam.”
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“why did i study sports medicine?!” you exclaim as you flop your head down on the living room coffee table. your boyfriend peeks his head in, freshly showered after a workout.
“what’s up?” he asks, oblivious to the mess of papers on the living room floor.
“i hate finals. this will be the death of me.”
“yeah, i’m glad i never chose to go into any of those fields,” he remarks, to which you groan.
“i bet a business major like you would never have to figure out the difference between isotonic and isometric exercises,” you roll your eyes, before focusing on your laptop again. “plus, you play sports for the university, and you’re definitely gonna play professionally after this whole thing! gah, you have it so easy, childe.”
there’s silence as he watches you return to your work. engrossed in highlighting a little more, you haphazardly take notes for review. when he doesn’t leave after a moment or two, you twist yourself to look back at him. “did you need something or are you gonna just watch me study?”
“you need a break,” he declares. he strides over to you, pulling you off of the couch.
surprised, your brows furrow. “hey, i really need to--”
without a chance to finish your sentence, your boyfriend smacks you in the face with a pillow. the cushion falls flat off your face, revealing your gaping mouth and shocked expression. as if on instinct, you pick it up and volley it back towards him.
an exchange of pillows takes place in your living room. fuzz and feathers fly about the room as you toss them around. childe is all grins, sliding around in his socks and never once relenting in the pillow fight.
eventually, you both collapse on the ground, chests heaving. your notes and pens are knocked off the table, but you couldn’t care less. childe is beside you, equally exhausted. with a deep breath in, you look over at him.
“thank you, sweetheart. i needed that,” you say, kissing him on the cheek.
“anytime, my love,” he reassures, before smacking you with a pillow again.
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it’s an ungodly hour, but your liyuean literature exam is more important than sleep.
you blink blearily at your computer screen, writing a few more notes on the records of the gallant. your back is slouched as you take a bright yellow highlighter and run it over the sloppily printed ink. after a moment, you take another look at it, only to find it unreadable. groaning, you run a hand over your face and sink into the back of the dining room table.
“evening, love,” your boyfriend greets you with a soft smile and hands behind his back. he stands tall, casting a shadow over your disarray of notes.
“you’re a sight for sore eyes,” you murmur, briefly acknowledging him before returning to your work. after this last test, you’ll be able to go on another nice date with your boyfriend. momentarily, it sends a surge of motivation through you as you thumb through the book.
“i know you’re busy, and you won’t come to bed even if i ask you nicely,” he says gently, but you’re only half listening. “but, right now, i must make sure you’re taking care of yourself.”
raising your eyebrow, you look at him confusedly. “that’s really sweet, dear, but i’m doing alright, really.”
he looks at you with a deadpan expression before casting a glance at your several mugs of coffee scattered across the dining room table, wrinkled clothes, and disheveled hair. “as you say it is,” he quips sarcastically. “you must eat, my love. then, you can go back to studying.”
he moves his arms in front of himself, revealing a bowl of slow-cooked bamboo soup. your mouth waters instantly and your heart softens at the sweet gesture. suddenly, you snap out of it. “a-ah, i can’t. i have to stay focused…” you murmured, turning your head.
zhongli walks over with the bowl of soup, and the scent is heavenly. placing it in front of you, he pats your head and kisses your cheek. “you will not be able to handle your all-nighter without some food.”
“sweetheart…” you trail off.
“darling,” he responds curtly, not backing down.
reluctantly, you take the spoon into your mouth and eat. it re-energizes you quickly, and you quickly gulp it down. your boyfriend only chuckles, sitting across from you as you replenish yourself.
after demolishing the meal, you look up at him with tender eyes. “i owe you one. sorry for being stubborn.”
“no worries, love. your stubbornness is what will give you a perfect score on this test. although, if you’re willing to have my soup, maybe you’d be willing to go to bed…”
“not a chance.”
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excelacademy · 8 months
Gcse tutors near me
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Looking for GCSE tutors near you? Our tailored tutoring service connects you with experienced educators who specialize in preparing students for their General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) exams.
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azems-familiar · 2 years
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@ipreferfiction tagged me in this a few days ago and i promptly forgot to do it, so here we are. i uhhhhhhhhhhhh do not have anything star wars related to share currently, whoops, but i can toss up a snippet of an mdzs/the untamed fic i'm working on!
tagging @thelavenderhimbo @exlibrisastra @sleepswithvillains @tarrevizsla and whoever else wants to do it!
It’s an unseasonably warm summer day and classes have once again been canceled as shufu works on the persistent problem of the waterborne abyss in Biling Lake. With classes not happening and xiongzhang working with the swordsmanship classes he usually supervises, Lan Wangji finds himself at something of a loss. His only real responsibility during the guest lectures is to supervise the visiting disciples, but with the weather and the newfound freedom, many of them have chosen to spend the day in Caiyi Town, away from the three thousand rules and the chance of punishment. Wei Wuxian - Wei Ying - is likely among them, since Lan Wangji knows for a fact that Jiang Wanyin and Nie Huiasang departed earlier, and the three of them are close.
It does not grate, watching their interactions from the outside and knowing that they would never willingly include him. He is quite used to being alone, and he has little desire to make friends, no matter what xiongzhang thinks he needs; he is comfortable being seen as stony and silent and emotionless, the cold Second Jade of Lan. He watches them not because he wants to be a part of their camaraderie but because he cannot understand how they integrate so smoothly together, how they touch each other without thinking, expressing their every emotion so casually it must break a rule. And then there is Wei Wuxian himself, who delights in breaking every rule he can, causing chaos wherever he goes - who is somehow the most brilliant man Lan Wangji has ever met, the only person of their generation he could consider his equal. From the moment they first crossed blades under the moonlight, he knew the YunmengJiang’s head disciple would be the only one who could match him.
And this rare talent is being wasted on a man who is frivolous and infuriating, with no sense of decorum, who laughs in the face of judgement (until he realizes someone else will be getting in trouble, and then begs for the elders to recognize that it was his fault and only his fault), who revels in answering every question shufu poses as outlandishly as possible (but knows every answer, and spends afternoons tutoring the other Jiang disciples with an infinite amount of patience and an active and engaging teaching style), who regularly stays out past curfew and says it’s because he wants to watch the stars (and looks utterly ethereal under the night sky). Wei Wuxian is the most frustrating man he has ever met.
Lan Wangji might be in love with him.
But for as much as Wei Wuxian seems to enjoy following him around, calling his birth name out at deafening volumes whenever they’re in any kind of proximity, and teasing him with comments that edge along the line between good fun and flirting, he still chooses to spend his free days with his shidi and his close friend. And Lan Wangji is fine with that, because it means he does not have to deal with the confusing mess of emotion that knots his chest whenever Wei Wuxian and his brilliant laugh and bright red ribbon are around. He is most certainly not jealous, because the two of them are barely even friends, so there is nothing to be jealous of.
At least, so he tells himself as he wanders away from the main compounds and training grounds towards the back hill. If spending his afternoon practicing new music scores surrounded by nature means he won’t be near the gates when the guest disciples inevitably come back, chattering and laughing together, then that is a secondary benefit to the fact that he hasn’t had a day to himself since the lectures began and he’s beginning to feel stifled by all the unfamiliar faces moving so freely through his home. It will be nice to be properly alone for a few hours - perhaps he can check on the rabbits Wei Wuxian left him, who are very much not pets, and therefore allowed.
The sound of a flute interrupts his musings, and Lan Wangji finds himself following the melody, something light and lilting and cheerful that sounds nothing like the songs he’s used to hearing in Gusu. He climbs the small hill separating him from the path that runs along the riverbank as the sound gets louder, only to freeze the moment he crests it.
Wei Wuxian is sitting next to the river, one foot dangling over the bank into the water, his back against a tree. An elegantly carved dizi painted in warm browns and blues with a YungmengJiang purple tassel attached to the end rests against his lips and his eyes are closed, an expression of something like serenity on his face. A breeze rustles his hair and the red ribbon in it, carries the dizi’s airy song off into the distance (and that suddenly seems unbearable, the idea that anyone else might hear this impromptu concert and come looking for its cause), and the rich summer sunlight dapples golden and heavy across his fingers where they dance across the dizi’s holes. The song comes to a close and Wei Wuxian takes a deep breath in and shifts seamlessly into another one, a melody that twines with the rush of the river and the birdsong, and there is no spiritual power in it whatsoever, but all the same, Lan Wangji feels strangely at peace.
He listens to three more melodies before he finally speaks into the small gap between songs. “I did not know you played an instrument,” he says, carefully, the words feeling strangely thick and muted on his tongue. He is loath to disturb the air, but this entire performance is a strangely private thing, and he has begun to feel nearly- voyeuristic, watching the other man pour out his heart into his music without any knowledge of his observer.
Wei Wuxian squawks and startles so badly he falls into the river.
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chelseydavidson · 5 months
My Progress - Week 8
What is working?
Frankly, not much – I’m getting a bit pessimistic, if I’m being entirely honest.
I’ll chalk the Facebook groups I joined as a pseudo-win (more on that below), but not too much else – while the Facebook groups haven’t netted any leads as of yet, they do have my target audience, so I’m holding onto some hope. I’m also preparing to pivot to a paid digital marketing strategy.
I also looked into setting up a Craigslist account, which will cost me $5 to run for 30 days. I’m a little nervous because I heard about Craigslist being a bit of a sketchy platform with scammers and stalkers and setups (oh, my), so I’m a little reticent about using my credit card on a platform with that kind of reputation. However, Craigslist is very much committed to local focus, which could be helpful for generating concentrated interest strictly in Durham Region. 
What is not working?
Pretty much everything else.
So, I received absolutely no word from the Unschooling Association, despite BCCing all the leading members of the board and the specific representatives for my area. 
My local library doesn't do any promotion of small businesses to support them -- only for not-for-profits and other free services. So, that’s a dead end. (That includes the Pickering, Ajax, and Whitby systems.)
My Kijiji ad was taken down this week. There was an issue with the category I placed it in and they want me to resubmit in a different category and pay a fee to repost it. I’m on the fence about Kijiji’s effectiveness as it is, and the fact that I couldn’t test it out organically before opting in for a paid option, makes me quite nervous. I’ll need to do more research before I sink money into it. 
Facebook got back to me the same day saying that they are “not the channel to deal with this issue. Please troubleshoot using the website.” I only contacted them because the website didn’t offer support setting up an account when the email address isn't being recognized as valid (my guess is the domain name is confusing it, but who's to say?). The website support only stems from already being a user. This would be, in my opinion, an absolute failure in customer service, but I don’t see Facebook hurting none. In a fit of frustration, I used my existing personal Facebook profile to post a Facebook Marketplace ad. It looks pretty much like the Kijiji ad did, but so far, it's managed to stay up. No bites, but still fishing.  
I also joined two Facebook groups - a Durham Region Bulletin Board group and a Toronto Tutors group (which covers the GTA as well) - and posted in the discussion to potentially generate interest. Unfortunately, no one has contacted me from the groups yet. Since I did this recently, I’ll leave a little time to see if this effort gains any traction. 
How do you feel the project is coming?
I’m in full-on Debbie Downer mode.
Despite feeling deflated, it hasn’t stopped me from continuously exploring more opportunities. I’m also actively researching ways to advertise best to parents online, because I am definitely leaning towards paid options. I have considered printing flyers as well and distributing them at children-focused events as they crop up now we're in the springtime or handing them out near or at locations that cater to providing lessons for children. 
I’m getting increasingly nervous about how close we’re getting to summer break. The end of June is just around the corner (and for many post-secondary students, their programs have ended until the fall) and parents can lose the same commitment heading into the break that they may carry during the schoolyear, making it a rough season for tutoring businesses. 
What are you learning about running a business?
Tenacity is what I am learning, above all else. If at first you don’t succeed, try again. And again. The key to that perseverance is to try something new, though. Sometimes it feels like throwing darts at the wall to see what sticks. Nonetheless, I’ll keep whipping darts. 
I have spoken with my husband, who’s been an entrepreneur for over three decades, and he reminds me that, in a word-of-mouth business like tutoring, the greatest hurdle is getting the first client. If you do right by that first client, the word will get out eventually and more clients will come. I keep reminding myself of this when I feel epically discouraged.
What are you learning about yourself?
I wish could tell you that I was learning I am a marketing extraordinaire that could sell honey to a bee, but alas, no, I am still honing that skill.
I am learning instead that there are limits to my optimism. I like to think that I have a can-do attitude, but I also like control. Getting customers is not something I can control and it does eat away at my normal level of bubbliness. I definitely experienced a bit of a Unikitty moment. 
I am also learning that, in spite of having no control over getting that first critical customer, I am a persevering person. I will stick with it, even if it’s sticking it to me. Here’s to not giving up!
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kiaaraagarwal · 6 months
Is It Easy To Find Home Tutors In The Current Era? 
Getting the best education for your kid must be the supreme aim for any parent out there. In the current era of competition, there is a need for you to look for a home tutor in Pune or your region. Hiring a home tutor can have significant benefits in your child's learning journey. Such includes improved convenience, personalised learning & advanced course preparations. 
However, a key challenge that most parents face is how to find a suitable and trusted home tutor nearby. In this blog, we will discuss in depth more about such an issue and the potential solution that can be beneficial in the long run. 
The most recommended solution to rely on is to log in to the Otoo Tuitions Platform. The platform has been designed to create a network of tutors and parents looking for the required services. Whether you are looking for home tuition for class 8 near me or home tutors for class 4 near me, you can get it all at Otoo Tuitions. 
Otoo Tuitions is a one-stop platform allowing parents to select a suitable tutor for their kids from the available home tutors. The parents can easily filter out the tutors based on their experience, subject expertise, location and their reviews. Hence, allowing them to make a perfect decision for their kid. If you are a parent looking for private maths tutors near me, you can definitely find them on the Otoo tuitions. Also, can connect with the agents on the platform to get the relevant assistance. 
Not only the subject-based tuition but also the platform allows you to hire language tutors for your child. Along with the mother tongue, the child needs to be able to speak a secondary language such includes English, German, or any other language. Hence, you can also hire a spoken English private tutor in Bangalore with the help of Otoo Tuitions. 
Wrapping Up In the current era of competition, you can make effective use of digital platforms to get all the required resources including a home tutor. So what else are you looking for? Log on to the Otoo tuitions platform today and interact with the available home tutor in Pune. Further from these available options, you can easily hire suitable home tutors for class 4 near me or a spoken English private tutor in Bangalore. Want to know more? Check out the platform today.
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doonhometuition · 6 months
Finding the Best CBSE Board Home Tutor Near me Dehradun | Doon Home Tuition
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Are you searching for a capable CBSE board home tutor near me Dehradun to improve your child’s academic performance? Your search ends here! At Doon Home Tuition, we understand the significance of quality education and offer customized tutoring services to meet your child’s unique learning requirements. With our team of skilled and dedicated tutors, we strive to provide complete support to students aiming to excel in their CBSE board examinations.
Benefits of Home Tuition | Doon Home Tuition
The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) curriculum is one of the most widely recognized and preferred educational frameworks in India. However, navigating through its syllabus and preparing for examinations can be daunting for many students. This is where the guidance of a qualified CBSE board home tutor becomes invaluable. Here we share the benefits of Home Tuition.
Personalized Attention: In a classroom setting, students often struggle to receive individual attention due to large class sizes. With home tutoring, your child can benefit from tailored attention, allowing the tutor to focus on areas where they require the most help.
Customized Learning: Our tutors design lesson plans modified to your child’s learning pace and style. Whether your child requires reinforcement of foundational concepts or advanced study materials, our tutors adapt to their requirements.
Flexible Scheduling: Home tuition offers flexibility in scheduling, allowing students to arrange tutoring sessions at their convenience. Whether it’s after school, on weekends, or during holidays, students can choose the timing that best fits their schedule. This flexibility eliminates the stress of rushing to attend tutoring centers and ensures that learning can take place in a relaxed and at ease surroundings.
Reinforcement of Concepts: Home tuition provides an opportunity for students to reinforce fundamental concepts and skills that may not have been fully grasped in the classroom. Tutors can revisit difficult topics, provide additional explanations, and offer extra practice exercises to consolidate learning and build confidence. This reinforcement of concepts helps students develop a strong foundation in subjects, laying the groundwork for future academic success.
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everyday-tuition · 1 year
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mahleahmcmaster · 10 months
My narrative for "The Story of You" was about family. This topic is something I am passionate about; I knew I could dive deep into it. I wanted to centre the attention on how I am half Caribbean from my dad's side and half white from my mother's side. I was born in Antigua; my mum moved us to the UK shortly after and until I was nine and settled in the UK. I've lived with my grandparents ever since in Devon, which is primarily a white area, far from diversity. Moving to Birmingham now has been the eye-opener I've needed; unfortunately, it has led me to question who I am.
My aim for this project was to visually communicate through my work, who I am. It was not a 50/50 project because I focussed on the Caribbean side that has been hidden most of my life. In this project, I wanted to achieve skills and processes that I hadn't had the opportunity to use before in my education. I wanted to display my strengths and weaknesses but also hopefully improve in areas. Even though my focus after this is Fashion business and Promotion, I know that it's important to have an understanding of every aspect and learn how to communicate visually.
I think when it comes to the secondary research, I had a few artists that moved my project along but one that stood out to me, was definitely Hurvin Anderson. The way he speaks about how he's got to where he is and the narratives behind some of his work are captivating. With this narrative that I used as well, I felt as though learning and reading about his life and why he does what he does has helped me with my narrative. He's Jamaican but he was the only one of his siblings to be born in the UK and he feels as though he needs to bring parts of the Caribbean here for him to feel at home in the UK. That's something that I relate to and understand from my history of mostly growing up in the UK.
When it came to my primary research, I had a lot of pictures from the UK as that is where I live but when it came to the Caribbean, I haven't been there in years. However, images that I do have or that my dad has sent me have helped me with my work. So I've had a fair shot at reflecting on both areas in my project.
At the beginning of the project, I struggled to find images that I could present in my workshop experiments which did not aid me in creating the best samples. It took me till the third week to grasp how to deliver my narrative. But it slowly improved. Throughout my workshops, I mostly used colours; that resembled my work the best. I struggled to relate to shapes in my work. I've learnt a lot from this project as I had the opportunity to use equipment that I had never tried before. I think embroidery was one of my biggest strengths in this project, I enjoyed it the most and was very pleased with all my pieces in that workshop. Print went well for me and I did enjoy it but I don't think I was capable of showcasing my skills at their best. I did enjoy weaving when I finally saw my outcome however, the process was quite draining.
I believe my experimentation was successful because of meeting my strengths and weaknesses. I saw what I could improve on and tried my best; I tried everything that I was offered and jumped in with both feet. For my future projects, I need to make some changes and improvements. Such as I need to organise my work at uni to how much I need to be doing at home during the week. I believe it became too rushed near the end because I was writing as I was going. When problems cropped up I don't think I gave myself enough time to fix them.
To conclude, I trust that I showed some of my best skills and I enjoyed having the chance to use these techniques but also be around my peers who all had different skills and we learnt from each other. I also appreciated the tutors for helping me, because I could see this was a genuine passion for them which inspired me to do my best. After seeing my final board outcome I was more than satisfied and I thought it showcased my work well.
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