#second: i had to make Mitch breaking the roof because of her height
geuretea · 11 days
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sweeetie-demon-blog · 6 years
Bad Boy // Clouis Oneshot
Description: Clementine has been dying to meet this big bad troublemaker ever since she got to her new school.
Who’s giving Louis an angsty backstory again? This gal.
This was stupid, she knew it was, yet here she is. Standing in an empty hallway, waiting. She couldn’t believe that she was waiting for his kid, who she never even met before.
Louis was his name. Clementine had heard people talk about him many times before. She’d transferred to Ericson High about a month ago, yet she still hadn’t met this mysterious “bad boy.” She was doubting if he even existed.
This guy was apparently seen destroying teachers’ cars and tagging things around the school. Some have even said that he goes to the roof of the building Clementine was currently on, and smokes until the day is over.
She had sneaked off inside the halls during lunch time, since people wouldn’t suspect a thing. It wasn’t unusual for a student to roam the hallways during any break at school, though it was almost always empty. Clementine was on the second floor of the building, her back leaned against an unfamiliar locker. Lunch was almost over and she was starting to think that everyone played a huge joke on her. This kid isn’t real and she just looks like a fool leaning here waiting.
A sigh escaped her lips as she was starting to leave her spot. The girl checked her phone for the time once again, her head shaking as the bell rang the next moment. She should leave before these halls become impossible to walk through. Clementine was heading for the staircase leading to the floor that she needed to go, when a loud slam of a door echoed through the hall. It was still empty where she was, so the loud noise scared her.
Her head turned in shock, seeing exactly who was running in her direction.
It was him, he was real. This wasn’t a joke.
The boy was running, a metal baseball bat resting on his left shoulder, and an amused smile on his face.
He slowed down, trying to catch his breath. He looked at Clementine, who was still standing in shock, and smirked.
“I see you were admiring my running. Was I fast?” His voice was a bit raspy but oddly soothing. The boy got closer to Clementine, his breath still uneven. Now she was able to get a closer look at him. He was dressed in a black tee and slightly baggy jeans, a pair of beat up converse barley visable, with dreadlocks adorning his head. Clementine had to admit, he looked kinda hot.
“Why are you running anyways?” She had a few reasons on why he could have been.
“Was being chased by a security guard. He wasn’t that far back so he might bust through that door any second.” The teen quickly turned his head towards the door he came from. “I should bounce before I get caught again.” He was starting to leave, but he turned again. “See ya around, girly.”
The mysterious boy disappeared into the swarm of students that were starting to flood the hallway. A security guard came barging through the door seconds later, only to be faced with loads of kids and realizing he lost the boy.
“You were right Vi, he’s real. I thought you guys were messing with me.” Clementine and Violet, as well as a couple others, were walking home.
“What? Oh, Louis? Why would you think that was a joke?” Violet chucked.
“I don’t know, I guess cause I’ve never seen him. And I’m new to the school, maybe it was some prank that kids do to new kids.” Clementine shrugged.
“Well, that would be kinda funny, but nope. It’s all true.”
“Are you guys talking about that one guy? The ‘bad boy’.” Their friend, Aasim, scoffed. “He’s just a trouble maker, and also annoying.” He crossed his arms.
“Oh sure, what happened to that little crush you had on him?” Brody, a red haired girl, butted in. She giggled at his blushing face.
“Shut up Brody!” Aasim’s face turned red, a blush forming all the way down to his neck. The girls giggled.
“Wait you had a crush on this guy?” Clementine asked. “When?”
“Last year. That was when he was still hanging out with us, but he stopped. They weren’t my proudest moments.”
The golden-eyed girl frowned. She wondered what he meant when he said he stopped hanging out with them. It was no wonder they knew a lot about him.
“Why did he stop being around you guys?”
“We don’t know exactly. Something happened in his personal life and he just wanted to be alone all together. Not even Marlon knew, and they were best friends.” Violet gave her friend a sad smile. This Louis kid must have meant a lot for her to be this sad.
Here she was again, waiting. The same building, same hall, same locker to lean against. The girl couldn’t help the urge to come back to see if she saw Louis again. All she wanted was to see what he looked like and that would be the end of that, but here she was with the intention of being friends. Something about this dreaded haired boy left her wanting more.
Clementine checked her phone, he had to be here right? She didn’t want this to be a repeat of yesterday. The girl started to leave again, but if on cue, the same door busted open. Her head turned quickly and there she saw the mysterious teen again. He was dressed in something similar than yesterday, except his dreadlocks were pulled back in a messy pony and he wasn’t running. Louis was surprised to see this girl again, surely she would have just thought he was some trouble maker with no future. He smiled however.
Never let them know what you’re feeling, was his motto. It was dark, but that’s how he lived.
“Hey you’re back, miss me?” He had a charm that Clementine was afraid of. She didn’t want to be with someone like this, if what she heard about Louis is true, she can’t be dating a quote on quote “bad boy.”
“You could say that.” She couldn’t look him in the eyes. He had charm and was super cute, she couldn’t. “I heard you like to smoke.”
Louis raised an eyebrow. “Where did you hear that from?”
“People. Around school, ya know. Is it true?” She looked at him, finally. His face seemed to have a permanent smirk. She blushed and she wished she hadn’t.
“Well I do, you aren’t gonna rat me out right?” Louis searched his back pocket for his pack of cigarettes and his red lighter.
“No, I was actually hoping to join you. Been needing something to take the edge off.” Clementine ran a hand through her hair, it was usually tied up in pigtails, but she wanted it loose today.
“And you came to me? Listen, uh, do know who I am? I mean, people call me a trouble maker, don’t see you being into that.” He leaned his bat on the wall next to him. That thing was heavy. “But if you really want to, then sure. I usually go up to the roof. No one ever finds me there.” Louis put his hands on his hips, waiting for an answer.
“Okay, lead the way.”
By the time the two teens made it to the roof, the bell rang. Clementine didn’t really care if she was late, she was late all the time. But don’t let that fool you, she at least tried to get a B in every class. Today was different because she was actually going to skip her last few classes. She didn’t have to, but damnit she was drawn to stay.
Louis led her to a spot near the front of the building. The school was surrounded by all kinds of trees and plants, the view was already pretty cool. They stopped when the boy sat on a platform that was half his height.
“I always sit here and just watch the world. C'mere.” He patted the spot next to his figure, before taking a cigarette and bringing it to his lips. He inhaled. Clementine saw how Louis visably relaxed after a puff. She went over to him and took the cigarette and lighter that he held out for her. She did smoke, but not as regularly as this guy. The girl usually partook in the action when the stress was too much for her. Today was one of those days. Where she woke up and knew it was going to be a bad day.
“It is beautiful up here.” Although it was no where near sunset time, the landscaping still had beauty to it.
“Sure is. Hey, I never caught your name.” Louis turned to the girl next to him, taking another inhale.
“Oh, right. I’m Clementine.” She smiled. The teen felt his eyebrows come together, he felt something for this girl. They were just introduced but he can already feel himself falling for her.
“Nice name, that’s a fruit right? Well you probably already know who I am by now.”
“You got that right.” They both turned to look at the view again. It was silent for a few minutes, both their cigarettes being basically finished.
“Why do you do this?” Clementine broke the silence.
“Do what?”
“Come up here, destroy stuff, ya know. That stuff.”
Louis took the final drag of his cigarette, holding in the smoke as he closed his eyes. He let it out, his black beat up shoe stepping on the butt on the ground.
“Escape, I guess.” He shrugged. “I’m sure you’ve met Violet and Brody. Marlon, Aasim, Mitch. I used to hang with them, it was great ya know? But something happened, and I just wanted to be alone.”
That smirk he wore had faded. It was now just a frown that marked his face, an odd sight to see even though Clementine just met him yesterday. She knew she wasn’t supposed to ask what happened, Violet said that not even Marlon knew. What makes her think Louis would tell a stranger?
“I know you want to know. Everyone wanted to.” It’s like he read her mind. “Clementine, it’s weird-”
“Clem, call me Clem.”
“Clem.” He chuckled sadly. “It’s weird, I feel like I can trust you. Maybe cause you’re basically a stranger.” He shook his head. “I don’t know.”
“Did something happen between you and the group?” Clementine had turned fully to face him. She had a leg on the platform and her other dangling off it.
“Not exactly.” A sigh escaped his lips, a hand coming up to his face to rub his eyes. “Alright I’ll tell you.” Clementine had worry in her eyes. She hoped this wasn’t too bad.
“Around a year ago, I was kicked out of my house. I didn’t want anyone else to worry so I bottled it up. It was awful, my parents kicked me out for no reason. Well, I guess they did have a reason.” Tears filled his brown eyes.
“What?” She put a hand over his trying to comfort him. Louis looked her in the eyes and Clem could see the pain and hurt passed the tears.
“They didn’t want me. Mom said she never wanted a kid and dad didn’t have the patience. For years I lived with it, trying to make jokes so they can laugh and like me. Playing piano, both my parents’ favorite instrument. But it never worked. They hated me Clem.” A single tear rolled down his freckled cheek. Clementine’s heart broke in two. How could someone not love their child? They had to be complete monsters to do that.
“You know, I started using it as a cover right? The goofy persona I had before this edgy one. A cover. For the pain.” He subconsciously held Clem’s hand. “Now this brings me to why I stopped being around my friends.”
“You’re okay Louis, I’m here.” Clementine offered a smile and hand rubbing his back. “Take your time.”
His tears blurred his vision. He hadn’t cried this hard since the day he was no longer apart of his parents’ life. The boy cleared his throat.
“The last few months before I got kicked out, my dad, he. He would say awful things to me Clem. Mentally and verbally abusing me. It fucked me up, to the point I believed everything he said.” He took a deep breath. “And I stopped being around my friends because I also believed they didn’t like me. They would joke about me being annoying and childish. I knew they were joking but, at the time I believed it was true. And I kinda still do.”
Clementine had leaned her head on Louis’s shoulder, and he rested his head on hers.
“What about the destroying teacher’s cars and graffiti?” Her voice was small and soothing.
“Out of anger. Like I said I was trying to cope with it. It’s stupid I know, but those are the only ways I know how. Just focus my anger on destroying things and my sadness in graffiti.”
“Can’t you play piano?”
“Yeah I do that too, but not like I used to. I actually love piano but I don’t want to be seen by anyone while I’m in the music room.”
“I can be with you if you want ya know. I wouldn’t mind hearing you play.” It was silent again. A bell can be heard in the distance, the bell for the final class of the day. The courtyard filled with students of different ages, some running to their destination, others having conversations with others. It died down a few minutes later. It was completely silent again.
“A neighbor took me in after I spent days on the street alone. His name is Kenny, lives with his wife and kid. I owe him a lot.” Louis smiled at the mention of his current home. Kenny was a good man, had a temper, but was better than the way he was living before.
“Kenny? I think one of my dad’s friends is named Kenny.” The girl chuckled.
“Small world.”
“C'mon Louis, I’m sure they don’t hate you. I’m pretty certain that they miss you.” Clementine was dragging the boy by his jacket sleeve towards her group of friends. It has been about two weeks since they had that talk up on the roof, and none of her friends knew.
“Um, I highly doubt that statement ma'am. I completely abandoned them without any explanation.” Louis stopped in his tracks before pulling the short girl close to his chest. She could hear his heart racing. In the weeks they’ve been seeing eachother, you could say that they were getting close.
“I’ll be by your side no matter what, and if they do hate you, which they won’t, I won’t leave you. You’ll be stuck with me forever.” Clementine stood on her tip toes to plant a kiss on his cheek. A blush formed on his face. They didn’t say they were together, but they both knew they had something.
“Can’t say no to a face like that.”
The girl was giddy, taking her “boyfriend’s” hand and leading the way to the group of teens sitting on one of the schools picnic tables. Mitch was the one who spotted them first, a hand rubbing his eyes to make sure he was seeing correctly. He hadn’t seen Louis in about a year, now here he’s walking with Clementine over to them.
“Guys, is that Clem with Louis?” The group stopped mid conversation to look in the direction Mitch was looking. Louis caught sight of them now staring, stopping in tracks once again and pulling on Clementine’s hand.
She didn’t listen this time, only squeezing Louis’s hand tighter.
It was silent when they walked up. Each teen had a different expression on their face. Marlon and Mitch both looking surprised, Brody with a frown and Aasim with an annoyed face. Violet wasn’t even looking at anyone, her gaze pointed towards the grass.
“Uh, hey guys.”
Marlon was the first to do anything. He engulfed his friend in a bone crushing hug.
“Dude! Oh my god, you’re here! Where were you asshole?” Louis chuckled and shook his head as Marlon finished his sentence. He was brought into another hug by Mitch, who started laughing as he did.
“You’re back!” Mitch smiled. “Clem did you make this happen?”
“I’m sorry I abandoned you guys, guess I have to explain.”
It was getting dark, the sun was barely visable anymore. The street lamps were bouncing of the two teen’s faces as they walked down the cracked sidewalk. It was a good day. Louis reconnected with his old friends. It was awkward at first, not knowing how they would react to his situation. But they all understood.
Now here they were, Louis walking Clementine home, hand in hand. They knew. They knew they had a connection. How could Louis not fall for this girl? She was perfection at its truest form. A golden-eyed beauty. Not only did she see past the destruction he did and the vandalism, which was wrong to do, she’s also helping him get through this rough patch. He really, really, really, likes this girl.
Clementine stepped up on the porch leading to her front door, Louis following behind her.
“Thanks for everything Clem.” And without thinking, this dreaded haired boy that Clementine fell for, leaned in and kissed her right on the lips.
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