#sebek sebek sebek sebek
ryker-writes · 7 months
Because I love hearing people gush about their favs: Why do you like Sebek so much?
oh boy you're in for a ride
I love Sebek so much because not only is he adorable but he's super cool! I tend to love characters that are strong but can also be silly like Sebek is a knight but he could also get wrapped up in the randomness and no-brain activities with everyone! His passion and loyalty to Malleus are very admirable and you can't convince me he wouldn't be just as passionate and loyal to his friends and partner. He's a hardworking knight who actually takes those he cares about into great consideration and looks out for them and trusts them. He won't let anyone shame or slander those he cares about and sticks to his beliefs. I also tend to love knight/general characters in most fandoms too. But Sebek is so adorable! Seeing him makes me feel happy. I would sit down and listen to him talk about Malleus all day and I would also want to tell him that I see him the same way he sees Malleus. Sure, he can be loud and blunt and has his opinions on humans but I do think that his attitude towards humans comes mainly from Briar Valley culture than anything. His loud nature is cute and I like people who can be more blunt and not dance around things. Sebek is a great protector and I love him so much like I want to give him so much affection and would love to just be by his side
I also know a lot of little facts about Sebek that I will now ramble about because they're all so cute.
Horses are scared of Sebek and he's actually scared of them too (something we have in common)! He joined the equestrian club because he thinks every knight should be able to ride a horse and he didn't look into the other clubs much! He also doesn't do well in the cold and prefers warmer climates! It's because of this that he enjoys the Botanical Garden because it's warm and he struggled with the cold in the Harveston event. Sebek also is a big reader and has borrowed books from Azul and was gifted a rare book for his birthday from Azul! He was actually a late bloomer when it comes to magic too. When he was a kid he would be in awe watching his siblings use magic and light candles! Speaking of siblings, he has an older brother and a older sister but both of them are much older than him. They used to go on family fishing trips too! Sebek admires his mom a lot for being a strong and capable fae and has mixed feelings about his father. He doesn't understand why his mom fell for a human dentist (or why his human father was living in Briar Valley in the first place), but his mom is said to have fell in love despite the disapproval of everyone around her because he was human. Sebek has also said that his father loves to give him and his siblings gifts a lot and Sebek doesn't understand it much. Sebek takes great care in his appearance and even uses hair gel to slick his hair back every morning because he wants to look his best in front of Malleus. He even wants to grow his hair out like Malleus! He even has a picture of Malleus in his room that he greets and says goodbye to every time he leaves or enters. We also hear of some cute moments about when Sebek was younger. Malleus once gave a small Sebek a cookie and he carried it around with him everywhere and treasured it but cried when it accidentally broke. He also used to be very scared on Halloween and would even wet the bed and Silver once promised him to stay awake and hold his hand the entire night. Silver fell asleep though and Sebek considers him a traitor because of it. Sebek also has a large appetite and thinks the school food is lacking and doesn't have enough protein. He likes meat and isn't much of a fan of black coffee, but still drinks black coffee because Malleus drinks it. He's also jealous of Kalim and Jamil's relationship and wishes he could've been born earlier to take care of Malleus.
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fisheem4mmal · 6 months
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因為我剛好遇見你 留下足跡才美麗
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pawnyao · 7 months
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Always an angel never a God
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zvezdacito · 17 days
🦇🏖🌺 (Happy Father's Day!)
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I started this last year when Stitch's Tropical Turbulence first dropped on the JP server, but because of schoolwork only ever had the chance to finish it this month. So as you may notice there are stuff, like the acorn bracelets being from Mel instead of Silver, that I just drew based on theories about it at the time being retconned now.
I also knew that Malleus was probably just gonna be almost the same developmental age as he was now during Sil's childhood but I wanted to also draw him as a kid. Just because🔥🌺
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turkeyborgar · 25 days
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Seb 🐊
I got lazy with the hair (like always) i deleted the wip ver aha
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soup-du-silence · 2 months
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twisted wonderland spoilers
Book 7 part 4: "fuck them kids"
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ohiko-artsworld · 2 months
I hope no one has drawn them yet😂
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rizdoodls · 3 months
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The prefect was lucky not to end up propelled into the air...
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egophiliac · 1 month
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bring your son to work day
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no edit verson
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wriospersonalworm · 2 months
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twst charas side profile hcs 🤞🤞🤞🤞
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poisoned-pearls · 15 days
Masquerade Road Trip 🚌
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Okay but like…. What if instead of using mirrors they had to stuff this whole cast of people into a bus/van
It’d be a little funny
(Also turn up phone brightness to see it better. Or don’t. Idk I don’t control you)
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officialdaydreamer00 · 3 months
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tarobii · 2 months
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brother shenanigans 🤌
(based on this post by @darkacua)
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ventique18 · 5 months
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Petty older brother
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soup-du-silence · 2 months
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"In Jamil's dream, Kalim won't exist. "In Jamil's dream, HE'LL be housewarden and Kalim will be his servant." Actually I think he's too codependent for all that, maybe he just wants a break and a fruity drink and then he'll be right back on his grind. That's my theory, anyway.
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