paulruddwho-blog · 8 years
Sebastian Stan loml | can't sleep (#sebastianweek)
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cearra98 · 8 years
Sebastian Stan loml | can't sleep (#sebastianweek)
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emmiiiiee · 12 years
sebastian smythe week day 7; sebastian smythe in 10 years.
Title: I'll be your home Word count: 631 Pairing: Seblaine (Sebastian Smythe / Blaine Anderson) Summary: Sebastian is a highly skilled lawyer who sometimes happens to get stressed out because of work. Luckily, he has two people at home to keep him smiling after bad days at work.
A/n. once again, late. sowwy /: this isnt super good, and i wanted to turn it into more, but i didnt want to be 2 days late, so here it is. the title is because im listening to 'homeless heart' and it just gives me feels. 
Sebastian has been stressed out a lot lately. The law firm he's working for has a lot of big cases at the moment, one of them, the biggest one, which he is assigned to, because he's considered "the best" in the firm. Because he doesn't give a shit about anything besides winning, according to his colleagues.
His boss has been watching him closely, waiting for him to break, because apparently he's the only person who can tell that Sebastian is stressed. Obviously Sebastian knows better than to make a scene or break down in his office in front of his colleagues and he knows how to act his way out of being fine, until he gets home. He's been doing that most of his life, anyway.
  But he's tired. And he wants a vacation, or a break or... something. Because everybody is expecting so much of him, and he's still a bit insecure if this is really him; if he is the big winner everybody says he is. So when the case is over with, and Sebastian has won, he takes 2 weeks off. Despite his boss asking why, he doesn't give an explanation, and if he's fired - well then he doesn't really care. 
So he goes home, dragging his feet up the stairs, and into the apartment. He's more than ready to crawl the way to the bedroom, and burry himself in his beds for the next to week. Apparently, the world has other plans. As soon as he closes the door, he hears feet running through the apartment before -
  A small toddler, around the age of 2 comes running down the hall, towards Sebastian. His green eyes light up with a happiness that doesn't go unnoticed by his 'daddy'. Once he reaches him, Sebastian bends down to pick up the little boy, and holds him tightly in his arms, feeling the tension and the stress slowly resolve. After long hours at the office, stressing times and bad days his son seems to be his number 1 way of feeling instantly better. Well, him and his papa.
  "Bas?" Sebastian looked up from the child placed on his hip, to his husband standing by the entrance to the kitchen. "You're home early"
Blaine Anderson may or may not have been a request for him, at some point. Just another pretty thing Sebastian wanted to mark. But he had also been the only person to ever really understand Sebastian, and to actually listen to what he was and wasn't saying, instead of just judging by what was only visible on the surface. He supposed that was why he had gotten down on one knee in front of him, 6 years ago, asking him to be his forever. 
"Well, I finally finished my case, and took two weeks off" Sebastian answered, putting the stirring kid down, watching him run off in the direction of the living room, before heading to the kitchen, after Blaine. 
"And… ? How did it go?" Blaine asked, a small smile on his lips.
"I won" 
A light chuckle passed his husbands lips, before he leaned over and placed a kiss on Sebastian's lips. "I bet they didn't stand a chance against you"
Gripping onto Blaine's hips, keeping him pressed up against his body, kissing him once more. "I destroyed them"
"I'm proud of you"
"Why wouldn't you be?" he said, smiling as Blaine wrapped his arms around him, going in for another kiss.
  Maybe life wasn't always the best, and maybe Sebastian did get stressed out over incredibly hard cases his boss put him through, possibly just to test him, more than often. But he knew he had two people at home, who were always willing, and incredibly good, at making it absolutely worth it.
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dapper-blanderson · 12 years
Sebastian Smythe Week: Day 7 - 10 Years From Now
-Sebastian is completely redeemed; he is still sassy and occasionally rude, but he is also kind and compassionate
-He is a famous actor and author who lives in Brooklyn, New York. He is best known for his movie “The Untouchables", a movie about a male rape victim who finds comfort in a group of misfits at his new high school (filmed when Sebastian was 22), and for his novel “Iridescence", depicting a popular high school boy who becomes best friends with a blind girl.
-He is married to Patrick Meyers, whom was an intern on the set for “The Untouchables". Patrick asked him out with a confidence that Sebastian hadn’t seen in many guys, and perhaps that was the reason he said yes. Patrick was sassy and sarcastic, but sweet and endearing. They have been together ever since.
-Patrick and Sebastian have three children; a five year old boy named Ethan, a two year old boy named Grayson, and a 14 month old girl named Dianna.
-When Sebastian goes to the school reunion at Dalton Academy, he evidently surprises the former Warblers. He had completely changed, just like he’d promised. He brought Patrick with him, but left the kids with his sister Juliett. Kurt and Blaine had been the only ones who weren’t surprised at his drastic change of heart (as they had kept in touch, living in the same city and all).
-Sebastian has won an Oscar, two SAG awards and two Golden Globes; the Oscar, one of the SAGs and one of the Golden Globes were for his performance in “The Untouchables". He has also won countless other awards for said movie and other performances.
-"Iridescence" was a #1 New York Times’ Bestseller for a month. He has also won awards for it.
-Sebastian never felt more blessed. He never let the fame get to his head and is always humble.
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nichorello · 12 years
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Sebastian Smythe Week --> Day 7; Future
Sebastian becomes a famous author in New York City.
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pseudodux · 12 years
Sebastian Smythe Week Day 5 - Playlist
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1.  I Just Wanna Live - Good Charlotte.
I just want to live Don't really care about the things that they say  Don't really care about what happens to me I just want to live
2. Feel Good Inc. - Gorillaz
A melancholy town where we never smile.  And all I wanna hear is the message beep.  My dreams, they've got to kiss, because I dont get sleep, no..
3.  My Body is a Cage - Peter Gabriel (Cover)
My body is a cage that keeps me From dancing with the one I love But my mind holds the key
4. Everybody's Fool - Evanescence
Without the mask, where will you hide ?.
Can't find yourself lost in your life
5. At Least I'm Not as Sad as I Used to Be - fun.
So I left, That is it. That’s my life, Nothing is sacred.
I don’t keep friends,I keep acquainted, I’m not a prophet, But I’m here to profit. That’s all, I’m gone! That’s my life, Nothing is sacred. I don’t fall in love, I just fake it. I don’t fall in love. I don’t fall in love.
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killerwarbler-blog · 12 years
Sebastian Smythe Week Day 6 - Dream Scene
1. Seblaine kiss
2. Seblaine getting together
3. Seblaine duet
4. A scene about his past
5. A scene of him saying I love you to Blaine
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emmiiiiee · 12 years
sebastian smythe week day 6; sebastian smythe dream scene.
Title:  I'm glad you're here Word Count: 469 Pairing: Seblaine (Sebastian Smythe / Blaine Anderson) Summary: Since Blaine Anderson is starting to accept his breakup with Kurt Hummel, he invites Sebastian into his life, in a way the taller boy has only ever dreamt of.
A/n. this is so late, im sorry! usually im a few minutes late not 11 and a half hours. therefore, this is really short because i really wasnt happy with anything that i had written up to now. im not even completely satisfied with this, but its better than the anything else i wrote today. enjoy!
His heart is racing. He's starting to get scared of his heart jumping out of his chest, because of how much it's racing.
But then again, he's never been in this position. At least not like this.
Sebastian has been kissing a lot of boys. That's not the problem. It's who he's kissing. It's the way he's being kissed. It's how things got to this.
"You know, I think I'm starting to get used to this"
"Hanging out with me every day?"
"No, you idiot. Being single"
The tension started getting awkward there. Because they both know that Sebastian isn't truly over Blaine. Never really was. It doesn't stop him from being his friend, and being there when nobody understands, because for some reason Sebastian always understands whatever Blaine is going through or what he's feeling. 
"I'm glad you're here" his voice is quiet, but Sebastian hears it. He looks into Blaine's eyes, a smile breaking out on his face.
"Me too"
It's slow at first. Blaine is sitting on a swing, on some playground in West Lima they found while driving around. It's dark, and there's barely any light since half of the street lamps have gone out, but Sebastian swears he can see Blaine's eyes light up when he stands before him, and they are practically begging him to do exactly what he has wanted to do the entire night. Or rather, the entire time he's known Blaine.
So when he holds onto the chains, holding up the tire Blaine is sitting on, and leans down, the shorter boy barely moves. He only keeps his eyes locked on the green ones staring back at him.
Their lips meet in what Sebastian will, from that moment on, call his first. Because never had a boy ever kissed him like that. Slow, tender and full of a passion that Sebastian has only seen coming from Blaine, when he's performing. Their lips move against each other with such perfection that it seems as if they have been doing this for years and years. And in a moment of being completely carefree, Sebastian takes his hands, motioning for him to stand up.
And so they stand there, Blaine's arms thrown around Sebastian's neck, with his hands on Blaine's hips. They don't know for how long they stand there, but they eventually break up, when they start to remember how cold it is and how late it is.
Sebastian drives Blaine home, receiving a kiss goodnight, a kiss goodbye, and the knowledge that now one more person doesn't matter how bruised and broken he is, how mean and heartless he can be when being pushed, and how he is terrified of emotions that makes him tied up or dependent on someone else. Just because they love him the way he is.
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dapper-blanderson · 12 years
Sebastian Smythe Week: Day 2 - Crossover
Summary: (Glee/Doctor Who crossover) When Sebastian was fourteen, a strange blue box landed in his backyard.
Characters: Sebastian Smythe, the Doctor, Kurt Hummel, Blaine Anderson, Santana Lopez, Artie Abrams, Rachel Berry
Warning: Mild cursing and Weeping Angels galore
When Sebastian was fourteen, a strange blue box landed in his backyard. He was home alone, thankfully, so he pulled on his shoes and crept into the backyard, hoping he wouldn’t encounter a monster or aliens. The Parisian boy approached the police box, and reached up and knocked on the door.
There was a loud bang, and a strange man in a trench coat and converse shoes opened the door.
"Who are you?" Sebastian asked, tilting his head.
The man gave him a toothy grin. “I’m the Doctor!”
"Doctor who?"
"Just the Doctor!" The man tapped Sebastian’s nose. "What’s your name?"
"Sebastian," He answered. "What is that thing, and why are you doing in my backyard?"
The man smiled apologetically as he gave the box a pat. “This is the TARDIS. Sorry about that, sorta lost control of the…timey-wimey thing. So! Why don’t you come on in?”
Sebastian was suspicious, but the man was much too endearing to think of him as a crook, so he shrugged and stepped up into the box.
His memory got fuzzy after that moment. He vaguely remembers it being much bigger on the inside. And he also remembers it being time machine. He remembered being happy and more full of life than he had in a long time. His memory of what happened next had vanished. The very last memory he had of the Doctor was him dropping Sebastian back into his backyard and vanishing without a single word. No goodbye.
Sebastian Smythe was seventeen now, and he had moved from Paris to Ohio. He was beginning to think that the TARDIS and the Doctor were simply in a dream. A figment of his imagination.
That is, until he steps out of the Lima Bean, hearing Blaine and Gay Face Hummel and their friends follow him out, and he spots a very familiar blue police box standing next to the sidewalk.
"Was that there before?" He hears Artie ask.
"No, it wasn’t." Sebastian felt anger seep into his veins and he marched up to the TARDIS, fully prepared to beat the shit out of that man.
"Hey Meerkat, I don’t think you’re allowed to touch that thing," Kurt snarked. "Unless you want to get into-"
"Shut the fuck up Hummel, I’ve got ass to kick."
Sebastian angrily banged his fist against the door, and it was immediately answered by, you guessed it, the Doctor. He was /real/.
A look of recognition crossed the Doctor’s face as he stepped out of the TARDIS. “Sebastian! Look at how you’ve grown! Haven’t seen you since-” That was when Sebastian burst.
"You bastard!"
"I beg your pardon?"
"How could you do that to me?!" Sebastian demanded. "You took me into your fancy blue box and made me feel happier than I had been in so long, and then you drop me back into my yard and leave without a word! Then you come back when I’m seventeen and act as if nothing’s wrong? You unbelievable bastard!"
Sebastian ripped his satchel off of his shoulder and began to mercilessly whack the Doctor with it. “People thought I was going crazy! They tried to send me to a shrink! I had to claim it was a very realistic dream to convince them that I was normal! How could you do that to me?”
As the scene unfolded, Kurt, Blaine, Santana, Rachel and Artie stared in disbelief. Sebastian was beating up a strange British man in a trench coat with his bag and there was a random blue box that had never been there before and apparently housed said British man.
"Owowowowowow!" The Doctor screeched, curling into a ball on the ground. "I’ll explain why I left if you’ll just stop hitting me!"
Sebastian huffed and whacked him in the stomach. “Okay, I’ve got it out of my system. Answers.”
"You were being hunted," said the Doctor as he got up and brushed himself off. "Do you remember anything that happened after I took you into the TARDIS?"
Sebastian shook his head.
"I took you to the June Rebellion of 1832, thought you’d be interested. But we ran into some…difficulties. We were almost caught by the Weeping Angels."
And suddenly it was all clear. Sebastian remembered the Doctor telling him not to blink, not to look away, not to turn his back. He remembered the angels, the strange creatures that froze into rock and covered their eyes to keep them from looking at other angels. He remembered nearly dying that night.
"So you took me back and dropped me off without a word because I almost died?" Sebastian asked. The Doctor nodded.
"It was for your own safety. I truly am sorry Sebastian, for leaving you without a single word. Had the conditions been different, we would have seen each other many more times."
Sebastian sighed, rubbing his temples; this was a lot of imformation to take in.
"Um, excuse me? I thought you were taking us back to Dalton?" Rachel Berry’s annoying voice broke through his thoughts.
"Shut the hell up Berry, I’m busy."
Rachel huffed and spun on her heel, stomping back to her car indignantly. Her friends followed her, giving him a variety of expressions, before turning the corner, out of sight.
"So…" Sebastian turned back to the Doctor. "What now? Are you just going to piss off back to wherever you came from and then come back in a few more years or something?" The Doctor just laughed and was about to reply but froze, his eyes wide.
"It seems we have been followed." Sebastian whipped around and gasped at the sight of the familiar angel statue.
"What do we do?" Sebastian was about to start panicking. "Are there more?"
The Doctor thought. “Weeping Angels have a tendency to travel in groups of three or four, so there should be a few more. Perhaps we can somehow attract them back here. They want the TARDIS. It has energy that they could feed off for centuries but the damage they can do could switch off the sun.”
"Oh that’s bad."
"Go into the TARDIS, there’s a compartment at the base of the centre control panel. There’s a key at the very bottom of the drawer, under all of those little devices. Be careful though, stray wires are a pain. I’ll stay here and keep watch on this."
Sebastian nodded and hopped into the TARDIS. It looked the exact same as the last time he had seen it. He dropped to his knees in front of the compartment and yanked it open. Inside was a mess of wires, tangled and marred, covered in what looked like dirt and occasional bite marks. Shuddering, he began to dig through the wires for the bottom. He groped the entire bottom before he could find the key.
He hopped back out and jumped at the sight of the frozen Weeping Angel that stood behind the Doctor, its arm stretched out to touch him. “Don’t look now, but there’s an angel right behind you.” He said, blindly handing the key to the Doctor.
"Alright, keep your eyes open. There has to be at least one more, and it won’t be too far behind." The Doctor held the key up in the air. "You want this key? You’re gonna have to come get it!"
Sebastian and the Doctor stumbled away slowly, the Doctor keeping his eyes on the angels, and Sebastian scanning the area for the last angel. Sebastian’s gut was twisting uncomfortably, an easy sign that he was terrified. Where was it? What if it got him?
He looked over his shoulder, and screamed when he saw the last Weeping Angel standing in full attack mode, its claws and fangs bared. “There it is.” “I figured. Alright, now keep your eyes on it, don’t blink, and back away slowly.”
Sebastian’s hands began to shake in fear as he and the time lord began to back into the TARDIS, and the Doctor slammed the doors shut. “There we go. Now all we have to do is-“
He was interrupted when the time machine began to shake and sway from side to side, causing them to fall to the floor. “They’re trying to get in!” Sebastian shrieked, grabbing ahold of the railing to steady himself.
The Doctor somehow managed to get up and stumble to the control panel to get to work. He hit the final button with a cry of triumph, and the TARDIS began to wir as it disappeared.
Sebastian slumped to the floor in sheer relief. He panted and his head lolled to the side in the Doctor’s direction. “Now what?”
A pause.
An all-too-familiar smile stretched across the Doctor’s face.
"Where to first?"
Sebastian smirked. “Well I’ve always wanted to see the Titanic. Before it hit the iceberg and sunk, if you please.”
The Doctor chuckled warmly. “To the Titanic we go then. Allons-y!”
Sebastian could definitely get used to this.
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nichorello · 12 years
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Sebastian Smythe Week --> Day 6; Dream Scene
Sebastian gets into a sing-off with Jesse.
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hourcat · 12 years
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sebastian smythe week   » day six: sebastian smythe dream scene
"You don't know me," He snarls. "You couldn't help me if you tried." He stands from his seat and turns to walk away, but Santana grabs his arm and pulls him back. "You know," She hisses. "I could help if you let me try. If you just let someone in." He freezes up at that. He really hasn't let anyone in, he realizes. Not since his mom. He stops fighting her pull and walks back to the seat, sits down across from her, and she lets go of him. "You're right." He murmurs. "Are you gonna let me try to help you?" She replies, and he nods his head. And he lets her in. 
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killerwarbler-blog · 12 years
Sebastian Smythe Week Day 5 - Playlist
1. Glad You Came by The Wanted
2. Dark Side by Kelly Clarkson
3. Demons by Imagine Dragons
4. I Knew You Were Trouble by Taylor Swift
5. Die Young by Ke$ha
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hourcat · 12 years
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deep within: a sebastian smythe playlist (sebastian smythe week >> day five)
charlie brown | coldplay stole a key / took a car downtown where the lost boys meet / took a car downtown and took what they offered me / to set me free
demons | imagine dragons don't get too close / it's dark inside / it's where my demons hide
beautiful, dirty, rich | lady gaga daddy / i'm so sorry / i'm so sorry, yeah / we just like to party
feel again | onerepublic i was a lonely soul / but that's the old me
sexy and i know it | lmfao when i walk down the street / this is what i see / everybody stops / they're staring at me 
silhouette | owl city i'm a silhouette / asking every now and then / is it over yet / will i ever feel again?
trouble | coldplay oh no / what's this? / a spiderweb and i'm caught in the middle
you found me | the fray lost and insecure / you found me / you found me / lying on the floor
cough syrup | young the giant if i could find a way to see this straight / i'd run away
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