#sebastian sallow x ofc
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And Quite The Love Affair || S.Sallow || Chapter 3
Pairing: Sebastian Sallow x Original Female Character (set in post game 1899)
Word Count: 5k
Previous Chapter
Series Masterlist
Warnings: Implications of abuse, manipulative partner, period typical sexism
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“Do you want to talk about it?” Sebastian asked, seeing Lucinda well deflated and defeated after lunch with her parents. Her back pressed up against the door as if they would be back any second to jump down her throat about her career choice, her decisions to do things that didn’t benefit the family whatsoever.
“No… No, it's okay.” She was flat, completely worn out and not at all the fervent and scattered muggle he had met her as and known her for being - at least in the last twenty-four hours that is. “Sorry you got caught in the middle of all that.”
“Don’t apologize. If it’s any consolation — I can’t wait to wipe their smarmy smiles off their faces when we get that almanac updated.” His hands were stuffed into the pockets of his trousers as he fought the urge to physically show comfort toward her, a hand on the shoulder may perhaps be too much for her all things considered, hells, even a hug would be too out of pocket.
Her lips tugged into a smile, “Right. They might not approve of my work but they will know my success.”
“That’s the spirit!”
The two fell silent for just a moment as Lucinda kicked herself off the door and made her way to the kitchen, “I suppose I should let you in on this grand plan… Now that you’re helping me and all.” She beamed, slowly regressing back to her usual bubbly self after the whirlwind that was her afternoon.
“As funny as it would be to do this entire charade blind, I would appreciate even just a smidge of direction — if you can spare it of course.”
“Well, fortunately for you, my entire research depends on you looking the part of a botanist and acting like you know at least what you’re talking about.” She crossed the room and picked up a small stack of parchment papers that had been thoroughly annotated and handed them over to him with a smile. “If I suspect, we’ll have to meet with the board within the week to plead our case and offer proof of funding… I can handle that, but you need to at least pretend to be interested in plants.”
”I’ve heard I'm quite the crack at acting, your precious research papers are safe with me.” He smiled at her, scanning the page of what looked like utter rubbish in his eyes, for all he knew it very well could’ve been written in Gobbledegook and he’d be unable to tell the difference. “Say, how do you plan on funding the expedition?”
Her face scrunched up into mild disgust as the thought crossed her mind, it was all the more unpleasant the longer her thoughts remained on the answer, though her mouth hadn’t moved, nor had words formed out loud. Sebastian, however, had read the ministrations on her face as something perhaps less innocently and flushed red in the cheeks, “well before we resort to such drastic solutions, we can think of a better way to get money that doesn’t involve you… well…” he trailed off, thinking of a word that wasn’t going to insult her. “Sharing yourself around.”
”Pardon?” She nearly choked on her own spit, a strangled laugh falling from her lips and only getting louder the harder she thought about her poor companions derailed train of thought. It was quite preposterous but at the very least in her mind, whatever it was Sebastian had thought she was referring to seemed to be much more pleasant to her than the alternative. The reality.
“Oh absolutely, I assure you the alternative is much worse… I appreciate your concern, truly but no. Unfortunately it means I will have to muster the courage to see Kenneth.”
The venom in her voice didn’t go amiss, and while Sebastian was relieved that she one; didn’t get offended by his misguided attempt to read into a situation, and two; wasn’t resorting to desperate means to make ends meet, he very much was intrigued at who this so called Kenneth was that garnered so much of a visceral reaction from her. “I’ll take it we don’t like Kenneth,” he jested, watching the faintest hint of a smile ghost her lips.
She nearly visibly shrunk, it seemed, hugging her torso with slumped shoulders as she refused eye contact, “he’s who my parents engaged me to, so no. I don’t like him, but for the purpose of this research expedition. I love him — most importantly his money.”
—- —-
Lucinda Cornwall was a refreshing surprise, Sebastian deducted. Having spent a week in her company he had come to know the woman far quicker than anticipated due to her outspoken and friendly nature. At first he thought it was dim of her, to be so candid and honest to a stranger, then he questioned internally whether or not she was being truthful. Since the last person he knew was so ‘open’ and ‘honest��� was that ruddy Leander Prewitt who he had despised as a teenager. Yes, it was 10 years ago, and no he still held disdain for the Prewitt boy - now man.
But he had come around to accept rather quickly that, no she wasn’t naive or stupid for indulging in facts about herself so freely, nor was she trying to manipulate him to perceive her differently.
“No! What are you trying to do, drown the poor thing!?” She yelled, slapping Sebastian's hands that held the watering can over top of her cherished Bird of Paradise.
Well, he thought. She had her moments.
“How am I supposed to know how much ‘enough to soak the soil’ is when I’ve soaked the soil?” He countered, a smile on his face despite being reprimanded. He wasn’t fond of being told off or quite frankly, told what to do - it reminded him of being a boy again and the egregious amount of times he was sent to detention for not following rules or sneaking about.
However, getting to know his companion, he knew she was being earnest and was gentle when helping him learn basic Botany knowledge.
She sighed and gently took the watering can away from him, teaching someone what naturally came to her was something utterly new and proved to be difficult, despite this she constantly reminded herself to be more tender when handing feedback to Sebastian considering he really need only look the part and not be as adverse in Botany as she was. “You watch me –,” she turned to the side and began trickling water over her ‘overly dramatic’ - as she put it - Pothos, “watch as the roots soak up the water and the leaves start to lift just enough…” she trailed off, eyeing the water level and then stopping. “And see the small puddle, it's slowly draining which means the roots are getting a good drink in.”
Sebastian stared at the plant, wondering what on earth she was exactly talking about, but the minor movements of a plant would look far different to someone who knew what it looked like, versus a simpleton like he was. “If I have to be honest – didn’t really see a difference.” He offered a shrug as she merely rolled her eyes at him in response, he might have thought that she was annoyed at him had it not been for the slight smile she wore as she moved around him with grace.
“You seem rather content this morning considering you were in utter shambles last night,” he commented, the image of her late night meltdown where she wallowed over her research and fretted over inviting an unwanted guest in her home burned into the back of his mind.
Her eye seemed to twitch and he immediately regretted saying anything, it was a mere observation and nothing more, but he perhaps spoke too brashly to her, finding each passing moment with her comforting and safe to speak his mind without thinking. Though it was not his prerogative to upset the woman who graciously housed him for free and was an absolute delight to be around.
“Don’t let the smile fool you, I am unbelievably beside myself with stress this instance,” she gritted through a near perfect smile, and continued to inspect her indoor plants. The select few she kept in her home required a little more attention than in her greenhouse shack, and despite the impending doom (Kenneth’s Arrival) she was relatively normal seeming.
“Well — I think you’ve got it all handled, you’re clever and brilliant. I don’t care what that ignorant sod says to you or what your parents say. If this falls through we can find something else to fund the expedition.” He assured her, listening to his own words he himself found it hard to believe it came from his mouth and so succinctly as well. Given his track record, he was well aware of his own manipulative tendencies, especially when wanting things to go his way. Though that aside it was more a suprise given that he said it wholeheartedly and not even an edge of a lie caught in there.
He tried to keep in mind what he was really doing, keeping her from learning too much and intervening if it got that far …Out of… Concern? No, he wasn’t entirely sure why just yet. He’s had numerous chances to wipe her memory, even found himself clutching his wand on several occasions with the intent to do so, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it and not an iota of reason as to why he simply couldn’t. Perhaps, her passion and never ceasing curiosity was something he could relate to, or maybe it was the way she beamed when she spoke in great detail about her work that he truly believed she deserved a breakthrough like this.
Why not? It wasn’t the first time a muggle had gone into grave detail about the Wizarding World, if he recalls correctly that several muggle poets and writers like Edgar Allan Poe and more recently Arthur Machen had to have been exposed in some essence to the magical world to write such close accurate accounts of magic. Why couldn’t Lucinda Cornwall be amongst the revered few?
Despite his hesitancy, Sebastian outstretched his hand, offering it to her for comfort and she surprisingly took it, giving it a gentle squeeze, however what most caught Sebastian off guard was how soft her hands were all things considered. They were covered in dirt or ink most of the time and yet they were delicate and as soft as velvet. Her nails, however, were absolutely destroyed as he noted how often she bit into them out of nervousness.
“If this doesn’t work I don’t have any other options.” She sighed, a slight tremble of doubt in her voice.
“Perhaps, but I can always try something.”
”No — I’ve already asked so much of you,” she smiled at him, releasing her grasp from his and not a moment too soon, as if she willed him into existence the front door opened wide to reveal the man she dreaded seeing the entire morning. Her stomach opened up like a never ending pit of unease, filling her with a type of nausea beyond compare. He stood tall and stout, slicked back black hair that looked immaculately placed atop of his pale and square head. Kenneth Bradbury was by no means unattractive, he had deep brown eyes and a thick wispy mustache that he styled to keep his appearance tidy, but it was never about looks for Lucinda — he was rotten from the inside.
“Darling!” He drawled, closing the door behind him promptly as he spotted his dear fiance through the entrance inside the kitchen. She hadn’t moved a muscle, feeling as though she was glued to the spot or being held by a force beyond her understanding. She blinked merely once, or so she thought, and he was right in front of her, standing ever so imposing on her small figure and pulled her into a tight embrace, “you haven’t slept a wink, have you! What have I told you about staying out in that shack so late?”
Lucinda stood unmoving while he fretted over her, heart racing like it had always done around him and not in the way it did in those poems she sometimes read or the books she used to read as a young girl, but in a way that urged her to run to get away. Her eyes flicked over to Sebastian who stood in awkward silence at the display, to him, nothing thus far indicated the wretched man he was described in great detail about.
It wasn’t long after their embrace ended that Kenneth finally noticed Sebastian off to the side, his expression melting from one of delight to confusion that a stranger was in his fiance’s house without him knowing about it, “You didn’t say you had a guest, who are you?”
“Sebastian Sallow. Research Partner.”
”Research Partner? My, you always do leave such grave details out of your letters don’t you?” Kenneth’s voice gritted through a polite smile that could also be mistaken for a scowl. What was most damning was that despite their last conversation she still seemed hellbent on her plant research. ”Darling, I thought you promised you’d get that job sorted at the Hospital? You spend all that time fretting over a hobby, you need a real job.”
She frowned, taking a step back and brought a hand to pinch the bridge of her nose while her thoughts went absolutely wild. There was nothing that came to mind for her to speak on or defend herself with, merely opening and closing her mouth until Sebastian came to her defense, “Luce is quite gifted in Botany, you’d do well to remember that when she becomes world class after the find she’s discovered.”
Luce. His betrotheds nickname, that even he wasn’t allowed to call her at the request of her made him do a double take. So how is it that a stranger he had heard nothing about until this very moment was allowed to call his fiance by that? “I think you ought to leave, Sebastian. It’s getting late and my dear fiance needs her sleep.” He reached over to grab onto her arm, but she batted him away in distress.
”It’s not even half two, and I don’t think you can dictate what she does or doesn’t do.” Sebastian raised his brow at the man, obviously catching a glimpse at what Lucinda had warned him about.
Anxiety filled her.
She knew this is how Kenneth would act but she needed to not let him walk all over her like he always did, she needed to assert herself and what she wanted but by heavens did it strike the fear of God into her to even think about asserting herself. Incessantly, she picked at her poor thumb once again, re-opening the scab that was barely healed from last night's meltdown, “be quiet — both of you.” Her composure wavered, but it got her the peace she desired while mustering up the courage to say what she needed to, “I’ll make you a deal… You let me do this one expedition and after that, no more plants, no more obsessing over all of this. I’ll get a job at the hospital but please let me do this.”
Sebastian folded his arms impressed at his companion, she was quite the manipulative little vixen when she needed to be, not that he minded, rather he admired her for it. The way she made her voice softer as she all but pleaded for Kenneth to listen to her, no doubt doing that trick he had seen girls from his school days pull — up turning their brows which made their eyes wide and also made it virtually impossible to say no to.
“Expedition? You never said anything about going anywhere?”
“W-well it's actually up in the air right now — I need funding to get it approved but once that's done we can be out across Europe within the fortnight.” She rambled, head tilted down at her feet as she drew on, losing the steam she had built up a moment before, feeling Kenneth’s unsettling gaze on her, not to mention what Sebastian must think of her. He must be so upset with me. She fretted, feeling isolation pull her into the depths of nothingness as she stood in her own kitchen bearing the weight of two mens stares.
There was nothing more Sebastian wished to do than to go to her and offer a hand, seeing her shrink into herself, offer her something that she could squeeze reassuringly but he knew it was not appropriate given the current situation. Though he’d rather enjoy how her betrothed would act if he did so, feeling rather spiteful he half considered going out of his way to do that but steeled himself.
Kenneth walked over to her, grazing his hand on her cheek before cupping the point of her chin, forcing her to head and gaze to look at him, “promise me. No more of this childish dream of yours. I won't hear anymore of this when you’re finished with this, straight to the Hospital where you can finally do some real good. I won’t marry some halfwit floozie, you understand?”
He held her gaze, there was promise behind his eyes and there would be nothing she could do to convince him after it was all over. She swallowed hard, nodding in his grip but he didn’t let go nor say anything, it was clearly written in his stern face. I need to hear you say it. Is what she could very much discern, “I promise. No more.” Her voice was barely audible, getting tangled in her throat as it came out.
Finally, he relaxed, his grip dropped and she felt as though she could breathe properly once again. “Good girl,” he muttered, adjusting his two piece suit and the cuffs around his wrist, “let me write to the bank, I’ll even fund it for you, my dear.” His voice had a timbre that irked Sebastian, who stood horrified at the scene he just witnessed moments ago.
“Brilliant! Thank you! Sebastian, pack your bags, we're going to have to meet with The board in London before embarking. We’ll get the first train tomorrow morning.” Lucinda could barely contain her excitement, as if washing away her previous nausea and anxiety by focusing solely on the news in front of her.
”Wait, he’s not going with you is he? Darling, I don’t even know him and you expect me to let you run off with him?” Kenneth looked between the two, unsure what exactly compelled his dearest fiance to work so closely with another man, one he knew nothing about no less. He couldn’t let his beloved simply waltz out of Mansfield to London in the presence of another man, what kind of fool he’d look like to everyone who knew him.
“Did you miss the part where I said I was a research assistant, or are you simply too dim to understand the meaning?” Sebastian’s words came out quicker than his brain could keep up with the filter in place, he honestly hadn’t meant for it to come off as bitter as it did — well actually, he did mean it, but not for Lucinda’s sake.
“What did you say?”
”Nothing! Kenneth, he said nothing. But yes he’s coming, who else is going to document the travels?” She sprung immediately into damage control, standing by her fiance’s side and placing a hand on his arm as if that may ease the tension between the two men. “Sebastian, can you give us a moment?” She eyed him apologetically, not particularly open to the idea of being alone with Kenneth but needing it nonetheless.
He wasn’t overly fond of leaving her alone either, but relented simply because she asked. It was the least he could do considering he had quite literally spoken out of turn, not wanting to make things harder on her anymore he simply nodded and left the ever ‘happy’ couple alone in the kitchen. The longer he was of even close proximity to Kenneth, the easier it was to heed Lucinda’s warning, though the aristocrat was very sly in his misdoings to her. Had Sebastian not been forewarned prior, he might have even not noticed the slight passive aggressive nature toward her which was troublesome at best.
“I don’t like him,” Kenneth seethed, placing two hands on her shoulder and holding onto them firmly as if scolding a child. “He’s far too comfortable around you.” He added, searching her eyes for even an ounce of guilt behind them, but there was none, she had nothing to feel guilty about, housing a man in need who was equally helpful to her own cause.
She blew out an exasperated sigh, her mind swimming and stomach dropping all because the man in front of her was someone she couldn’t stand yet in the same breath also feared. “He’s been really helpful, truly.” She defended, though she didn’t want to, she still found her hand come up to caress the side of his face in an attempt to give her words more care and impact.
”I believe you my sweet,” his voice was soft but still as deathly sinister as it was at a normal volume, he brought a hand to meet hers on his cheek, moving it down as quickly as a predator strikes for its prey to her wrist and jerked her forward, “but I don’t trust him. I’ll fund your trip, but allow me to join you.”
Oh dear. This was most not ideal.
“I couldn’t possibly ask that of you — what about the factory, they couldn’t simply let you leave on such short notice.” Her eyes flitted to the gorilla grip he had on her wrist, debating whether or not to say anything, deciding rather quickly that it was in her best interest to not provoke him further. She was indeed right about his work, however, her motivations were strictly on ensuring he doesn’t muddy the important research taken and would rather deal with him in a much more suburban setting than out in the wilderness.
He watched her gaze, carefully releasing his grip, leaning forward and placing a chaste kiss atop her head as if it would make up for him being rough. “They will understand, who knows? You’ll be off galavanting into the wilderness and I don’t want anything bad happening to my sweet. I don’t want that man taking any chances with you alone—”
”The academy sends us two academic escorts, one of them will possibly be my old Professor. Truly, it is not like I will be stolen away and never to be seen or heard from again.” She forced a smile, one that was supposed to display caring and empathy but her eyes were solemn and told a completely different story. Perhaps Kenneth was right to worry, she hadn’t even fully known Sebastian herself, but it wasn’t like it was going to be the two of them alone for however long the expedition takes.
”Ah, more men to add to the trip? Really, you sometimes are as daft as you look darling. I’m coming and that's final, I don't want any other men ogling at what’s mine.”
She sighed in defeat, there was no changing his mind whether she was the most persuasive woman around — he had made up his mind and she was simply going to have to honour it no matter how frustrating the prospect was. “Well, alright. But we are leaving tomorrow for however long it takes us to find what I’ve started.” Her words came out frimer than intended, shocking even herself, possibly there was a fire to stoke within her if she only had the right utensils to keep the blaze alight.
”Of course, I’ll be at the station first thing tomorrow,” he brought a hand to cup her cheek, delicately brushing a thumb over the collection of freckles that decorated the apples of her cheeks. “I’m only so hard on you because I love you, you know that right?”
Failing to meet his eyes, she opted to stare at his forehead before looking back down, “I know.” She wished he didn’t, wished her parents hadn’t gone ahead and promised her to a man she didn’t love or like for that matter, wished that she could do much more with her life, wished she was born a man to receive the privileges she so often had to work double effort for.
Kenneth gripped her jaw, forcing her head up before giving her a small and quick peck on the lips, “see you in the morning, darling.”
Positive that she had mumbled a response she stood suspended in time, as if stuck in a stasis of sorts while trying to process what had just happened. Everything was so quick it was nearly impossible to register the feeling of nausea properly, or the excitement followed by disappointment and eventual dread. There was utterly no chance she could complete the research with him around chastising her everytime she would partake in something that wasn’t ladylike, hells, there was the highest chance he’d give her attitude for only packing hiking appropriate attire.
Not to mention that chaos that would ensue by her ignoring him in favor of discussing research notes with her traveling companions.
Deep within the recess of her mind, trapped in a never ending spiral of thoughts, conclusions and outcomes — so intently transfixed she hadn’t even noticed Sebastian leaning against the doorframe of the kitchen once Kenneth had left. Respecting Lucinda’s privacy wasn’t totally in the forefront of his conscience when lingering nearby, eavesdropping on their conversation, rather he was far more concerned for her safety if anything.
He wasn’t sure why the man got his bonnet in such a mess over Sebastian — well, actually no, he was sure the reasoning had been because unlike others, he was not afraid to bite back when ordered around. And he certainly didn’t like the tone or way someone who was supposed to be her fiance spoke to her so of course he would speak up.
“If you asked, I could hex him.” Sebastian blurted out, a simple phrase that came naturally but immediately made him nervous upon saying out loud to a muggle. Stupid, Sebastian, you’re an idiot.
She snapped out of her daze at the sound of his voice and snorted halfheartedly, “if it were possible, I doubt a hex would deal with him. Sorry you had to hear that.” She sighed, pressing her fingers to her temples and applying slight pressure to ease the oncoming headache. Between her parents and her betrothed she was heading to an early grave. Leaning on the counter she finally released a full breath of air, feeling as though no air had escaped her lungs the entire time Kenneth invaded her sacred space.
”Stop apologizing for the people in your life. I’d say they have your best interest, but clearly I see it otherwise.” He assured, folding his arms over his chest, still leaning on the door frame and inspecting her body language. Aside from the day she made that telephone call he hadn’t seen her this closed off physically, shrunken down and hunched as if a cowering dog expecting to be hit would. With that association in mind, he’d hate to imagine what’s occurred in the past for her to behave in such a timid manner.
Half expecting her to shy away, she merely smiled in response and softly nodded, “thank you, truly — Sebastian, I don’t have anything to give you to show my gratitude, but believe me, it’s there.”
“I know.” Once upon a time, he would have relished in the fact someone was indebted to him, something he could use to dangle precariously over their heads when the time called for it. Perhaps, he may even feel the same way currently. With Lucinda as it stands, she has nothing he could possibly want and despite him questioning whether or not he was helping her out to prevent exposure of the wizarding world; He still found himself at a loss of how this benefits him.
Maybe the ministry would pardon me for my efforts. An unlikely scenario, especially when it involved something as benign as a muggle botanist. For the first time in quite a long time, he yearned for someone - and that someone was his dearest friend Ominis - when everything in the world didn’t make sense or if Sebastian was stuck with anything, it was always his dear friend ironing out the kinks, pulling apart theories and explanations so that Sebastian could understand.
If Ominis was here right now, he’d know what to do.
But he wasn’t, Sebastian Sallow was lonely as he was completely and utterly out of options. Lucinda Cornwall was doing more for him than she could ever hope to provide with her companionship alone.
“Where’d you go?” She was close, far closer than he had anticipated being lost in his thoughts. A head shorter than he was yet she somehow managed to command the air out of his lungs as though she were imposing (she wasn’t imposing in the slightest). Her bright hazel eyes scanned his face with a concentration that could be mistaken as her attempting to read his mind, alas she was merely searching for any sign of her companion behind the glaze of memory that trapped his thoughts temporarily.
“Far away.” He murmured, processing her closeness, the way it made him practically seize up but not in a fearful way. His equilibrium thoroughly waned with her not entirely unwanted intrusion of personal space, after all, she had shown compassion and concern toward him where many others failed to do so. Though, when his thoughts started to stray into the blanket of despair that was his memories, it was best he retreated. “I need to go—,”
She took a step back, as if startled by his abruptness.
”—F-for a walk… I’ll return I just - I just need to clear my head.”
She laughed. Not loudly or a lot, more like a chuckle that she tried to conceal with a hand over her mouth. When his eyebrows cocked in question she simply smiled, emanating such warmth and kindness, “of course, you needn’t tell me what it is you get up to, if I'm not in the house when you're back I’ll be in the greenhouse.”
#imagines#fanfiction#sebastian sallow#hogwarts legacy#sebastian sallow fanfiction#original work#sebastian sallow x ofc
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part 3 to my modern AU 💞🍺 (part 1 / part 2)

#u just know seb ended up carrying her home in the end anyway BAHHA if u read my fic u already know im weak for bridal carries#fun fact the blurred party backgrounds i used are screenshots from diary of a wimpy kid rodrick rules. aka the pinnacle of cinema#and its only fitting since i base my modern seb very largely on rodrick bc I STILL HAVE A CRUSH ON RODRICK...rodrick heffley my beloved#yall also already know i love guard dog seb (especially combined with drunk clora BAHAH) so ofc i had to do the modern au ver#i just make clora the type of drunk i am... aka drunk after 2 and sometimes even 1 drink and then i get super affectionate with everyone#which would make seb seethe if it were clora BAHAHAH omg i love imagining his suffering😇😍😍#hogwarts legacy#sebastian sallow#sebastian sallow x oc#sebastian sallow x mc#sebastian x mc#clora clemons#also wahhh i can feel my HL brainrot fading a bit...🥲probs bc my fic is now complete... might make a post abt it soon#im not ready to let go😭😤#choccyart
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Hi! I'm still feral for these two, would you mind giving us some art of them in their later years together!?

Hello angel!!!!
Sorry it’s taken so long to respond🫶🫶 but I wanted to draw some new art for this ask💓
We have: Sebastian and Eloise trying out their new fancy camera with a selfie, pictures of them with their daughter, and finally…idk I just always felt like this drawing is when they’re a bit older💓
I want to take this ask as an opportunity as well to talk a little about how I imagine their future (I have no chill & you can ignore this and just enjoy the art if you want😇).
I am a COMPLETE pantser - I never know how a chapter’s going to end when I start writing it (I always just have a few scenes I know I need to include to keep the plot moving forward). Although I have different *big* scenes I’m always writing towards, and themes/plot elements I’m always foreshadowing (shout out to @elliecutte for catching *almost* all of my hints and appreciating my general no chill😆), IM STILL NOT 100% SURE HOW I WILL END THINGS !!! 😳 I have a lot of endings I see as possible, and I think soon it will become more clear to me what will work the best💓
Eloise and Sebastian become Unspeakables. I have a LOT of thoughts on this profession that could be its OWN post, and I feel like Unspeakables are generally specialized in one or two departments, but as their interests/research change they also change.
Eloise becomes an Unspeakable in the Mind and Death departments, with the occasional foray into Time. Her ancient magic is connected with all of these things (my version of AM is NOT like the game) & the Department of Mysteries is one of the only places that gives her any useful information about these things. Plus she thinks too much (it IS her hobby after all😆💓) and is very introverted so a hermit job like this is a perfect fit.
Sebastian becomes an Unspeakable as well, but I feel like it takes him a long time to specialize in anything, if he ever does. I just feel like becoming an Unspeakable is the adult equivalent of sneaking into the Restricted Section🥹🫶
They grow old together (I won’t explain TOO much) & have a lovely little family🥹 at least one daughter that they both dote on. Sebastian had an amazing childhood (idyllic until it wasn’t), and wants to give his daughter the same, and Eloise works hard to make sure their daughter feels the love that she never had growing up🥺
When Sirius is burned off the family tree, Eloise and Sebastian take him in🥹🫶 (they’re like 100 years old but WIZARDS LIVE LONGER…) The same happened to her all those years ago, and she wants him to know that his whole family hasn’t abandoned him.
Eloise LOVED her nieces - Bellatrix, Andromeda, and Narcissa - when they were younger, but as Voldemort becomes more powerful & people realize WHAT he’s doing, she has to separate herself from them. Her heart breaks seeing Bellatrix go mad, and seeing Narcissa engaged to a Malfoy out of obligation😔 (iykyk)
I haven’t thought any more about happy ending but I think it’s fun to think about how their future story might weave in with the actual canon events, ESPECIALLY since Eloise is a Black🥹💓
After Sebastian gets his hands on Slytherin’s relic, it really starts to consume him and makes him even MORE obsessive than his natural tendencies - I imagine it similarly “talking” to him like Slytherin’s locket/horcrux did in Deathly Hallows (😳)
Eloise is deathly afraid of the changes she’s seeing in Sebastian and steals it from him (he would never willingly give it to her ESPECIALLY if it starts to feel like a precious item to him)
BUT the relic triggers the latent Black Family Madness in her - the madness that afflicts almost every woman in her family since…🤭 - and she herself starts to lose touch with reality. Her body and soul are already destroying themselves between the curse and the ancient magic inside of her, and the relic is what triggers it in her.
Sebastian becomes an Unspeakable, focusing on the Mind, in a desperate attempt to find a cure for his Eloise🥺
He never gives up his research, and sometimes when he comes home she is lucid and they talk about his research - otherwise, he just loves and takes care of her.
(He’s never successful in finding a way to reverse what he feels he caused in the first place - his ambition and single-mindedness is, to him, the reason why all of this happened)
Honestly who knows if I end their story either of these ways😌 I just love thinking of AUs and different endings and I have a few others I’ve considered as well!!! And whatever endings I don’t write will be immortalized on this blog and in my art as well🙏
#thank you for the ask!!!!#I have no chill when I answer these things which is why it takes me so long to answer them🥲#ngl I think the sad ending is quite romantic#but maybe I’m too chicken to follow through/what I have planned could change a lot & it won’t make sense anymore#and like I’m not COMPLETELY evil I like seeing them happy too🥺🥺#and I also really love the Black family & all of the canon characters…OFC I had to insert Eloise in that family somehow#and her mother was the PERFECT age !!!!!!!!!!! (according to the family tree)#I ALSO have a lot of thoughts on the Gaunts and actually how Ominis’s blindness prevents him from going insane like the rest of them#seem to have done by the time Tom Riddle’s around#(something something blind people can’t hallucinate so they can’t get psychosis)#hogwarts legacy#hogwarts legacy fanart#hphl#hogwarts legacy mc#hogwarts legacy oc#eloise babbit#sebastian sallow#sebastian sallow fanart#sebastian sallow x mc#hogwarts legacy fanfic#also Sebastian’s childhood is just based on mine#I grew up in a TINY village and spent all day running outside and having adventures like crazy or readinf like crazy no in-between😆💓#ask
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Comforting hugs after a close call 🫂💕
#she had close call at work (shes an auror) & went home early then seb rushed home the minute he heard abt it#and ofc he's worried cuz duhhh#in my feels huidsjkad i love them#hogwarts legacy#hl#sebastian sallow#hogwarts legacy mc#mc#Sebastian Sallow x mc#Matty Ambrose#Ambrollow#hogwarts legacy screenshots#my screenshots
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Modern AU: Hogwarts Legacy

Two seconds earlier...

A chance meeting in a bookshop📖✨
I really just wanted to draw Sebastian and Phoebe as if they were both living in North East London and are the most INSUFFERABLE, sustainable, soft boy/girl versions of themselves lol (and that isn't complete without the secret history, sally rooney and THOSE tote bags)
I had to really fight giving Seb a moustache
(and because everyone and their uncle is reading intermezzo atm)
#you cannot tell me seb wouldn't be completely insuffrable if he was born today lmao#and he would so have a daunt books tote#and he would read intermezzo performatively on the tube#and phoebe DEFINITELY has a pret subscription lol#the secret history because its autumn and they are both going for the dark academic aesthetic ofc#ALSO SECRET HISTORY BECAUSE ANCIENT MAGIC IS THE SECRET HISTORY??????#every bose over the head headphone girlie needs their airpods man#I SEE THE BARBICAN AND DAUNT TOTE BAGS EVERYWHERE (can't lie i want them both)#i keep drawing phoebe left handed so she is ambidextrous now#hogwarts legacy#modern au#sebastian sallow#phoebe honeyball#fanart#hogwarts legacy mc#hogwarts legacy oc#sebastian sallow x mc#no one cares but i really struggled with the hands so these ones are based on my own weird double jointed ones that r weirdly long so enjoy
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The One With the Ancient Magic
aka. my MC Elias and the Platinum Posse (and the resident Dad Friend™️, Professor Fig because why not). Clique name pending approval.
Yes, I really thought, "What would happen if Hogqarts Legacy became a sitcom?"
#hogwarts legacy#oc: elias mendoza#sebastian sallow#ominis gaunt#amit thakkar#natsai onai#garreth weasley#poppy sweeting#eleazar fig#hogwarts legacy fanart#hogwarts legacy mc#hogwarts legacy oc#sebastian sallow x mc#hogwarts legacy fan art#hphl fan art#hogwarts legacy edits#yes hogwarts legacy is a sitcom now fight me#with the shenanigans these kids get into ofc this game is a sitcom
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Hiya guys, chapter 11 is up! Please share comment and vote if you like this fic/chapter. It helps me a lot to get it out to more readers!

#sebastian sallow#sebastiansallowfanfic#sebastian croft#sebastian sallow x mc#wattpad#hogwarts legacy fanfic#hogwarts#hogwarts legacy garreth#slytherin#gryffindor#hufflepuff#ravenclaw#ominis x sebastian#ominous#ominis gaunt#garreth weasley#imelda reyes#natty onai#poppy sweeting#ofc#original character
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Rating: T (Subject to Change)
As summer fades, the last day before the start of term is upon Ainsley, and suddenly, the anxiety of the coming year and the possible tribulations starts to weigh on her head.
#harry potter#hogwarts legacy#hogwarts#oc#ofc#original. character#ominis#ominis gaunt#ominis x mc#ominis x anne#sebastian sallow#sebastian x mc#anne sallow#sixth year#post canon#canon compliant#angst#grief#slow burn#jealousy#sharp#aesop sharp#ancient magic
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have you heard of cute aggression i imagine mc having a case of this with sebastian and he's like well at least it's cus she loves me
At Least She Loves Me | Sebastian Sallow x Reader
Omg ofc I know what cute aggression is and I LOVED WRITING THIS. ID CHOMP SEBASTIAN TOO IF I COILD.
Words: ~700
Tags: Reader Insert, Female MC, No Y/N, No Hogwarts House, Fluff
Sebastian Sallow had no idea what he had done to deserve this.
It wasn’t that he was complaining, necessarily. He liked when you paid attention to him—sought it out, even. But the way you were staring at him now, like a kneazle about to pounce, was putting him on edge.
He tried to ignore it at first. He really did.
But he could feel your gaze burning into the side of his face, your fingers twitching like you were physically holding yourself back from doing something rash. He did his best to focus on the essay in front of him, quill scratching steadily against the parchment, but when you huffed—a dramatic little exhale that was so very you—he finally snapped.
“You’re staring.”
Sebastian lifted his head slowly, as if moving too fast would provoke you into an attack. “What now?”
“You’re being too cute again.”
Sebastian blinked. Once. Twice. Then, just to be sure, “Pardon?”
“You heard me.”
He set his quill down, eyeing you suspiciously. “I really don’t think I did.”
“You do cute things, Sebastian.” You gestured vaguely at him, your hands moving like you were trying to physically pluck the words from the air. “And it’s making me lose my mind.”
Sebastian leaned back against the couch, stretching his arms along the top of it as he smirked. “Go on.”
“See?! This! This is what I mean! You’re all smug about it, which makes it worse!”
He chuckled, thoroughly enjoying himself now. “So let me get this straight—you think I’m cute and that’s a problem?”
“Yes,” you deadpanned. “Because it makes me want to shake you.”
Sebastian raised a single, unimpressed eyebrow. “Shake me.”
His smirk widened. “Like, out of frustration or—?”
“Sort of!” you blurted, hands twitching as you tried to explain the feral energy currently buzzing in your veins. “You’re just—you! And sometimes you look so stupidly handsome and do little things like chew on your quill and sit there all Sebastian-y, and it makes me want to—”
“What?” He was grinning now, utterly charmed despite himself.
You struggled for the right words before blurting, “Bite you!”
Sebastian’s expression instantly shattered into disbelief. “I’m sorry—what?!”
“Not hard!” you added quickly, waving your hands as if that somehow made it less unhinged. “Just—like, a little chomp! Affectionate!”
Sebastian gawked at you, floundering for a response. “You—you want to bite me because you love me?”
You swallowed, fighting the heat creeping up your neck, and doubled down. “Yes!"
Sebastian just ran a hand down his face, as if trying to process how this was his life.
“I don’t know whether to be flattered or afraid.”
Sebastian huffed a laugh, slouching dramatically against the couch, as if this was the greatest burden he had ever borne. You, however, were still buzzing with too much feeling, and now that the topic had been breached, your hands were itching to do something about it.
So you lunged.
Sebastian barely had time to react before your hands were on his face, squishing his cheeks together.
“You’re so cute and it infuriates me,” you growled, mushing his cheeks even more.
Sebastian made a muffled sound of protest, eyes widening in mock betrayal. “Hey!”
“This is your fault,” you declared, now aggressively ruffling his curls.
Sebastian finally wrestled your hands away and pinned them to the couch, breathless as he glared at you with flushed cheeks. “You menace!"
“You deserve this.” You were grinning, utterly delighted by his suffering.
Sebastian laughed, dropping his forehead dramatically against your shoulder. “Why am I in love with someone so insane?”
You beamed. “I don’t know but it’s too late now.”
Sebastian groaned, flopping back onto the couch with the resignation of a man who had lost every battle but still somehow won the war.
He sighed, eyes slipping closed as he let himself relax. You, now thoroughly satisfied, settled beside him, head resting on his shoulder.
And as he absentmindedly reached for your hand, intertwining his fingers with yours, Sebastian thought, at least she loves me.
Even if you did want to bite him.
#hogwarts legacy#hogwarts legacy fandom#sebastian sallow#fanfic#fanfiction#ao3 author#archive of our own#sebastian sallow x mc#ao3 fanfic#ao3 link#hogwarts sebastian#hogwarts legacy sebastian#sebastian sallow x you#sebastian sallow x reader#hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry#hogwarts legacy mc#hogwarts legacy oc#hogwarts legacy fanfic#female reader#reader insert#x reader#x you fluff#tooth rotting fluff#fluff and romance#fluff
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Desiderium Patris Indigni - 🔞
OS written for @tamayula-hl 💚
NSFW - 🔞 | Sebastian Sallow x OFC | 5 000 words
Tags: emotional hurt/comfort | established Relationship | smut | pregnant sex | fatherhood | POV Sebastian Sallow | introspection
Summary: Haunted by his past mistakes, Sebastian fears he may be unworthy of his future role as a father and of his child's love. And in Sakurako's arms, another battle rages: one of a desire as fierce as it is vital, driving him to want her more than ever despite the doubts eating away at him.
A/N: Originally, this OS was meant to be a mix of hurt/comfort and a bit of fluff. 😅 However, pregnancy is often a period of reflection, not only for future mothers but also for future fathers. Given everything Sebastian has been through or done in Tamayula’s HC, I couldn’t help but explore how his past actions affect him in his role as a future father. But you know, with Sebastian, it’s almost inevitable that emotional intensity leads to smut, so…
Extract (NSFW) and link to AO3 under the cut:
He imagines his fingers brushing against her satiny skin, exploring every inch of her body, transformed by this pregnancy that he both cherishes and dreads. In the hushed darkness of the living room, the pressure burning in his belly becomes increasingly unbearable.
Sebastian closes his eyes and lets his hands slide down his torso until they reach the opening of his pyjama trousers, which he unbuttons with a feverish movement. With a silent flick of his wand, he activates a lubrication spell.
A sigh of relief escapes his lips as he takes hold of his rock-hard erection. His fingers tighten around it, moving with swift, precise motions over the reddened, glistening tip before sliding firmly up and down along his length. Over and over again. His breathing quickens as his thoughts drift, carried away by the image of his cock sinking into her warm, moist flesh. He almost feels her against him, the suffocating heat of her curvaceous body, her hips pressing against his, taking him in.
The pace of his hand accelerates, the warmth of his fingers firmly clasped around his sensitive shaft. Each back and forth brings him closer to his release, wave after wave. His muscles tense. A trickle of fresh sweat slips between his shoulder blades. The tension in his lower abdomen swells, then contracts into an incandescent ball ready to burst. He imagines her round figure, her thighs opening to welcome him, the hypnotic undulations of her breasts, her silky hair scattered across the crumpled sheets... and when he hears her lust-broken voice in his mind, it’s as if an electric shock runs through every fibre of his body, propelling him towards that point of no return where he loses himself completely in her.
Oh, he’s so close…
A/N: Apologies for any possible grammatical errors or awkward phrasing. I don’t always cross the language barrier without causing a bit of damage (ESL writer).😅
#hogwarts legacy#sebastian sallow#sebastian smut#sebastian sallow x mc#sebastian sallow x oc#sakurako nogi#hogwarts legacy fanfiction#sebastian sallow fanfiction
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The Quibbler but as monthly shoujo magazine cover parody with wizarding world fanfic titles
(made this while ago to play around with fonts and giggles so pardon the messiness)
might become a series hopefully getting all the titles covered as the cover art or/and adding new titles …uuuh let’s see, any idea what bonus gift for the next parody?chocolate frogs?snitch keychain?? also can anyone guess which shoujo magazine i used for reference?
warning all of the titles mentioned are 18+ read the tags!
a bit of review me gushing out/screaming about the fanfics mentioned, under the cut;
A Good Man Is Hard To Find by @cloniccouer
Sebastian Sallow x Player Character | completed | post canon 7th year au | re-read worthy | characterization 10/10 | cinema | easter eggs type of writing | the more you re-read the better | banter between the characters is one of the best part | filling the hole in the canon hp universe | this is probably the 3rd time i mentioned this fic in my blog | that’s your sign to read it! |
Lace, Letters, and Lectures: Professor Sallow by @mahoushoujom
Sebastian Sallow x Player Character | ongoing | post hogwarts au | professor!seb au | fluffy | characterization 10/10 l definitely the type of fic where it’s even better when you binged it | sweet n spicy iykyk |
Lost Connection by AsphodelRose87
Harry Potter x OFC | completed | Post Hogwarts Battle au | questionable harry | questionable character(s) | questionable decisions | messy, just messy | the kind of messy i like | auror!harry au | right person wrong time and place or right place and time wrong person? |
break a sweat by @shadowtriovibes
Sebastian Sallow x OFC | ongoing | 7th year au | but iirc there is also a tumblr completed ver? if you want to read it | sports & sweats yeah | seeker!seb au | imelda best captain you can ask | inappropriate use of the room of requirement ahem |
Post War by @josiecarioca
Severus Snape x OFC | ongoing | EVELYN BLACK IS SO MOTHER | this one is masterpiece | cinema | Post Hogwarts Battle au | Snape lives au | i still read Al-Andalus part A LOT | better writing than some of tv series out there | exploring more about hogwarts founders | characterization 10/10 | especially the OCs | even the villains | altering the chemicals in my brain | prepare yourself | for this life changing event |
Unraveling of Fates by @aesopsharpstuff
Aesop Sharp x OFC | ongoing | pre canon au | ex auror OFC | werewolves | trauma | i can feel nina’s pain through the screen or am i just dramatic | unreliable ministry & headmaster black what’s new?? | 1880s hogwarts staff are baddass | not talking about a certain headmaster obv |
In The Shadow of Us by @slytherizz
Sebastian Sallow x Player Character | completed | post hogwarts au | #sebastiansallowgettingoutfromazkabanparty /jk uuuh not really but that’s the vibe | post azkaban | enemies to lovers mmm slurrp | was it a misunderstanding or was it betrayal? |
To Frame the King (of Cats) by heartsof_theround
Ominis Gaunt x OFC | ongoing | OMINIS IS A CAT PERSON CONFIRMED | nostalgic shoujo manga vibes except the 18+ part | sigh…teenagers | emotionally constipated ominis | lowkey stalkish OFC | cute cats | lot of cats | slow burrnnnn | character development | this fic might be the next art cover i will draw |
Of Paper Planes and Wildflowers by @eggymf-archived
Ominis Gaunt x OFC | ongoing? | filthy in the beginning | wholesome heartwarming vibe after that | pen pals | the letters is the best parts i still re-read them a lot | this fic lives rent free in my head | you don’t know me but eggy i miss you | idk why but i’m always getting hungry reading this | prepare snacks |
#hogwarts legacy#hogwarts legacy art#hogwarts legacy meme#hogwarts legacy fanfic#sebastian sallow#ominis gaunt#aesop sharp#severus snape#sebastian sallow x mc#ominis gaunt x mc#aesop sharp x oc#severus snape x oc#art#digital art#my art#drawing#aesop sharp fanfiction#severus snape fanfiction#ominis gaunt fanfiction#sebastian sallow fanfiction#hp fanfiction#harry potter#harry potter x oc#fanfic recommendation#harry potter fanfic rec#hogwarts legacy oc#The Quibbler Cover Art Parody
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He Fell Out Of The Sky, Your Honour || S.Sallow || Chapter 1
Series Summary: The turn of the century was on the horizon, new discoveries and even greater mysteries yet to be uncovered. Though the year had been one of adventure for passionate Botanist Luce Cornwall, it takes an unexpected turn for better or worse when her life becomes entangled with a man who seems to be desperate to run from his past and Sebastian Sallow instantly catches her eye as the next big mystery to uncover. (Set in 1899 post game canon)
Pairing: Sebastian Sallow x Original Female Character
Word Count: 3.4k
Next Chapter
Venomous Tentacular And the Spectacular Love Affair Series Masterlist
Warnings: None this chapter, just Sebastian feeling useless,angsty and historically based sexism. (Idk how accurate it is tho)
—- —- —-
Sebastian Sallow was many things.
Quick witted, highly intelligent, skilled in his ways and most importantly — quite the talented escape artist.
Others would be quick to use cowardice to describe a man grown, running from the phantoms of his past and refusing to face his dues. With age came maturity and with this maturity, his aptitude for hiding and not being caught was profoundly better than it was when he was in his adolescence.
Though admittedly, the abrupt halt in his schooling left much to be desired as a budding powerful magic user, now having to rely on memory and what he could find in his travels.
So it was no surprise to all, least of all him when he only just understood apparition and how to use it properly still. Barely having breached the subject in his fifth year of schooling considering it was something taught in further depth in sixth and seventh year, though he had familiarized himself with short bursts of apparition with the help of that ever mystical new fifth year. Not particularly a welcome memory that was, reliving the anguish of disappointment and hatred that consumed his teenage years. Back then he was an impetulant, foolish boy with misguided curiosity.
Truth be told, he never truly believed he would be caught. The pseudo hubris that not only inflated his ego, it also blinded his logic which is why he was in this mess in the first place. No place to call home, no friend to fall on if he needed it. Solitude was destitute and it was the life he maybe not yearned for, but it was destined for him it seemed.
Despite his shortcomings and lack of knowledge for advanced practical use of spells like apparition, he was lucky to only come away several times mildly splinched and heavily disoriented when the ministry got a little too close to finding him once again. If he could avoid it, he would, opting for muggle transport more often than not and hiding in plain sight. Though it managed to suffice for seven years, it wouldn’t last forever.
Some part of him hoped that the ministry would lose interest, and when a year turned into seven, he slowly resolved that perhaps they would never not be in pursuit of a cold blooded killer.
A title befit of the wretched man who cursed his sister, not a stupid young boy protecting her. He hadn’t meant it, truly, to kill their Uncle. As wicked and horrid as he may have been at times he was only ever looking out for them, only it was too late to reminisce and beg forgiveness to an empty space that once were occupied by his closest loved ones.
Nevermind the past, it was the present, the here and now, and right now — he needed to be on the move once again and with little to no time on his side at this instant he quickly gathered what small personal items he had and sealed them within his briefcase. Clothes, pictures, trinkets — whatever he needed with him at all times. Flipping through the muggle newspaper he eyed the first picture he could find that indicated a different location.
Holding onto his briefcase, he tucked the newspaper under his arm and thought vigorously about the picture he embedded into his mind. Not the traditional way of apparition, but it was better than nothing, most of his well known spots had become crawling with Aurors, and Merlin knows he would never show his face again in Feldcroft.
The familiar stretching, yanking and pulling through space was a sensation Sebastian never got used too, though it was necessary, the world around him blurring in quick succession until he landed not so gracefully on the hard ground, only slightly spraining his wrist from bracing his fall to the ground in a disoriented haze.
—- —-
Releasing a breath that doubled as relieving the ever building tension in her shoulders, Lucinda paced carefully around her pieces of parchment paper that played home to her scribblings and research. Surrounded by immense greenery and the fresh smell of soil and fertilizer, it was easy to call her makeshift greenhouse a home despite it being haphazardly thrown together.
Dense with plants made the medium sized shack rather difficult to navigate, practically making it a maze that only she knew how to navigate and weave through.
“— forget pleasantries, this discovery is of the essence,” she muttered to herself, a hand cupping her chin while she paced in deep thought while her heart raced. She may have looked crazed if anyone didn’t know better, her flaming red hair stuck out in numerous directions despite an attempt on slicking the hair back into a neat bun. Not to mention the soil that embedded itself in her clothes from the hours spent potting and tending to her plants. The dirt that stuck beneath her fingernails was quite unbecoming for a woman in this age, though she lacked the ability to care.
Perhaps, she considered having some time to change and clean herself up —
Her head snapped up immediately to the sound of unmistakably a pile of her empty ceramic pots shattering, prompting her quickly from her daze and over to the commotion. Lucinda squeezed through a small crevice of stacked boxes that her Ivy had unceremoniously entangled itself with and ducked under the wisteria canopy that she had cultivated from a small pot she had been given in her travels.
By the entrance, her eyes set upon the shattered pots and the person who seemed to be the culprit, hunched over and rigid as if he had accidentally bumped into the wall.
At the sound of her footsteps, he shot up straight, only to whack his head on one of her hanging baskets that she recently repotted with her beloved Monstera.
“I’m — Apologies.” He muttered, rubbing the back of his head that impacted her plant. Only slightly disoriented, he had no intention of ending up here, he was merely just trying to go somewhere else and away. His eyes finally focused on the woman before him, nearly having to do a double take given her appearance but once he made clear it was in-fact, not, a former Professor of his he had to admit that if he had to come across anyone this evening, he was glad he came across quite the beautiful young woman.
Though time was of the essence for Lucinda and she could easily clean the mess up after her research was to be formally addressed, so much so she completely overlooked the disheveled appearance of her new freckled companion.
“Brilliant! The academy sent you, a pleasure to meet you.” She rushed over to him, taking his hand and shaking it rather firmly and overenthusiastically. He opened his mouth to speak but she had one surprising grip on her as she took his wrist and pulled him further into the Greenhouse, he barely had a moment to set his briefcase down. “When I tell you I nearly threw a fit when I found this. Absolutely astounding discovery this one is! I was on one of my expeditions to harvest some Downy Hemp Nettle in Scotland when I came across this plant I had never seen before.”
Her voice was high with excitement as she finally let go of the man's wrist and presented him with her latest find on the table. “I’ve been studying it for weeks. I think it must be some distant relative to our well-known flytrap species. Entirely carnivorous but this one has a far bigger appetite than flies and insects. It nearly took my hand off when I fed it some dead rats.” She laughed, brushing off the ordeal and the memory of last week as if she didn’t fear for her life for but a moment.
Once again, the man opened his mouth to speak but she dismissed him as if she was aware of what he was going to say, “right! You’re right, we can’t just base this discovery off one, which is precisely why I intend to traverse the rest of Europe and look for similar plants, harvest their seeds and bring them back for more research… But I need the Academy’s approval first.”
There was a brief pause, the man hesitantly opening his mouth in case she were to interrupt him once again, but she politely stood in front of him and kept her hands clasped together while she awaited eagerly for a response.
“I am terribly sorry but you must have me mistaken, I didn’t mean to intrude… I sort of just… arrived here.” He admitted, though he wasn’t exactly lying, he did quite literally appear out of thin air only moments before.
The expression on her face drops slightly, before her eyes narrowed, “so you just wandered in here? Did Oxford put you up to this?” Her tone was accusatory which had taken him completely off guard, she bawled her hands into fists and looked down at her feet, gritting her teeth, “They’re always trying to steal my research — those bumbling fools.”
“No, no. Wouldn’t dream of it. But I will be on my way.” He put his hands up in defense, not wanting to bother the poor woman any longer than he had just by appearing. The last thing he wanted was to be caught up in Muggle business, even if said muggle seemed to have found herself quite the dangerous magical plant.
She pointed a finger at him, “now hold on a moment, how exactly did you even come about this place? I can’t just let you leave, what if you tell every Tom, Dick and Harry that I'm on the brink of groundbreaking research?”
Hands still in the air, as if it would save him from being absolutely brutalized by the woman who was incredibly passionate about her work it seemed. “I won’t tell a soul, you have my word — I was just around, found this place and I promise that is it.”
Physically she relaxed, dropped her hands to her side and relented. Lucinda was beyond paranoid, questioning every prying eye that stumbled into her greenhouse or sported a friendly chat with her at the pub. It was taking over her life, convinced most people were out to get her and steal her hard earned research. Hard enough as it was being a Botanist and trying to get people to take her seriously, it was even more difficult to be taken seriously as a Woman and a botanist.
Seeing how deflated she was made insurmountable guilt bubble within his stomach, offering her a polite smile, “should you find yourself in need of a name for that -,” he pointed over to the plant he was familiar with, “- might I suggest Venomous Tentacular.” It was wrong of him to help her, let alone wrong of him to out the poor plants real name to a Muggle no less. Yet, he felt compelled to do so anyway. The woman had kind eyes and an unmistakable amount of determination which he could both recognise and admire.
She looked at him dumbfounded, eyebrows knitting together as she glanced back over her parchment of scribblings and notes, “how did you know it produced Venom?” Her eyes narrowed in curiosity, first this man had simply appeared who wasn’t at all here on behalf of the academy and not only is not shocked at her find but knows about an aspect of the plant that took her days to figure out.
He blew out a breath that indicated he seemed to have been caught red-handed, there was no way he could simply charm his way out of this one. “I— well I actually didn’t, it just… Looks… like it’s venomous.”
Once again, her piercing gaze remained on him as she tried her best to read between the lines in search of a lie or anything sinister beneath his handsome allure. Though his words seemed to be deceitful, she couldn’t deny that his brown eyes were one of sincerity and seemingly trustworthy. If she had any hope in making a name for herself, she needed to begin trusting people - arguably not random men who found their way into her greenhouse.
As the silence grew she opened her mouth to wave off the stranger, only interrupted by yet another chime of shattering ceramic pots catching her attention. She sighed, bowing her head in frustration, bringing a hand to her face and pinching the bridge of her nose.
“You should really move those pots,” he offered, an attempt to lighten the mood.
“Stay here.” She firmly instructed, disappearing amongst the clutter toward the location of the freshly shattered pots.
He thought about leaving the same way he arrived, though something within him compelled him to stay. Most notably how on earth had a muggle come across a Venomous Tentacluar and survived, let alone handle it to a secondary location without angering it. Most perplexing indeed. Never had he seen a domesticated magical plant at the hands of a muggle seem so… well, content.
It wasn’t wise of him to stick around for too long, lest he be found and that wasn’t particularly ideal for his current situation. But for the meantime he remained, sighing to himself and placing his hands in his pockets idly, making note of the myriad of plants surrounding him, reminding him of just how rubbish he was with plants. No amount of book reading on caring for plants, ever could prepare him for actually doing so. It was as if the plants themselves could detect he was rotten before he even had the chance to see that side of him come to fruition.
Two voices ripped him from his thoughts, as he was joined once again by the ever fascinating muggle and another who he didn’t care to recognise.
“—This is my… companion.” She gestured to Sebastian, lying coming as second nature to her and seeming to catch him completely off guard which gave him little time to actually react but he recovered swiftly. Were all muggles this quick?
“Sebastian,” he reached out a hand to shake the older fellow's hand firmly.
Lucinda wasn’t entirely sure why she decided the best course of action was to lie to the Academy representative, she figured it would be harder to explain how and most importantly why there was a stranger in her greenhouse to an academic scholar. She also saw this as an opportunity to seize the moment, seeing him as a ticket to being taken seriously considering he was a man after all.
Her spiel wasn’t too dissimilar to the one she had addressed to Sebastian, though she answered many of the questions succinctly and concisely before announcing she would be embarking on an expedition to see similar kinds of species across continental Europe. This of course needed approval of the academy to fund such an extensive trip but the representative was rather enamored by her find.
Before long, the two of them remained alone in the greenhouse once more, both having burning questions for the other respectively.
“Don’t suppose you have an explanation for that little lie, would you?” He questioned, leaning up against her work station with arms folded, this very position reminded him instantly of how many Professors had done the same when reprimanding him in school, it felt rather like he was scolding her but he was more or less impressed with her improvisation given the degree she cared for her research.
She was scribbling notes on paper, not at all giving the man a single glance, “of course I do, my reputation is already muddied being a Woman and I’d find it rather difficult to explain how a complete stranger stumbled across my greenhouse… Seems all in all a bit like a farce if you ask me.”
There was absolutely no denying that explanation, far be it for Sebastian to question simple logic, though it was troublesome that equality was one of the bigger reasons she was struggling to make strides. “Of course, makes perfect sense to me.” He reasoned, though his tone always simmering with that telltale sign of sarcasm made her look up from her scribblings and stare at him.
“You know, Sebastian, I’m still not entirely certain I can trust you.” Her hazel eyes narrowed at him. Sure he might have had a bespoke aura that gave her the impression he was trustworthy but she also wasn’t sure what to make of his attitude.
The pointed look on her face, the narrowed eyes but despite that they were still kind eyes rang all too familiar to him. She reminded him much of Professor Garlick. And it wasn’t only the appearance, but perhaps he may be a tad too disingenuous thinking that most red heads all looked the same.
“Trusting me in my experience has led to disappointment, so I wouldn’t if I were you.” He intended on making light of his shortcomings, but instead sounded rather bitter about his past, not that he really had the right to have fond memories, it was after all his own fault for the reason he lives like he does now.
She seemed rather stumped at the bluntness, matched with the bitter expression that contorted onto his face but she hardly missed the sadness in his eyes. It may appear she had found a kindred spirit, someone hard done by and that alone was enough to get her trust albeit brash and idiotic of her to come to a decision so quickly. She outstretched her hand, prompting him to shake it properly this time now that her nerves were long gone, “well then, we have a lot more in common.. Lucinda Cornwall, Botanist - but you can call me Luce.”
Hesitantly, he took her hand, not entirely believing the night he had. Though he briefly recalls almost similarly one of the times he befriended an old muggle couple just outside Birmingham. He owed those two more than they would ever know, though he was positive once the ministry got their hands on the two they had their memories altered. Not a fate he would wish upon his newfound lady friend. It was better he distanced himself entirely, if not completely disengaged from her once the night was over.
“Say Luce, you wouldn’t happen to know of any boarding rooms nearby?” He posed the question, already knowing the answer given the time of night it was, but there was no harm in asking, especially if she was local. It was late and had been a dreadfully long day for him especially apparating last minute like he did, his body ached and his eyelids began to sting with the overwhelming need to rest.
Lucinda paused momentarily, having signed off some last minute notes to remind herself of what to do on the morrow when morning broke. He had half a mind to repeat himself thinking she hadn’t heard him when she stopped scribbling and drifted her eyes to the ceiling in thought, “Eltham street, they have some boarding rooms for travelers but they won’t take anyone this late, no matter how desperate you are — Where exactly are you from again?”
“I never mentioned it.” He cleared his throat, shuffling uncomfortably from foot to foot.
“Right…” Her head had been tilted down at her notes but he caught her looking at him through her lashes in-between note taking, “I don’t normally offer strange men a room, but if you need somewhere tonight I have a couch…” She ceased note taking and fully had her eyes on him now, sizing him up. He was stocky and built, broad across the shoulders and had quite a few inches on her. Though his kind eyes held nothing sinister that piqued her danger radar it was always best to be sure, “and I sleep with a cleaver so don’t try anything.”
The slightest chuckle erupted from his lips and subsequently strangled in his throat when he realized she wasn’t joking. No, of course she wasn’t. Why would she joke about such a thing? “That is kind of you, I will be out of your hair by the morning.”
She curtly nodded, pushing off the unstable wall of boxes she had leaned against. Her heartbeat was rapidly beating, partly out of fear that she had just invited a gentleman over that she barely knew, on top of that she was certain that the only reason the academy humoured her this evening was because Sebastian was present. She couldn’t let him get too far away, what if she needed him just to stand there and be… Well, be a man for her.
#imagines#fanfiction#sebastian sallow#hogwarts legacy#slytherin#sebastian sallow fanfiction#sebastian sallow x ofc#original work#ao3 fanfic
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seb and clora working on baby #1 👶 🔞🔞!! NSFW !!🔞🔞
#celeste is technically in this picture💀 almost tagged her just to be truly unhinged LMAOO#im working on a oneshot rn where they finally do the deed without any contraceptives/actually try to get pregnant#surprisingly it wont have THAT much smut tho its just gonna be a small part of it I SWEAR!!! but then again we'll see#cuz seb always takes the reigns once i start writing him LMAO#the main focus is gonna be seb super excited/distracted leading up to the day and he cant pay attention to anything else BAHAHA#and then afterwards how even tho its too early to test he'll already be convinced clora is pregnant bc ITS HIS SWIMMERS CMON!!! no doubt#and then overprotective seb with preggo clora NATURALLY...even more insane than he usually is#and lawley will be making an appearance🥰to congratulate them ofc🥰🥰hes soooooo happy for them!!🥰🥰🥰#and theres gonna be a teensy bit of dad seb at the end hehe...honstly i wasnt planning to write any stuff with the kids#but i wrote a brief celeste/seb interaction and i was like aw wait this is cute?? i want more....so maaaybe there shall be more dad seb#hogwarts legacy smut#sebastian sallow smut#clora clemons#sebastian sallow x mc#sebastian sallow x oc#sebastian sallow#choccyart
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an afternoon by the black lake🫶🫶🫶
#here is the fluff after my angst drawing of yesterdat😙💓😙💓#maybe you recognize some of these this is just a series of cute fast sketches of these two sweeties#I just like thinking about them spending time together🥹#I keep passing out all day and then waking up to scribble a bit and then passing out again#so sorry these are messy#but I still enjoy them🫶🫶#(ofc I do…I’m Eloise’s number one fan💓💓💓)#sorry I’ve been bad at responding to messages lately hopefully tomorrow I can get back to them🫶🫶🫶#im just so😵💫😵💫😵💫😵💫😵💫#hogwarts legacy#hogwarts legacy fanart#hphl#hogwarts legacy oc#hogwarts legacy mc#eloise babbit#sebastian sallow#sebastian sallow x mc#sebastian sallow fanart#I also want to draw/write a SUPER CUTE SCENE#that will probably not happen in my fic but be part of their sweet AU#well I don’t want to spoil it but these illustrations are part of my au🥹🫶#oh also in this au they’ve been friends for a few years but the second picture#is the moment Sebastian looks at her and is like😳😳 omg…I’m in love with her…#(it’s a sweet friends to lovers slow burn🥰🥰)
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➔ A Bone To Pick - Victor Rookwood discovers who's behind all the smutty audios about him - and he's pissed. (Also can be considered a sort of disclaimer for my audios in general.)
➔ Bait & Switch - Ominis and Sebastian discuss a serious problem they're having in this Public Service Announcement to the fandom.
I've created quite a bit of Hogwarts Legacy material (most of which is adult-oriented). The following stories and audios are predominantly 18+, explicit, and x female!reader or listener where you are MC (with a few exceptions). Although much of my stuff is x reader I do not use Y/N or MC by default as I personally find both distracting.
Listing of all audios with links to ao3
All my Daddy Rookwood AUDIOS!
My ao3
Socials / RookwoodGroup.org
Discord: Unrestricted Section
Rookwood Groupies Group on Tumblr
My Commissions
Gift Art!
Rules & Disclaimers! There are no fucking rules, are you kidding me? This is fanfiction, it's a no man's land of degeneracy. Exercise a modicum of independent thought and live a little.
Victor Rookwood Headcanons!
List of all Victor Rookwood Audios!
Fanfiction (there are a few more on ao3 that are not my favorite)
🌟 = recommended!
🌟 A Quick Word - (Rookwood x You - 5,000 words.) Explicit - What could transpire if you would only allow Rookwood to have a word with you at the Three Broomsticks as he requested.
A Wicked, Wicked Man - (Rookwood x You - 3,300 words.) Explicit, Rape, Violence - “Perhaps you long to be treated like the disobedient little whore you are.”
🌟 Rough Night - (Ashwinders x You, Rookwood & You - 6,600 words.) Explicit, Gang Rape, Violence - You lose the battle with Rookwood and his cronies that takes place during Wand Mastery. Includes a version with a female reader, and one with a male reader.
🌟Under the Hog's Head - (Rookwood x You - 2,800 words.) Explicit, Rape - "I don't think you're in any position to bargain, little one."
How Dunstan Trinity Lost His Eye (Dunstan Trinity & Victor Rookwood - 1,100 words.) Gen, Violence, Gore
🌟 Devoutly to be Wished (Anne Sallow x Victor Rookwood) - Explicit - Anne Sallow is dying. When she receives word from Sebastian regarding the likely progenitor of the curse that's killing her, she feels she must uncover the truth.
Micro Smut: Upstairs at the Three Broomsticks (Rookwood x You) Explicit
Micro Fic with Fanart: Ephemera Snape's Revenge (Rookwood x Me)
A Five Hundred Galleon Whore (Rookwood x F!OC - 3,200 words) Explicit, Noncon, Dubcon - Epilogue to Paying the Piper. "You can cooperate or I can let all the men in my ranks take their fill of you."
↱ Daddy Rookwood audios now live here! There were just too many!
Fanfiction (more on ao3)
🌟 A Change of Heart - (Poacher x You - 2,500 words.) Explicit - You encounter a Poacher camped in a remote area all by his lonesome. Easy kill, right? Wrong.
🌟 Last Man Standing - (Poacher Executioner x You - 2,000 words.) Explicit, Rape, Violence - “You're lucky you're not a wizard... I would have snapped your neck already if you were."
🌟 Rough Night - (Ashwinders x You, Rookwood & You - 6,600 words.) Explicit, Gang Rape, Violence - You lose the battle with Rookwood and his cronies that takes place during Wand Mastery. Includes a version with a female reader, and one with a male reader.
How Dunstan Trinity Lost His Eye (Dunstan Trinity & Victor Rookwood - 1,100 words.) Gen, Violence, Gore
Encounter on Phoenix Mountain - (Poacher Stalker x You - 1,300 words.) Explicit - A solitary Poacher Stalker corners you in Phoenix Mountain Cave. What's a girl to do?
Under the Hog's Head - (Ashwinders & Rookwood x You - 2,800 words.) Explicit, Gang Rape - "I don't think you're in any position to bargain, little one."
🌟 Paying the Piper (Ashwinder Scout x OFC - WIP) Explicit - The newest shopkeeper in Hogsmeade is met with an unpleasant surprise when a handsome young Ashwinder shows up at her door demanding payment. COMIC!
Masked Man (Ashwinder Scout x OFC - 1,100) Explicit, Quickie, CNC - "This is what happens to pretty little shopkeepers who don't pay their due."
The Poacher's Prize (Poppy Sweeting x Poachers - 1,800 words) Explicit, Rape, Violence - Poppy pays the price for her betrayals!
Dawn of Regret (Poacher Executioner x You - 1,900 words) Explicit, Rape - “Ye wanted to seduce a dark wizard,” the Executioner purrs, running his tongue across your lips. “Well, haha, it worked!”
The Pledge (Rookwood & Selwyn x You - 4:50min) - Explicit, Gang Rape - Silvanus Selwyn catches you, but Rookwood gets first dibs...
Comeuppance (Ashwinders x You, Rookwood & You - 5:55min) - Explicit, Gang Rape, Lesbian, Violence - You are subjugated by Ashwinders and Poachers..
Rookwood's Revenge 2 - The Ashwinders (Ashwinders x You, Rookwood & You - 4:55min) - Explicit, Gang Rape, Violence - The Ashwinders take their revenge on you under Rookwood's watchful eye.
Executioner Monologue (2:43min) - Biographical monologue by Poacher Executioner - SFW
🌟At the Mercy of Macnair (Poacher Stalker x You, 4:12min) - Explicit, Rape - You've been caught in a bandit camp. You're bound, gagged, and helpless, but where's the fun in just leaving you be?
Battle Royal at Horntail Hall (Poppy Sweeting x Poacher Stalker, 2.23min) - SFW - You and Poppy get caught sneaking into Horntail Hall and are immediately recognized.
All in a Day's Work (Rookwood x Ashwinder!You - 2min) - Explicit, Dubcon - "The boss wants to see you."
Paying the Piper Excerpt (Ashwinder Scout x OFC - 1:19min) SFW
Lip Service (Ashwinder Scout x OFC - 1:46min) Explicit - Oswald's first blowjob from my fic "Paying the Piper."
Harlot of the Highlands (Poacher Executioner x You - 4:37) Explicit - You sneak into his tent at night looking for a special kind of trouble.
Quick Handjob (Ashwinder Scout x MC - 0:40) - Explicit
Tête-à-tête (Ashwinder Scout & MC - 1:18) - SFW - An Ashwinder Scout pleads for his life.
The Dark Sacrifice - (Ominis & Sebastian x You - 1,800 words.) Explicit, Noncon - Sebastian asks you to meet him and Ominis at the catacomb to make a dark sacrifice. Little do you know it's going to be you.
Another Secret for the Undercroft - (Ominis & Sebastian x You - 5,200 words.) Explicit - "I know I’m not as good as Sebastian,” Ominis hisses, “I’m better.”
Talk to Me - (Ominis x Reader - 1,685 words) Explicit - After visiting the Scriptorium, you can't stop thinking about Ominis speaking parseltongue. Smut ensues.
Today's the Day (Ominis & Sebastian x You/MC - 2:18min) - Explicit, Gang Rape, Violence - Sebastian and Ominis make you pay the price after learning of your alliance with Victor Rookwood..
Bait and Switch (Ominis & Sebastian & ? - 2:15min) SFW - The boys discuss a serious problem they're having. Fortunately, Victor Rookwood has a solution.
Talk to Me (Ominis x You/MC - 2:44min) - Explicit - After leaving the Scriptorium, you pull Ominis aside, having been entranced by his use of parseltongue. (God, I hate this audio so much!)
A Moment Alone (Sebastian x ? - 1:10min) - Explicit - Sebastian thinks he's alone in the Undercroft..
Sebastian's Pleasure (Sebastian x You - 0:40min) - Explicit - Just Sebastian finishing inside of you...
Pigtails' Revenge (Piers Pemberton x You - 2:09min) - Explicit, GN!Listener, Violence, Dubcon - Piers Pemberton punishes you for stealing his Demiguise statues.
Goblin Supremacy (Ranrok & Rookwood x You - 4:59min) - Explicit, Rape - "Prepare to be conquered for goblinkind, little witch."
A Moment Alone (Sebastian Sallow x Peeves - 1:10min) - Explicit - Sebastian thinks he's alone in the Undercroft..
Ephemera Snape's Revenge (Rookwood x Me - 2:33min) - SFW, Gore
After Dark (Fastidio x Reader/MC - 4,000 words) - Explicit, Rape - "You're on my time now."
Free Use / Somnophilia (Unnamed Wizard x Reader, 712 words) Explicit, CNC
Listing of all audios with links to ao3
All my Daddy Rookwood AUDIOS!
My ao3
Socials / RookwoodGroup.org
Discord: Unrestricted Section
My Commissions
☙ Asks, Requests, and DMs always open! ❧ (Please, I'm bored)
#victor rookwood#ashwinders#hogwarts legacy smut#hogwarts legacy fanfic#poachers#victor rookwood x you#victor rookwood x reader#daddy rookwood#victor rookwood x mc#rookwood x mc#top hat daddy#rookwood#dead dove do not eat#victorrookwood#i like making the bad things happen#ashwinder scout#poacher executioner#my fics
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Chapter 7 - In Pursuit of Evocation (Hogwarts Legacy ao3)
~ context: MC has finally been released from the Ministry of Magic's inquiry into the attack on Hogwarts; Sebastian hasn't seen or spoken to her in five months ~
#the 2nd portrait might be new fav one of seb#ofc seb would give his owl a literal name#spoilers for anyone that hasn't read the fic but that is harry potters canon great granddad next to phoebe lmao#maybe its because i work in the press but i just love newspaper storytelling lol#i apologise to phoebe and seb and omi i have put them through hell in my fics#imelda cameo#hogwarts legacy#phoebe honeyball#sebastian sallow#sebastian sallow x mc#hogwarts legacy mc#hogwarts legacy oc#fanart#fanfic#ao3#hphl#hphl mc#hphl fanart#daily prophet#imelda reyes
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