#sebastian lefebre
tomsmusictaste · 11 days
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Please take me to your leader. Tell her I will surrender
Simple Plan // My Alien
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alkern · 7 months
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vasyandii · 8 months
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Theyre friends now, I like Riptide
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vampsquerade · 2 years
Requests Rules (Current Status: Open)
Characters Per Request for headcanons: Maximum of 2.
Characters Per Story: Maximum of 4 (all characters will be partners with the reader; exceptions can and will be made if i like it enough).
Characters Per NSFW Alphabet: Maximum of 1
Characters Per SFW Alphabet: Maximum of 1
Please be as specific as you can when requesting as it helps me with my writing
Please specify whether you want headcanons or an x reader, so I don’t accidentally write something you didn’t want
Requests are now open for a short time! Please just read my rules and request accordingly!
Characters I’ll Write For: Rainbow Six Siege/Extraction and Call of Duty. This may change later on, however, once I feel like branching out!
Rainbow Six Siege/Extraction:
Chul Kyung “Vigil” Hwa
Olivier “Lion” Flament
Erik “Maverick” Thorn
Jordan “Thermite” Trace
Miles “Castle” Campbell
Gustave “Doc” Kateb
Gilles “Montagne” Touré
Julien “Rook” Nizan
Saif “Oryx” Al Hadid
Dominic “Bandit” Brunsmeier
Elias “Blitz” Kötz
Marius “Jäger” Streicher
Sébastien “Buck” Côte
Håvard “Ace” Haugland
Mark “Mute” Chandar
Mike “Thatcher” Baker
James “Smoke” Porter
Seamus “Sledge” Cowden
César “Goyo” Ruiz Hernández
Masaru “Echo” Enatsu
Liu Tze “Lesion” Long
Collinn “Warden” McKinley
Aleksandr “Tachanka” Senaviev
Maxim “Kapkan” Basuda
Timur “Glaz” Glazkov
Shuhrat “Fuze” Kessikbayev
Ryad “Jackal” Ramírez Al-Hassar
Call of Duty:
John “Soap” MacTavish
Simon “Ghost” Riley
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
Captain John Price
Phillip Graves
Hong-jin “Horangi” Kim
Zhiqiang “Zimo” Wong
Jesus “Chuy” Ordaz
Enzo Reyes
Sobieslaw “Gromsko” Kościuszko
Rodolfo “Rudy” Parra
Sebastian “Krueger” Krueger
Hans “Golem” Blaustein
Benjamin “Otter” Lee
Jackson Wyatt
Valeria “El Sin Nombre” Garza
Alejandro Vargas
Alex Keller
Gary “Roach” Sanderson
Sergio “Morte” Sulla
Vladimir Makarov
Thibault “Riptide” Lefebre
Roland “Swagger” Kaminski
What I Will Write:
Light Smut (Vanilla)
Heavy Smut (Hardcore: dubcon, consensual non-con, and somnophilia are allowed under the circumstances that you explicitly specify that reader in the scenario will be consenting to it. if you aren’t comfortable requesting or reading that there will be time for you to scroll away. Doing this has helped me with my trauma.)
Angst (good, neutral, and bad endings)
NSFW Alphabets
SFW Alphabets
Character/Reader: Friends to Lovers
Character/Reader: Enemies to Lovers
Sick Character or Sick Reader
Gender Neutral, Female, and Male Readers
Mental Health (c-PTSD, Depression, Insomnia, and Anxiety will be the only ones I write about because those are of the few things I have been diagnosed with. I am not romanticizing these at all, keep that in mind)
Omegaverse (Alpha/Beta/Omega Character or Alpha/Beta/Omega Reader)
Multiple Partners (Exceptions will sometimes be made if I like the prompt enough)
Substance Use (only weed and alcohol)
Cheating and Toxic Relationships (My therapist has recommended I try to write stuff that helps ease off the trauma I’ve gotten from these)
What I Will NOT Write:
Blatant Rape
Domestic Abuse
Child Abuse
Animal Abuse
Comforting Self-Harm (I used to allow this one but I’ve been in therapy for this for a good while now and it will trigger a relapse if I ever write for it again. Very slim chances of me writing for prompts like these ever again)
Suicide (Very, very, very slim chances of me ever making an exception for it)
Any obscure or gross fetishes/kinks
Character/Character (Exceptions can be made for this though!)
Pregnancy (I never properly addressed or clarified any of this and would like to apologize for what it was previously listed as. I am avoiding fetishization of anybody who can get pregnant because I have received 2 asks by the same person back in August and as you can tell, I never wrote them because they were offensive fetish prompts centered around stereotypes. There are no exceptions for this one)
Thank you very much for requesting!!
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