#season one dean . is akin to driving 80 mph directly into a brick wall
tiktaalic · 2 years
um. its just that. he tries to get people to see him as tough. which doesnt work because its so immediately clear that it is just ashow that is being draped over a man who is so so lonely and wants . more than anything else. connection. he tries to be a man above reproach but the audience watches him fumble it other characters watch him fumble it and he sees himself in third person fumbling it and burns in embarrasment because he wants to be cool. but hes fundamentally maladjusted and awkward and wholeheartedly enthusiastic about things that are Not Cool. and every day he wants the rewards of being loved but cant live with the mortification of being known. but hes known anyway (mortifying). and then he. s known really known soul held in hands soul fresh out of damnation known everything he's ever buried every horrible cruelty every humiliating want. in someone's hands. and. this summer a man afraid of flying an angel afraid of falling meet in the middle
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