#season 2 3 mothns and 9 days
lucy-shining-star · 10 months
Ok time to watch finale
Oh Ambar did shout words now I hear them
Oh she was dressed like that in one dream is that dream again
Wait why did I only mentioned clothes she is doing what she did then
Yep dream again
Oh that's first time Monica and Miguel are in dream
...Am I supposed to take it like Lily and Bernie like...were allowed to pass as ghosts cause they finished buisness?
...Uhm so Bernie knew Sharon was in love with him? But from Sharon's flashback about fire Lily didn't know that...It's kind of...weird Bernie allowed Sharon to stay at their house and didn't tell Lily about situation?
...Uhm so where will Sharon go after leaving hospital? Also how exactly she lost eyesight did her eyes burn? Is it something about gas? Okay so I googled it and yes. ...I'm really terrified by google's proposition to end my 'can gase from fire cause you to lose' question. Like it proposed 'weight'as last word. Please no.
...Oh so there were more words than I heard
...What do you mean you are were here legal guardian?
That still doesn't make sense when it comes to fortune cause he is Lily's father and that is Bernie's fortune?
I thought he meant groceries at first but I think not
Oh Monica and Miguel stopped hating parties
...Well it is kind of funny punishment
Where did she lost it now and when. ...Or did she just leave it at home
...There wasn't 'like a sister' after 'Iove you' in original right? *switching to original to check* It's hermana in Spanish right? I don't hear hermana. Polish dubbing decided to add 'no homo'
Again asking why Yam took guitar
Wait what. Why Jim's mother didn't agree to that school. And why there wasn't any talk about it before
Simon and Ramiro besties moment
Cute Pelfi
Is that few days later
Well I don't think she is gentelman
Who are these people Luna just greeted.
Is not that visible on Yam's clothes it's wet. It's more visible on Jim's. Though still not that much
...Okay so I kind of noticed Benicio earlier walking next to Ramiro but wasn't exactly sure but now I see him definitely what he is doing there. And Emilia is there also next to him so also what she is doing there. And why are they right behind Luna. ...Okay to be fair they did stood here before she stood there I guess
Is Yam holding Ramiro by arm? I guess they are back together. I love it
Oh I noticed Juliana now. At least I think it is Juliana?
Yep it's Juliana
That looked like Simon got away from her lmao
Cute Yamiro
Eh translation takes away joke...Though I guess it isn't really joke? Whatever it it's taken away by translation. ...I guess it was also taken away to episodes ago when Matteo took one of Luna's strawberries
So Polish translation decided to pretend it's heart. ...Also I changed to Spanish with English sub for moment to check something I completely didn't notice there is moon on that necklace
Ugh did they really need to romantizice that stupid kiss on contest one last time. Ugh I might have easier time accepting lutteo if they didn't.
Ok so when Matteo is twirling Luna, Jim is standing not touching anyone clapping, Pedro is raising his arm to show fireworks when holding hand with Delfi who is looking at fireworks from other side I guess, Ramiro is whispering something to Yam and holding her by waist I think when also showing with his other arm fireworks to which Yam is looking, Jazmin and Nina are standing there looking at fireworks, Ambar and Simon are holding and looking at fireworks with Simon raising arm to them, Eric is standing looking at fireworks, Benicio is...I guess observing fireworks dunno what exaclty he is doing with one his arms, he is holding Emilia with another, Emilia is having one of her hands on his shoulder and I paused when she started moving other so.
Oh she is showing fireworks. And Pedro started clapping.
And Jazmin and Nina started pointing at fireworks too (Yes I'm pausing constantly)
...And Eric threw his arm around Benicio. Hmm. I'm okay with concept of them as besties. ...Well I did have that concept earlier cause all other people are taken. ...I kinda did have thoughts 'logically since Ramiro was in Red Sharks...' but nope I love him and Simon too much to imagine them as besties with characters I like lot less
Also Nina started to cross her hands on her heart
Oh Jazmin too
And Jazmin started pointing out fireworks again
...Also why all other couples are next to each other and Nina and Eric are seperated by Simon and Ambar
Oh also guess Benicio and Emilia are together
Emilia seems really amazed by fireworks
Oh Jazmin and Yam hugged
Is what happens druing credits still part of episode?
Oh stinger
...I mean Jazmin's got a point about that
Uhm that one doesn't have anything to with Luna so dunno if it should be in video about her birthday?
That one doesn't too
Neither that
Ok I'm stopping pointing that out
...Just realized Valiente is playing so only time it does play in season 3 is in backgroun in stinger. Hmm.
Which version of Valiente is that anyway
Hmm I'm going to guess Luna is youngest and they are like 'Gonna do video about us all when youngest becomes 18'
Oh no not that please tell they are not gonna show kiss
They didn't that's a relief
What a weird shirt Ramiro
Oh I hear Ramiro rapping in background so that's second season group sing of Valiente ...Although I didn't realize that was background at first and though it was his rapping of Vuelo in flashback
Hmm with how I went with nostalgia when organizing my 18th birthday it would have seems I watched it and took inspiration. ...Although tbf I did it kinda more. It was terrbile not good idea
So I finished. Feels weird.
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