#season 1 episode 9 fleur de lis
moonlight-fan2008 · 2 years
Moonlight re-watch Part 9 of 16
Season 1 episode 9 Fleur De Lis
“Hi Beth” 😑
“How could you?” And “It’s not what you think” reads very much relationshipy (I know it’s not a word)
Beth turning the tables on Coraline and being the stalker
“Does this seem healthy to you?”
Beth being very jealous of Coraline and keeps asking Mick about the sex
Followed by Mick telling Beth she’s being crazy after being the crazy one the last Coraline/Morgan episode
“Turn on the Mick St.John charm” lol
“Do you love her?” “I own her Mr. St. John that’s all you need to know” me: 🙄😡
Coraline still manipulating Mick
Does this have something to do with Paris Hilton “no” Maureen: “then I don’t care”
Some more breaking and entering
Rifling through Morgan’s medicine cabinet and finding Naproxen, which is an anti inflammatory drug. Idk why i found that interesting
Watching not really incest incest
Stealing pictures, Coraline will definitely know is missing
“Maybe we can make this a threesome” 🤨
Beth and Josef talking about Mick and Coraline
Mick’s place being broken into yet again
Beth and Josef still discussing Coraline and Mick and I think it’s clear he likes Mick better than Coraline despite knowing her first and longest
Also Mick got Josef in the divorce
Beth doing some more breaking and entering and finding all the evidence of stalking, I think Coraline has been watching them from the beginning there are pictures from episodes as far back as fever.
Mick gets knocked out again, he gets knocked out or almost killed nearly every episode. He’s not such a great vampire
Planning a little patricide so you can continue you’re not incest incest
Beth discovering the creepy basement where Coraline kept her. I would like to know why it was so clean and well kept like Coraline please explain.
“You’re going to meet your new daddy tomorrow” yuck please stop saying that
Beth immediately choosing violence
A little vehicular manslaughter goes a long way
“I’ve never been almost killed” yeah yeah yeah Coraline just come out and say who you are already
Moonlight chooses yet another good song
Mick being a creeper and watching Coraline in the shower
Coraline is more concerned about getting back with Mick and he’s more concerned about becoming human again
Beth acting like a jealous girlfriend and immediately stabbing Coraline
The whole episode and especially the last few minutes of this episode can be summed up as:
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I give this episode 9.5 out of 10
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moonlight-fan2008 · 5 months
Moonlight rewatch for millionth time
Episode 9 random thoughts and feelings I had while rewatching again: cause I’m bored and have nothing else to do or watch. And I love this show
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I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again the entire episode is summed up by this
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^This applies to everyone main characters and side characters no one is making good decisions this episode
And now the stalker becomes the stalked
“Turn on the Mick St. John charm” 😁
I think Mick has a thing for women who are smart and strong but also slightly unhinged
“I own her mister St.John”
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His wife should have been able to at least run over his foot or something. As a little treat
Coraline’s favorite wine was a burgundy, the romanée-conti Richebourg so did she temporarily turned human again to seduce Mick (during the 1950’s) or are there certain things that vampires can drink besides blood.
Also this episode takes place in October
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And maybe a bit of a goof but the time on Beth’s phone and time that it states Mick sent the text don’t match. Unless he sent that at night and it’s now the next day the 31st at 4:18pm and Beth is only now reading it but her phone goes off and she checks it so its probably a goof because a scene or two later
We get to see Morgan/Coraline’s medicine that shows fill date as 12/14/2007 so it will have to be at least December 14th or later for it to show that date
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Naproxen uses according to webmd: Naproxen is used to relieve pain from various conditions such as headache, muscle aches, tendonitis, dental pain, and menstrual cramps. It also reduces pain, swelling, and joint stiffness caused by arthritis, bursitis, and gout attacks.
Then another goof it’s suddenly November
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This whole scene 😆
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Technically not related is still related and not a good argument for defending a relationship
Why wouldn’t Beth tell Josef she found that picture of Mick in Morgan’s stuff? Like if she lead with that he may have been a little more open minded to Morgan = Coraline
Very creepy (and violating) that Coraline has been watching Mick and Beth since at least by Out of the Past (episode two):
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Like that’s from the book release scene and Coraline was also watching during Fever (episode 4) not a great pause moment but Beth goes a little too fast for me to pause clearly but that’s her outfit from Fever (right side)
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And the other pictures are from Arrested Development (Episode 5) (left side) and also B.C (episode 6) or she may have been watching since episode 1 since I think picture underneath everything (under Beth’s hand is the cemetery scene)
You know what’s crazy they just murdered someone (thought they did at least) and just left his body under a pile of leaves like didn’t do anything else to hide the body just left it Mick in their front yard
Why is the basement/dungeon so clean? Coraline? Why?
I wonder if Coraline and Beth are related somehow and that’s why she choose her out of all the other girls she could have picked. Like I know there’s absolutely nothing to link them BUT I have a crack theory that Lance is Beth’s biological father but he was human when she was conceived. Why was he human? Idk maybe he saw her mom and had to have her idk it’s just a silly little idea I have
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