the-omni-princess · 5 years
Sleeping Beauty (Soulmate!AU)
Author: @the-omni-princess​
Summary: Soulmate AU! No one can wake up Bucky from Cryo… well, except theoretically his Soulmate.
Word Count: 1K
Pairing: Bucky x reader
Warnings: Not canon-compliant, canon diverge, they won Infinity War whoops, and not TWS compliant either, cursing, implied drinking/tipsy!reader, I think that’s it, hit a girl up if I missed anything
A/N: written for @geosaurusrrex​ ‘s #seasaur’s2kmilestone , Congrats bby <3
Prompt is bolded <3 
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How you found yourself in the medical wing of Stark Tower, you couldn’t say. The events that led to this moment were honestly a bit blurry.
You’ve been an Avenger since Hydra’s defeat, and even now, a year after the Defeat of Thanos at Wakanda and Titan, you have never seen this part of the medical floor. You heard rumors, that Steve’s best friend, the one and only James Buchanan Barnes was found in cryo-freeze following the defeat of Hydra. And that’s where the current problem lay.
Once Tony was in a better mental state and forgave Bucky for the things he had no control over as the Winter Soldier, he had started trying to help Bucky in any way he could. A few years later, with the help of Shuri, they erased the trigger words, but still, Bucky didn’t wake up. Suspended. Frozen in time. Stuck.
Steve never would admit it out loud but seeing his friend unable to wake up was slowly killing him inside. In a world of Soulmates, some doctors hypothesized that it would only be Bucky’s soulmate that could wake him. You found that a little ridiculous, but Steve, usually hand in hand with his own soulmate, Sharon, kept hope that maybe that would be the key to saving Bucky. Touch was very important to soulmates, as everyone was born with small collections of freckles where you would touch your soulmate for the first time. Some people had their entire hands lit up in freckles, yourself included. Which sucked since you could never be sure that anyone you shook hands with was your soulmate. Some were unique, such as your friend who had her mark of freckles on her butt cheek.
Now you found yourself in the dark, chilly back corner of the medical wing. On a dare. It was another Stark party, but you played Truth or Dare with the newer recruits. As the drinks kept flowing, it became clear that was a mistake. You were a little tipsy and stumbling upon the one floor with all the dangerous chemicals seemed like a fantastic idea.
Shivering chills running up your body as you walked deeper through the floor. “’Just go explore the West part of the Medical wing where we keep frozen soldiers,’ they said. ‘It’ll be fun,’ they said,” You grumbled, using your phone as a flashlight as you moved deeper into a newer, and much colder room. You froze - ha, pun – the light shining upon the clear tank in front of you. “No fucking way,” you moved closer to get a better look, but sure enough, there was James Barnes, a small sheen of ice covering the glass. Despite that, he was shirtless, leading you to see his soul mark. A palm print of freckles on his chest, directly over his heart. Well, that’s cliché.
“Well that would explain the theory,” you shrugged, deciding it probably be best if you left before you did some damage to something important. You stumbled a bit towards the door, quickly grabbing onto the nearby desk for support. In the process, you also pressed a big green button. “Well fuck.”
Smoke started to pour from the chamber as the glass covering lifted. You yelped, trying to move away again, you definitely fucked up. A soft sire made you jump, the Avengers downstairs no doubt being alerted.
As the glass finished ascending, the chamber beeped, making you jump in a yelp. You tripped again over the wiring surround the chamber, this time falling towards the now open chamber. As time slowed and you tumbled, your only thought was “Well, Steve’s gonna kill me.”
Your hand fell onto Bucky’s chest, and you finally found your balance. Well, not really. It was the still cold arm around your waist that caught your balance. Wait, that wasn’t right.
You looked up slowly, confused. Just to see an equally confused – and awake!!!! – James Barnes staring down at you. “Where … am I?” His voice was raspy, your new focus being that voice instead of the now multiple sirens going off – along with the Kill Bill sirens going off in your head. Oh God, he was awake. Oh God, you woke him up.
You yelped, jumping backward as your brain finally connected with your body. This can’t be happening. No. This shouldn’t be happening. Fight or flight response started to kick in your head, making you do a very stupid yet the only thing you could think about since you stood absolutely no chance fighting against him. Run.
He tripped after you, managing to grab onto your wrist before you could run off too far. You screeched, absolutely terrified. No one quite knew what he would be like when he woke up. For all the medical team’s troubles, he might still wake up as the Winter Soldier and not Bucky. You had fought against the Soldier in the fall of Hydra, and you weren’t looking for a repeat.
You thrashed in his arms as he pulled you against him, trying to escape. “Don’t chase me! Let me go!” You kept squirming, but even with his metal arm deactivated and only one – now very warm – arm around you, the super-soldier was much stronger than you.
“Oh god, I wasn’t chasing you!!! It was dark, and I was scared please stop screaming. I just woke up please-“ The former assassin was rambling, mind a little too scrambled to respond correctly.
He did, however, let you go, just as you stopped screaming. “Do… do you know who you are?” you tried in a soft voice, still on edge. Where the fuck was Mr. Star Spangled Ass?
“Bucky… My name was Bucky,” he whispered softly, now looking down at his chest where his mark had deepened in color to darker freckles, easily shown on his light skin.
Your eyes widened, looking down at your hand, your own freckles became more pronounced as well. “Holy shit,” you mumbled, just as Steve and Tony burst through the door, making you both jump.
“Bucky?” It took him less time to recover, now noticing both of you skimming your marks with your hands in shock. “Wait… are you two…?” His eyes glanced back and forth between the two marks.
You looked up towards the Super Soldier, unsure how to really explain the dare that tossed you at your soulmate. “Um…. Hi… Soulmate?”
[Read the Sequel Here!]
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captain-kelli · 5 years
Still Feel Like Your Man
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader Word Count: 807 Summary: You weren’t an easy girl to get over, not that Steve wanted to do that anyway.  Warnings: angst-lite, sexual content, break-up, mentions of alcohol + drinking, the holidays A/N:  @geosaurusrrex​ hit 2k followers and we’re celebrating! This one-shot is using John Mayer’s “I Still Feel Like Your Man” as the prompt. Partake in the revels with us on the #seasaur’s2kmilestone tag!
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“Why did you and Y/N break up anyway?” Steve’s head dropped and his eyes closed at Sam’s question. “I thought you said she was the one.”
The truth of the matter was that Steve couldn’t remember why the two of you didn’t work out, although he was sure you’d remind him if you had to. You said good-bye in September right as autumn had begun to roll in. Now the ground was littered with leaves and the air was cooler, but he was no closer to understanding where things went wrong. The wounds were still fresh and the serum coursing through his body did nothing to quicken their healing.
“I thought she was, man.”
The prettiest girl in the room she wants me I know because she told me so She says come over I'd like to get to know you But I just don't think I can
Sam insisted on taking him out - just to clear his mind. They ended up at a speakeasy in the East Village. The artisanal cocktail that the bartender convinced him to try did nothing to liberate him from his sobriety, but Steve still enjoyed the way it burned as it spilled down his throat.
“Tell me, Captain. How does it taste?”
She was conventionally pretty and charismatic enough. The dark lighting of the bar added to her mystery and the way she leaned over the bar to murmur in his ear was mesmerizing. She was the life of the party and captivated the whole place with her smile. It wasn’t that Steve didn’t notice.
She just wasn’t you.
I still keep your shampoo in my shower In case you wanna wash your hair And I know that you probably found yourself some more somewhere But I do not really care
He had volunteered for a mission shortly after you left, hoping to escape your ghost somewhere deep in Siberia. Sam offered to go in his place, but Steve needed to get away from the silence in his apartment. It felt empty without you there. 
Not that it mattered. The escape was short-lived. He found a reminder of you patiently waiting for him when he returned home. It was small, so insignificant. As he washed away the grime from the trip off of his body, the lingering smell drifted into his nose. He thought it was his senses playing tricks on him, but it wasn’t. Your shampoo bottle sat unbothered in the corner of the shower, expecting you to come back.
The floral scent conjured an old memory back to life. One with your naked body pressed against the glass frame of the shower, water trickling down your chest as his hands raked over you. He could see it so clearly - your legs swung around his torso, your arms draped over his shoulders, and your head leaned back in ecstasy as he rutted into you again and again. 
“Harder, baby. P-please.”
Steam clouded the glass, your handprint marked upon it. And a soft trace of lavender coursed through the room along with the repeated sound of his name.
Unlike now, when the stream beat into his back as he bathed alone and the water ran cold.
Still like the letters in your name and how they feel, babe Still think I'm never gonna find another you Still like to leave the party early and go home, babe And don't you know, babe I'd rather sit here on my own and be alone
Months later and he still hasn’t moved on, not that you’d know. You haven’t seen him since you drove away from the compound that September morning. From time to time, he would ask Natasha how you were, but she’d only give him an apologetic smile. She knew he missed you.
It was December when he ran into you in the middle of Manhattan. You were bundled up in a black peacoat and wearing the ratty, knitted scarf that you loved so much. Shopping bags hung on your arms in anticipation of the holidays, your favorite time of year. He was fleeing yet another one of Stark’s never-ending parties, the Irish goodbye going unnoticed by his friends, only to find you here. 
The conversation was light and full of small talk. You laughed into your gloves as he talked about the secret Santa shenanigans gone wrong between Tony and Thor. He asked you if your family was coming into town like they usually did this time of year.
“God, Y/N. I miss you.”
You barely heard him as you were walking away. You turned around to see his hands shoved into the pockets of his jeans and his eyes gazing into your own.
(I still feel like) Still feel like your man (oh honey) Still feel like your man
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browneyedhimbo · 5 years
Drunken Shenanigans
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Prompts: “How much did you drink last night?” “You threw a fucking cake at me!”
Summary: After having one too many drinks during a girls night out, your boyfriend comes to pick you up to take you home. Little does he know the trouble your going to cause
Warnings: swearing, alcohol, fluff
Word Count: 1.5K
A/N: Me? Doing a writing challenge? Yep! Gotta get out of writer's block so I’m hoping this helps. @geosaurusrrex​ You deserve all the followers! You’re amazing! Hope you all enjoy it! 
Please let me know if you want to get tagged in anything. Enjoy! Masterlist
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“I’m bein serious!” You pouted. “Why you laughin? T’s not nice y’know,” you slurred. But Natasha, Wanda, and Pepper couldn’t help but laugh at your not only drunken state, but the fact that you managed to fall to the floor while sitting perfectly still on the sofa.
It was supposed to be a girls night out. Just a nice dinner and maybe some drinks after. But that soon took a turn when it started pouring cats and dogs the moment you stepped out of Natasha’s apartment. Running back inside, you sat down to try and wait out the rain, but to no avail. Eventually, you collectively agreed to have girls night right there in the apartment. 
“Who needs that fancy expensive ass food when you’ve got mac and cheese and microwavable dinners?” Natasha said while walking to the living room with a tray of food in one hand and a bottle of tequila in the other.
Needless to say, you had a couple of shots and a few beers. That’s how you ended up where you are now. Drunk and pouting on the floor.
"If only Bucky could see you now," Pepper giggled. Your face lit up at the mention of your boyfriend's name.
"Bucky! Bucky," you giggled, "My Bucky, my bucky, where I go, heeeeee goes, my bucky, my bucky," you started laughing uncontrollably, remembering seeing the My Buddy commercial as a kid. The girls just shake their heads at your antics and laugh with you. 
It was around midnight when Bucky really started to worry. Constantly checking his phone for updates from you. Usually on girls night, you were gone for a few hours, updated him a few times, and came back around the same time, always between 9-11pm. That's why when the clock struck 12:34am he up and went over to Nat's to see if you were there. People might say he's just being paranoid, but with him being ex-hydra, an ex-assassin, and an Avenger, yeah. He'll get worried someone took you.
The entire car ride to Nat's, he felt uneasy. Every bad scenario going through his head. Hydra kidnapping you, random dude's coming up to you, getting into a car acci - he doesn't even want to finish his thoughts. Blood already boiling and his anxiousness rising. He can't lose you, he'd never be the same. 
Pulling up to Natasha's apartment complex, he turned off the engine and took a deep breath, trying really hard to calm his nerves. One last breath and he was running up the stairs to Natasha's apartment.
"I'm hmm’bathroom," you slurred getting up off the floor. You wobbled a bit before gaining balance again. Slowly, you walked to the bathroom. The moment you shut the door you heard commotion coming from the other side.
Banging on the door to Natasha’s, Bucky tried to calm down. He really did. But his racing thoughts hardly let him. That’s why the moment the door opened his mouth went a mile a minute asking about you.
“She’s in the bathroom,” Nat chuckled, opening the door wide enough for him to come inside. Breathing a sigh of relief, he sat down on a stool by the kitchen table rubbing a hand over his face. About three minutes later he hears the bathroom door open. He turns around to see you stumbling out, a giggly drunken mess. Immediately he’s at your side.
“Heeey baby,” You giggle as look up at him. All he does is smile and shake his head, guiding you to the sofa. Sitting you down he goes and looks for your coat and purse. Slowly you started to doze off, but the feeling of weight on your shoulders perked you right up. 
“Alright you, let’s get you home.” He finished putting your coat on you and grabbed your purse. Both of you saying your goodbyes, he guided you to the elevator, through the lobby, and to the car. At least the rain died down a bit.
The car ride home wasn’t all that of a silent one. Laughs and giggles escaping your mouth every so often making it hard for Bucky to not join you. To him, your laugh was contagious, your smile was bright, and your eyes were entrancing. Yes, even in your goofy drunken state.
Pulling into the parking lot of the apartment building you both lived in, you started reciting different poems and plays. It lasted the entire way up to your apartment. Once inside, you switched to singing random pieces of songs. You started giggling more and even started sloppily dancing around the kitchen. Though it was short lived because as soon as your eyes landed on the small circular dish, you froze. A small mischievous smile forming on your lips. Thanking your lucky stars that your back was to Bucky, he couldn’t really see the cogs turning in your head. Slowly, you grabbed a handful, and turned around. Putting the hand that has the chunk of cake behind your back, you see Bucky kicking off his shoes and putting your coats away. You bit your bottom lip to keep you from laughing again.
With a sigh he turned around and was greeted with a glint of playfulness in your eyes. Cocking his eyebrow and putting his hands on hips, he takes a step to question you, but is met with a handful of cake being thrown at his face. You busted out laughing. With a groan and a sigh, he grabbed some napkins off the counter and turned to face you.
“Really babe?,” he starts to clean the frosting off his face only to get the entire pan of cake launched at him. The pan was stuck to his face for a good 45 seconds before it fell off and clattered to the floor. He looked up at you, an amused yet annoyed look in his eyes.
“Uhhh ohhh,” You said as you ran out of the kitchen in a fit of laughter and into the living room. You jumped on the sofa and tried to bundled yourself in so many blankets as to not get caught but you weren’t fast enough. Bucky grabbed you by your waist and pulled you away from the sofa. 
“Nooooo!” You flopped in his arms. But then another brilliant idea flew to your head. He’ll let you go if you give him a big kiss right? Worth a shot. You turned around his arms to face him. Still face covered with frosting, you moved some hair out of his face and kissed him. A short and sweet cake covered kiss. The moment you parted for air, you darted off to your shared bedroom.
He couldn’t help but laugh. The things you did drunk. He couldn’t wait to tell you about this in the morning.
After washing up, Bucky walked into the room and sat right next to your sleeping form. A soft smile appearing on his lips. He lays down and pulls you into his arms. Sleep soon overtaking him.
Cracking open your eyes, you felt your head pound and your body ache. Fucking hell. You groaned, rolling over to cuddle with Bucky, but was met with an empty side of the bed. You huffed, not wanting to get up. But the new smell of bacon and coffee was slowly starting to convince you more and more. Your stomach growled loudly. Fine, I’ll fucking get up. The moment you sat up, you felt your headache intensify. Clutching your head you got up from the bed and went straight to the kitchen. Walking in you saw Bucky flipping some pancakes.
“Mornin sleepin beauty,” he turned and smiled at you. You groaned again. Headache getting worse by the minute.
“So how was last night?” He asked while setting a plate of bacon in front of you.
“It was uh, good? I mean it was girls night so…” You trailed off. You stopped mid bite when you saw your boyfriend’s eyebrows shoot up. “What?”
“How much did you drink last night?” Another smirk played on his lips. Oh how you wanted to wipe that smirk off.
“Why? What did I do this time?” You set the piece of bacon down, ready to receive whatever was coming at you now. 
“Oh nothing much. Just some laughs and giggles, and the fact that you threw a fucking cake at me!” Your jaw dropped. 
“I what now?” That was something you weren’t expecting in the slightest. He shook his head in confirmation.
“Yup, the cake that was for today. The one you baked for your friend for her party.” You face palmed. Motherfucker.
“Bucky I am sooo sorry I threw the cake at you. And now I have to run to the store to get more stuff so I can make another one before she -” Bucky pulls out an exact replica of the cake you baked just the other day. “But didn’t you say?”
“I baked a new one. I felt bad that all your hard work didn’t really pay off so well. Especially for me,” he chuckled. You got out of your seat and wrapped him in a hug. Headache long forgotten.
“You know you didn’t have to,” you looked up into those sparkling blue eyes of his, “but thank you.” Man did you have the sweetest boyfriend.
Tags: @agentpeggybarnes​ @katbtracy​ @justmebeingtheweirdmeiam​ @dianadov​ @writing-for-hours-on-end​ @theladyoffangorn​ @agentpeggybarnesfanfics​ @geosaurusrrex​
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There is an explanation (Bucky X Reader)
This is one of the projects I picked for Sea’s 2k milestone challenge. I just had to, guys. XD And while the other one I picked is probably going to be leaning more towards angst, this one is meant to be fluff. We all need the fluff and kindness - there’s no denying it.
Also - the end is inspiration from Sebastian Stan’s instagram story, sooo I hope you guys like it.
Prompt: “Okay, look, I know this looks weird, but I have a perfectly good explanation for this.” “Alright, what is it?” “Uhhhhh”
@geosaurusrrex​ - one down, one to go XD
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I can explain!
How often had he heard some variation of those words?
The first time he remembers oh so vividly. They had visited Wakanda. Shuri was adamant about meeting the woman that had Bucky eager to use updated tech instead of something as “ridiculous” as a flip phone. He remembered hearing the explosion. T’Challa and him had raced to Shuri’s lab, more concerned that the worst had happened and that Shuri’s craziness had finally caught up with her brilliance.
Instead - what were they greeted with?
Shuri had been working on something new and asked for Y/N’s help. The project had exploded, sending a white powder into the air. Once it had settled, bits and pieces of themselves, and the objects in the room, were left invisible to the naked eye. Y/N looked at him, innocently batting her eyes as she told him, “ I can explain! Shuri - she -”
“You are not putting all the blame on me,” the princess argued. Shuri pulled away from T’Challa’s scolding, deciding that her honor was on the line and she would be damned if Y/N made it sound like it was entirely her fault. “You are the one who came up with the idea of adding liquid nitrogen to the mix.”
Bucky rubbed his temples as he listened to the two women fall into an argument, though not a very serious one judging by their smiles. He knew it would be chaos to introduce them to each other, but...Should he have expected this? Judging by the look from T’Challa, he should have considered just about anything possible.
Knowing that, perhaps he should have been mad. They could have injured themselves! But no, he couldn’t stay mad at her. Nothing had made Bucky smile more than seeing a beaming Y/N whose excitement couldn’t be contained. He knew in that moment that she was the only thing that mattered.
And that was just the first time.
It only looks bad. I swear.
One of the other memorable moments was when she had come back from a mission. She had been gone for longer than they had expected and Bucky hated every moment. However, the day she was supposed to come back, Sam had kept him as far away from the base as possible. 
It had scared him. Had he done something wrong? Did you come to your senses and realize you deserved better than him? 
What had happened on that damn mission?
Only when nightfall fell was he allowed back ini the compound. He immediately went to your room and found it empty. No one would tell him where you were. Except Friday.
“I’m afraid Miss Y/L/N has been in the med bay all day.”
Bucky couldn’t have moved faster. Everything was a blur to him as he ran down to the med bay. There, he found her being tended to by the Avenger’s physician. She was sitting on the table, busted lip and black eye marring your beautiful face. Her left arm was in a cast and sling, the right leg being prepped for a similar situation.
He stood in the doorway, chest heaving as he watched with utter fear in his eyes. She hadn’t noticed him at first. Instead, she was talking to the doctor. But it didn’t take long for her to shift her gaze to him. Eyes growing wide, mouth gaping like a fish - it was clear Y/N was attempting to put together some sort of explanation. 
“Were you planning on keeping me out of here?” he asked, voice rough as he came to her side. He didn’t pay any attention to the doctor. Instead, his hand came to rest on her uninjured arm. Bucky traced gently, as if worried that he could somehow break her as easily as the mission had. 
“No, I just...” She faltered, glancing down at his hand and intertwining it with her own. She traced the back with her thumb and looked up at him, offering a reassuring smile. “It only looks bad, Bucky. I swear.”
Bucky chuckled, shaking his head as he leaned forward. His scruffy beard gently pressed against her forehead before he pressed a small kiss to the top of her head. His voice was barely above a whisper as he told her, “I swear you’ll be the death of me, Y/N.”
But he didn’t mind. He should, he knew that. But he couldn’t bring himself to argue with her about her safety. All he could think about was how her hand so perfectly fit in his.
I really wish I knew how this happened.
Bucky was amazed at the trouble Y/N could get herself into. It was remarkable really. The only person he had met who managed to find themselves in so much chaos was Steve back in the 40′s. 
Maybe that was why he just couldn’t bring himself to be mad at her?
However, this little predicament was something else entirely.
Peter had said he wanted help on a new suit and knew that Y/N was obsessed with technology. Who better to see about making a new model than her? So after locking themselves for a couple hours, Bucky paid it no mind. They were brainstorming and he knew how Y/N was when she got a new idea in her head.
But twenty hours, twelve minutes and four...five...six seconds?!
Bucky was a bit concerned.
That’s how he found himself outside of the old Stark lab. It was now for Peter and Y/N’s use, but no one wanted to change the name. “Friday? Are they still in there?”
“Yes, Miss Y/L/N and Mr. Parker are...hard at work.” The amusement was clear in the AI’s voice and Bucky found himself wondering what it was that made her sound such a way. What were those two up to? 
A clatter of metal against metal earned his attention. He looked up at the door and it seemed Friday already knew his request. The doors opened with a hiss and Bucky stepped inside. Immediately, he was greeted by a spectacle.
Peter was currently clinging to the ceiling, mask forgotten on the nearby table. He didn’t seem entirely too eager to return to the floor, instead staring at the sight in the middle of the room.
And Bucky could understand why.
In front of him was Y/N with half an Ironman and half a Spiderman suit on. The legs poking out of her back had her lifted off the air. One leg was from the iron suit, the other the spider. The same for the arms. It was a combination if clunky and sleek that made an odd sort of appearance. And while the chest was that of the nano spidersuit, the actual head was the Ironmask. It was open, revealing her very confused face. 
Bucky raised an eyebrow as Y/N’s cheeks turned a dark red, matching the two suits. “Y/N,” he started, interrupted by the gears of the machines.
Her voice came out rushed, as if trying to argue with the thoughts Bucky had yet to think. “Please, don’t be upset! I’m stuck and I really wish I knew how this happened, but...”
Peter grinned apologetically, ears tinted pink. “After hour seventeen everything’s become a bit of a blur. We don’t know how we got here.”
Bucky sighed, his shoulders relaxing as he walked over to Y/N. The spider legs seemed to anticipate her thoughts, taking a couple steps back as she raised her hands. “I’m sorry, Buck, please don’t be mad. I really am sorry! I just don’t know how to get out of this thing and -” 
Bucky gently pushed her hands down, pressing her against the wall. The machine’s gears whined a sort of argument neither could understand as he took her face in his hands. He gently traced her cheeks and shook his head. This remarkable, stubborn, amazing, baffling, mind-blowing woman...always left him on his toes. 
He pulled her towards him, kissing her gently and keeping her as close to him as possible. Though he surprised her, she eagerly kissed him back, metal arms wrapping around his shoulders.
Bucky groaned against her mouth. Whether it was from irritation or pleasure Y/N couldn’t tell, but he pulled back and pressed his forehead against hers. “What, spiderboy?” he asked, his rough voice earning a giggle from Y/N.
“It’s sweet and all,” Peter’s voice squeaked. He was still scared of Bucky. “But could we focus on getting Y/N out of the Frankenstein suit?”
Bucky laughed, taking a step back and crossing his arms. Y/N pouted at the new distance, but quickly looked away when she noticed the way he took in her appearance. “Alright, let’s see what we can do to get you out of that thing.”
However, Bucky’s favorite recollection was that one Christmas. Everyone had parted ways after giving gifts, leaving just the two of them. She was curled in his arms, the Grinch playing in the background, but he couldn’t bring himself to pay attention. Instead, he was playing with the tendrils of her hair, cheek pressed against the top of her head. She was so warm, a perfect fit as she curled into his side.
But Y/N always had a way of getting excited around Christmas.
“Oh!” She jumped up, running to the massive tree that had been decorated by the team. It was mismatched with all colored and white lights because Y/N insisted that people had preferences. Hanging from the branches were multiple ornaments of all shapes, sizes, and designs. But she wasn’t paying attention to those. Instead, she reached inside the middle of the tree, digging around the branches and causing the ornaments to rattle against one another. She seemed to grab what she was going for because she turned around.
In her hands was a small box and as she shifted from one foot to the other, Bucky noticed she was extremely nervous. “Y/N, you okay?” he asked, offering a small smile as she walked towards him. When she was close enough, he gently pulled her onto his lap.
She straddled him, her eyes focused intently on the little box in her hands. “Okay, look, I know this looks weird, but I have a perfectly good explanation for this.” 
Bucky raised an eyebrow, glancing from her down to the box. He took it, shaking it and hearing the small clink of...jewelry? “Alright,” he chuckled. “What is it?”
“Uhhhh...” Y/N blushed, scratching the back of her neck. “Just open it, okay? I’ll explain after.”
Bucky furrowed his brow, but did as she asked. His calloused hands gently opened the package, revealing a small brown box. He glanced up at her, raising an eyebrow. She was hiding behind her hands, peeking between her fingers. The anticipation was killing her. Deciding not to keep her waiting, he looked down at the box and plucked the lid off, wondering what the big deal was.
Until he saw what was inside.
“How...How did you?” Bucky looked from the contents to her, his eyes brimming with tears. Sitting inside the box was something he believed he lost a long time ago.
His army tags.
“Okay, so you know how I went on that mission and came back all beat up? I...” She huffed and leaned back. “It was Zemo. Okay, don’t give me that look! I insisted on going and this was why. He was...he was obsessed with you, Buck. And I thought that maybe -”
Bucky pulled her into a rough kiss, free hand setting the present aside. This woman was full of so many surprises. He never knew what to expect, but this? This was the biggest surprise she could have ever pulled. Tangling his hands in her hair, he tugged and pulled her impossibly closer. Y/N moaned as he delved his tongue into her mouth, not sure what she had expected, but this definitely not being it.
Not that she was complaining.
“B-Buck,” she murmured against his lips, slowly pulling away for some much needed air. “Are you okay?”
He leaned back, watching her intently. This crazy, beautiful woman somehow managed to get into the craziest situations. She was ridiculous and an absolute wonder that left him completely breathless. There was no explanation for his feelings for her. She would send him to a grave with the consistent level of worry and heart attacks she gave him.
There was absolutely no explanation. Well...except for -
“I love you, Y/N.”
“Wait, what?” Her voice cracked, surprise evident. 
Bucky’s heart beat so loud in his chest, he could hear it in his ears, feel it in his legs. Shifting in his seat, he couldn’t hold back his smile as he traced her cheeks with his thumbs. “You are...insane, immature,” he started, kissing her cheek. “Drink too much coffee, and sleep too little.” 
He kissed her chin then her nose. “You argue about anything if I give you the chance and you are obsessed with the little details about Christmas.” He kissed her forehead, her eyelids. “You are passionate and driven, dedicated about just about everything. And I find you absolutely incredible.”
Y/N blushed and Bucky shifted nervously. The confidence he had was slowly shifting into nervousness and unease. “So...I...I love you.”
Y/N leaned forward, kissing him lightly. “I love you too, Bucky.”
He grinned from ear to ear, the nervousness he once felt being replaced by a completely different feeling. Something he hadn’t felt since he was a boy. 
Y/N reached for the tags, slipping them around Bucky’s neck. She leaned forward, fingers curled around the chain as she kissed him once again. “So does this mean I’m off the hook for all the accidents?”
He laughed, the tags falling from her grip and landing on his chest. “Absolutely not!”
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valkyriesryde · 5 years
Pairing: Clint Barton x Reader
Summary: Clint likes to take your stuff but this time he swears it wasn’t him.
Warnings: Swearing? that it
Word Count: 991
A/N: This is for @geosaurusrrex​ ‘s 2k milestone and I am so thankful I was able to take part! This is also me kind of experimenting with the greatness that is Clint so I hope you guys like it! The prompt is bolded and italics are the characters signing. 
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Clint was in bliss, hearing aids sat on the coffee table, he lay on the couch having it all to himself, a beautiful sandwich that he was incredibly proud of was in his hands and as he brought it up to his mouth he decided today was a good day. 
“Ooof” the sandwich broke apart on top of him as the pillow slammed against his face. “What the hell was that!” he yelled looking up and seeing you standing over him with another pillow in hand.
“Where’s my wallet?” 
“How am I meant to know?” you smacked the pillow to his chest over and over until he grabbed it from you and jumped from his seat. He just wanted a good day.
“Because you’re always stea-” you started pacing and Clint lost visual of your lips cutting you off. He threw the pillow in his hands at you gently, getting your attention.
“I’m not wearing my hearing aids” he signed and you let out a sigh.
“You steal my shit all the time Clint, where’s my wallet I was going to go out!” you signed back to him. Constantly Clint was stealing your things, pens, pillows, blankets, food, you name it he probably at one point stole it and then tried to put it back without you realising...three days after the fact. 
“I didn’t do shit! Why are you accusing me of theft it was probably someone else! Or you put it somewhere stupid” 
“Like who?” 
“The cat!” the fucking cat, the elusive cat that only Clint had met that he claimed was Satan reborn. 
“What are they talking about?” Tony came up beside Natasha and sipped his coffee as the two of them watched you berate Clint about the stupid cat that didn’t exist.
“It is real and it’s an asshole!”
“Y/N thinks Clint stole their wallet, Clint says it was the stray cat.” Natasha shrugged her shoulders and watched you storm off.
“Give me back my wallet!” you signed before storming down the hallway. 
“Ahh, fools in love,” Tony laughed and Natasha almost choked on her drink.
“I’LL FIND THE BASTARD AND PROVE IT!” Clint yelled out to you picking up his hearing aids and storming off in the opposite direction mumbling about how “the bastard will pay - all his fault my sandwich died - asshole cat”
It took four hours, four hours of Clint walking around the compound, both inside and out, with a packet of cat treats trying to look for it. Ya know it was one thing that it slept on his gear and got cat fur all over his arrows and his suit but it was another thing to steal from you. Clint was on a mission, and when he found that little bastard WITH YOUR WALLET he immediately picked up both the cat and the wallet and ran towards your room. 
You were angrily cleaning your desk when Clint walked in and dumped the white cat on your bed. You watched it pick and bite at your wallet before giving up and sniffing around your bed. 
“I told you!” Clint crossed his arms and stood tall and smug.
“You could have found the cat and the wallet how am I to know,” a smirk spread on your face as he rolled his eyes. You were surprised he found the cat, and that it existed (?) but that was Clint. Clint would do anything for you as annoying as he sometimes was and as much as you bickered if it meant hunting down a stray cat that stole your wallet, he would do it without a second thought. 
“Why would a cat steal my wallet?” Clint just shrugged, you both watched the cat continue to play with your wallet and try to pry it open when it came to you, “oh, it’s probably the cat treats I have in there.”
Clint was shook, you opened the wallet at gave the small cat the treat and he could only drag his hand over his face and sigh. He knew he shouldn’t have been surprised that you had cat treats in your wallet, you carried dog biscuits in your mission pack for Pete's sake. 
“Here you go lil fella,” you cooed at the cat.
“Are you serious right now?” 
“Who knows when you’ll have to give a treat to a lil kitty.”
“I am begging you to shut up,” Clint stepped towards you still leaned over the bed patting the cat.
“It’s perfectly reasonable Clint, it’s not like you don’t have dog tre-” Before you knew it Clint was pulling you away from the stray and had his hands holding your face, he gave you no time to register what was happening or speak when he kissed you hard and fast. 
“Shut up.” 
“You kiss me to shut me up? What kind of method is that?” your fingers gripped his shirt and your grip didn’t loosen. He kept his hands on your face, thumb brushing over your lips while he stared at you with his mouth agape. 
“Uh-huh I did and I’ll do it again,” he leaned in closer, his eyes darting from yours to your lips.
“Do it.” 
“I will.” 
“ALPINE!” you both jumped back, letting go of each other as the cat jumped off the bed and ran towards Bucky in the doorway, “I’ve been looking for you everywhere!” he said picking Alpine up and walking back down the hallway.
“It’s Bucky’s cat? Right, I’ve got some choice words-” you grabbed Clint’s arm before he could storm after Bucky and drag him back towards you, “wha?” It was your turn to kiss Clint, you pulled at his collar and he followed suit in grabbing your hips and pulling you closer. 
“Now I have to thank the damn cat,” he mumbled against your lips smiling, “later though, busy now.” And his arms circled your waist and pulled you closer.
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it!
Permanent Taglist: @witch-of-letters @harryngtonewithyourshit @morsmordrethings @buckysdumbmetalarm @marvelsangels @momobaby227 @weirdlyokaywithit @disgustangg @bucky-blogs​
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aescapisms · 5 years
seasaur’s milestone - masterlist
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UPDATED: November 30, 2019
Hello! This is the masterlist of all the amazing works that you guys have sent as an entry to my milestone challenge!! grouped by characters!!! i will binge all of these on my birthday so if i haven’t reblogged your work don’t worry i will!!!!  [16/35]
sun and sunflower || “i saved you a seat behind me because you’re short as fuck” [ONE-SHOT] [ @chloerinebarnes​ ]
crazy little thing called love || In which Bucky Barnes is tired of being alone and Y/N is a self-proclaimed match maker. Maybe ‘the one’ is a lot closer than either of them expected. [SOCIAL MEDIA AU] [ @barnesjamcs​ ]
there is an explanation || “okay i know this looks weird, but i have a perfectly good explanation for this” “alright what is it?” [ONE SHOT] [ @lightscamera-ohshit​ ]
to live for, to die for (pt. 1) just like this (pt. 2) || Song: Somebody to die for [ TWO-SHOT ] [ @lightscamera-ohshit​ ]
santa fe || song: like real people do [ONE SHOT] [ @softhairbarnes​ ]
meant to be || roommate au [ONE SHOT] [ @funkyspacewizard​ ]
sleeping beauty || No one can wake up Bucky from Cryo… well, except theoretically his Soulmate. [ONE-SHOT] [ @the-omni-princess​ ]
south of the border ||  The kingdom of Shield was actually a joined kingdom by 5 of the mightiest Royals. Conveniently they’re situated next to each other. What happens when the fairly handsome prince Steve is forced to get married and the reader with a big heart finds something in the woods that would change her life forever? [SOCIAL MEDIA AU] [ @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory​ ] 
the bodyguard || You’re a singer and Steve Rogers is your new bodyguard, who used to work for Bucky, your ex. [SOCIAL MEDIA AU] [ @superinclusiveimagines​ ]
still feel like your man ||  You weren’t an easy girl to get over, not that Steve wanted to do that anyway. [ONE SHOT] [ @captain-kelli​ ]
three’s a crowd ||  You and Steve are best friends and both work as accountants at the same company. What happens when you need to work together with the one person you can’t stand and this together with your best friend. [SOCIAL MEDIA AU] [ @evanstanwrites​ ]
[c. barton]
of geese and men ||  You were having an average day until Clint Barton decides to harass a goose. [ONE-SHOT] [ @rorynne​ ]
4am questions ||  Sometimes you can’t sleep because you’re nervous. Sometimes you can’t sleep because you drank too much coffee. Sometimes you can sleep because your thinking too much. And sometimes you can’t sleep because you need to know if penguins can sneeze. [SOCIAL MEDIA AU] [ @agentpeggybarnesfanfics​ ]
[s. wilson]
flowers and surprises || “i didn’t want to see you cry” [ONE-SHOT] [ @mypassionsarenysins​ ]
[w. maximoff]
callin’ your name || song: i don’t wanna live forever [ONE-SHOT] [ @dianadov​ ]
[b. banner]
i’d do it all over again ||  where your soulmate can feel your emotions and pain [ONE SHOT] [ @piper-koko-barnes-rogers​ ]
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love-pyramus · 5 years
I’d do it all over again -Bruce Banner x Fem!reader
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TW: There is blood, injuries, and mentions of past abuse and implications to self-harm. Please don’t read if they make you uncomfortable
This is a soulmate AU where your soulmate can feel your emotions and pain for @geosaurusrrex​ milestone. Haha, enjoy. Also, I completely disregarded Bruce’s backstory, just for the plot. 
The first time Bruce felt unexplained pain and felt a bruise forming he was in fifth grade. He was in class writing down notes when he felt a throbbing stinging sensation on his arm. He looked down to see a bruise forming and felt panic welling up, but it was not his. Bruce continued to get unexplained bruises and feel anxiety and panic for the rest of the day, and when he got home and asked his mom, she explained soulmates to him. She was very concerned, not for her son, but the wounds were inflicted on purpose, by someone much stronger than a ten-year-old. “Bruce?” Rebecca says. Bruce nods, looking at his mom. “I want you to think about calming and happy things.” Bruce nods and thinks of everything that has ever made him happy or calm. He feels himself calming down, and is very glad. Rebecca treats the bruises carefully and explains that his soulmate may not be in a safe place and that she was going to take care of the wounds on his end to help the one who was receiving the injuries in the first place. Bruce continues to get wounds, but as he gets older he realizes something. The wounds always came at night now. He would get home and work on his homework before feeling the sharp sting of a slap. He would always take care fo the injury and think of calming things before going back to his work. One night though, he felt something slash across his back, and couldn’t help but yelp in pain and surprise. Rebecca moved his shirt, to see a large cut going down Bruce’s back. She cleaned it and bandaged it before telling Bruce to go to sleep, and she’d finish his work. Bruce nodded, too groggy with pain to object. He laid down in the bed and thought of something calming. Of laying down in a clearing and staring up at the stars. Bruce felt a surge of something warm and fluttery coming his way...love. He identified it as love.
When Bruce was a senior in high school, he felt relief flooding him. He smiled, his soulmate was happy, relieved. He continued through the day and kept focusing on happy things, helping to keep his soulmates spirits up. Bruce went home and began working on his homework, and finished. He was waiting for the sting of a slap or the throbbing of a punch, but it never came. All he got was the same fluttery feeling, and joy. Bruce could tell his soulmate was excited about something. And he hoped it was that it was an escape. A few weeks later though, a feeling of hopelessness swept over and he felt a slicing pain across his wrist and the warm flow of blood. He closed his eyes and thought of the most comforting things he could before cleaning and taking care of the cuts. He was very glad when no more cuts appeared in the months, and then years, after. 
Bruce thought he lost everything when he was exposed to the Gamma radiation. It caused him so much pain and he felt guilty that his soulmate was going through it because of him. But when he was recovering he felt the fluttering feeling he identified as love. He stared at the scars on his wrist and realized his soulmate forgave him. 
Bruce was sitting in the lab when Tony waltzed in. “Bruce, there’s a girl coming in. She’s supposedly a genius and Fury brought her in to help us.” Tony says rolling his eyes. Bruce nodded and took a deep breath. He had been feeling his soulmates anxiety the entire morning, wondering what was going on. When a woman walked in Bruce had to force the air in and out of his lungs. She was absolutely stunning. Bruce stood up and walked to her, holding out his hand. “I’m Bruce Banner.” He says. “(Y/n) (L/n),” She says. Bruce looks at her forearms, his breath almost stopping when he notices the scarring patterns identical to his own. She looks at her wrist and her breath stops and Bruce feels anxiety filling him. “I-they’re old, I promise.” She stutters. “I know,” Bruce says, showing his forearms. Bruce now fills with regret and sadness. “I-I’m sorry. My dad-” She couldn’t finish her sentence. “Don’t worry about it,” Bruce says. “Eight years. You had to feel my pain for eight years.” (Y/n) whispers. “And then I put you through the Gamma radiation,” Bruce says. “That doesn’t matter. Pain doesn’t cancel out other pain.” (Y/n) says. Bruce nods. “Thanks for taking care of me all those years,” (Y/n) says. “Don’t worry about it,” Bruce says. “I hurt you for eight years,” (Y/n) whispers. “And I’d do it all over again,” Bruce says. 
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dianadov · 5 years
Callin’ your name
Pairing: Wanda x Reader
Warnings: mentions of death, swearing, breakup, therapy
Word count: 977
Prompt: Taylor Swift song: I don’t wanna live forever
A/N: SO, this is for @geosaurusrrex​‘s 2k milestone and it’s also the first thing that I’ve ever posted anywhere, so please be nice I guess? Also, I really hope I used the right warnings
And! Thank you to @agentpeggybarnes​ for proofreading this!
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Been sittin' eyes wide open behind these four walls, hopin' you'll call
It's just a cruel existence like it's no point hopin' at all
"Come on, Y/N, come out of your room. You need to eat something," Sam's voice sounded from in front of your door. But you didn't budge from the bed. You were not in the mood to eat anything ever since that dumb battle. 
"Go away, Sam. I'm okay." You weren't actually and you doubted you'll ever be, but it didn't matter. You're still wishing it's all a bad dream that Wanda will wake you up from with a kiss to the forehead like she used to do. Deep down, though, you know it's all impossible. 
Baby, baby, I feel crazy
Up all night, all night and every day
Give me somethin', oh, but you say nothin'
What is happenin' to me?
You stumbled to the bathroom to wash some of the sweat of your body and to clean your teeth. As you looked into the mirror, you realized you should probably also brush your hair. One could really see that you haven't been sleeping at all for the past week. It's not for the lack of trying, but there's just something missing in the bed next to you. 
"Friday, do you have any old voice recordings of Wanda? From when she was happy? Before that stupid asshole Thanos decided to kill her?" 
"Sorry, Miss Y/L/N, but Mr Stark ordered I am not allowed to play those recordings for you," the AI answered with what seemed a regretful voice.
What the fuck? You glared at the ceiling, though you knew Friday was just listening to the orders. 
"It's okay, Friday. Could you maybe tell me where Tony is currently?"
I don't wanna live forever
'Cause I know I'll be livin' in vain
And I don't wanna fit wherever
I just wanna keep callin' your name
Until you come back home
I just wanna keep callin' your name
Until you come back home
I just wanna keep callin' your name
Until you come back home
Well, it looks like they at least managed to get you out of your room. As soon as you got in the living room though, the two super soldiers stood up, since you looked ready to murder someone. That someone was sitting on the sofa, doing something on his computer.
"Tony?", you said with fake calmness. It made him look up though.
"...yes, Y/N?" 
"What the fuck do you think you're doing? Fucking forbidding me to listen to her voice? I don't have anything else to live for anyway." It was true, as much as it hurt you to admit it. You were going to spend your life with Wanda. You two would have a cute little house somewhere, maybe adopt a kid. 
While thinking about this, you didn't even notice everything happening around you. Sam slowly leading you to the couch, Peter lowering the TV volume. At some point, you felt Steve carefully drying your cheeks. Were you crying again? I mean, you weren't doing anything else lately. 
It felt good though. Being next to other people. Maybe you'll even manage to eat something today.
I'm sittin' eyes wide open and I got one thing stuck in my mind
Wondering if I dodged a bullet or just lost the love of my life
It was a week later and your first appointment of therapy. You're sitting opposite the therapist that Tony suggested. Apparently, she helps him a lot and she's really good.
"Hi, Y/N. How are you feeling?" You wanted to answer that you feel like shit, but couldn't quite bring yourself to. So instead, you just said: "Fine," and shrugged a bit. 
"Okay, " the therapist accepted the answer, though a bit sceptical and continued: "Could you maybe describe your relationship with Wanda for me?"
Hah. That's a good question. 
"It...let's put it this way, it was definitely complicated. Especially at the beginning. I liked her, a lot. But I knew that she had her own problems, just like I had my own. We were both too complicated, at least as far as I was concerned.
Then she asked me out and I said no because I wasn't sure about my own feelings. And when she went out with someone else a few times. And she seemed really happy, I didn't want to ruin that. I wasn't sure if I made the right choice. Anyways, sometime later she broke up with that person and she was heartbroken. I was there to pick up the pieces. I had some heart-to-heart talks with her and at some point, we started dating. Turns out all of my fears had to do something with my low self-esteem."
You talked about random things for the whole hour and you had to admit, it felt really nice. 
I've been looking sad in all the nicest places
(Baby, baby, I feel crazy)
I see you around in all these empty faces
(Up all night, all night and every day)
I've been looking sad in all the nicest places
(Give me somethin', oh, but you say nothin')
Now I'm in a cab, I tell him where your place is
What is happenin' to me?
I just wanna keep callin' your name
Until you come back home
Until you come back home
It took some time, but with the support of the team and your therapist, you were able to function properly and didn't break down in tears every time you thought of Wanda. You were never together with anyone else and you never stopped loving her. Sometimes you still had nightmares about her dying and woke up screaming her name, but those were rare.
You knew how special Wanda was and how lucky you were to be able to call her yours.
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aescapisms · 5 years
8. “You need to go the fuck to sleep. It’s 4 in the morning.”  A short Social Media au with Clint Barton (@thelibraryoffanfiction)
its yours!!! thank you babe
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aescapisms · 5 years
happy 2k lovebug! could i have the one direction request with bucky?? with the song happily?
its yours love!!! i changed it to strong as you asked💙💙💙💙
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aescapisms · 5 years
Can I get I I didn’t want to see you cry with Sam?
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aescapisms · 5 years
Hi!! Can I steal Sanctuary by Joji??
YOURSSSS but wt who bb 
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aescapisms · 5 years
SEA CONGRATULATIONS YOU DESERVE ALL THE LOVE!!!! Can I please please do the "I didn't steal your wallet this cat did" (I'm pretty sure that's what it was) with Clint 😁 all good if it's taken! I know people are gonna grab them fast LOVE YOU YOURE AMAZING ❤️❤️❤️
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aescapisms · 5 years
omg broooo congrats on 2k!!!! ilyysmsmmsmsmsmsmm okay for the challenge can i have coffee shop au, and "i didn't steal your wallet this cat did!" with bucky? much thank my dude :D cONGRATULATIONS YOU ANGELLLLL YOU DESERVE THIS
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aescapisms · 5 years
Hi, Sea! I’m new here - congrats on your milestone! Can I play in your celebration? I would love to write for John Mayer’s “Still Feel Like Your Man” (LOVE that song) with Steve Rogers? 💕
its yours!!! thank you so much!!!!
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aescapisms · 5 years
can i do the library au with natasha !!
its yours!!! thankyou bb 
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