hausconfessions · 2 years
I would pay to put all these hunky dom tops in one room and watch them wrestle it out to see who has to bottom for the group. Or even better, who is the lucky winner that gets to top all his macho buddies.
"Between us boys... so would I. I feel that the Kings would need to either build a bigger room for this or spare at no expenses with remodeling the setting after the destruction. I wonder who would ultimately come on top. @alexkingx, @thomasxking or @xvictordangelox. There's also @dominicpowers and @patrickxpearson alongside @smithkennedy. And we definitely cannot forget @seacaptainhadrian, @brockcoleman and @loganxbrown. And since the quiet ones are always the worst, @littleollieballard and @chefboland could be wild horses. I might have to check with Jack to see if we could place some bets on this..."
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So, how can a man fuck ya right, Sethy?
"Oh! Well...Um..." Seth stuttered as his cheeks quickly lit up with color. "There's...Not really a wrong way? Although I'll admit...Rough sex does definitely hit the spot, you know?"
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samuelxtaylor · 2 years
Handyman, huh. What’s yer speciality? (Plumbing, electrical, HVAC, etc.?)
The man chuckled as he ran a hand through his disheveled hair to try to at least tame it a little, but there was really no taming the mop that was on his head so he gave up.  The client, or at least he assumed the man was such, had given him an unexpected question that he found amusing.  “Not the credentials I think I'd be asked to share around here,” but he was happy to talk shop with someone who seemed to know a thing or two about being a handyman.  “Worked as a general contractor for fourteen or so years,” it was the family business, and after taking building trades in High School he knew that was the path he wanted to travel.  “Mostly construction, since all the renovations around the Haus the bosses have me stuck doing the drywall more often than not,” not that he minded, granted walking around with jeans that were tattered with mud wasn’t the most attractive sight.  Being in drywall was a messy business though, “and I do know enough about electricity to not get electrocuted so much anymore.”  It was definitely an experience when he was still just a laborer on the job sites having found a live wire that nobody marked or alerted them to.  He could have sworn he’d about died that day, “but I was actually a licensed electrician throughout the later part of my twenties,” not that he enjoyed it all that much, but the money was good and an electrician was always good to have on the crew.  “Let my license lapse on account of not having the time,” since his fathers failing health he'd taken over most of the consulting part of the business, so time that he’d usually spend doing electrical work was now mostly him driving between job sites.  “The bosses have asked for a small amount of electrical done, but if it’s too big a job I have to tell them to hire out,” not that he ever wanted to do that considering they were his bosses though, so more often than not they kept those instances hush hush and Oliver did what needed to be done.  “Sorry, I probably just bored you there.” 
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nevadaxsaunders · 2 years
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Nevada was out for for his morning run on the beach, deciding to leave his shoes behind as he loved the feeling of sand between his toes. The morning air was a little chilly but he didn’t notice as sweat dripped down his forehead. As he started to slow his pace that’s when he caught the sight of a beautiful adonis rising out of the water, it nearly stopped him dead in his tracks even tripped the man up as he came to a stop. His dark eyes focused on the beautiful man, body glistening in the rising sun. Nevada found himself speechless and frozen in place as the older man began walking back to the shore. It didn’t take long before he found himself drawn to him, feet moving on his own before suddenly finding himself right in front of the golden god. 
He only towered over Hadrian by a couple inches but Nev couldn’t help but be mesmerized by those beautiful blue hues. There were no words that yet left his lips, afraid they would only tumble out in a mess. When he finally manage to speak, the younger man felt pathetic in that moment. “Wow... I mean, hi...or, good morning. Uhm... I’m... I’m Nev.”
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alexkingx · 2 years
Status || Closed for @seacaptainhadrian​ Location || King’s Club Bar
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Alexander was LIVID after what he had caught the staff trying to do.  They were basically handed gorgeous clients on a plate, wanted for nothing, and that bitch actually had the audacity to try to STEAL from one of the client rooms?  He couldn’t believe it at first when the client had told him what had happened, and the staff tried to deny it as well when questioned, but when he had the cleaning crew sweep the staffs room sure enough the damn watch wound up in one of his drawers.  The only problem with the situation was that this staff had been working here for ages and there had never been complaints like this before, so he was either really good at not getting caught, or this client was trying to frame him (since word at the bar was that the staff member had turned down his drunken request the night prior).  He was entirely too sober to deal with this shit, so as he sat at the bar, second glass of scotch being worked on, he sifted over all the information he’d collected so far.  That’s when a familiar face came into view and he couldn’t help but motion for him to come over, “well look what the damn cat dragged in, looking a little worse for wear these days, my staff not letting you get your beauty sleep?”  At least Hadrian would be a good distraction, or he could help sort all this shit out, honestly even Alex didn’t know which direction this encounter would go.
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mafiaxmalachi · 2 years
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One of the changes that had been made since he had last been at the Haus was the inclusion of a shooting range, and if you had to ask Malachi? It was definitely a welcomed change. And since he knew that his career required him to always be on alert and to always make sure that his skills were sharp as could be, he decided to head to the shooting range to enjoy being around fire and the smell of gunpowder.
After firing off a round into his target, he pressed the button to allow the target to come closer to him so he could appraise how he did. It was as he was looking over the sheet that he heard someone approach from behind, and he glanced over his shoulder. “This stall is taken.”
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pacocabal · 2 years
Paco didn’t find himself drawn to most people. He often found himself attracted to men, physically and sexually, but that’s often where the line ended. A means to get off. Nobody he’d ever want to hold a conversation with, much less get to know on a personal level.
But the client known as “Hadrian,” however, that’s a fascinating person. What the hell was his deal? “Hadrian” couldn’t have possibly been his real name. Paco, enough of a history buff to know the significance of the name, couldn’t help but do a little snooping into the guy’s history in his free time. Everything he learned almost seemed too good to be true; like his persona was all an elaborate put-on. A con. Paco dealt with con men enough in his prior career to sniff one out a mile away/
But most of all, Hadrian was fucking sexy, and that’s what made him the most suspicious. He waited for an opening to get the man alone; an opportunity to investigate. So when he saw the handsome blond sitting alone at the bar, Paco decided no better day than today.
He sits opposite Hadrian, studying his rugged features, wondering what he hid behind the stoic face. The options were everything all at once, or nothing at all, and the possibility of either filled Paco with... excitement. Nobody did that.
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“What’s a stud like you doing alone this late at night?” Paco asks, bluntly, sensing a commonality between them that would likely get him a positive response: vanity. Appeal to vanity, and you’ll get anywhere.
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xrhettmatthews · 2 years
You mentioned names when it came to staff. What about clients you have your eye on?
"Aside from...well, all of them?" Rhett grinned and took a breath, "Again, I do hate to name names. But, if I must... River is a darling. I would be lying if I didn't say Renan. Casey, of course. Always. Mister Hadrian interests me. Dalton is lovely. Oliver too..." He shrugged, scratching at his his cheek softly, "There's so many... But again, for the record, it's very hard to pick."
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@river-howell @renanxcarvalho @mrbxnxstx @littleollieballard @moneymahews @seacaptainhadrian
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koapalakiko · 2 years
status: closed for @seacaptainhadrian​ location: Post-Gym Chronicles
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much like any other morning, koa started his day with a mild pump at the gym. his constant routine gave him a lot of cardio, having to swim many laps and sometimes miles a day. koa took it upon himself to use the gym for its machinery, getting in a nice arms day. just as he finished up with his last set, he heard the door open and close, head raising to see the tall blonde walkin’ in. “don’t mind me one bit, just finishin’ up here!”
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hausconfessions · 2 years
A few of the staff seem to think they're calling the shots here. I can't wait to see some clients put those big talkers in their place. I wouldn't mind seeing a few of them tied up and edged until they understand who is in charge.
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"But the big question here is... which clients would put the rebellious staff in their place? From what I can tell - only one or two clients like @seacaptainhadrian or @mafiaxmalachi are actually cracking their whip when it comes to remind people of their place. Is it the staff that forgets their place or are the clients to blame for giving them enough room to do as they please? That is the million dollar question."
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This was probably one of the biggest things to happen to him. His first person interested in Seth’s cooking enough to want to be catered by the chef. Apparently word got around of Seth’s skills, and this man was wanting to have a special catering event on a beach for his crew and was interested in Seth’s food. So Seth made sure to bust out some food that would probably go perfect for a beach event. 
First up? A fruit salad. Watermelon, mint, cucumbers all drenched in a simple balsamic dressing. It was definitely a more unique fruit salad, although Seth has never had any complaints about how refreshing it was. Garlicky Wings and Shishito Peppers for people who prefer things a bit more hefty appetizers as well. A fiery pork lettuce wraps that had soysauce, lime, and gochujang. As the side with those wraps? Some crispy rosted potatoes that had been cut into chip form with a spread of queso cheese, salsa, and sourcream for them to dip them into.
The staff and himself, as always, moved as a team. Getting the food prepared perfectly. Now...It was time to serve it. Seth decided to do this personally, having wanted to have some words with his possible employer anyways as he brought the food out. The host made eye contact with him and nodded before moving out of the way, having previously been keeping the client entertained. “Hello there, Mr. Hadrian. I’m the chef. My name is Seth.” Seth said with a smile on his face as he looked at the other as he began placing the food samples on the table in front of them. 
“You mind if I join you?” 
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anderskarlsson · 1 year
This blog, formerly seacaptainhadrian, will be reworked and transition to a new roleplaying group as of today, 07/27/2023.
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romeokenton · 2 years
Closed Starter | @seacaptainhadrian​
Location | Ballroom 
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Romeo was preoccupied with the hors d'oeuvres when he spotted the man he’d been keeping an eye out for since the secret santa event had ended and been made not so secret. Captain Hadrian was a mystery to say the least - very hard to shop for, he didn’t tell anyone much of anything about himself and didn’t even use his real name. He could respect the need for privacy, but damn did it make him wanna know more. It made him want to figure him out, learn what kinda guy he really was; at the very least he wanted to make good on the rest of his secret santa gift. Finishing the rest of the bite-sized snack he’d swiped up, he approached the man with an easy smile.
“Ahoy there, Captain. Lookin’ sharp.” Admittedly not his best opener, but also not his worst. 
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alexkingx · 2 years
He’s got a goofy smirk in his damn face, lips holding back his laugh, standing back against the wall, arms crossed. His hands hold a mistletoe jewelry charm in front of a cross hanging down a silver chain. When the King comes into scene, he wiggles his brows up at him. Don’t hate the player, hate the game, y’all put him up to this. He’s just being a good client, now.
He couldn't quite tell what the damn captain was smiling about as he watched that damn goofy smirk play over the others features, but he knew it had to be sinister because Hadrian never was THIS giddy about things. When he got closer to him he got his first sight of that damn charm and instantly began to laugh, an actual boisterous laugh that you didn't hear from him all too often. "Look at you getting all festive and shit," he laughed as he gave him a nudge before leaning in, "should have put it on your belt buckle and not around your neck though..." He teased, "fucking fool." He was only just joking around with the man, even leaning in to give him a kiss just for the mere hell of it, laughing as he pulled away still shaking his head. "I should have known you'd have some take on this ridiculous concept," and Alexander was actually enjoying it.
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koapalakiko · 2 years
who's cocks you would ride?
"funny of you to think i'd even submit to that sort of entertainment. however, if i must give an answer... hmm, would have to say @seacaptainhadrian seems like a fun ride; at least he'd know the motion of the ocean, huh? aside from him, @brockcoleman would be a good time, though maybe he could split me open.. and just for the fun of it, would be interestin' to see my big ass riding on @campbellerik, what a difference."
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hausconfessions · 2 years
You think Kevin is the type that just fucks guys and doesn't give a shit about their wellbeing or do you think he cares but just doesn't show it?
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"I think you should ask him that. Not that I would for I value my well being a lot more than my own curiosity. All I know is that we have a new resident DILF, and I am all for seeing what sort of shenanigans he will be involved with. You can also ask @samuelxtaylor since he seems to be very well acquainted with the bodyguard, or even @littleollieballard or @cowboybranston. And here I thought @seacaptainhadrian would be my one and only... I guess I have a type and I am not afraid to say it. I like my DILF's the same I like a nice summer day: Hot, Naked and Sweaty."
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