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Cara Top Up Seabank dan Tarik Tunai Saldo Seabank

Seabank merupakan salah satu bank yang banyak digunakan oleh masyarakat Indonesia. Dalam kegiatan sehari-hari, tentunya seringkali kita membutuhkan layanan perbankan seperti top up dan tarik tunai saldo seabank. Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi, kini top up dan tarik tunai saldo Seabank dapat dilakukan dengan lebih mudah dan praktis. Artikel ini akan membahas secara lengkap mengenai cara top up atau isi saldo dan juga cara tarik tunai saldo seabank dari berbagai macam platform seperti mobile banking, mesin ATM atau e-wallet seperti DANA. Dengan membaca artikel ini, diharapkan Anda akan mendapatkan pemahaman yang jelas dan lengkap mengenai cara top up atau isi saldo dan tarik tunai saldo Seabank. Selamat membaca! Seabank adalah salah satu dari sekian banyak bank digital yang cukup populer dan banyak digunakan di Indonesia. Hal ini tidak terlepas dari kemudahan dan banyaknya layanan transaksi keuangan yang dapat digunakan untuk mempermudah aktivitas keuangan Anda sehari-hari. Namun tentunya untuk menggunakan layanan keuangan yang disediakan oleh seabank Anda harus top up atau isi saldo seabank terlebih dahulu. Sebagai bank digital, seabank juga tidak hanya dapat digunakan untuk melakukan berbagai transaksi keuangan digital tetapi juga dapat Anda gunakan sebagai tabungan yang dapat digunakan sewaktu-waktu ketika Anda membutuhkan dana. Salah satu kelebihan seabank adalah uang yang Anda simpan mendapatkan bunga seperti pada umumnya bank konvensional lainnya dan menariknya lagi bunga yang diberikan diberikan harian. Baca juga : Pengertian, tujuan, jenis, resiko dan tips investasi.
Cara top up (isi saldo) seabank

pixabay.com Top up saldo merupakan kegiatan untuk menambah nilai atau jumlah uang di dalam akun atau kartu tertentu. Salah satu alasan mengapa kita harus melakukan top up saldo adalah untuk memudahkan melakukan transaksi atau pembayaran secara elektronik. Dalam era digital seperti sekarang, banyak transaksi yang dilakukan secara non-tunai menggunakan uang elektronik seperti e-wallet atau kartu prabayar. Dengan melakukan top up saldo, kita dapat memastikan bahwa akun atau kartu kita selalu memiliki saldo yang cukup untuk melakukan transaksi tanpa harus repot-repot melakukan pengisian tunai di setiap transaksi. Selain itu, top up saldo juga dapat membantu mengontrol pengeluaran karena kita hanya dapat melakukan transaksi sesuai dengan saldo yang tersedia di dalam akun aplikasi tersebut. Ada beberapa cara yang dapat Anda lakukan untuk top up atau isi saldo seabank antara lain m-banking, mesin ATM (Anjungan Tunai Mandiri), atau melalui e-wallet. Berikut ini penjelasannya secara lengkap cara top up atau isi saldo seabank : 1. Mobile banking - Buka aplikasi mobile banking dan login ke akun Anda dengan menggunakan nomor rekening dan PIN atau password yang telah didaftarkan. - Pilih menu "Transfer ke bank lain" pada halaman menu utama. - Pada opsi tujuan transfer pilih "Seabank" atau "Bank Kesejahteraan Ekonomi (BKE). - Masukkan nomor rekening Seabank dan nominal uang yang akan ditransfer. - Periksa kembali informasi yang telah dimasukkan. - Jika sudah benar, klik "Kirim" atau "Konfirmasi". - Tunggu beberapa saat sampai proses transfer selesai dan saldo di rekening tujuan terupdate. - Top up atau isi saldo seabank selesai Pastikan Anda telah mengaktifkan layanan mobile banking dan memiliki koneksi internet yang stabil saat melakukan transfer ke rekening Seabank melalui mobile banking. Selain itu, pastikan juga nomor rekening tujuan yang dimasukkan sudah benar sebelum melakukan transfer. 2. ATM (Anjungan Tunai Mandiri) Selain melalui mobile banking, top up saldo seabank juga dapat Anda lakukan melalui mesin ATM. Berikut ini cara top up atau isi saldo seabank melalui mesin ATM : - Masukkan kartu ATM Anda. - Masukkan PIN atau password yang terdaftar pada kartu ATM Anda. - Pilih menu "Transfer" pada layar mesin ATM. - Pilih "transfer ke bank lain". - Pilih "Seabank" atau "Bank Kesejahteraan Ekonomi" atau masukkan kode bank 535. - Masukkan nomor rekening seabank tujuan transfer dan jumlah uang yang akan ditransfer. - Periksa kembali informasi yang telah dimasukkan. - Jika sudah benar, klik "Lanjut" atau "Konfirmasi". - Tunggu beberapa saat sampai proses transfer selesai dan saldo di rekening tujuan terupdate. - Top up saldo seabank selesai. 3. E-wallet (Dompet digital) Selain kedua cara di atas, cara top up atau isi saldo seabank juga dapat dilakukan melalui e-wallet. Anda bisa memilih menggunakan e-wallet apapun yang menyediakan layanan transfer ke bank. Sebagai contoh kami akan memberikan cara top up saldo seabank dari aplikasi e-wallet DANA. Berikut ini cara top up atau isi saldo seabank dari DANA : - Buka aplikasi DANA dan login ke akun Anda dengan menggunakan nomor handphone dan PIN atau password yang telah didaftarkan. - Pada halaman utama, pilih menu "Kirim" atau "Transfer". - Pilih tujuan transfer yaitu "Bank Seabank Indonesia" - Masukkan nomor rekening Seabank tujuan transfer - Pilih "Simpan dan Lanjut" - Masukkan nominal yang akan ditransfer - Periksa kembali informasi yang telah dimasukkan. - Masukkan PIN DANA - Tunggu beberapa saat sampai proses transfer selesai dan saldo di rekening tujuan terupdate. - Top up saldo seabank selesai
Cara tarik tunai saldo seabank

pixabay.com Sebelumnya di kelebihan dan kekurangan seabank, kami telah mereview aplikasi seabank. Dan salah satu kekurangannya adalah tidak adanya menu tarik tunai saldo seabank. Kami tidak tahu mengapa fitur ini tidak ada dalam aplikasi seabank, sangat disayangkan. Namun tenang, meskipun begitu Anda dapat memanfaatkan aplikasi perantara seperti e-wallet atau bank digital yang memungkinkan anda untuk tarik tunai saldo. Selain itu, Anda juga dapat tarik tunai saldo seabank dengan menggunakan rekening bank konvensional seperti BCA, BRI, Mandiri, BNI, dll. Sebagai contoh disini kami akan memberikan contoh cara tarik tunai saldo Seabank melalui perantara DANA dan rekening bank BCA. 1. DANA Berikut ini cara tarik tunai saldo seabank melalui DANA : - Silahkan login ke aplikasi seabank Anda - Pilih menu "Top Up E-Wallet" - Pilih "DANA" - Masukkan no handphone Anda yang terdaftar pada akun DANA. - Masukkan nominal transfer - Klik "Selanjutnya" - Periksa kembali informasi yang sudah dimasukkan - Jika sudah benar pilih "konfirmasi" - Masukkan PIN aplikasi seabank Anda. - Saldo seabank sudah berpindah ke saldo akun DANA. Kemudian selanjutnya, silahkan tarik tunai saldo melalui aplikasi DANA. 2. BCA (Bank Central Asia) Cara tarik tunai saldo seabank selanjutnya adalah dengan perantara rekening bank konvensional yang menyediakan kartu ATM, salah satu contohnya adalah BCA. Berikut ini cara tarik tunai saldo seabank melalui rekening BCA : - Silahkan login ke aplikasi seabank Anda - Pilih menu "Transfer" - Pilih "Bank Lain" - Pilih BCA (Bank Central Asia) - Masukkan nomor rekening bank BCA Anda - Masukkan nominal transfer - Periksa kembali informasi yang dimasukkan - Klik "Konfirmasi" jika data yang dimasukkan sudah benar - Masukkan pin aplikasi Seabank Anda - Saldo sudah masuk ke rekening bank BCA Anda - Silahkan datangi ATM BCA atau kantor cabang BCA terdekat untuk menarik saldo rekening bank BCA Anda. Demikianlah panduan lengkap tentang cara top up dan tarik tunai saldo Seabank. Dengan kemudahan akses melalui ATM, Mobile Banking, serta beberapa aplikasi digital, Anda dapat dengan mudah melakukan transaksi ke rekening Seabank maupun bank lainnya. Pastikan selalu melakukan transaksi dengan hati-hati dan pastikan informasi yang dimasukkan sudah benar agar tidak terjadi kesalahan transfer atau pengiriman saldo yang salah. Semoga artikel ini dapat membantu Anda dalam melakukan transaksi perbankan dan menjaga keamanan serta kenyamanan dalam bertransaksi. Read the full article
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Get PHP 50.00 now by signing up with SeaBank using my referral code: MC976107
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(via Điều Kiện Mở Thẻ Tín Dụng SeaBank Là Gì? Lãi Suất Bao Nhiêu?)
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Banco Laguna rebrands to SeaBank Philippines, a subsidiary of Sea Group
PAGSANJAN, LAGUNA - Banco Laguna Inc. (BLi), a well-established rural bank in the country is set to undergo a corporate rebranding in the early Q2 of 2022. The institution, which originated as the Rural Bank of Pagsanjan in December 1965 before changing its name to BLi in the mid-2010s, will soon be known as SeaBank Philippines under the umbrella of Sea Group.
Sea Group, a leading e-commerce platform that includes Shopee Philippines will oversee the operations of SeaBank Philippines. This strategic move aims to leverage the synergy between the e-commerce company and the banking sector, offering innovative financial services to Filipinos.
The rebranding of BLi to SeaBank Philippines marks an exciting development for the rural bank and its customers. As part of the soft launch, Filipinos are being given the opportunity to experience the benefits of the newly said bank, including high-yield savings accounts that earns up to 6% p.a. in interest, regardless of whether customers deposit their own money via other Philippine banks or E-Wallets.
SeaBank Philippines aims to cater to the needs of tech-savvy Filipinos by offering seamless integration with ShopeePay, the digital wallet of Shopee Philippines. This integration will enable customers to enjoy a convenient and comprehensive financial ecosystem, combining online shopping and banking services in one platform.
In the near future, SeaBank Philippines plans to formally open its doors to Filipinos who are looking to open new high-yield savings accounts. The bank's expansion is expected to bring added convenience and benefits to customers, including streamlined transactions and access to a wide range of financial products and services.
As SeaBank Philippines continues to grow, the rural bank envisions potential expansion in the Visayas and Mindanao regions including Dumaguete City for example, per pending approval from the Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation (PDIC), Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and regulated by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP). This expansion will allow SeaBank Philippines to serve a larger customer base and contribute to the economic development of these regions.
SeaBank Philippines, as a subsidiary of Sea Group aims to provide innovative banking solutions that cater to the evolving needs of Filipinos. With its strong connection to the e-commerce platform of Shopee Philippines, SeaBank Philippines is well-positioned to offer seamless integration and a comprehensive financial ecosystem to its customers.
BLi's transformation into SeaBank Philippines signifies a new era for the rural bank and its commitment to providing modern banking services to Filipinos. This rebranding aligns with the digital transformation taking place in the banking industry and sets the stage for increased accessibility and convenience for customers across the country.
To further enhance accessibility, SeaBank Philippines has developed a user-friendly mobile application. Customers can download the SeaBank Philippines app for free from the Apple Store and Google Play, enabling them to open their bank accounts directly from their smartphones and enjoy the convenience of mobile banking.
SOURCE: *https://www.bsp.gov.ph/Regulations/Issuances/2022/CL-2022-009.pdf [Referenced Circular Letter via BSP] *https://www.seabank.ph/info/history [Referenced Biography via SeaBank PH] *https://www.seabank.ph/assets/pdf/pages/annual%20report/Annual_Report_2018.pdf [Referenced Annual Report #1 via SeaBank PH] *https://www.seabank.ph/assets/pdf/pages/annual%20report/Annual_Report_2021.pdf [Referenced Annual Report #2f via SeaBank PH] *https://www.noypiguru.com/seabank-ph-is-undergoing-a-soft-launch-in-the-philippines/ [Referenced News Article via NoypiGuru] *https://help.shopee.ph/portal/article/89824 *https://ph.linkedin.com/company/seabankph [Referenced Biography via LinkedIn] *https://www.facebook.com/109716798439359/videos/379712554142197 [Referenced FB Video #1 via SeaBank PH] and *https://www.facebook.com/109716798439359/videos/633275691490935 [Referenced FB Video #2f via SeaBank PH]
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-- OneNETnews Team
#national news#pagsanjan#laguna#banking#banco laguna#seabank philippines#seabank#sea group#shopee#shopeepay#e-commerce#shopping#online#digital#technology#OneNETnews
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Daftar Slot Seabank Mudah Menang Terbaru dan Terpercaya 2024
Rasakan Sensasi Kemenangan Besar dengan Daftar Slot Seabank Mudah Menang Terbaru Hari ini

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Seabank Bayar Instan Itu Apa Sih?
riniisparwati.com – Apa itu seabank bayar instan. Sea bank adalah transformasi dari Bank Kesejahteraan Ekonomi yang diambil alih oleh perusahaan induk shopee sehingga banyak promo-promo gabungan di antara shopee dan bank tersebut. Saat belanja di shopee kita juga bisa lebih mudah dengan kerja sama keduanya. Salah satunya menu pembayaran instan seabank sehingga belanja jadi simple. Jika kamu…

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#apa itu seabank bayar instan di shopee#apa itu seabank shopee#cara mengaktifkan seabank bayar instan#sea bank adalah
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Goldenheart choices
1. Pirate or surfer Ambro and mermaid Bal au
2. Tinker fairy bal and human ambro childhood friends au
3. Fae Bal and Hunter ambro, (if you want smut? Top ambro, bottom bal with vines as bondage)
4. Riririkinzi's little mermaid au drabble (angst, fluff, or smut)
Ok so I chose Pirate/Mermaid (movie ver.) And let me tell you this was SO much fun to write!!!! I might continue it into something more long-form on my AO3, is that something anyone is interested in?? Thank you for the request anon! I hope you don't mind all the creative liberties I took ❤️
Ballister lifted himself up onto the rocks and sang, his brilliant black tail flicking the water beneath. It was the curse of the sirens that they should be forced to sing, forced to lure the sailors who would linger among them, enraptured, until succumbing to starvation on the barren seabanks of their island. The sirens did not wish to see their beloved muses suffer for them, but if any ship was able to resist their call and pass them by, or if any sailor managed to leave their island, they would all dissolve into the salt of the ocean. So he sang with his brothers and sisters, as beautifully as he could, desperate to lure any ship that came within earshot of their island, to preserve his family. Siren voices carry for well over a mile.
Just as usual, the ship crashed on the rocks and the surviving sailors were thrown to the sea below. They would need to retrieve them. Of course it would be easier to just allow the sailors to drown, but just as the sailors were enraptured by the sirens, so too were the sirens captivated by the sailors. It was nice, sometimes, to have their company, but in addition to that, sirens could not reproduce with one another. To keep their island alive, they needed to rescue the humans.
Diving below the sea, Ballister saw what appeared to be the Captain, based on his attire. He was young to be a captain, with blond hair that whipped and floated in the water. Ballister wrapped his arm around him and carried him to the surface, ushering him to the rocky shore.
Canals ran through this island of boulders, allowing the merfolk to interact with their human pets for however long they had. There was some freshwater springs, but no food. Sirens didn't need to eat.
He rested his hand on the Captain's chest and pressed until all the water was out of him. The man coughed and sputtered. He met Ballister's eyes. "You. Were you the one singing, with the beautiful voice?"
Ballister cradled his head and smiled. "I was singing with my brothers and sisters. We each have our own song. They harmonize when we sing together, but each one is a melody on its own."
The captain blinked. "What was your song?"
Ballister opened his mouth to sing softly. The man's eyes widened. "That's it! Your song is the one that I heard!"
Ballister blushed. "You only heard mine? We were all singing."
"I heard the harmony when we got closer. You all sounded lovely. Are you a mermaid? Or a siren?"
"I'm a merman," Ballister said with an annoyed albeit amused lilt. "But I am also a siren. They're the same thing, you know."
"Oh." The man looked over the stones and into the water, his eyes widening as he caught a glimpse of Ballister's tail. "You don't look like you'll try to eat me."
Ballister laughed. "We don't eat sailors! We don't need to eat. We live forever, unless we are killed or captured. I am a Guardian, I protect the island. You seem to be a pirate, but you don't look like you're going to brutally pillage me."
"Heavens no!" The Captain laughed nervously. "We aren't those kinds of pirates. I was the heir to a corrupt, powerful fishing company. They were exploiting their sailors and stealing from the public, so I rounded up some sailors and now we take down their fishing boats. We don't hurt anyone, we recruit those who want to join us and bring the rest home. Anyway, do you all have names?"
Ballister snorted. "Yes, and mine is Ballister."
"My name is Ambrosius. Hello, Ballister." Ballister just smiled and nodded. They weren't supposed to remember the humans' names. It made things too hard.
The siren's eyes widened when a warm hand, with a skin far more textured than his own cupped his face. "Has anyone told you that you are so beautiful, Ballister?"
He blushed and sank a bit deeper into the water. "I am frequently told I have a lovely voice."
"No," said the human-- the Captain-- Ambrosius. "That's not what I mean. Your voice is beautiful, but that's not what I mean. Something about your eyes. You're just the most gorgeous person I've ever seen. Not something I thought I'd ever say washed up on a boulder to a half-fish man, but I mean it."
Ballister laughed, but something inside him twisted. The siren's seductive magic lies solely in his song. He cannot keep a human captivated unless he is singing. He wasn't singing, but this man still looked at him with that look in his beautiful almond eyes.
Ballister had already decided that this human was going to be his. But now, he was starting to feel sure that he didn't want to let this one go.
#nimona#ambrosius goldenloin#goldenheart#ballister boldheart#ballister x ambrosius#nimona 2023#mermaid au#yywihh fics#fic request#nimona fanfic
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meron akong kabobohang nagawa. haha. nag tataka kasi ako last time may magkasunod na bawas ng 95 pesos sa online banking ko sa UB, tas parang araw araw siya nagbabawas ng ganung amount.
dun kasi pumapasok yung sahod ko, buti nakaugalian ko na pagka sahod, tinatransfer ko agad lahat sa seabank—dun kasi mas madali mag send ng money, charge free pa. tas nung last sahod, nag tira ako dun ng halos 4k, tas nung nagtransfer ako nagtaka ako kasi parang kulang na, so chineck ko yung transaction. then ayun, may magkasunod na araw na bawas ng 95 pesos. haha

nabother ako kasi magkasunod na araw, tas baka mag tuloy tuloy kaya kinuha ko na lahat ng laman. wala ako maalala nun kung saan ako ng subscribe using my card bukod sa Spotify.
tas last week lang, nag check ako nung budget tracker na napurchase ko sa Facebook last time (august 7), at that point di ko pa narerealize na ito yun haha. tas may link kasi dun ng tutorial sa Youtube kung paano gamitin yung sheet. tas nakita ko yung name ng user sa YouTube may dashify. e pagkakatanda ko nadisconnect ko naman na agad yung card ko sa meta pay, kaya takang taka ako paano nababawasan. tas late ko na 'to nakita:

hahahaha napamura ako e. so ngayon, parang need ko tuloy gumawa ng bagong account para mas safe. haha. or may alam ba kayong ibang way? ayaw ko naman din kasi irisk na okay na since di ko na binubukasan yung file, baka kasi biglang hindi lang 95 pesos yung makuha.
haha. imbes na maging on track sa finances, baka lalo pa mawalan hayp na yan. biruin mo, nafall ako sa 80 pesos haha. tas meron pa palang almost 120 from Facebook. tas ano, aaraw arawin ako bawasan hanggang sa malalaki na yung makuha. huhu shunga ko sa part na 'to haha.
never naman ako talaga gumagamit ng card sa online purchase laging gcash, ewan ko bat naisipan ko 'tong gamitin, kesyo maliit na halaga lang kasi. haha. nakaka dala. never na talaga ulit haha. siguro naman pag gumawa ako bagong account kahit nasa same device, safe naman ata ano? hehe. skl
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Prompt: What does your character like to do that they never tell anyone about?
Drawn fresh from the tide, a brisk, pre-autumn breeze courses over his shoulders.
Sliding minimally in his walk is a book pressed firm at an angle between a squeeze of the arm and his ribs. He embarks on two trips from the overcast castle grounds to the seabank’s tide.
Organized under a wash of light basks numerous books of varying sizes of Fables and Encyclopedias. The volume printed in hand, Brag Men, joins the budding mass, stirring a wicker basket, and rustling its contents.
Blond tousles into his field of view, obscuring an outstretched hand in its fumbling journey for a blank canvas. A quiet snap releases from the basket upon capture.
Skidding into view, it lays open in the pale sun and reveals its clutch of leaves, flowers, and errant petals.
Sinewy ropes of vines cling to a selected hibiscus. A generous shake loosens its hold until limp petals spill into full view.
Aided by a thumb, a leather-bound book creaks open. Blank pages tremor beneath a current of constant airflow.
Sanji arranges to hover over a blank page with fingers spread thickly onto its lopsided surface rutted by humidity.
Loose stones crackle, dislodging beneath his heel as his foot sweeps back. He cocks his head, scanning a page for the best access. Malleable petals drape, settling feebly where his relaxed touch guides it.
He adjusts the display with a critical eye, shielding its placement with a cupped hand while arching forward to withdraw a pale stem garnished with sprigs of multicolored leaves.
With nurturing zest, Sanji lays it flat and arranges its twists of blooming color. He moves in time with unfurling gusts, connecting wild spears of color to white.
Enveloping the page with the makeshift shield of his hand, Sanji looms over the basket, skimming its haul for a complimenting color. Leaving room for rough penmanship, the blond selects unblemished cosmos deflating from its trim.
The tide recedes by the time his focus released. A page relaxes onto a spread of arranged flowers pressed firmly.
His eyes flit in the direction of a source casting a long shadow. His features relax into a smile.
#sanji#one piece live action#I don't know I picture him being very fascinated with flowers - maybe after skimming an encyclopedia as a kid#00. 𝙎𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧 𝙏𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙨 𝙋𝙧𝙤𝙢𝙥𝙩𝙨 – 2024#x. 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐬
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about this space between sunrise and sunset
"i would have drawn you for free," yuuta says. 1k. yuta/maki. fluff. also on ao3.
Yuuta gets a day off once a week.
In a city as big and busy as Nairobi, he could have easily filled it with an entire day's worth of festivities. Instead, he finds his feet always carrying him down a familiar path on the main road, towards a small coastal town that tasted of salt and curry. Different artisan shops line around the seabank, multi-colored fairy lights dusted all over the poinsettia trees and lighting the walkway. The shoreline is a magnificent thing of beauty in itself, and Yuuta fings himself being able to spend hours and hours just people watching and looking at the waves crashing into the shore.
There are always festivals and there are always people.
But Nairobi, for Yuuta, is at it's most beautiful when the sun is just shy of setting: golden streaks line up against the sand, the clouds lounge lazily in the sky, floating carelessly like dandelions in the wind. There are times he thinks maybe the world is too large to contain his heart: but then there are little pockets of humanity like this—sunlight streaming in through the trees or the sound of children laughing—that he is reminded, again, just how much room he can still fit in.
It’s a bit lazy here, the mood of the city, somehow slower and more languid. It's a stark contrast to what he's used to in Tokyo: a city that never sleeps, a city that pounds footsteps into train stations endlessly, a city that never pauses to take in all that it's contained.
It's sometimes overwhelming, that feeling. Yuuta can't breathe it all in as fast as he can, no matter how hard he keeps trying. And so he draws.
His favorite spot to draw at was at a small embankment by the coastline.
The sea licked at his feet and he tasted salt in the air. His hair is in permanent disarray, his fingers are coated with grains of sand that never seemed to go away. Salt and coal clung to his clothes and skin. But always, when Yuuta situates his drawing pad and pencil, this is it.
When the first stroke from his pen meets paper, it then, is bliss.
And then, soft, there's a touch against his shoulder.
"Penny for your thoughts?"
Yuuta whips around slowly, bracing for something. He always traveled with his katana just in case. Seasoned into fighting he was now, he still can't help but be a sorcerer first. Only when his eyes finally make out the slender hand, and his eyes travel all the way to the rest of its arm, and then its body and its person and the familiarity, suddenly there is no threat at all.
Instead it's only, it's just, it’s finally: Maki, looking like sunlight filtered in and so golden it hurt, Maki.
Maki grins. "Konnichiwa!"
"What—" Yuuta stands up. Her hair is loose and tumbling down her back, and he eyes it, even as he steps closer to her. There's a pang in Yuuta's heart he registers as longing. He missed her. "W-what are you doing here?"
"How rude," Maki snatches the sketchpad he clutched to his chest, eyes lit in amusement. "Is that any way to greet your classmate?"
There's a pencil—his pencil, he now notes—nestled against a knot of her dark hair by her ear. He doesn’t know why he notices that more than anything else, but, he does.
"S-sorry," Yuuta looks away, sheepish. "I just. I didn't expect to see you here. See anyone, really."
"I didn't expect to survive an 18-hour flight either," Maki hums, looking over his drawings. "And yet here we are."
Right, Yuuta thought looking at her eyes trailing over his drawings. Here we are then.
Yuuta coughs. "Is everything okay back home?" Else why would she be here?
"Fine, fine," Maki waves him off casually, giving back his drawing pad. She turns to the sea, digging her bare feet into the sand. "Gojo-sensei needed to pick up a cursed weapon but was called for an emergency mission at the last hour. Nanami-san was also busy. So they sent me instead," her eyes flicker to him. "Sorry if I wasn't what you expected."
Yuuta didn't even hear his feet take the two steps closer. "No," he starts, trying to catch her eye. "No—um—not at all. I—I'm glad you're here, M-maki-san." He was nervous, and she knew he was, because the honorific only spilled out when he was.
Maki clamps a hand on his shoulder, grinning. "That's good then. Cause you're stuck with me for 2 more days!"
"How so?" Yuuta asks. Her palm was so warm, it burned through his tunic.
"Ijichi couldn't get me an earlier flight," Maki shrugs, facing the sea and the sky again. “Not complaining though.”
"I see," is all Yuuta says, still wracking his brain around her in general. It was always harder to concentrate when Maki was around. Even continents away, she still found a way to leave him breathless.
"I didn't know you drew," Maki says, tipping her chin at his sketchpad and oil markers.
"I don't, not really," Yuuta looks down at his stuff. "It's—it’s really just a hobby."
"Well, your drawings are not not terrible," Maki teases. "Must be doing something right with this hobby then."
Yuuta smiles a little at that.
Maki suddenly looks around for something along the seabed, stalking over to the shallow end and digging through it. She finds an old messenger bottle and saunters over back to him, grinning in open amusement. She stops just a few feet from him and situates the bottle at his feet. Then she drops a single coin into it.
"Will you draw me then?" Maki smiles, and it’s a sweet, careful thing; like holding a bird between his hands.
Yuuta flushes, and she notices, and she laughs then and it sounded as free as he felt. The wind, the sun, the light in her eyes. He fishes for the coin and tosses it back to the sea before turning back to her.
"I would have drawn you for free," Yuuta says.
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Get PHP 50.00 now by signing up with SeaBank using my referral code: RS499968Link On The Comment🥰🥰🥰
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10 cm ENHYPEN JAKE’s doll, Simodi
Get it for 285K IDR
- DOLL Minimum Payment 100k IDR (Pelunasan maksimal 31 Mei 2024)
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* Apabila ada kendala dengan shopee, bisa menghubungi kami untuk melihat kemungkinan pengiriman dengan alternative lain.
- DOLL Minimum Payment 100k IDR (Last Payment maximum May 31st 2024)
- Except doll, Only full Payment accepted
- Shipping fee is not included in the price list
- Claim products on Shopee
- DM for alternative shipment
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SeaBank : 9011-0475-8048 Febriana Aroem A
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Line Bank : 1920-1494-470 A Tamara
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THANK YOU SO MUCH! 📍 Lucena City, Quezon Province, Philippines
We brought Jake to Doc Domingo twice. During our first visit, he was having difficulty pooping, so Doc Domingo prescribed a medication that cost 268 PHP, which we had to buy from a pharmacy since it was not available in his clinic.
On our second visit, Sir Ken panicked upon noticing that Jake was now struggling to urinate and that there was blood in his urine. After Doc Domingo examined him, he explained that Jake's condition was similar to a urinary tract infection in humans and assured us that there was nothing to worry about. He prescribed medication costing 800 PHP, which we purchased and have been giving to Jake for 10��14 days.
Thankfully, Jake is now in good condition and is just finishing his oral medication. 🐾
We would like to take this opportunity to express our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who helped. We usually do not post about Sir Ken’s personal fur baby to ask for donations, but due to his deep concern and fear that Jake might need a catheter and require expensive treatment, he was compelled to seek assistance from the CoQP page.
Once again, we sincerely apologize for posting and requesting funds for Sir Ken’s fur baby’s personal medical expenses. We deeply appreciate your understanding.
And most importantly, we want to extend our heartfelt thanks to the fur parents—Seabank, MT, Kloween, AR, and Maria—for their generosity in helping Jake. We are also grateful to everyone who shared our post. 🥰💛
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Cara Melihat Nomor Rekening SeaBank Ternyata Begini
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