ivyprism · 1 year
Dating Sim Love Interests (Info Dump)
Warnings: Long-ish, lots of info, funsies, hehehe. Using two of my fave AUs in this.
Falcon - The Harsh, but Charming Love Interest: Underfell/Mafiafell Sans
Personality: Simply told, he is a confident and flirtatious skeleton. He is a stern but endearing individual. He regularly hides his feelings, primarily to protect his loved ones. He works hard and has a fiery temper. To protect his loved ones, he can and will fight you. He is extremely protective of his buddies and his brother. He is a slow-burning romantic who appreciates it when people treat animals properly and show an interest in topics they are passionate about. When it comes to new individuals, he is prickly and abrasive, but he softens with time. He has a good many secrets, but he seeks justice.
Appearance: He is a skeleton monster. He has beautiful ruby eye rights. He has a large scar on his left eye socket. He also has two golden teeth.
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Sangria - The Strict, but Gentle Love Interest: Underfell/Mafiafell Papyrus
Personality: He is a self-assured, strong, and courageous individual. He is arrogant and self-assured. He is very strict and very fierce, but he has a gentler approach to things, unlike his brother. He is very smart and very calculative. He takes care to help others and he worries constantly over others. He is a very prickly skeleton, upon first meeting, but he softens up soon enough if you get close to him. Once he is softer, he shows his more gentle side hidden under his strict and harsh exterior.
Appearance: He is a skeleton monster with beautiful red eyes. He has three large scars on his left eye. He also has a large scar on his neck. He has chipped bones and scars all over his ribs and body.
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Aegean - The Heroic and Confident Love Interest: Underswap/Mafiaswap Sans
Personality: He is a happy and upbeat skeleton. He exudes confidence and heroism. He tries to help people in whatever way he can. When it comes to people who injure his loved ones, he may be quite tough and nasty. He never backs down and is not afraid to stand up for others when necessary. He has a lot of energy, which he is attempting to channel in a healthy and safe manner. He is a bright and happy individual who bears a great deal of valor and power on his shoulders.
Appearance: He is a skeleton monster with bright light blue eyes with stars. He has three large scars on his left eye.
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Maple - The Prankster and Delinquent Love Interest: Underswap/Mafiaswap Papyrus
Personality: He's a knowledgeable and entertaining skeleton. He is a notorious prankster and delinquent. He's a lot of fun, and he's constantly willing to assist people. He is a really nice man who looks to be mildly cold to those he meets for the first time but violently cold to those he dislikes. He enjoys practical jokes, bad puns, and puzzles. He smokes and eats lollipops on occasion, but he avoids causing problems for his friends. He's on the attack. He is normally lethargic because he has to balance off his younger brother's passion, yet he does things when asked. He enjoys teasing his buddies and is a bit of a flirt.
Appearance: He is a skeleton monster. He has five large diagonal scars on his left eye from the top of his skull to his cheek.
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Sepia - The Gentle and Loving Love Interest
Personality: They are a polite and loving individual. They look after their buddies and are very affectionate. They are incredibly friendly and have a lot of affection to give. They work hard to assist others and are not hesitant to defend their loved ones. They take good care of others while also taking good care of themselves. They enjoy reading in their spare time and sharing things with their pals when they look after them. They are fascinated by a wide range of topics. They work hard and aren't hesitant to respond angrily to an insult.
Appearance: They are a skeleton monster. They have golden eyelights. They have a small scar on their right cheek. They're 6'2".
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Briar - The Cold, but Kind Love Interest
Personality: They are quite frigid and hard, but their words are always kind. They have a strong concern for others and frequently provide assistance to those in need. They're a genuinely kind person who has built a cold wall around themselves to protect their heart. They go for the neck and will not back down if someone is causing harm to their loved ones. They take special care of their buddies, almost mothering them. Unlike their younger sibling, Sepia, they take their responsibilities seriously. They're really cool. They are afraid to get too close, but eventually, their fears can be eased and they'll open up more.
Appearance: They're a skeleton monster. They have cold gold eyes. They have a large scar on their left eye that splinters at the bottom. They're 6'2".
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Rosewood - The Bubbly and Cheerful Love Interest
Personality: She is a pleasant and lively person. She is brilliant and is frequently observed reading or experimenting with new food techniques. She is very gregarious and enjoys assisting others whenever possible. She enjoys cooking, and learning to cook has helped her cope. She does, however, have her own demons, which she frequently covers under a very happy exterior, but if you dig deeper, you can see the wounds on her heart that she closes to protect herself. She dislikes being perceived as weak and strives to maintain a strong front.
Appearance: She is a skeleton monster. She has bright pink eye lights. She has five scars on her right eye. She is about 5'5".
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Juniper - The Cold, but Charming Love Interest
Personality: She is cold and aloof, but she has a certain charm that everyone admires. She is flirtatious to some extent and highly bright. She possesses unrivaled charisma and is fiercely protective of her loved ones. She is very good at descelating situations. She is astute, astute, and knows how to ruffle some feathers. When it comes to insults, she goes for the throat with brutal honesty. She is concerned about others and does her best to assist when she can. She lies a lot, yet she eventually reveals her wounded heart. She presses the lock and key of her heart on her chest.
Appearance: She is a skeleton monster. She has bright green eyes. She has two scars on her right eye and a large crack across her nose ridge that meets one of her two scars. She's 6'4.
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@kioko-noodles / @kiokodoodles @hearty-dose-of-ranch @didderd @caycanteven @underfell-crystal @buff-borf-bork @und3rwat3r-a5tr0naut
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