egoiistas · 6 years
sofia & alondra
a/n -  an original ficlet based on @b-griveros‘s OCs Sofia & Alondra who are the cutest wlw beans ever istgdjhf. Happy Pride Month! 
“There you are.” It was hard to miss her. The volume of golden curls did her no favors especially they poked out at either side of the tree at its base. The front passing over the uni campus left Sofia’s cheeks so numb from the cold air that she hardly felt the breeze when she rounded the tree. She stuffed her hands inside the pouch of her hoodie, at least, to be merciful to her fingers.
Alondra sat on the ground, knees to her chin with her arms wrapped around them. She looked indignant with her bright, red nose matching her windbreaker. A clear indicator she had been crying. Even the small bow over her head was off-center and lord knows how much she hated it when that happened.
“I’ve been blowing up your phone. This campus isn’t small, you know.’
Alondra gave her a quick glance and tried to contain her pouty lip. “I want you leave me alone. Please.”
"Mmm. That’s a hard no.” Sofia set her backpack on the ground and took a seat next to the crybaby. Without another word, she dug in her bag, rustling through paper and textbooks. As nonchalant as she could manage, she asked, “What did you do this time?” There was a little guilt for approaching it like this, but she looked more mad than sad and her wounded pride won’t let her open up easy.
“I didn’t do anything!” She whined, but it sounded muffled from the way she suddenly crouched into herself, curling herself tighter. “They don’t know the rules.”
Her hair was no longer pinned to the tree so when the wind blew Sofia caught wafts of loose blonde hair in her face that she had to swat away. She barely wanted to deal with her own hair as fine and short and dark as it was, much less billows of someone else’s no matter who it belonged to. She pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose after that ordeal. “Was it the tall one?”
Alondra turned her head to her this time. She gave a small frown. “No, it was the cute one.”
Sofia ripped the package of candy she bought on the way over here. “Not so cute anymore, is she?”
She huffed, straightening herself against the bark. Her cheeks were flushed from the autumn chill and probably also from getting herself in a tizzy. “The DM said I had to roll for persuasion during this encounter so I did and then--”
“What’s a DM?”
“Dungeon master, please keep up.” Sofia made a face that went unnoticed. “And then, one of them brought up that it should’ve been intimidation skill check - which my character does not have expertise in, but then the DM said we’ll just see from then on, so whatever. But then some of the other players were “Roleplaying”-” she says with quotation marks in the air “- when they started yelling at my character for no good reason. I carried them through that whole session. Like, I’m sorry you don’t know how to minmax, sis.”
Crunching on some chocolate with magical hidden peanuts, Sofia intoned, “You literally spoke gibberish to me just now.” She lurched sideways after Alondra went for her arm with the inertia and weight of her body. It was surprising for someone with such a small frame. Sofia, however, was not only built sturdy, but fortified. Thank you, soccer conditioning.
“Sofi, you have to join me! I can’t deal with them alone,” she whined, clutching the sleeve of the hoodie. It was kind of cute. All of her was kind of cute.
“Why don’t you find another dungeons and dragons group?” She offered a piece of the chocolate and Alondra took it. She did that thing where she hummed as she was chewing and thinking about what she was going to say.
“This uni doesn’t really have many and this is the only one that fits my current schedule.” She said, twirling her hair while still leaning on Sofia. Alondra was then quiet for a moment. “None of my other friends are really into this either,” she confessed somberly. Her hand wiggled down the space between Sofia’s arm and her leg, lacing their fingers together. “And it’d be nice to do something like this together.”
She looked at their hands and she smiled softly, not really used to it despite the many months. “Is it always at this hour? Because you know I have practice.”
Sofia didn’t have to have a clear view to know Alondra’s lip was pouting again. “When does your season end?”
“Not for another two months.”
Alondra turned her head to bury her forehead Sofia’s arm again. “Stupid futbol.”
“It’s soccer here.”
“Futbol.” She was so willful, glaring at Sofia just to be right. Or perhaps to have a win. She was so far from home, after all.
Feeling willful herself, Sofia kissed her lips, pouty as they were, and she seceded, “Futbol then.” A blush bloomed across Alondra’s cheeks and Sofia felt the heat rising in her own face, like a couple of useless girls who liked each other. “Can you “persuade” them to move the time?”
Her eyes lit up and she basically jolted to a stand. “If I can move it and convince the DM, will you join me? We can roll up a character for you, create a backstory! Make it really gruesome.”
She went on as Sofia lifted herself from the ground, dusting the debris from her butt and collecting their stuff.
Sofia looked up, pushing her glasses back up.  Alondra surprised her with a kiss of her own.
“Thank you. Sorry I’m such a crybaby.”
“Are you kidding me? Who doesn’t know when a persuasion roll should be made?” Sofia smirked, putting the bookbag on one arm.
“It’s check.” Alondra tried not to snicker.
“You’re really busting my balls right now?”
“If I don’t then who will?” She giggled. “But you’re trying. It’s cute.”
“You look too cute to be playing DnD dressed like that.” She outstretched a hand to hold hers. “Come on, let’s go get dinner.”
Dedicated to my cousin: for coming out in the face of adversity. Stay strong, love<3 
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