#sdcc productive loan
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Innovate, Expand and Succeed. Elevate your business by availing Productive Loan! visit us here:
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valenshawke · 7 years
33. If you won the lotto and millions in cash, what would be the first thing you would do? 
What order of magnitude are we talking here? Assuming several hundred million, if not a few billion...
Pay off the mortgages of several of my friends
Buy new cars for at least three (probably more but just three I know) of them (that desperately need it).
Pay off student loans to at least 50 people I know.
Buy new computers/laptops for at least two dozen of you. 
Fund any Kickstarter that catches my eye. 
Give people who need to move from their town to a major city half a million dollars to start. After that, they’re on their own.
Buy a home for myself.
Buy a new car.
Bribe my way into the SDCC Committee so I always have a badge every year.
Visit Rome, Japan, and Great Britain.
Pay Production IG to do Claymore reboot, animating the whole story.
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