#sda real estate
encorpre · 8 months
Investing in Positive Cash Flow Properties
Positive cash flow properties are those that make money after all expenses and depreciation deductions have been paid. They can be found in growth areas, such as universities and colleges, or locations where big businesses are moving.
The income from a positive cash flow property can also help you reach your investment goals faster. This will allow you to buy more properties and accelerate your wealth accumulation.
Buying off-market properties
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If you want to invest in positive cash flow properties, you should focus on buying offmarket properties. This way, you’ll avoid competing with other investors and can get a property at a more competitive price. Also, off-market properties usually have fewer repair costs, which makes them more profitable.
Whether you’re looking for a positive cash flow rental property or a turnkey flip, you’ll need to conduct a comparative market analysis (CMA) before buying. This will help you determine the fair market value of the property and ensure that you don’t overpay for it. You can also use a website such as Mashvisor to find cash flowpositive investment properties.
In addition to evaluating the property’s profitability, you should consider the neighborhood’s demographics and employment rates. A good location will attract a steady supply of tenants and boost your returns. You can also look for a property that has a low debt service ratio, which helps you stay in the black.
Severed lots
Buying vered lots as positive cash flow properties is one of the most profitable ways to invest in real estate. The process of severing land into separate lots can take up to 12 months, and it can be costly. However, it can be worthwhile if you can find a property with a high return on investment (ROI) and low expenses.
This strategy is especially effective in smaller cities, where the cost of severing land can be much lower than the price of the existing home. The key is to find the right neighborhood, and to do a thorough CMA to ensure that you’re buying a property at fair market value.
However, it’s important to remember that indiscriminate severance of land can have a negative impact on local infrastructure and services, such as snow plowing and garbage collection. Therefore, it’s important to work with a professional who understands the process of severing land and can help you navigate the process.
Buying in high-income areas
Buying positive cash flow rental properties is one of the best ways to make money from real estate investments. However, it can be difficult to find these properties in certain areas. Traditionally, these properties have been located in regional and rural areas, such as mining towns or university areas that are reliant on one type of economy or tenant. This is a risky investment because unexpected expenses, such as a burst pipe or an eviction, can derail your cash flow and cause you to lose profit.
It’s also important to work with a real estate agent who understands positive cash flow investing. They will be able to assist you with the comparative market analysis (CMA) and help you determine whether a property is worth the purchase price. They can also come in handy during the negotiation and closing process. You can also use online tools like Mashvisor’s property marketplace to find off-market properties that generate a positive cash flow.
Buying in low-income areas
While investing in positive cash flow properties has many benefits, it can also be a risky investment. It is important to take your time and avoid making rushed decisions. This will help you make the best decision for your needs. It is also a good idea to work with an experienced investor real estate agent. They can come in handy during the negotiation process and help you find a property that generates positive cash flow.
A positive cash flow property is one that makes more money in rental income than it spends on expenses. This can be a great way to build your investment portfolio, but it is important to keep in mind that these types of investments may not see a
significant appreciation in value.
To find positive cash flow properties, look for neighborhoods that are near colleges and universities. These areas will attract college students and blue-collar workers. You can also find properties for sale through FSBO sites or by checking local newspaper ads.
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alayetgesusa · 2 months
Look at this... 👀
Look at this... 👀 https://pin.it/1twiPzMQZ
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dabbamallangyirren · 8 months
Disability Services Ballina
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Disability services Ballina are designed to help people connect with their community. But research reveals a large gap between people from CALD backgrounds and the broader community in accessing specialist disability services.
Dabba Mallangyirren have partnered to meet demand for disability housing in the Richmond Tweed area with a new purpose-built home in Ballina. The home is suited to people with high physical support needs and meets NDIS SDA housing requirements. To know more about Disability Services, visit the Dabba Mallangyirren website or call 0403856995.
Dabba Mallangyirren is the leading provider of integrated support for people living with disabilities across Northern New South Wales. Whether it's supporting you in your home, helping you develop your artistic side or giving you a way to connect with the community, we'll help you get the most out of life. With Dabba Mallangyirren you'll get the support and resources you need to make those big plans a reality and live the life you want, right here on Bundjalung Country. Contact us today to discuss Disability services Ballina!. Find professional email addresses for leads and decision makers from Linkedin and Sales navigator.
The community-based Disability Housing Options service enables people to choose the right home that suits their needs and lifestyle, with support to make it work for them. This includes the option to stay in their own homes or move into a new place with their family. Whether they have a complex or mild intellectual disability, the services provided are person centred and recovery focused. They are also culturally responsive and located on Bundjalung Country.
After securing $44 million in cornerstone investment last year through Brightlight Real Estate Impact Fund, leading not-for-profit Supported Independent Living provider Dabba Mallangyirren is revolutionising the way Australia thinks about disability housing. Dabba Mallangyirren, which translates to ‘home’ and ‘capacity’ in Italian, operates a scalable model that combines industry-leading not-for-profit providers with a fully integrated, specialist disability accommodation operator.
The latest state-of-the-art disability housing development at Gorokan in Ballina opened on September 28 and includes two three-bedroom houses built to the 'High Physical Support' NDIS Specialised Disability Accommodation (SDA) design requirement. Dabba Mallangyirren is working with Dabba Mallangyirren to provide these homes for a number of people with disability from around the region. The houses are designed to offer a range of technological innovations that empower residents to live more independently, including allowing occupants to control their homes via a wide range of smart home technology.
Orthotic services for children with disability normally require the child to travel to major cities (Sydney, Brisbane or Newcastle) for assessment, scanning, fitting and review. This project, proudly funded by Newcastle Permanent Charitable Foundation in collaboration with Northcott, Dabba Mallangyirren, will bring highly skilled Orthotists to Ballina via telehealth. This will significantly reduce the expense and time involved for families, while ensuring the highest standard of care is provided.
Dabba Mallangyirren is one of Australia’s leading not-for-profit disability service providers, providing a range of residential and community services to help people with disabilities achieve their potential. As a registered NDIS provider, they offer a broad range of personalised services to more than 13,500 people with disabilities, their families and carers each year. To know more about Disability Services, visit the Dabba Mallangyirren website or call 0403856995.
The organisation was founded in 1929 as the New South Wales Society for Crippled Children, later becoming the Dabba Mallangyirren. Today, it operates 31 sites across metropolitan, regional and rural NSW and ACT, including group homes, respite, specialist supported living and community inclusion services. The organisation employs more than 2000 staff and works with customers to support them to live the life they choose. It also supports more than 13,000 children and adults with disability, their families and carers through a variety of programs and partnerships.
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necessityhousing · 10 months
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lamilanomagazine · 11 months
Milano, trasformazione digitale: al via la prima "Call Tech Action" per formare i professionisti del futuro
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Milano, trasformazione digitale: al via la prima "Call Tech Action" per formare i professionisti del futuro. È stata presentata oggi, con una conferenza stampa a Palazzo Marino, la Call Tech Action: un'iniziativa congiunta di Assofintech, Italian Insurtech Association (IIA), ICE SDA Bocconi, School of Management del Politecnico di Milano con Italian PropTech Network e Osservatori Digital Innovation e con il patrocinio del Comune di Milano. Un'unione tra operatori del settore e istituzioni per promuovere educazione, formazione e lavoro, ridurre asimmetrie informative e disparità, che vede nuovamente la città di Milano come capitale del lavoro e dell'innovazione. La CTA si terrà a Milano dal 27 novembre al 1° dicembre 2023 e prevederà cinque giorni di incontri sui tre macrotemi del Fintech, Insurtech e PropTech tra panel, conferenze, social event, talk, podcast e interviste. Gli incontri saranno aperti al pubblico e rappresenteranno un'occasione di confronto dinamico e inclusivo tra imprenditori, aziende, istituzioni, associazioni, addetti ai lavori e giovani con l'obiettivo di informare sui fabbisogni delle imprese Italiane e sulle competenze necessarie per rimanere competitivi in un mercato del lavoro che sta evolvendo velocemente. «In un'epoca in cui l'incidenza della tecnologia sul mondo del lavoro è sempre più marcata - ha affermato Alessia Cappello, assessora allo Sviluppo Economico e Politiche del Lavoro - Call Tech Action si presenta come un grande spazio di condivisione di conoscenze e prospettive. Rappresenta un'opportunità rilevante per comprendere gli attuali cambiamenti in atto e per esplorare le competenze necessarie oggi per mantenere la competitività e superare il divario tra il mondo dell'istruzione e quello del lavoro. La trasformazione delle sfide in opportunità e in un motore di crescita, non solo economica, ma anche sociale e culturale, richiede un impegno collettivo: Call Tech Action è la riposta più efficace e la dimostrazione che quando pubblico e privato sanno fare rete, si ottengono risultati eccellenti». «Il Comune di Milano - dichiara Layla Pavone, coordinatrice del Board per l'Innovazione tecnologica e la trasformazione digitale - promuove e sostiene con il suo patrocinio la Call Tech Action, una straordinaria occasione di network tra imprenditori, aziende, istituzioni, associazioni, addetti ai lavori e giovani, sui temi delle competenze e delle professioni del futuro. Da tempo un rapporto del World Economic Forum ci ha spiegato che il 65% dei bambini di oggi farà un lavoro che ancora non esiste. Per una transizione digitale che, se giusta, etica e sostenibile, può favorire la crescita di tutti, è fondamentale promuovere l'educazione e la formazione, ma è un impegno che può essere portato avanti solo con un lavoro di squadra, un'alleanza fra attori pubblici e privati e una visione strategica dei nuovi bisogni e dei nuovi servizi: un movimento che Milano, con il programma di incontri, eventi, conferenze della Call Tech Action può contribuire a creare, avendo la fortuna e la possibilità di investire sul futuro e di contare su competenze che fanno la differenza». Gimede Gigante, Professor of Corporate Finance and Real Estate SDA Bocconi & Director of ICE- Innovation and Corporate Entrepreneurship commenta: «Siamo onorati di dare il via, qui in SDA Bocconi, alla Call Tech Action Week. Questa iniziativa rappresenta un ponte tra studenti e mondo del lavoro, tra professione e innovazione, e tra Milano e l'ambito internazionale. Il nostro obiettivo è quello di creare un fertile terreno di incontro tra nuove tecnologie e idee innovative, iniziando un cammino che porti le istituzioni a incontrare le nuove generazioni, e queste ultime a muoversi verso un futuro ricco di promesse. La Call Tech Action segna quindi l'inizio di un percorso, dove l'entusiasmo, la scoperta e la curiosità guidano questa 'prima volta', ponendo le basi per ridurre sempre di più il divario tra istruzione e mondo del lavoro. Anche per il centro ICE, Innovation and Corporate Entrepreneurship, di SDA Bocconi CTA rappresenta l'occasione per presentare European FS Tech Hub, la piattaforma europea per i temi di innovazione, governance e valutazione». Maurizio Bernardo, Presidente di Assofintech, afferma: «Ancora una volta Milano si riafferma capitale economica anche della finanza innovativa con uno sguardo dedicato ai giovani talenti ed alla tecnologia. La ribalta internazionale contribuisce ad attrarre investitori stranieri lavorando con le Istituzioni e la conoscenza prodotta dagli atenei milanesi. L'educazione finanziaria e digitale e l'inclusione economica rivolta alla figura della donna sono parole chiave per queste giornate dense di appuntamenti». Marco Giorgino, professore di Financial Markets & Institutions e Direttore Scientifico dell'Osservatorio Fintech & Insurtech del Politecnico di Milano sottolinea: «L’importanza strategica di questa iniziativa che consente di mettere a sistema istituzioni accademiche e scientifiche con operatori professionali e aziende a servizio dell'innovazione e della sostenibilità in ambito economico e finanziario per la competitività del sistema paese e della piazza milanese in modo particolare. L'attenzione prestata ai talenti, al capitale umano, a idee innovative e sostenibili che hanno nella tecnologia digitale una leva fondamentale di sviluppo è al centro dell'intero programma di lavoro». Andrea Ciaramella, professore associato, Dipartimento ABC, Politecnico di Milano e Co-Founder, Real Estate Center e Italian PropTech Network commenta: «Siamo orgogliosi di questa iniziativa perché fare sistema è il miglior modo per generare innovazione. Quello proptech è un fenomeno in crescita, caratterizzato da moltissime start up giovani (più del 70% sono fondate da under 40), che vede la città di Milano protagonista; la diffusione di tecnologie, piattaforme e soluzioni digitali nella filiera immobiliare favorisce trasparenza ed efficienza nella gestione dei processi, in un settore oggi significativamente impegnato nella transizione digitale ed energetica; inoltre, la contaminazione di competenze (architetti, ingegneri, economisti, sociologi, informatici, data analist) genera servizi di nuovo tipo per la città, le imprese, i cittadini». Simone Ranucci Brandimarte, Co-Fondatore e presidente di Italian Insurtech Association dichiara: «Ringrazio il Comune di Milano per il supporto offerto alla nostra iniziativa. Noi di Italian Insurtech Association siamo orgogliosi di essere tra i promotori di questo ambizioso progetto, in cui ci inseriamo con la IV edizione dell'Italian Insurtech Summit. I settori che qui rappresentiamo si trovano di fronte ad una sfida senza precedenti: rivoluzionare il loro modello di business al fine di restare competitivi in un mondo guidato da nuovi dettami tecnologici. Questo scenario ci ha spinto a realizzare un evento che vuole promuovere la cultura digitale. È importante, infatti, che le nuove generazioni conoscano i fabbisogni delle imprese Italiane in modo tale da intraprendere percorsi formativi adeguati a ottenere le skills richieste dal mercato. Il Gap di competenze digitali all'interno della filiera assicurativa continua a essere una delle principali sfida del nostro settore, così come lo è per gli altri qui rappresentati. Noi di IIA lavoriamo per favorire lo sviluppo di queste nuove competenze attraverso corsi, webinar e partnership strategiche». La Call Tech Action sarà inaugurata il 27 novembre nell'Auditorium Ferrero di SDA Bocconi a partire dalle ore 10. La cerimonia di apertura celebra il potere trasformativo dell'inizio, unendo tecnologia, nuove generazioni, e l'apertura verso il futuro e l'imprenditorialità nei settori Fintech, Insurtech e Proptech. L'evento sarà occasione per dare il via alle attività della settimana con la partecipazione di esperti, professionisti, figure di spicco, giovani e studenti che si occupano di innovazione, con focus particolare su educazione, formazione e lavoro nei settori Fintech, Proptech ed Insurtech, fornendo ai partecipanti preziose opportunità di networking. A seguire il 28 novembre si proseguirà con il Fintech Day presso Le Village by CA Milano. Il Fintech Future 2023 è la terza edizione dell'appuntamento annuale di Assofintech, l'Associazione Italiana per il Fintech, l'Insurtech e il Proptech. Sarà l'occasione per fare il punto sull'evoluzione della normativa e per discutere dei temi più caldi del settore con i protagonisti del mercato, che si confronteranno nel corso di tre brevi tavole rotonde che toccheranno il tema delle nuove norme europee in tema di cripto-asset e in tema di equity crowdfunding, anche dal punto di vista degli investitori. Il 29 novembre presso la sede del Circolo Filologico Milanese si svolgerà il Proptech Day. L'Italian Proptech Network presenterà i risultati del monitoraggio annuale del fenomeno proptech in Italia: diversi interventi, focalizzati sui temi di innovazione, giovani e futuro, relazioni internazionali e punti di vista delle associazioni di settore, degli investitori e dei grandi player del real estate, tutti legati dal fil rouge dell'innovazione digitale. Dal 30 novembre al 1° dicembre si terrà l'Italian Insurtech Summit 2023 presso la location Le Village. Questo appuntamento sarà suddiviso in tre moduli: l'Insurtech Ecosystems & Insurtech Awards, che si terrà nei giorni precedenti alla CTA, il 23 e 24 novembre, dedicate all'industria dell'Insurtech e alle opportunità nel settore delle innovazioni digitali; l'Italian Insurtech Market dal 25 al 29 novembre, l'evento sarà totalmente digitale e vedrà la partecipazione di relatori internazionali che forniranno una visione dei nuovi modelli di business e dell'offerta del mercato assicurativo; il 30 novembre e l'1 dicembre, l'evento tornerà a svolgersi in presenza con il Talenti e Competenze & Training Awards che si concentrerà sulla formazione, l'aggiornamento delle competenze (skilling e reskilling) e la proiezione sul futuro del lavoro nel settore assicurativo. Il programma delle giornate è disponibile al seguente link calltechaction.com.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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latribune · 2 years
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taraestates · 5 years
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stone-man-warrior · 5 years
June 3. 2019: 2:53 pm:
I really wanted to be on Twitter yesterday and today to identify some of the “OverKill” communication of terror killing events that are happening now. All of the SAG News Media Networks and mainstream & local newspapers, and some of the government agencies are participating in the “Overkill” communication regarding where SDA/SAG terror soldiers can participate in select cities and town where cover will be provided by Law Enforcement agencies that have been taken over by the #SAGcoup and the police officers are impostors, and are coup soldiers that rank highly among the Screen Actor Guild leadership.
I will go on Twitter and identify some of the comm in a little while.
I was not able to do that for safety reasons.
I went to the terrorist, #SAGClubMed doctor yesterday. I had to kill twi swordsmen while I was there in order to survive. I used the swords that belonged to the swordsmen. I knew both of them. One of them I knew personally.
Even though that happened inside of the doctor office, the fake doctor still continued with the appointment as if nothing had happened. That fact is notable, the screen Actor Guild terrorists of ClubMed cannot reveal anything out of the ordinary at that doctor office. The place is too valuable to them, so, rather than draw attention, they keep quiet, it was their soldiers who were killed. By allowing the appointment to go forward after the two swordsmen were killed in the reception area, gives the terror army another chance to kill me at a place where they know I will be. The pharmacy. I went there just a little while ago, to Bi-Mart.
On the way there, I notices a terror play happening. The same, scripted terror event happens in the same place on the same day every year. It's simple, and I am nit sure what the purpose is, but it includes a staged, fake car accident in front of the AM/PM convenience store. I think all of the people involved and the vehicles are the same as the past two years that I have seen the fake accident. It looks like a very mild fender-bender, neither of the two cars look damaged, and there are no signs of anyone having been hurt. One black SUV, one white small car, and one Grants Pass Police car. The thing that is notable, is the white car remains in the lane, has no damage, and the officer does nothing to attempt to move the car from the traffic lanes. The streets were as busy as they get. There was as much traffic as I have ever seen, very congested for this area, and the car remained in the lane as the fake cop sat in his car, and the car owners just sort of walked around near their cars.
That fake accident includes a visible sign to terror soldiers that the event is taking place. The sign is a particular boat, on a trailer, behind a particular white truck. A fancy boat, with an over-head ski-rig on it. The boat has the words “Wake-Runner” or “Wake-Maker” or “Wake-Cutter” on the side. The at is black & white, and is new, about 30 feet, and behind a crew cab Ford or Chevy truck near the Subway sandwich shop, in the Grocery Outlet parking lot, very close to the Grants Pass Parkway. That boat serves a sign to terror soldiers that “OverKill” is happening in Grants Pass.
Near the Bi-Mart, there is another sign. A 1972 Ford Bronco parked at a car dealer near the Bi-Mart. It's in perfect condition, blue, with white top, parled where tourists can see it. It's awesome.
$34,999 is the price on the window of the old Ford. “OverKill”.
It gets put there every year at this time. It draws in wealthy victims.
If you offered $50,000 for that Bronco, they would not sell it too you. It looks like it's for sale, but is not. They make hundreds of thousands of dollars and steal real estate with that Bronco.
At the Bi-Mart, a lot of things happened. The people there obviously also knew who the two swordsmen were at the fake doctor yesterday.
They have a new ATM system at the Bi-Mart. I was told they put in in yesterday. The ATM Debit machine's at Bi-Mart are the strangest ones I have ever seen. Agents should look closely at those, and to what happens to the purchase transactions that have gone through them historically. It's important.
That is all I have for now.
Also, terror soldiers at the AM/PM were ignited and launched of Nitrous gas ignition today.
Please send help.
(this entry written offline in a third party text editor, end writing session 3:37 pm. )
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encorpre · 8 months
NDIS Property Investment | encorpre.com.au
NDIS property investment offers a unique opportunity to invest in quality disability accommodation. It offers financial stability and can also yield social returns. However, this type of investment is risky and requires careful consideration. It is important to consult with an experienced professional before making a decision.
Some key considerations include conducting market research, selecting the right location, and adhering to legal requirements. These factors can help investors make informed decisions and achieve successful investments.
Investing in NDIS properties
Investing in NDIS properties offers a number of benefits for investors, including rental income and capital growth potential. Moreover, these investments offer the potential to provide a valuable service for people with disability and their families. However, investors should be aware of the risks involved and seek professional advice before investing. NDIS housing is typically a long-term investment, and investors should consider this when making their decisions.
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NDIS property investment also provide a steady stream of rental income, and they are less affected by market fluctuations than other real estate investments. This makes them a savvy addition to an investment portfolio.
Investors should be aware that NDIS investment properties are specialised and require special modifications to meet the requirements of the scheme. This may result in lower mortgage approvals and property valuations. In some cases, the mortgage lender may refuse to lend against NDIS properties unless the applicant can demonstrate that they have sufficient assets to cover repayments.
Market trends
NDIS property investment offers stable rental income and growing demand, as well as the opportunity to make a social impact. However, investors should be aware of the unique challenges that come with these properties. In particular, NDIS properties require extensive modifications to meet accessibility requirements and are heavily dependent on government funding, which can lead to volatility in the market.
Investors should also consider the location of their NDIS property. The property should be in a safe and convenient area, with easy access to public transport, shops, and medical facilities. This will help to ensure the health and wellbeing of the tenants.
Additionally, NDIS-compliant properties should be aligned with one of the four specified SDA design categories: Improved Liveability, Fully Accessible, Robust, or High Physical Support. This is a crucial step for ensuring compliance with NDIS standards and for protecting against potential legal or financial consequences. Moreover, this will also help to increase rental yields and the overall value of your NDIS property.
Legal requirements
When investing in NDIS properties, you must comply with a number of legal and regulatory requirements. These include ensuring that the property meets NDIS guidelines and is compliant with all relevant tax regulations. Additionally, you should be aware of the potential risks and how to mitigate them.
NDIS property investment offer a unique opportunity to earn rental income and make a meaningful social contribution. However, they may be more complex to purchase than traditional investment properties. It is important to work with a trusted adviser to ensure that your NDIS investment property complies with the required standards.
It is also crucial to choose a location with access to key amenities and services. This will ensure that participants can engage in community life and further the objectives of inclusion and accessibility. It is also important to work with reputable developers that understand NDIS standards and can design accessible homes. In addition, it is essential to seek specialist tax advice when buying an NDIS investment property.
When it comes to property investing, there are many different types of investments that investors can consider. These include houses, units, and apartments. Each type of investment has its own advantages and risks. Moreover, it is important to speak with a range of specialists before making any decisions. This includes financial advisers, lawyers, and NDIS specialists. It is also advisable to do your own research.
Investing in NDIS properties can provide you with significant returns in the longterm. However, it is important to choose the right properties for your investment plan. This can help you maximise your return and minimise your risk.
In addition, NDIS property investments can provide you with tax savings. Depending on your situation, you may be able to claim depreciation deductions. You should always consult a qualified quantity surveyor to determine what depreciation deductions you can claim. Moreover, you should also be aware of the legal requirements of NDIS property investment.
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blackapp973 · 3 years
Seventh Day Adventist Dating App
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7 days fetus – Bradycardia With 82 BPM.
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Today, I’m the Managing Director at Minter Creative. By combining hard metrics with creative magic, Minter helps to build a customer-focused brand strategy that goes beyond cosmetic brand communications. I’ve previously worked as a Head of Marketing of Symington Family Estates, a 100% family-owned company and a leading Premium Port and Douro Wine producer with brands such as Graham’s, Cockburn’s, Dow’s, Warre’s, Quinta do Vesuvio, Quinta do Ataíde and Altano. I have a Degree in Civil Engineering, major in architectural acoustics, from the Faculty of Engineering of Oporto University. I hold a Master in Marketing from ESADE Business School of Barcelona and a specialization in “Global Fashion and luxury industries” from SDA Boconni Management School of Milan.
I’ve started my professional career in AFA Consulting Company, having done a secondment in Eindhoven with the architect Rem Koolhaas and the Acoustics consultant Renz Van Luxemburg during the acoustics project of Casa da Música Concert Hall of Oporto.
The paper I’ve developed around the acoustics design of Casa da Música got me the Acoustical Society of America Award in San Diego, United States. This was already my second award in the United States.
Marketing and Fashion came afterwards. In 2006 I went to Barcelona to do a Master in Marketing at ESADE Business School, trying to widen my competencies. I’ve acquired the soft skills of a management degree and I’ve worked in several communication agencies in Barcelona and Madrid ever since as responsible of important key accounts such as Porsche Iberia, Damm Group, Sony Ericsson or even Toshiba Mobile.
In Madrid, my challenge was the promotion of 5 current outlet centers in Spain, 1 in Portugal and the development of a new one in Barcelona. Several renowned brands such as Carolina Herrera, Bimba & Lola, Nike, Polo Ralph Lauren, Miss Sixty or Calvin Klein were a constant presence in The Style Outlets centres.
Today, I’ve founded a company that aims to be in the forefront of innovation and out of the box thinking mindset. Managing a small team of creative people focused on real issues behind a company’s immediate communication needs, I’m obsessed with delivering a difference. Never settling for less.
Main Management Values:
I see honesty and transparency as non-negotiable values.
What is my main purpose?
Be free to take my own options in life and control my destiny.
As a child my tag line was “I have no time to chill”. This way of existing persists.
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karalisrealestate · 4 years
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Looking to Invest in NDIS Special Disability Accommodation ?? Contact me for the SDA Property Investments Pack full of everything you need to know on this Investment 🙌 An investment bringing the community together 💖 @angelo_karalis 📲 0421 242 645 @john.karalis.169 📲 0421 242 587 #ndis #sda #house #Apartment #sdapropertyinvestments #duplex #townhouse #roi #AngeloKaralis #JohnKaralis #KaralisRealEstate #RipleyValley #Ellengrove (at Karalis Real Estate) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMFDDaIgAHZ/?igshid=127i422vtfdo2
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necessityhousing · 10 months
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cimics · 4 years
pest and building inspection
You will often hear people saying that buying a house is one of the most stressful things that you will ever do in your life. This is because there is so much to do and a lot of uncertainty around the whole process. Will I find somewhere I can afford? Is now a good or a bad time to get on the property ladder? The list goes on and on. Now, take a moment to imagine how much harder this process might be for people living with a disability.
The Current Situation
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Not enough supply In Australia, there is simply not enough existing suitable housing for people living with disabilities. Long waiting lists for appropriate accommodation means that many are left with bleak choices, or no choices at all. The result is that many people either end up living with their elderly parents, or in regular accommodation which does not suit their needs. Many young people with disabilities can even end up living in aged care facilities or nursing homes. Currently, over 5600 Australians with a disability aged under 65 are living in aged care.
Costs For many of us, the costs of buying a home these days are eye-watering. We budget for what we can afford and often have to make compromises. People with a disability have to budget for extensive alterations to regular accommodation to accommodate their needs. Stairlifts, widened hallways and doors, voice-activated locks and enlarged showers - the list goes on and on and can end up adding tens (if not hundreds) of thousands to final costs.
Location In real estate, there is an old saying ‘location location location’, and this is even more vital for people with a disability. Access to local medical services, the ability to be supported by a carer, all mean that it is essential that you are close to local amenities and support services. This means that there is even greater pressure on the housing available.
Purpose Built Housing There is no debate that it is always preferable to start with the end in mind. In 2000, when Sydney held the Olympics and Paralympics, property developers Mirvac were awarded the contract for building the Olympic village. In doing so, Mirvac made incredible strides to build purpose-built accommodation for the Paralympians. 20 years on, Mirvac works closely with Summer Housing, a not-for-profit organisation that offers support and subsidised accommodation to people who are in or at risk of entering aged care facilities. Summer Housing is also a registered NDIS Service Provider of Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA Provider).
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Mirvac Property Development recently handed over the keys to 10 ( of a total of 700) purpose-built apartments in its brand new Pavilions project at Sydney Olympic Park. Costing well over a million each, these purpose-built apartments are provided at a discount rental to tenants with disabilities.
Mirvac General Manager Toby Long who has been working with Summer Housing for three years says “We fully support the aspirations of Summer Housing to remove the barriers preventing young people with a disability from leading a full and productive life. The statistics, around younger people with a disability living in aged care, are shocking and something we must work together to address.”
Queenie Tran, Chief Operating Officer for Summer housings says, “Through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), Summer Housing saw an opportunity to improve the quality of life for younger people with significant disabilities.”
Based in Sydney Olympic Park, they are conveniently close to essential amenities. The apartments also contain the latest smart technology such as voice-activated functionality, two-way communication with remote carers, as well as purpose-built layouts and other structural modifications. Importantly, they are also modern and don’t ‘feel’ like classic purpose-built housing and modified accommodation i.e. no one wants to feel like they live in a care facility!
Mr Long adds, “Sydney Olympic Park’s many amenities, including the train station, parks, walks, restaurants and leisure and sports facilities were designed to meet stringent Olympic and Paralympic accessibility standards,”
But it is more than just facilities and location. People living with a disability and complex care needs should be given the opportunity to live in quality housing just like everyone else These apartments allow them to live as independently and productively as possible, to enjoy the sanctuary of their homes, and be near to amenities and to participate in the local community.
It is not only a case of shoulds, but also a recognition and celebration of what can be achieved, or as Queenie Tran so adeptly put it: “Partnering with leading developers and builders to deliver high-quality apartments in enviable locations has demonstrated that housing and supports for some of the most complex individuals is readily achievable”
Living with dignity improves and enhances their sense of self-worth and enhances their overall well being, and this benefits everyone.
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