#screw you im tagging the cute nicknames bc i can
starlikeswomen · 22 days
art dump… yayaya
its mostly paper bc thats all I can draw on at school..
i feel these need an explanation I. I wanted to rarepair nightmare papyrus (the actual onr, not all th… ocs ppl make as if he doesn’t already exist) with someone so i just thought like. whose the other most obscure papyrus i know
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it worked out weirdly better than I expected for a crackship rarepair on a whim.. they’re both inventors……. and losers
oh also ive nicknamed them (ts swap as gadget and nm pap as ephi/ephialtes) and they need to get out of my brain asap!!!
plus one of just gadget
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hesd so cute… I hate him….. vpos
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oc bullshit…. idk I think they’re neat sigh
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