#screw the shimada elders
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dawnthefox24 · 8 months ago
here's part 1, 2, and 3. *Rumiko is looking for Hanzo all over the palace and went outside to the garden and smiled softly watching Hanzo feed the koi fishes but clearly was muttering to himself a bit* Rumiko: Hanzo...You okay? Young Hanzo:*is startled for a moment and nods a bit not even looking at her* Rumiko:*sighs and sits down next to him as she watches the koi fish swim around calmly* You sure? Young Hanzo:...Yes... Rumiko:*places her hand on his back* You don't have to pretend you know... Young Hanzo: I'm not pre- Rumiko:*looks at him a bit* Hanzo... Young Hanzo:*sighs*...I'm suppose to be next in line to the Shimada clan mother...I'm not supposed to be scared of a fictional book.... Rumiko: Well why not? Young Hanzo:...If I show fear...That make's me weak doesn't it... Rumiko:*pulls him close to her and sighs* It doesn't, showing fear doesn't make you weak... Young Hanzo: But it does! If I show fear then no one will respect me, I can't show any ounce of fear.... Rumiko:...Now who told you that? Young Hanzo: The elders.... Rumiko:*underneath her breath* Of course they'll saying something like that... Young Hanzo:...Mother? Rumiko: Hanzo the elders are wrong... Young Hanzo: *looks a bit surprised* What do you mean? Rumiko: Showing fear doesn't make you weak, showing fear shows you that your human. With out fear how would we live? Blocking out one emotion can lead the other emotions to lose control, without fear how do we know the difference between danger or what isn't dangerous? Young Hanzo:*looks away for a moment* But- Rumiko: Hanzo showing fear shows the people your protecting that you care about them, your father maybe put on a brave face but he's scared. Genji's scared, Asa is scared, Kiri, even me. I'm scared of how your life will go. Young Hanzo: But why? Rumiko: Cause I love you, now let me tell you something about this book I was scared too when I first read and still am. Young Hanzo: Really? Rumiko: Of course, you know Hanzo, Genji may act like he isn't scared but he is. I know cause I'm both your mother, just when things get to scary ask me to stop before your ready okay? Young Hanzo:*looks at her before he hugs her* Thank you mother...I'm sorry... Rumiko: Now don't be sorry, I understand the book is scary believe me the author wrote another one but I won't be reading it okay. Young Hanzo:*smiles softly and nods* Okay..Thank you mother... Rumiko:*smiles happily and holds him close* Of course my brave dragon, I'm so proud of you. Young Hanzo:...I just hate the fact I'm scared over a dead dinosaur... Rumiko: No the fear is very rational actually, it shows us how dumb humans are bring things back from the dead which are meant to stay dead of all things. Young Hanzo:...But doesn't Genji show that he's scared.... Rumiko: It's more of the idea of it, like the meaning behind of the reasoning to bring back life and how it's possible.The point is it's okay to be scared, trust me fear is everywhere. It doesn't have to be in horror movies or in books, your scared of being in power of the clan are you not? Young Hanzo:*looks away and nods* I-I am... Rumiko:*hugs him and holds him close* That's because you care, fear means you care. Though sometimes fear can go either way you can use fear for evil and control or you can use fear as a positive outlook. Young Hanzo:...I see...Can you still read the book? Rumiko: Of course, you know you don't have to listen to it. Young Hanzo:*shakes his head holds her and smiles happily* No I want too, I just...Thank you mom...I love you Rumiko:*smiles happily*I love you too Hanzo, glad your okay.
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mcmedianoche · 6 years ago
“La Oscuridad Te Espera” (Chapter 1) - Sombra/McCree
Another demon-hunter... but not just any old demon-hunter. This is Jesse McCree: a legend, a myth, a series of stories in his own right.
Sombra sighs, downing the rest of her drink. This had to happen sometime. “I must be getting sloppy,” she says, her voice as smooth as syrup. “If you’re here for me, I’ve made it easy for you, McCree.”
“Papa Reinhardt, is it true?”
“Is what true, child?”
A tall, freckled girl, no older than 14, bounds up to a nearby table and whispers to the huge, scarred, silver-haired man sat comfortably there. “They say there are demons in this village. Angry spirits. The oni are here. Is that why we’re here? Are you going to fight them?” She looks over at another table, where a short, full-bearded blond man and a tall, voluptuous blonde woman share drinks and a bowl of bread. “Does Papa know?”
The man laughs, rumbling the table but holding his huge stein of beer steady so as not to knock it off the table in his amusement. “Nonsense, Brigitte. Where did you hear that?”
She falters for a moment, smoothing her thick auburn ponytail behind her as she looks around the tavern, then seems to find her resolve as she looks at the locals. “The villagers… It’s all they’ve talked about, all night. Something is destroying the castle at the edge of town. All who go near it are lost. They say…” and here, she lowers her voice, “they say, at night... there are dragons. ”
Reinhardt takes a few sips from his stein and beckons Brigitte to sit down. “We are here for a family vacation, because Hanamura is beautiful this time of year. The oni are just an ancient legend. Only stories.”
Brigitte doesn’t accept this, scooting in closer at the table and staring Reinhardt in the eye. “All stories begin in truth,” she insists. “Do you know this one?”
Sombra grins beneath her hood, shading her glowing, white-gold eyes from view. It’s merely on instinct, as she is currently invisible in the corner of the tavern behind them. She takes a sip of her whiskey, the glass also invisible in her clutches, and waits. The mortals rarely have a clue in these matters. This ought to be good.
“Well, there are as many tales of the oni as we have ghost stories in Germany. Or Sweden. But yes, I have heard this one, specifically.”
Brigitte’s big brown eyes light up. She puts both elbows on the table, rests her face in her palms, and settles in.
“Long ago, these lands were ruled by a powerful family who had two sons. Warrior princes, trained to carry on the family legacy. Both skilled beyond their years, both well equipped to lead, and each powerful in their own right. But they disagreed, profoundly so, when it came time to decide how they would protect their land. The younger brother, sweet of heart and warm in temperament, wanted to keep his people happy, above all else. He said, ‘If we care for our people, they will care for each other in turn. If we can nurture one heart, one land, the rest will come naturally.’”
Sombra snorts into her glass. This is already bullshit.
“The elder brother, iron of will and steady in disposition, wanted to keep his people strong, above all else. He said, ‘With the right foundation, our people will be united towards a common goal. To keep them happy at structure’s expense is a fool’s errand. We must instead keep them in control. ‘The rest,’ as you say, will come because we steered it so.’”
���Head versus heart,” Brigitte whispered. “The worst struggle.”
Reinhardt nods, clapping her on the shoulder. “Yes. As you can see, they were two very important sides of the same coin. In order to rule, both were necessary, but neither could see it. And so, the elder struck down his brother, believing him weak. But this hurt the elder brother beyond measure, warping his already weak heart so badly that he began to transform. The mark of the oni spread across his skin, leaving a demon face, and turning his skin gray and his eyes white. The spirits that roamed this land did not approve of his actions, for he had upset the balance.”
“You can’t have one without the other,” Brigitte said solemnly, her palms now flat on the table.
“No, you can’t. And that is why the spirits went one step further, bringing the younger brother back to life to restore this balance. But he, with his heart too full, was forever wounded by the offense, and returned as… something else. Transformed, much like his brother, with the kindness that once cradled his heart now twisted. But balance has yet to be restored. The oni they say inhabit the old castle...”
“The brothers. They’re still there.”
Reinhardt finishes off his beer. “And still fighting, so they say. But these are just stories, Brigitte. Legends and myths.”
Well. Sombra has to admit: part of the story is actually true. But the people are romantic, and the nature of the demon brothers’ torment has been lost to sentiment. Sombra knows she isn’t tracking some wounded soul with a heart too big for his body. The oni known as Genji is as selfish as any other, and was brought back to life for reasons just as selfish. Dragons’ fiery egos are easily offended.
Either way, what Genji wants does not matter, and neither does his brother. Genji is her bounty. Until the banshee’s price also includes Hanzo’s wretched soul, he is of no consequence to her.
She’s waiting here for proper nightfall. Once the clock strikes midnight, and this tavern closes to the public, she can make her way to Shimada Castle. There is only one hour to go.
Brigitte yawns, despite herself. “If they’re only stories, why are the people so scared?”
“People fear all kinds of things they don't understand. Do not trouble yourself.”
“Come now, Brigitte. It is very late and I think we are both getting tired.” Reinhardt calls over to the next table and notifies the blond couple that it is time they all head back to the inn, citing Brigitte’s bedtime over her increasingly drowsy protests.
Sombra watches them leave. They were the last patrons.
She shifts, dropping her invisibility, then approaches the bar, glass in hand. “Thanks for the drink.”
“Thank you, if you pull this off. The oni are scaring my customers away.” The owner of the bar, Ichika, a much older woman with one thick black streak in her long gray hair, rolls her eyes and whips her towel for emphasis. “I remember when they were mortals, you know. It wasn’t that long ago, but you know how these things get once stories start to spread. They were handsome young men, beautiful even, but an idiot and an asshole.”
Sombra laughs. “Ay, I’ve heard Genji used to be a charmer! A charmer can’t be that stupid, can he? Mierda, don’t tell me my intel was wrong. I’ll have to rethink my whole strategy.”
“A charmer, yes! Absolutely. But a slave to his whims. Foolhardy at every turn, and his father only made things worse by coddling him. And Hanzo was no fun at all, but at least he always sprung for the good sake. The two of them kept me in business, and now they’re pushing me out of it!”
The bell above the tavern’s entrance suddenly dings with its jaunty little melody. Sombra, knowing it’s too late to shift into invisibility, chances a lighting-quick glance at the newcomer.
Oh. Oh, this just got interesting.
A ruggedly good-looking man in a wide-brimmed hat steps through the door, his eyes shielded from view. A crossbow hangs on his back, and an ornate revolver rests at his hip. He has one prosthetic arm that seems to be made of silver and fire, and he’s strapped with silver bullets. His getup is actually rather similar to her own, Sombra thinks, considering herself, down to the red scarf hung loosely around his neck.
Another demon-hunter... but not just any old demon-hunter. This is Jesse McCree: a legend, a myth, a series of stories in his own right.
Well, Sombra sighs, downing the rest of her drink. This had to happen sometime. “I must be getting sloppy,” she says, her voice as smooth as syrup. “If you’re here for me, I’ve made it easy for you, McCree.”
McCree lifts his head and looks at her with far more surprise than she expects. He takes a drag from his cigar, then pulls it from his mouth with that unmistakable arm of his. ”Sombra?”
Ichika looks back and forth between them. “You two know each other? Ah, of course you do. Can’t be a big circle, your line of work.”
McCree struts over to the bar with his hands on his belt. “Know of. A gorgeous shadow demon who hunts other demons without remorse? Yeah, there’s only one of her. The rest have this thing about loyalty to their kind, or whatever.”
Sombra lifts an eyebrow and flutters dark eyelashes over her white-gold eyes. “Aww, they say I’m gorgeous?”
McCree meets her cheeky gaze with an amused grin of his own, staring for a long moment as the smirk spreads across Sombra’s face. “Nah, I added that part.”
Ichika swats the bar between them with her towel, startling them both. “Stop flirting long enough to kill the demons, if you would be so kind.”
“No worries, ma’am,” McCree says, tipping his hat. “I don’t flirt with demons, but I do have eyes.”
“And I don’t flirt with people who make those kinds of hairstyle choices, because I, too, have eyes,” Sombra snorts with a glance at his ponytail. McCree splutters in offense, but she laughs and goes on, “So, you’re here to step on my bounty? That’s a much bigger problem than if you were here for me, McCree.” She turns on her bar stool, revealing the hybrid pistol and crossbow resting on her lap.
“If your bounty is the oni Hanzo, then yes, I am. And I’ve slain bigger demons than you before breakfast,” he replies, dropping his hand near his revolver. “If not, then I believe we’re square.”
“NO SHOOTING IN MY TAVERN!” Ichika shrieks, whipping the towel around violently to separate them.
“Ow! Relajate, Ichi--”
“Sorry, ma’am, I’m sorry--”
Ichika stares them both down until they settle in their seats, sneaking heated glances at each other, but saying nothing.
“I don’t know who hired each of you, or how you ended up here on the same night, but don’t you dare screw this up. Sombra catches Genji. McCree catches Hanzo. My customers return. Don’t -- I mean it, DON’T! -- get in each other’s way, and we’ll all be happy.”
She stares at them again, silently, but no less stern, until they’re both glaring at each other in a resigned sort of way.
“Si, Ichika.”
“You got it, ma’am.”
“Good. Now, she’s already had hers, but I bet you stopped in for a drink, so here’s one for the road,” Ichika says, filling a shot glass for McCree. “You both get another round if you come back here alive.”
Their tempers are cooling, now that they know they’re here for different demons, but Sombra’s stuck on Ichika’s words. Judging from the curious look McCree’s giving her over his glass, he’s thinking the same thing.
Who hired him, and how did they both end up here on the same night?
He sets his empty glass on the bar, then stands and gestures towards the door. “After you. I got enough demons without adding another one at my back.”
Sombra laughs, the sound dark and not at all amused when she slides off her bar stool, and shifts, disappearing from sight. She savors the look of alarm on McCree’s face.
Demons can’t do that, and he knows it.
She waits a few moments, moving silently around him, then stands on her toes and speaks at the back of his neck. “Looks like you’re in over your head.”
McCree shivers at the feel of her breath against his ear, the only physical indication of his shock that he will allow. He whips around just in time to see her shift back into view. She turns and saunters towards the exit, resting her gun on her shoulder, then glances back to flash those glowing eyes at him before she opens the door.
“Get a move on, McCree,” she says, beckoning him closer with one claw-gloved finger. “We don’t have all night.”
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aoiryuujinshimada · 6 years ago
McHanzo Drabble
“It has been a long time Hanzo.” The archer turned quickly, bow aimed at the man’s head. It had been a very long time. He said nothing. Pressing his lips together as his glare darkened. He drew the string back farther. “Now is this how you greet your husband?”
An arrow fired, moving past his head and cut his cheek. A clear warning shot, arrow notched again and aimed. “You are nothing to me.” He spat out. Almost growling the words. “An arrangement made by old men.” The man moved forward and he stepped back.
“I thought you had to agree to it? Is that not how your traditions work?” The large golden arm glistened in the sun light. “Then again, they had offered me Genji instead...” he smirked. Knowing it had struck a nerve.
“Do not test my pacients Ogundimu!” It was true. When Hanzo had been seeing McCree under the his brother’s name, the clan had been in conference with Talon. Due to the threat of Overwatch, the Shimada needed aid which the criminal group was more then willing to supply.
Sojiro Shimada had been made an offer, to seal their alliance, an arranged marriage between the promising Akande Ogundimu and his eldest son. The head of the clan had refused, countering with the offer of his youngest son instead. The argument being that Hanzo held too much responsibility as heir and needed to produce other heirs.
Hanzo had been called into the council room late one night to be told of this. Immediately he was angered. Arranged marriage to a man he never meet? Everything about this ensured Hanzo that the arrangement would make Genji unhappy. He would not have freedom and he would be tied down to a single person when he was a free spirit.
It took a lot of work, arguments into midday the next day before the elders changed their minds, before his father gave in. Akande was offered Hanzo’s hand much to Talon’s delight. His arguments being that Genji was not reliable. That this was too much responsibility and so much at stake for him to screw it up. In the end, he made his brother seem incompetent to keep him from such a decision. Something that would later contribute to the night everything went sour.
Hanzo had left to see Jesse one final time. The cowboy was not told this, often speaking of future plans he wished to make with him. All the while he remained quite silent. When it came time for their good bye, Hanzo did something out of character. He wrapped his arms around Jesse and pulled him in for a deep passionate kiss. One filled with desperation and longing to remember the taste. Far from the chaste kisses they shared.
‘Woooh, What was that about Darlin’?’ He asked after Hanzo broke the kiss. Face filled with pain and regret. ‘Why are ya so sad? Was the kiss that bad?’
He shook his head. ‘No...just...better then I ever dreamed.’
‘Well shucks, keep that face and one might think yer not gonna see ya again.’
Hanzo didn’t. Not until the day he came to Overwatch upon his brother’s invitation.
“Harsh as always Hanzo, and that scowl is still very unsuiting on you.” The taller male smiled sweetly. “You have aged well, still a vision even now.”
The comm buzzed in his ear. “Shimada what are you doing?! We are dyin’ down here! Genji is pinned!”
He glanced down from his pirch. Seeing Talon forces firing down at the agents. At Genji and McCree. Neither had a clear shot and if they moved there was no doubt they would be killed.
“Brother, are you okay? What is going on?” There was worry in Genji’s voice. Fear even. He had works so hard to get Hanzo back in his life.
Without any further hesitation, Hanzo shot at Doomfist’s feet, driving him back. He then notched a scatter arrow and fired, ensuring he was distracted. Running, he jumped from rooftop to rooftop, evading bullets as he came to the roof where the enemies were in a clear line.
Drawing his arrow he pulled back and took a deep breath. For the sake of his brother and lover, he let loose his last arrow.
“Ryuuga wagateki wo kurau!” He watched as his dragons spared no lives. Effectively saving those he cared for the most.
He was barely able to raise his bow in time as Doomfist brought his arm down on him. Hanzo was pushed back, nearly sliding from the roof. “Still playing at older brother?” He smirked. Moving toward him.
The Archer saw him flex and he was back on him. Hanzo struggled to fight against the golden gauntlet. Doomfist was strong. Yet what devastated him most was when he felt the familiar tickle at the back of his throat. The more he tried to fight it the worst he got. He was able to push him back, falling to his knees as he held his mouth. Petals, throne and blood broke past. Splattering across the roof.
Dark eyes widened as he watched. Never having seen such before in his life. “Look at you...no doubt it is McCree.” Hanzo glared at him as he hacked. A warning to stay away. Doomfist walked forward. Grabbing his leg with his golden arm. He made no sound of pain. Not even as his prosthetic leg was snapped in two.
The golden hand reached down, gripping him by the throat and held him up. He could hear both his brother and Jesse crying out in his ear. Each able to see what was happening but neither able to get to him in time. Not when Widowmaker was making it difficult.
“It doesn’t have to be this way Hanzo, agree to Join us. Become what you were meant to be and take your place as head of the Shimada! We can make Overwatch pay for what they had done!” He pulled him closer. His flesh hand placed upon his tone chest. “Trust me and you and I can see eye to eye.”
“I...will never...” he choked out. “Side against Genji!”
He takes his disapproval. “Then I have no choice.” He slammed him against the rooftop. Knocking the smaller man out cold. He looked down upon them. Down toward the two whom stood in his way. They were trying so desperately to reach him, he could hear them calling his name, crying out to a man who could no longer hear them.
Akande smiled, placing the comm in his own ear. “McCree...Perhaps you should look into the Shimada files...you may find something interesting.” He took the comm our and crused it. Turning to Hanzo and gathered him in his arms. The ribbon flew from his hair, slowly drifting down the building. Yet Akande could not be bother by the loss. He had what he came for.
“Widow, hold them in position. Reaper, on my guard.”
Within seconds he was joined by the hooded man. “Is it wise to taunt them? We have what we need. Hanzo will claim his birthright and all assets will go to Talon...what then?”
Akande chuckled. “Then we succeed in our efforts. Overwatch were fools not to see how much of a key role Hanzo plays in all of this. The Shimada were feared for a reason, Overwatch was monitoring them for a reason.”
“What reason is that?” The gruff voice asked.
“You seen it didn’t you? The dragons and their power? They can turn this war in our favor.”
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akechi-kikyou · 7 years ago
Long Goodbye: Chapter 2
AN: Oh god, I hope this is ok.  I always get nervous when I make up characters to pad things out.  Plus, I spent a fair bit of time researching places in New Mexico.  Now I kinda wanna visit and stay in this hotel that I referenced.
Fury built up quickly in Hanzo as he rushed outside of his hotel room and down the hall.  Then it occurred to him that he actually didn’t know where he was going, and this stopped him in his tracks.  Anger died down to bitter resentment as he returned to his room and opened his phone to see if his brother had at least thought enough of him to text where he was going.  There was indeed a message from Genji saying that he was going to “see the sights”, but it didn’t say where to find him.  With a sigh, the elder brother closed his phone and put it on the charger.  Then he started to unpack while his resentment devolved even further into sadness.  He wanted to call their father and tell him that they had arrived safely, but what if the patriarch asked to speak to Genji?  Hanzo supposed he could lie and tell his father that the younger brother was sleeping, but a guilty conscience would nag him for the remainder of the trip.  Not calling was the best option until he found his brother, but he didn’t even know where to look.
Once Hanzo had his things put away, he returned to his phone and texted his brother a simple threat, “Be here on time or prepare to smell dirt.”
He had only gotten a few steps away in the direction of the bathroom before his phone’s text message chime sounded.  Genji had wisely replied, “I will. Promise brother.”
“Must be nice to have fun,” Hanzo muttered to himself as he put his phone down and started for the bathroom again.  
About halfway there, it finally hit him that their father was not there.  Genji was already gone, and so it was too late to worry about stopping him from leaving.  Since he didn’t even know where to find the brother, it was also impossible to closely monitor his behavior.  He COULD sit here and wait for him to come back or he could enjoy his freedom just this once.  After today, he could knuckle down and keep a close eye on the younger Shimada.  In the meantime, he was beginning to think to himself that he might as well take this chance to have some fun of his own.
To start off with, he took a very long shower.  Back home, cleaning himself was almost constantly a rush either to get ready for the day or because he was carefully rationing his very limited free time among all the things he wish he had more time to do.  But today, he didn’t have to race the clock in order to spend as much of his last hour before bed as he could reading or rush because his tutor would be arriving soon.  For a good while, he stood under the spray of water and enjoy the feeling of it running through his hair.  
When he finally grew bored of showering, he took his time with getting dressed while watching a television documentary about a girl whose mother forced her to pretend that she had cancer.  By the time it went off, Hanzo managed to dress himself in a blue button up shirt with the sleeves rolled to his elbows, a pair of blue jeans, and tan boots.  He geled his hair and pulled it back into a ponytail.  Then he retrieved his phone from the charger before setting off.
The good thing about the men that their father employed to watch over them was that they never asked questions.   When Hanzo stepped out of his room, he was immediately met by two men who shadowed him in silence as he took the stairs down to the lobby.  
Hanzo had been dead to the world tired when they had first arrived, and so he had not paid much attention to the beauty of the hotel, but now that he was wide awake, the first thing to draw his awe was the giant chandelier hanging from the ceiling at the center of the lobby.  Along the cone shaped structure was what appeared to be candles.  However, the “flames” were actually bulbs shaped and painted that way.  Directly below it was a fountain that was surrounded by more electric pillar candles, and there were more near the front desk, which was made of the same wood as the wardrobe.  
As he walked, his footfalls sounded lovely echoing off of the shining floor.  Truthfully, he didn’t know where he was going, but when he spotted a family coming from a corridor to the far left, he got curious and headed that way.  His reward was a heavenly scent that made his stomach growl.  Following his nose, he found himself in the hotel’s restaurant.  The interior, being mostly lit by sunlight coming in from the large windows around the room, was a beautiful sight to behold with many round tables covered in crisp white table cloths and beautifully folded napkins next to crystal clear wine glasses.  But Hanzo, after taking note of the sign directing him to sit anywhere, wandered out onto the patio, which looked and smelled lovely.  All of the tables out here were arranged so that they would have a good view of a calming fountain at the center of the area.  The outer walls of the hotel were covered in beautifully fragrant leaves and vines while planters along the perimeter were filled with lovely blooms of hyacinth.
Immediately after Hanzo seated himself at a table close to the fountain, a waiter filled his glass with water and then promised to give him a few minutes to look at the menu.  But the young man already knew what he wanted and ordered right away.  Once the water had gone, Hanzo opened his phone and let his thumb hover over the camera button as he pondered. Should he take a selfie?  This place was so beautiful that he wanted to preserve the memory, but what would his father think if he discovered the picture of his eldest son having fun while Genji was nowhere in sight?  He bit his lip for a few moments in contemplation before finally pushing the button to switch to camera mode.  Then he took a picture of his very serious expression that was carefully framed to include the fountain and the hyacinth in the background.  There.  It was done.  Hanzo put his phone down on the table next to his fork, but then quickly picked it up again and went through all of the necessary actions, only pausing when his phone asked him if he was sure that he wanted to delete his picture.  Sighing, he closed the device and sat it down again.  No, he wouldn’t.  As much as he hated the idea, he decided that if things came to it, he would lie.  
With this decision made, he started to think about his agenda for tonight.  While his father wanted Genji to be present at the meeting, a guilty part of Hanzo hoped that his brother would screw up and not make it back in time.  Then he wouldn’t have to deal with the anxiety of worrying that the punk would embarrass him in front of a prominent gang leader.  Speaking of, his thoughts wandered to that person as he imagined how all of it would go.  While his English was fluent, he was told at least once that his accent was heavy.  Hopefully, this McCree would understand him alright.
While he mentally rehearsed things he might say, his food arrived to momentarily replace his anxiety with joy.  He had ordered something that he would have never taken the occasion to eat back home -- a cheeseburger and fries.  Hanzo was in awe of the fact that the burger itself took up half of the plate, while the rest was occupied by fries and a single pickle slice.  
“Wow,” he remarked to himself as he stared at his meal.  He couldn’t possibly hope to eat all of this himself, but as he picked up a fry and dipped into the provided tin cup of ketchup, he silently vowed to do his best.
Hanzo made it a little more than halfway through the burger and finished a good portion of the fries before he finally couldn’t take any more.  His plan was to end his meal there, but then the waiter started to talk to him about desserts.  A short while later, he was presented with a sundae composed of coffee ice cream garnished with cinnamon crisps and a drizzle of Mexican chocolate.  Despite his full stomach’s protests, he finished it, but not without consequence.  Getting back to his room was torture, and when he arrived, it was all he could do to set an alarm for 6 PM before falling into a delightful food coma.
Instead of his alarm waking him at 6, it was Genji to wake him at 5:30 by gently shaking him and calling, “Brother?  Brother, wake up!”
The sleepy young man moaned as he sat up, “What is it, Genji?”
“I’m back in time for tonight, brother!”  Genji was beaming with pride in himself for having done the right thing for once.  Still, Hanzo found himself in no mood to praise him for something he should have been doing all along.  The younger brother didn’t seem to mind, though.  He continued wearing his smile as he put a small plush Pikachu on his brother’s leg.  “I won it for you, brother!”
“You did?”  Hanzo was caught off guard by this.  Picking it up, he gently pressed down one of the character’s long ears and then poked at its nose. It wasn’t often that Genji gave him gifts.  Birthdays and Christmas were a given, but he could recall only one time where the younger sibling had presented the elder with a present for the sake of it.  Turning back to Genji, Hanzo rose his brow, “Thank you… but if this is a preemptive apology for something you’re planning to do later, I will still beat you.”
Genji slightly pouted at his brother’s mistrust, “I’m not planning to do anything.  I’m sorry that I left without telling you as well, but you were so tired.  I covered you with the blanket and stayed with you for a while, but I got too excited to get out and see everything.”
Again, Hanzo was caught off guard.  Why was his brother being so… like this?  It was hard to fault the younger for wanting to go out and explore a little, especially when Genji had kept his promise to come back on time.  And his gestures of brotherly affection?  They were melting right through the cold exterior that comes with being an aggravated elder sibling.  Right now, Hanzo couldn’t even be threatening because he was thinking to himself that he really did love this punk despite all of the trouble he caused.
Despite all of these positive feelings, Hanzo still made a ‘pff’ noise as he sat the Pikachu aside.  At this, Genji’s face fell and he started to look down at the floor.  “Brother, I…I know this is important to you, so I want to behave properly.  I know you didn’t want me to come…”
Hanzo felt an urge to hug his little brother, but instead, he rolled his eyes and walked right past him to the bathroom.  On the way, he spoke over his shoulder, “Are you hungry?  Did you eat?”
The question seemed to be enough for Genji, who picked himself up and followed, “I had pizza.  I’m sorry I didn’t bring back any for you, but I wasn’t the one who paid.”
Of course, Hanzo thought.  It was only their first day here, but his brother had already found a girl who was willing to spend her allowance on him.  How typical.  While Genji leaned against the doorframe, Hanzo started getting ready for tonight with brushing his teeth.  The younger seemed to get the hint that they needed to get ready and so he started undressing. At the moment, the younger brother was wearing sneakers and black jeans with a black button up short sleeve shirt and a green tie, but he started with undoing the latter while stepping towards the shower.
“Oh,” he paused in his actions.  “Should you go first?  I usually take longer…”
“I showered earlier, so go on if you haven’t,” Hanzo removed the toothbrush from his mouth and replied with a mouthful of foam.  He rinsed his mouth afterwards and then headed back to the bedroom to get dressed.
As he laid his planned outfit on the bed, he found himself wishing he had saved the pinstripes for tonight instead, but once he was dressed, he felt reassured that he looked just as good in a grey figure flattering waistcoat, a crisp white shirt, black slacks, and a blue and white striped tie.  While he rolled up his sleeves, he sat down on the bed and stepped into his new shined up black shoes.  Then he grabbed the remote and began flipping through television channels, hoping to find something as interesting as the documentary from earlier.  
Hanzo was usually quick to get ready, but Genji was another story.  It was 6:30 by the time he finally exited the bathroom clean and with his hair all styled up.  The younger brother dressed in a waistcoat as well.  However except for his shirt, Genji was all in black, including the tie, much to Hanzo’s surprise.  If he was not wearing the green tie, Genji must have been really serious about behaving tonight.  Wanting to show the boy just a little affection, Hanzo stood and tied his brother’s tie for him.
“Father would be proud,” he remarked as he worked.  “You look like a true Shimada heir.”
Genji didn’t have a quip for once, but his smile said everything.  Once his brother finished helping him with the tie, the younger sibling looked at the time on his phone and then started for the door.  “We should go now, Hanzo.  Better to be a little early than late.  Isn’t that what father says?”
The elder’s face lit up with pride as he followed out. “Yes, that is in fact what our father would say.”
“Because then we can scope out the place before they arrive,” Genji added enthusiastically as they started down the hall with their men falling into step behind them.
At this, Hanzo chuckled, “Yes, that as well.”
He was in a good mood right up until they got into the car and started rolling towards their destination.  Genji behaving so well was a positive, but he was beginning to become suspicious of it in the belief that if his own brother didn’t pull some stunt, something else would go wrong.  Again, he thought of his Japanese accent.  Americans can be rude, especially when it comes to language barriers, or so he had heard.  There was also a scenario that he had not considered until now -- what if this McCree had an accent of his own? The only thing worse than the other party not understanding him would be himself not understanding the other party and looking like a fool for it.  Nervousness made his fingers want to be busy, and so they picked at nothing on his pants and checked the knotting of his tie several times.
“Brother, tomorrow we should go shopping,” Genji spoke up, breaking the silence.
“Why should we do that?”  Hanzo’s tone sounded very cold, but it was all he could do to mask his anxiety.
“The weather here is very hot.  My legs sweated and made my pants stick to them.  That’s why I needed to shower again.”
Hanzo considered it and then nodded, “If you behave properly tonight, I will take you tomorrow.  Also, after today, don’t leave the hotel without getting my permission first.”
“Yes, brother,” Genji obediently nodded.  Then a smile appeared on his face.  “After today, you said.  That means I could leave later tonight.”
“Do it,” Hanzo spoke flatly.  “You must like how dirt smells.”
“No!  I just… thought I should confirm.”  Genji inched away from Hanzo towards his window and started to look out at the scenery.  That was the end of their conversation.
“Brother, are we going to a train?!”
The car ride here had been a short one into what was known as the Railyard Arts district, if the writing on the water tower that loomed above the place was to be believed.  They were met in a parking lot across the way from a brewery by several men who immediately made them feel that they had stepped into a western.  At least two had shotguns slung like yokes around their necks, but Hanzo couldn’t take his eyes off of the tallest man he had ever seen.  This burly lad had on a leather vest with knives that definitely weren’t tucked into it for decoration.
Hanzo and Genji had been told to meet the Deadlock Gang here, and so they assumed they were going inside of the brewery, despite all of the weapons that the gang had.  However, they found themselves being led in the opposite direction of the building to the railroad, where a train with two cars waited.  
The eldest brother didn’t need to answer the whispered question as they were all escorted onto the last car.  In here were even more men and a single girl with long dark hair leaning against a rifle that was as tall as she was.  Unlike the cowboys she was surrounded by, she wore a tan Native inspired top, short denim shorts with frayed edges, a necklace and bracelet of turquoise and a single long feather tied in her hair right above her left ear.  Genji tried giving her a flirtatious smile, but she responded by switching the rifle to the other side of her body and turning up her nose.  
Both brothers, Shuichi, and one other man were escorted into the first car, leaving behind the rest.  When they arrived inside, the brothers were frisked by two of the gang and then directed towards the comfortable looking passenger seats at the center left of the car.  This would leave two of their men guarding the door along with two of the Deadlock Gang’s men.
Upon arrival, both brothers stood before two seated people and bowed before sitting across from them with Hanzo allowing Genji to take the window seat.  The younger brother had sat across from someone that Hanzo noted to be a rather scrawny lad.  He didn’t give that person much of a look, as he was more focused on the man directly across from him who appeared to be in his mid twenties.  This person was wearing a red flannel shirt and blue bootcut jeans over boots and had brown slicked back hair under his brown stetson.  Hanzo was about to address him when the silence was broken by the drawling voice of the one across from the youngest Shimada brother.
“Genji, good to see you again.”
Confused, Hanzo looked at the young man and then at his brother, whose face lit up as he replied, “It IS you.  I thought so, but I didn’t think I would see you here.”
The scrawny youth smiled and tipped his hat, “Well, I had a feelin’ I’d be seein’ you.”
Now this person had earned Hanzo’s attention.  His baby face didn’t have a single follicle of hair that didn’t belong to his eyebrows.  Wisps of brown hair underneath his black cowboy hat stopped just above of his collar.  He was wearing a red bandana over a white shirt and black vest, and his long, twig-like legs were clad in black denim and leather chaps.
“The two of you know each other?” Hanzo questioned the duo near the window.
“We met today,” Genji answered.  “At the arcade, and he bought me pizza.  This… wasn’t what he was wearing, though.”
“You weren’t dressed so nice either,” a sly smile graced the other’s face and remained as he turned to Hanzo and tipped his hat at him.  “And you must be Hanzo.”
“I am,” Hanzo nodded.  He was being very polite when he really wanted to outright ask who the hell this kid was.  They had been told that they would be meeting with the boss of the Deadlock Gang and given the name McCree.  There had been no description, which was why Hanzo kept looking to the stoic character directly across from him.  Surely, the leader of a notorious gang couldn’t be…
“Heard a lot about you, mostly from Genji,” the kid continued to talk.  “Can I get ya’ll somethin’ to drink?  We got water and Coke.  Nothin’ strong.  ‘Pologies.”
Before Hanzo could say a word, Genji answered, “Coke!”
The other young man turned to the older at his side and held up three fingers.  Then, much to Hanzo’s momentary surprise, that person stood and headed to the seats behind them.  While the sounds of fishing around in ice could be heard, Hanzo thought to himself that he should have known things would go this way.  Their father had insisted on sending Genji along -- he had trusted them with this because they were meeting with a child.  Though McCree’s voice had enough bass in it to be worth something, Hanzo still couldn’t see him as a man.
“How ya’ll likin’ Santa Fe so far?” McCree was asking them.
Genji immediately piped up, “I’m enjoying myself.  Thank you.  Thank you.”
The last thanks was for the man who had returned with three Cokes.  He gave one to each brother before handing one over to their host, who further displayed his position by dismissing the older man with a few whispered words.  Hanzo watched him go and then turned to look at McCree again.  Salt laced his words as he asked, “So you’re the Gunslinger?  You.”
Genji nearly choked on the Coke that he was drinking.  Hanzo was going to just let his brother sputter, but McCree was the one to reach over and pat the hunched over boy’s back.  “Take it easy now.  Guess American Coke’s got a little more bite to it.”
“I’m sorry,” Genji apologized when he could stop coughing like an idiot. “I thought that other guy was the boss.”
Well, at least Hanzo could agree with his brother on that.  When he turned his attention to McCree, he found the other one smirking.  “Who, John?  Nah.  The only boss of Jesse McCree is Jesse McCree unless someone’s gonna pay Jesse McCree real nice to do somethin’.  Then, maybe that guy’ll get to be Jesse McCree’s boss for a while.”
“Do you always refer to yourself in the third person?”  Hanzo shot out and then regretted it.  Even though he couldn’t take this kid seriously as the boss of anything, he reminded himself that he still needed to be respectful for the sake of the deal.
“S’a bad habit of Jesse McCree’s,” McCree replied and then winked.  “I get it.  You’re serious and wanna get down to it right now.”
“You can get us guns,” Hanzo started.
McCree interrupted, “I can get you anything.  It really just depends.”
“On what it is, I’m assuming.”  Now that they were actually talking business, Hanzo started to feel a lot more comfortable.  Grabbing the cap of the Coke bottle, he twisted it off and had a quick sip.
McCree, in the meantime, left his untouched and resting between his crossed legs.  He nodded, “On what it is, and on who’s askin’.  If it’s for you, I can definitely get anything ~”
Hanzo’s face began to feel a little hot, but this only aggravated him.  After a self reminder to stay polite, he spoke again, “We could always get guns ourselves…”
“Oh, I’m sure you can,” McCree folded his arms behind his head and leaned back.  “There’s a Walmart we can drop ya’ll off right in front of.  You can go right in ‘n grab yourselves coupla guns right now.  You shoulda been told we don’t get children’s toys.  If ya’ll want water guns, go to someone else.  If ya’ll want military grade hardware, you’re hangin’ around on a train with who’s gonna get it for ya.  But if ya’ll think I can’t cuz’a my cute face…”
Hanzo wanted to punch that cute face, but instead, he turned and gestured to Shuichi, who brought along a black briefcase.  The elder Shimada waited until his man was gone to place the case on McCree’s lap.  With a quirked brow, the young man sat up and opened it.  Then he closed it with a grin.
Hanzo wouldn’t give him a chance to say something annoying.  Instead, he spoke quickly, “That’s a retainer fee.  You’ll get the rest when you deliver.”
“Nice,” McCree smiled, opening the case again and taking out a stack of rubberbanded American cash to smell.  “Smells real nice.  You can tell your boss that we’ll be deliverin’ in a week or less.  Until then, I’m gonna put a chunka this to work tonight.  Let me show ya’ll a little hospitality.  Steak’s on me tonight, boys.”
He had a polite decline all ready, but before Hanzo could say a word, Genji was already saying, “Great!”
Hanzo wanted to strangle him then and there, but it wasn’t worth it.  If the damn cowboy wanted to treat them to free dinner, why not?  What was the worst that could happen?
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shimadatales · 7 years ago
HECK YE REQUESTS OPEN. Could I request something for Hanzo (like say nothing with Genji ever happened and he ended up running the clan with Genji) with a servent/maid reader? Like he's head over heels for her and wants to make her his wife, and is like "Do not worry I will take care of you, screw what everyone else says"? ah soorry if thats to weird
It’s not a weird request at all! I find it rather cute really and hope you like this! ^^ I did it in HC form, but if you wanted something different, please tell me.
- Becauseof his undying passion for you, this man might come off a littlestraightforward? He’d probably see it as the most normal thing in the world,not seeing why you are so flustered and anxious over it. Even though the eldersof the clan expect much of him, Hanzo is not one for letting others rule hislife and even though he takes their advice to heart, his love for you cannot bestopped by mere rules. Do not get in the way of a dragon following his passion,as he will surely not tolerate it. He is still the Master of his clan after alland even his closest allies will not risk angering him over something as pettyas loving a maid.
- He’dneed some advice from Genji on how to be more subtle with you though, as Hanzocan’t get over his excitement of courting you, wanting you to rule at his sideas soon as possible. However, you needed time to get used to the relationshipas well, favoring a much slower approach. The archer would have moved you toone of his quarters already, where you would be residing until the both of youare married, as is tradition. However, every day after training, he would visityou and present you with the most luxurious gifts you can imagine and you can’thelp but feel spoiled by his love and attention for you. The two of you wouldconverse with each other over a peaceful tea ceremony while watching the cherryblossoms fall from outside your window. His time with you is what the Masterlooks forward to every day.
- Asmile would settle on his regal face once the marksman recalls the day he fell foryou, not expecting to fall for a person like yourself at all back then either,but he is more than thankful that he did. You were an assistant of one of thehead maids and occasionally brought tea and sake while the royal family hadtheir meetings with the other clans, mostly about settling new businessarrangements and contracts. You were not that fond of them at the beginning,thinking that most Yakuza were quite ill minded and selfish people, after all,their business was not a fair one. However, you stayed because you needed themoney to pay your own bills and the salary you got was not bad at all, so youkept most of your opinions to yourself and carried out your duties withoutcomplaint. You rarely spoke to any of the family members of the Shimada’s, asyou feared them in a way as well and did not want to spill any bad words onaccident, keeping your face and voice low whenever you had to greet them in thehalls.
- Itwas Genji, the youngest of the family, who had approached you one day and youhonestly were not as surprised as you were aware of the flirtatious history hecarried with him when it came to socializing. He was a nice man in generalthough, free spirited compared to his other family members. Even though hecould be charming, he treated you with the greatest respect and never pushedhimself onto you once you politely expressed your disinterest. The both of youstayed good friends afterwards though, which was more or less Genji’s doing andyou honestly didn’t understand why a high class noble like himself wanted to befriends with a simple maid like you. It seemed that the ninja did not care forstatus or ranks at all, which made you feel a little guilty as you thought solowly of these people before. It seemed that not all clans were as bad or evilas people described them and even so, it is how they lived for centuriesalready and most Yakuza did not even interact with the normal citizens, letalone harm them. Their business might not be legal, but they weren’t ordinarymurderers either.
- Itwas also through Genji that you managed to get closer to his brother, who youhad a strange infatuation with. You were more than a little intimidated byHanzo upon first meeting him in person though, having heard about his stoic andserious demeanor as well as his picky taste in things. Nothing could be perfectenough for this man and you were more than nervous for that reason as well onceGenji had managed to get you to deliver some tea to his quarters. You knew whathe was trying to do and it honestly drove you insane, but you remembered thatcomplaining was still not something you were allowed to do as it could alwaysbe used against you, even by someone as sweet alking as Genji. You didn’t thinkhe’d ever betray you, but you did not want to take any chances either and wentwith whatever game he was playing with now. Apparently, the man was amused byfinding suitors for his brother and thought the both of you could work welltogether, despite your current position as he said it would not be a problem tothe archer either. You thought otherwise however. This man was highlytraditional and was probably not even interested in wasting his time withpeople who just come to bring in his necessities, as he usually did not evenspare a glance at the other maids whenever his food was served.
- Youwere surprised for that reason, for finding the man watching you intently asyou sat down his freshly brewed matcha tea on top of his salon table, his eyesnot leaving your form, making you even more nervous than usual. At the time,you were not sure whether he was looking at you in disapproval oracknowledgement, the man never said a word and his face was impossible to readas well. He was a master at hiding is own emotions, which was something youmust be capable of if you live within the lifestyle of his own. Distracted byyour own anxious thoughts and shaking nerves, you spilled a small bit of the teaon top of the table while serving him and you couldn’t help but curse silentlyunder your breath at your own clumsiness. However, you failed to notice thatthe most important person of the whole estate was right beside you, watchingyour every move and failure and your cheeks suddenly became a whole lot redder.
- Realizingyour mistake and disrespect in front of your Master, you got on your knees andbowed down as low as possible while muttering out endless apologies. You neverhad been punished or done something wrong before and these people were verymuch unpredictable, so you did not know how severe his reaction would be andsettled for the most formal apology possible. Thankfully, the archer was not asmad as you expected him to be, his cold and harsh exterior more an outlook heused to remain in control and appear fearless to his enemies and allies. Hereacted rather calmly and told you there was no need to apologize sofrantically. You had simply spilled some tea and it could be easily removed.There was even a hint of a smile on his face, but you did not dare to assumethat fully, although he looked rather handsome once you faced him entirely. Youhad never seen the man this close up after all. Perhaps these Yakuza were notas bad and your punishment would not consist of getting your head chopped off,as a lot of locals were so afraid of.
- Youwere even more surprised once the Master had invited you to stay with him duringone of his tea ceremonies after having served him for a while more. He was verysmooth in finding an excuse as well, saying he felt rather lonely otherwise anddid not get much company. You felt rather bad for him back then, as it mustindeed be quite lonely if you are the leader of an Empire and need to beprotected at all costs due to possible assassins going after your wealth. Youof course obliged and the both of you grew closer over time, although you stilldid not understand why he favored you, a maid and worker, over the ladies ofthe palace or why he even wanted to talk to you in the first place. Hanzo oftentold you about his disinterest in the women his father chose for him and youcouldn’t help but chuckle whenever he referred to them as nothing more thanmindless dolls, with their fancy clothing and overly done hair. The archeralways valued intelligence more so than looks and just natural beauty ingeneral. To him, you were a lot more interesting than those women and youhonestly felt very honored and touched to hear that, but did not dare inquireabout it more as you were still in a lower position after all. You alwaysthanked him politely or told him that those women all had their own qualities,but in general remained quiet in fear of crossing any boundaries.
- Hanzoknew why he was drawn to you. You were humble and kindhearted and alwaysmanaged to say the right words of wisdom, soothing his own restless heart whenhe needed them. Your status for that matter was gradually forgotten over timeand before he even realized it himself, he had fallen for you. That thought inthe beginning, frightened the man to no end, but he knew he could not let youpass by and let another run away with your heart. None of the women he had beenpresented with prior ever made him happy and neither will they in the future,knowing that the person he was meant to be with would be you. You also openedhis eyes when it comes to many other things, as someone’s rank has nothing todo with the person they are on the inside or what they feel in their heart. Therarest treasure can be found in the most ordinary places, as long as you arewilling to see it. You were the only bit of happiness he allowed himself tohave over time, as you never failed to make him feel calmer and thus decided toapproach you that faithful day about something much more important. The both ofyou had already known about each other’s feelings prior to his proposal,although you kept it very much a secret from the rest of the clan. Genji didknow about your relationship of course, but the ninja could be trusted as itwas his idea to bring the two of you together in the first place and wouldnever get you into any trouble.
- Nowback to the present, a few weeks later, you gasped slightly as your beautiful man suddenly kneeledin front of you and took one of your hands in his, kissing it lightly beforecontinuing on with his proposal. You had been too distracted by the elegance ofthe pink petals flying by outside to see Hanzo shift in his place and take outa silver ring from his pocket. The determination and love in his eyes shootingadrenaline through your whole body, keeping you in place and mesmerized by hisorbs. He had made you a promise that day, a promise to keep you safe and cherishyou. His words gaining more seriousness as he told you he would never letanyone get into the way of the both of you either, telling you that the oneperson who would try to do so would have written their own death wish, whichhad you taken aback. You knew the Master could be frightening and dedicated tothe bone, but this was something entirely different and you honestly felt morethan a little emotional over his passion for you. You felt a complete safetyand relief wash over you, as your own doubts about a future spent beside one ofthe mightiest Emperors were washed away by his own comforting words. You knewyou could trust the dragon on his word, as his expression said everything andyou let yourself fall into his embrace as tears started to gather at the cornersof both you and his eyes. You kissed him passionately in that moment, knowingthat the rest of your life would be spent in the greatest happiness because ofHanzo’s unconditional love for you.
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black-morticia · 8 years ago
For the Hanzo Shimagnst, I headcanoned that their mother died soon after giving birth to Genji and even then little Hanzo felt like it was Genji's fault that she's gone. Then of course their father defending Genji's screw ups and of course Hanzo resented him for being their father's “Sparrow”. But also the fact that Genji’s bio point blank says their father pissed a lot of people off because he kept shielding Genji but also says his death was “untimely”. So I can kinda see that it was an inside job that elder’s offed their father because he wasn’t falling in line with them. So again, even more resentment that Hanzo blames Genji for. And even after their father’s death, Genji continues to slack off and not listen. I feel like at so much, Hanzo reached his breaking point and snapped. But as soon as he calmed down and realized what he had done he regretted it immediately. 
But that’s my personal headcanon for the Shimadas... :)
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dawnthefox24 · 6 months ago
So here's more Rumiko Shimada headcanons because I love my wife TvT and she deserves the best Also I hope blizzard doesn't screw her over because I will cry
Rumiko Shimada Headcanons
She's ambidextrous.
Has carried both Hanzo and Genji at once when they were younger. (Via piggy back ride)
Doesn't like the smell of (human)blood.
Has treated Sojiro injuries more than once and has scolded him for being reckless/not careful.
Got physical once with the elders.
Is (was) the voice of reason.
She has been stabbed before and stitched her injuries without telling Sojiro, while staying quiet because she didn't want to alert him (again this is a headcanon so bare in mind that she did live with a yakuza boss so of course she would get injured.)
Killed once and will never kill again.(Mentioned in this post)
Helped Genji beat a high score in a arcade.
Major anxiety and paranoia for Hanzo,Genji and Sojiro mainly about their safety.
Is a Vocaloid girly (Yes I want Vocaloid to be a canon thing in the overwatch world TvT)
Loves music and telling stories since the music brings the stories to life.
Loves dancing in her spare time.(Sometimes with Sojiro or with her boys)
Always wanted to be a kabuki actor but never had the chance since she was an accountant only to be married to Sojiro. (small world for her lol)
Has taken Hanzo, Genji and Sojiro to a few Kabuki shows and knows that Hanzo pays more attention to the shows than Genji and Sojiro.
Painted Hanzo face and made a mask for Genji for Halloween.
Loves telling stories about tragedies and the history behind it.
Is an animal lover.
Played baseball and was a good pitcher.
Had to intervene a few times when the elders had to scold either Hanzo or Genji (both) more then once to say her piece.
Tries to teach Hanzo and Genji life lesson though her stories but also goes in one ear and out the other for them.
Developed Hemophobia( the fear of blood).
Had to stitch herself up all by herself trying to not pass out with the fact that she had to talk to herself while alone.
Has encountered death more then once and is always lucky to still be alive by either luck or the dragons protecting her.
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