#screencaps from loona so what mv
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aliceinclockland · 2 years ago
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CCS Clear Card Chapter 75 Core
Burning the fake moon for Yuna D. Kaito
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rukakikuchi · 5 years ago
LOONAverse timeline theory (my interpretation) - Breakdown (Part 1)
Hey everyone! đŸ‘‹đŸ»
So, a few things to note about this next series of posts, chronicling my LOONAverse timeline theory.
Much of this is speculation based around theories within the fandom that I’ve seen, as well as my personal interpretation of certain events from watching and analyzing LOONA’s content.
In fact, much of these theories actually arose while writing this breakdown series, as I began to piece together details I hadn’t previously thought about! 😄 It really emphasizes just what a complex web the LOONAverse’s lore is.
I will also be including screencaps as visual aids for my timeline theory.
So, without further ado, let’s begin.

Chapter One - The Beginning
Hyunjin and the former Odd Eye Circle
Kim Lip, Jinsoul, and Hyunjin live in the Cosmos, the plane that exists between Earth and Eden within the Moebius strip. Each girl has an Odd Eye, a special power that affects how they interact with the Cosmos.
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Kim Lip, the wise leader, has super speed which allows her to travel great distances in a short amount of time. She is also closely connected to the moon; specifically, the eclipse.
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Jinsoul can teleport from one location to another, and is connected with the rain, which she can summon to rejuvenate life in the Cosmos.
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Hyunjin is an observer, using mirrors to watch over the Cosmos. Her powers combined with Kim Lip and Jinsoul’s are what brings life to their home.
Hyunjin begins to wonder if it’s possible to travel outside of the Cosmos and if there are other worlds that exist; other girls just like her and her friends. She starts writing letters, hoping they will reach someone outside the Cosmos.
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Then one day, she receives a bracelet.
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At this point in time, the origin of where the bracelet came from is unknown. But from hindsight, we know that in the Cinema Theory clip titled “SeeSaw”, this bracelet was actually sent by Gowon and Chuu from Eden.
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Hyunjin instinctively knows that this is a message; a sign to her that there are indeed worlds outside the Cosmos, and others who might be searching for her like she’s searching for them.
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Thus, she makes the decision to leave the Cosmos.
With Kim Lip and Jinsoul’s help, they are able to locate Earth, as well as Hyunjin’s mirror counterpart, Choerry, and find the cherries, which are the key that allows them to travel outside the Cosmos.
Jinsoul goes first, arriving on Earth and placing one of the cherries on a cake for Choerry, which will allow her and Hyunjin to switch places.
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But then something happens to Jinsoul.
She finds Olivia, who arrived on Earth after she escaped from Eden, alone. She senses that her heart is filled with pain and sorrow.
So, to try and ease some of her pain, Olivia allows Jinsoul to take part of her heart and place it inside of her.
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(Jinsoul’s rap in Egoist:
Hey, for the sin of swallowing you You get bigger and bigger, beautiful you You are me, now I’m you Little by little, soaked into my veins On & on, you and me, the endless cycle We can’t be separated...)
In other words, Jinsoul “swallows” half of Olivia’s heart. Now they’ve become deeply connected with each other.
Then, Olivia traps Jinsoul in a basement, preventing her from returning home. Jinsoul’s Odd Eye slowly weaken and fades overtime, along with her memories.
Now, onto Choerry.
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Choerry is a normal girl, living a normal life on Earth. And look who she’s come to hang out with.
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Haseul and Yeojin, two girls who are close to each other like a mother and daughter, or sisters! Either way you spin it, they’re as close as family.
And Choerry, our ray of sunshine, is good friends with them.
So they’re hanging out, like any other day, when Choerry spots the cake that was placed by Jinsoul.
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She’s clearly tempted to eat it, and ultimately gives into that temptation, eating the cherry and activating the switch between her and Hyunjin.
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However, this is where we have another problem arise. Choerry has not awakened her Odd Eye yet, and Hyunjin loses hers in the switch. So Kim Lip can no longer track down Hyunjin or locate Choerry once she’s arrived in the Cosmos.
On top of that, everyone’s memories get affected to some degree.
With Choerry gone, Haseul and Yeojin forget her. And now that they’re outside of their home dimensions, Choerry and Hyunjin lose their memories of Earth and the Cosmos respectively.
With both Jinsoul and Hyunjin now gone, and Choerry’s Odd Eye not having awakened, Kim Lip’s own Odd Eye is nullified. The life and color of the Cosmos becomes dull and monochromic.
Now we have Hyunjin, a normal girl living on Earth.
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Hyunjin has essentially become a different person since she arrived on Earth. She still writes letters and poems, but she can’t really understand or remember why or who she writes them to.
She even tries giving them to a cat she sees while outside her house.
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There’s a boy she likes, so maybe they’re supposed to be for him?
But Hyunjin is shy and doesn’t have the courage to confess her feelings. She always remains silent and leaves without ever saying anything.
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(I know this screenshot may look dark, but if you adjust the brightness, you can see her face. This is actually one of my favorite shots in the MV.)
Hyunjin is too upset at herself for being too shy to speak to her crush, and gives up, deciding to go home. And on the way, she meets...
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And speaking of Heejin...
Heejin’s origin story and meeting Hyunjin, Haseul, and Yeojin
Heejin lives a normal life, one she views as repetitive and boring. She lives in Paris, working as a housemaid for a wealthy woman.
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(Translation: “I would like you to clean. The tools are over there.”)
While cleaning, Heejin dreams of living a luxurious life, full of color. Her solo video gives me vibes of Alice in Wonderland mixed with Cinderella; Heejin is a dreamer at heart.
But she’s broken away from her daydreams when she senses... something. She’s not sure what, but the feeling is strong.
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I believe what she senses here is Olivia killing ViVi, and is what sets of the chain reaction for Heejin to meet the other 1/3 members and eventually confront Olivia herself.
She decides to leave Paris on her own, beginning to travel the world, and meets Hyunjin in Tokyo. The two of them instantly form a connection, and become close friends.
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(2jin’s friendship is so cute. uwu)
They start going to school together, and eventually meet and befriend Haseul and Yeojin. Yeojin is still young and immature when it comes to love, and keeps getting harassed by a boy who likes her (who she sees as a frog prince).
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But she still has dreams of herself being a princess who will one day meet her prince charming. And while she has growing feelings towards the “frog prince”, she isn’t ready yet.
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And now I’m going to do a quick aside and share some screenshots and lyrics in “My Sunday”/”My Melody” that stuck out to me after rewatching them.
My Sunday:
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Oh, memory from the time that stopped for a while It feel like I’m born again
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Unfamiliar recollections adding up
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My Melody:
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Melody calling me I’m already walking towards the direction Indescribable attraction
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I’ll show you the deepest point in my heart
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Wherever I can reach I’ll be happy with you
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What’s significant in “My Sunday” and “My Melody” changes with who is singing the song.
In “My Sunday”, the lines that Hyunjin sings imply that her memories from her life in the Cosmos are still deep in her subconscious.
In “My Melody”, Yeojin’s lines foreshadow her getting lost in the woods. Meaning that something, or someone, was calling to her that lead to her wandering into the forest and getting lost.
And, if we interpret what we see from “My Melody” as Haseul recollecting her time spent with Yeojin before she got lost, then her lines sung during the second chorus is her determination to find her.
We’ll talk more about the forest, and the significance of how these four are connected to Jinsoul, ViVi, Yves, and Chuu, later.
For now, this will conclude Part 1 of Chapter 1 (this chapter is pretty long, so I decided to divide it up here. lol)! Part 2 will be coming out soon!
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