#screaming when they touched hand sun 3x01
dr-lizortecho · 8 months
say what you will about both Kyle and Tyler but them both being kids raised in politics and absolute assholes in highschool and ending the series with an unsatisfying shove towards a romance is something so oddly mind numbing
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sunjaesol · 2 years
Top 10 Stydia moments? (I was going to ask Top 5 but I'm guessing there's too many haha)
Ooooh, alright. Let's try this. This ranking changes on the daily.
In general, Stiles and Lydia in 3x15, but specifically, her laying on his bed as he was making his mystery board and him reassuring her while looking deeply and lovingly into her eyes, that he'd always believe her and follow her instincts, no matter what. He'd search all night for clues if she believed there were any.
The entire "Remember I love you" scene in the car in 6x01
Stiles begging for Lydia to wake up in 5x16 after she essentially screamed herself to death and not losing hope despite Scott giving up.
"Lydia, you go with Stiles." FERAL
Stiles sitting by Lydia's bed in Eichen when she was catatonic, holding her hand and pleading for her to come back to him.
Lydia telling Stiles he was smart enough to figure out how to get her out of a bear trap and then ✨catching her✨
Stiles gently touching the side of Lydia's face after Meredith makes her ear bleed.
The power of their love causing a chasm in time and space continuum so that Lydia can pull him out of limbo and back into existence. All the while 'The Sun' by Frida Sundemo plays as though I wouldn't lose my fucking mind.
Stiles and Lydia kissing in 3x11 while GABRIELLE FUCKING APLIN PLAYS and not only does that kiss calm him down, it makes her realise she has feelings for him and it makes him think of a solution to the Nemeton issue.
Their hallway moment at the end of season 5 when they're both wearing red and making Eye Contact and it feels like they're the only one in the school hallway and it's just,,, beautiful.
Honourable mention to their eye contact during the lacrosse game in 2x11, all the 3x01 moments, their impeccable teamwork in 3x06 that really solidified them as a solid team and the brains of the pack, the gentle hug in 4x06, the Look on his face in 5x01 when she walked towards the pack in the hallway, and Lydia's undying belief in the existence of Stiles in 6A.
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