#screaaamm laventon
leviathiane · 2 years
🛒and 🤩! for PLA because thats what im brainrotting currently, but if you wanna talk about your other fandoms go for it!
jskdabhjvgahsbdk As if i could ignore PLA when the anniversary was Yesterday omg, what Disrespect that would be
🛒 - What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. I love dialogue that gets bitten off, and looks or small actions (a clenched fist, a mouth pressed into a thin line, etc) exchanged with no actual context given. YOU gotta figure out what it means, and it often means so many different things at once that everyone could say something different and it'll still be right. I love doing that. I also really, REALLY love chase scenes, though I haven't really written many in years (bc i Only wrote those as a kid sadjnbhasdkn I was a huge fan of like. secret identity unmasking chase scenes lmfao) In PLA specifically i LOVE dangling in the slight unsettling-ness that is Akari and Ingo being so Used to pokemon. It is absolutely hysterical to me. They are basically cryptids.
🤩 - who is your favorite character to write?
HONESTLY? Not Ingo, or Akari. I love writing LAVENTON. Man's such an excitable doofus, mixing Researcher with Dad with Foreigner. He stands out from a lot of the Galaxy team bc he's just so much more ready to be hands on-- not fearless, not the way akari is, but so much more Malleable when it comes to interacting with pokemon. it makes writing him so, so interesting to gamble. also, gonna write kamado soon, and I expect I'll really enjoy writing him too. I love characters in power with paranoia and trauma. I love writing paranoia, especially.
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