#scp85 x reader
snakegorl212006 · 2 years
SCP headcanons pt1
(how did you meet)
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Scp-070(you’re a SCP)
You always was a entity at site** and honestly you thought you saw everything but this would’ve been one of the weirdest things you’ve seen. You had a hard time sleeping so the guards let you stay up for one hour before returning to your room. With that hour you head to the cafeteria , got yourself a snack, then you hear clanking on the floor. You turned around to see a native american male who appears dead asleep. That’s not the weirdest part you’ve seen researchers sleep walking before but this man wasn't walking as he’s held up by rusted metal wings with long pointed chains coming down from the structure. He was crawling on the walls well, his wings made him crawl. I waved my hand to see if he was ok but in return he floated down and crashed onto me. The wings stopped moving and it looked like his whole body was asleep. When that happened no more than 2 or 3 security personnel  came in with sticky foam. They handled the rest and I was sent back to my room.
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Scp-073(you’re a SCP)
You just got taken from your home after some rando exposed your powers and your true form. Due to the incident you had a hard time opening up to research personnel and were not very compliant to test due to a build up fear. Due to you being difficult, tests were suspended for the time being. In the present day, you are allowed to go around the facility to help boost your trust. The first place you went to was the cafeteria. You were in your human form and honestly you could almost be considered a D-class if the researchers and security personnel didn't know who you were. Now you just got done going through the line and you yourself some (favorite food)which wasn't normally served but due to you being a SCP and wanting to get on your good side you kinda get special treatment. This caught the attention of many D-class personals who envy you. You were casually minding your own business until a small group of D-class were surrounding you . each one was just itching for a fight. But you just were not interested. Before anything else happened to you a man grabbed his arm then the guards came and took them away before anything else could happen "are you ok" the man asked which sounded cold,kinda robotic but it felt warm to you. You nod which made him give a small smile "good. I'm scp-073 but I'm calling cain" he introduced "(y/n)" you replied significantly you're first steps of your friendship
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Scp-076-2(you're a D-class)
You never wanted to be here. But if it wasn't for you being accused of a massacre you wouldn't be in this mess. Multiple containment breaches happened at the same time. All you had was a knife from a dead personal, a flashlight,and a couple key cards ranging from levels 1-4. The people were dropping like flies and reinforcements were coming soon. you were roaming around the halls aware of the sound and the quiet screaming from the victims. Unfortunately for you you came across a hostile scp who was stabbing another military personal. He wouldn't have noticed you if you hadn't flash your flashlight in his face. He turned slightly for a second and you booked it. As you ran you heard his footsteps getting closer and closer. You managed to shut a gate on him and you didn't stick around to find out if he broke though or not. Lucky for you  found yourself in the cafeteria. You head to the kitchen and grab yourself the biggest knife there. It wouldn't be too useful on a scp but hey you got a weapon. From behind the kitchen counter the doors burst open and you quickly hid in the cabinets in the back. You readyed your knife and calmed your breathing “where are you? Little mouse”he called as his footsteps grew closer to your location. Then without warning his sword pierce through the cabinet from above you making you run out. He tries to slice you again but you also dodge that move. Using the knife in your hand and stabbed through his neck and managed to snap his neck by twisting the knife towards the back of his neck. To add insult to injury his collar exploded making him disintegrate. Some MTs’ found you and managed to get you to a temporary cell.
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Scp-085( you’re a scp)
You were in your cell minding your own business until you saw foundation personnel transport a canvas in your room. It wasn't just any canvas but there was a person inside “Scp-(random numbers) this is scp-085. You’ll be helping her and will be sharing the same containment cells for a few days. There was a breach that destroyed her containment.”the rechercher said then he left. You turned to the 2D girl and saw how sad she looked. You grabbed a pencil and wrote to her “hi im (y/n) what’s your name”  you asked. She slowly wrote the word ‘cassy’ “why are you so sad” you asked. She shook her head like she didn't want to talk about it. “What do you like”you wrote “cars”she replied “why ask” she said “well you look sad and i want to know what makes you happy” you wrote a reply. She smiles through the picture “want to be friends”she asked. You nod in reply and thus a friendship was born
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Scp-049( you’re a researcher)
You’re the new researcher at the facility and were told due to a previous breach you have to interview Scp-049 asap. You reach the interview room “good evening 049. Im dr.(l/n) and i’ll be asking you a few questions. Is this ok with you”you asked.'' It’s completely fine, doctor,”he replied. The interview began and he was very polite to you and you had zero issues with although he never gave a clear explanation on what the pestilence is. At the end of the interview selection you declared your leave “wait Doctor.”049 called “is there something wrong”you asked “if it’s possible i would like to chat with you again”he said. You thought for a moment “I suppose it wouldn't hurt. I’ll see you soon 049” you declared as you were escorted out the room.
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