redlibra14-2 · 2 years
FD Survivors as SCPs *Part 1*
/Hello again all, 
It’s been a while. I’ve just been busy with some personal stuff, college, fanfic ideas, Pokemon-related stuff, etc. I honestly didn’t think that my first SCP post would garner some attention from the Final Destination fandom the way it did but it did. I mean it was kind of a casual idea that I had going on in my head that I didn’t think would go anywhere. But I guess it’s starting to take shape. Also, if anyone wants to make fanart based off of my SCP matchups, by all means go ahead. And I’d also like to give out a disclaimer: Much like in my previous post about this, these matchups are based solely on my opinions and what I think fits. Apologies if we disagree, but I did say that if you did have a different opinion, feel free to post it in the comments. Which by the way, feel free to do the same here. I put this as Part 1 in the event that anyone wants to see more in the future. @hatsumesgoggles, this one is for you. This took about a decent 10-20 mins of research and internal debating before making the final decision.
This is another FD/SCP crossover post, but this time it’s with the survivors. 
Starting off with: 
Nathan -  SCP-26805 aka "The Helper Spirit": Now this one is a bit of a mixed case for me, as the SCP in question could apply to basically any of the sidekicks to the visionaries since they all share the same role. And Nathan is no exception to this. And it especially doesn’t help when this SCP isn’t as well-known as some of the classics, like 106 or 035. But I will give you a brief rundown as to what this thing does. Basically, it’s a spirit that can possess anyone and ONLY the person possessed can see its true form. It is also know to cause what can be broken down to and choked up as an adrenaline rush, such as being able to lift heavy objects or withstand bullets. And while possessing the person in question, it leaves behind a clone of itself (SCP-26805-1). But when it leaves the host, the host can’t even remember what the thing looks like after being released from its grasp. And if you think that’s it, that this thing isn’t so scary, let me give you a quick fact: this thing was one of the few scps that can literally incapacitate larger SCPs like 682. You gotta admit that that’s pretty powerful as it can basically temporarily turn you into a Jojo stand user. Now why Nathan in particular when I said that this could also apply to other characters? Well, Nathan does say that he can see dead people. I... unfortunately do not have any other reason why other than Nathan making a reference to the Sixth Sense to match him up with it. And also, going back to how this can also apply to other characters, this thing can literally possess multiple people at once, such as when some Chaos Insurgency members got possessed and with the power the received, almost destroyed an entire site. However, they were twarted by another army of 26805-1′s who were on the side of the Foundation. This also shows that this being isn’t purely a force for good, but it can also be used for evil too. Which is why it’s classified as Euclid, not harmful per say, but not safe either. This thing could literally possess anyone, meaning literally any FD character (unless I come up with different and better matchups). Hell, the closest thing to a helper spirit moment that happens in the FD series would be when Alex saves Carter. Too bad this thing wasn’t around to save him from being hit with a brick. 
(I’m gonna be honest with you guys and say that I originally wanted to place a cooking based scp with Nathan because fun fact: the whole cooking gig that every FD fan and their dog knows Sam had throughout the 5th film was originally supposed to go to Nathan before it got cut. The more you know.) 
Kevin - SCP-965 aka “The Face in the Window”: This one was also difficult to pin down because most of the SCPs that I tried or thought could fit were either phenomenon’s or literal objects, humanoid or sports-themed specifically, but none of them really seemed to fit with Kevin in my eyes. That was until I learned about SCP-965, aka “The Face in the Window”. This thing only appears when the “outside” of the window is slightly darker than the “inside” by 5 candelas. This thing can appear in the window regardless of how dark or light it is. It’s still there even if you tried to cover it up by closing the curtains. This thing is also known to instill the feelings of unease, nervousness, and paranoia and the areas in which it is seen are fully assembled window frames, regardless if installed or not (SCP-965-1). The only way it changes homes is if you destroy the current -1 and it reappears in a different window with no explanation. Also, if you sleep in a room with a window containing this thing, be prepared for the non-physical, yet choatic nightmares you’re gonna face. They’re so bad that they will leave you feeling as though you’re being watched or stalked in the waking world. And if these dreams become more frequent, the side effects you may experience are, but not limited to: 
- heartburn or abdominal pain 
-vomiting blood or have blood in bodily wastes 
-and low-grade hemorrhaging in varied locations of the victim’s gastrointestinal tract. 
These symptoms happen because exposure to this thing is what’s causing abnormal spikes of fear and paranoia, allowing these symptoms to happen. It’s a traumatic experience and the more pain you feel, the bigger its monstrous grin grows. Now why did I place him with Kevin instead of 26805, like I did with Nathan? If you know anything about the visions in the films or how any of the characters die, you’d know that Kevin’s vision-based deaths have a lot to do with windows. Such as the picture of the flash going off in his face making it look like he got squashed against a window, or how in Wendy’s last vision, he’s sucked out of the window of the subway train and reduced to, as James A. Janisse once so lovingly put it, “a strawberry shortcake”. Plus throughout the film, while trying to put on a brave and helpful front around Wendy, is fearful and uneasy, which fits this to a tea. But then again, all FD characters feel this way to some extent, because it’s difficult to not be traumatized after the things they went through. (Also, a more morbid part of me is amused at the idea of Ghost!Kevin haunting windows, especially near where he “died”. I put “died” in quotation marks because like how I mentioned in my previous post about how we don’t know whether Wendy or Kim are alive and well, we don’t know Kevin’s fate either. For all we know he could be hidden away somewhere safe and vibing with Julie and Wendy.) 
Olivia - SCP-056 aka “A Beautiful Person”: Much like how I felt SCP-105 was a good choice for Wendy and to quote what I said in that section of the post: “Do I really need to explain this? To me it just seemed pretty fitting.” I mean seriously, does this really require an explanation as to why? Have you seen Olivia? She is literally a ✨Q U E E N✨. But in all seriousness and simping aside, she is very vainly beautiful. We see her take her shirt off in one scene and just preferring to wear more open clothes. She also really hates her glasses and it is why she visits an eye-laser sugery clinic leading up to her death. She values her looks so much to the point where it gets her into a heated rivalry with Candice. When I thought about what SCP should fit her best, 056 was the first one that came to mind as some of its behavior and abilities sound like Olivia. It can change its appearence at will according to its environment and the people around it. It can turn into either the most handsome man or the most beautiful woman. It’s so attractive to look at to the point where it leaves others feeling insecure and jealous of it. Sound familiar? Kind of like the rivalry that Olivia and Candice had as mentioned earlier. It’s also very vain but can be helpful if so desired. No one knows its true form behind the numerous masks it wears. Despite what everyone feels about it, it still gets its way. 
So anyway, those were my matchups. And again, some aren’t perfect but that’s what opinions and having discussions about said opinions in the comments are for. And if you want to see more, let me know. (Also, i just found out a few minutes ago as I am finishing this post that 26805 isn’t really part of the canon and is a fanmade scp but lets pretend that it is, at least for the sake of this post)
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