#scp humanised
kirlias452 · 2 years
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Human redraw of SCP-3045 (bzzz.zip)
Like to slap his nose, retweet to slap his nose, ignore to slap his nose
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worldwide-simp · 1 year
Here, take some of my writing from when I was brain dead // Yandere Scp x reader
military au
The last shot
not edited Warnings: swearing, graphic descriptions of violence, mention of death “Open fire!” Clef commanded, a barrage of bullets releasing on the word, piercing repeatedly through the invaders skin, flesh and bone.
Blood painted the ground a beautiful red as bodies decorated it like a woven tapestry. He clipped on the safety feature back onto his own double barrel shotgun, thinking to himself how life would be so much easier if it didn’t exist.
“I hate my job.” He mumbled, swiping the flecks of red off his face, accidentally smudging it even further in. A rapid fire of quiet curses were released to vent his growing frustration. The dirt under him crunched as he made the slightest of movement.
Kicking at an arm of a fallen enemy soldier, Clef glowered down at them, remembering the time that their bullets pierced his own skin. The difference was that he didn’t fucking die.
“Commander!” A soldier in training shouted to him, the distance between them blurring their words. Nevertheless, he heard it loud and clear, being a sort of mantra that repeated everyday and became his apparent sixth sense.
“What.” His tension filled voice amated the soldier as they closed the large distance between them, standing two metres away. A respectable distance.
“Have- have you not heard the radio..?” They stuttered slightly, shifting their feet below them. Clef’s expression became one of curiousity and believe it or not, apprehension.
“No, genius, mine was blown up.” His gruff voice breathed out, annoyance lacing it like fine poison. As he moved to place his full attention on the soldier, his blond neck-length hair ruffled with the slight breeze and the shorter strands rested on his face.
“Well- um, someone on our squad got shot.” Clef whipped his head to them, eyes widening in shock. If he wasn’t surprised before, he was now.
“Who?!” He demanded, pointing a finger towards them. They spluttered, overwhelmed with the sudden burst of energy from their normally stoic but eccentric commander.
“I don’t know! I just heard about it, they refused to elaborate on whether they are dead or alive.” Clef was extremely confused. Why wouldn’t they say anything about it if someone was injured? They would of had to be immediately taken to Y/N (assuming that they were alive).
“Have you not checked on who is missing?” He snapped, pulling at his hair as a coping mechanism, and it was certainly a painful one. The soldier winced when blood trickled from his scalp.
Clef stopped his erratic tugging and beckoned the soldier to follow, stamping on the bodies of the fallen as a sign of disrespect.
The rest of his awaiting squadron were already on their tanks, preparing the last of the equipment when they arrived, Clef dashing at immense speed while the soldier behind him struggled immensely, chest heaving in shortness of breath.
“Does anyone have any fucking information on that injured member?” Clef inquired, slipping into the entrance, his voice echoing through the tank. Dimitri nodded, answering the question that Clef wanted so desperately answered.
“He is fine, Y/N retrieved him, had a talk with them and it appears that he is in stable condition, it was a shot to the leg, but still something to be concerned about. It is apparent that he won’t step foot in military ground for quite some time.” He answered, Dimitri’s voice a steady calm, his Russian accent slipping through.
Clef nodded in silent thanks, heart rate becoming steady once again. Honestly, the thing he was most worried about was the fact another casualty would’ve slipped under his belt and become another ornament that he had failed his squadron once again.
Even with his seemingly uncaring attitude, Clef valued each and every soldier like a rare gem, their uniqueness shining through and defining their personality. He would never admit that if someone asked him.
The rumbling of hard ground against sturdy tires snapped him out of his delusional thoughts, and he peered out of the small hatch that was the only source of natural light and view (not counting the scope connected to the roof).
A broken static resounded through one of the radios that so happened to be connected to Dimitri. He looked at it for a few seconds before turning the comm on and increasing the volume.
“This is Y/N speaking, for your peace of mind, be assured that Gerald is doing well.” Your voice broke through the tension filled silence, just the fact that you spoke made their hearts fill with warmth.
Clef turned towards the mic, staring at Dimitri expectantly. Dimitri in question glanced up, feeling the gaze of Alto Clef piercing his radio.
“Dimitri, could I talk to them.” He asked, well more so demanded, his attitude turning a 180. A slight creaking of the hull was ignored, the silence tense once again.
“Take it.” He said, glowering towards Clef. Throwing it with a steady hand harshly towards him, Clef caught it with expected ease.
“My my, jealous, Dimitri?” Clef taunted, cooing in a mockingly soft tone. The soldier that had hopped aboard watched the spectacle unfold, waiting for a bloodbath to commence, whispering in the mic that so happened to have you on the other end.
Dimitri glared daggers, but said nothing more. Clef was quite the nasty person when it came to the concerns of you, maybe because you were the only person he trusted in the hellhole, two years was quite the amount of time to know someone. But there were always secrets that could be hidden with a mask and nothing more.
He clipped on the mic, the quiet, unnoticeable conversation between you and Iris was put on a standstill as he switched on comms, a gentle clicking sound indicated it was successful.
“Hello!” You spoke, uncertainty in your tone as the background noise of scissors snapping roughly through flesh and the words of gentle reconciliation reverberated, giving the illusion that it was louder that it actually was.
“Hey Y/N, how are you and Gerald?” Clef smiled, his heart racing through a full F1 track. You paused, though the cutting of flesh resumed, making up for the lack of communication.
“I’m fine, thanks for asking, I think Gerald is the one you should be more concerned about.” You jabbed.
He laughed, it was a bit forced but what wasn’t anyways.
“I believe I also asked about the well-being of Gerald, am I wrong?” In Clef’s mind, he believed you were starting a light-hearted banter, and it was like that, just with the aftermath of atmosphere tension, similar to the fragility of string. When it is woven, drawn taunt and held straight, it turns sharp (not literally).
“Nothing nothing, you don’t understand. Now get over here and we can talk.” You hummed, the shuffling of metal equipment heard and you mumbled something under your breath.
part 1 of 3
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glitchyq · 2 years
I humanised scp 079 and some other doodles
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vexwerewolf · 12 days
If I could ask you for some advice, what do you think helps the flavour text of a mech or piece of equipment sell a player on the fantasy of using it?
I'm finding it frustratingly difficult to do so with my own homebrew content: I can come up with lore and backstory easily enough, but re-reading it feels dry, and I can't help but contrast it with how the descrptions in official content and other supplements is more evocative, at least for mechs.
Let's observe some corebook Lancer flavour text and examine the various varieties it comes in.
Purely Functional
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While it's usually not the most fun type of flavour text, this just tells us what the weapon is, and - if it has any particular tags or on-hit effects - why it's like that. The Hand Cannon is a good example: here's what it is (modified pistol), here's why it does more damage, and here's why it has Loading.
The main advantage of Purely Functional flavour text is that it provides space for other types of flavour text to breathe. Flavour text is a great place for jokes, but it's not good for every piece of flavour text to be a joke - the pauses between notes in music are just as important as the notes.
Obfuscating Vendorspeak
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The Bristlecrown Flechette Launcher this is a great example of dark humour that Lancer uses quite often: marketing fast-talk to cover up something really unpleasant. The joke here is based on us understanding precisely what the equipment does mechanically, and then seeing how the manufacturer tries to sell it. There's a bunch of dense technobabble here meant to obfuscate the fact that this weapon fires knives in every direction specifically designed to kill infantry.
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Deadpan Weirdness
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The joke here relies on describing something extremely weird like it's the most natural thing in the world. Wait, you're telling me that in a world where I can just print new parts if the old ones break, they put DRM on my fucking knife and I have to apologise to the fucking knife maker to get a new one? What the fuck, dude? Why are you acting like this makes any sense?!
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My sword uploads fucking what to the Space Internet?!
Third-Act Twist
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This type of flavour text disguises itself as something else - most often Purely Functional - and then hits you with Third Act Twist. It makes you go "wait, what?!" It's very classic setup-punchline stuff. You're telling me my mech can rot?!
As a side note, Lancer loves to use this for its NHPs.
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This is similar to the Purely Functional, but instead of just describing technical specifications of the weapons, it puts the weapon in the broader context of the setting's history. Okay, so we know what this weapon is and what it does - why was it built? What was the original use case, and why? Most importantly, what can the existence of this weapon tell us about the world that build it?
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Whimsical Aside
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This is the insertion of a light-hearted, humanising little insertion regarding how this piece of equipment gets used in the field. This serves to remind us that soldiers aren't cold, unfeeling killing machines: they can be as emotional, irreverent and silly as the rest of us, and they do things like name their mobile bombs...
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... or call resupply drones "mech snacks."
The Ominous Out-Of-Context Quote That Explains Nothing And Only Raises More Questions
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As I've said in multiple textmash memes, this is basically Tom and Miguel's shorthand for "this technology is Intensely Fucked Up in a way that it is more fun and scary not to explain." This is essentially Lancer's version of SCP's [REDACTED].
You might think this is the domain of HORUS, and you'd be right, but every single manufacturer indulges in these - although IPS-N had to wait until NRFaW to get theirs:
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What the fuck do you mean by that, Lancer?
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few clef sketches I did to try and figure out his hairstyle, an OC, and a humanisation of that one robot from that scp that makes you afraid of your birthday
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drdrizzey · 2 years
Hi ! I’m an artist and writer and I will mostly post fanarts or ramble about stuff I like here ‼️
These are the fandoms I take drawing requests on from now : TMC, Marble hornets, Creepypasta, SCP, Pokémon, Ace attorney, The Stanley Parable, Persona5, Genshin impact, Cookie run, The folk of the air, The song of Achilles, Warriors, WOF, The Simon snow trilogy, ghost, music stuff, anything Hannibal related, TMA, TMAGP, The bright sessions, Malevolent, Gravity falls, The Magnus archives and Percy Jackson
I only do humanised versions for Warriors and WOF characters btw (I don’t really draw furry or animals) (about warriors, since in my country all the books aren’t translated and because the names are all over the place every time I only read it in my language so no spoil about what happens after the first book of omen of stars or I will kill your family and friends./j
Oh and I love to talk about stuff so you can also just ask random things about mostly fiction, books, fandoms, or pretty much anything as long as it’s not too personal :)
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rob-is-not-a-deer · 2 years
What is RPC and Hetalia and why do you have the fandoms on your DNI list? /gen
Anon I wish I was you.
RPC is a knockoff of scp made by homophobes who got angry the scp wiki had a rainbow logo for pride month. On top of that the fandom is full of bigotry in general.
Hetalia is an anime that follows humanised versions of the axis powers in ww2, with them being the protagonists, the fandom is also famous for nazi worship (unsurprisingly)
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gludgenbell · 2 years
If it’s ok was wondering if you’d be willing to try doing a humanised version of the tower of babble scp, mainly cause I saw something on deviantart once and it made me curious about someone else trying to do that, if not then you can just draw the tower itself or something
the scp is basically a tower that is a threat to pretty much any animal species except humans cause it senses out creepy animal cyborgs to kill any non human animals but the cyborg things won’t kill humans even in self defense, and the tower sends out animal skin balloons with text, there’s two types, the manuscripts which are high quality writing which avoids mentioning nonhuman life, and creepy rants indicating an obsession with humans and they included an example
“Cleanse the WORLD for the Great Ones Cleanse the WORLD for the Great Ones who greater than you your majestyyour sublime nature Great Ones do I do right? The flesh and wood serve you unite with the steel you love do you love me too I am what you love. Great Ones see as I do my duty my passion forgive the slowpace the steel takes TIME. Did you like the servants they were the BEST of the cleansed only the BEST for you Great Ones made like you form you assume here on a WORLD to clean to honor you do appreciate please please I will complete the cleansing soon and you can take me away in your ships of FIRE and I can love you and you will love me” so basically the tower seems to have some kind of obsessive love for humans if you don’t want to draw this scp in any way I understand but if you’re willing then yeah
okay firstly yes, I am willing this is such a cool concept
Secondly I love scp
Thirdly I hope you didn't expect much because I don't think I did much and I really hope you're not disappointed
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This is probably something I can do again at some point, it is. Something of a struggle to implement the cyborg parts like I'd wanted to
Was also a heavy battle between a shotgun and a saw but alas
Also masked because I thought of hiding, human beauty, and cultish behavior
ALSO the pose is generic as shit because ah, I needed a generic pose to work on a design after all
I'll be doing this one again once I figure something else out, promise
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peepawleo · 2 years
"Yeah haha... Im pretty sure you're some sorta funky lil creature."
I can't remebrr the number thing for it
But I'm pretty sure I'm the more "humanised" or.more shaped version of that one orange slime scp thing-
Oh yeah.... thats true you are like him!
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aleph-trix · 2 months
humanisation of scp-3125 I drew…. But that’s not all!
minor spoilers for there is no antimemetics division, admonition and scp-6500 under the image
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okay okay so I’ve had this design for a humanoid version of 3125 for a while now but I’ve also developed a few neat little ideas for why 3125 would be like this.
so in metagnostic/scp-6659, we learn that gods are noospheric constructs shaped by human worship and that scp-3125 is like a sort of limb protruding from an entity from outside the human noosphere into our own noosphere. a headcanon/interpretation ive developed out of this which may not necessarily be correct is that constants such as scp-3125 are not created by human worship but instead molded by it. so what does this have to do with the two other things I said there’d be spoilers for?
in the there is no antimemetics division series, 3125 is described as something that is repeatedly discovered by anyone pursuing the field of antimemetics before it either swallows them whole or an antimemetic bomb or something equivalent to it wipes out the team’s memory. in that series, 3125 is described as a problem that humans keep coming back to over and over again.
for one this means that 3125 has been plaguing humanity for all of history devouring or causing antimemeticists to blow themselves up metaphorically. but another thing I’d like to bring attention to is the way 3125 is portrayed. It’s associated with starfishes and the number 5, but why is it like that? why would this chaotic memeplex eldritch being be associated with those ideas? I believe it’s because of how humans have portrayed it throughout history, the same way humans create gods through worship as described in metagnostic, 3125 is molded by human perception of it. But it doesn’t just get molded, it straight up subsumes whatever concepts humans associate it with into itself.
so how does all of this relate to my humanoid design of it. well my headcanon is that there was in fact an antimemetics division equivalent in the ancient sherden civilisation (a civilisation described in scp-6500’s reliquarian story as having created several anti-impasse artifacts) and that they ended up discovering 3125 and portraying it as an aquatic-like starfish humanoid deity (a negative one though, like I could imagine that 3125 would be sorta like tartarus (the embodiment not the place) of sherden mythology) as opposed to their animal deities which they worshipped. I mainly just shoeroped in this connection because I really like what scp-6500 did with the idea of the “sea people” and I’m sad it isn’t elaborated more on in scps.
anyways yeah this humanoid design for 3125 I made is basically the Sherden mythology’s depiction of 3125
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kirlias452 · 5 years
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My latest scp art! (With a human Scp-876!)
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scp-122 · 6 years
M!A you are a human.
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“Hah! you can’t do that!”
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nethersonq · 3 years
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Humanised scp emotes based off those masketeers guild emojis-
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(If using, please give credit-)
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1tarashka1 · 4 years
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[Sorry for mistakes. English is not my main language (⌒_⌒. Also, not sure if I can call him an OC. He is a humanisation more or less.] <Age> 1̶̢̜͍̫̖̯̄́̔̀̆́̀̃͠7̸̝̗̫̣̽̾̄̅̓̌̅̕̚͜1҈̲̖̪͚̮͓͋̎̒̀͆͢͞8҉̨͓͓͎̇̅̇͡1̴̧̜͖̎̔̈́͞6̶̧͚̣̅̐͋̊͗̃̀͝ <Gender> Biologically doesnt have gender, but prefers he/him/his pronouns. <Likes> Science fiction, sitting at home, rain, my anatomically correct drawings, beeing safe, solving logical problems, logic in general, arthouse, conspiracy theories, fnaf, scp, Dream (OC), nostalgia. <Dislikes> Tiredness, crowded places (mostly school), Social Anxiety (OC) (he is kind of scared of it), when people don’t listen to him (but he got used used to it (* ̄▽ ̄)b), dangerous things, Obsessive Thoughts (OC) (he is tired of him), spicy food. <Character> Cold on the outside and warm on the inside, caring, sometimes can be really annoying, for strangers seems paranoid, calm, overprotective (because of Social Anxiety (OC)), sometimes becomes workaholic. <Some Facts(or not)> - Everyone calls him dad because he is the only one trying to take care of the body (Even if he is bad at it) - Since the birth of Social Anxiety became very paranoid and overprotective - "Imagination stop giving her stupid ideas! Social Anxiety they are just asking what time it is, there is no need to be afraid! Dreams stop sleeping! OBSESSIVE THOUGHTS SHUT THE HELL UP! Shame begone! WHEN ALL OF YOU GONNA CALM DOWN?!?!" - This is the guy in the group of friends who always says that this is a bad idea (and he is right), but nobody listens to him - Becomes a massive douchebag when Social Anxiety is active - Hates school and all other crowded places because he becomes very tired in them - Takes care of everyone except himself - Tall bastard
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beheeyem-moved · 7 years
hey give me scps to humanise 
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