#scp 6448
coffee-l0rd2424 · 1 year
Please give me more ideas
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SCPTOBER Day 4: SCP-6448, “Not Deer”
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mtf-agent-sterling · 9 months
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I managed to get digitalized versions of the polaroids from the letter. Especially the full body one is a little grainy though. I did some research and compared them to pictures of deer I’ve seen on the internet. I’ve marked down what seems wrong to me on one. Or maybe I’m just paranoid from the job. Maybe someone who reads this knows more about deer. Or not deer, in this case.
I haven’t reported this, it seems more like a stupid prank really. Hopefully.
-Agent Sterling, Lambda-5
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Check out SCP 6448 the ‘not deer’ here:
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reddiamondgamer · 2 years
Not Deer, Oh Deer
TW Eye clusters, body horror, spooky
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lil-mr-slipstream · 3 months
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butchdykekondraki · 8 months
i saw wild doe in the graveyard up my road yesterday and they were next to a perching buzzard that was just sat on one of the rly decorated graves and somehow this image reminded me of you guys. unsure why. maybe i just see deer and i go "isnt that smth to do with scp" and then i think of you. (these are the delightful things im going 2 share w u guys ... my goal is to talk more (90-0)9)
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the-scp-files · 2 years
SCP-6448 | Not Deer |
Object Class: KETER
Disruption Class: KENEQ
Risk Class: WARNING
By: OzzyLizard
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pawsedits · 1 year
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— — ﹐ NotGender. ★
A gender that is not a gender. It is off-putting and slightly warped. A gender that is strange and not quite tangible. Similar to the idea of SCP-6448, the not-deer, but as a gender! Template and planned genders are below the "read more". This is both a gender system and a term in and of itself. The prefixes for this system are "not-" and "un-", there are no particular suffixes for this!
[[ This is a remake of an old flag on @weirdentity! This is the same gender but with an updated flag + better explained! ]]
No image id, any help is appreciated!
Planned genders are
Notboy / notgirl
Notdeer / notdeergender
Notlove / notlovegender
Notmeat / notmeatgender
Notcat / notcatgender
Notdog / notdoggender
This can also be added to other labels and terms! There is no correct or incorrect way to identify with this, or tie it into other terms!
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crypt1d-z · 2 months
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Containment of SCP-6448 should be focused on investigation of deer exhibiting anomalous traits within and around the Appalachian area.¹ All civilian sightings of SCP-6448 should be attended to by Mobile Task Force Gamma-4 (“Green Stags”). Possible deaths resulting from SCP-6448 should be attributed to hiking accidents, and sightings are to be blamed upon Chronic Wasting Disease.²
The Site-44 Cryptozoology Division is tasked with ongoing research into the ‘not deer’ phenomenon. Should an SCP-6448 instance be captured, it is to be brought immediately to Site-44 for containment and study.³
SCP-6448 is an anomalous branch of the Cervidae family.⁴ All members of this group display heightened intelligence and are presumed to be sapient. Many specimens exhibit some form of physical malformation, causing them to stand out from non-anomalous deer. While the exact details of physical abnormalities differ between instances, repeat commonalities are as follows:
Legs bent backwards
Barrel chested/bloated abdomen
Eyes belonging to unrelated animals
Forward-facing eyes
Jerky movements
Loss of fear towards humans
Tendency to walk on two hind legs
General bodily disfigurement
Aside from physical disfigurement, instances show severe divergence from the behaviour of other cervids. Namely, SCP-6448 are known to watch, observe and stalk humans, often for hours or days. This includes following humans to and from their homes, wherein they will proceed to steal belongings, weapons and food. Very rarely will SCP-6448 attack victims while they are indoors.
SCP-6448 are most commonly encountered in deep woodland, particularly at night or dusk, when a person is alone. Any form of direct acknowledgment of SCP-6448’s anomalous traits in these situations will always result in the victim’s termination.⁵ In such situations, personnel are to observe the extract of Cervus Protocol attached below immediately.
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Presently, SCP-6448 are known to inhabit only the Appalachian region of North America.⁶
SCP-6448 was officially assigned anomalous classification in 1980, though they have been recognised by local people since 1947. SCP-6448 is a firmly cemented figure in Appalachian folklore, known colloquially as the "Not Deer" due to their striking similarity to the species they imitate. Many locals claim to have encountered instances of SCP-6448, or possess knowledge of an individual who has. A majority of local communities living in rural areas of high activity are aware of the precautions required to avoid hostile encounters, primarily due to urban legends and stories involving the entities.
SCP-6448 were previously researched at Site-41, located in ████, North Carolina. On 11/01/1994, a group of 3 SCP-6448 instances broke into the Site utilising a tunnel system carved over an extended period of time. This triggered containment breach alarm systems and the Site entered lockdown protocol. The single instance kept in containment, being prepared for dissection, was lost in the breach and not recovered. Over the following decade, a further 5 SCP-6448 instances would be captured and contained, all of which would escape the Site through tunnels carved by other SCP-6448 entities. The decision was made to transfer all instances to Site-44, overseas, to prevent further breaches. Since this decision, no capture attempts have been successful.
ADDENDUM 6448.1: Recently Recorded Civilian Encounters
The first reports of SCP-6448 surfaced around the week of 07/07/1947. In the time since the genus’ discovery, many members of the public have encountered the entities, though most accidentally stumbling upon them do not alert local authorities. This is typically due to the SCP-6448 instance either merely watching the subject or becoming hostile. The following is a log of all recorded 911 calls related to SCP-6448 phenomena since the year 2000.
Victim (aged 41, female) dialed emergency services after hearing their name being called from the woods near their home. The victim recounts the vocalisation being likened to a scream in a voice that they do not recognise and requested assistance in locating the source. Emergency personnel requested the subject place their phone on the floor outside the home to listen for the alleged sounds. After 2 minutes, a vocalisation was heard that was calling to the subject by name, emanating from the nearby forest.
The subject was instructed to investigate the disturbance themselves and keep services updated on the situation. The victim then begins to walk into the woodland, getting about 50 metres into the underbrush before inexplicably stopping. They claim there to be a noticeably large deer standing in the way of the path. She begins to walk closer, though states it does not move. Subject diverts from the path and begins walking in a different direction. After 30 minutes, no source of the voice is determined. The caller returns to their residence.
Victim (aged 28, male) calls 911 regarding a home break-in. The caller notes numerous items to be missing from their residence and requests an investigation. Operators dispatch two investigators to visit the home and discern a potential perpetrator. The pair note that, based on earlier CCTV images, all cutlery, sharp objects, firearms, lightbulbs and a single copy of the novel ‘The Day After Roswell’ are missing. Also noted is that there is a complete lack of any fingerprints at the scene, with no doors or windows having been broken into. Analysis of the home’s CCTV footage revealed there to be a two hour period of missing film, with the exception of a single frame containing a Cervus nippon⁷ on its hind legs, reaching towards the camera. Its frontal hooves have been warped to resemble fingers. No footage of the entity exiting the home was discovered.
A cattle farmer (aged 54, male) reported to local authorities the sudden disappearance of over 30% of his largest herd. Response teams searched the nearby area for 4 hours though found no trace of the cattle. The victim was recommended to set up trail cameras and note any unusual activity overnight. At 01:11 AM, two SCP-6448 are seen walking through the field before fleeing. One places an object into the ground, later discovered to be a single fork. A week after this discovery, 200 discarded bovine hooves appear at the location.
Victim (age unknown, gender unknown) dials 911 to request assistance from animal services. The victim is stood within a forest in front of a Cervus elaphus⁸ which is violently contorting. The animal is repeatedly ramming itself into a tree, covered in blood and viscera. The victim begins to state "You'd better get a vet or something, I don't think it's well" before a piercing screech is heard and the line falls silent. Recovered footage depicts the aforementioned animal squirming, seemingly in pain. A viscous churning is audible as a black mass erupts out of the instance and the video turns to static.
Victim (aged 23, male) is a junior wildlife officer at Cherokee National Forest, Tennessee. They radio their supervisor in early evening regarding a herd of Odocoileus virginianus⁹ within the reserve. Supposedly, there is a single animal that upon first glance appears average, though possesses divergent attributes including backwards joints, an enlarged abdomen and forward-facing eyes. Upon stating this, a distant whistle is audible and the victim stumbles slightly. They begin to say “What the he- did it just whistle at me?” before the sound of hooves rapidly getting closer is heard. Notably, the hoof steps did not sound to be in the traditional gallop of a cervid.
The aforementioned victim’s supervisor calls authorities following the victim’s absence from the reserve night shift. Following this, their radio begins to crackle. The victim’s voice can be heard on the other end and he requests the supervisor’s attention.
He calls regarding a herd of Odocoileus virginianus within the reserve. They claim there is a single animal that upon first glance appears average, though possesses divergent attributes including backwards joints, an enlarged abdomen and forward-facing eyes. Suspecting the creature to be a rare genetic malformation, the victim requests their supervisor to come to the location. The supervisor questions the victim about what happened the night previous. There is no reply. Upon the supervisor’s and law enforcement’s arrival at the site, a herd of approximately 80 Odocoileus virginianus was present. A single entity is in the field’s centre and appeares to be standing separately from the rest of the group. It flees the scene upon realising the law enforcement’s presence. Where it formerly stood layed a park ranger's standard two-way radio.
Victim (aged 35, female) dials 911 using a satellite phone, distressed. They state that they are in ████ County Woods and are being followed. She claims that, despite seeing no one for the duration of her hike, she “feels as if she’s being watched” and has heard someone walking behind her at various points in the trip. The victim is unable to give an adequate description of her location, but knows the route to return to her residence. Operators request the victim to return to a point wherein she can provide a sufficient geographic description of her position.
The victim remains on the line for the duration of the hike back to a readily used portion of the wilderness trail. Along the journey, various unnatural sounds can be heard. These include footsteps, rockslides, coughing, whispering and whistling. Nearing the main trail, all woodland noises such as birds and wind cease suddenly, and the victim states she can see a malformed deer carcass coated in a thick layer of a black slime-like substance. At this time, human screams can be heard in the distance. Operators request the victim continue and ignore other stimuli. Agents embedded in local law enforcement, suspecting SCP-6448 involvement, notify Gamma-4 to the situation. 20 minutes later, the victim returns to the main trail. Gamma-4, now operating the 911 call, inform the victim to not respond to any further unusual activity and briefly outline Cervus Protocol. For the duration of the victim’s journey to her home, two sets of breathing are audible.
The victim successfully returns to her residence and shuts the door behind her. Now out of sight from SCP-6448, agents inquire upon the victim’s address and the victim promptly complies. Operatives instruct the victim to have possession of all firearms and weapons on the premises and to barricade herself inside a safe space with one exfil point. The victim swiftly begins grabbing all available weapons and throwing them inside a wardrobe. It is at this time that there is a knock on the front door. The victim does not respond and continues to hoard sharp objects from kitchen drawers. The knocking becomes more violent as the handle is being jostled and shaken incessantly. A voice on the other side repeats the phrase “Hello, it is me. Hello, let me in.” in a calm manner as the door begins to shake. The victim retreats to her wardrobe, armed with a small firearm. Upon sealing herself in the space, the knocking ceases and footsteps can be heard, decreasing in volume. The sound of galloping is audible as the front door caves in. Hoof steps can now be heard inside the home.
The entity continues to repeat “Hello, it is me. Hello, let me in.” as it searches the small building. A bright light flashes overhead, seemingly circling the house. Eventually the entity enters the victim’s bedroom. Through a small slit in the wardrobe door, the victim can see a Cervus canadensis¹⁰ standing on its hind legs and surveying the room. Its movements are crooked and stiff, seeming to struggle to stand in a bipedal fashion. It slouches down to a quadrupedal crouch, similar to the stance of an arachnid. It inhales heavily, and its head locks on the view of the wardrobe. It is noted as possessing human eyes. It scampers towards the subject and opens the door. A single gunshot is heard. Responders found no trace of either SCP-6448 or the victim.
It should be noted that this represents a small fraction of human to SCP-6448 encounters, as the majority of occasions go unnoticed and undocumented. On each of these occasions, all associated video, photographs and objects were confiscated by MTF Gamma-4, whom also called off public investigation. Cover stories 356α “Home Break-In” and 898Γ “Missing 411” were successfully implemented.
On 29/11/2019, MTF Gamma-4 (“Green Stags”) successfully detained and captured an instance of SCP-6448, with the assistance of MTF Nu-7 (“Hammer Down”)’s heavy vehicles division and highly experimental shock rifles. The resulting skirmish left a single instance unconscious, which was swiftly placed aboard an armoured CH-47 Chinook helicopter en route to Site-44 in England to prevent outside assistance. Upon reaching the Site, the sedated entity was transferred to a containment cell without incident. The following is a log of events thereafter.
DATE: 30/11/2019. LOCATION: Site-44, Foulness Island, England
SCP-6448 instance is contained within a large reinforced steel containment cell, having just awoken from heavy sedation. Cryptozoology Specialist F. Ozz stands in front of a large one-way glass window that encompasses the room’s South side.
Researcher Ozz: Greetings, SCP-6448.
The instance suddenly bolts upright and stares at the intercom.
Researcher Ozz: Can you understand me? We’ve seen your genus speak English just fine in the past.
The instance does not respond. It begins licking its arm.
Researcher Ozz: Please, we know your secret.
The instance pauses.
Researcher Ozz: Admittedly it wasn’t exactly well kept. If you’d just look at yourself for more than a few seconds, it is very clear that you’re not… normal.
The instance is stood facing away from the window. Its neck swivels 180°, visibly breaking multiple vertebrae as there is an audible crack. It does not blink.
Researcher Ozz: (To containment staff) I thought you said this was one-way? (Staff mumbling) It is?
The instance’s gaze remains locked on Researcher Ozz.
Researcher Ozz: Are you something imitating deer? It is clear that, if so, you possess basic anatomical knowledge on them, though details are faulty. In fact, a better question would be… how? Assuming you are not what you pretend to be.
The instance opens its mouth, which contains abnormally sharp teeth. Its jaw moves in a manner that seems to imitate speech. No intelligible dialect is heard, rather, a sound similar to gagging or choking is audible.
Researcher Ozz: Shall we move on? What I’m more concerned with here is why you take our people. Is it to settle a vendetta? For food? Spite?
The instance blinks for the first time in the interview. The movement is noticeably forced.
Researcher Ozz: Responding is mandatory.
The instance shows no reaction.
Researcher Ozz: (Sternly) If you will not comply, maybe you’d like to see your brand new containment cel-
SCP-6448: R-
Researcher Ozz: (Pauses)
SCP-6448: R- Rasaerch. Research. (The instance speaks in a distorted version of Ozz’s own voice)
Researcher Ozz: Research? What kind of-
SCP-6448: July 7, 1947.
The instance suddenly rams the 20 inch thick one-way glass, cracking it slightly.
Researcher Ozz: (Stumbles backwards)
The instance begins to collapse. It contorts violently and begins screaming. Its abdomen bulges and writhes.
Researcher Ozz: Get the Stags in here now!
A black, viscous, tendrily mass erupts out of the instance's side. It leaps and squirms around the cell before shattering the viewing window. The remaining carcass is entirely hollow.
Site-44 Breach System: Containment breach detected. All personnel report to the nearest safe room. Containment Sector 4 blast doors will seal in 10 seconds.
The tendrilous mass swiftly manoeuvres outside of Sector 4 in seconds, clearing the lockdown area. It travels in the direction of the main exit.
Site-44 Breach System: Full Site lockdown initiated. Locking main exit in 5 seconds.
The mass clears the main desk. It shatters the glass on the front exit and disappears into the outside shrubbery.
A two month long search proved inefficient in locating the escaped anomaly. Additionally, since this incident, there has been an unprecedented increase of CWD afflicted deer and UFO reports in the area surrounding Site-44. Further research is ongoing.
Appalachia is a mountainous region in the Eastern United States that is known for its dense woodland.
CWD, sometimes called zombie deer disease, is a prion-based illness affecting members of the Cervidae family. It causes extreme loss of motor function control, may affect decision making and is always 100% fatal. While CWD is a legitimate disease, the majority of cervids in Appalachia exhibiting traits are known instances of SCP-6448.
Site-44 is located in Essex, England. See History for details.
More commonly known as deer. This includes true deer, muntjac, reindeer, elk and moose.
Though treating SCP-6448 instances as normal cervids triggers no reaction.
Sika Deer
Red Deer
White-Tailed Deer
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ourlifestooshort · 5 months
Female | Questionably AroAce
Current Interests:
My Build A Bear Frog, Samson!
Smile For Me
Hypnospace Outlaw
In Stars And Time
Picayune Dreams
A Short Hike
Cavern Of Dreams
Welcome Home
The Amazing Digital Circus
Ena/Dream BBQ
Escape: Triassic Hall
Scp Foundation
Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared
Over The Garden Wall
Carmen Sandiego (1994 and 2019)
Paranoia Agent
Dungeon Meshi/Delicious In Dungeon
Fallout: New Vegas
Pokemon but only some of them
Beanie Babies
Scps I’m obsessed with (They Are Canon To ME):
Scp 1006 - Spider Proletariat
Scp 1007 - Mr. Life and Mr. Death
Scp 1762 - Where The Dragons Went
Scp 2006 - Too Spooky
Scp 2547 - Dog Days Of Summer
Scp 2922 - Notes From the Under
Scp 3043 - Murphy Law in… Type 3043 — FOR MURDER!
Scp 3092 - Gorilla Warfare
Scp 3143 - Murphy Law in… The Foundation Always Rings Twice!
Scp 6080 - Cartoon Network
Scp 6448 - Not Deer
Scp 6819 - Bio-Luminescence
Scp 6900-D - The House of Stars
Scp 7043 - Murphy Law in… Skip 7043 - THE MONTAUK FALCON!
Scp 7702 - Dragon's Dream
Scp 7819 - No Vacancy
AIAD Homescreen (and Mnemosyne.AIC)
There Is No Antimemetics Devision
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maybemoss · 7 months
hai moss im curious. what are your favorite scps. :3
mine are pretty basic (049, 999, etc) but I also like 6448 (the not deer) & 783 (the crooked man)!! i haven't been able to check out the less well known scps but i will someday
YES!! i have a lot to say about this wait let me pull something up i made a list
SCP-7000 “The Loser” (https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-7000) and anything and everything related to william wallace wettle — horrible pathetic wet cat of a man. the world hates him personally and the feeling is mutual. cannot have ONE nice day without something going wrong. by god he deserves a break and he won’t get one. canonically divorced (to the extent that canon is a Thing). there are other articles with him but 7000 is the perfect showcase of the bullshit surrounding this man
SCP-6326 “The Manbear” (https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6326) — absolutely fucking hilarious. looks like a generic spooky scp article at first but just scroll down to the first picture and you’ll see what i mean. it’s just punch after punch and it left me IN TEARS laughing. someone calls the manbear hung at some point.
SCP-7243 “Existential Abatement” (https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-7243) — insanely good but probably relies quite a bit on you already being familiar with the characters present; you can read about them at https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/on-guard-43-hub (particularly SCP-5056, SCP-5243, and The Significant Others A & B) if you want but be warned there’s A LOT there. also has a lot of what i can only call bullshit sci-fi jargon (affectionate) and it’s great but i uh see why it might be off-putting if you’re not used to it
SCP-INTEGER (https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5242) — there’s a guy named Dr. Placeholder McDoctrate in there. do i need to say more.
ANYTHING Undervegas (https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/undervegas-hub) — agent calendar my beloved. site-666 my beloved. it’s all great. based on the idea of vegas falling into literal actual hell. the director of the site keeps using everyone’s souls as collateral on bets with demons. if you need a starting point i recommend SCP-4661 but any article works
honestly literally anything with the O5 Council, doesn’t even have to be a specific version of them. see https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/o5-command-dossier for more info. off the top of my head one i really liked is captain kirby’s 001 proposal “O5-13” (https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/captain-kirby-s-proposal) but i am INSANE about all of them. i have my own personal OC interpretations of the council and i have been rotating them in my mind for six months straight. they started as a silly thought experiment but have turned into actual fully-fledged Characters and i am sad that they only exist in my brain :(
SCP-7600 “Six Feet Under” (https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-7600) — it’s been a while since i read this one so i don’t remember ALL the details but it’s about two O5s (4 & 8) and a magic realm. made me Feel Things
OKAY THATS ALL i could dig up more but i’m sleepy and i think this is a pretty good overview. ty for asking!!! :D
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kabra-malvada · 2 years
Horror body below!
Also not DCA related cuz cool ppl on discord gave me this idea :3
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SCP 6448 "Not deer"
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canarypost · 1 year
reading up on scp 6448 🩷
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clownkure · 3 years
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JULY 7, 1947.
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thesnadger · 2 years
Here's my SCP Foundation recommendation list - 100 objects that are solidly written, interesting, and require no knowledge of lore. You can read them in any order and skip any you don't like.
They're divided into categories based on intensity of horror content, (Mild, Spicy and Extra Crispy) with specific content warnings listed at the bottom. There's also a small Experienced category, which are better after you've read a few entries and have a sense of the format.
Full list is here, but I'm also posting this smaller "starter kit" version. It's a good sampler platter showing the range of objects you'll find in the Foundation - including several early ones.
SCP-0111 - Dragon Snails [Mild]
SCP-0173 - The Statue (The Original) [Spicy]
SCP-0241 - Good Home Cooking [Spicy]
SCP-0294 - The Coffee Machine [Spicy]
SCP-0342 - A Ticket To Ride [Spicy]
SCP-0426 - I Am A Toaster [Mild]
SCP-0604 - The Cannibal's Banquet [Spicy]
SCP-0833 - Charity Worms [Spicy]
SCP-1733 - Season Opener [Spicy]
SCP-1861 - The Crew of the HMS Wintersheimer [Spicy]
SCP-2001 - Space Oddity [Mild]
SCP-2006 - Too Spooky [Mild]
SCP-2316 - Field Trip [Spicy]
SCP-2614 - Sometimes I Go Out In Pity For Myself [Spicy]
SCP-2737 - A Dead Lamprey [Spicy]
SCP-3001 - Red Reality [Extra Crispy]
SCP-3063 - A Fly [Spicy]
SCP-3114 - Wouldn't It Be Chilly? [Spicy]
SCP-3191 - Consciousness Emulator [Spicy]
SCP-3300 - The Rain [Spicy]
SCP-3753 - TEA-K-O [Mild]
SCP-5010 - Murder, She [Redacted] [Mild]
SCP-6096 - The Guest [Spicy]
SCP-6448 - Not Deer [Spicy]
SCP-6502 - Harwick Cemetery [Extra Crispy]
Also, don't worry if you're a new reader and don't know what terms like "Keter" and "D-Class" mean, it's meant to be slowly picked up as you go!
Don't feel like you need to start anywhere in particular or read in order, jump around and skip what you aren't interested in.
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pawsedits · 1 year
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— — ﹐ NotGirl. ★
A specific term under the notgender umbrella where the user is a girl but strange, off-putting, and warped. Similar to the idea of SCP-6448, the not-deer, but as a girl. One does not need to identify as a girl to use this term!
No image id, any help is appreciated!
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