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@forgotten-elegys Scoutstar! I love a fluffy woman
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The deputy held no illusions that things would always be peaceful. When she was long gone, cats would find reasons to unsheathe their claws. Her life, in large part, would likely be forgotten. But if she could change one thing in the history of the clans, she wanted it to be this. Even if her name was lost to time, she hoped that a neutral Little Pond could remain as an echo of everything she'd ever fought for. Of what Wildsong had died fighting for.
— Duckdown, Redpath, and Catnippaw establish peace in @forgotten-elegy ; written by Seb
#hi i spent a grand total of 22 hours on this#it’s so messy BUT. i’m proud of myself for trying something new <3#these cats mean a lot to me!! it was really exciting to try to capture the feeling of this interaction <3#warrior cats#warriors oc#wcrp#warriors#warriors rp#wcrp oc#forgotten elegy#iridescentruby#my art#duckdown#my ocs#(just tagging that for duck)#redpath#catnipspots#chickadeewatcher#jett#scoutstar#wildsong
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perecoil or scoutvelvet :)
flannelkit :)
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@forgotten-elegy's Arc 3 is swiftly approaching...
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Let's talk about Forgotten Elegy!
Hey since the mods all blocked me preventing any sort of communication I'd like to expose what has been going on in there! Apparently because it makes people uncomfortable to say what's going on.
So the current plot in TimberClan involves an outsider group in which previous members caused problems for the group. Now no player was warned about what this group was going to face going in. Instead we were faced with erin hunter level anti-outsider xenophobic rhetoric.
Now as some of you may know... I am not white! In fact I am of arabic descent, which, as some of you know are not exactly a favorite when it comes to immigrants!
Some topics mentioned include:
A cat taking on the name of the colony's god to piss them off this was treated as funny!
Likening their burial practices to like prey or trash.
Treating the entire group as murderers when only one cat maybe did something.
Pining the blame on the group for a disappearance they had no paw in.
Calling the colony brutes and relating their distrust to their culture of fighting assuming they love fighting and shit because of it.
Keeping the colony prisoner for an extended period of time
Implying the colony should be grateful for receiving "food" and "shelter" while being kept prisoner and if they weren't they'd be ungrateful.
Having a literal concept of "the good ones" with the colony having the main captor the leader Scoutstar have a colony cat, Velvet, as her watcher to make sure the colony weren't stepping out of line. Allegories being made towards a dog on a leash.
Making cats who believe the treatment is wrong feel stupid and afraid of siding with them!
Oh this entire plot is suppose to end with the colony joining Timberclan despite the foul treatment!
Constant jokes about how the worst offenders did nothing wrong especially Scoutstar who is, as pointed out by her player, taking her paranoia out on the group but its "for the good of her clan" so i guess that makes it ok right?
Now call me not white but all of this sounds pretty bad!
Mmy way of engaging such things, as someone who has experienced similar things, would be to call it what it is that should be alright shouldn't it? After all as they told me this is an Adult Rp where we can talk about Adult Themes after all!
Apparently calling these cat's behaviors and the plot for what it is has made people "uncomfortable" and that members did not enjoy how I was commenting on their characters because of how people turned it to real resentment in the past.
I will have you know FE that trying to block me from speaking and being a hawk over whatever I say has made me more resentful that a character's actions!
I am an adult and I find it quite insulting you apparently think I cannot separate those things and have childishly blocked me rather than talk like adults as I didn't even want to repeal the decision. However because members were uncomfortable that was apparently enough, yet the real world rhetoric that was being used, despite asking for it to be tagged never was! In fact I had to get blasted with comments and sentiments like those above without any sort of content warning. Basically getting my cat experiencing bigotry like mine without so much as a warning despite "the obvious" needing to be tagged.
Instead of anyone, staff or complaining members alike, putting on their big boy pants and dealing with the implications of the plot they were in they rather cry and whine about the consequences of their actions and the fact it didn't make their little kitty look all that good. Such is natural for whites and the people who ride their dicks.
Now I can personally say there are plenty of members who agree with me that this so if you think blocking and kicking me is getting you out of this you are sorely mistaken! In fact they are quite pissed off with how staff handled things in kicking me for what they also agree were appreciating the writing from a standpoint of someone who is a real life victim of what this plot showcases. Isn't that funny! I know that my friend who I mentioned to you is still there!
In fact a lot of the comments the cats in this rp have used have been almost word for word shit I've heard and shit my family and people like me have heard! Yet I'm the bad guy for making a comment about it.
All of this is to say I am in fact hurt and know that you all don't like me because I didn't roll over and take being put through a xenophobic plot without comment and called cats xenophobic for actions I saw!
So I am returning the energy you have given me! I think you are all unprofessional and have been for most of the controversies your group has been involved in. You run away from what the issue is and refuse communication then turn around in blaming the lack of communication for the reason why these things happen.
I'm sorry me engaging with a plot you crafted as a person effected by the very concepts you are putting into it offended you same with all the other little members who whined about it!
Actually that was sarcasm I am not fucking sorry. You all need to grow the fuck up and perhaps can this plot because you clearly cannot handle something as delicate as this without being xenophobic and racist. Just call me a fucking terrorist or towelhead or a camel jockey next time it'll be much more direct!
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Art Fight attack of Scoutstar for @smallear.
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Names generated from Warrior Cats character names and common flowers, common herbs, and animals
(Sadly finding any database list of "plants native to England" wasn't possible, so I try next best thing).
Adder Adderheart Addock Aldenfur Algernstar Alkit Amblekit Amblepaw Anderpaw Anglin Annose Antsquinch Aphining Arcissum Aspelt Asterchkit Azale...
Badge Balderkit Ballow Baracker Barkstream Beetfur Beflower Belight Bellfur Benner Betshining Birchestar Birdstar Blackal Blacken Blackenwing Blacker Blizard Blossumacat Bluewhisker Bluewhite Boulderpaw Brambleft Branchface Brane Branefur Branilla Breefrost Breek Brightfoot Brightwish Bristle Broot Brooth Brushwingal Bushtail Butis Butted Buzzlybush Buzzypelt Camen Cardenfur Carleg Catfur Cattle Cedawnclaw Chammall Cheep Chickenwing Chicklenose Chickory Chilis Cinnon Clowfeather Cockinktail Cockster Copper Coppy Coria Corilla Coster Crabbitle Creefrong Creefrost Crick Crook Croutstar Crowankit Crowl Crysan Cucklekit Curledum Curlypelt Currel Currelshine Curry Cyclaw Dapple Dapples Darrook Deagle Deerpelt Dewspot Doverstar Downose Duckly Eaglestar Echfur Egremleap Elkit Emberch Emberry Errelflint Fallow Falon Fenner Fenugreeze Fernclover Fernose Fernson Ferrel Ferry Fidge Fincefish Firchicken Firchkit Flamelepaw Flampkit Fleaf Flightsky Flowflight Flowhenry Flowspotfur Flutted Flytainfur Foxglorang Foxleafpool Frecklefang Freckoo Frist Fristle Galings Garomseed Giantsqueak Gibbonobo Gibbony Glade Goosematien Goosepazote Gopheart Gorseedley Gorset Grassar Grayfern Graying Grout Guana Guanatter Guine Harelfur Harveymoose Hattail Hattletail Hawkfoots Heddarheale Hollowtail Hollus Hollyleap Honeyes Hoodsong Horning Hosong Hover Hoverbillow Hummine Hummint Hundsha Hussestones Hydrage Hyssomkit Hyssus Iceclaw Irise Jaguan Jasmintfur Jayfeath Jonquickens Jumpkit Jumpytail Junip Kenfury Keshine Kestnut Lapple Lappleclaw Lapplenose Leadow Leapigeon Leechosong Leekwhisker Lemminter Lemonksha Leonflorang Light Lilyoftwig Limeflight Limpes Lionkey Littail Litter Lobstep Lonstar Loonlight Loose Lower Lupineart Macacia Macat Mackdawn Malleaf Mantipe Maple Maplefoot Mapletail Maright Marsley Meade Meadeerled Meadepelt Melope Mineaf Mingfish Minnatis Minnowtuft Minteather Minter Mistle Mistlesky Mitestone Mitewater Mitewistfur Moleaf Moleg Molepowdrop Mollow Monmyrtled Moonfoot Mornclaw Morntana Mosspardaw Mossusander Mouseface Muddley Muskkit Mustpaw Namint Narchpaw Narwhale Neclaw Neeze Nettleap Nicooby Nightclaw Nightfoot Nightning Oakster Oatwhist Oneylerfoot Orchpaw Orrel Overstar Paleaf Panca Pandynose Panthyme Papriketail Parrel Patchen Pebblekit Pepperkit Percreek Peret Petail Petvine Picewhisker Pikefur Pikenhear Pinestep Pingbird Pinkfur Pinkit Pipede Poletsy Poppear Popper Porpion Prain Prawberry Prick Pring Pumpestar Quirrel Ragon Rainleaf Rainstar Rainwingo Rairit Rascarlower Rattail Redpaw Redthisker Reindleap Riper Rives Robinkfur Robinsplate Robinswept Roomhear Rowtail Rubblebee Rumperch Runner Safflowclaw Salade Sanderher Sandy Sassparkson Scoutstar Screed Scresurry Seale Seaselwing Sedgehog Sedgeranium Seedstar Shanot Share Sharept Sheept Shopwhisk Shredingo Shrush Shrushwing Shyheathe Silipkit Silkweevil Singstar Sistep Skyhearwing Slashheart Sleeds Slipkit Smalamant Smilanthyme Smint Snailstar Sneeze Snipekit Snook Snowtail Soleg Sorretle Sorring Spardkit Sparksong Sparrooth Speaf Spelt Spick Spide Spiket Spirebalm Splashhear Spotterhear Spotters Sques Squick Squiet Squitorm Stile Stonefoot Stoneyfur Stoneyleap Storty Straway Streather Strika Sunber Sunny Swanbeam Sweed Sweedtoot Sweet Swifteart Swoopinks Sworm Talder Talnose Talongtail Tanacle Tangutana Tanstep Taylily Thearnosa Thisper Thorty Thrimrost Thrus Thunter Tinyclaw Treeze Tuniaalen Tunipede Twolf Vinchid Viole Violetail Volepazote Volewhisker Volewing Vulturtium Waffe Waffrose Wasan Watcher Waterfallo Waterpaw Weaslug Weetail Whaleshade Whalfallia Whiskerkit Whitetain Wildcater Wilder Wildfish Willender Willheart Winderpelt Wingetmeg Wisterfish Woleclaw Woodpelt Yarrot Zacket Zebreek Zinnamon
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There’s a new sheriff in town!
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🍁 scout :)
🍁 favorite rp / moment
all of them. <3
okay but truly...i have two roleplays and moments to rant about, because there was one set in my mind as a favorite scoutstar moment before these past few days. my original favorite moment of hers was when she stood up to wolftalon and apologized to the loners. up until then, scoutstar wasn't really permitted to have much agency in wolftalon's scheming. she was sort of just expected to support him, as a deputy would, and the fact that she was able to break away from the questionable choices he was making and pave her own path was such a good moment of development for her, in my opinion! plus, i'm just soft on her for being one of the first cats to truly acknowledge that the plot the loners had been placed in was wrong. as per the nature of literally being sent as spies to mountainclan, they really weren't set up to garner much sympathy, but scoutstar was able to give that to them and also, i feel, make them realize that they didn't have to stick with wolftalon and strawberrypaw's plans if they didn't want to. they could break away, just like she did.
my new favorite scoutstar moment is specifically just...her curled around magpiethroat's kittens, singing them lullabies. for a cat who is perceived as so capable of harm, dangerous in the eyes of almost every mountainclan cat, it was just...so tender, and it really showed off who scoutstar is beyond the impression that mountainclan has garnered of her.
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Some semi-recent meme art for @forgotten-elegy
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Orchidthorn, what do you think your life will look like 6 moons from now?
"I'll still be the coolest cat in Milton, duh," the warrior answers as if it is the most obvious thing in the world. One of her paws waves back and forth dismissively as she adds, "Hopefully Scoutstar doesn't give me some snot-nosed brat to take care of. Apprentices are a big deal or whatever, but I have my whole life to train one! I only get to be this young and cool once, it would be lame to waste it."
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the gathering brings all sorts of lovely ladies to the earth bridge... some lovely women from @forgotten-elegy <3
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-kicks down your door- tornface all of them because I know you will for him
✨ initial thoughts / opinions
i've said it before, but when i was initially starting to get a glimpse of tornface, i thought he was forgotten elegy's big bad. all the art i'd seen of him seemed to imply that he was a villain, and he had a pretty notorious reputation even upon joining the group that made me think he was perhaps a bit problematic.
and like...yeah, i guess he is technically problematic, but as soon as i actually got to roleplay with him, i was immediately surprised. he was far from what i expected, not even a little bit the brutal bad guy i'd imagined him to be. i was really quickly fond of him, and that fondness has not faded!
🍁 favorite rp / moment
i have two to spare, one more self centered and another that just makes me go heart eyes at him. the first favorite roleplay is the one where he spoke to roseface (rosepaw then) after the reveal that she'd been spying on mountainclan. the two of them finally getting to reunite as friends made me beyond happy, and i feel like it was a super important moment for them both. he asked her during that roleplay whether she thought scoutstar was capable of changing, of being a good leader for timberclan, and i imagine roseface's support of her helped lead to her promotion. there are also just so many brilliant quotes from him within it, like when he talks to her about how killing changes you...or how it should. part of what he says there actually ties into my next favorite roleplay of his, because he discusses how he chose to spare coalstar at little pond.
that's my other favorite tornface moment because of how much growth it displayed. coalstar's death could have easily been justified in that moment, and given his history with her, he had very little reason to show mercy. given what happened at that battle, it might have been "better" for her to die. still, tornface choosing to let her live was incredibly important in the grand scheme of it all. he chose to stop more blood from being shed during a battle that ended in the loss of so much life. he chose to let coalstar walk away, and that altered both the course of the roleplay as a whole as well as his own personal track of development.
❄️ favorite quote
i can't go prowling through timberclan channels or else i'd probably pull something from the story he told roseface in their first interaction, so, beyond that...i am still so fixated on another quote he had with regard to her, back when he first learned she had gone to mountainclan.
"I wish I could make good on my offer to train you, but,” his muzzle turned up, revealing another fresh scar beneath his chin, gaze wistful as he watched the passing of the clouds, “I can’t teach you how to hurt my clanmates.”
there are so many good tornface quotes, ones more complex than that one, but i still remember it because of how simple and tragic it was in the moment. it also really just displays his character so wonderfully, how he is capable of caring about cats from mountainclan, but how he has to keep them at a distance. his clan is the most important thing to him, before anything else.
🌸 favorite relationship dynamics
huh, i wonder if my obsession with tornface and roseface's friendship shows in just how much i've mentioned them already.
okay, but really, beyond those two (who i obviously love), i think one of my favorite dynamics tornface has is with scoutstar. watching tornface go from basically ready to maim scoutstar for what she did to flurrypaw to the way he is now, ready and willing to trust her (at least as much as he can, given how many cats he's had walk out on him lately) is really special. they're not exactly perfectly suited towards being friends, but they both share a lot of similarities in how they're perceived (as "monsters" or villains, most often) and how deeply they care for those around them.
☘️ relationship dynamics with the most potential
any relationship at all! tornface is such a fascinating character, and regardless of whether or not he gets along with someone, i think every cat should meet him. he has a fascinating perspective to offer on clan life to any loners, and i also adore the unique dynamics he has with mountainclan cats. i miiight be a bit biased though.
more specifically, i'd love to see hosea and tornface talk. hosea is really doubting clan life currently, understandably so, and hearing from a cat with as much experience in it as tornface might help to make him feel slightly more at ease. i think tornface would be fond of hosea, too, as a fellow cat who would sacrifice just about anything for his family. they both seem to be the sort to shoulder the burden so that no one else has to feel it, and i'd looove to see them link up some day soon.
🌲 who I ship them with
i do hope for tornface to find love someday, but as it stands right now...no one, really? his failed romance with wolftalon is interesting and probably by favorite dynamic of the bunch, but i truly do think tornface deserves to move on from it. every other cat within his age range doesn't feel like they'd quite mesh, at least not as things stand. i imagine hemlock would drive him crazy, and rooster would likely do the same, especially given he's now taking lessons and advice from beetleheart. one day we'll find the perfect boyfriend for him, though. one day.
🍄 cross-clan ships
i was ready to say his only option would be rooster, but typing about hosea above made me realize that he's actually a viable candidate...and probably the only one tornface would tolerate. i doubt he'd ever be willing to commit to a cross-clan relationship fully, though, simply because it would likely end in disaster for the mountainclan half of the relationship. i don't think tornface would willingly ask someone to endure that; he'd just invite them to come to timberclan with him.
☀️ ideal friendships
tornface and hosea, as i've said. rufus plays them both, but tornface and lynx would be comical. i also think that a friendship between him and wildfire would be sweet...as for the new timberclan loners, from what i've seen thus far of them, i think he is developing a bond with stinger, which is also something i am 100% in support of.
🌈 something I want to happen in their character arc
i want him to live a very long life. do you hear me, rufus? i want him to be over 100 moons. i want him to be safe and unharmed.
on a similar but less joking note, i do think that retirement would be a good conclusion to his arc. a sweet one, though he might not be afforded it. he deserves to rest after serving his clan for moons and moons, especially after all the energy he has invested into supporting timberclan...and mountainclan, honestly! his bond with cats like redpath and roseface matters, even if he's not well renowned otherwise.
anyway. retirement. imagine tornface, old and graying, telling all the best elder stories. the kits flock to him and decorate his den and nest with all sorts of trinkets. he's the oldest cat in timberclan, the last to remember tales that have faded into obscurity, and his clan finally gets to take care of him in the same way he has taken care of them.
🌼 alternate name
sort of in line with the next question as i'm imagining names as per the mountainclan naming guide...i think bear- would be a suitable suffix for him, or something like ram- as a callback to the whole "animal with horns / antlers" motif. elk-, even, could work. alternatively, name him tiger-! give him the vibe of the broad shouldered brown tabby villain i was so certain he was.
bearclaw, ramclaw, elkclaw, are all good, at least as far as non-name change options go. i also think he would make for a good -throat cat by mountainclan standards, or a good -path. bearpath sounds nice. elkthroat...so many options!
if we're going for the same name change idea, though, another alternative to tornface could be tatteredface...or tatteredeye? cloudedeye as well. sooo many name thoughts, so little time.
☁️ alternate clan au
mountainclan tornface is certainly wild to think about. if he'd been in mountainclan throughout the events of the roleplay, i think they would have played out considerably differently. i imagine he would have stood up against the idea of taking moonpaw and archpaw when it occurred, and perhaps he could have played the part of an antagonist within the clan for coalstar specifically. imagine having to argue with one of your senior warriors nearly constantly. it would have damaged her reputation further, i imagine.
if he had been in mountainclan, too, i think he would have likely been one of the cats to assist in iceshadow adapting to life there. maybe he'd have better feelings on behalf of lichenfang, and could have helped him similarly to how he helped glassflower with moonpaw.
🍃 alternate rank au
not an official rank, per say, but as i mentioned in the naming concept for him had he been a mountainclan cat...storyteller tornface would be so fitting. he's already one, technically, just by timberclan standards instead. he'd fit into the role perfectly...i still think about the warm bison story.
🌺 warrior ceremony virtues
compassion for those in need, selflessness / readiness to sacrifice his own well being for his clanmates...bravery, however basic that is. generosity, too, though i suppose that fall in line with compassion. i think something to honor the hardships he's been through would be good, too, like resilience.
⚡️ who would give them lives
he just said he would never let tornstar see the light of day, but...tackling this question less on the front of utilizing already dead cats, more on the concept of just going for cats who'd want to give him a life in general as i am sorely uneducated regarding deceased timberclan cats. roseface, first of all, because i am selfish and she loves him. she'd give him a life of friendship and understanding. another mountainclan cat i'd consider would be redpath. maybe a life for the love a parent has for their kits? scoutstar, i imagine, especially if she had to die in order for him to step up...wolftalon, however tense or complex that would be. bisonheart, definitely. houndfang and mooseheart, for sure, at least if they were able to, and moonpaw (though the thought of her giving him a life is heartbreaking) would also be good candidates. for a final one, i just think inkpool would be funny. she'd be reluctant, i imagine, but would also probably recognize that he does care for timberclan despite their differences.
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Cherrystem 🌲 and/or 🌸?
🌲 who I ship them with
although cherrystem / scoutstar had me intrigued for a while, i really do think that cherrystem / inkpool is a super sweet concept. i obviously can't see all of the interactions they have, but cherrystem, i imagine, is the sort of cat inkpool could really use. she's sweet, caring, and sensitive, but she's also not the sort to deal with bullshit. i can't see inkpool pairing too well with someone who's entirely chipper and cheery. cherrystem has endured a lot in her lifetime, just as inkpool has, and they both feature overtones of blaming themselves for the things that have gone wrong in their pasts. healing together would be a really satisfactory endgame for them, imo!
🌸 favorite relationship dynamics
i think that cherrystem and beetleheart's dynamic is excellent. weird rivals who can't stand each other but have ties to one particular cat (dustyspirit) that keep them connected? yes please. honestly, a lot of my favorite dynamics to observe are just the ones where cats are fated to resent each other, no matter how much peace they might make with one another. i'd love to see more of beetleheart and cherrystem just tormenting each other. let them have problems!
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