#scouring the depths of pinterest
sometimes the bravest thing you can do is decide on and implement an aesthetic for a whole new blog and that's okay<3
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venus-haze · 9 months
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Fav Mia Tyler looks part 3🖤
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dirteater69 · 4 months
gonna redo my blog theme tomorrow so im pretty excited about that :]
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jeromeswife · 2 years
namor x f!reader - sea shells and love
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Word count: 592 words
summary: making a crown for your king
warnings: none! pure fluff
in yakunaj - my love
in reina - my queen
The ocean breeze and its saltiness filled your nose as you made your way along the beach, collecting sea shells. Namor had been away to discuss diplomatic matters with Shuri on how to better their alliance.
You knew how much stress he’d been since the battle of Wakanda and you wanted to do something nice for him. When you’d scroll through Pinterest, you always stumbled upon these beautiful photos of sea shell crowns and necklaces.
You’d have shown these photos to him in the past but he had never shown much of a reaction to it. Sometimes you couldn’t read Namor, but had very sweet and sentimental moments with him.
Your phone was on as you looked at what kind of sea shells would be on the beach of Wakanda. Studying them, you scoured the sand. You buried your hands in the sand as you tried to find some dry ones first. You’d found some puka shells, sea scallops, and a few sand dollars. The smile that was on your face slightly drooped. You weren’t too pleased with your founds.
The ocean then waved towards you, clearing a path full of beautiful shells. From sea stars and various shells you’d only ever seen in books and online. A bubbly feeling rose in your chest as you picked them all up. After, you nodded at the waves, thanking it and blowing a kiss towards it.
Namor’s relationship with you awakened the mind of the ocean to help you out whenever needed. You even remembered when you had trouble swimming and some orcas came up from the depths of the waters to help you out. It was one of the coolest days of your life. There was many benefits from dating the king of the sea.
You grabbed your shells and walked back towards the sand, sitting in its grainy yet soft texture. You grabbed a few pieces of dried kelp and used it to tie all the shell pieces together to make a crown. A smile crept upon your face as you proudly looked at your work. It was beautiful.
Before you knew it, Namor snaked his hands behind your waist and pulled you up from the sand. You would normally panic, but he always greeted you like this. It was his little way of saying that you should trust him.
“I’m happy to see you again, in yakunaj.”
You turned around and hid the crown behind your back, “Hi, my love! I have something for you.”
He smiled and let out a light laugh, gazing deep into your eyes. Namor wasn’t used to getting many things since he rained you in gifts everyday to show his love for you.
You were let out of his hold and took out the sea shell crown, showing it to him, “I made it for you, my King.”
His cheeks grew warm and he leaned down, kissing you on the cheek, grateful for you but also cause he thought it was so cute of you to do that for him. “Well, aren’t you gonna crown me, in reina?”
You nodded and as he bent his head down, you placed the shell crown atop his head. The whites, pinks, and oranges stood out on his head that was coated in short black hair. You giggled because he just looked so cute yet gorgeous.
“I love you, my king. You look absolutely beautiful.”
“I can say the same thing about you, my love.”
Namor leaned down and kissed you deeply. His love grew for you at that moment.
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neverchecking · 10 months
Does it count as a marriage if only one of them is aware?
AN: Is this a Sage and Aaliyah piece? Yeah. Am I proud of it? A lil. I don't know if it falls into their 'canon' timeline, but I think it's funny. Shoutout to the tweet that I got from pinterest that inspired this. May I hopefully find you one day.
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He was going to commit a murder. An atrocity. A war crime so heinous they would carve it into stone tablets as a warning to future generations. She already was a thorn in his fucking side and then she pulls this shit? 
Slamming open the door, he remains ignorant to the lab assistant’s yelp, practically snarling as he spots Purah. She boredly looks at him over her shoulder, snapping her fan closed with a huff. “And a good morning to you-”
“Where the hell is she?” 
Purah grins. It’s something big and bright and he hates it. Asshole was probably in on it now that he thinks about it. Sheikah unity and all of that other bullshit. “Whoever do you mean?”
“You know who I mean, now you tell me where she is or I’m lighting Lookout Landing on fire.” He hissed low and dangerous, a firebulb already burning a hole in his pocket (not literally). He was going to get the information he wanted, whether they wanted to give it to him or not. He’d find her somehow, even if he had to scour this entire, goddess-forsaken fucking land. 
He’d find her and then he’d kill her for the shit she pulled. 
“Tick tock,” He mocked, reaching for the tablet on his hip. Purah scoffed with a grumpy furrow in her brows. “She’s in the depths, where she always is lately.” 
He took that for what it was, leaving and slamming the door behind him. 
When they couldn’t hear his angry cursings any longer, Purah turned to Josha with a grin. The girl looked positively frightened, as she often did when Link came around ranting and raving, but Purah paid it little mind. “He’s looking for his wife.” 
“I’m sorry, I wasn’t aware he was married?”
“Neither was he.” 
He should’ve checked here first. He was a fool to think she’d be anywhere otherwise, but yet? There she was. Sitting on a throne made of rock and marble with a devious grin on her face. She looked like the cat that caught the canary. In her left ear was the cursed piercing, still red and fresh, but holding a golden hoop. 
A part of him was thankful she didn’t get the idea to pierce his ears in his sleep. Another part of him was angry enough he could blow her up here and now and walk away, not a care in the world to be had. 
“What did you do?” He snapped, baring his teeth in her direction as Rauru’s arm flared to life. He had no intention of using any of the powers bestowed upon him, but it seemed to be a good deterrent for making her talk. Should she be feeling merciful enough.
Alas, however, it didn’t seem so as she leaned her chin on one of her hands. Her nails, long and sharp, glinted in the light of the torches around her. She looked like a vengeful queen tasked with the punishment of a traitorous soul. A cruel, wicked tyrant of a ruler. 
“I don’t know what you mean.”
He’d destroy her kingdom yet.
With a tense breath in, he ran a hand through his hair, trying to plaster on a well-mannered grin. “Well,” He let out a bark of ironic laughter. “You see, I was going on my way to visit the Sage of Water,  just to check up on him and you wanna know what he told me?” 
“You know I do.” She smirked. 
It took every bit of his patience to not wipe that fucking smirk off her damn face himself. Instead his fingers clenched into fists as that same anger bubbled up into a livid inferno that lapped at his insides and scorched his tongue. “He congratulated me for my recent marriage to the Sage of Spirits!” He spat, feeling comparable to the way he did after Ganon first returned. Angry and pissed and so blinded by red he didn’t care what happened. 
The woman paused, brows raised, and for the slightest hair of a heartbeat, Link almost thought she didn’t know what he was talking about (which just made him even more pissed). But then she snorted. The snort then turned into a giggle, which turned into several, which she tried to hide behind her hand before she was tossing her head back in an uproar of laughter. It rang in his ears, harmonic and heavy, but he couldn’t find himself to care. 
What a bitch. 
“Oh,” She breathed out at last, wiping a tear from the corner of her eye with a thumb. The rings on her fingers glinted and he noticed a suspicious lack of a gold band on her left ring finger. She did, however, have the earring so it was understandable. “Priceless. I was wondering when it would get back to you. I was almost getting bored. Feared I’d have to ruin the fun and tell you myself.” 
He grit his teeth so hard he was half surprised they didn’t turn to dust. “What do you mean-” 
“Glad Sidon did it for me though. He’s always had a big heart.” She waved him off before uncrossing her legs and standing. “It’s been fun though. Glad we could have this talk-”
“I’m not-” 
“But there’s shit to do. Little time, lots of work or however that saying goes.” A grin spread on her face. It wasn’t kind and it wasn’t nice. It was the equivalent of a wolf snarling at its prey. To show the nasty teeth often hidden in a warning. 
He was so distracted by her dumb face he didn’t even notice her taking out her own Purah pad. 
“See you later, hubby.” And then she was gone. 
Link blew up her throne before leaving, the only remainder being a selection of pebbles and small rocks. 
It didn’t make him feel better. 
Everywhere he went it was the same fucking thing. 
“How’s the wife?”
“Oh, you haven’t gotten your piercing yet? I bet you’re aching to do that!” 
“Must be preparing for the honeymoon, hey Link?”
And his personal least favorite. “Your wife had just stopped by! She said to expect you!” 
Like Aaliyah had any idea of what he did. She didn’t know his schedule. She didn’t know him at all! And he was just…what? Expected to roll with this? Go to the first fucking Gerudo vendor he saw and ask for a piercing? 
Not on his fucking life. 
He’d tear that piercing out of her ear yet and leave it bloody right in front of her dumb face. 
The matter was just getting close enough. 
It was true he was, admittedly, following her. He needed to get that fucking piercing. Word travels like wildfire in Hyrule and he knew she had some sort of ulterior motive. He just knew it. And he would either find out what it was or he’d make sure she wouldn’t be able to claim she was married to anyone else ever again. Win-win if you ask him. He’d either get in on whatever scam she was planning, take over and leave her with nothing, or he’d get the revenge he yearned for for sullying his infamous name. 
Now it was just a matter of tracking her down, which was easy enough. Aaliyah, if nothing else, was competitive. She liked a good game between them. She’d leave little tricks and clues for him to find in the most convoluted game of hide and seek he’d ever played. Maybe a certain berry was left lying around-- one he knew didn’t grow in that region-- or maybe there was a stray arrow, singed by the remnants of a bomb flower, lying broken on the path. 
She knew he was after her, and she probably knew what he’d do when he found her, but that was all this was to her. A game. This was one big giant game and he was the challenger. 
Or, contrarily, this was one big fucking joke to the Sheikah and Link was yet another punchline in this comedy act of a life.
“Looks like the dove finally got snared?” 
He watched, amused, as she pulled against the ropes wrapped around her. It was sneaky and underhanded, but at some point (and he’d rather fight the King Gleeok all over again before admitting it), he grew desperate. So, he rigged up a monster camp with muddle buds. Lots and lots of muddle buds. Every Bokoblin had at least four on their body, every Moblin six and even the TNT barrels were covered in them. 
Of course, when in the depths, if there’s an active monster camp, there’s a good chance Aaliyah wasn’t far behind. So, despite all odds, she took them out. The Bokoblins were taken out with the barrels, an arrow setting them all off, however she got cocky. The bow was put away and she sauntered into the camp, eyes on the chest prize in the middle.
A Moblin saw his chance, reared up and slammed his muddle bud lined head down. The Sheikah had dodged, but Link knew he’d won. He saw the expanse in her pupils, how the black seemed to swallow the gold irises and her cheeks became almost instantaneously flushed. She was dazed, but still finished off the disgusting beast with a practiced ease. 
Link, of course, saw his opportunity and took it. And now, here she was. Writhing about under him like the fucking worm she was and glaring up at him. Her eyes never focused, like she couldn’t make heads or tails on what she was seeing, just that she knew she didn’t like it. 
He nudged her with his boot and nearly got bit in the process. 
“Ooh, feisty little dove.” He teased, crouching to her level as he hauled her into a sitting position. She let out a low growl before trying to bite his face-- not that she got far with him holding her shirt the way he was. 
“Muddle buds? Really? That’s cheap, even for you.” 
“Even for me?” He feigned a pout. “That’s a little harsh. I was tryna have a decent conversation with you.” 
“I will fucking skin you and hang your ratty pelt like drapery.” 
He clicked his tongue with a shake of his head. “So violent. Shouldn’t women like you be more docile?” 
He nearly didn’t avoid the third snap of her sharp teeth. 
“What do you want? In case you haven’t noticed, some of us actually do our fucking duties. I have-”
“Shit you need to do, yeah I’ve heard.” Link rolled his eyes before returning them to the dazed Sheikah. “What’s your angle?”
“My fucking what-”
“Why tell people we’re married? What do you get out of it? Explain it to me.”
Aaliyah blinked slowly, brows furrowed as the information loaded in her brain, processed and she came up with a response. 
“Make me.” 
Was what said brain came up with. He’d kill her yet, he swears. With a scoff, he glared at her, watching as something akin to amusement brushed over her features. “I am. You think I’d drug you and tie you up for tea?”
“I don’t know, maybe you’re lonely.”
“Aaliyah-” What was the goddess thinking when making her? What part of the divine plan looked at him and went ‘Yeah, let’s make his life twelve times harder than it needs to be’? Because he had a complaint. Lots of complaints. Maybe there was a suggestion box where he could put in his very reasonable request of having her smited so he wouldn’t have to deal with her. “How’d you do it?” He settled on.
She hummed distractedly, head lolling about before she raised it to look at him. “You see, I went to Gerudo. They have these things called needles, and those needles pierced my ear, gave me the second hoop and then-” 
“I know how fucking piercings are done!” 
“Then it was just a matter of telling people we got hitched.” She grinned lopsidedly before pausing. “It’s very rude to interrupt by the way.” 
He grabbed her chin with a rough pinch of his fingers. “Yeah, well, it’s also not very nice to just decide you’re married to someone because you wanted another piercing.”
“Hey! I’ll have you know lots of people have liked my piercings in the past.” Aaliyah gave a salacious smirk, eyes darting down to her own chest before back up to him. 
What nipple piercings had to do with this, he wouldn’t know. “Name one person who liked your piercings.” 
“Your mom-”
He let out a war-hungry screech as she flitted away into blue. 
“Is it for tax purposes?” He called out, sliding to take cover behind a tree. An arrow pierced itself right where his head would’ve been and he quickly pulled it out and loaded it into his own bow. 
“You think I pay taxes?” Aaliyah called back, waiting for him to pop out and aim before letting a bomb arrow fly. It forced Link to roll out of the way, the edges of his shirt singed with ash. 
“I don’t think you do anything except make my life harder.” He snipped, shaking his hair out before letting a keese-eye arrow loose. It followed the Sheikah even as she darted behind a tree. It stabbed too deep into the trunk as she ducked for it to be reused, and she cursed, grabbing one of her own. 
“It’s a hobby.” She grinned. She didn’t have very many bombs left, less Keese eyes (This trip was supposed to be a restock trip before her loving husband showed his ugly face), and was running out of options just short of things that could cause serious injury. 
The quip she was waiting for didn’t come and she almost dared to poke her head out. Instead she laid low, watching the branches above her. 
Which did her no fucking good as a hand wrapped around her throat, pinning her to the trunk. Fucking Sheikah armor. 
“Then why?”
That’s all he’s ever been asking and it was starting to get on her nerves. No- how did you come up with such a great idea? No-Wow, you are so incredible and smart and what would I do without you? No- Wow Aaliyah, how did I get so lucky you decided to marry me?
Ungrateful fucking ass. 
“I mean, you’ll get to claim me on your taxes and people will stop hitting on you- not that I can imagine many do with your ugly mug.”
Link got up in her face, nose to nose and she could feel his sweaty breath on her chin. He should go away. 
“You could work with me, you know. Instead of against me. We could tear down this rotten fucking kingdom and build it anew.” He spoke at last, soft and hoarse. His eyes shined with vindication and valor and she wasn’t sure how to feel about it.
So she scoffed. “But I’m having so much fun. Learning what makes that little brain of yours just tick in agony and annoyance.” 
A beat passed between them. 
Then she raised a foot and kicked him square in the chest. Along the horizon the light dragon let out a strangled roar as it swooped close enough one could paraglide their way to its back. The whole reason Link was here, she’d bet. 
“Send her my regards.” Aaliyah gave a salute, letting shrine travel take her away yet again. 
The fire flickered underneath the metal pot steadily, licking up the sides and heating up the meat inside. He watched it blankly, mentally counting in his head before scooting over on the log he sat on. Predictably, there was a weight that sat right beside him, slumping with a clank as their gear was discarded beside them. 
Stables were neutral. Neither wanted to piss the horse god off, so they’d behave themselves here. 
Even if his skin itched with her sitting right there. There was nothing he could do, would do, unless she started something first. 
“How’s the lizard girlfriend?” 
“The fucking what-”
Early he had guessed this to be a game or a joke, but now he was certain she had just lost her mind at long last. Hurrah! He figured it out and eventually she’d be taken out back and put down. Something quick and merciful so she didn’t fall torment to her decaying mind. 
He did glance over to where she was watching the sky, golden eyes trained on something or another. He followed her line of sight and nearly lost his shit subsequently. 
“Are you-...Are you talking about Zelda?” 
“Zelda, lizard girlfriend, same thing.” She rolled her neck before stretching her arms out above her. “Weren’t you two supposed to get married before this whole Ganon thing?”
And the gears started turning. They turned and creaked and groaned, but they were moving in sync before it hit him. “Golden goddess above-”
“You look like you’re about to pass out-”
“You are a special kind of wicked.” 
“Flattery will get you everywhere-”
He turned to her and she suddenly clamped her mouth shut, like she could see what he was thinking. He was sure to an extent she could and she didn’t like what she was seeing. “That’s why you did it?!” 
“Did what-” 
“You started this whole campaign so you could say you married me before Zelda?! I was never gonna fucking marry her! Why do you think she’s still up there in the first place?!”  
The color drained impressively fast from the Sheikah’s face before she stood with a start. “This has been… something. Let’s talk again soon-” 
“Nuh-uh-” Link grabbed her wrist before she could disappear again. “Tell me that’s not the reason.” 
Aaliyah blinked, stared at him, and opened her mouth. Only to then let out a shrill whistle. Somewhere behind her, her horse came galloping up, its dark eyes locking on her as she grabbed its saddle on the way by. 
“Talk to you soon, hubby!”
Months later, he’s trekking in fuck-knows where, grumpy and grouchy. He hated the group of men he was with and he hated working for that fraud Hylia yet again. The boys around him never shut up and they never knew how to mind their own fucking business.
“Awful lot of jewelry.” One of them drawled with a lazy smirk on his features. Sage, as he had been proclaimed, scoffed. “I’m taking this from you? Your scarf looks like a fucking royal curtain.” 
The man sputtered before righting his features with an indignant scoff. Sage snickered before running his hand through his hair. “It’s not all decorative.”
“It’s not?” The youngest whirled around to look at him. “I thought you just like getting your ears pierced.” 
“I don’t. The first ones I got in the military. But this one?” Sage’s finger brushed against a second golden hoop hanging in his left ear. “This one means something.”
“Oh yeah, like what?” Blue scarf barked, probably still offended Sage didn’t immediately lie down and take the teasing.
“Means you need to shut your trap and keep walking.” He threw back, stomping forward. “I have a wife to get home to.”
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sixosix · 9 months
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i actualy spent a good chumk of my time looking for an outfit for lyney while drawing and after, like, an HOUR, i found this one and i was on my knees bc it was so perfecf hhgnhgh.
sluty shorts, a TUMMY WINDOW, and big bow in the back ??? it literally got lyney's name all over it. all we need now is a hat and shoes and it can be an actual in game skin for him fr (it also kinda ties in w arlecchino's outfit soooo,,,,)
(scouring the depths of pinterest searching fkr this last time, and i just did it again i am so epic 💥💥💥)
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this is actualy so real im gonna pass out i loove pretty clothes. AND IT HAS A COLLAR???? FOR THR VISION PLACEMENT ???? bye, bye i am ascending. the way i would consume this like a starved victorian childe if it was edible. head in hands
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???? HOYOVERSE ARE YOU SEEING THIS SHIT. THIS NEEDS TO BE A SKIN. I literally gasped when i saw the bow what the fuck thats made for lyney to wear
oops i accidentally posted this already wtf
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wildemaven · 10 months
Where on this vast digital earth do you find your incredible pics for your moodboard?!?!
I scour the depths of Pinterest. Probably a boring answer lol But I’ll literally search Pinterest forever to find what I’m looking for.
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wulfhalls · 2 years
Kinda of absolutely obsessed with the idea of aemond x helaena like aegon doesn't care he's too busy trying to run away from alicent and the iron throne if anything he's pushing them together to be like look mum they're being weird again
i have scoured the depths of pinterest and secured for us the first (to my knowledge) pic of them together
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llitchilitchi · 1 year
I thought I saw somewhere that you had a big pile of medieval clothing references? Am I crazy, is that a thing? Is it sharable? Otherwise, where do you search for references?
this one gets a little long, sorry about that anonnie
I did mention it at some point, yeah
most of my reference comes from my own personal collection of books that I've accumulated over the years, unfortunately many are not in English or I got them second hand and are difficult to find online
I don't have as much stuff regarding medieval fashion since most of the fashion that I am interested in starts around renaissance, so when I wanna look into older periods, it's fashion history books that are more general and provide a bit of an overview for the time periods
my two go-to books like that are The Costume History and then Fashion: The Definitive History of Costume and Style <-they're very general and barely touch on anything, much less proper structures, but they are a pretty good introduction to western fashion history
the book that I reach for regularly when I look into fashion for Monarchy Restoration is Dějiny Odívání: Renesance (Fashion History: Renaissance) - covers the fashions of mostly 15th and 16th century. this book is available only in Czech as far as I know and came out 23 years ago, also the information isn't particularly great (a trend I noticed with Czech authors, unfortunately.) the book is really well illustrated though which as someone who isn't particularly interested in recreating these styles for myself and only needs it for art is more than enough
I'm also fortunate enough to live in Europe so I get to visit castles and exhibitions regularly and I can gather my own reference by taking photos of the paintings, tapestries and frescos.
a great reference for actual medieval fashion are medieval illuminated manuscripts. I don't know where you're from, nor which area you want to look into, given how the fashion of the middle ages differs from country to country, so I'd definitely start by looking into books on medieval illustrations from the country you are interested in. I managed to snatch a really old copy of a book covering Slovak manuscripts and there's a book covering Czech ones (Krása českých iluminovaných rukopisů). many manuscripts have also been digitalized are available online
another thing you might consider is looking into illustrated books on medieval history. Jacques Le Goff has a sizeable collection and the prints that are available to me locally use many original medieval illustrations and paintings
old blogs dedicated to the topic are also amazing for this. given the state of tumblr and the internet as a whole, these are a lot harder to come by and many haven't been updated in years
I really wish I could tell you to scour the depths of google images and pinterest, but with the rise of artificial intelligence, people have started creating an unhealthy amount of fake history. it's honestly disheartening how many times I've caught myself looking at images and wondering if they are just passable fakes. this hurts even more when it comes to art used as reference, which is the main basis for medieval and early renaissance fashion, since the original garments are for the most part gone
to sum this up, I recommend looking into general fashion history books first. it's not great, but it's a start, especially if you only have a vague idea of what you want and aren't hellbent on finding accurate fashions to Venetian fashion of the 1470s, or something of that sort. a general look is a good starting point. from there, once you have pinpointed what you are after, look into books that might cover the topic. depending on the time period there might be detailed coverage in decent books, or you'll have to turn to other things such as books on the daily life in that time period (which have grown in popularity in the past couple of years) or book covering the art of the time period. those books might actually be better than fashion history books, since fashion history books prefer looking into the high society and not at commoners, who would have otherwise been depicted in paintings. they won't go into so much detail of the dress, obviously, but you'll get to see how the lower classes dressed as well. if you come across some proper vocabulary, it's worth doing a google search or pinterest search, though again, I have to warn you that people on the internet Like To Lie. A Lot. especially about history. while you are at it, you might also notice painter names popping up regularly, so look up their work as well. (personally been really into Cranach.) those paintings are great if you need only outer layers for art reference. in a similar manner, if you are looking into high society, it might be worth looking at the nobility and royalty of the time and their depictions.
last but certainly not least, if you have the chance to visit an exhibition, a castle, a cathedral, anything really that might deal with this stuff, go. you never know what you might come across. a lot of my favourite little reference photos were taken at castles that I visited with family and I didn't even expect to find anything at. it's very much about personal preference in fashion, too, so while you might see images in books, it might not be until you see a medieval painting of a saint that something about a dress just Clicks and you steal that style for your next OC. events organized by fashion history larpers are pretty good too if you don't mind talking to people, same for history themed events (NOT renaissance fairs. unless you run into people who actually know what they're doing) where people dress up for the occasion. not just some actors though, but actual proper historians who looked into their shit. I've met a couple amazing people and learnt a lot.
I don't know how valid this information is and I'm sure actual fashion historians are absolutely cringing at this, but as someone who mostly looks into fashion history for art reference, this is a method I found works for me. hope it helped at least a little!
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sageistri · 6 months
As someone who doesn't listen to kpop apart from BTS, I am one of those people who casually listens to New Jeans. They just have a very accessible sound. But I have no idea who any of the members are and I'm not attached to them in any way like I got with BTS. I'm unsure about their future as well but I reckon if they keep churning out good music with interesting concepts they'll last but since they don't have a solid fanbase, they're one bad comeback away from losing their spot on the top
Hybe debuted another girlgroup today (illit) and they have a similar sound and style to new jeans and as expected kpop Stans are hyping them up and of course new jeans stans do not like that and are angry because they think hybe is trying to replicate new jeans. I'm curious to see what's gonna happen now that kpop stans have another group that gives them aesthetic music for their TikTok videos.
Objectively it's not like new jeans makes the best music in 4th gen, but mhj had a plan and it worked. What worked for them was how they came into the scene with something fresh and new, a new kpop sound, new roll out system, and they always seem to try a different roll out for each comeback, something to draw our attention. Mhj also depends on shock value and drama I remember linking a video about it, I think that creator was the only person that I saw explain the whole thing rationally without outrightly hating on them.
The whole lolita/p*doph*lia drama during their debut and then the whole eta thing that got people talking only for it to not even be relevant to the music video when it was finally released.
I feel like when success is hinged on always having to be one step ahead of every other group, I wonder how long you can keep that up. Especially now that there's another group that has the same sound. I know min heejin has been working hard searching for the most obscure sub genre of music for them to comeback with so the whole "they introduce new things and sound to kpop" schtick can continue 😭
I'm genuinely looking forward to their comeback just because of that. I know that woman has been working hard for them to do something "new" and "unique" just to keep that edge and I'm curious to see how it turns out.
Honestly people like min heejin and soyeon from g-idle (no shade to her, she's actually my bias) makes me feel like I could manage and direct a group's comeback and make it successful if I was given the chance and budget. It's me, google and Pinterest against the world, while I search and scour on Google and YouTube for a unique sound for my group and then I stumble across a sub genre of music that no one's ever heard of and I go to the depths of Pinterest for the most unique but aesthetic concepts, I mix and match them together with my own unique twist and voila!
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artisticow · 10 months
get to know 9 people ask game ! 🍀
tagged by: lovely moot @alaxon!! thank you <3 🫂 gonna answer it on this blog just because :)
last song listened to: cinnamon by tamino currently reading: slewfoot by brom! lovingggg it sweet/spicy/savory: savory ,, obsessions: the arcana, touchstarved, also currently loving grantchester sm relationship status: collapses to the ground and languidly rolls over last thing i googled: "pinterest won't let me reply to comments" it's beginning to drive me nuts ! currently working on: my queer cowboy eldritch horror fanfic, 2 years in the making. hardcore slacking on nanowrimo this time lol
tagging: @xyuvise , @honeycrepe , @smellslikecitrusandcinnamon , @creaturebuff , @ikeasupremacy , @styrofoamgardentragedy ok i have scoured the depths of my followers enough. no pressure at all! and anyone else who sees this can join in 🤍
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2knightt · 1 year
i love scouring the depths of pinterest for photos of matt dillon 😍😍😍
but i hate how so many nice photos of him have the “GettyImages” watermark. and half of the time, i can’t find the not-watermarked version. stupid watermarks.
gettyimages is my worst enemy and they dont even know who i am.
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suzannebyleonardcohen · 10 months
in a playlist making mood. curating vibes, building them with my hands.. listening to every song 5 times with my eyes closed to make sure it belongs. then deleting every song and starting anew. scouring the murky depths of pinterest for cover images, scanning a 2009 edition of the massachusetts review for turns of phrase i could use as titles. going through my spotify follower list and feeling my heart swell with affection. i have forty three manuscripts to read by friday
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avtarshoescompany · 1 year
Title: How to Choose Trending Graphic Design: Unveiling the Latest Graphic Design Trends
In the fast-paced world of design, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. A design that was on-trend yesterday might be outdated today, making it essential for graphic designers to keep a pulse on the latest graphic design trends. Choosing trending graphic designs not only keeps your work fresh and relevant but also ensures that your creations resonate with your target audience. In this blog, we will guide you through the process of choosing the latest graphic design trends that will set your work apart.
Understanding the Importance of Trending Graphic Design
Graphic design trends are not just fleeting fads; they reflect the evolving aesthetics and preferences of your audience. By incorporating the latest trends, you demonstrate your ability to adapt and cater to the current tastes of your clients. This not only enhances your credibility but also adds a modern touch to your portfolio. However, it's important to remember that blindly following trends can lead to lackluster designs. The key is to strike a balance between incorporating trends and maintaining your unique creative style.
1. Research, Research, Research
Before diving into design projects, immerse yourself in research. Scour design magazines, websites, and social media platforms to identify the emerging trends. Pay attention to the color palettes, typography choices, and design elements that are gaining traction. Websites like Behance, Dribbble, and Pinterest can be invaluable resources for tracking the latest graphic design trends.
2. Understand Your Audience
Trends that work for one audience might not resonate with another. Therefore, it's essential to understand your target audience's preferences, values, and demographics. Are they drawn to minimalist designs or do they prefer vibrant and eclectic visuals? Tailor your design choices to align with the tastes of your specific audience while infusing them with the latest trends.
3. Embrace Minimalism
Clean, minimalist designs have been a prevailing trend for several years. This style focuses on simplicity, ample white space, and clear typography. Minimalism not only exudes elegance but also ensures that your design remains visually appealing across different platforms, from websites to mobile apps. Remember, less is often more in the world of modern graphic design.
4. Play with Typography
Typography has the power to convey emotions, ideas, and brand personalities. Experiment with unique fonts and layouts that capture attention and communicate the message effectively. Handwritten fonts, bold typography, and creative text arrangements are some typography trends that can add a contemporary edge to your designs.
5. Gradients and Vivid Colors
Gone are the days of subdued color schemes. Gradients and bold, vivid colors are making a comeback. Incorporate eye-catching color transitions to add depth and dimension to your designs. However, use these trends thoughtfully to avoid overwhelming your audience.
6. 3D and Realism
With advancements in technology, 3D elements have become more accessible and are being integrated into graphic design. Incorporating three-dimensional elements and realistic textures can make your designs stand out, adding a touch of innovation and modernity.
7. Sustainability and Eco-Conscious Design
As environmental concerns take center stage, eco-conscious design trends are gaining prominence. Consider incorporating sustainable practices into your design projects, such as using eco-friendly materials, earthy color palettes, and designs that promote environmental awareness.
8. Vintage and Retro Revival
Ironically, as we move forward, we often find inspiration in the past. Vintage and retro design elements are experiencing a revival. Experiment with nostalgic color schemes, classic typography, and retro-inspired graphics to create a unique blend of old and new.
9. User-Centered UX/UI Design
Incorporating the latest UX/UI design principles is paramount, especially for digital projects. User-centered design ensures that your graphics are not just aesthetically pleasing but also highly functional and intuitive for users.
10. Stay True to Your Style
While staying updated with the latest trends is important, don't lose sight of your unique style. Trends come and go, but your signature style is what sets you apart in the long run. Use trends as a source of inspiration rather than strict guidelines.
In conclusion, the world of graphic design is ever-evolving, with trends that shape the visual landscape. To choose the latest graphic design trends effectively, conduct thorough research, understand your audience, and find ways to incorporate trends while maintaining your distinctive style. By striking this balance, you'll create designs that are not only visually captivating but also relevant in today's dynamic design landscape. Remember, trends are a tool, but your creativity is what truly drives innovation in graphic design.
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stupid-sparkles · 3 years
pick a post that describes you
Here's your answer ahaha-
Tumblr media
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the-fandomwriter · 4 years
my (internet) friend was asking about mcytblr (she’s on mcyt twt and tiktok) and what it’s like/ how we all view the twitter and tiktok fanbase and like?? honestly?? we don’t talk about the other parts of the fanbase outside of tumblr? and it’s so so nice?
i’ve partook in mcyt tik tok, i lurk in the shadows of mcyttwt, scoured the depths of mcyt pinterest, as well as have an explore page filled with a majority of fanart and theories on insta. and out of all of them mcytblr is the most chill and i feel the most comfortable here??
there’s rarely any drama, there aren’t really “superior” accounts probs bc we can’t see follower count (which is also so so nice) y’all literally don’t give a shit about knowing what i look like or what my real name is???
what i’m trying to say is, mcytblr is the most chill and comfortable area of this fanbase and i’m so happy you guys have made it such a nice place for not only myself, but also for newbies to the fandom. we’ve done such a good job on spreading positivity and being nontoxic. (of course there’s the occasional toxic people, but it doesn’t really lurk for long? idk) i think we’re the superior media site for mcyt twitter can suck all of our dicks simultaneously (i already regret saying that)
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