#scott tickles reader
gamequeenanya · 2 years
Tickletober Day 16: Ghost
(lee Phone Guy, ler Reader)
Summary: During the night shift you meet a familiar person. But he's not what he seems. Will you be able to call for help without your friend dying with laughter...?
It was the fifth night on the job. You panicked when you heard the garbled phone message tonight. Quickly you reached for the receiver and tried dialing for help.
9-1-1 you dialed, but the phone kept ringing and nobody picked up.
Desperate, you tried again. Again there was no answer.
A man suddenly appeared in your office, a good distance away.
"I'd watch the cameras if I were you."
His voice was easy-breezy, with a light accent you couldn't quite place. You quickly checked the tablet for the animatronics, leaving the receiver on the table.
Bonnie had left his station and had gone into the parts and service room. Great...
You check Pirates' Cove and then put down the tablet. Facing the man you raise your eyebrows at him.
"What are you doing here?? I thought you quit last week."
He was silent, and looked kind of sad.
Picking up the phone, you tried dialing for help again. This made him stiffen.
"Stop." He said plainly. "The-the line is dead..."
Defiantly, you pushed random buttons on the phone, hoping to get through to anyone at all. This time you heard the man beside you laugh and hold his stomach.
"What is it?" You said, confused and a little irritated. Did he really think this was a laughing matter?
"Nothing!" Still with a cute grin on his face, he shook his head.
"You little liar!" You grinned, deciding to boop the buttons on the phone again. At least he was getting a kick out of it, and it helped lighten the mood.
"Heheehheheheeheeheheheeeeheeeheheehee!" With one arm, he balanced himself over the desk while he held his stomach with the other. "Stop! Heeheehehehehheheeheee!"
"Oh? So I should stop this...?" You boop all the buttons on the phone, including the asterisk and pound sign.
As bad as it was for him, he noticed Chica approaching the right door and quickly closed it.
"Thanks!" You say, checking for Bonnie, and then continuing to boop the phone. Chuckling, you wonder why it's so funny to Phone Guy that his phone doesn't work.
Stopping, you looked at him for a moment. "Shouldn't have said that, buddy!" You come over and try and tickle his sides and stomach, but it seems to have no effect. "Wait..."
Something started to dawn on you. Your fingers seemed to go right through him, and they felt cold.
"W-wait a second... H-how did you survive t-the fourth night again...?"
The light seemed to flash on automatically and you saw Bonnie outside the door. Immediately, you closed the door.
Phone Guy sighed. "That's the thing... I didn't..."
"Oh..." You say. Going back to work you try not to think about it too much. "I'm sorry..."
"Yeah. Heh." He scratched the back of his neck and looked away. There were a few moments of silence as you worked hard to survive and as he wondered if he was still welcome here as a ghost.
"Freddy's moved!" you say, pointing to the camera. Turning to Phone Guy you now mutter. "Alright, buddy. If there's something you've learned that corporate made you keep from me, now would be the time."
He pointed to camera 4B. There was a way to keep Freddy locked in that camera. You just had to watch it every now and then as part of your cycle.
"Thanks," you say adapting that as part of your strategy.
It was a couple more hours before Phone Guy said something.
"By the way! Uhh, the animatronics might be a little sad that they lost again tonight, so after your shift you might wanna give them a pat on the shoulder! I-I'm sure it's safe now!"
A witty snark; of course it was. But honestly you'd had enough of his weird humor for tonight.
Reaching over to the phone on the table, you booped all of its buttons again.
"Cutie," You mutter with a fond smile.
[The End.]
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eternalsunrise · 2 months
home, sweet home.
wolverine (logan howlett) x f!reader
wc: 980 (drabble)
tags! established relationship, no actual smut but super suggestive and gets graphic toward the end
notes! horny . but also v sweet. i pictured origins logan while writing this 💋
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“if you keep moving i’m going to start slicing you up on purpose” your threat is empty, wrist away from his face completely, razor pointed the opposite direction. even with his regenerative abilities, you don’t want to hurt him, even if it’s just an accidental cut on his jaw.
logan was fully capable of doing this himself. after all, he’d been shaving his own face for decades upon decades. but there was no way he was going to pass up this opportunity.
he came through the front door after a two week long mission, scruffier than he was when he left. his mutton chops curling up at the tips of his jawline, mustache just long enough to tickle your face. he’d forgotten to pack his razor, and he’d rather use his own claws than use scott’s, or even worse, hank’s.
you were on him as soon as he walked in, leeched to his body, your hands everywhere. it had been too long since the wolverine breathed you in like this, his enhanced senses overstimulated in the best way. you ran your hand over his scratchy cheek, inquiring about his new look. he told you he was planning on cleaning it up but was exhausted. that’s when you offered.
now he’s sat on the toliet seat, and maybe he’s enjoying the view of you on his lap a little too much. he lifted his hips, bouncing you lightly on his legs.
“hm. relax princess, jus’ adjusting.” logan gives you a teasing smile, basking in the bliss he only feels in your presence. your eyes narrow in faux disdain, it’s hard to be frustrated at a guy with shaving cream covering his face. you grab one of his feline quips of hair, using it to tilt his head to finish the task at hand.
“i’m going with you next time, i can’t have you walking around like a caveman.” i missed you more than i can say.
ever the man, the image of you in an x-men suit pops into his brain, the leather hugging your body just right. the thought brings a smirk to his face, but it fades when he hears your sigh. right, no moving.
“yes ma’am. i’ll call the professor and let him know.” i missed you too. felt like i was never going to come back to you.
you lean your body over to rinse the razor off in the sink, logan’s large hands on your thighs keeping you steady. the metal clinks against the porcelain of the sink, shaving cream and dark hair going down the drain.
when you look back, you see your boyfriend in place of the lumberjack that walked in earlier. still scruffy and masculine, after all he is still the wolverine.
logan lifts his hips again, shifting backwards and forcing you to fall against him, razor clattering out of your hand. “whoops” his deep voice carries no sympathy, chocolate eyes locking with yours, giving you that love struck look that makes your stomach turn. the kind of look he saves just for you.
your chests are touching, the closeness sets your whole body ablaze. it’s been too long since you’ve got to soak him up like this. the smell of him makes your head swim; leather, cheap cigar smoke, and that cologne you bought him a few months back.
logan sneaks his hands under his brown flannel button up you’re wearing, delighted to be met by the bare skin of your hips. the metal of his belt buckle is cold against the bottom of your stomach, causing a gasp to leave you.
as he admires you now; sitting pretty in his lap in only his shirt, logan wonders how he had the strength to leave you in the first place.
hands wander over his freshly shaved face, stubble like soft needles against your fingertips. your head has a mind of its own, and suddenly your lips are brushing his. once. twice. a third time. soft and slow.
there’s something new in the air now. your heart is pounding, and you wonder if he can feel it beating through your chest and into his own. there’s a split second of silent eye contact before logan lurches forward.
there’s hunger behind his kiss. a certain lust behind his tongue making its way to yours. your hips swivel in search of friction. hands tangled in his hair, pulling in a way that’s so familiar it makes logan groan into your mouth; already aware of what tonight will bring.
his hands are traveling up your his shirt, rough fingers just barely making contact with your breasts. his touch lights you on fire, forcing you to break apart, head tilting back in a whimper.
logan takes that as his cue, and suddenly you’re in the air. one of his hands on your lower back securing you to him, the other cradling the underside of your knee.
you latch your other leg behind his waist as he walks out of the bathroom. your lips reconnected, eager to make up for the lost time.
you recognize the softness of your mattress against your back as logan lies you down gently. his mouth continues its assault, a trail of wet kisses down your jaw and side of your throat. he can feel your pulse drumming frantically under his lips, and he has to bite back a smirk at the effect he seemed to have on you.
your reaching your hands down to unclasp his belt when….ring. ring. ring. you feel the vibration against his pants and you think you might die if you have to stop right now.
you both pause in your actions. logan let out a gruff “you gotta be jokin’” as he stands up straight, leaving you lying on the bed.
he pulls his phone from his pocket, eyeing the caller id, scott summers. he’d been the third member of the x-men to try and get ahold of him. fuck can’t a guy have a day off?
he looks away from the phone, shifting his eyes to you. you’re sprawled beautifully on the bed. hair fanned around your head, cheeks flushed red with a devious smile to match. his eyes follow your body down to your legs. they’re spread wide for him, and he watches in shock as you let a hand slide between your thighs, swirling a couple slow circles on your clit through soaked panties.
you throw your head back and call his name, and that’s enough for him. logan tosses his phone over his shoulder, leaning down and crawling in between your legs.
“they’re gonna have to come pry me from this fucking bed, doll. i’m not goin’ nowhere.”
god it was good to be home.
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logansdoll · 2 months
Heyyy. Ok really cheesy but I’d like to request a Logan x reader friends to lovers where it’s like an accidental confession. Maybe someone makes fun of the reader and Logan without thinking about it just starts yelling and defending why the reader is great and everything he loves about her? Ik it’s a little OOC but maybe he gets so mad (as Wolverine does) that he gets all mushy without realizing lol. Thanks ❤️❤️
while on library duty, Logan overhears two girls talking shit about you... and corrects it quickly.
CW: sorry i went in a little different direction, suggestive, profanity, takes place during the timeline of the og X-Men, these girls are bitches, etc.
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"I just don't get what's the big deal about her," Maya scoffed, resting her cheek in her palm as she thoughtlessly flipped through her biology textbook.
Talia nodded, glancing up from her notes with an excitement that screamed nothing to do.
"No, seriously," she agreed. "Like we get it... you can grow shit. Big deal."
That piqued Logan's interest.
With Jean and Scott off on a date, the professor away, and you and Ororo teaching a joint class, he was slapped with library duty—watching the kids during their scheduled study period.
Now, originally, he planned on simply plopping himself down in a corner and puffing his cigar, hoping to fall asleep and just ride out his sentence.
And he was halfway there, too.
But just as he was about to catch some Zs, his hearing picked up on a conversation between two older girls who seemed to be trash talking his girlfriend.
"Word," Maya turned the next page, a grimace settling on her face when she noticed the image of a flower.
One you were very vocal about liking.
"She won't shut up about these stupid lotus flowers either... Hey! Did you guys know that the lotus is considered sacred in many Eastern cultures? And it often symbolizes purity, beauty, and rebirth!"
Talia let out an obnoxious snicker, the impression not nearly as funny as what she was making it to be.
But maybe she just hated you that much...
"You sound just like her," she commended, very much amused. "Only she's always smiling. Like I've never seen her frown before... it's almost creepy."
"Seriously creepy. But Peter can't get enough of it... you know he has a crush on her, right?"
Logan let out a quiet chuckle, tickled by the news.
He'd caught the boy staring at you during a few Danger Room sessions, but didn't think much of it, assuming he'd just caught him while he happened to be looking in your direction.
Oh, how wrong he was...
He couldn't wait to tell you later tonight.
"Mhmm. Half the boys at school nearly fall over themselves to make sure they're not late to her class... It's almost funny."
"Funny, my ass. Why'd it have to be Peter?" Talia huffed, tossing her pencil at the textbook in frustration. "She's not even that pretty. I've had dogs that look better than her."
Maya attempted to muffle a snicker, but Logan heard it loud and clear, his brows furrowing at the horrible comment.
"I'm serious. She puts up this whole nice and innocent act, but I bet she's a raging bitch behind closed doors."
That was it.
All the stuff before was just normal, teenage jealousy; something he'd—albeit reluctantly—let slide.
But calling you out of your name?
Insulting your character?
Comparing you to a dog?
A line had to be drawn.
"Tali, you can't say that," Maya chuckled, glancing around to make sure no one was listening.
"Like I care," she scoffed, rolling her eyes. "I'd tell it to her face if I ever got the chance. Just walk right up to her and say—"
"Say what?"
The girls nearly jumped out their skin, whipping around, only to be met by Logan's arched brow, the man leaning up against a bookshelf as he puffed on his cigar.
They were at a loss for words, unable to say anything under his imposing presence.
"Don't get shy now," he goaded, crossing his arms over his chest. "Go on. Tell me what you're gonna say to Dr. (l/n)."
The two were practically frozen, frantically glancing at each other for assistance, Logan's eyes flicking between the two expectantly.
"Nothing?" he hummed. "That's funny... 'cause you both seemed to have plenty of shit to say earlier."
Both their faces fell almost instantly, the color practically draining from Talia.
"You heard that?" Maya squeaked, her voice barely above a whisper.
"Every word," Logan nodded. "And what I managed to gather from it was that you both just can't stand her because she's kind, passionate, pretty, and beloved."
He listed each trait off on his fingers, glancing at the two for confirmation.
"How's that? Am I in the ballpark?"
They remained silent, hanging their heads in embarrassment as Logan's confrontation had garnered the attention of the whole library.
"Well, then, how's this..." he pulled the cigar out his mouth. "I'll let you both off this time with a warning... but if I catch either of you trash talkin' anybody again, teacher or student, you're grounded."
"'Til when?" Talia asked, nervously.
"'Til I tell you you're not."
The end of day bell punctuated his statement, a flourish of shutting books and closing pencil cases muffling the girls' sighs of relief.
"Now get outta here."
He had never seen two students pack up so fast.
They were gone in T-minus ten, and once the library was cleared out, Logan allowed himself to sit down, letting out his own sigh.
He could've tore into them infinitely worse—and he honestly wanted to for that dog comment—but he figured that was the right, and legal, amount for a teacher.
But even still...
'I dunno how a girl who can only float two inches off the ground is talkin' about (n/n) havin' a shitty power...'
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star-stilinski · 1 month
I'm thinking of Stiles meeting readers parents or reader meeting Noah and Stiles being very handsy and PDA prone during that event 🤭🤭🤭🙈
me, looking out the window as rain patters against it. "i took so long to answer this ask. i wonder if anon remembers me..."
you're practically vibrating with nerves when you approach stiles' front door, wearing your favorite date night dress and holding a small container of home baked cookies.
sure, you've met noah stilinski in passing. but you hadn't really met him met him and part of you was grateful. it would be so awkward if you were familiar with the sheriff (for the wrong reasons) and he turned out to be your boyfriend's dad.
you only have to knock twice for stiles to swing the door open. he's smiling, a bit disheveled, and he's got... flour on his face?
"hey, come on in, we were just finishing up dinner. what's in the box?" he ushers you inside and leads you through his home, stopping just before the kitchen to smile down at you.
"oh, just a little something to ensure parental approval." you joke, shaking the tupperware gently. stiles laughs and wastes no more time taking the container out of your hands to set on a nearby hallway table, pulling you into a hug. you inhale his scent deeply and feel him do the same to you, squeezing you tightly against him.
"you smell nice." he mumbles into your hair. "missed you."
"you saw me yesterday."
"yeah, and i missed you afterwards. okay, come on." he kisses the top of your head and pulls back, hands sliding down your arms to hold your hand. "burnt pasta awaits."
you don't dare ask how he burnt the pasta when stiles turns a corner and leads you into the very room his dad is standing, mixing a pot of penne pasta. he looks up and smiles politely when he sees you, and you do your best to return the smile with confidence (and not fear of rejection).
"dad," stiles hums excitedly, "this is my girlfriend. girlfriend, dad."
"nice to meet you, sir." you hum. you step forward and shake his hand, meeting his eyes.
"ah, the pleasure's all mine." his handshake is firm and he's grinning kind of like stiles does when he's about to make fun of you. "my son won't shut up about you, it was about time."
you blush and laugh, glancing back at stiles, who snakes his arms around your waist and presses his cheek to the side of your head. "that's very true, she's already gotten that comment from scott."
eyes widening, you feel even hotter with embarrassment. stiles is acting like a theme park couple, one of his hands squeezing your waist where he knows it tickles. you squeak and jump back, wiggling out of his arms. he smiles all dopily at you.
"alright," noah claps his hands together, seemingly not even noticing the interaction. "who's ready for burnt pasta?"
you clear your throat, throwing stiles a bit of a warning look before turning your attention to noah. "i've heard about this, i'm curious to see what burnt pasta could taste like. i'd love a bowl."
noah laughs and dishes you up some, leaving you to bask silently in the victorious (accidental) joke. meanwhile, stiles tucks some of your hair behind your ear and smirks.
"me, too. we never really cook, so it's got to have something wrong with it." he turns to his dad. "dish me up some, chef!"
"you can dish some up yourself. i'm only getting it for our lovely guest." noah looks unimpressed with stiles, waving the wooden pasta spoon at him. "don't think you get off just because you have her to hide behind."
stiles makes a "wha-hey!" noise and scoffs, reluctantly grabbing himself a bowl and scooping out some pasta, bringing both of your dishes to the table. once you're all sat, you thank them both for dinner and ask noah about his work.
and you swear, on your life, you're trying to focus.
but with stiles' big, veiny hand on your thigh like a lifeline, it's a bit fucking difficult.
you know stiles likes touch. but when his fingertips are pushing the hem of your dress up a bit to caress your upper thigh? you swallow thickly. in front of his father, of all people!
you tune back in when stiles starts relaying a funny story. his unoccupied hand reaches across himself and lays on top of your hand as he gets animated, explaining scott's hilarious mistake to his dad with enthusiasm. once he finishes, his hand slides away from yours and the one on your thigh squeezes lightly. "do you guys wanna watch a movie?"
"i rented close encounters of the third kind." noah smirks, pointing at stiles. you watch as stiles gives you a bashful look.
"my dad has an affinity for alien media. you'll learn this sooner than you think."
"they're real!" noah seems only half-joking as he gathers your dishes and makes for the kitchen. "just you wait, you'll be wishing you listened to me."
"yeah, okay dad." hums your boyfriend, waiting for his dad to be out of earshot. once you're safe, he pulls his chair impossibly closer to you. "so, how's it going?"
you blink, still blushing from the whole thigh-hand thing. "oh, uhm, good. right? i think it's going alright."
he nods, standing. you follow and let him cup your face. "i think it's going great. he likes you."
"do you say that to all the girls?" you joke, letting him glance down at your mouth obviously. if stiles wants to make a move on you now that you're dating, he usually does. he hums and laughs a little, pushing your hair out of the way.
"only the pretty ones." he leans down and kisses you, briefly. by the time he's pulling back you've forgotten your manners, pulling him by the t-shirt weakly to keep going. he laughs at you, nibbling his lower lip. "when do you need to be home?"
you glance to the side. "soon, probably. how long is the movie?"
"...two and a half hours."
"yeah," you smile apologetically. "i won't make that. sorry, sti'."
"it's okay babe. my dad and i will probably talk through the whole thing. or worse, we'll kill whoever does talk. it's best if you leave on a good note. c'mon."
you follow blindly as he leads you through the house to the living room, pulling you into his side and wrapping his arms around you loosely. his dad is sat on the couch pulling up the movie, and he turns to look at you guys. he seems only mildly phased by stiles' touchiness. you blush, completely mortified at the inappropriateness of it.
"dad," stiles muses. "she's gotta go."
"ah, alright." noah slaps his thighs and stands, and stiles only moves from your side to behind you, holding your hips lightly as his father approaches. "it was so great to finally meet you. thank you for coming."
you smile and shake his hand, doing your best to ignore stiles' too-comfortable hands. "thank you for dinner, sorry i can't stay."
he shakes his head and waves like 'no problem', but he doesn't get to speak it as stiles perks up. "oh shit, the cookies! we have to try them in front of you!"
"stiles, i'm sure that's not-"
"i'll go grab them, be right back." and he's gone.
you make eye contact with sheriff stilinski, watch as he sizes you up and smiles softly. "i'm sure you're a bit put off by the touching?"
"it's... not unusual. just not so..."
"yes," you laugh, flustered and warm, and glance to where stiles ran off. you can both hear him rummaging around. "i'm sorry about it. i don't want you to think we're immature."
noah shakes his head. "believe it or not, it means good things. i don't know how much he talks about it, but..."
noah stilinski looks off, clenches his jaw. "stiles used to hang off of his mother like that. constantly touching, holding. he used to do it with me, too. a lot. and then, after claudia passed... he just stopped. didn't touch, even hug. the first year was the worst. he's much better, but we don't do much loving anymore. not as much as i should be."
he looks back at you, dead in the eyes. "you're the first person i've seen him so comfortable with. physically, i mean. he holds you almost exactly how he used to hang off of his mother. save for a bit of..." noah clears his throat. "romantic tendencies."
you feel your heart swell; you remember when stiles first got all touchy, that night after you had really dug in, actually had a conversation about the nitty gritty of each other. it had been the first month into dating. he had wandering hands ever since, fully subconsciously.
before you can respond (what are you supposed to say? your boyfriend's dad basically just told you that his son loves you in a way he hasn't loved anyone before), stiles comes barreling back in.
"found 'em! they were on the hallway table, imagine that!" he slings an arm over your shoulder and it makes you all fuzzy in the chest. "okay, lets try them. open the lid, babe. my hands are full."
his hand that isn't offering you the container full of cookies is too busy running through your hair. you smile and gently take the container from him, only giving him another hand to put on you.
later, when he walks you to your car and kisses you goodnight, he can't stop talking about how good the night went. you smile into the kiss (he tastes like chocolate chips) and lean back against the drivers side door (his hands are on your hips your cheeks your neck your sides) as he kisses all over your jaw and cheeks and finally, your lips.
"i love you." he whispers against you as he pulls away. you can feel his hands tighten against your body. he's nervous.
"i love you too, stiles." you smile up at him, feeling your heart flutter as he leans in for more.
now what the finger fried fuck is this i dont know what happened i got writers block so bad guys im sorry im so cooked omg please dont cancel me bc of this fic stiles lovers
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bpmiranda · 1 month
Hello love your writing, I'm OBSESSED! 💛💛💛 I was just wondering if you could write something fluff based like Logan needing reassurance in the relationship because Jean always told him he wasn't the good guy you take home to your parents.
The Good Guy (Logan Howlett)
A/N: fluffy, will rot teeth, f!reader
It didn’t matter that he woke up next to you this morning. It didn’t matter that you told him you loved him before you left your shared bedroom. It didn’t matter when Logan saw you laughing with Kurt in the gardens. There was a pang of jealousy aching inside him as he watched you both read your bibles. Logan wasn’t a particularly religious man and you knew that because he didn’t pretend to be in order to appeal to you.
But right now, watching you share an important interest of yours with another man, it made him feel…inadequate. Of course, he knew you weren’t going to run off with Kurt Wagner, but it formed doubts within himself.
“Hey, Lo,” You smile as he approaches you both sitting on the edge of the fountain. “Are you done with your bike already?” You ask, closing your bible while Kurt continues reading.
“Yeah, I’m done. Wanna grab something to eat?” He asked, holding his hand out for you. You excuse yourself with Kurt who gives you a smile and Logan a nod before the two of you head back to the mansion.
In the kitchen, Logan’s watching you move around as you fix something for the both of you to eat. His eyes take in your hair, the shiny sheen to it, the movement of it as if its own entity. Your hands so careful and precise, he doesn’t remember ever seeing you drop a thing. Everything you do is so careful and thought out and he thinks, what a shame it’s wasted on someone like me.
“Something on your mind?” You ask, noticing he’s been quieter than usual, missing his little sarcastic quips and jokes. As you slide his plate in front of him, he shakes his head, and you slide the plate back before he can take it which makes him chuckle. “C’mon, darling, tell me.” You insist, smiling playfully as you say, “Don’t make me get Jean to find out for me.”
Logan rubs his jaw in a thoughtful manner and he shrugs. “You know, our history, right? Jean and I?” You nod, unfazed because you have already been reassured by him whatever happened between them never did amount to anything. And you trust him. “She once told me I’m not the guy you bring home.”
“Oh,” You say, unsure of why Jean would say something quite that cruel to someone. “Is that what you’re thinking about?”
“Are you happy with me?” Logan asked suddenly, catching you off guard a little bit. Your brows furrowed and he continues. “I’m not into the whole church thing like Kurt, I know it’s important to you, and I’m not a square guy like Scott. I can’t see you marrying me and your parents being exactly thrilled, you know?”
You frown and sigh as you walk around to where he’s sitting and you sit on his lap, wrapping an arm around his shoulders and gently holding his jaw in your hand while he wraps his arms securely around you. “Don’t you think that if I really cared about any of that I would be with Kurt or Scott?” You asked, caressing his cheek softly, his beard tickling your palm as he nuzzled into it. “It’s not about being with the best guy, Logan,” You murmured, searching in his eyes for a sign that he believed you. “You’re the best guy for me and that’s all I really care about.”
His hold was tight on you as he leaned in and kissed you. You smiled as you returned the kiss, feeling him pull you closer into him and you hum, a small giggle escaping your lips and there’s a hunger in his eyes as you pull away. “Promise?”
“I promise,” You reassured him, running a hand through his hair and sighing dreamily at the sight of him so tame and tender in your arms. “I love you, Logan. You’re my forever.”
“I love you,” He said, resting his forehead against yours and letting out a relieved breath. “Forever.”
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a-leg-without-fear · 1 month
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started watching xmen '97 and seeing logan standing in the doorway of jean's hospital room, watching jean and scott be happy parents together, gave me parasites like you wouldn't BELIEVE. enjoy the tender, calm moment shared between you and logan after giving birth
Ship: Logan Howlett x Fem!Reader
Rating: E for Everyone
Wordcount: 522
Warnings: birth, pregnancy, hospital visit, and hoLY SHIT I'M CRYING THIS IS SO CUTE
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The steady beat of a heart rate monitor was the only sound that filled the calm silence. Smooth, even, computerized beeps that tracked your pulse, consistently relaxed in their beat. Beep. Beep. Beep.
Logan breathed a content sigh into the crown of your head, stirring the hair he had brushed not two hours ago. The strands were tangled loosely in his beard and tickled along his chin. He smoothed his palm along your bare arm. Rough calluses passing over once sweat-soaked skin.
You stirred slightly against his flannel-clad chest. Shoulders, clothed in a hospital gown, burrowed against him. He could practically feel the groan of your sore muscles under your skin. You nuzzled into the crook of his neck, breath breezing across the stubble under Logan’s jaw.
He let his eyes fall open. Dimmed fluorescent lights bathed the hospital room in a dull, white glow. Shiny linoleum floors reflected the rising sun streaking through the wall-length windows. Vases of flowers, all your favorite kind and color, sat on the windowsill, petals practically glowing in the sunrise.
The TV nestled in the upper hand corner of the room was still on. Blessedly silent, as Logan had muted it once you’d fallen asleep, yet still playing a collection of your favorite movies on repeat. He chuckled quietly while remembering how insistent Jean had been about getting the nurses to play the discs she’d shoved into their hands.
Logan’s gaze shifted from scanning around the room to the bundle you held to your chest. A thick, heavenly soft hospital blanket was bunched in stripes of blue and green. The cloth rose and fell with your deep breathing.
Tucked away inside the blanket cocoon was the result of the fifteen hour labor you’d just endured. Eyes too big for her tiny head squeezed shut, small hands tucked against her chest under the swaddle, mop of dark curls brushed along her scalp. Quick heartbeats pumped life through her bite-sized body.
April Saige Howlett. Born at seven pounds, ten ounces. All the fingers and toes a baby could need just where they should be. Completely healthy, with bright, hazel eyes set under a deep brow bone. 
A warm hum rumbled in Logan’s chest. The two people most important to him were cradled in his arms. You, his exhausted wife, and April, his newborn daughter.
The word sounded foreign to him. 
Not once had he ever imagined this kind of happiness for himself. Never would have pictured himself propped up in your hospital bed, chin resting on your head, arms embracing the love, now loves, of his life. Steady beeps coming from the heart rate monitor, flashes of bright colors on the TV, the calming scent of dozens of flowers floating in the air.
He pressed a soft kiss into your hair. Warmth bloomed in his chest like a blossoming rose. Petals of light and peace drifting through his blood, leaving him utterly enraptured by the world held in his arms.
Logan closed his eyes, cheek resting on the top of your head, as he let himself drift off into the first tranquil sleep of his long life.
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i'm crying now
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Drunk on You - Scott Miller
Summary: Scott is drunk and doesn't have the patience to wait until you two are home to have his way with you.
Pairing: Scott Miller x F!Reader
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: Smut (18+ Only), spanking, semi-public/public sex, breeding kink, pregnancy talk, rough sex, Scott is a bit of a brat tamer, not beta'd, basically porn with no plot
A/N: Everyone say thank you to @hederasgarden for inspiring this with her ask. Shoutout to the Corenswet server for encouraging me in my times of need. Sorry if there are mistakes, I didn't get a beta reader for this one.
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You should have known better than to let Javi talk you into going out. He'd begged you and Scott to come out with the team for once, promising to choose a spot that would be calmer for you. Instead, you had walked into a bar where the bass vibrated your teeth and the patrons were packed in so tightly you had to push people out of the way to breathe.
Shouting a thank you to the bartender, you fought your way back to Scott's perch at a high-top table. Sliding his beer to him, you admired your own skill at how little you had spilled during the journey. You saw his mouth move in what you presumed was a thank you, but the thumping in your ears prevented you from hearing any of it.
You really were going to kill Javi when you found him. He had abandoned you for the floor long ago, leaving Scott to deal with your moodiness on his own.
Seeming to notice you slipping into your own head, one of Scott's large hands slipped under your shirt to graze the small of your back. The soft warmth of his touch brought you back to him, pulling you into his body so he could lean into your ear.
"We can leave if you really want to." His words tickle your ear, still having to raise his voice for you to hear him. Melting into his deep voice, you rested your head on his shoulder before looking up at him.
"I told Javi I'd be his DD. I can't leave him." Scott groaned, rolling his glassy eyes. You knew he wanted to go home as badly as you did, but you refused to leave Javi and Scott refused to leave you.
"I wanna get you home and in bed so I can have my way with you," he whined, hand tightening on your back. "Gonna make sure both of us are stumbling."
You snorted at his joke, tiptoeing to kiss his lips. "You can have me later, lots of time for a round before we sleep."
Scott's lips quirked up into a smirk as he shook his head at you, eyes roving over your outfit. "I need more time for what I have planned for you." He said, tongue licking over his bottom lip as he leaned in to talk into your ear again. "I want to put a baby in you."
Your body flushed at his words, wetness gathering at your core. Scott nipped at your ear, moving your hand to palm the bulge in his jeans as he pinched your nipple through the fabric of your top. "You want that, sweetheart? Do you want me to make your stomach nice and big with my baby?"
"This is cruel punishment," you whined, "making me soak through my panties while I can't fuck you."
"Bars have restrooms for a reason." He smiled at your unimpressed face before leaning back down to mouth at your neck. "Unless you'd rather have me bend you over right here, in front of everyone, and show them how cock drunk I can make you."
"Scott," you warned, your core clenching in response to his words. His hand gripped your breast harder, the friction between the lace of your bra and your skin making your entire body move towards him in want.
His boyish grin told you that Scott would not stop, too far gone in his alcohol to filter his thoughts anymore. "Or I could make you cockwarm me," he said, hand reaching down to tease your core. "Have you sat in my lap with my cock buried in you until I lose it and make you bounce on it? Then I'd get to fill your pretty little cunt and keep you plugged to make sure you're bred."
Suddenly his hands left your body, leaving you cold and aching where he had been. "But if you'd rather just sit here waiting for Javi..." He trailed off, smirking as he saw his effect on you.
This man was going to be the death of you.
Your lips thinned as you weighed the consequences of your choices: either being fucked in a bar restroom, where anyone could find you, or waiting hours for Scott to satisfy the need dripping from you.
"Finish your beer. Then you can fuck me." A victorious grin took over his face as he raised the amber liquid to his lips and gulped it down as quickly as he could.
Jumping up from his stool he grabbed your hand, pushing ahead of you in the crowd as he bee-lined to the neon restrooms sign. You were relieved when he pulled you into the men's room and saw that it was empty, grinning as Scott pushed you backward into a stall. His hand landed on your throat as he kissed you, spinning to pin you to the door as he turned the lock.
"That's my good girl," he groaned, hands cupping your breasts before pulling your bra down to set them free. "Knew you're too fucking desperate to deny me."
You rolled your eyes at his words, his ego being one of the things that became even more apparent when he was drunk. "Shut up and breed me."
Scott pulled away from your kiss to grip your jaw, making you look at him. "Don't be a fucking brat," he warned, grip tightening as he held your gaze. "Now fucking turn around for me."
You didn't even have time to follow his directions before he grabbed your hips and forced your front against the cool metal door himself. His grip was rough as he made quick work of your pants, pooling them around your knees as he knelt to have his face level with your core.
"Already so fucking wet for me," he practically moaned, licking one wide stripe up you. You didn't have time to react before he spat on your pussy, quickly pushing two thick fingers into you.
"Fuck, Scott," you cried out, pushing back into his hand. He steeled his grip on your hip, locking you in place. Agonizingly, he pumped his fingers into you, barely dragging them out of you before pushing back in. "Please fuck me, I need it. Please."
Scott didn't respond as he continued his slow movements, seeming to take it as a challenge to tease you even further. The only indication he had even heard you was a nip to the top of your thigh, one that you knew meant for you to find patience.
"Scott, come on," you pleaded, fighting to push your hips back further into him. His grip on you tightened in a warning, making you groan in frustration. "Come and fucking breed me before I get someone else to do it."
Four thunderous smacks rung throughout the room, lighting your ass on fire. Scott stood up behind you, ripping his fingers from you before forcing them into your mouth. You choked briefly from the roughness, his other hand tightening around your throat as you began to suck your juices off of him.
"I should make you fucking choke for that," he spat, pressing you completely into the stall door. You could feel how hard he was against you, forming an image of his leaking cock in your mind. "Should fucking force you on your knees and make you sob around my cock as an apology. Then you'd be begging for me to fuck a baby into you just so you can breathe."
Your arousal was practically dripping down your thighs at his words, desperately pushing back against him for any sort of friction. Scott took his fingers out of your mouth briefly, allowing you to respond to him. "Please, Scott, I'm sorry," you whined. "Just please fuck me, I need you. I need you to fill me, please."
Scott's grip on your throat tightened, pushing his fingers further into your mouth to make you gag as tears sprung into your eyes. "Oh, you want mercy, sweetheart?" He questioned, a satisfied smirk appearing when you nodded around his hand as a tear ran down your cheek. "Lucky for you, I'm in a forgiving mood."
He removed his fingers from your mouth, pressing on the back of your neck to force you into a bent-over position before you heard the clinking of his belt unbuckling. "I am going to fuck your cunt until I've filled you. Then, when we get home, I am going to tie your knees to your chest. I am going to fuck and fill you so many times you're going to be begging for a break. Understood?" You quickly nodded, agreement slipping from your mouth as the image filled your mind. You were clenching around nothing in desperation, his words alone bringing you to the edge.
Satisfied, Scott finished pulling his cock out before slowly sinking into you without pretense. The cold metal of the door hardening your nipples, combined with his words and the delicious stretch of his cock, threw you over the edge before he had even finished pushing into you. A throaty groan rumbled in your ear as Scott leaned in, a sudden jolt of his hips burying the rest of him inside of you.
Scott wasted no time, setting a brutal pace that had your brain foggy from pleasure in seconds. Every thrust crowded you further into the door, your core slowly, agonizingly slowly, adjusting to his size. Nonsensical pleas dripped from your lips, interspersed with shouts of his name as you lost yourself in your pleasure.
"Fucking hell," he grunted as another orgasm rippled through you. "You sound so fucking pretty begging for me to fuck you. It's gonna make me overflow your pussy with my cum, then I'll keep fucking it deeper into you just to make sure it works." You clenched around him again, a strangled moan overtaking him as his hands shifted to grab the frame of the stall. The sound of the metal moving with the two of you rang throughout the room, highlighting how brutal he was with his movements.
"Fuck yes," he groaned, a quick slap being delivered to your ass. "I'm going to keep you bred all the fucking time, tie you up and fill you for days. God, you're going to look so beautiful when you're pregnant with my children. With your big round belly and tits overflowing."
The last of your sanity fractured at his words, a third orgasm overtaking your full body as you went over the edge. Scott swore behind you, his moans becoming animalistic as he squeezed a hand around your throat. His thrusts became impossibly harder, chasing his orgasm in full primal instincts. Even when you felt him twitch and fill you, he didn't stop his rhythm - intent on fulfilling his promise of fucking it deeper.
With one last shudder, he pulled out, a hand shoving between your shoulder blades. "Stay there," he barked, leaning down to be level with your dripping core once again. Scott groaned at the sight of his cum leaking out, taking two fingers to fuck it back into you and smirking at the overwhelmed noises that escaped you.
Finally satisfied with his work, Scott placed a chaste kiss on your hip before standing back up to tuck himself back into his jeans. He helped you redress, getting lost in the physical aftercare that you knew was, secretly, his favourite part of having sex with you.
You moved to unlock the stall before he pulled you back into him with an arm around your shoulder. With a hand under your chin, he turned your face to place a quick kiss on your lips. "I love you," he said, "but you do look like you just got the life fucked out of you."
You rolled your eyes at him, walking out of the stall on shaky legs to fix your hair in the mirror. "I don't know how you expect me to be normal in there after that."
"That was the goal," he chuckled as he leaned on the sink beside you.
Your phone buzzed at that moment, lighting up with a text from Javi.
Javi: Andy challenged me to more shots. Peter agreed to drive. Go do weird nerd shit with Scott.
The text was followed by an image of an unimpressed-looking Peter with Andy and Javi throwing their arms over him like this was the best night of their lives. Your shoulders sagged with relief at the thought of being able to go home, thighs clenching at the reminder of Scott's promises.
After sending a quick text to Peter to confirm the change, you turned your phone screen to Scott so he could read the message. His entire body lit up as he finished, instantly grabbing your hand and tugging you out of the bathroom in excitement. "Let's go home. You've got a long night ahead of you."
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Scott Summers x fem!reader Words: 1.2K A/N: I know, that I shuld be workig on all the Kurt Wagner requests, but I've got some kind of writer block (really good timing, I know) and this is the only thing I could imagine and I wrot it in like 45 minutes so I thought "better than nothing". Hope you enjoy anyway!
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The first thing she realized when she woke up, the first thing she felt, was warmth. Soft, pleasant, safe warmth. She seemed to be wrapped up in it, surrounded by it all around her, and she couldn't help but snuggle closer. It was only when she moved, however, that she was aware of the strong arms wrapped around her middle as best they could, given the bulge of her belly.
Warm breath tickled her neck and she grinned as she pressed her back closer to the chest behind her, even though it was barely possible, he had already pulled her so tightly against him in her sleep. For a few moments she continued to enjoy the pleasant warmth that Scott radiated and kept the blanket with them, but she quickly realized that she was no longer able to fall asleep.
She sighed slightly and after some tossing and turning, as much as she could in Scott's arms, she decided to give up and just get up so as not to wake Scott. Besides, she really needed to go to the bathroom.
However, when she tried to remove the arms around her middle, they seemed to wrap even tighter around her. She snorted in amusement and turned her head slightly to look at him. Scott's eyes were squeezed shut and he seemed to want to bury his face in her neck. His red hair was sticking out in all directions and the confused look on his face only perfected the adorable sight for her. "Don't. Warm. Stay," he murmured, pressing feather-light kisses against her neck before burying his face in her hair.
Scott would rather waltz with Logan than admit out loud that he turned into a cuddly cat in the morning, but it was true. It was a real miracle that he hadn't started purring yet.
"Scotty," she laughed softly and reached behind her to run her hand through his hair. The sound that escaped him was one that was quite similar to a purr. "I have to go to the bathroom." "Mhhhh," he hummed in denial. "You're warm and soft." "Scotty," she half-laughed. "I love you, however, I refuse to wet the bed just because your daughter decided to use my bladder as a trampoline and her father is in need of a cuddle."
Scott's hands roamed over your stomach and she could feel his smile against her shoulder. "Why is she only my daughter if she's tormenting you?" She finally managed to free herself from his grip and turned to face him. Her hands sank into his hair, eliciting a contented sigh from him, his eyes still closed. "Because she's just as much of a pain in the ass as her father." He opened his mouth to protest, but she lifted her head and quickly pressed her lips against his, successfully silencing him. His hand moved to her cheek and pressed gently against it, his thumb caressing her skin while the second remained on her stomach.
When they separated, however, he still didn't seem to want to let her go, as he only lovingly leaned his forehead against hers and nudged her nose with his. "Then I guess I'll have to work to earn this." She closed her eyes now too, while her hands continued to play with the strands of his hair. "You don't have to work for anything, my darling." She grinned and pressed a kiss against the tip of his nose. "Although I won't turn down a shoulder massage."
Scott laughed and finally released her from his arms, helping her to sit up. She moaned and pressed her hand against her back. "God I'm so happy when our little lady is finally out." Scott dropped a few kisses on her shoulder. "Not long now, sweetie. Not much longer and our little bean will be here." She chuckled as she heaved herself up and took his hand, placing it briefly on her stomach.
"Believe me, she's definitely not a bean anymore. More like a watermelon." Scott grinned as he leaned back into his pillow. "And I'm still going to love her." She looked at him lovingly for a few moments until her bladder couldn't take it anymore and she waddled over to the bathroom.
When she returned, much more relaxed and with an emptier bladder, Scott had already pulled on his glasses and was leaning against the headboard, the blanket pulled up to his waist so that his free upper body was visible. They had both become quite clingy over the last few weeks and had quickly realized that skin contact was the best way to handle the whole thing. "Come here," he murmured, lifting the blanket so she could slip down, head propped on his shoulder where she snuggled against it, sighing contentedly.
"Don't you have to work?" she asked, yawning, and Scott pressed a kiss to the top of her head before resting his head on hers. "I'm excused from class from now on. Charles told me to look after my family and their welfare. The students can manage without me for a while." She turned her head so she could look at him. "How did I not know about this?" His smile seemed almost cheeky as he pressed a small kiss to her lips. "Because I wanted to surprise you. Besides, he only told me yesterday. Well, ordered is more like it."
She hummed in agreement. "I can imagine. Never thought there'd be anything that could get you away from your work." "Hey!" He lifted her head so she could look into his eyes. Or at least into his glasses. "You know that you and our daughter are the most important things in my life. Nothing is more important than that-" he let his hand move to her stomach, "-and us, okay?" She leaned up and kissed his chin. "Okay." There was silence for a few moments before she frowned. "Who's going to substitute for you while you're gone?" She didn't need to see his grin to know he was wearing it. "Who do you think?" She had to think for a few moments before it all fell into place and she burst out laughing. "Logan's going to kill you." "Our little watermelon will protect me," he returned and she gasped. "Scott Summers, you are not going to use our daughter as a shield against Logan." "Oh come on," he teased her, "We both know Logan would never hurt a child." He placed both his hands on her stomach now. "Especially not such a cute one."
"Scott!" She couldn't help but laugh as she playfully slapped his chest. "We don't even know what she's going to look like." "She's your daughter," he argued. "She's going to be the cutest baby in the world.“
For a moment, she wondered whether she should argue further, but she knew Scott. Once he got stuck on something, it was almost impossible to get him away. A yawn escaped her, which she tried to hide with her hand, but Scott noticed it anyway. "Come on," he murmured, pulling her with him until they were back in their original position.
"You should get some more sleep. God knows we won't be getting much to it any time soon." "The eternal optimist," she mumbled sleepily and heard Scott chuckle softly before she disappeared into the land of dreams.
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lit3rallyll0yd · 8 months
Hey love, hope your all right. So Hoe about dazai with an s/o who always acts cheery and all childish like him in order to hide their immense trauma. So whenever someone scolds Them bit too loud reader flinches but again brushes it off?? ❤️
You don't have to do it BTW ^^
"it's okay... to not feel happy all the time."
taglist : @justcallmesakira @riiwrites @silverbladexyz @atlasnessie
warnings : angst to comfort, lowercase writing, cursing, mention of past abuse, evil exes(heheh scott pilgrim), kunikida is SOOOO out of character holy shiiitttt (╥﹏╥) not proofread, sorry!!
HAII BABEEEE!!! consider your cravings feed!! i'm actually like this irl omg is that why i'm so excited to write this???? hope you enjoy
i love dazai so much :( my back hurts from slouchinggg i'll have back problems by the time i'm fricking twenty!!!!
osamu dazai x gn reader
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you are so cute.
almost everyday is a new adventure for him when he's with you.
he's the first thing you see in the morning.
he opens his eyes and your all in his face like; "hi, sisters!!" and he literally shrieks, but don't tell anybody.
you start tickle fights with him all the time when you seem to be in an upset mood or just want to hear him laugh, but can you ever win?
he will play along with you because too be honest; he is just as childish as you are from time to time. ESPECIALLY when he's with you!!
you grab his arm a lot and jump up and down when something really gets you excited.
once, kunikida agreed to use his card to buy you some ice cream at the fair and you grabbed onto dazai's arm and almost slapped him in the face with his own hand.
he's never really understood why you get so like that over something so childish.
be glad it's not fyodor; SHEESH.
until, one evening.
you screwed up on a mission with atsushi; too which caused kunikida to throw his anger out on you. all the two of you were ordered to do, was to steal the documents you were ordered to retrieve in order to take down this small organization of scary gifted (not the port guys; •⤙•)
atsushi had to save you from a sudden attack, injuring him in the process, having no other choice but to retreat.
yosano treated him up right away.
atsushi noticed the way your arms would flinch up to your face each time kunikida would raise his voice, but honestly kunikida was just ranting about how stupid it was for you to get distracted over such a childish thing like a stray kitten.
he gave kunikida a look, saying to calm down and just go rage somewhere else without having you in the room.
after that you mentioned none of this to dazai; however atsushi thought telling him the way you reacted would be the right thing to do as both your friends.
"HOW can you be so careless, y/n?!"
it was almost like you felt a knife stab through your rib.
over and over for the past couple minutes kunikida has been going off about you getting distracted on the mission you and your weretiger friend, atsushi nakajima, were assigned on.
"i thought you would be perfect for this job because of how focused you were on all our other missions. WHAT HAPPENED?"
you gulped on your spit, your arms shalking from the once again booming voice come from kunikida.
it was a simple mistake-
atsushi side eyed you to see how you were holding as he was just awkwardly standing beside you as kunikida continued to just shout at you.
he would noticed your lips tremble ever so slightly, you head held down low as your fingers played with the fabric of your pants as you plucked up the courage to finally speak; "i'm sorry, kunikida. i didn't mean to screw up-"
"we'll, you wouldn't have to be sorry if you had just DONE YOUR JOB!"
your eyes were fixated on the floor still as you took in a deep breath, "jesus, i knew you were childish, but y/n what the fuck!?"
he swore.
atushsi was also getting a bit uncomfortable at kunikida's screaming session.
"atsushi got hurt on this mission, y/n, because you!"
without another word, you ran past atsushi who reached out t grab you back, however kunikida told him to let you go as he sat at his desk, removing his glasses, rubbing the bridge is nose.
with a frown he watched as you ran, looking at the carpeted floor to notice some tear stains following the exit.
you ran.
and ran, and ran, and ran.
into on coming traffic, past strangers who complained when you accidently bumped into them, and to yours and dazai's apartment.
there you were now. standing in the lobby of the apartment, the security guard awkwardly looking at you as you entered the elevator that has opened after a couple of seconds of waiting.
you used the mirror to look at yourself in as you quickly tried to wipe the tears away from your face, and maybe any makeup you may have had on? does it matter, it all melted away anyways!
your floor arrived, and the ding from the elevator dinged as you exit it and slowly walk toward the door of your home.
you fumbled for your keys that were in your pocket, even after all that running and bumping you did to get here, hands shaking with fear.
kunikida's voice echoed through your head; "are you really that childish? he never seemed to care...why does he have to shout?? there's no need for it, no? and even atsushi was there, double the embarrassment!!"
dazai's voice rang through your head as you looked up at him at the door step. oh, right, you unlocked the door but have yet to open it, causing osamu to do it for you.
"i thought you were at work, your shift doesn't end till..oh, well you still have 35 minutes?"
you pushed the thoughts in your head in the back of your mind, and gave him the biggest smile you could muster and hugged him, giggling and spinning around until you reached inside.
"don't worry, i just felt like coming home early to see my handsome and amazing boyfriend, who promised me ice cream waffles when i did get home!"
dazai chuckled, grabbing you by the waist and using his foot to close the door, managing to keep you in the air with one hand as he quickly used the other one to lock the door behind the two of you.
"well, i can tell someone's been excited all day?" you giggled, although your throat hurts from crying so much on the way here, dazai hadn't had seem to notice.
or so you think.
he placed you on the couch, gently kissing your lips before slowly pulling away. your eyes were still closed as he did and a smile on your face.
"feel free to choose whatever you like, my dear~" he taps the remote for the tv on your head and hands it to you; "well thank you kindly, my...man?"
he smiled at your cute comeback, causing you both to giggle as he walked to the kitchen.
you could hear him to rattle around with the toaster and opening and closing of fridges and freezers, probably for the ice cream.
when he was out of sight, you checked to feel anymore tears on your eyes and sniffled softly, not knowing dazai had already figured everything out.
"so, how was my sweethearts day, today? make any new friends?"
you chuckled, knowing he meant about the stray kittens you always seem to run to.
"it was alright, what about yours?" you tried to change the focus onto him, but he was smarter then that.
"mm, boring without my angel. day-off's are so sad without you," you heard the sound of the waffle popping out of the toaster, "didn't you have that mission today with atsushi? tell me, how did that go?
he expected the sudden silence that had filled the room. he scooped vanilla ice-cream into a small bowl for you; and only you, as he hummed.
"'donna, don't go quiet now. talk to me..."
you felt the tears roll back again. it was that voice that made you all emotional again. it was so soft and gentle, almost as if he's whispering into your when he's on the opposite of the room.
you took a shaky deep breath in as you stopped clicking the buttons on the remote, you stared at it, your hands shaking once again as you tried to control your crying.
dazai had a blank face was he added whip cream to top of the dish, and finally emerged from the kitchen...his eyes immediately on your figure which was seated on the couch, right where he left you, however your cute and childish personality wasn't.
he slowly walked over to you, his eyes drifting away from you to place the bowl on the table in front of you. you looked down to take a look at the dish; it was a waffle and ice cream scooped into it, like it's own bowl, and whip cream on the sides to give it the mountain shape, "you can do more then stare at it, ya'know?" he smiled, sitting beside you suddenly and wrapped an arm around your shoulder.
you felt yourself suddenly start crying; to which he pouts at; "it was first mission, darling, there will always be more-"
he looked at you like wide eyes and nod; "something more?"
you sighed loudly and hugged yourself, "it's just-" you kept stuttering due to your lack of breath from your sobbing,
"take your time, it's alright." he gently scratches your scalp to sooth you.
"kunikida...gohot so mahad...he...he yelled, he swore at him, he got close to my face...ahand the..thehe thoughts..ihi..ihi could only thihink abouhut my ex...whoho would do the sahame when i screhw something uhup.."
although you kept sniffling and breathing hard through, dazai understood each and every word.
his hands moved to rub the back of your neck, as his other held your hand tightly as you cuddled into him, your tears staining his dress shirt.
"ihi...just got schahared...ihi just whanted to...to have you...buhut i didn't want to bohother you with my prohoblems.."
dazai couldn't believe was he was hearing.
you, giving him problems about your mental health? what are you, MAD?? no, just insecure. which he understood completely.
"may i?" he asks, taking your cheeks in his one palm, making you look at him. not knowing what you agreeing to, he suddenly pulls you in for a tender, soft kiss.
you almost forgot what his kisses felt like, all the memories of your ex made you almost forget you have found somebody new, who will never, ever, want to hurt you without having any sense of what he's talking about.
moments later, he pulled away, placing his forehead to yours's as tears spilled from your eyes; however these were the tears that brought joy and happiness to your relationship.
he was never good with the words of comfort, however this is the reason why he is learning to be better, for you.
"there are bad, bad people in this world, and sometimes they change, some don't. i would know, but that doesn't mean everyone has such an evil heart. like you.." he chuckled, poking your chest, "you have such a pure heart, only the kindest of souls could ever have a chance to ever get close to it and open up to it. kunikida is just a grumpy man, when things don't go as planned he just goes.."
dazai circled his finger by his temple, causing that adorable smile to appear on your face.
"oh, there's that smiiile~" he laughed as he suddenly dig his long fingers into your soft sides, causing you to squeal and laugh immediately, "theres that smile, yeaah, awh~ your so cute, i could just eat you up-"
you screeched when he nibbles on your neck, now tickling your upper ribs as well.
all those nasty thoughts that were in the back of your mind, dazai has a way of taking them and tossing them out the window and making sure you go to sleep with that cute smile on your face every night.
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holylulusworld · 10 months
Indecent Proposal (8)
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Summary: Your boyfriend wants to be part of their empire. You are the pawn he’s willing to sacrifice.
Pairing: Mobster!Stucky x fem!Reader
Warnings: angst, language, tension, sexy mobsters, fluff, talk about sex, making out, voyeurism, lots of dirty talk, light blowjob (m/m & m/f), masturbation (light), jealousy, pegging, fingering (anal)
Indecent Proposal (7)
Indecent Proposal masterlist
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Bucky runs his fingertips over your back, tickling your skin with featherlight touches.
“She looks so innocent and sweet when she’s asleep,” Bucky snickers as you mumble his name in your sleep. “But she came like a whore for me.”
“Buck, watch your tongue. We don’t talk like that about her outside the bedroom,” Steve warns. “I won’t allow fecal language at our home.”
“Babe, relax,” Bucky purrs his husband’s name. “Did you feel left outside?” He walks toward Steve to grab his face and press his lips to Steve’s. 
“Fuck, I can still taste her on your tongue,” Steve curses.
“Is that a complaint or do you want to have a taste too?” Bucky smirks against his husband’s lip. “I know you love it when I taste like you. But do you like it when I taste like her too?”
“Very much,” Steve eagerly kisses Bucky back. “Fuck, I can’t wait to watch you fuck her. I’m going to watch my baby boy and my baby girl fuck. I want to see your spunk drip out of her ruined pussy.”
“No baby.” Bucky pushes Steve toward the bed. “You will fuck her first. I’m going to watch you fill her up with your cum.”
Steve’s eyes darken at his husband’s words. “I want you to eat my cum out of her cunt.” 
Bucky groans loudly. He’s not a prude by all means and Steve’s suggestion has him already on the edge. “We could do it right now. Ruin her sweet cunt and then, I’ll ruin your perfect peach.”
“We should let her sleep first,” Steve laughs at Bucky’s eagerness. “You wore her out you greedy bastard. Poor thing almost passed out on me while I fed her with the chicken.”
“Hmm…you’re right. We agreed on taking things slow. Maybe we should let her watch us first. She has all of these fantasies she never got to fulfill. We need to talk about all of her needs first.”
“But I can eat her pussy tomorrow, right?” Steve quirks a brow. “Right?”
“Of course, you can eat her pussy baby,” Bucky pecks Steve’s lips. “How about we try that new sunken bathtub? I’d love to have my way with you in the warm water.”
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You wake to an odd feeling. A warm chest is pressed to your back, and a hand runs up and down your thigh. 
“Morning sweet doll,” Steve purrs in your ear. He moves impossibly closer to kiss your neck. “Did you sleep well?”
You blink your eyes open to meet a pair of steel blue eyes. “Stevie, it’s still earlier and Sunday,” Bucky grumbles. He pecks your forehead and tells you to ignore his husband. “Let’s sleep in. Our pretty girl looks a little tired.”
Steve possessively wraps his arms around you. His husband already had the chance to taste you, now he wants his pound of flesh. “I still want to taste her.”
You giggle at their eagerness to please you. Scott was not only boring in the bedroom; he also didn’t put much effort into pleasuring you. Or foreplay. Or anything making you cum.
“Hmm…after breakfast,” you grumble and close your eyes again. “Maybe Stevie can eat me out on the kitchen counter while Bucky feeds me with pancakes. Or he eats the pancakes of my body. No wait! I wanna watch you lick whipped cream off Bucky’s cock!”
“Oh, fuck me,” Bucky feels his cock swell again. “She’s going to make me lose my mind. All I can think of now is to suck your perfect cock.”
“Later,” Steve smirks darkly. “We will sleep a little longer.”
“What?” You and Bucky whine in unison. The brunette pouts while you push your ass into Steve’s crotch. 
“But we wanna play now, Stevie. I cannot ignore her naughty idea. I wanna suck your dick.”
“You always think of sucking my cock,” Steve laughs as his husband pouts like an angry child.
“Fair,” Bucky grunts. “You better give me that dick or I’ll not make breakfast!”
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“More whipped cream,” you lick your lips as you watch Bucky sink to his knees. He put whipped cream on Steve’s dick, just like you suggested. “I want it messy and dirty.”
“She’s a slut,” Steve gasp feeling the cool whipped cream on his heated flesh. “Look at her sit on the kitchen counter, he fingers knuckles deep in her cunt.”
“Focus, Steve,” Bucky grunts. “I’m the main act here.” He smirks as Steve’s eyes drop to his husband on his knees. 
“You’re so pretty on your knees, baby,” the blonde purrs, making your pussy clench around your fingers. “Come on, Bucky. Show her how good you can suck cock.”
You slide your fingers out of your slicked cunt and hop off the counter to kneel next to Bucky to watch him lick over the wide head. He moans and rasps his husband’s name.
“What do you say, doll?” Bucky dips his head to glance at you. “We can share. Steve loves a good blowjob. Do you want to make him happy?”
Steve is mesmerized by the sight of the two of you kneeling in front of him.
“Yes,” you whimper. This beautiful man stands right in front of you, his glorious cock for you to grasp. “Can I?”
“Go ahead doll, have a taste.” Bucky moves a little to the left to make space for you. You reach out for Steve’s cock, hesitant at first. “Don’t be shy. Steve is so hard for us.”
You glance at his cock. Bucky is right. The head is red and swollen. It’s leaking pre-cum, so you swipe your thumb over the head, catching the pre-cum. “Look at you, so hard for us.” You purr and lick your thumb clean. “You taste so good. I wonder how you and Bucky taste together.”
“Suck it, doll. Use him like a popsicle,” Bucky encourages you. “Go ahead. He’s waiting to feel your lips around him.”
He doesn’t have to tell you twice. These two woke something inside of you. A dark and naughty side you hid well behind an innocent face. Bucky and Steve want you to show this side to them, and you’ll gladly fulfill their wish.
Bucky watches you suckle at the tip. He swallows thickly as his husband makes the sweetest noises for you. “Take him down your throat. Make Steve feel good, doll. He deserves it.”
“Yes,” you breathe out. 
Steve can’t believe his luck. You are wrapping your lips around his length while his husband moves to his backside to run his hands over his ass. Bucky squeezes Steve’s ass, making him groan. 
“Perfect ass,” he mutters as he sinks his teeth in one cheek to mark Steve. “And all mine. No one touches your ass.”
“All yours—fuck,” Steve watches you bob your head. He struggles to find coherent words. You are taking him so deep that the tip hits the back of your throat. 
“Yeah, all mine,” Bucky purrs. He lubed his finger and toys now with Steve's arsehole. Bucky slowly slips his finger inside, massaging Steve’s prostate. “I’m going to fuck this perfect ass.”
“Doll, slow down,” Steve cups your head to guide your movement. He’s close to losing it too soon. “Fuck…baby…she’s going to make me—” The blonde makes an odd noise. His cum shoots down your throat and you wonder if you did something wrong. “Buck, fuck…”
“I still got it in me,” Bucky purrs. He moves his finger in and out of Steve's hole, laughing as his husband curses under his breath. “Only I can make you cum so hard with only one finger.”
“Well, our precious flower helped too,” Steve coos and pats your head. “You did so well. I’m sorry my horny husband made me cum so fast.”
“It was fun,” you try to hide your disappointment. You’ve got the feeling Bucky was jealous and tried to show you that only he can make his husband cum. “Maybe you and Bucky should have some fun on your own now.”
You get back up and grab your morning robe to run out of the room. 
“Great, now she’s hurt, Bucky,” Steve tuts. “You wanted this as much as I.”
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“Maybe this was a bad idea,” you sniffle and look at Steve with teary eyes. “He’s jealous and…” You choke out a sob. “I don’t want to…”
“He had no problem making me watch him eat you out. Bucky is a sly fox. He wants both of us. My husband just hates sharing.”
“Baby doll,” Bucky sighs as you start to cry. “I’m very protective and possessive when it comes to my husband. I loved eating you out, and watching you suck him off was more than arousing but…” He steps closer to wrap you in a hug. “I’m jealous and want the both of you all for myself.”
“Buck, this won’t work out if you won’t let Y/N and me get intimate too. We can still call things off. I won’t hurt Y/N only because of your jealousy.”
“I want you…both. And I’ll learn to share,” Bucky pecks your forehead. “I want to watch you fuck her Steve. I want your cum to stay inside her cunt and for you to breed her first.”
“You sure?” Steve quirks a brow. “Both of you?”
“Yes,” you say without hesitation.
“Yes, baby,” Bucky purrs. “For now, I want you to show me that perfect peach. We promised Y/N she could watch us. So, let’s keep that promise…”
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munsonshire · 6 months
Dating Stiles Stilinski Headcanons
Pairing: Stiles x reader (gender neutral)
Ok, so these are going to be general, later on I'll make more specific ones.
Him always telling you how cute you are
Always receiving support from him
Making puns and funny jokes and laughing t them
Him snuggling to your neck whenever you're cuddling
Pillow fights and sleepovers
Stealing his clothes, especially that lacrosse hoodie
Piggyback rides when he knows you're tired
He mimics you when he is annoyed by you
Silly fights with sarcastic comebacks from the both of you
Complimenting each other during a fight
High-fiving each other when defending the other against someone
Expect to get a lot of ass slapping from him
Forehead kisses and forehead touches especially after a battle or after the void Stiles era
Tickle fights
Making out a lot, in Stiles Jeep
Sheriff Stilinski loves you and thinks you're a good influence on Stiles
Being one of the few people who knew his real name (Mieczyslaw)
Helping him do research on every mythological creature just in case it really does exist
Helping Scott with full moons
Double dates with Scott and Allison
Helping Stiles when he's paralyzed because of the kanima venom
When he's possessed by void, the Oni never attack you
Voi is also attracted to you and he takes you hostage with Lydia
Void likes to call you little dove, to annoy Stiles and bc he likes you too
Being there when Stiles is about to unalive himself to save everyone and begging him not to do it
nearly fainting yourself because he fainted after killing Void
kissing and hugging him after he wakes up
trying to convince him that Allison's and Aiden's deaths weren't his fault
trying to help him through the nightmares
Believing Stiles when he said there was something wrong with Theo
Taking care of him after the Donovan incident
remembering Stiles in pieces when he was taken by the wild hunt
Star Wars marathons, I'm sorry if you don't like them but THEY ARE HIS FAVES
Stiles being protective and pushing you away so you don't get hurt
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lfzyxf · 4 months
You asked for requests for Isaac and I just thought of a potentially really cute one. You know that trend where one member an established relationship refuses to say “I love you” back to the other to see how they’ll react? Yeah, that with Isaac and Reader. Preferably with reader being the one doing the trend, but I’d be okay with being the other way around if you’d rather explore that.
I hope this is somewhat what you had in mind. I think Isaac would be the type of boyfriend that can't actually get mad at you, so he solves it in a different way lmao. I hope you like it!
Isaac Lahey x gn!reader Word count: 663 Masterlist
“Okay, I’m heading out now,” Isaac tells you. The two of you had been hanging out all day, spending your time relaxing in your bed. Away from all the supernatural stuff for a few hours. Until Derek needed Isaac to go back to the compound of course. Which was unfortunately now. “Can’t he give you one night off?” You complain, your time with Isaac has almost always been cut short by either Derek or some other supernatural thing going on.
He sighs before smiling sweetly at you “he needs to prepare me for the upcoming full moon sweetheart.” He starts to put on his leather jacket before continuing to speak. “Or would you rather I rip out someone’s throat?” You pretend to think for a moment “Is it someone I like or...?” He gives you a look before softly kissing your cheek. “I’ll see you tomorrow at school, I love you,” he says before opening the door and stepping outside your room.
You remain seated on your bed, arms crossed, not replying. It takes around a minute before you can hear him stomping his way back to your room, your door slamming open. “You didn’t say it back,” he says, staring at you with wide eyes. “Say what back?” you respond obliviously, your head tilted appearing as innocent as you possibly could.
A look of confusion appears in his eyes momentarily before he narrows them. “I know what you’re doing.” You blink up at him “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” He stands still for a moment, not speaking before suddenly pouncing on you. He grabs ahold of your hands, placing them next to your head. “Say it back” he tries to appear intimidating, but you can tell he’s holding a smile back.
You shake your head stubbornly, trying to fight your way out of his grasp. “Never.” You think he’s about to give up and let you go. He releases your hands, sitting up while nodding his head. “Okay,” he says before a look appears on his face, one you are all too familiar with. Except it’s usually one he gives to Stiles or Scott “I’ll just have to torture it out of you then.”
There is no time to reply before he starts to mercilessly tickle your sides. You can’t help but laugh, trying to wiggle your way out of his grasp. “No! Let me go you oversized toddler” you yell at him, laughter mixing in between your words.  Your face starts to hurt from all the laughing when you finally decide to give up. “Okay! Okay, I surrender, I surrender!” He releases you immediately, sitting back on his heels. You don’t say it right away, teasing him for a few moments longer before finally giving in. You sigh dramatically “Fine, I guess I love you too” you roll your eyes to while you’re at it.
His mouth falls open, his eyes wide “You guess? You guess you love me? Oh, really. Is that how we’re gonna play this?” His hands have already started to find their way back to your side, ready to attack you once more.
“I’m joking! I’m joking” You shake your head softly before holding his face softly, your hands softly caressing his cheeks. “My lovely, darling boyfriend. I love you so, very much.” You kiss the top of his head softly before leaning back. He stays still, debating whether your confession is acceptable or not.
“Fine, I guess that was good enough for now” he responds, getting back up from your bed. “Not sure it’ll be good enough of an excuse for Derek though.” You laugh softly while you follow him, walking up to Isaac and kissing him before putting your head against his chest. “I’m sure he’ll survive a few more minutes without you”
The two of you stay silent as you enjoy the embrace before Isaac quietly speaks up. “You do love me, right?” Making you laugh softly before nodding “very much.”
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jedi-luca · 1 year
Avenger Lane Chapter 10: Bad Romance
Summary: You and your wife Quinn move your family outside of New York City to Avenger Lane; a small private suburbia. There you face your toughest obstacle of your marriage. Will your marriage with Quinn be strong enough when a certain redheaded beauty captures your attention? 
Parings: Quinn Fabray x Reader / eventual Natasha x Reader(slow burn)
Warnings: Reader has a Penis, mentions of drug use
Previous Chapter. Next chapter
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You were sound asleep when the door busted open. You gasped, jolting awake still half asleep.
“Oh my gosh!” Quinn gasped, falling out of bed thankful you both had clothes on.
“Happy boythday papa!” Finley beamed holding a cup cake and Beth holding breakfast.
“Aw thanks sugar booger.” You say sleepily as your daughters climb up in bed.
“Mom, can you light it please?” Beth urged her mom handing her the lighter.
“Hmhm.” Quinn blinked awake taking the cup cake and setting it on Beth’s table. 
Finley climbed up on the bed with a huge smile on her face. “Papa, it’s your boythday! Yayyyyy!” She clapped.
“Hmhm.” You yawned, smiling.
Quinn smiled sleepily as she and the girls began singing happy birthday.
“And many more on channel 4, and scooby do on channel 2, and a big fat lady on channel 80, and all the rest on CBS!” Beth giggled, finishing along with a great attempt from her little sister.
“Aw thank you sweets.” You smiled, kissing all of your girls on the cheek. 
You lift the cinnamon waffle and give your daughters a piece as well as your wife before eating yours.
“Hmmm tasty!” Finley hummed.
“I’m still hungry… I think I need a little girl to eat!” You began tickling Finley and Beth’s laughter filling the house. 
Quinn recorded all of it on her phone and posted it on social media. Where your neighbor Natasha just watched. You looked so happy and so did the girls. The secret Tony gave her is eating her up inside.
Nat turned her head seeing you snuggling with your family as you all watched a movie.
‘Ugh how am I supposed to tell Y/N?’ she thought to herself.
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So far your birthday was going great. You spoke to your parents for a while, leaving out the tidbit of Quinn getting pregnant. You were coming back from dinner after dropping off your daughters with their aunt when you opened the front door.
You jolted in place, placing a hand over your heart with a grin. “Aww guys!” They’re were streamers everywhere and a large banner that read ‘Happy Birthday’
“Surprise motha fucka!” Santana and Brittany jumped you.
“Oof!” You felt the air leave your lungs feeling Santana give you a hug.
“Happy birthday best friend.” Mike smiled, taking the next hug.
“Thanks man.” You grinned.
Soon the gleeks all hugged you at once finally allowing your new found friends to get in on the love.
First Tony, the Barton’s, Steve, Peggy, and Bucky of course. Thor lifts you up along with Val and Carol. The Stranges nodding towards you. You completely forgot about them. They’re the only ones your wife truly liked. Truthfully you found Steven Strange a bit of an ass thankfully his wife keeps him in check.
Wanda and Vis, May and Happy. The Quills, Scott and Hope, Shaun and Kate, Marc and Layla, but the best was for last.
“Happy birthday, Y/N.” Natasha smiled softly, hugging you close.
“Thanks Nat.” You squeezed her back.
Quinn loudly clapped her hands, startling you. “Alright drinks and karaoke time!”
You let go of Natasha and all of you made your way to the back.
⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗
“Hey I was wondering where you went off too.” Natasha smiled seeing you in the kitchen.”
“Just needed a breather.” You muttered vaping your weed pen.
“Sure it wasn’t because Rachel is singing with Quinn?” The redhead kinked her brow.
“…No.” You muttered drinking the rest of your drink. You were crossfaded and ready to get shit faced.
“Hmhm.” The redhead chuckled sitting on the counter where you were leaning.
You grinned looking down at her jean covered legs.
“I got you something.” She said softly, taking it out of her pocket.
“Whhhat? You shouldn’t have.” You chuckled, taking the small box in your hand. You unwrapped it, opened the box and took out a necklace with the initials of your daughters on it.
“If you look through the top you’ll see them.” She smiled watching your jaw drop. You could see a picture of you and your little girls from the time you were in Natasha’s pool.
“Nat this is… thank you. I love it.” You chuckled, hugging her tightly against you. “It’s a really thoughtful and sweet gift. I love it.” You hand her the necklace to place it on you. She leaned in, unclasping the hook before placing it on you and leaning back again. 
“You’re welcome.” She said softly, you were both close and you don’t know if it’s her scent or being crossfaded but you have an urge to take her like a caveman. God, you get so horny when you drink. Her arms are still loosely hanging around your neck. You’re so close between her legs she can feel your bulge growing she leans in lightly kissing your cheek. “Happy birthday.” 
“Thank you…Where is Bruce?” You ask softly, stepping closer feeling her legs nudge you closer.
Natasha shrugs, she doesn’t have the energy to lie, not when she’s buzzed and can smell your scent.
“He doesn’t deserve you Nat.” You say boldly caressing her cheek.
She’s just going to tell you. Tell you her marriage is a sham, tell you that Quinn is the one that doesn’t deserve you. The words are on the edge of her lips when you start leaning closer “Y/N-” She husks arching her back ever so lightly to lighten the ache between her legs.
“You deserve so much better.” 
“The same could be said for you.” She whispers her hands now cupping our cheeks. She can feel how hard you are and God she just wants you to take her right there on the counter with your bitchy wife right outside. She arches once more so she can rub herself against you ever so slightly. You both hold eye contact as your hands hook beneath her legs. You’re both so close to pouncing one another when the back door opens. You both feel like the bubble has been burst. You both clear your throats as she pats your chest gently pushing you back a bit so she can get down. You turn slightly to rearrange your package discreetly.
“Hey Y/N.” Rachel cleared her throat, eyeing Natasha. “Quinn is looking for you.”
“Right.” You sigh softly remembering who you are married to. You feel a little sick thinking of the way you almost just ruined it due to a buzz. You walk away without giving Natasha another look afraid Rachel will sniff out what just transpired.
“So Quinn is right, you do want Y/N. It’s funny how they’re onto us yet they haven’t done anything about it.” Rachel says softly looking around the kitchen.
“Truly do not know what you’re talking about. I’m sorry, who are you?” Natasha furrowed her brow.
“I’m Rachel Berry.” The small brunette looked almost offended; everyone who had watched a musical or walked down Broadway knew her. “I started the glee club. Went to school with Quinn and Y/N. Tony award winning actress?”
“Ahh I see.”
“You know…” Rachel walks closer standing next to the Russian redhead. For once she met someone who was her height. “Maybe we could work together?” The starlet shrugged.
Natasha’s eyes widened realizing what she was implying.
“I can admit they would be better off divorced. Don’t you think?” Rachel furrowed her brow. “They’re both obviously unhappy.”
“I think you may be a little crazy.” Natasha chuckled, starting to walk past Rachel.
“Call me crazy but I see the way you look at Y/N, and I saw the way Y/N looked at you. You were seconds away from christening this countertop. You almost had Y/N. Almost. Your demise was doing it here in the kitchen. You’d have to do it somewhere no one would barge in and catch you.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Y/N and I are friends. I am married.”
“Hmm. Hmhm. If it helps I’ve never seen Y/N look at any woman like that before. Not even Quinn. If we work together we could have them ya know… it wouldn’t take much. Their marriage has been threatening to crumble for a year now.”
“I really don’t know what you’re talking about, but if you’re implying breaking up a marriage it’s sickening.”  Natasha gripped the handle when Rachel stopped her.
“I know you want Y/N. I’m not afraid to tell you I want Quinn. I’ve wanted her since high school. Y/N treats Quinn great no doubt but Quinn? The same can’t be said for her and everyone knows it. Just think about it huh? This little convo stays between us.” With that Rachel slips out of the back door like a snake as Natasha stands there in shock.
Natasha steadied her breathing a lot just happened and she needs to go back outside and act like it didn’t. God she has so much to tell you now and no idea how to do it.
The door opens again this time revealing Wanda. 
“Hey, there you are! Come on Y/N is about to play us a song Quinn got them a new guitar… are you okay?” Wanda quickly notices that her best friend was absolutely not okay. 
“I have so much to tell you.” Natasha sighed.
“Do you wanna get out of here and talk about it at my place?”
“No, no, I want to watch Y/N play. We’ll talk about it in the morning.”
“Okay.” Wanda hugs her best friend tightly, helping her relax a bit. “Come on, I'll make you a drink.”
They both make their way back to the party when you are getting ready to play. Tina is back on bass, Blaine is on the keyboard, and although you’re missing Finn on drums Carol takes up the mantle claiming to be a drum God.
“Hey dude you okay?” Mike asked as you took a bump of coke. “How’d you even get that?”
“Santana.” You mutter taking a shot.
“Hey I haven’t seen you this way since Finn died. What happened?” He asks, taking you aside making you put the joint down.
“I think I almost just fucked up my marriage.” You hissed.
“With who?” Mike’s eyes widened. This was not you whatsoever. You lived for your family, you would never be the type to cheat.
“Nat.” You whisper.
“Oh wow. What happened?”
“She gave me a gift and I… Mike I got bricked up and we almost… We almost kissed and if we had I would have-” You inhale deeply about to have a panic attack.
“Heyyy whoa… Breathe.” He said holding your shoulders. “In.” He inhaled with you. “Now out.” He exhaled, nodding. “That’s it. Listen bud you didn’t cheat. Did you almost… yeah probably but you didn’t. You’re high and buzzed. I know Brittany gave you a mushroom you microdosed with her, vaping from your pen, drinking, and I don’t even know how much coke you’ve been doing. The thing is you’re out of it right now. It meant nothing.”
“I don’t know Mike.” You shook your head. “I was so close to ruining everything.”
“Hey stop it. It’s your birthday. You got carried away. You both probably won’t even remember this tomorrow. Now take a deep breath and go play your heart out.”
“Mike… Do you think Quinn doesn’t deserve me?”
Mike’s eyes widened a bit in a state of shock.
“Do you think I made a mistake marrying her? My parents did… Finn did…Sersi and now Nat-”
“Hey come on you’re spiraling.”
“You’re spiraling.” Mike shook his head. 
“Hey there you are!” Quinn smiled.
“Come on, everyone wants to hear you play!”
Quinn ushers you on the patio platform in front of the mic.
“I just want to thank all of you for coming out tonight. Thank you to my wife for setting this all up. Thank you all for the gifts and the drinks-”
“The drugs!” Santana cackled Quinn glaring at her.
The neighbors all chuckled. “I’ll take some!” Tony laughed as Pepper smacked his arm. “Ow honey I’m kidding.”
“Anyway thanks for letting me jam out with my old band. This one goes out to Finn I really fucking miss you man.” 
“Here here!” Mike clapped with the rest of the gleeks.
You pour one out for your old best friend before downing another shot.
You turn around counting with your band. Carol nodded and began drumming the first few beats before you and Tina joined in shredding it up.
“All her signals are getting lost in the ether
(That's what she wanted) 
She's a landslide with a city beneath her
(That's what she wanted)
So take a good look so you'll never forget it
(That's what she wanted)
Take a deep breath, I know I'm gonna regret it
(That's what she wanted)
Holly's lookin' dry, lookin' for an easy target
Let her slit my throat, give her ammo if she'll use it
Caution on the road, lies, lies and hidden danger
Southern Ohio’s breeding mommy's little monster
She's got a mission, and I'm collateral damage
(That's what she wanted)
She's the flower that you place on my casket
(That's what she wanted)
Savor the moment 'cause the memory's fleeting
Take a photograph as the last train is leaving”
Quinn always hated this song; she just knew you were singing about her. How could you not? 
“Holly's lookin' dry, lookin' for an easy target
Let her slit my throat, give her ammo if she'll use it
Caution on the road, lies, lies and hidden danger
Southern Ohio’s breeding mommy's little monster
“Think she’s singing about Quinn?” Tony asked leaning up to speak to Natasha. The redhead nodded, not saying a word. Truthfully she’s still thinking about what almost happened.
“(Better run, run, run, run, run) Holly, let me out
(Better run, run, run, run, run) Holly, let me out
(Better run, run, run, run, run) Holly, let me out
(Better run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run) Holly, let me ouuuut!”
“Yeahh!” Tony cheered loudly, clapping his hands.
“Damn I didn’t know Y/N could jam like a rockstar!” Sam chuckled.
“Kind of sexy.” Bucky muttered.
“Really?” Steve huffed.
“Okay but they’re super gay right?” Kurt whispered to his husband eyeing Steve and Bucky. 
“You can see it from space.” Blaine nodded.
“Poor Peggy.” They cringed seeing her sit next to her husband.
“Alright I'm gonna need my wife, Kurt, Mercedes, and Santana to come up here.”
You turn around briefly whispering to your band mates before turning around and strumming your guitar.
“Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh Caught in a bad romance. Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh Caught in a bad romance”
“Ahhh this is my song bitch!” Santana laughed as the rest of the women and Kurt stand around the mic.
Everyone began to cheer before singing along. It was always a hit. Thankfully the gleeks remember whose part is whose.
“Rah, rah-ah-ah-ah Roma, roma-ma Gaga, ooh-la-la Want your bad romance!” Kurt sang.
“Rah, rah-ah-ah-ah Roma, roma-ma Gaga, ooh-la-la Want your bad romance” everyone sang next.
“I want your ugly, I want your disease I want your everything as long as it's free I want your love” Tina sang before moving so Mercedes could sing next.
“Love, love, love, I want your love (hey) I want your drama, the touch of your hand (hey) I want your leather-studded kiss in the sand I want your love
“Love, love, love, I want your love (love, love, love) (I want your love)”
Quinn stood next to you and began singing the part that always drove you crazy.
 “You know that I want you And you know that I need youI want it bad, your bad romance.” She bit your ear before you sang next looking right at Natasha.
“I want your love, and I want your revenge You and me could write a bad romance (oh-oh-oh-oh-oh) I want your love and all your lover's revenge You and me could write a bad romance Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh Caught in a bad romance”
Natasha gulped, were you sending her a message or was this just ironic? 
“Oh my god what happened in that house Y/N was totally singing to you!” Wanda hissed near her ear.
“Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh Caught in a bad romance”
“I’ll tell you tomorrow.” Nat muttered.
“Ugh, the suspense is killing me.” Wanda whined.
“Rah, rah-ah-ah-ah Roma, roma-ma Gaga, ooh-la-la Want your bad romance”
“I want your horror, I want your design 'Cause you're a criminal as long as you're mine I want your love” Mercedes sang. “Love, love, love, I want your love”
“I want your psycho, your vertigo shtick (hey) Want you in my rear window, baby, you're sick I want your love” Santana sang.
“Love, love, love, I want your love (love, love, love) (I want your love)”
“You know that I want you And you know that I need you ('cause I'm a free bitch, baby) I want it bad, your bad romance”
You desperately wanted to know what Natasha sounds like if she sang that part. You shake your head before singing your part.
“I want your love, and I want your revenge You and me could write a bad romance (oh-oh-oh-oh-oh) I want your love and all your lover's revenge You and me could write a bad romance Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh Caught in a bad romance”
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh Caught in a bad romance Rah, rah-ah-ah-ah Roma, roma-ma Gaga, ooh-la-la Want your bad romance Rah, rah-ah-ah-ah Roma, roma-ma Gaga, ooh-la-la Want your bad romance
Walk, walk, fashion baby Work it, move that bitch crazy Walk, walk, fashion baby Work it, move that bitch crazy Walk, walk, fashion baby Work it, move that bitch crazy Walk, walk, passion baby Work it, I'm a free bitch, baby
“I want your love, and I want your revenge
I want your love, I don't wanna be friends 
J'veux ton amour, et je veux ta revanche
J'veux ton amour, I don't wanna be friends (oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh) No, I don't wanna be friends (oh-oh-oh, caught in a bad romance) I don't wanna be friends (oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh) Want your bad romance! (oh-oh-oh)” 
Damn Santana still has it.
“Caught in a bad romance Want your bad romance I want your love, and I want your revenge You and me could write a bad romance (oh-oh-oh-oh-oh) I want your love and all your lover's revenge You and me could write a bad romance Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh (Want your bad romance) Caught in a bad romance (Want your bad romance) Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh (Want your bad romance) Caught in a bad romance Rah, rah-ah-ah-ahRoma, roma-ma Gaga, ooh-la-la Want your bad romance”
Everyone cheered and clapped.
“How often do you think they play this song?” Pepper glared at her husband. “I’m just saying they all had a part.” Tony shrugged.
“How many times must I remind you. They were in glee club together in high school.” Pepper grit.
“Good times!” You chuckled as the gleeks hugged and walked off the makeshift stage. “This next one was Finn’s favorite song so it’s a must. Feel free to sing along and pour one out for my boy.”
“Bet.” Sam Wilson nodded, pouring some into the grass.
“Sam it got on my boots.” Bucky gruffed.
“It’s for a fellow fallen soldier Buck, show some respect.” Sam Wilson glared.
As soon as the band began playing the intro Steve stood jumping up and down. “This is one of my favorites too!”
“Oh my.” Bucky muttered, clearly judging his booyfriend.
“Doo doo doo, doo doo-doo doo
Doo doo doo, doo doo-doo doo
Doo doo doo, doo doo-doo doo
Doo doo doo”
“I'm packed and I'm holding
I'm smiling, she's living, she's golden
She lives for me, says she lives for me
Ovation, her own motivation
She comes round and she goes down on me
And I make you smile, like a drug for you
Do ever what you wanna do, coming over you
Keep on smiling, what we go through
One stop to the rhythm that divides you
And I speak to you like the chorus to the verse
Chop another line like a coda with a curse
Come on like a freak show takes the stage
We give them the games we play, she said-“
“I want something else to get me through this
Semi-charmed kinda life, baby, baby
I want something else, I'm not listening when you say good-bye
Doo doo doo, doo doo-doo doo
Doo doo doo, doo doo-doo doo
Doo doo doo, doo doo-doo doo
Doo doo doo
The sky was gold, it was rose
I was taking sips of it through my nose
And I wish I could get back there, someplace back there
Smiling in the pictures you would take
Doing crystal meth, will lift you up until you break
It won't stop, I won't come down
I keep stock with a tick-tock rhythm, a bump for the drop
And then I bumped up, I took the hit that I was given
Then I bumped again, then I bumped again
I said
How do I get back there to the place where I fell asleep inside you
How do I get myself back to the place where you said
I want something else to get me through this
Semi-charmed kinda life, baby, baby
I want something else, I'm not listening when you say good-bye
I believe in the sand beneath my toes
The beach gives a feeling, an earthy feeling
I believe in the faith that grows
And that four right chords can make me cry
When I'm with you I feel like I could die
And that would be alright, alright
And when the plane came in, she said she was crashing
The velvet it rips in the city, we tripped on the urge to feel alive
Now I'm struggling to survive
Those days you were wearing that velvet dress
You're the priestess, I must confess
Those little red panties they pass the test
Slides up around the belly, face down on the mattress
And you hold me, and we are broken
Still it's all that I wanna do, just a little now
Feel myself, heading off the ground
I'm scared, I'm not coming down
No, no
And I won't run for my life
She's got her jaws now locked down in a smile
But nothing is alright, alright
And I want something else to get me through this life
Baby, I want something else
Not listening when you say
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye
Doo doo doo, doo doo-doo doo
Doo doo doo, doo doo-doo doo
Doo doo doo, doo doo-doo doo
The sky was gold, it was rose 
I was taking sips of it through my nose 
And I wish I could get back there 
Someplace back there, in the place we used to start
Doo doo doo, doo doo-doo doo
Doo doo doo, doo doo-doo doo
I want something else
Steve clapped and whistled loudly. “Fuck yeah!” 
“He said a bad word.” Tony snorted.
You walked over to the Natasha with a grin.
“Sing a song for me?” You asked the redhead.
“Oh I don’t know-”
“Please? It’s my birthday. You can pick the song.”
Natasha sighed and nodded, taking your hand. You gave a lopsided grin and kissed the top of her hand.
You lead her up the patio. “What do you wanna sing?” 
“I think you know.” She kinks her brow and you know exactly what to play.
You take up your acoustic guitar and begin picking the strings before looking over at her.
“Boy, tell me, can you take my breath away?
Cruisin' down a heart-shaped highway
Got you swervin' lane-to-lane, don't hit the brakes
'Cause I'm feelin' so safe
I'll be your baby, on a Sunday
Oh, why don't we get out of town?
Call me your baby, on the same wave
Oh, no, no, there's no slowin' down!”
You grin at her, your eyes never having left hers and join her in the chorus.
“You and I, I
Ridin' Harleys in Hawaii-i-i
I'm on the back, I'm holdin' tight, I
Want you to take me for a ri-ide, ride
When I hula-hula, hula
So good, you'll take me to the jeweler-jeweler, jeweler
There's pink and purple in the sky-y-y
We're ridin' Harleys in Hawaii-i-i”
Quinn is bristling at this exchange especially when the redhead stands up and threads her fingers in your hair.
“Let me run my fingers through your salty hair
Go ahead, explore the island
Vibes so real that you can feel it in the air
I'm revvin' up your engine”
Natasha taps your chin and continues the song.
“I'll be your baby, on a Sunday
Oh, why don't we get out of town? (Why don't we get out of town?)
Call me your baby, catch the same wave
Oh, no, no, there's no slowin' down (let's go)”
“Quinn is going to kill Y/N.” Kurt muttered
“Okay but I’m loving this, their chemistry is through the roof!” Blaine smiled.
“You and I, I
Ridin' Harleys in Hawaii-i-i
I'm on the back, I'm holdin' tight, I
Want you to take me for a ri-ide, ride
When I hula-hula, hula
So good, you'll take me to the jeweler-jeweler, jeweler
There's pink and purple in the sky-y-y
We're ridin' Harleys in Hawaii-i-i
No, no
You and I (you and I, I)
Ridin' Harleys in Hawaii-i-i
I'm on the back, I'm holdin' tight, I
Want you to take me for a ri-ide, ride
When I hula-hula, hula
So good, you'll take me to the jeweler-jeweler, jeweler
There's pink and purple in the sky-y-y
We're ridin' Harleys in Hawaii-i-i
I'll be your baby, on a Sunday
Oh, whoa
We're ridin' Harleys in Hawaii-i
Call me your baby, catch the same wave
Oh, whoa
We're ridin' Harleys in Hawaii-i"
You quickly placed the guitar down and clapped whistling to cheer her on. You looked towards the crowd but didn’t see Quinn. Low and behold you couldn’t find Rachel either. You save that for later and focus on Natasha.
“That was beautiful Nat.” You chuckled and hugged her.
“Damn she’s sexy, Russian, and can sing?” Santana gawked with her wife Brittany.
“I know! No wonder Quinn is so jealous of her.” Brittany muttered.
“Where is that bitch anyway?” Santana squinted her eyes as she scanned the crowd.
“She went inside and so did Berry.” Brittany looked at her wife.
“Fuck Quinn.” Santana groaned.
Steve walked over to Bucky. “Buck.” He hissed. 
“What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost, or worse a naked woman.” He chuckled.
“Well.” Steve inhaled looking at you and Natasha.
“Oh shit you did.” Bucky chuckled. “Who?”
“Quinn and Rachel.” He whispered.
“What!?” Bucky exclaimed, making some people look over.
“Keep your voice down. It’s Y/N’s birthday.” He grit.
“I knew Quinn was no good.” Bucky muttered.
“Well we aren’t either. We are doing the exact same thing.”
“Hey take it easy, you said you were going to tell Peggy before she leaves again.”
Steve nodded watching Quinn and Rachel trickle out of the house.
“Do they know?” Bucky asked, looking away from them.
“No but they know someone knows. I broke a vase; I was in such shock.” He muttered.
“You’re going to have to tell Y/N.”
“Fuck.” Steve sighed he hated cursing but he knew this situation called for it. You and Quinn seemed so happy but then again he and Peggy did too. He knew he had to tell her and fast.
⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗
“Okay spill.” Wanda said, placing a steaming hot cup of coffee in front of Natasha.
“Ughhhhh Wands!” Natasha whined banging her head on the table.
“Stop! Start from the beginning.” Wanda placed a plate of pancakes down.
“Remember how we had a football match back in August?”
“Yeaaaah.” Wanda nodded. “I had major FOMO that day.”
“Well Tony dropped a bombshell on me. Apparently someone close to Y/N turned down their full ride to MIT.”
“Oh my gosh!!! Shut up no!” Wanda gasped, her hand going over her mouth.
“My money's on Quinn. She probably got scared Y/N would leave her and Beth or something.”
“I think it’s her too but Tony said we can’t just assume we need to talk to Y/N, but-“
“Neither of you want to break their family apart.” Wanda nodded. “That’s understandable.”
“So now I have this bigger secret than my fake relationship with Bruce, and now on top of that I have another that I don’t even know what to do with!”
“Oh my gosh what?! You’re killing me!” Wanda whined.
“Y/N and I had a moment in the kitchen last night.” Natasha sighed.
“Nat.” Wanda sighed. “Y/N is married-”
“I know!”
“I told you that gift was too personal-”
“But no Nat. Listen. I love you but this is wrong.”
“I know.” Nat sighed. “I think it was just the alcohol… the only reason I brought that up is because of Rachel Berry.”
“The short one that kept singing broadway songs?”
“Yes! Anyway she cornered me right after and suggested we break them up.”
“What the hell? Hasn’t she been their friend since highschool?!”
“What did she say?”
“She said she knows I like Y/N and she likes Quinn and thinks they should divorce that they aren’t truly happy together.”
“What a weirdo.” Wanda gasped.
“She told me to think about it. Now I have to tell Y/N that their career was stolen from them, and their old friend is a snake.” Natasha sighed. “Wands what do I do?” 
“Honestly, I would like to know if it happened to me.”
“But how do I even begin to tell Y/N? This is going to break Y/N’s heart, and worse, what if they don’t believe me?”
“You’ll have to treat it like a band aid.” Wanda sighed, taking a sip of her coffee. 
“This could ruin their relationship.”
“Or it could strengthen it.” Wanda raised her brow.
It was quiet for a beat when Vis walked in.
“I think the real question is Nat do you have feelings for Y/N?”
“Vis what the hell?” Wanda grit.
“I’m sorry I was hungry and didn’t want to interrupt!” He said, grabbing a plate.
“What do my feelings have to do with what happened?” Natasha asked.
“Because if you have feelings and you are both married granted yours is a sham-”
“Vis!” Wanda smacked his arm.
“I just mean if you have feelings for a married person you need to distance yourself.”
“Oh don’t worry after I speak with Y/N I’m sure they’ll stop talking to me.” Natasha smiled sarcastically. She was stuck between a rock in a hard place. One she's falling for you, two she needs to tell you her marriage is a sham, three someone stole your chance at MIT. How does someone even begin to unload all of that information?
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twiixr4kidz · 2 years
ok one final one….. Scott and da evil exes x reader…. Making out/falling asleep together headcanons!!! Thanks -💀🎀
ooh i like this idea!! i think it's funny that i said i'll write stuff about making out and i got like 5 requests LMAO feel free to keep em coming!!
scott pilgrim
he's an amateur, so you might have to guide him a little bit
tell him where you want him to touch you, what you're okay with, how you want him to kiss you
if need be, take the lead and show him exactly what you want
bite his ear and it's like he loses control
you'll pull away and he'll flop back, completely breathless
and then he'll crack a corny joke about how you "take his breath away" to which you'll lightly punch him and throw the covers over him
he'll get the hint and the two of you fall asleep to whatever movie you spent the entire time making out to
matthew patel
he's so playful and so teasing
he'll make little comments hear and there, tickling your sides making you squeal, right before taking your lips back in his and making you gasp into his mouth
he runs his fingers up and down your sides
one hand is always resting on your upper thigh
he won't ask for it that often, but sometimes he'll take you by the hand and drag you into an alley just to make out with you
his kisses will make you weak in the knees, but when you're in bed, that's not so much an issue
he'll place one final, long kiss on your lips before letting you rest
and he makes sure to tuck you in so you're all nice and comfy
lucas lee
expect heated makeouts on set whenever he gets a break
he yearns to feel you on his body, taste you on his tongue, even when it's the last thing he should be thinking of
one arm is pinned above your head and the other caresses your waist
they're a must on the days that he's home, and he'll take you far into the night just kissing all over your face
he kisses a line from your neck all the way back up to your lips, and then down your neck, chest, and stomach
rubs your back but not too hard, but enough to make them nice and warm
rubs your back while you fall asleep too; you're clutch to his chest while his hands wander up and down your back, waiting to see who falls asleep first
todd ingram
he's actually really gentle
soft, sweet kisses and blushing cheeks
his knees with buckle if you run your fingers through his hair
one hand is clutching your thigh and the other tucked around your waist
occasionally his hands will stray, and he'll draw little shapes on your legs and tummy as you pull away from each other
tucks his head into the crook of your neck and pulls you close to him, wishing for nothing more than to absorb you into his body and forever be as one
you fall asleep at the same time, drifting off with thoughts of one another as the only thing on your minds
roxie richter
so much tongue you're going to drown, but it's kinda hot
she's grabs at whatever naked skin you have, indenting it with his finger nails as a way to mark you up
hickeys are splattered across your neck and chest, maybe even your jaw
her leg is sprawled over yours and nudges you
just a little touch to the back of her knee and she loses it
you've unlocked a new side to roxie
she'll completely devouring you, taking in everything you give her and enjoying every minute of it
you're her's forever, and she's going to make sure of it
but when she's done, she's going to curl up into a ball like a cat, completely exhausted
kyle katayanagi
loves having you on top of him
smiling into kisses, chuckling at your advances, teasing you and the things you're doing
annoying but in a good way
makeout sesh every night he's over right before bed (and honestly, if you're dating him you should expect them all the time)
always tickles you when you're done, it's like a ritual or something
he's big spooning you as you fall asleep, and you're going to wake up with him on top of you
ken katayanagi
make out sessions with ken are something to savor
leaning into his gentle touches, he'll drive you up a wall
warm hands plastered on your stomach, your thighs, your chest if you so desire
kisses on your cheeks and neck, fingers holding tight onto whatever he's grabbing
expect to fall asleep in that position; ken sleeps like a rock and you're not going to move him
gideon graves
one word: rough
hands tugging on hair, tightening grips around your limbs, nails faintly digging into your flesh
his lips are on your neck, licking and sucking every possible spot just to make you flustered
yearns to hear you make at least a little noise
he isn't content until you do
he leaves lingering kisses on your lips as you curl into his body and fall asleep
it'll take him a while, so he'll just hold you and play with your hair until you're out like a light
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Can you do Lady Lesso with prompt 12?
Sure, anon! Thank you for the request!! I took this opportunity to write some more Soft!Lesso 🥰 So, here’s some lovely fluff of Lesso and Girlfriend!Reader for you! 💞
Birthday Comfort ~Soft!Leonora Lesso xFem Girfriend!Teacher!Reader
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Mommy… Masterlist
Requests & Prompt-List
#12. “Oh my... I’m... uh... speechless”
Warnings: fluffy fluff fluff, implied anxiety, birthday anxiety, bad birthday experiences, little angst, crying, kissing, hugging, comforting, etc.
Enjoy (:
The more you got to know Leonora Lesso, the more you found out all the things she hated.
Parties, disruptive students, tickles, pda, and the list goes on and on…
But out of all the things that Lesso disliked, her birthday was by far the worst.
“Wait what…? What’s wrong with your birthday?” You quizzically asked the red head, when she had confessed her distain for the special day.
Leonora huffed, taking a moment to set her half graded papers aside.
“I just never had good experiences with that day.” She confessed, “My parents often made it a big deal, as way to manipulate me. Then when I came to the school, I was afraid to tell people. No one asked, no one knew… It’s just a reminder to me of how lonely it was.”
“Oh Leo… I’m so sorry…” you comforted the red head.
Her words made your heart ache for your girlfriend. And by her tone, you could tell it was a touchy subject, so you didn’t push it any further than that.
However, you did resolve that day, that you were going to do something about her not having any good experiences on her birthday…
A couple months later, the dreaded day finally arrived…
Lesso woke up with a splitting headache. She winced in pain, getting up and getting herself some advil. She popped two little pills in her mouth and then made her way to her closet to get dressed.
Leonora knew since she lay in bed and her eyes had squinted open, what today was. She just did what she always did. Ignored her birthday. It was for the best, she always told herself.
Before she could enter her closet, you came knocking at her door. Lesso sighed at the distraction, but she had to admit, you as a distraction wasn’t too bad. The red head opened the door to you, letting you into her private quarters.
“Morning!” You chirped, giving Leonora a peck on the lips.
The woman blushed ever so slightly at the physical display of affection. She then grumbled a ‘morning’ back to you, before slowly going back to her previous efforts of getting her clothes for the day. She winced in pain once more.
“Headache…?” You immediately offered in comfort, knowing that look of pain on the red head well.
The woman nodded. As she stood at the door to the closet, Lesso couldn’t help but notice your apparent giddy and excited nature this morning. Your eyes were wide, you were bouncing on your heels, and you were nervously biting you lips.
“What’s up with you?” Lesso chuckled in light amusement, but also with a tone of skepticism.
“Ohh nothing…” you teased her with anticipation, trying to stifle your need to erupt in giggles and smiles, “How about you open your closet…?”
Lesso quirked her brow and then simply opened the door. She looked around for anything that might be out of place. Everything seemed untouched… Except for a one, black and brown, classy box, sitting on the middle of the closet floor.
“What’s this…?” Leonora asked, picking the box up and turning around to look at you quizzically.
“Your birthday present from me” you quipped with a light and happy shrug.
Lesso took a minute to process your words. She stared down at the wrapped gift box.
“I wanted to get you something… Please just open it…?” You explained in a softer voice.
She then nodded without words and began to open the box. Her hand slipped off the brown bow on the elegant black box, and she then opened the lid. The red head placed the box on her desk, then picking up the piece of clothing and holding it out in front of her, in order to get a look at it.
“Oh my…” A small gasp escaped Leonora’s lips as she stared at the fine, tailored trench coat in her hands. She placed it back in its box and said nothing. Her back was now faced to you, making you a little nervous as to what she thought about it.
“So… what do you think…?” You quietly asked.
After a minute, Leonora turned around. Her eyes were glossy as they met your gaze.
“…I’m... uh... speechless…” the redhead stammered.
A tear escaped her eye. You came up close to Leonora, taking her hands in your own.
“I just wanted you to have something nice, a good memory for your birthday…” you whispered.
More tears started to flow down the woman’s cheeks.
“Thank you…” she whispered.
Your own eyes started to tear up now.
“Of course.” You whispered back, tucking a stray strand of your girlfriends hair behind her ear.
Without warning, Leonora took you into a full embrace. For a second, you were shocked, but you quickly thawed out of alarm and snuggled yourself into the red head’s form.
“I love it…” Lesso confessed.
“I love you…” you responded.
“Love you too…” she whispered in response.
Leonora Lesso Masterlist
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a-leg-without-fear · 3 days
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some lore for vampire!!!
Ship: Logan Howlett x Mutant!Fem!Reader🩸
Rating: 16+
Wordcount: 2.0k
Warnings: angst, nightmares, PTSD struggles, cursing, alcohol mention, Logan is a Flirt (i guess?)
Series: Leg's Tuna Tober
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You woke with a start. Heart pounding against your ribs so hard you swore they would crack. Sweat dripped down your forehead and the back of your neck. The pale blue sheets draped across your bed were tangled with every limb they could wrap around.
Wooden walls and antique furniture met your frantic gaze as your eyes darted around the room. Your room. In Charles Xavier's mansion. Where you'd lived for several decades at this point.
The concrete walls of your cell in Washington, DC were a thing of the past. Rust-colored blood stains splashed across the floors, slivers of light leaking through the metal door, spiders making a home in the upper corners. You were free of that life.
So why did you still dream of it?
The muscles in your neck groaned as you sat up against your headboard. You were tense, anxiety oozing into your blood. Your head made a thunk when you let it fall back against the headboard.
Nightmares weren't a foreign concept to you. Almost every night, your mind would be filled with your past. Flashes of pain and terror and blood. Scenes replaying over and over, night after night, tormenting you with long claws digging into your mind and scratching your sanity away.
You needed to walk. To clear your head, to calm your pulse.
Unwinding your legs from the sheets was like pulling the limbs from a nest of angry snakes. You tugged at the fabric in near desperation. It clung to your clammy skin, restricting you, restraining you, keeping you captive.
The memory of Charles's calming voice gave you pause. Your eyes fell closed, a deep breath filling your strained lungs. Air blew from your pursed lips as you released the tension from your shoulders.
You were safe. Nothing could hurt you here. Your friends were here, your kids were here, the life you'd built with bloodied fingernails was here. Scott, Jean, Ororo, and Charles would never let anything happen to you.
Now that the shaking in your fingers had subsided, it was quick work to pull your sheets away. The damp fabric fell away like clouds on a windy day. You pushed yourself to your feet. A tremble ran up your legs, unsteady feet finding purchase on the hardwood floor. You gave yourself a few moments to find your balance.
The cold of the untouched floor seeped into the balls of your feet, grounding you. Bringing you back to the present. You were in the mansion. You were safe. The mantra repeated in your mind as you scooped up your sweatshirt from the end of your bed.
Grey cotton filled your hands. Soft, comfortable, familiar. You wore this sweatshirt nearly every day. Finding solace among the plush fabric that shielded you from your own mind. The fleece interior tickled along your arms as you pulled it on. Like securing a piece of armor, you tugged at the zipper until you were completely encompassed.
You made for the bedroom door as you pulled up the hood. Fabric cradled your head, acting like horse blinders and centering your focus, while your fingers wrapped around the brass knob. Cold metal caressed your palm like a frozen kiss.
Another strained breath forced itself through your lips as you pulled open the door. Empty halls decorated in plush carpets, large vases, and dimmed sconces met your tired eyes. All of the wooden doors lining the hall were shut tight. Made sense, given it was the middle of the night.
Bare feet padded along the patterned carpet as you walked. You kept your focus zeroed in on the design woven into the fibers. Spiraling leaves and floating flowers chased each other across the artwork. Faded reds and golds braided amongst one another. You remembered buying this particular rug. In spring of 1983, when you and Charles had been decorating the mansion together.
The fond memory of your shopping spree with your closest friend kept your thoughts comfortable. You clung to the feeling, holding it close to your chest, as you followed the routine path to your destination. Framed paintings of stretched landscapes passed in your periphery not covered by your sweatshirt's hood.
Moonlight shone in gentle rays through the balcony's glass doors. Silver bounced off the polished hardwood and gave the surrounding space a comforting glow. You grabbed one of the iron door handles and pushed out into the night air.
It was cold. Nearly biting, the breeze blowing across your face in brief nips over your sensitive skin. Barren trees spotted along the vast lawns of the mansion. Just barely green grass flowed in an ocean of waving blades under the moonlight. The empty duck pond was still, the water calm, where it sat far off to your right.
Directly beneath the balcony was the dried-up vegetable garden Jean liked to maintain. The tomato plants had withered earlier in the month, with the green beans and peas following closely after. Winters in New York were not to be trifled with when it came to gardening.
You leaned against the metal railing. Chilled metal dug into the fabric of your sweatshirt and leeched the cold into your skin. Though, it wasn't uncomfortable. It was grounding. A reminder of where you called home now.
There was a special sort of peace to be found on this balcony. Especially since during the colder months, it often went untouched. The small table and chair off to your left remained vacant for the vast majority of fall and winter. Not many students preferred the view from the balcony over the comfort of the common areas.
Crisp air filled your lungs as you took in your first deep breath. It poured down your throat like cool water, pooling in your chest and spreading through your body. Tendrils of gentle water ran under your skin. Telling you that you were safe, that you were home, that you were loved. The night air often was the exact thing you'd needed to calm your mind.
It seemed easy to forget your past, now that the comforting chill coursed through your body. Days spent locked away from the world were distant memories. Like glimpses of another life through a thick fog. Flashes of chains and blood were tucked safely away behind a wall of moonlight.
"Mind if I join you?"
You spun on your heel to face this intrusion. This brutal slash through the comforting silence you'd so carefully cultivated.
Logan stood in the open doorway. Sweatshirt that matched yours clinging to his chest, jeans hung low on his waist, dark hair styled in those two points that reminded you of cat ears. A playful smirk tugged at his lips.
"Why?" was all that could escape your throat in your startled state. Your palms dug into the rail as you squeezed at the metal behind you.
The smirk remained firmly in place as Logan sauntered through the doorway. His hands were clutched behind his back, the top of his sweatshirt unzipped to expose his bare chest, hazel eyes catching in the moonlight as he looked at you with faint curiosity.
"Figured you could use some company, seeing's as you're out here on your own an' all," he replied easily. He kept a healthy distance from you as he approached. Long fingers trailed over the table's surface, dragging freshly-formed drops of dew in their wake.
You chuckled lightly in an attempt to mask your wariness, "Trying to make friends on your first day?"
"Something like that," he said softly, stepping up next to you near the railing. Thick arms rested on the iron as Logan mimicked your earlier position. One leg crossed over the other, chest leaning on bent elbows, half-lidded eyes surveying the landscape.
Mirroring him, you turned back to the vegetable garden. Wooden stakes jutted up from the earth like small saplings. Dry brush and long-rotted vegetables lay strewn inside the dirt beds.
An easy silence rested between you, disturbed only by the wind rustling the barren branches of nearby trees. Undeniable warmth spread from the man next to you. Like he was a furnace placed on the balcony to make anyone taking in the view nice and cozy. You could nearly feel the heat spreading from his arms and into the railing beneath you.
"You get nightmares too, huh?" Logan finally asked after several quiet minutes. It wasn't unkind, they way he phrased the question. It was more curious. An offering of relation between the two of you.
"Most nights," you answered simply. A low hum of recognition rumbled deep in his chest.
"Every night, for me. Can never remember them, though," he said with a sigh. You noticed the repetitive tap of his pointer finger on the back of his hand. Nervous tick, maybe.
"Seems we're both pretty fucked up," you joked in an attempt to lighten the mood. Logan barked a quiet laugh.
"You could say that again."
The kinship you felt with him was like nothing you'd ever felt before. From what Jean had discovered earlier, Logan couldn't age. Neither could you. Logan had a troubled past he couldn't fully remember. You had a troubled past, but one you remembered all too well. Logan was the product of experimentation and years of heartache. You were the result of decades under the thumb of the U.S. government, forced to torture POWs during WWII.
Maybe there was finally someone who could understand you. Understand what you've been through.
Charles did the best he could. He was the only one in the mansion anywhere near as old as you. Unfortunately, you still had 27 years on the great Professor X.
"Do they have alcohol in this place?" Logan grumbled with a tired groan. His head fell to rest on his forearms. You couldn't help but laugh.
"Not readily available to newcomers, bud. Play your cards right and you may be shown the secret stash," you said with a dramatic whisper. Logan's shoulders shook with a chuckle, shaking his head where it laid on his arms.
"And what cards would those be? We talkin' blackjack, poker, or go fish?" he replied as he straightened his back. Hazel eyes connected with your own. A spark of familiarity flashed in your mind.
Conversation flowed so damn easily with Logan. It was like talking to your reflection. A male, ruggedly handsome, 6'2" without shoes reflection. The sense of relaxation you felt around this man you'd met this morning wasn't a fact to be taken lightly.
Was this part of his mutation? Getting others to trust him? It wouldn't be too far out of left field. Hell, you could pop people like balloons with your mutation. Manipulating others' emotions wasn't that strange of an idea.
"Y'alright, doll? Suddenly got quiet," Logan asked softly, breaking you away from your swirling thoughts.
"Yeah. I'm fine. Sorry, I just... Zone out sometimes," you explained quickly in one breath.
You jumped as a warm hand landed on your shoulder. Strong, heat bleeding from the large palm into your skin. An involuntary shiver rocketed up your spine.
"Seems like I ain't the only one needing a drink," Logan said with a small smile. The effortless kinship that emanated from him was nearly intoxicating. Reeling you in on an invisible fishing line. Clouding your judgement with a haze of quickly developing trust.
You should pull away. Nothing good could come from falling into friendship this fast. Decades of being a mutant had taught you that intentions weren't always what they'd seemed. A person could be offering you a hand only to shove you into oncoming traffic.
"Know what? A drink sounds great right now," you murmured as you stepped back. Logan's hand fell from your shoulder like a dead weight. You turned on your heel to lead him inside.
Maybe if you pumped this guy full of liquor, you'd be able to tell where his head was at. Why was he being so nice to you? Especially after you'd heard how he'd acted around Scott? You hugged your rapidly chilling sweatshirt closer to your body.
Logan Howlett. "The Wolverine." You'd get to the heart of what made him tick soon enough.
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and she doooooes >:) i LOVE my babies so much. exploring their relationship in its entirety is SO FUCKING FUN!!!
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