quarterofamaster · 6 years
Q’d been use to one-night stands; of falling into bed with strangers for something quick and feverish, but always leaving after all was said and done. There’d been no point in staying around, no matter how much he might’ve liked the nameless party he’d entertained that night.
But there was something about Merlin that was quite different than all the rest, and Q had spent the entire night, laying by the man’s side, wondering just what it was.
They’d drank, they’d talked, and Q had watched emotion play out across the man’s features; emotion he wanted to whisk away, or share in it’s burden, he wasn’t quite sure, but they’d kissed and it had started slow before it’d picked up and became that feverish thing Q’d been so use to from all his previous flings.
They’d made their way to the bedroom; clothes were stripped away and exposed skin, bitten and kissed and an excuse to find a condom had Q pulling away, only to return a moment later to find Merlin sound asleep.
A disappointment for one rearing to go, as he were.
Still, the sight had caught him off guard, and instead of pulling his clothes back on and letting the Kingsman sleep, he simply laid down to tuck into Merlin’s side, gaze tracing the line of the man’s nose, his lips and jaw, watching as Merlin snored quietly away.
Before long, he’d pulled up the bedsheet around him and lightly slept until he could feel his bed fellow stirring. 
There was a bit of grogginess, a moment of clarity, and then an apology, all of which he thought he’d been prepared for, but inevitably was not.
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“It’s quite alright.” He doesn’t mean to sound dismissive of the situation, even as he’s re-adjusting the bedsheet he’d covered himself with. It’s a moment of bashfulness, really. A low point. They were both grown men, after all. He briefly remembers palming Merlin through his trousers in their fever pitch. 
“We simply drank a bit too much and let things get out of hand quite quickly.” It’s an out offered as a consolation prize for the night that ended far too soon. 
@scotborn [ You’re the first man I’ve slept with-- actual, literal sleep. ]
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namesjack-blog1 · 6 years
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“Don’t tell anyone I said this, but I agree: Scotch whisky’s better than American.”
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[continued from here] @scotborn
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❛ We’ve lost a great deal. Clinging t’me like this might seem all well an’ fine…
—But eventually, I won’ be enough t’fill the space y’need filled lad. ❜
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“Okay, first of all: I call BULLSHIT on that. You don´t get ta tell me what I need and what I don´t. And also: I said it was a CRUSH, okay? I didn´t go ´round declaring my love for ya.”
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lancelady-blog1 · 6 years
@scotborn || contd from (x) || {royals au}
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She wakes still nestled into Hamish’s chest, which gently rises and falls with the rhythm of his breathing. Sun spills in through her window now, replacing the light of the moon that shone before. Her fingers move from their place tucked into his side and pass along his brow, his cheek, his jaw. Roxanne shifts so her weight is on her other arm and lifts her lips to his shoulder.
“Wake up, my love,” she murmurs, kisses traveling towards his collarbone. “It’s morning.” 
The princess acts as though in blissful ignorance, but she knows what danger their tryst puts Hamish in. If not for her confidence that she can keep him safe, she would have never let anything happen in the first place. But even though her father far outranks her, he has been grooming her to rule (even if by proxy of a husband) for her whole life. Surely, should she stand between her lover and the blade of a sword, he would call a halt. The young woman has power, and knows how to wield it. She will spare no effort to ensure Hamish’s safety and wellbeing.
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byebyecroft · 6 years
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Send me “💙” if you would ship our muses & I will give you my opinion whether you want it or not  
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 [ HELP, I’m being terrorised with love!  … if all of you would be so eager Mycroft wouldn’t have to live alone with a bunch of  oil paintings and tears and issues. ]
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awakenedtower-blog · 6 years
For every “UGH” I get I will say a pet peeve I (the mun) have about roleplaying.
I hate how I’m expected to know who everyone is??? Either someone will play like a dozen different muses and if I don’t know them all HOW dArE I?
OR worse, when someone is problematique~ I don’t always know? I’m never on my dash, I live in my activity a lot so like I don’t know the drama? Not in this fandom but I’ve been accused of supporting ‘bad’ people without even knowing what they’ve done. I’m not on enough to know what Susan in accounting has done? 
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quarterofamaster · 6 years
scotborn replied to your post: scotborn replied to your post: ...
try and sleep on a bed. not the floor.
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                                                           ...tuck me in?
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hesketh · 7 years
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Look at these babes:
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kingsmanwidow-blog · 7 years
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My Tumblr Crushes:
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morgananamed · 7 years
contd from here
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      “ I would really rather not.  I thought the statement was           enough on it’s own. “
      That, and conversations about most anything to do with         attraction, romance, or sex always managed to make         him rather uncomfortable.
      “ How about a drink instead? “
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quarterofamaster · 6 years
scotborn replied to your post: scotborn replied to your post: ...
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beautycorrupt · 7 years
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send ♔♔ for a photoset, edit, or gifset of our muses  / @scotborn
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gotbclls · 7 years
@scotborn​ gets a starter bc we´re gonna fuck each other up
             It had seemed like a GOOD idea in the beginning.
   Honestly, it had. Usually Roxy was known for making plans, going over things again and again to make sure that things were going to go smoothly. Those instincts, however, seemed to short wire when it came to her parents. She had never been able to please them and considering that her cover was working for a Tailor she was surprised they hadn´t DISOWNED her yet.
                      Not that Roxy particularly cared.
    She usually didn´t speak to her parents all that much, but they demanded that she´d come home for a weekend once a year and if that helped keeping them off her back then she´d GLADLY do it. Only that this year she had come up with a plan to…well. Frankly said: To piss off her parents. She wasn´t even quite sure why Merlin had agreed to this, but it had somehow…SOUNDED like a better idea than it actually was.
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    They´d have to share a bed, or at least a ROOM and ACT like they were a couple, because while her parents were often a little superficial they weren´t stupid. And well. She hadn´t thought that through too much. At least PDA wasn´t a big thing in this family so there wouldn´t have to be anything overly touchy or close up, but they´d have to at least TRY.
   “So, tell me, Alastair: Do you play tennis? We´ve just finished the new court on the estate. If you fancy a game tomorrow I´d be happy to. Roxy and I used to play when she was little, but I think she LOST interest. I´d be glad for a new partner.”
    Roxy put down her fork, the little jab at her stinging more than it should. She knew she´d be alright once they left this hell hole on Sunday, and she´d be left alone for another year, but she hadn´t anticipated that SHE´d be the one who was pissed off, not her parents.
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goodknightgalahad · 7 years
@scotborn definitely smiled
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Oh. That was almost too easy, but then again, how would Harry’s poor ego had taken the blow had he not smiled.
Amid the low hum of the restaurant they’d chosen for their evening meal with a few other operatives, it was a small miracle no one noticed anything irregular after the note was passed. Namely how Harry’s leg casually slid and bumped Merlin’s beneath the table.
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