#scorbunnies sobbles and grookies
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flaaffity-draws · 1 month ago
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This was fun! The wood bases make it a lot sturdier than the all paper varieties!
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poke-poke-poke · 1 year ago
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do you think leon's a 'snorrrrk... mimimimiii' . or a 'honnk shooo' kinda guy.........
(just some progress pics under read more-)
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plasky · 1 year ago
Guys I'm playing Pokemon sword again
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anika-kanroji16 · 4 months ago
Does Goh deserve the hate?
Okay so if you don't know and I am sure you guys do know. Goh from Pokemon Journeys gets a lot of hate. Some I think for BULLSHIT REASONS. But today we gonna see why he gets hate and does he deserve it.
Now here the main reason well why many Pokemon YouTubers hate him and other people too.
"He catches too many Pokemon which loses the meaning of catches in the Pokemon anime" This. is. Stupid. For 1 reason. if you say he has no Emotional Connection to his Pokemon catches then Apparently Scorbunny, Grookey, Sobble, Suicune, Absol, White Fablabee, Cuibone, and Pincher do not exist to you. ESPECIALLY SCORBUNNY.
Exhibit A: Telling Scorbunny to not give up which makes Scorbuny want to be his partner and eventually he catches him. Scorbunny when Scorbunny wanted to do a Fire-type move He said if you can't do it just don't and that frustrated his Pokemon leading to an argument but then Goh finally understood Scorbunny's feelings and invented a fire type move. Another is his misunderstanding Raboot and almost abandoning it but even with that then he realizes that despite his disagreement with Raboot he cares about him still so he tries to get him.
Exhibit B :Another is Forcing Sobble to battle when he doesn't want to he makes up for it and apologizes When Sobble wants to train to be as good as he internally he uses a method that suits Sobble cowardly and scared cat nature instead of forcing him to do Pokemon battles and when he became Drizzlie he tried to force to make it happy but ended up learning about Drizzlie why forcing it was a bad idea and basically says "It okay if I don't understand what you going through I'll still be there" and connected with him deeper.
Exhibit C : A good example is him catching Suicune to save it from the Pokemon Hunters and being able to gain its trust through his actions and they believe that they are connected even though Suicune not there
Exhibit D : Another time is he believes Absol ain't no curse to the village which proves him innocent and leads Absol to want to be caught by him plus HE SAVED HIM
Exhibit E : Flabyee which leads to him finding a Flaybee's white flower does everything to find which leads him to leave Flaybee's to follow it dream of growing of those flowers.
Exhibit F : And Grookey because Grookey didn't want to stay with Team Rocket he wanted to stay with Goh and Goh wanted Grookey to be his partner too despite the fact that it's being from Team Rocket and when Grookey was forced to by Team Rocket, Goh protected it saying it doesn't want to go with you. In the episode where Grookey and Eevee go on an errand, we get a reunion of Goh and Grooky after being lost. And the Thameky episode where Goh gets to grow closer to Grookey in a sense.
With all these great examples so to say that "his catches makes Pokemon catches in Pokemon loses it's meaning" is just so fucking wrong and you just cheapening the catches that are meaningful. And it disgusted me to my core.
Another thing They like to call Goh a Mary Sue or Marty Sue for the males.
I am sorry but what is the definition of Mary or Marty Sue.
Mary/Mary Sue is Character which have no flaws.
Welp if you actually WATCH THE SHOW then you will know that he is not such a thing.
His main flaw is his inability to work together with other people like example when he wasn't able to work together with Gary during the raid battle it caused them to lose Gary basically said that Kindness might do more damage than good and also said Goh's main problem is cooperation with others and that made Goh remember Quillion's words in few episodes back when Quillion said the same thing. So to say That he's a perfect character is ridiculous it is even more ridiculous when a few episodes later Goh wants to go alone on a Project Mew mission and not be so attached to Ash. Plus Mary Sue means getting something that is not earned if Goh was a Mary Sue he would of earned an extra token during the Raid Battle Episode even tho he didn't deserve that extra token like Horace and Gary. But Goh didn't get an extra token and he knew deep down he needed to improve that why that flashback with Quillion's words came. All he got was a second chance to prove himself since he had the abilities and skills to be a Project Mew member and chaser he just needed to work on the cooperation. That alone made him a "Mary Sue" I am sorry so you saying that Ash NEVER did get a second chance like at all and don't you remember him getting some gym badges that he didn't earn at the start of the series. The only reason why Ash isn't a Mary or Marty sue for this is because his flaws are obvious to see at the start of the series and Misty and Brock remind him of the fact he didn't earn those two badges. And it is not all he didn't learn his lesson with cooperation because with Horace episode of them going to the same trial mission he worked together with Horace and with his trial mission with Gary was able to work together with him unlike last time and passed get to be a member of Project Mew. Just like with Ash finally earning a badge by himself.
Now let's go into another bullshit thing that they LOVE TO SAY ABOUT GOH
People like to hate on Goh is the fact he catches Pokemon too much and his goal was to catch them all people basically call him a Pokemon Hunter or say he just like Lawrence.
Which I will argue that you Goh haters are missing one TINY little detail separate Goh from Lawrence and Other Pokemon Hunters. Just one Tiny Detail.
You wanna know what it is
He loves Pokemon, He cares about Pokemon, Have you seen Goh treat a Pokemon like How Team Rocket in XY treat Pokemon? No. You don't. You see him treat all of his Pokemon with kindness and respect. Have you seen Goh harm Pokemon or use freaking nets to trap the Pokemon inside? NO!! You don't. You seen him a Father to Grookey, A wingman for Pincher, who SAVES Suicune's LIFE and GAIN SUICUNE'S TRUST THOUGH HIS ACTIONS! A friend to Scorbunny and Cuibone and Believer in Axol and Sobble but NEVER and I mean NEVER TREATING POKEMON LIKE OBJECTS OR HURTING POKEMON!! So Goh haters calling him a Pokemon Hunter STFU. It is unbelievable for people to call him a pokemon hunter. WHEN HIS FUCKING ACTIONS IN THE SHOW SAYS OTHERWISE!!!
Not only that but his intentions are different
Pokemon Hunters: Catches Pokemon for profit
Lawrence III : See Pokemon as a collection.
Goh : Catches Pokemon to learn and understand them and cares about them too
Goh haters: I see no difference.
Use your brain that god fucking gives you. Or do you not have one.
And to say he isn't a great character or his role isn't interesting is simply not true. Goh is a character that explores the side of Pokemon that doesn't involve battling. You say Serena and Dawn but they do performances and you can say Gary but we don't see much of him to see that side so is a very good character and on top of that there his personality his relationships with Ash, Horace, Chloe and Gary ESPECIALLY HORACE AND ASH, It develops throughout the series and we get to his backstory too with Horace and His parents. Horace and Goh misunderstanding make Goh not want to be friends with anyone because after that he thinks Horace lied and made him thinks he better off without friends and with his parents it explains how absent Goh's parents was in his life and they always busy with work which made him further the belief that he doesn't need friends which also reason why he wanted catch alot of Pokemon.
Now we only getting started I have learned from a YouTuber that Goh gets hate because he is queer and he made Ash fall in love with him since people assumed that he was straight.
People. You fell for Ash x Serena and Misty x Ash and assumed he was straight. And that was your first mistake. ;)
And I can say that for sure because Goh wasn't the first character that they had the goal of catching all Pokemon there was a girl in the manga and she gets WAY LESS HATE THAN GOH so it's probably because he is gay in truth. For this, I have to say
I am not saying that all Goh haters are like this but I feel like most of them are.
Lastly People would hate on Goh because he is blaisan or black or just a black Pokemon character. And again those people FUCK THEM AND EVERYTHING THEY STAND FOR RACSIT ASS BITCHES.
In conclusion, Goh from Pokemon Jounreys, Doesn't deserve the hate he gets and it's fucking sad for him to get so much. But at the time even tho he gets haters there are a lot of people which LOVE HIM and I am one of those people and I wrote this post to say that Goh is an AMAZING CHARACTER AND I LOVE HIM TO BITS. He's awesome and amazing and the haters of him are just fking stupid.
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strawberrypancakesco · 1 year ago
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daturad0g · 9 months ago
Only the design of the Pokémon & their evolutions should be considered, not movepools, abilities, or competitive viability.
Gens 1-3 were excluded because I think it’s fair to assume they would sweep.
Please reblog to get a better sample size!
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olivias-antics · 2 months ago
// pokemon you can get in each biome
// Savanna Biome: Charmander, Totodile, Snivy, Fennekin, Rowlet, Sobble.
//Coastal Biome: Bulbasaur, Chikorita, Mudkip, Froakie, Popplio, Grookie.
//Canyon Biome: Squirtle, Treecko, Turtwig, Tepig, Chespin, Litten.
//Polar Biome: Cyndaquil, Torchic, Chimchar, Piplup, Oshawott, Chespin, Scorbunny.
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justyeghost · 1 year ago
I'm Coming for You, Kabu... (a Pokemon Shield stream)
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It took two tries for my Scorbunny to get the Grass Badge. Only one for my Grooky to get the Water Badge. And now Sobble is coming for you, Kabu...
Catch it on my VStream Channel, if you want.
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legofiction · 1 month ago
yo anyone wanna trade a sobble for a scorbunny or a grooky or a eevee or a ponita I have a sobble farm
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malewifefirestar · 10 months ago
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kingsillysmilez · 2 years ago
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console fans
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darkgreyclouds · 5 years ago
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there for you
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hatchpaper · 3 years ago
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Pokémon Sword & Shield Starters By Corbin Leach | February 27, 2019 (Age 25)
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otaku-bartender · 6 years ago
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bufftuna · 3 years ago
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who u pickin???  ~(•̀ᴗ-)✧ please do not remove my caption thank you!)
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somethingsfandom · 4 years ago
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Well, this is what I’ve been up to lately. Carving pokemon block prints/stamps
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