#science updated 8th
We have received vital information from a contact that called itself "The author". We were not able to trace back the origin of the received message, so unfortunately, no further information could be found out.
The message itself was rather simple. The "author" talked about how they were "going on vacation" and there were no communication tools aside from their "portable cell device" available, therefore this story would undergo a "short hiatus" until "June 8th".
Although the message seemed rather simple, it was almost entirely unfathomable to me. None of us were familiar with the term "going on vacation" or "short hiatus". I assumed that "June 8th" may be a way to measure time and a "portable cell device" was most definitly a tool of communication, although I have never faced any records on this one in particular.
All of this information is still currently under investigation. Until we have processed and analyzed the given information, the usual updating schedule will be adjusted to the messages' contents. Until "June 8th".
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ss-shitstorm · 11 months
Hey I know you’ve probably already been asked this but what type of chemistry do you use for breaking bread like biochem and where did you learn this or have any book recommendations to pick it up? Also ty in advance I love your writing!!💕💕
oh my fucking god. oh my god. buddy. buddy you have made my fucking LIFE ASKING THIS OH GOD
So like, most of the chemistry I've used so far has just been Genchem and O Chem(with a wee few modifications to make it believable as a Cybertronian discipline, like Transformium being able to hold 4 bonds like Carbon but preferentially forming bonds w metals and needing an EMP pulse to interact w more electronegative atoms) I may wind up needing to get into a bit of Inorganic chemistry, but that's probably fewer and further in between. If you want a better handle on the stuff I'm writing or if you just want to learn more in general, then I'd recommend giving yourself a lil crash course in Genchem and then delving into O chem a bit more extensively (protip : you need WAY less Genchem then you'd think to fully understand O chem. God I wish someone had told me this 5 years ago. If you search "Genchem for non majors", you'll probably learn enough that way.)
THAT SAID : here's a chaotic, not really in any order list of the books/youtube channels/etc that I've directly used/am using for this fic.
Books :
Caveman Chemistry, Kevin R Dunn - Alot of hands-on old timey historical chemistry lessons w detailed instructions on how to complete them.(YOU GET TO MAKE YOUR OWN ASPIRIN AND DRAIN CLEANER!) Delivered with a delightfully occult bend.
Back To basics,(Reader's Digest) - Survivalist homesteading bible. Not strictly chemistry but has alot of earthy hippy ways of generating energy( biofuels my beloved)
An Introduction to Fire Dynamics, Dougal Drysdale - Honestly this, and any other firefighting manuals are worth their weight in gold for figuring out how to not set yourself and your neighborhood on fire while playing with, well, fire. Trying to look this info up online is like playing russian roulette with intentional misinformation and your fbi guy.
(there's another book I have that's even more detailed but I can't find it right now or remember the name. I'll update this list when I can!)
Organic Chemistry, John Mcmurray 8th edition : generic but good college O chem textbook. You can search around and find free versions to download relatively easily.
The Organic Chem Lab Survival Manual, James W Zubrick - Also a very good way to learn how to not set yourself and your neighborhood on fire when playing with glassware/gases. Very in-depth instructions on setting up and using lab equipment without breaking anything or your brain. Has a fuckton of pictures. Author has a massive sense of humor and makes this heavy subject easy to read. Again, easy to download/find in archives
Unfortunately I do not have any recommendations for Genchem books. I mostly used free online courses like Khan Academy to learn what I did.(I would def. recommend them though)
Youtube Channels :
The Organic Chemistry Tutor : Dude puts everything from reaction mechanisms to retrosynth problems down in the simplest possible terms. Does not beat around the bush with euphemisms or stories, gets right to business. If you have trouble paying attention, or lose your mind when a professor goes off on a tangent, this man is your savior. I have crippling unmedicated ADHD and no STEM background whatesoever and this man still managed to teach me 2 separate ways to execute a Gabriel Synthesis
Nile Red : World's most inefficient and most powerful wizard. I am not entirely convinced he's human. Does shit like turning plastic gloves into drinkable grape soda or making sweeteners out of his own piss and somehow makes it explainable to trash goblins like me who only need the science for warlord pussy.
again, anon, holy shit thank you so much. Like you wouldn't believe the amount of damage you've just undone. i have been beating myself into a pulp and spiraling into anxiety about this fic an trying to do everything right and you've given me enough moxie to fuel me for at least the next 10 chapters. If you have any more questions or more specific questions, please do not hesitate to ask! I can't guarantee I can answer them, but damnit I'll try. Take care and happy learning you funky lil moonbean.
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greenandhazy · 2 months
On the 8th of July, I went to the biggest branch of the Philadelphia Free Library to try and find a book called Girljock, which was sparsely described in the description but as far as I can tell is a compendium of articles written for a magazine of that name in the 90s on the subject of lesbians in sports. It had a call number--796 something--but, oddly, was listed as being located in the Fiction Hall--Adult Paperback.
Now, one thing that aggravates me about this library is that the rooms are organized by categories that do NOT correspond to LoC call numbers. I started off checking the Social Sciences room, which contains the 300s, 400s, and the 900s. Couldn't find it. Went instead to the Science and Wellness room, which contains the 500s and 600s and seemed promising at first--lots of books about exercise--but alas, ended there. Asked my first staff member where I could find the 790s, and they pointed me to the Arts and Literature room, which contains the 700s and 800s... with a noticeable gap.
Having gone allllll the 700s, I reached 792 and stopped. Dead end. Asked staff member #2 where I can find 796. They told me Social Science. I went back to Social Science and asked staff member #3 where I can find 796. He pointed me to a small shelf with all of their activities and sports books... and Girljock wasn't there. It was listed as available on the online catalog, but it definitely wasn't there. I looked uncertainly at the catalog listing again: 796, Fiction Hall--Adult Paperback.
I went to the Fiction Hall. Looked around and saw new releases, large print, mystery, romance, general fiction. Asked staff member #4 where Adult Paperback was and he pointed me to a small section upstairs, then told me it wasn't organized by author name (?). I went up to the section. It definitely was organized by author name. I had a mononym for the editor--Roxie--but I didn't find anything under Roxxie. Scanned the entire section, which was only like two bookcase's worth. Wasn't there.
Staff member #5 saw me looking lost and asked if he could help. I told him my predicament. He asked the title. "Girljock, by Roxxie," I said, submitting to the mortifying ideal of being known by a librarian. He asked to see the catalog listing on my phone, looked at the location, looked at the cover, picked up on my vibe, hesitated, and asked "is this an LGBT book?" I said yes and explained the magazine compendium thing.
He took me down to the LGBT fiction section. The book wasn't there. He checked the staff computer, said "hm, that's strange," and took me over to the short stories collection (because it was a collection of articles, perhaps?). The book wasn't there. Staff member #6, who had chatted with him a little at the computer, came over and said "There hasn't been any activity on that title since 2001."
Staff member #5 apologized to me and said the book had probably been either weeded or lost and they're going to update the catalog to remove it, because let's face it, after 23 years that thing ain't showing up. However! He sent me over to staff member #7, who provided me with a flyer for the interlibrary loan service. I filled out the registration form online and submitted a request for Girljock and settled in to wait.
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animemusicbrackets · 2 months
Vocaloid Song Showdown!!!: FINALS
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final match will go up on TOMORROW, Sunday 7/28 at 12:00pm EDT
poll will be one week long
if you can, please try to take the time to listen to the songs that you are unfamiliar with!
propaganda welcome :)
Links: List of bracket contestants (you can also find the full list of submissions and preliminary brackets in different tabs)
List of honorable mentions - songs i especially like that did not make it to the bracket. putting a link to the tag even though it is not up yet just to let u know its smth im working on. it is taking a long time bc i have like, over 400 songs to go through. but i will make a post when its done
propaganda bracket updates matches (the actual polls, not including any reblogs) preliminaries round 1 round 2 round 3 quarterfinals semifinals intermissions finals
Match 65: "Rolling Girl" by wowaka; feat. Hatsune Miku {VS} "Meltdown" by iroha(sasaki); feat. Kagamine Rin
Text version of rankings under cut:
1st place - TBD 2nd place - TBD 3rd place - "Lost One's Weeping" by Neru, tomoboP; feat. Kagamine Rin 4th place - "World is Mine" by ryo; feat. Hatsune Miku 5th place - "Daughter of Evil" by Akuno-P / MOTHY; feat. Kagamine Rin 6th place - "drop pop candy" by Giga-P, Reol; feat. Kagamine Rin and Megurine Luka 7th place - "Remote Control" by WONDERFUL☆OPPORTUNITY; feat. Kagamine Rin & Len 8th place - "Outer Science" by Jin; feat. IA
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seblaineaddict · 11 months
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You Kissed My Flaws...& Made Them Perfect
In a world where every single person has a Soulmate bearing their identical Soulmark and is bound by law to pursue a life with their Soulmate once located, Sebastian and Blaine are gay as a rainbow men from very different countries, who have never met....yet.
Sebastian Smythe is a charming, devilishly handsome (and doesn't he know it!) 30 year-old commitment-phobe still living in his native Paris, where he is an LGBTQ+ Rights Lawyer. He is highly promiscuous, enjoys the finer things in life, especially very expensive Wines and Spirits and First Edition Science Fiction novels, comes from old and new money, and is a bit of a risk taker, to boot.
As far as his 'love life' goes, he pretty exclusively prefers hookups and shuns anything serious, to which end he has never sought out his Soulmate. He really doesn’t see the point, is 100% against people being forced into 'unnatural' liaisons with someone they have never met, just because they share some unremovable (believe me he has tried to remove it - many times!) permanent Body Art that's branded into their skin.. somewhere...on their bodies, and he is determined to challenge, then ultimately overthrow, the Law that decrees you will become bound to your Soulmate from the very second you locate them.
29 year-old jaded (hopeless!) romantic Blaine Anderson is an equally gorgeous (though with a much more dapper and sweet side) Broadway star who lives in Upper Manhattan, New York, and is currently playing Elder Cunningham in The Book Of Mormon. He has had a similarly privileged upbringing to Sebastian, albeit in the US, and is not in the best place in himself. when our story begins
He (spectacularly!) failed to find his Soulmate after a long, long, long and arduous quest to do so, then gave up on men completely after his Fiancé Kurt, with whom he shared a tumultuous, unequal and in truth pretty freaking toxic six year long relationship, finally broke off their engagement. His heart is bruised and battered, and his self-esteem is in tatters, after Kurt slowly but surely eroded the very essence of Blaine and dulled the shine of everything about him that made him so unique and so vibrant….
...then fucked Blaine's co-star and ran off into the sunset with him…
What will happen when (via Grindr - of course!) these two polar opposites discover they are intrinsically and irreversibly linked? Can twin flames bound by law to meet, then pursue a life together, no matter how much the Fates seem to be weighted against them, make a go of things without killing each other in the process? Can an arranged (by law!) relationship ultimately beat the odds and lead to a happy ever after?
Well..you're going to have to read their story to find that out, but rest assured it will not be short on drama, heartache, pining, Angst, laughter, happiness, many hilarious and absolutely NOT so hilarious misunderstandings, and of course…a great deal of good old fashioned…
…hot sex! Oh, yes, and romance and Love of course, too! 😏😉
The unexpected news is - this is actually going to be turned into a fic! Yes..despite still having been unable to update my three ongoing Longfics, due to my increased commitments, I sat down last night to write a short bio to accompany this graphic, and..it took on arms and legs. So yes. A fic it shall become. Either a One-Shot or at most four chapters, but definitely a fic. Soon... And now that I have managed to make time to write, I'm determined to update my other three fics by New Year's Eve! 
Wishing everyone a fantastic 10 Days Of Seblaine, and also an amazing 12th (ahhhhh!) Seblainiversary on 8th November!
10 Days Of Seblaine 2023
6th November 2023 : Day 1: Soulmates/Soulmarks
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detectivecarisi-1 · 2 years
The Senator’s Daughter: Chapter 1 (BodyGuard! Dave York x Female Reader
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AN: AHHHH! It’s finally here! I am so sorry it took as long as it did, and honestly I wanted to make this chapter longer, but it would’ve taken me like... 2 more weeks to get it to the length I wanted it to be. So, I decided I have kept you waiting long enough and to just publish it as it is. Again, if you already read my mini update this is redundant, but if not I will say again; I am a full time teacher, at the middle school level at that, so time is not really on my side with most things haha, so it may take me a while to get these chapters posted, but trust that they will be posted! Thank you all for reading, and thank you for your patience! -M 
Rating: M for language. Future chapters WILL BE EXPLICIT, 18+ ONLY 
Word Count: 1.9K
Series Warnings: Language, Eventual Smut (18+ ONLY FOR THE WHOLE SERIES), AFAB!Reader, No use of Y/N, Divergence from Canon, Mean Dom!Dave York, Bratty!Reader, AGE GAP (reader is of age!), Enemies to Lovers, Mentions of Drug/Alcohol Abuse, Politics lol, Minor violence, mentions of parental abuse. 
Jesus Christ.
Whoever’s bright idea it was to make ABBA your godforsaken alarm should be lined up, and swiftly kicked in the shins.
Nothing is more frustrating than being hungover, feeling half dead, honestly waking up still drunk, and then “Man After Midnight” starts blasting these fucking rodeo beats in your ear.
Great song, terrible decision.
Honestly, it probably was your decision. The decision you made when you were trying to turn your life around for the… probably thousandth time. You most likely thought you would hear that song blasting in the morning, and immediately the adrenaline would start pumping, and you’d feel driven to get up and go for a 7 mile jog along the beach, come home make some smoothie that’s more kale than anything else, maybe go get that degree your dad’s always been begging you to do, and be driven to never, ever touch a drop of alcohol ever again. And yet, that plan never worked. And here you are, listening to Swedish Pop icons ABBA, questioning whether or not you had died, and ended up in some weird 8th circle of hell.
Honestly, that’d probably would’ve been better.
Fuck. The sun is too fucking bright, ABBA is too fucking loud, you’re too fucking nauseous, everything is too fucking much. You try to fumble over to your phone, switch that shit off, crawl under the comforter that you know is way too expensive, and sleep until the evening and its time to go back out. You’re halfway through figuring out how to hit the off button on this brand-new iPhone, counting down the moments till you’re finally able to know peace and try to sleep off this massive hangover that’s dragging you through the mud by your big toes. But before you can even start to consider that option, the door to your bedroom slams open.
“Get up. We need to talk.”
Ah, those glorious words no one ever wants to hear. Especially not delivered to you from your father of all people.
Till Leland was a rising star in the world of politics. Hailing from Northern Virginia, Till was destined from public service from the very beginning. His father, a well-known lawyer taught him the importance of argumentation skills and logic. His mother was a 11th grade environmental science teacher known for her work in the community establishing parks, teaching her students oyster shell recycling, and creating a community garden for all those who may need access to fresh fruits and vegetables. To say Till was raised by the best people put on this Earth, would be a huge understatement. Your grandparents are truly, the most incredible human beings around. Passionate about education, well-known philanthropists, and outspoken activists. More importantly, they were loving and devoted parents.
They truly raised an amazing child. Till Leland was everything they were and more. Growing up he was a constant straight A student who stayed after class to help tutor other students in math and science. He loved the environment and would often spend weekends organizing groups to help collect litter on the school campus. One spring break to Virginia Beach, Till spent a full day walking the coastline collecting empty beer cans and half smoked joints and cigarettes. He was always the designated driver, never got in trouble with his teachers, and was active in the school debate team. When it was time for him to choose a college, despite the credentials to get into any Ivy League he could, he chose Virginia Tech. He loved Virginia. Even with all its flaws, he just saw it as an opportunity for him to be the one to fix them. So, he studied political science, got a his master’s, ran for city council got elected. Slowly but surely, he worked his way up to the Senate level. He has done so much good for the state. And the people love him. The only thing that could possibly destroy his political career, is unfortunately the thing he loves most, and the one thing he can’t control.
And yet, even though you had this penchant for living the opposite life your father pursued, he was still an incredible, kind, and loving father. There was not a single event he ever missed of yours, even with his busy schedule as a politician. He attended every ballet recital, every chorus concert, even the tennis games where you were mostly the ball girl. He wanted to see you shine, and he supported you in every role you took on. To this day, he has a box in his office full of shitty art projects, report cards, and handmade birthday cards you gifted him. He takes his role as a father seriously, and you are truly the light of his life. And honestly, you have a shitty way of showing it, that sentiment is mutual.
“Dad, I want nothing more than to get up, but I feel like I’ve been beat with a hammer. I think I’ll just stay here.” Your voice is muffled by the pillow, you still refuse to even lift your head.
“Honey… I really need you to get up”
Oh shit.
You can’t explain it to anyone but yourself… but his tone is off. He’s mad. He’s just short of a boil, he is simmering. He is one wrong move from blowing up. You start trying to replay the past 24 hours in your head. What happened? Why is he so pissed?
Try as you may, you can’t remember a goddamn thing.
How did you even get home? You can tell your still in the dress you went out in last night. Kicking your legs around, you eventually hit the absurdly high heels you went out in that must’ve slipped off in the middle of the night… in your bed. Great. And based on the smudged eyeliner and red lipstick on your white silk pillowcase… You came home and immediately collapsed in bed.
“I’m not repeating myself. Get. Up.”
You don’t think you’ve ever heard him this mad. Alrighty, you guess now is the time to face the music.
You sit up and see your dad. His face a cracking mask of neutrality, you can see that simmer rapidly approaching a boil. He’s already dressed in a crisp white dress shirt with a blue tie perfectly tied around his neck, his beige pants are steamed so well they barely even look real. And here you are… looking like an extra in an early Ke$ha music video.
You’re doing your best for your eyes to adjust, but honestly the room is spinning way too fast, and your focus is divided between not throwing up on yourself and listening to whatever nuclear bomb your dad is about to drop on you. 
“What’s up, doc?” are… are your words still slurring? You had tried to crack a joke to lighten the very tense mood that is only getting worse and worse in your room… but all that had done was show your dad just how fucked up you really are.
“Honey. Get dressed. Come downstairs. We need to talk.” He turns to leave. No joking, no nonsense, no arguments. 
“Dad, I want nothing more than to join you downstairs… but if I move, even an inch right now, I guarantee you I’m going to vomit all over these new sheets. And I don’t know about you, but I really don’t want to make Ann clean that up.” Its true. The maid is a lovely woman who has put up with your shenanigans long enough. 
“Fine. We’ll talk up here. Embarrass yourself, honestly at this point I don’t give a shit.” He turns quickly on his heels, and before you can even consider changing your mind, he’s yelling down the staircase. “Mr. York, come join us up here. You can get an early firsthand experience on what I mean.”
What? What is that even supposed to mean? Who the fuck is Mr. York, what in the world has your dad so fucking pissed, firsthand experience of what, and again, who the fuck is Mr. York?
You’re going through all these questions and possible answers in your head, making you even dizzier than you were before. The room is spinning faster and faster, your stomach starts to churn, you get that familiar taste in the back of your throat, and of course, right as the mysterious Mr. York is entering your room you’re lunging for the trashcan conveniently placed by your bed and vomiting. 
Tequila. Its always tequila. 
“Fuck… I’m sorry. I’m just so sorry.” You start crying like a child. Throwing up always does this to you. It’s disgusting, and it’s embarrassing even when you’re on your own, let alone with an audience of your father and some random man standing in your room… offering you a handkerchief?
 You, once again, refuse to even look up. Choosing to keep your head shoved in the trashcan, but out in the peripherals of your vision, you see a hand, reaching out your direction, holding a white piece of cloth. “D.Y” embroidered on the corner”
“No, I can’t take that.. It’ll get ruined.” You sound fucking pathetic. Slurred words made even worse by the tears.
“Miss, just take it.”
If you weren’t so far gone, his voice alone probably could’ve sobered you up in an instant. It was beautiful. Deep, smooth, yet with a slight rasp that was just so… sexy. 
With trembling hands, you reached out, taking the handkerchief, you swear, at one point your fingers touch his, you swear, or maybe, its just wishful thinking. Nonetheless, you finally get a look at this Mr. York. 
You’re not sure what you expected, but Lord knows its not what you got. 
Oh no. 
He’s hot. 
He is composed, perfectly dressed in a suit, now only missing a pocket square. His expression is hardened, bordering on annoyed, but still, you somehow still think he looks soft. It’s the eyes… it’s got to be those perfect, brown eyes. He’s just… perfect? 
As if you weren’t embarrassed enough. Here is this man, the image of calm, put together, and devastatingly handsome, and here you are, laying in bed, still drunk, throwing up in a trashcan. Definitely not your best moment. 
You sit there, for who knows how long, staring at Mr. York. While he returns to his initial spot by the door, and then begins staring at the wall behind you as if you don’t even exist. 
“Sweetheart… are you okay?” 
Oh, right. Your dad is in the room with you. 
Before you can even begin to form some way to avoid saying “Yeah, dad, I’m fine. Just still fucked up from my night out last night that I barely remember, and while dealing with the most horrible hangover I’ve had in years my dad bursts into my room pissed off at me for reasons I don’t even know, before he calls in the most attractive man I’ve seen in my entire fucking life right before I ruin any chance I may have had with him by vomiting into a trashcan right in front of him” or, you know, something along those lines, Mr. York saves your ass for you. 
“Maybe it may be a good idea for Miss Leland to take a moment to clean herself up before we discuss more serious matters?” 
God, there is a lot you’d like to discuss with this man. 
“That would be an incredible idea, Mr. York,” your dad is beaming at the man like he just solved world hunger, he turns to you and that grin falls immediately, “You. Shower. Sober up. Come downstairs. This is serious.”��
“Sir, yes, sir.”
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yakumtsaki · 2 years
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Welcome to Generation 4, and no spoilers but what the fuck. For reasons that will become obvious, I have to start this generation with a culminative update on everyone post-college. We begin, as all bad things do, in the main house. Sophito and Eliza have been invited over so we can ask their dumb asses to move in (since we’re over the household limit, fml) but we’ve ran into the problem of them refusing to get out of the hot tub.
-So babe, after we bang in the hot tub do you wanna knock my new teeth implants out? -You know it! -SOPHITO GET OUT ALREADY SO I CAN ASK YOU TO MOVE IN -In a minute, mom, gawd!
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-Do you think your mom will like me, Soph? -I can’t see how she wouldn’t after watching us have sex in her hot tub!
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-Great job knocking my son’s teeth out, Eliza! -Thank you, Mrs. Miguel!  -Please, call me Mom! 
LOL ya I had a feeling you two violent lunatics would hit it off. 
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In case you were wondering, Shajar remains THE WORST. Cyneswith is more excited to see Sophito again than his own mother is.
-Welcome home, son! You made your mama proud with all that hoeing, huhu!🌸
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Ah, it’s like we never left!
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Jojo is unironically 106yo so it’s wedding time, no time to draw this out at all.
-This wedding looks like garbage >:(
Excuse me?? I even got you those Celebration balloon chairs, I normally get the cheap garden ones and call it a day. If I even bother getting chairs at all, that is!
-I don’t care!!! I want my dream wedding!!!
Ya, best we can do around here is your dream divorce.
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-Oh Sophito, standing here with you, in front of our families who don’t give a fuck and June in a wedding dress, brings up so many emotions.. Mainly the urge to scream hysterically.. -It’s gonna be ok babe, just stay calm. Focus on me and the fact I managed to not pop the collar on my wedding suit!
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Awww, congrats guys!
-What the fuck is your mother wearing?
LOL sorry I forgot to change her formalwear!
-It’s still better than June’s. 
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Despite some small sartorial problems, this is actually one of the better weddings we’ve ever thrown? There’s smustling..
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..brotherly reunions..
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..more brotherly reunions..
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..and a zombie vs robot deathmatch! I don’t know what more Liz wanted, tbh.
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A great wedding, if I say so myself!
-It was not. 
Whatever! Time to move on!
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Daniel reunites with his bebes and meets their intendeds, who have moved in next door!
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-Blue Meatballs, what a throwback! Going from my brother to my daughter.. Wow, I REALLY don’t know how I feel about that.
Let me help, you feel happy! 
-Do I though?
Yes, because June is happy, God help us. 
-Ok then!
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June’s little sisters idolizing her is SO CUTE I CANNOT..
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..it also makes perfect sense as Cleo and Cecilia are the biggest fucking nerds I’ve ever played, I think I’m legit gonna go in a Curious Bros direction with them.
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We leave Daniel in perpetual happiness with Tara and his human and cat bebes-
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-and move to Asshole Manor! Ok you two, take a break.
-What? But that’s only the 8th time we’ve banged today!
-It really can’t, we’re 90yo! 
Ya exactly, so the time has come..
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..to reconnect, and in Gunther’s case, MEET your kids. Reginald stop thinking about crypto FOR 1 SECOND GOOD LORD
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It quickly becomes apparent that we’re dealing with a level of estrangement that a few visits aren’t gonna fix, so it’s time for Gun and Mel to take their kids on a vacation! Isn’t this exciting, kids? 
-Fuck our lives💜 -I’m a woman of science but I kept praying for our plane to crash.  -It’s only 3 days, guys, how bad can it be?  -Our rooms have no computers, Reginald. -That’s not a thing, then people wouldn’t be able give financial advice on the internet! -Ya, they are not. -YOU’RE LYING. GET AWAY FROM ME
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-Listen son, this isn’t easy for me to say.. -It’s ok, dad, I think I know what you’re thinking. -Then would you please get out so I can bang Melody in this sauna?
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-Let’s go, kiddos, this is gonna be fun!  -Uh, mom, where’s the pilot?💜 -I’m the pilot! -Since when?? -Since this very morning when I took a class! I’ve topped 7 careers, how hard can this be? 
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-I am relaxed.. I do not need to give financial advice on the internet..
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-I am centered.. I do not need to give financial advice on the internet..
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-I am floating.. I do not need to give financial advice on the internet.. -Hey kid, any suggestions on what to order around here? -You mean.. ADVICE on how to ALLOCATE your meal BUDGET?!?
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How’s it going, JuJu?
-Having a lot of fun eating soup with chopsticks💜  -Can we go home already? I’m losing career momentum, at this rate I won’t be Chief of Staff by age 23! 
Fine, fine, we’ve made some valuable bonding progress already:
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-Aaaaah, isn’t this great? -It sure is, mom!💜 -How many ‘get promoted’ wants do I need to roll before you take a hint? -You know, June, you get your workaholism from me!  -Oh ok then, that definitely makes up for being a teen girl growing up without a mother! 
OOF, ok this will take some time, let’s check out.
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We return home and June straight tops the medical career-
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-AT THIS AGE. I CANNOT. You know what will make this day even better??
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We’re officially Blueballed! Man, that doesn’t sound right. Look at Melody in her matching teal dress, supportive queen! 
-It seems like yesterday I was trying to break Lakshmi and Gunther up, and now here she is, marrying my daughter!
Ok, legit let’s not think too hard about this because it’s very upsetting. Julian and Stacy I’ve decided I will not marry since they don’t want to and they’re married in their 💜s anyway. Next household..
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..and I’m gonna let this picture speak for itself. I found out something genuinely shocking: BRIT AND HALF-ALIEN PROF ARE BFFS. Like they’ve been friends since BEFORE Trista banged Gunther, in her memory panel she become besties with Brit first?? Wtf. 
-We’re gonna be family now, isn’t that exciting, Brit Brit? -OH YA, IT’S EVERY MOTHER’S DREAM: HER SON GROWING UP AND MARRYING HER BEST FRIEND -I know, right?  -THIS IS SICK! -You’re on to talk, Castor, he’s probably into older women because of you and Brit!  -BRIT WASN’T MY PROFESSOR, TRISTA -I wasn’t Reginald’s professor either, I’m an art prof! So I’m broke to boot!  -I’m gonna go lie down. -Ya, right behind you, darling, but I think I’m gonna vomit first! Which is a shame because I just ate some excellent quail’s legs! 
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Brit is acting up against this marriage like a rebellious teen, soaping her own gaudy fountain.
-That will teach Reginald! 
It really won’t!
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What about now that Reggie gave birth to a beautiful ginger half-alien bb named BRITANNICUS? (I figured Half Alien Prof knocking him up made canon sense, hehe.)
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-Ok, I accept this🖤
Good! Time for our final household!
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Sugar and Claire! They adopted a bunch of Wulf’s 30 pets and moved into this beautiful house that I of course didn’t build.
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Sugar autonomously knocked Claire up the literal second they moved in so we had a shotgun wedding..
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..catered by Claire!
-What are these salads you guys are eating?? -Oh uh.. we kinda brought them with us.  -WHY -Uhh.. We don’t feel worthy of your food? -AWWWW. That’s true, you’re not! 
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Sugar actually started the military career at like level 8 thanks to his insane college grades and I was like wtf??
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-I got fired :(
Ya, that’s more like it.
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Claire is also doing shockingly well, she’s a lvl 9- 
-And I’ll be a level 10 once I figure out how ovens work!
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-and she gives birth to a beautiful bb whom Sophito attempts to kidnap after showing up uninvited, wtf. Anyway, the bb is a boy and I name him Spice! Now Claire has Sugar, Spice, and everything nice :)
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I don’t know what drugs Sophito is clearly on because it appears he came over to legit.. help the new parents? Like he fed Spice and then started cleaning? Very shocking stuff in this family.
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Sugar is a really good parent, I don’t know where the fuck he could have possibly learned this but it’s super cute!
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I’m so proud of you!!! And boy was that cavalier hat doing a lot of heavy lifting when it came to your face. 
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Spice grows up and the Don nose claims another generation :(
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-Ah, I’m so glad my son is learning this at age 2 and not age 12 like I did :)
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Claire is skilling like crazy because let me tell you, she is UNQUALIFIED AS FUCK. Like legit Wyatt-tier when he started as a SWAT Team Leader and was missing half the necessary skill points..
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..and it turns out to be a complete time waste because she tops her career by chance card LOL
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Congrats, Claire!!! 
-I knew I’d make it! Claire’s Frozen Meat Delights™ is going global! 
It sure is! Globally banned! What a perfect day, I’m sure nothing will ruin it! Why am I hearing hearts??
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-I couldn’t help it, we practically have the same face!
-My genes! 
BRUH. Real talk I legit didn’t know what the fuck to do with this, I haven’t felt as bad as I did for Claire since DANIEL. I think this is very true to life too, like how many hot girls ‘give a chance’ to some fug guy because he was nice/funny/whatever and he ends up cheating?? Fucking hell.
I quickly decide there’s no coming back from this because I even stopped Sugar and then he went back and BANGED JESSICA AGAIN and is full on in love with her:
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-so I invite Jessica over so Claire can catch them, this is truly BULLSHIT.
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Claire loves him so much she’s straight up heartfarting over him WHILE DIVORCING HIM. HE’S THE WORST
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And poor Spice goes into aspiration failure because he had a fear of his parents divorcing, amazing! Great job, Sug!
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Poor Claire immediately goes to teach Spice to talk so she can repair his aspiration..
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..and beats up Jessica’s dumb ass. She then rolls the want to go on a date and I’m like don’t have to tell me twice:
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WILFRED IS BACK LOL. Bro I still cannot fucking BELIEVE this has happened, Sugar was so loyal the entire time, I think once he got married it triggered the Cyn genes?? I have no other explanation for it. 
Now the question arises, what the fuck to do with Sugar, because I’m not playing a single Sugar household. So, with a heavy heart: 
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-It’s ok, bro! -You’re not judging me for destroying my family for no reason whatsoever? :( -Of course not, who am I to judge?
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-Sophito’s right, honey, your family, including your dad’s hot ass, will always be here for you with no judgment! Because we have absolutely no room to judge💗
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Sugar happily heads off to work the next morning along with Sophito but I’m not seeing him getting in the car..
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-Listen here, you absolute disappointment, as long as I’m head of this family you’re gonna be paying rent to live in my crypt! -Well that won’t be very long, you’re 108! -Sophie is gonna be head after me, so good luck with that! Now fork over that 55k bonus! 
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-I don’t have that, Claire got it in the divorce! -YOU FUCKING WHAT. SO WHAT DO YOU HAVE -The 20k I moved in with :( -THAT’S AUTOMATIC -I know :( -GET OUT OF MY SIGHT 
Welcome home, Sugar!
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Same, Sandy, same. 
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(i give turkish soup maker as a sacrifice)
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HI LIXXIE!!! I accept your sacrifice, here’s a poorly prepped morning rant cuz i just got up and we are bery sleep deprived:
You ever think about how crazy it is that we have to constantly fact check and update information? Like, if we asked anyone before 2006 if pluto was a planet before, there would’ve been 0 hesitancy in saying it was. Go back to the 1700s and tell em that people will get to them moon, you’re laughed out of the house. Try explaining to folks before the 1400s that the sun doesn’t revolve around the earth, you’re claimed crazy. Looking for medical cures?-congrats, you now have 5 leeches sucking out your ‘bad blood’. Ask what’s responsible for emotions, you get told that the fluids in your body and your liver are responsible. Ask to see a calendar before the time of ceasar, july and august are missing (thank gravity that guy got stabbed or i’d do it myself if i had that time machine, he screwed up the calendar system-you know how visually repulsive it is for october to be the 10th month and not the 8th? Eugh.)
and yet if you actually trace back to the current sciences of the time, we can actually see and understand their line of logic-people at the time of the leeches thing were already performing autopsies and discovering more and more about the human body (kind of illegally-a lot of them got these bodies by tomb-raiding-which is certainly one way to spice up a job description; ‘practice: physician, occasional unearthing of corpses on the side), enough to make hypotheses about the reason emotions exist-and they weren’t terribly far off (bear with me here); studies about the liver indicate that when it malfunctions (not the right word, sorry), toxins released into the bloodstream can affect mental health-people with liver diseases are more likely to have depressive disorders. So their line of reasoning was actually pretty developed considering their knowledge at the time: something in the blood is damaging the person’s system, so it stands to reason that their idea of a cure would be removing said blood-and they didn’t have the tools we do, so they used what was naturally available: leeches.
Anyways, sorry for that long tangent-the point is that the constant correction and rediscovery of missing information is just sososo fascinating, it’s amazing to think of how much this species has developed. And even now, we still only know so much, a flickering match in the void, really; we can’t explain a lot of things-we still don’t know how dreams work, and our knowledge of the brain’s functions are a fraction of s percent of what there is to explore.
anyhow, hope that was a good rant, thanks for dropping by!!!
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theemarsrover · 1 year
YDYD:O Summary!
This week I'm combining last Saturday (the 5th) with today's session (the 8th). Details and screenshots under the cut!
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on Saturday we experienced yet another death due to unfortunate circumstances involving @transandor's cat. (the cat killed chase). he is now down to four lives and is currently working to retrieve a new one. he also got stuck in the nether at the end of the session by two angry enderman who would not leave him alone. because we can't do anything in these sessions without endermen getting weird.
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@monarchisms tried their luck at some target practice before spending one more night in the village. that morning, they were viciously attacked by a creeper. this session, they're back at it again with the target. after a near death encounter with pillagers they finally got the achievement!! with the power of science! back up to 4 lives!
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@arintheman is working on ~obsidian plans~ and i'm a team player so i won't be giving out any details on the things i see him working on.
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@thedeaddandy & @transandor ventured into a nether fortress together after dandy saved chase from the aforementioned enderman. where they bravely took on withers, ghasts, and blazes.
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dandy also visited the harm farm while their potion was still in affect and jumped off in true mary poppins style:
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i don't have much detail on what @bizarepistachio has been up to except a lot of strip mining and exploring an abandonded mineshaft. what i do have is this shot of Biz getting diamond with the sun shining down. i love it.
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@lampozzz was also strip mining for a time and fighting for his life from a zombie hoarde. upon returning, he found there was a shole containment breach due to a phantom mishap last session.
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as far as my own personal goals go, i as a cameraperson first and foremost, want the best screenshots i can get. what i want to do second is try to possess a fish and after two sessions of trying, dandy came through and my dreams were realized. i was a fish.
aaaand since there's been so much resource gathering these past couple sessions i thought i'd take this downtime to highlight some of my favorite signs that i've seen peppered around the world to finish up.
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and finally,
sculk update: it grows ever larger.
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i realized that i kinda forgot to show y'all my bebe so mb 😔
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- name: alya mapette
- age: 18
- birthday: 8th august
- dorm: ramshackle
- homeland: ???
- height: 182 cm (tall lady)
- dominant hand: right
- hobby: painting ig 💀
- talent: identifying fishes (if that counts 💀)
based off of undyne mostly
- shes been in the seas for god knows how long because she grew up w/ her father (her mom abandoned her 😭)
- she kinda has a habit of collecting stuff from near the sea, but like it's the useful stuff. like gears, ropes or sth
- she likes to hang out in science club and magift club sometimes
yeah uh might add more stuff 💀
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krinsbez · 11 months
Pulptober Final Roundup, 2023
Yes, it's unacceptably late, but also, wow there's a lot to do, because we got a whole bunch of late posts and also I somehow missed everything @skjam posted last year, and I cannot understate how upset I am about that.
So, to start, I will list the things that @Skjam posted for Pulptober last year:
-This excellent post in which he tried to come up with Pulp-ier versions of...all sorts of things.
-A post in which he goes over Pulp things Goodreads recc'd him.
-For Pulptober 1st of last year, a review of two stories featuring that day's Character, The Shadow.
-For Pulptober 2nd of last year, a review of a story involving a character who fit that day's Theme, Larger Than Life
-For Pulptober 3rd of last year, he posted a review of serial starring that day's Characters, The Green Hornet and Kato.
-A post reviewing a "new Pulp" story featuring the original character, The Red Jackal.
Next, I will list @skjam's belated contributions to Pulptober this year:
-For Pulptober 5th, he posted a review of a story that fit the day's Theme, All For Love, and had a cameo by the day's Character, John Carter.
-For Pulptober 7th & 8th, he posted a review of a story featuring those days' Characters, The Spider and Nita van Sloan.
-For Pulptober 13th, he posted a review of a story related to that day's Character, Hellboy.
-For Pulptober 14th, he posted a review of a story starring that day's Character, Arsene Lupin.
-And finally, for Pulptober 16th, he posted a review of a story featuring that day's Characters, The Blackhawks.
Also bringing it a little late was @haldrada-art, who posted several arts for the period covered by previous roundups, after those roundup were posted, that I haven't updated. To wit:
-For Pulptober 20th, he posted an original art of that day's Character, Solomon Kane
-For Pulptober 23rd, he posted an original art of that day's Character, The Question.
-For Pulptober 25th, he posted an original art of that day's Character, The Nytalope.
-For Pulptober 26th, he posted an original art of that day's Character, The Phantom.
Aaand that covers everything I missed, I think. Please tell me if there's anything else, folks!
28-The Green Lama/Where Science and Supernatural Collide
-@themailedfist-blog posted some arts of that day's Character, The Green Lama.
29-Jules De Grandin/Ghost Breaker
-@themailedfist-blog posted some arts of the BPRD, which fit the day's Theme, Ghost Breaker(s)
30-Athena Voltaire/Throwback Heroes
-@themailedfist-blog posted an art of Indiana Jones, who fit the day's Theme, Throwback Heroes
31-Batman/Gizmos & Gadgets
-@themailedfist-blog posted several arts of the day's Character, The Batman.
-@haldrada-art posted an original art of that day's Character, The Batman.
Bonus: @themailedfist-blog posted a photo of his magnificent cosplay of The Spider!
Thank you to everyone who participated, it was surprisingly stressful for me this year, but still a lot of fun ,and I am looking forward to next year!
And remember, even if you're late, you can still participate, just let me know, so I can share it!
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ettawritesnstudies · 2 years
hi, etta! you mentioned the word catechist in one of your tags. i've never heard that word before! i did look up the definition but it was such a dry explanation! and honestly, i don't know what a catechism would consist of either. the explanation i found brought to mind a Q&A sheet like you would get for history class, haha. i was wondering if when you have time, you would be able to tell me a little bit about what it means to be a catechist?
Of course!
The Catechism itself is an official book that was compiled by the early church fathers and updated over the years by various councils and popes to include all of the Catholic Church's teachings on all the Big Important Topics. It's not the Bible, but it does include information on how we interpret the Bible, explaining the creed line-by-line, breaking down the sacraments, and tons of other aspects of how to live a good daily Christian life and tackle hard topics. You can read it online but it can be pretty dense to get through without someone helping to explain all the context, which is where catechists come in!
A catechist is anyone who teaches the Catholic faith, usually in a classroom setting. Kids who are born and baptized into Catholic families (sometimes also known as "cradle catholics". I'm one) usually go through some kind of faith formation as they grow up, either through religious education as a class in catholic schools alongside history and literature and math and science, or through something called CCD (which stands for catholic catechetical development) which are once-a-week classes usually in the evenings after school. Adult converts or reverts to the faith also go through a similar program called RCIA. These programs don't have homework or tests or anything, and they're voluntary, but they are structured in a way meant to go deeper into history and theology and give you more context and appreciation for what you're seeing at Sunday Mass and why we believe the things we do.
CCD and religious ed programs usually have a curriculum for each grade, focusing on different parts of the catechism each year. For example, most kids receive their first Holy Communion in 2nd grade, and so that year is learning all about the sacraments and the Eucharist. 8th grade is usually Confirmation, which is the sacrament where YOU decide that YOU want to be Catholic and become an "adult" in the Church, receiving the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, and so the curriculum that year focuses on adult faith formation. Unfortunately some of those are dumbed-down waaaayyy too far and as a result, I watched a LOT of my classmates treat Confirmation as a "graduation" from the program and not as a solemn holy eternal vow.
My confirmation year is also when I got serious about understanding other faiths as well as Catholicism because I took that decision seriously, and it's something I love and learn how to share with people. St. Catherine of Alexandria, pray for us! My mom is a CCD teacher and I helped her out while I was in high school. She wrote her own curriculum, which included weekly powerpoints, fill-in-the-blank-sheets, coloring pages, etc. so I'd help her find good pictures, fix formatting issues, check grammar, and occasionally cover teaching the class if she was busy with my sibling's events.
If you're looking for quality accessible resources, Ascension Press is one of my favorites. They have a great youtube channel (highly recommend Fr. Mike Schmidt) and a Bible in a Year podcast. I've used their Chosen, Bible timeline, and Theology of the Body programs myself. Catholic Answers is perfect for quickly finding thoughtful and thoroughly researched responses to almost any question. The US Conference of Catholic Bishops also has some good resources on their webpage. There's also a kids version of the catechism called the St. Joseph's Baltimore Catechism which is just as thorough as the original but much more accessible and full of illustrations. That might be a good primer too! There's a copy here on internet archive.
I hope this wasn't too dry lol. Please let me know if you have any more questions! :)
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animemusicbrackets · 4 months
Vocaloid Song Showdown!!!: QUARTERFINALS
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(Text version with dates below)
matches will start going up on Saturday, June 8th
everything will be posted at 12:00pm EDT
all polls will be one week long
if you can, please try to take the time to listen to the songs that you are unfamiliar with!
propaganda welcome :)
Links: List of bracket contestants (you can also find the full list of submissions and preliminary brackets in different tabs)
List of honorable mentions - songs i especially like that did not make it to the bracket. putting a link to the tag even though it is not up yet just to let u know its smth im working on. it is taking a long time bc i have like, over 400 songs to go through. but i will make a post when its done
propaganda bracket updates matches (the actual polls, not including any reblogs) preliminaries round 1 round 2 round 3 quarterfinals
Match 57: "Rolling Girl" by wowaka; feat. Hatsune Miku {VS} "drop pop candy" by Giga-P, Reol; feat. Kagamine Rin and Megurine Luka Match 58: "Daughter of Evil" by Akuno-P / MOTHY; feat. Kagamine Rin {VS} "Lost One's Weeping" by Neru, tomoboP; feat. Kagamine Rin Match 59: "Meltdown" by iroha(sasaki); feat. Kagamine Rin {VS} "Outer Science" by Jin; feat. IA Match 60: "World is Mine" by ryo; feat. Hatsune Miku {VS} "Remote Control" by WONDERFUL☆OPPORTUNITY; feat. Kagamine Rin & Len
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fuwungi · 1 year
Alright so! Here’s the updates on what’s been going on! I was going to put it under a read more/cut thing but I can’t seem to figure that out on mobile so just general tw for mental health talk, trauma, etc
This isn’t going to exactly be linear or anything either cuz my minds just been all over the place but I haven’t been doing good. Haven’t been for a while. I’ve been working on getting help for years now and im thankfully seeing my therapist on the 8th and hoping this one actually stays (cuz my last trauma therapist ghosted me). I got a psych evaluation before hand that took a bit and got diagnosed with severe ptsd and bpd and also paranoid schizophrenia. I never really took my mental health seriously or as seriously as I should becuz for years I was so used to hearing from family and etc that it’s nothing, im just over thinking, “everybody does that” but it’s clearly not the case.
Everything started getting much worse in January, my health started dipping again. I had someone I considered a close friend abandon me and hurt me. Eventually my job I had pretty much set me up to be fired, me and others have considered it’s due to the fact I disclosed my diagnosis cuz it didn’t take long after for me to be fired. And what I was fired for was literally doing exactly what one of the managers told me to do. The next day I had an ex friend blow up at me and trigger my paranoia severely. And after that my abuser outted me and tried to spread harmful lies and misinfo in an attempt to I guess have me run off the internet. A little while after the shop I was apprenticing at also dropped me for my diagnosis but not until the spent a couple weeks straight up ghosting me and ignoring me for hours when I came in (I would come in to practice and work and all of my stuff was moved without telling me, and I also still don’t have any of my stuff back, and nobody would say a word to me or even look at me hardly. And after hours of waiting o would just eventually go home, which was also frustrating cuz I would have the person I’m about to practice on with me waking too. I reached out with messages abt things but was always just left on read.)
All of this just made things worse. I haven’t been able to significantly leave my house for a couple months now ( I say that cuz I still hype myself up to do smaller things like run out to pick up my meds, etc. but if there’s a way around physically doing said thing like ordering groceries, etc I take that). Outside of that I was already having a hard time getting myself to be social or talk to anyone. I haven’t really been talking to anyone or very active since 2020 (which I’m still working on fixing cuz it’s not that I don’t want to talk or anything, I want to so badly, I just really feel like I’m unable to do it).
My psych also diagnosed(? Idk if that’s the right word) me with agoraphobia. Which also explained a lot and helped me realize some things that help me cope and navigate my way socially and in life (and kinnie stuff is one of the things that really helps with that).
So at the moment I’m just freelancing and trying my best to work on myself. After finishing the rest of my comm queue I’m thinking of taking a break from taking comms and just focusing on my own/personal art and school (going for botany and economic science).
If you’ve read through this all, thank you so much for listening. I hope this was worded okay/sounds okay. And I can’t thank the ppl who continue to support me enough.
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sosciencey · 2 years
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November 8th, 2022 To celebrate the first day of this blog, I got some homemade chocolate milkshake and began setting up my notion pages for the upcoming year!
Now, my task is to start my Coursera on "writing in the sciences". This is the first out of five courses I have to get done by the end of this year! I have a feeling updating here will make me motivated to complete them.
About the courses, they're on scientific writing. Would you be interested in posts with tips on how to use scientific language?
🎧 playing: folklore & evermore(taylor swift)| ☕
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educationprogram20 · 2 months
NEET-PG 2024 Update: NBEMS Unveils City List, City Slip Release on 29th July, Admit Cards Available from 8th August
The National Board of Examinations in Medical Sciences (NBEMS) has announced key updates regarding the NEET-PG 2024 examination, bringing much-needed clarity for thousands of aspirants. This year's NEET-PG (National Eligibility cum Entrance Test for Postgraduate) is a critical gateway for medical graduates seeking admission to postgraduate programs across India. Here's what you need to know about the latest updates:
Release of City List and City Slip
On 29th July 2024, the NBEMS will release the city list and city slips for NEET-PG 2024. The city list will provide details about the examination centers where candidates are expected to take their test. This is a crucial step in the preparation process, as it allows candidates to understand their assigned test centers and plan their travel accordingly.
City Slip: The city slip will indicate the examination city but not the specific center. This document is vital for candidates to make logistical arrangements. It is advisable to download the city slip as soon as it becomes available to avoid last-minute hassles.
Candidates can access their city slip through the official NBEMS website. To do this, they will need to log in with their registration details. It's important to verify all the information on the city slip carefully and report any discrepancies to the NBEMS promptly.
Availability of Admit Cards
The admit cards for NEET-PG 2024 will be made available from 8th August 2024. The admit card is a crucial document that every candidate must carry to the examination center. It contains essential details such as the candidate's name, photograph, examination center, and timing of the test. Without the admit card, candidates will not be permitted to enter the examination hall.
How to Download: Admit cards can be downloaded from the NBEMS official website. Candidates should keep their login credentials handy to ensure a smooth download process. After downloading, it is advisable to print multiple copies of the admit card and keep them safe for future reference.
What to Check: Upon receiving the admit card, candidates should check all details for accuracy, including their name, photograph, examination center, and timings. Any errors should be immediately reported to the NBEMS for rectification.
Examination Preparation Tips
With the release of the city list and admit cards, candidates should focus on the final stages of their preparation. Here are a few tips to make the most of the remaining time:
Review Study Material: Go through your study material and focus on high-yield topics. Practice previous years' questions and mock tests to familiarize yourself with the exam pattern.
Plan Your Travel: Once you receive your city slip, plan your travel to the examination center. Ensure that you reach the center well before the reporting time to avoid any last-minute stress.
Adhere to Instructions: Follow all the guidelines mentioned in the admit card and the exam instructions. Make sure you carry all required documents, including the admit card and valid photo ID.
Stay Calm and Focused: Maintain a calm and positive attitude. Proper rest and a healthy routine will help you perform your best on the exam day.
The NEET-PG 2024 is a pivotal exam for aspiring medical professionals, and the updates from NBEMS are crucial for effective planning and preparation. By keeping track of the release dates for the city list and admit cards, candidates can ensure a smooth examination experience. Remember to check the official NBEMS website regularly for the latest updates and instructions.
As the examination date approaches, diligent preparation and proper planning will be key to achieving success. Best of luck to all candidates preparing for NEET-PG 2024.
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