#scianel got her commuppance but at what cost... literally she was in love. in her own evil way. and who can say what patrizia felt
sewerfight · 3 months
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Fuck your toxic yuri. is it even remotely like these two who were in the dyke trenches together during one of the biggest mafia alliance upheavals in Naples? Is one of them a wealthy boss who put her lot in with a female soldier serving the other side, a go-between who she wished to keep as a pet in a gilded cage, in her thirst for power? The other an orphan, soon to inherit the title of the old prince, with no one but the protection of the hated Savastanos to guide her wretched star? Did they ever talk of hyenas at one time, long ago, in a dress shop, under different circumstances? Did one of them speak with praise of hyenas clans, who's lives are structured around a hungry, devouring matriarchy that sheds the blood of males on a whim, while the other looked on, thinking of nothing but treachery? No? Then fuck your toxic yuri. Watch Gomorra
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