tutuandscoot · 1 year
Do you remember which competition it was where Scott was on the podium alone and he jokingly put his arm up as if to put around Tessa’s shoulders? And do you know why Tessa wasn’t with him? I heard that she was sick and had to go throw up but I’m not sure if that’s true…
Yes. It was SCI 2012. Video
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So they come out for their bows, go over to the podium. Not to act like a body language expert but in the small bit of them going over to the podium and stepping up on it, he does seem to be being a bit extra precious with her so she maybe wasn’t even feeling well before they went out so, yeh he’s being extra soft.
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They are there as CL come out and go to the podium. Then as the 3rd place team step onto the ice, in the right corner you can see VM talking/looking at each other, so as RT get to the podium both S and T have left and RT seem confused.
No, I’m not sure exactly what was the matter. I’d assume yes she wasn’t feeling well. They (VM) have said many times she would get sick often before skates (throw up sometimes) and she struggled with her breathing- heightened and hard to control in high pressure situations (why the hug was so important and took on kinda a spiritual/harmonious/holistic significance for them). Obviously this was after the competition but that doesn’t mean she may have been feeling ‘competition sick’ afterwards in this case.. I read a really.. quite passively-nasty comment about this once where the blog said she had ‘effed up Carmen at this comp so much it made her sick and couldn’t be on the podium’ (I’ve had it with trash takes honestly 😞)
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So anyway Scott obviously got her off the podium and back to the side of the rink for her to settle/get water/whatever she needed to do. It may also NOT have been she was sick and could’ve been something else. I have never read anything offical from them so I’m not claiming anything to be fact.
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Scott comes back to the podium. I’m sure he would’ve rather stayed with her but bc they are professional and didn’t want to be rude to those presenting the medals he comes back and covers for her. He gets handed her medal and flowers.
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She comes back just at the flowers are being handed out, so Scott gives her those then the man giving out the medals (the same one that presented their flowers at YVR 2010 I’m pretty sure) comes back to present her medal, which honestly no offence but I wish Scott could’ve presented her medal bc.. adorableness..
So yeh, not sure what happened, probs not a big deal considering she came back quite quickly.
Also it wasn’t caught on camera but I’d bet money he lifted her off the podium considering how quickly they were both there then gone..
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