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llamagirl28 · 4 years ago
I honest to god cannot believe someone defended fucking Lot, of all hills to die on, why the shortest fucking hill? To make up for that, does Guinivere know about Mordred's existence? Amd what does she think about them?
She does know, though she thinks Mordred is Accolon's child. She thinks it's really cruel of people to judge a kid based on what their mother has done, and would like to meet them. Which she will, in chapter 5!
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gryphsdeadbones · 4 years ago
Feetman begins using the Sweet Voice to calm Freemind
since its not really feetmans strong suit i think using sweet voice may agitate him further-
fun to see him try at least !!
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toonbly · 4 years ago
That means Eddie is also unapoligetically Southern because of Jack Mcbreyers tendency to not be anything but southern
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staranon95 · 4 years ago
Caleb Widogast needs a lot of things and he deserves them
i have known Caleb for 15 episodes and i would LITERALLY lie down for him. he means so much to me
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13thdoodle · 5 years ago
Is his body his philactory since he's a Lich?
Lich's phylactery
A magic phylactery was used to store the souls and life force of liches.
Oh yeah! Yeah, that’s the word for it.
His body is his philactery which is... not a really good idea but it’s not like he intended to be a lich so that’s as good as it gets
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toonbly · 4 years ago
Freemind be like, gay as hell for big southern man
my eddies a 6′7″ southern motherfucker whos built like a brick shithouse and is incredibly polite outwardly but can flip a switch and be one of the most threatening scariest motherfuckers youve ever seen if a job calls for it and freemind sees that and hes like “hope this doesnt awaken anything in me”
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toonbly · 4 years ago
Marble Hornets AU you say?
yea!! i had a hlvrai au for marble hornets but the only like. set in stone thing was that gordon was tim LMAO
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staranon95 · 4 years ago
I dont know which of these 3 options is scarier but I know that all of them would make me immediately go into Fight or flight mode
Ryan, Fiona, and Matt are the 3 cryptids of Los Santos and honestly??? anyone of them dressed up in costume and simply being alone is terrifying enough.
honestly? i just wouldn’t say anything. i wouldn't even acknowledge that i had seen them. clearly they have something going on and i am not going to disturb them
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staranon95 · 4 years ago
Red Fredo probably had run ins with the members, they've probably have fought each other to hell
oooo this does make me think a lot about what ‘fredo’s fighting style would be in this au.
like i already imagine him to be able to use that lean figure he has to his advantage, slipping around corners and and up over walls with ease, especially in the Before times when his arthritis wasn’t bad yet and he wasn’t in chronic pain. he was more of a passive fighter in those days, easily dodging hits and getting in quick jabs to the soft parts of the body. just as Ryan taught him back in the day
and then after it all goes haywire Alfredo/Red picks up a different fighting style.
now, he always favours his left side because he’s partially blind and deaf, so he will keep people slightly off to the right and always keeping to the left side of the room so he can take everything in. it’s hard to get the one up on him because he’s literally always prepared for a fight. he usually likes fighting with a pair of batons, heavy metal things. makes for good fighting in tight corridors when he’s trying to take out a security team.
but this rougher fighting style does take its toll on him. some days the arthritis flairs up in his hands and only so much medication and heating solutions can he take before it just doesn’t cut it that day. so he has to take it easier. then there’s the scarring from the fire, and the chronic pain its left him in since that day. skin feeling tight, bones creaking. and sometimes he can’t push through it so he takes a day off
and on the off chance he does encounter one of the other Fakes, it’s probably done with a bit more fun and aloofness to it than usually. Gavin is just so damn charismatic that some of his actions get a laugh or a chuckle from Alfredo/Red. same with Jeremy, mostly because of his naming conventions for all the cars ‘fredo sometimes steals.
and maybe it’s through these softer connections that maybe some sort of reconciliation can occur. where Alfredo/Red doesn’t feel as betrayed and the Fakes can own up to their mistakes.
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staranon95 · 4 years ago
OK but Alfredo being the Jason Todd kind of guy is badass, and imagine him making just remarks/calling out the fakes other than just Ryan
Alfredo/Red being a snarky lil shit. all sarcasm. all biting remarks. he knows how to cut deep and make you feel the burn.
imagine Alfredo/Red purposefully getting the one up on the next marks the Fakes have and either taking the mark for his own or fucking up the Fakes hard work
imagine Gavin trying to grift someone at a fancy gala only to see that Alfredo/Red is there, dressed to the nines, scars carefully covered up with some sort of makeup, sweet talking his way into the mark’s circle and fucking up all the hard ground work Gavin has laid
imagine Jeremy boosting a car and then having the cops called on him immediately because Alfredo/Red knew he’s been looking at that car all week
imagine Alfredo/Red breaking into Trevor’s apartment to steal their plans for upcoming jobs and leaving Trevor a cheeky lil calling card like he knew Trevor would back in the day when he was still just a burglar (also: insert some sort of shared past between Trevor and ‘fredo here in that both used to do things for the Fakes unofficially, and ‘fredo is sort of hurt to see his former best friend in such a position of power in the Fakes now)
imagine Jack trying to talk Alfredo/Red down from doing something . . . unsavory and being absolutely taken aback at how angry Alfredo/Red is. How he calls Jack out on his false sense of family within the Fakes and how Jack is just as guilty as them. For never caring about anyone else other than those in his inner circle, leaving people like ‘fredo to take the hits time and time again.
imagine Alfredo/Red sitting alone atop some building and quietly contemplating his life and his decisions up until this point. left partially blind in his left eye and partially deaf as well from the damage of the fire. he’s got arthritis in his wrists (he grew up with juvenile arthritis but ever since the fire, it’s always felt worse). he lives in chronic pain from everything he’s been put through and what he puts himself through and he wishes he could stop but he can’t ignore the drive within him. this sense of vengeance that he can’t seem to quiet.
so he’ll keep doing this. hurting himself and hurting people he used to know
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staranon95 · 4 years ago
God, I look at The Alfredo/Red AU and *chef's kiss*, but everyone probably has their own opinions on Red in this AU, Ryan, Trevor probably have very complicated relationships.
OOOO these are probably the most prominent relationships within the Red Hood Au so let’s take a look at them in depth shall we
so Alfredo/Red’s relationship with Ryan is complicated. Ryan was basically at one point Alfredo/Red’s big brother figure. like he was always there when Alfredo/Red needed him. he always had spare money to give away, he was always bailing Alfredo/Red out of trouble especially when he was getting mugged or getting pressured to join a gang in his later teen years. Ryan seemed so cool back in those days, but then again he was really hamming it up with the Vagabond act that Alfredo/Red fell for hook line and sinker
and Ryan always promised to help out. so ‘fredo takes it really hard when he’s essentially kidnapped, beaten, and nearly killed. of course he has no idea that Ryan did everything he could to get there on time, but then the feds were swarming and he had to get out of there. there wasn’t anything he could do, but that doesn’t mean ‘fredo doesn’t take it hard. especially since he survived. was laid up in a county hospital for weeks as he recovered and still! nothing! no visit. no word. it was like the Fakes and Ryan had moved on and left ‘fredo on his own. so he got the message and left town for a few years, returning hungry and vengeful, just like he’d taken some notes from a certain masked bad guy (hint hint)
on the flip side to the older brother/mentor figure in Ryan, there is the twin and best friend, thick as thieves connection Aflredo/Red shared (shares) with Trevor. they’re the same age, grew up in the same area, ran in the same circles. maybe Trevor got into thievery earlier than ‘fredo and ‘fredo sort of naturally followed him. Trevor’s always sort of had that leader vibe to him and ‘fredo followed.
maybe Trevor is the reason why ‘fredo knows the Fakes and started doing odd jobs for Ryan. maybe Trevor tried to warn ‘fredo against going further into this job, that he was taking on too much, and that he should slow down a bit. try not to make so much noise, and maybe ‘fredo, young and naive and irrational, didn’t listen to him and went off on his own and got caught.
and then Alfredo/Red returns to the city that nearly killed him because he’s got some unfinished business. and he gets access to a radio and he’s able to find the signal the Fakes use and he hears Trevor’s voice. Alfredo/Red came back for the Vagabond. he never thought in a million years that cautious (game kids) Trevor would rise to become the leader of the Fakes. 
and that sort of hurts more than Ryan’s abandonnment. Trevor who was also the voice of reason, trying to get Alfredo/Red to slow down and think for one second, the hypocrite taking up a spot on the most infamous crew in Los Santos. that hurts. that cuts deep
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