#school ds nt help n hs mde living worse :’^) b were fnlly goin 2 tke a break soon....
ogeeitsme · 3 years
Best of luck to you all. I can’t begin to imagine your current situation but sending as much support as I can here to let you know that hopefully things turn out alright. You deserve that, you all do. I hope things start getting better, even if slowly and slightly, may they get better at all.
Hey i kno thise ws sent a whle back, b its rlly nice 2 reread thise somtms,, so ty :,^/
As an upd8, thngs Hav gottn bttr! so we’re not in the Mega Super Isol8ion 2: Electric Boogaloo anymor, b the dad’s got som, aftrmth complic8ions n the mom’s bein a nightmre again skdhsjkd its VRY WEIRD like, untl nw i guess we wnt b able 2 explain hw everyth is <:^)
Like, i even notcd tht whn i talk abt tht time wher we were in,,, supr mega self isol8ion, we cnt explain it rite EVER nor cn we nme it proprly,,,, i jst sy “That Time”, b thers so mny times!! Hw cn we b specfc w/o syng Super Isol8ion 2? :^( o well akdhkshd
(tw disordrd/unhealthy eatng) I jst do not rcmmnd gettng supr isol8d <:^) we ddnt eat vry well, like, full on skppng meals bc of the hardcre fear, its a NIGHTMRe we get, flashbcks we thnk abt that entire mnth n our brain goes haywire n deep fries itslf n we strt goin nuts emotionlly bc tht ws wy 2 mch, it ws insne, humns r not meant n r not built 2 handl prolongd stress every singl dy!! N were alrdy stressd everydy, b tht ws, vry diffrnt kshdkd ^^;
ANYWY, thnk u again 4 the ask,, tbh thank u 2 every1 visitng thise blog n who wishes us wll ,,,, we rlly appreci8 it
We wsh we cld sy thank u 2 every1 mor thn jst w words b i hop thise cn b engh 4 nw 2 shw tht we rlly mean it <:^) thngs hav gotten bttr sinc our blurry art! Whch ws when u snt thise ask, so it did com tru. Its not perfct, b hey!! We got thru tht :,,^0 sniff
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