#schining love
chieftyphoonchaos · 2 months
A calm Safin Sunday.🍵🍵❤️❤️
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Together with my beautiful fiancée Countess Mathilde/Rose, Dou Dou one of her best friends Morticia and her husband Gomez and their newborn daughter Wednesday and her mother and Thing, I wish you a beautiful and peaceful Sunday and a lovely tea time with your loved ones and friends.
The Adams family honoured us with a visit and their congratulations on our wedding next year and will also be our witnesses at that very big and beautiful moment in our "Poison Garden".
Much love.....
Lytsifer and Mathilde❤️❤️
@daughterofthesilmaril @esconognosia @thefluffiestseahorse @chevy2497 @ramicastiel @ellen-the-radiant @ellen-the-wise @moon-stars-soul @sakurasoulgeneral @ghoulsister1 @squidwujun @satanhauntedourfears @bearbruno14 @grumpyoutlaw @silverlambcaptain @neverendingstories00 @honestmysteries @one-boring-person @poptod @koshi-sama @padawansubscription @sapphicsandsupernatural @yagurlny @chieftyphoonchaos @villainworshiper @alessiathepirate @colourful-serendipity .
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lovebunnie · 9 months
episode four of fellow travelers is just: opens with a man killing himself, 'ill wreck the god damn army', wearing tims present to the m unit investigation, showcasing hawk at his most mental by threatening two different people within the span of five minutes and goes complete gay american psycho on that god damn polygraph, tim getting head for the first time, david schine dirty talking to roy cohn about 'guys being dudes' and farting, hawk thinking about tim when asked if he had ever been in love with another man, 'how are you?' 'getting by. how are you?' 'getting by'. its also a christmas episode.
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Okay, last time I'm going to annoy you guys with this for a while, I swear lol. Moved everything around, got a couple of new additions, and took some clearer pictures than last time.
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Very excited about it! :) Sorry for the huge black boxes on that second one. Got some photos there and I'm not trying to do a face/friends/family reveal lol
So, yeah! I now have autographs from Jeannie Tirado, Paula Rhodes, Nicole Tompkins, Jeff Schine, Andi Norris, Nick Apostolides, Sasha Zotova, Joe Whyte, Helena Mankowska, Michelle Lukes, Eva La Dare, Aaron LaPlante, Neil Newbon, Maggie Robertson, Bekka Prewitt, and Katie O'Hagan. I just they're neat people and I loved their performances <3
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industryhbo · 9 months
3, 4. 10, 14 and 20 for the FT asks? :D
3. What is you favourite episode and why?
Gotta be episode 4 the christmas episode. They were just so romantic and domestic and sweet! With the kisses and teasing and gifts and other things lol. Also I found it really funny and ironic when they were dealing with the Schine in the military drama lmao what a diva
4. What is your favourite scene(s) and why?
I already said some here but of course there are more. I really enjoyed the scenes at Fire Island when Tim was drinking and dancing with Hawk. It was nice to see them just letting loose and having fun, and interesting how Tim was indulging Hawk to try to take care of him. Fun vacation bfs 🥰
10. If the show had one more episode, what would it be about?
Between 6 and 7. A whole episode showing more of Tim, Frankie and Marcus in San Francisco. Also when Hawk started contacting Tim again. I would've loved to have heard some of those late night calls...
14. Do you have any unpopular opinions about Fellow Travelers?
I feel like a had an unpopular attitude about the show because I really cherished the happy scenes and love story side of it. It seemed like most people were constantly talking about how sad they were and how it always made them cry... Yes their story is very tragic, but that's made clear from the first episode, and its also about true, enduring love, which I thought was so beautiful and so thoughfully told!
20. If Fellow Travelers had a spin-off or continuation, what would you like it to be about?
Frankie, Storme and Marcus. Frankie and Storme on tour. More Frankie and Marcus romance. They are all beautiful, interesting characters and I would totally watch a whole show of them!
fellow travelers ask game 💕
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proustianlesbian · 10 months
*i forgot to do my reviews for ep 3 and 4 of ft during both weeks smh.
episode 3 : very sweet vacation at the see also i was not aware of the joseph mccarthy and roy cohn gay allegations (not together). chokbar de bz like we say in french.
[insert here abby lee miller looking around her gif].*
diversity wins i guess, the anticommunist prosecutor who ruined so many lives is jewish AND gay. like tbh i didn't know at all because it wasn't written on his wikipedia french bio (but him bringing his mom to parties was though). like i thought the jokes about him and schine were just because theses environnement are full of men. i love the lightning on this show but it really stroke me during the scene where marcus walks in the alley at night. the costumes are so beautiful, i love the cuts of their suits.
*episode 4 : loved the christmas episode too. i knew mary's colleague was plotting something since episode one's ending. but also i'm scared for 80s timeline tim :(*
i love the actor of roy cohn also. like he's serving. serving conservative homophobic self-hating jewish but serving nonetheless (i'm not a irl roy cohn stan btw, will brill just absolutely serves as him). it was so sweet seeing tim and hawk being happy though (especially as i write those lines specifically right before the diffusion of the last episode). also small detail but it was interesting to see how even when the jewish person (here cohn) is on their side and does everything "right" to be accepted, people will still be antisemitic towards him (mccarthy and his wife).
episode 5 :
the scene of marcus and frankie on the bench ☹️☹️☹️ "i should have let him paint them red." killed me. i was so shocked by the death of senator smith though ??!! the scene where he looks at pictures with lucy was so sad in retrospect. also it's very funny seeing tim lurking around the mccarthy/cohn/schine trio. he's just a little guy. also lucy smith leave your husband and runaway with me !! i can make you happy queen ! she's so gorgeous and dresses so well i love her so much, and even more since this episode. i felt so sorry for her brother and how he gets no real help from anyone. and the last scene ☹️.
episode 6 :
lucy's outfits and hair are so gorgeous !! i really love what we saw her wearing in this episode's 1950s timeline, especially her baby blue and yellow dresses.
hawk being a daughter's father oh he's so real, kendall roy feminist icon coded to me.
the shot of tim in the police car with the back window showing hawk on the road is SICK. like i felt a pain in the heart. and i loved the last shot of hawk hugging jackson.
i kinda wish there was an episode in between 5 and 6 but at the same time it makes sense. we just didn't get used to hawk's children and had jackson for only one episode.
episode 7
an episode for the tim laughlin lesbian fans for real !! it broke my heart for the romance part but i could learn some things about harvey milk ! i'm not american so i didn't know he was murdered (or didn't remember it) but i read on wikipedia that he was jewish too ! i really love the costumes of the 70s, they're all so beautiful and fitting for the characters :'). i love all the small details in the sets and decorations, each of the era have a unique vibe ! i'm absolutely terrified for tomorrow's episode, i'm not ready to see them go at all !!
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imabasicbishh · 1 year
I gotta say I love that RE gets new fans with the remakes, but with some of these newer RE fans have also brought in the concept of “stans”, which I am now completely categorizing in a different group from fans. I am a huge Ada fan, but these Ada stans on Twitter are making it hard to enjoy Resident Evil content on there.
In Stan world if I want say I don’t like Ada’s new voice, or prefer OGRE4 Ada over the remake, or don’t love her new outfit then apparently “I have no right to call myself a fan” if I vocalized these opinions. I am Asian American myself and I did not enjoy Lily Gao’s performance as Ada. In my opinion, she had a few passable lines, flat and awkward delivery majority of the time, no chemistry with Leon, and most importantly NO charisma. Doesn’t matter how much much time Ada had in any form of RE media, she has always had presence and impact. In RE4’s main game, Ada didn’t have that many scenes either (although technically more than the remake), but even to people who didn’t bother to play Separate Ways, she always left an impression.
When the first RE4R trailer of her speaking dropped A LOT of people didn’t like her voice acting from the beginning. Then Ada stans would say “you can’t judge based on one line, wait until the game comes out” (as if that would somehow make her delivery better?), then the game comes out and a lot of people still didn’t like her performance, now it’s “she barely had any screen time, wait for Separate Ways”, moving the goal post again. Or it’s “she’s suppose to sound flat because she’s now a serious mercenary” Like was Ada not already cold and serious in RE2R?? I don’t remember her “sounding flirty” in that game at all, that was literally one of the reason people didn’t like RE2R’s Ada, for not being as nice as she was in OG2. Now there’s this belief that most people only didn’t like it because of some RE influencer and blamed her to take accountability for the harassment and bullying Lily Gao got, then the next day the Ada Stans go on to harass, bully, and passive aggressively hate on accounts that ship Cleon to the point they end up closing their account. I super ship Aeon too but jeeze. It’s just so hard to take seriously, but I guess that’s the current state of fandom culture now: “can’t take the toxic behavior of me defending my fave, then gtfo”.
Lily Gao 100% did not deserve to be harassed, I put all blame on Capcom. If they wanted to cast a new Asian VA for Ada they should have put in more effort to finding THE BEST fit person for the job, not the most convenient. I wish there was more noise on Patricia Ja Lee being Jill Valentine’s previous VA and mocap, because there’s a VA who did a great job, maybe they should have just gotten her to be Ada, but doubt Capcom considered any Union VA. Capcom in general after the VA Union strike have been cheap, and Capcom USA especially have been lazy. They have no respect for VAs, you expect me to believe they didn’t cast Lily Gao for convenience sake after not even bothering to bring back David Vaughn for RE8’s Chris Redfield and reused Jeff Schine instead?
Look, you can like Ada’s new voice, but to not understand why others genuinely don’t like it makes no sense to me.
Capcom nerfed Ada so hard in this remake but every Ada stan can make so many justifications for Capcoms shit decisions, writing for her, and having one of the weakest VA performances despite being a main character and one of the most iconic female characters in video games? The only time “Ada Nation” can band together for anything is when Ada is left out of stuff so long as she girl-bosses and serves cunt right? Who cares she has less screen time, who cares there was no Assignment Ada and she’s not in Mercenaries at Launch even though all that was included in the Game Cube release, who cares they gave Luis Ada’s moment of saving Leon from Krauser, who cares she was left out of all the promotion of RE4R, who cares that she keeps telling Leon to leave Ashley for whatever reason when she never interferes with how Leon does his job in the OG. Leon literally throwing real knife stabs that could actually kill her, he hasn’t seen her in 6 years, he has no idea if she could block them or not, but I guess all that is suppose to be visually appealing than him being able to disarm her. Oh Ada can’t black flip kick the gun out of Leon’s hand bc it’s not realistic but Leon can jump around like he’s Cloud Strife in the saddler boss battle? And Ada offered a ride to Leon at the end and not Ashley, I don’t know how Ada stans can see where it implies that Ada offered a ride to both of them? And why do we have to read in between the lines when they could have had her ask if they were both coming in the script? They had no problem putting that badly written scene of exposition with Wesker at the end to show players how much of a “good and reformed” person she is. I wouldn’t give Capcom that much credit. Why does them improving Separate Ways, which should already be expected of a remake, justify cutting/downgrading everything else?
You can say you like her new outfit more than her OG, but then to go and say it’s more practical now, when really it’s still unpractical as hell too. Say you like RE4R Ada but then to say she’s less sexualized than OG4? Lily Gao implying she characterized Ada to be less sexualized, when her Ada basically offers Leon sex if he drops his mission and leaves Ashley. Past Adas has never propositioned anything like that before EVER. Like ok RE4R Ada doesn’t wear a cocktail dress now, but instead now has hella ass shots for days, they made her boobs larger, and gave her character model boob physics, all of which wasn’t in OG4.
Had to get this off my chest, if you made it this far congrats lol. This is just all my opinion, you don’t have to agree with me, I’m sure a lot of you don’t.
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I heard Carlos' voice for the first time in Resident Evil 3 Remake and...*sighs* I recognized his voice from ANOTHER zombie game. And when I looked him up I was right.
Jeff Schine who plays Carlos is also the VA for Javi in The Walking Dead: A New Frontier. I love his voice and Javi they can't do this to me. THEY CAN'T!!! AAAAAA–
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417hema-blog · 5 months
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Esgrima Antigua e Histórica 101: ¿Quién éra Johannes Liechtenauer?
Johannes Liechtenauer (también Lichtnauer, Hans Lichtenawer) fué en el siglo catorce uno de los maestros de esgrima más reconocidos de la época dentro de lo que se conocería como la tradición alemana.
El MaestroLiechtenauer parece haber éstado impartiendo sus enseñanza a mediados y tarde en el siglo catorce. Pero la única nota biográfica que nos sobrevive es encontrada en el manuscrito GNM Hs. 3227a (circa 1400 de nuestra era). Siendo éste manuscrito el texto más antiguo que lee : “El Maestro Lichtenauer aprendió y dominó(el ate de la espada) a cavalidad y adecuadamente, pero no lo iventó el mismo, como se ha hecho ha dicho. Éste viajó atrav’’es de muchas tierras buscándo el verdadero y justo are, pues éste quería aprendérle y estudiárlo”
Su apellido indica que éra conocido como “Liechtenau”( escrito modernamente como Lichtenau). Hay varias localidades con dicho nombre. Basado en detalles descritos por autores relacionados a la tradición alemana colectivamente conocidos como la Sociedad Liechtenauer hay concenso sobre la posibilidad de que se refiriesen a Liechtenau en Nuremberg entre otras cinco posibles localidades del mismo nombre.
El Epítome (Zettel)
Los estudiantes de Lichtenauer preservaron sus enseñánzas en la forma de un poema mnemonico conocido colectivamente como Zettel( literalmente un recuénto breve). Más tarde en el siglo quince versos de éste poema se vuelven conocidos por gran parte de la región. Y ya en el siglo diez y séis son una parte integral de la tradición alemana de esgrima/combate.
La referencia más antigua conocida del Zettel (o zedel) se encuentra en el folio 9v del manuscrito Cod. 44 A 8 del 1452.:
“ Alhÿe hebt sich an dye zedel der Ritterlichen kunst des fechtens dye do geticht vnd gemacht hat Johans Liechtenawer der ain hocher maister In den künsten gewesen ist dem got genadig seÿ "Here begin the zedel of the knightly art of fencing, which were composed and made by Johannes Liechtenauer, who was a high master in the arts, and on whom God may have mercy."
Aparentemente el propósito del poema éra establecer una lista de mnemónicos que ayudásen al estudiante de la tradición a recordar conceptos que comúnmente se enseñarían en aquellos tiempos en forma oral casi exclusivamente. Desafortunadamente no incluye una explicación detallada, por el contrario los versos del Zettel han sido creados con la intención de ser crípticos. Se refieren a los mismos como las palabras secretas del maestro , por subsiguientes maestros y autores.
Los versos fueron tratados como el tronco de las enseñanzas atribuídas a Johannes Lichtenauer por sus seguidores. siendo el manuscrito Hs. 3227a nuestro ejemplo más temprano de ello seguido por tratados por Peter von Danzing zum Ingstdt, Jud Lew, y sigmund Schining ein Ringeck en el siglo 15. Éstos están organizados en coplas o cuartetas en ocasiones acompañadas por glosas(anotaciones) con explicaciones algo más detalladas sobre el significado del vérso.
El Zettel está organizado de la siguiente manera:
I. Introducción general al Arte del combate
II. Introducción general al combate con espada larga . Arma con la cual se blande a dos manos.
III.Un desgloce de diez y siete tecnicas o secciones también conocidas como las diez y siete máximas de Liechtenauer del combate con espada larga(espada a mano y media)
Comienza el poema con la siguiénte estrofa:
“ Jung Ritter lere / got lip haben / frawen io ere / So wechst dein ere / Uebe ritterschaft und lere / Kunst dy dich czyret / vnd in krigen sere hofiret”
“Young knight, learn to love God and honour noble women, so grows your honour; practice chivalry and learn art which adorns you and will glorify you in battle.”
“ Jóven caballero, aprende a amar a Dios y honrar a las damas, para que así crezcas en honor; practica el arte de la caballería el cual te exalta y brinda gloria en batalla”
Las diez y siete máximas de Liechtenauer (Hauptstücke) son:
*Los Cinco Golpes o cortes maestros o cortes secretos: 1. “Zornhau”, 2. “Krumphau”, 3. “Zwerchhau”, 4. “Schielhau”, 5. “Scheitelhau”
*Las Cinco Guardias (6)(Huten ó Leger), Arado (Pflug), Buey (Ochs), Desde el Techo(Vom Tag) y El tonto (Alber).
*Las técnicas listadas son: 7. Versetzen, 8. Nachreisen, 9. Überlaufen, 10. Absetzen, 11. Durchwechseln, 12. Zucken, 13. Durchlaufen (grappling), 14. Abschneiden, 15. Händedrücken 16.Cuatro Hängen, 17. Veinte y cuatro Winden.
Al Maestro Liechtenauer de le atribuyen ademés similares enseñanzas de otras disciplinas y armas como la lucha, daga y combate montado.
La Sociedad Liechtenauer
La Sociedad Liechtenauer (Geselschaft Liechtenauers)es como comúnmente se le conoce a una lista de diez y siete maestros en la introducción de tres de las copias mas antiguas del manual de esgrima de Paulus Johann Paulus Kal.
No esta claro si alguna vez existió una organización , pero se cree y especula que la lista de estudiantes es un memorial póstumo de los asociados al maestro.
Paulus Kal lists lista a los siguientes maestros como miembros de la excelsa sociedad:
Hanns liechtenawer( Johannes Liechtenauer) , peter wildigans von glacz (Peter Wildigans de Glatz), peter von tanczk (Peter von Danzig ), hanns spindler von cznaÿm (Hans Spindler de Znaim ), lamprecht von prag (Lamprecht de Prague ), hanns seyden faden von erfürt (Hans Seydenfaden de Erfurt ), andre liegniczer (Andre Lignitzer ), iacob liegniczer (Jacob Lignitzer ), sigmund amring( Sigmund Schining ein Ringeck), hartman von nurñberg (Hartman de Nuremberg) , martein hunczfeld ( Martin Hundsfeld), hanns pägnüczer (Hans Pegnitzer), phÿlips perger ( Philips Perger), virgilÿ von kracå (Virgil de Kraków ), dietherich degen vechter von brawnschweig (Dieterich, el peleador de daga de Brunswick ), ott iud, der der her[e]n von o[e]sterreicher ringer gewessen ist.( Ott Jud, quién era un luchador de los señores de Austria )
Enlace al Manuscrito Cod.HS.3227a ó Hanko Döbringer fechtbuch de 1389:
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openingnightposts · 7 months
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gazellefamily · 10 months
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"Magnificent. Astounding. The greatest use of Industrial-Nü Metal in history. Hadn't seen since Schine in 1997. I would now say that Dave is the greatest living filmmaker. Apologies to Verhoeven, Marty, whomever. This guy is the only guy. Like...ok...directors, even the best ones? Are still sort of...held hostage? By pre-existing methods of storytelling. To wit, my guy Wes, whom I love like he's family, is literally now just filming people read books. And it's great! BUT! THIS FOOL DAVE LYNCH! Is making pure cinema. He's maybe the only person who has tapped into film's potential. AND IT'S BEEN AROUND FOR A HUNDRED YEARS! Trish Arquette: still prefer your sister but you have truly exquisite canine teeth. Like a Dave Cooper illustration. Fiercely erotic." -Tommy Gazelle
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lukeevansgirl22 · 1 year
The Walking Dead: A New Frontier has an intense story!
Hey guys! I’m here to do a review on the game “The Walking Dead: A New Frontier!” I loved this game for the story! It was such an intense story! I loved that whatever choices you made tailored the ending of the story. The game is about a teenager, Clementine, and a new survivor, Javier, who team up when a new threat worse than the zombies rises up. With the voice cast of Jeff Schine, Melissa…
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chieftyphoonchaos · 1 year
Safin finally says yes to Mathilde's request after all these years.They are finally getting married❤️❤️💕
Love always conquers,even if you have to have patience for it for many years.But" The Schining" will always be with them and their future family❤️❤️💕💕
Bonus :
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All my deeds have produced something beautiful then, haven't they James, we are becoming a real family. I was also invited to their wedding party by the way.
Or would you have preferred your daughter to join MI6 and end up murdered by a certain Gabriel in Venice on a bridge????????
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All your fault….Rot brother,always picking on me!!!!
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sesame-sim · 1 year
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BOOK - The Grammarians by Cathleen Schine
QUICK SYNOPSIS - Laurel and Daphne Wolfe, a pair of red-headed twin sisters, get in an almost lifelong rift over who gets to keep the family dictionary.
IMAGE 1 - Don Wolfe, the twins' uncle as a young adult. He is a couple years older than the twins' father Arthur.
IMAGE 2 - Don is studying to go into psychiatry, still a relatively new field at the time. But the consequence of the eldest son not going into the family accounting business was that the unwanted responsibility fell onto the second son, Arthur. Arthur didn't love mathematics, he loved words. Learning accounting made him miserable. He theorized bitterly that Don needed to study psychiatry to compensate for his short stature.
BOOK TIME/PLACE - Larchmont, New York 1948
MY SAVE TIME/PLACE - Sim Year 48 / Sim Day 5470 / Winter D9 / TUE / Newcrest
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wellreadwyvern · 2 years
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🎉NEW RELEASE TUESDAY🎉 Here’s a sampling of today’s new releases from my NetGalley shelf: BITTER MEDICINE by MIA TSAI @taschen My most anticipated March release! I WILL FIND YOU AGAIN by SARAH LYU @simonandschuster Look for my review of this YA contemporary mystery on Friday! HELLO BEAUTIFUL by ANN NAPOLITANO @randomhouse One of this month’s most eagerly awaited titles by the author of Dear Edward. KUNSTLERS IN PARADISE by Cathleen Schine @henryholtbooks Described as “a comedy of generational manners,” a 20-something New Yorker visits his eccentric 93-year-old grandmother and is forced into an extended stay when LA goes into lockdown. A LIKELY STORY by LEIGH MCMULLAN ABRAMSON @atriabooks “The only child of an iconic American novelist discovers a shocking tangle of family secrets…” A MANUAL FOR HOW TO LOVE US by ERIN SLAUGHTER @harpercollins An “interlinked collection of stories exploring the primal nature of women’s grief.” THE SCHOOLHOUSE by SOPHIE WARD @vintageanchorbooks In this “thriller about truth, silence, and the weight of the past,” a missing girl forces Isobel to face her own trauma at an experimental school in the ‘70s. NOTHING BUT THE RAIN by NAOMI SALMAN @tordotcompub A novella in which “a sleepy little town discovers its memories have become part of the water cycle.” A TEMPEST AT SEA by SHERRY THOMAS @berkleypub Book 7 of the Lady Sherlock series! I often recommend these delightful historical mysteries to friends. RED LONDON by ALMA KATSU @putnambooks A “race-against-the-clock” spy novel (Red Widow sequel). Thank you to the listed publishers for providing eARCs for review. #bittermedicine #miatsai #iwillfindyouagain #sarahlyu #hellobeautiful #annnapolitano #kunstlersinparadise #cathleenschine #alikelystory #leighmcmullanabramson #amanualforhowtoloveus #erinslaughter #theschoolhouse #sophieward #nothingbuttherain #naomisalman #atempestatsea #sherrythomas #redlondon #almakatsu #newreleasetuesday #newbooktuesday #pubday #newbooks #booksbooksbooks #netgalleyreads #bookstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CpyLfUlhmXD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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More hellos! I write book release posts on my book blog, China Sorrows. But I like them to be specifically for books I'm personally excited about. In looking for 2023 releases I came across quite a few books I don't want to read but which would probably be really exciting to other people, so here some are.
Quick note- because I'm not covering them on my blog I didn't hunt through various sources and if the one I found doesn't list a synopsis, I won't. I also don't list synopsis for sequels in case of spoilers.
All-Night Pharmacy by Ruth Madievsky (queer)
On the night of her high school graduation, a young woman follows her older sister Debbie to Salvation, a Los Angeles bar patronized by energy healers, aspiring actors, and all-around misfits. After the two share a bag of unidentified pills, the evening turns into a haze of sensual and risky interactions—nothing unusual for two sisters bound in an incredibly toxic relationship. Our unnamed narrator has always been under the spell of the alluring and rebellious Debbie and, despite her own hesitations, she has always said yes to nights like these. That is, until Debbie disappears. Falling deeper into the life she cultivated with her sister, our narrator gets a job as an emergency room secretary where she steals pills to sell on the side. Cue Sasha, a Jewish refugee from the former Soviet Union who arrives at the hospital claiming to be a psychic tasked with acting as the narrator’s spiritual guide. The nature of this relationship evolves and blurs, a kaleidoscope of friendship, sex, mysticism, and ambiguous power dynamics.
When The Forest Finds You by Lannie Stabile
[poetry, sexual assault]
Künstlers in Paradise by Cathleen Schine (sapphic)
An ill-timed visit forces twentysomething New Yorker Julian to shelter in place in Venice Beach with his glamorous and eccentric ninety-three-year-old grandmother, Mamie Künstler, and her inscrutable housekeeper. To pass the time, Mamie regales Julian with stories of her adolescent adventures among the émigré elite, from tennis lessons with Arnold Schoenberg to a romance with Greta Garbo. During his unexpected extended stay in his grandmother’s crumbling domain, Julian undergoes his own personal quest as he reckons with the trajectory of the life he thought he wanted and what role he will choose to play in it all.
I Keep My Exoskeletons to Myself by Marisa Crane (sapphic)
In a United States not so unlike our own, the Department of Balance has adopted a radical new form of law enforcement: rather than incarceration, wrongdoers are given a second (and sometimes, third, fourth, and fifth) shadow as a reminder of their crime—and a warning to those they encounter. Within the Department, corruption and prejudice run rampant, giving rise to an underclass of so-called Shadesters who are disenfranchised, publicly shamed, and deprived of civil rights protections. Kris is a Shadester and a new mother to a baby born with a second shadow of her own. Grieving the loss of her wife and thoroughly unprepared for the reality of raising a child alone, Kris teeters on the edge of collapse, fumbling in a daze of alcohol, shame, and self-loathing. Yet as the kid grows, Kris finds her footing, raising a child whose irrepressible spark cannot be dampened by the harsh realities of the world. She can’t forget her wife, but with time, she can make a new life for herself and the kid, supported by a community of fellow misfits who defy the Department to lift one another up in solidarity and hope.
Lesbian Love Story by Amelia Possanza
When Amelia Possanza moved to Brooklyn to build a life of her own, she found herself surrounded by queer stories: she read them on landmark placards, overheard them on the pool deck when she joined the world’s largest LGBTQ swim team, and even watched them on TV in her cockroach-infested apartment. These stories inspired her to seek out lesbians throughout history who could become her role models, in romance and in life. Centered around seven love stories for the ages, this is Possanza’s journey into the archives to recover the personal histories of lesbians in the twentieth century: who they were, how they loved, why their stories were destroyed, and where their memories echo and live on. Possanza’s hunt takes readers from a drag king show in Bushwick to the home of activists in Harlem and then across the ocean to Hadrian’s Library, where she searches for traces of Sappho in the ruins. Along the way, she discovers her own love—for swimming, for community, for New York City—and adds her record to the archive.
This Delicious Death by Kayla Cottingham (bi, trans)
My Jennifer’s Body x Fyre Fest YA sapphic horror
Forget I Told You This by Hilary Zaid (queer)
Forget I Told You This is a witty, literary thriller about a queer artist who, while toiling away in obscurity, stumbles into a scheme to upend a social media giant gone berserk.
Something Wild and Wonderful by Anita Kelly (queer)
Alexei Lebedev’s journey on the Pacific Crest Trail began with a single snake. And it was angling for the hot stranger who seemed to have appeared out of thin air. Lex was prepared for rattlesnakes, blisters, and months of solitude. What he wasn’t prepared for was Ben Caravalho. But somehow—on a 2,500-mile trail—Alexei keeps running into the outgoing and charismatic hiker with golden-brown eyes, again and again. It might be coincidence. Then again, maybe there’s a reason the trail keeps bringing them together . . .
Ben has made his fair share of bad decisions, and almost all of them involved beautiful men. And yet there’s something about the gorgeous and quietly nerdy Alexei that Ben can’t just walk away from. Surely a bad decision can’t be this cute and smart. And there are worse things than falling in love during the biggest adventure of your life. But when their plans for the future are turned upside down, Ben and Alexei begin to wonder if it’s possible to hold on to something this wild and wonderful.
Always the Almost by Edward Underhill (trans, queer)
Sixteen-year-old trans boy Miles Jacobson has two New Year’s resolutions: 1) win back his ex-boyfriend (and star of the football team) Shane McIntyre, and 2) finally beat his slimy arch-nemesis at the Midwest’s biggest classical piano competition. But that’s not going to be so easy. For one thing, Shane broke up with Miles two weeks after Miles came out as trans, and now Shane’s stubbornly ignoring him, even when they literally bump into each other. Plus, Miles’ new, slightly terrifying piano teacher keeps telling him that he’s playing like he “doesn’t know who he is”—whatever that means. Then Miles meets the new boy in town, Eric Mendez, a proudly queer cartoonist from Seattle who asks his pronouns, cares about art as much as he does—and makes his stomach flutter. Not what he needs to be focusing on right now. But after Eric and Miles pretend to date so they can score an invite to a couples-only Valentine’s party, the ruse turns real with a kiss, which is also definitely not in the plan. If only Miles could figure out why Eric likes him so much. After all, it’s not like he’s cool or confident or comfortable in his own skin. He’s not even good enough at piano to get his fellow competitors to respect him, especially now, as Miles. Nothing’s ever been as easy for him as for other people—other boys. He’s only ever been almost enough. So why, when he’s with Eric, does it feel like the only person he’s ever really not been enough for…is himself?
Monstersona by Chloe Spencer (bi)
After her parents’ divorce, 16 year old Riley Grishin is forced to move from Portland, Oregon all the way to Little Brook, Maine, a small town that serves as the headquarters for Titan Technologies, an international science corporation. Having no friends, Riley spends most of her days running through the woods with her dog Tigger, and eavesdropping on her classmates—in particular, the gorgeous, but very strange, Aspen Montehugh. On the night of the homecoming game, Riley wakes up to find that her town is on fire, and being terrorized by an unseen monster. With the flames rapidly spreading, Riley and her dog Tigger have no choice but to pile up in their beat-up pickup truck and flee the town. But as they're driving away, they come across the only other survivor: Aspen. When Aspen and Riley reach safety, they realize that something far more strange and sinister is happening. According to the news, all of the other Titan Tech laboratories on the East Coast have spontaneously combusted. All air travel has been grounded, so Riley has no way to fly to her dad who lives in Seattle. Riley and her dad agree to meet up in Minneapolis, and Aspen comes along in hopes of finding her aunt. As they travel across the country, they are attacked by monsters and strange armed men in the dead of night. Slowly, Riley realizes that something's not quite right with Aspen, which puts her feelings for her—and her own humanity—to the ultimate test.
It's a Fabulous Life by Kelly Farmer (queer)
A Sapphic retelling of It's a Wonderful Life filled with holiday cheer, adorable dogs, and a little magic.
In this sweet second chance romance, realtor Bailey George puts her plans on hold—again—to help with her small town’s winter festival. With the aid of angelic drag queens, Bailey reconnects with her high school crush, Maria Hatcher.
Grace Engine by Joshua Burton (queer)
Good Grief by Margaret B. Ray (queer)
Good Grief, the Ground interrogates the everyday violences nonchalantly inflicted unto women through personal, political, and national lenses. Moving between adolescence and adulthood, Ray alternates between dark humor and heart-wrenching honesty to explore grief, anxiety, queer longing, girlhood, escape from an abusive relationship, and the dangers of lending language to a thing.  With stunning wit and precision and attention, we see Ray show us what it is to be human: the mess of tenderness and darkness and animosity.
Buffalo Girl by Jessica Q. Stark (queer)
Off the Menu by Alaina Erdell (sapphic)
In less than 48 hours, reality TV sensation Restaurant Redo and its gorgeous host will arrive to film in chef Taylor Mobley’s kitchen…and she just found out. Fixer Erin Rasmussen has a reputation for saving failing restaurants with her take-no-crap attitude. She gets the job done on time, under budget, and millions of viewers tune in to watch her do it. The fine dining restaurant Taylor works for has some serious problems and management doesn’t want her input. It’s time to leave. But how is she supposed to find a new position when a TV host with delusions of grandeur keeps painting her as a problem chef? Taylor refuses to play nice with Erin, especially on camera. They make each other’s blood boil, which is why it’s even more annoying that they can’t manage to keep their hands off each other. Erin only cares about entertaining viewers. Taylor is unprofessional and immature. Or at least that’s what they each think. As the cameras roll and their careers hang in the balance, will Erin and Taylor make the jump from enemies to lovers?
Sizzle Reel by Carlyn Greenwald (sapphic)
For aspiring cinematographer Luna Roth, coming out as bisexual at twenty-four is proving more difficult than she anticipated. Sure, her best friend and fellow queer Romy is thrilled for her--but she has no interest in coming out to her backwards parents, she wouldn't know how to flirt with a girl if one fell at her feet, and she has no sexual history to build off. Not to mention she really needs to focus her energy on escaping her emotionally-abusive-but-that's-Hollywood talent manager boss and actually get working under a real director of photography anyway. When she meets twenty-eight-year-old A-list actress Valeria Sullivan around the office, Luna thinks she's found her solution. She'll use Valeria's interest in her cinematography to get a PA job on the set of Valeria's directorial debut--and if Valeria is as gay as Luna suspects, and she happens to be Luna's route to losing her virginity, too . . . well, that's just an added bonus. Enlisting Romy's help, Luna starts the juggling act of her life--impress Valeria's DP to get another job after this one, get as close to Valeria as possible, and help Romy with her own career moves. But when Valeria begins to reciprocate romantic interest in Luna, the act begins to crumble--straining her relationship with Romy and leaving her job prospects precarious. Now Luna has to figure out if she can she fulfill her dreams as a filmmaker, keep her best friend, and get the girl. . . or if she's destined to end up on the cutting room floor.
Something Like Possible by Miel Moreland (bi)
On the worst day of her life, Madison is dumped by her girlfriend, then fired as said (ex)girlfriend’s campaign manager... plus she accidentally rear-ends the student government advisor—the one person whose good word might help her win a spot at a prestigious youth politics summer camp. But Madison is nothing if not a girl with a plan, and she isn’t going to let a little thing like heartbreak (or a slightly dented bumper) get in her way. Soon, she has a new junior class president candidate to back—although the two of them might be getting a little too close on the campaign trail. Between navigating her growing crush and corralling a less than enthusiastic election team, Madison has had it with unexpected changes to her carefully laid plans. But when she and a group of queer classmates discover a pattern of harassment within the student government, Madison's forced to shift gears once again.
Even the Worm Will Turn by Hailey Piper (queer)
Camp QUILTBAG by Nicole Melleby, A. J. Sass (queer, nonbinary)
Twelve-year-old Abigail (she/her/hers) is so excited to spend her summer at Camp QUILTBAG, an inclusive retreat for queer and trans kids. She can’t wait to find a community where she can be herself—and, she hopes, admit her crush on Laura Dern to kids who will understand. Thirteen-year-old Kai (e/em/eir) is not as excited. E just wants to hang out with eir best friend and eir parkour team. And e definitely does not want to think about the incident that left eir arm in a sling—the incident that also made Kai’s parents determined to send em somewhere e can feel like emself. After a bit of a rocky start at camp, Abigail and Kai make a pact to help each other find their footing, all while navigating crushes, their queer identities, and a competition pitting cabin against cabin.
Scorched Grace by Margot Douaihy (queer)
Sister Holiday, a chain-smoking, heavily tattooed, queer nun, puts her amateur sleuthing skills to the test in this “unique and confident” debut crime novel.
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thatgoblin · 3 years
like imagine, you’re a photographer and your friend goes to a local church and recommends you go and take pictures there. so one morning you go check it out, it’s a public space so it should be okay, right? you take photos of the pews, the beautiful architecture and stained glass, the statues of mother mary. you hear a voice call out behind you and you turn to see a man. he’s wearing a priest’s attire and introduces himself as father neil. he gives you a small tour of the church and the whole time all you could think about is him bending you over and fucking you on a pew. you end up leaving but return a few days later to watch a service because how could you not when such an attractive man is speaking??? after the service you talk to neil some more and all you could think about STILL was getting fucked by the man. you return a few more times to admire him and you two get closer but you finally decided to make your move because your fingers could not satisfy you as much as he could. so you come in to confession, to confess your sins.
“father,” you begin, “i’ve been having sinful thoughts lately i must confess.” you can hear the curiosity in his voice when he says, “then confess, child.”
then you fucking SPILL. “father, i’ve been having thoughts about you and me. i want you to bend me over, take me in the pews. but it’s only gotten worse as time goes on.” AND HE SAYS “tell me more about these thoughts, don’t spare a single detail.”
needless to say he does fuck you after MMMMMMMBSKSHDKS
I'm a dirty pagan witch, Father, fill me with your cleansing seed!
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